Actress Yulya Mikhalkova from Ural dumplings. Love secrets of “Ural dumplings”

« Ural dumplings » , also starring in the project « Show Ural Dumplings ». Her show partners are Sergey Isaev, Maxim Yaritsa, Alexander Popov, Andrey Rozhkov, Dmitry Brekotkin, Vyacheslav Myasnikov, Dmitry Sokolov and others.

Biography of Yulia Mikhalkova-Matyuhina

Yulia Mikhalkova-Matyukhina born on July 12, 1983 in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk region. She studied at secondary school No. 2. While still in the 10th grade of school, Yulia began working on local television as a youth news presenter. After graduating from school, she graduated from the Ural State Pedagogical University (teacher of Russian language and literature). Yekaterinburg State Theater Institute (drama and film actor). From her first year, Yulia became a member of the university team KVN, which participated in the Premier League. After two years of studying at the Pedagogical University, she entered the Yekaterinburg State Theater Institute (specialty - actress of dramatic theatre, film and television), from which she graduated in 2008.

Television career of Yulia Mikhalkova-Matyuhina / Yuliya Mikhalkova-Matyuhina

In 2005, she became the host of a program on Channel Four of Yekaterinburg television, and later began conducting a weather forecast in Novosti. Since 2009 - comedy actress show "Ural dumplings".

October 23, 2013 at the award ceremony "Breakthrough of the Year 2013" according to the magazine “MODA topical” within the framework of the project « Show Ural Dumplings » she received an award in the category "Best Comedy Show"

Yulia Mikhalkova-Matyukhina:“How did I get on the team? The fact is that every six months "Ural dumplings " organized big concerts in Yekaterinburg. If they needed a girl for a number, they turned to local teams for help. My stage colleagues and I happily helped the actors. That's how it all turned out. After some time, I became a full member of the team.”

He manages the center for beautiful and correct speech “Rechevik”, and teaches there.

Yulia Mikhalkova is a well-known participant in the beloved Ural Dumplings program, broadcast on the STS channel. She is the only girl among the brutal male participants in the program and the undisputed star of the show.

Childhood and youth

Yulia Matyukhina (and this is exactly what her real name sounds like, Mikhalkova is just a sonorous pseudonym) was born in the small Ural town of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, in the Sverdlovsk region, not far from Yekaterinburg. Julia grew up without a father; in addition to her mother, she was raised by her grandfather, brother and uncle.

As a child, she was practically no different from girls of her age; she attended a regular high school in her hometown. The only thing she always knew was that she would certainly become an artist. Even as a girl, she loved to dress in her mother’s outfits, put her makeup on herself and, standing in front of a mirror with an imaginary microphone, sing and dance.

The girl’s relatives watched these concerts with a condescending smile, not really believing that her plans would come true, and she would actually go on tour and dress in beautiful dresses.

While studying in the tenth grade, Yulia got a job on one of the local Yekaterinburg television channels. She was entrusted with leading youth news.

Carier start

After graduating from school, she went to study in Yekaterinburg, entering the Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Philology, intending to get a profession as a teacher of Russian language and literature. From the very first year, she became an active member of the local KVN team, although, according to her admission, at first she joined the team out of boredom, and then joined the team so much that she no longer wanted to leave it. KVN became her second life. At first she played in the women's team, led by Sergei Ershov. Then the famous team “Ural Dumplings” grew out of it. Initially, the composition of this team was predominantly female, but by 1999, only Yulia remained among the girls.

Yulia Mikhalkova while participating in the KVN team

While studying in her second year, she realized that she lacked acting skills and that it would be nice to study in theater. Having weighed her strengths, she decided to simultaneously enter the Yekaterinburg theater university, which she successfully graduated from in 2008.

Initially, “Ural Dumplings” played only in KVN clubs, but then, having gained considerable popularity, they continued performing as an independent group. By 2009, the team decided to create their own comedy show, and Yulia became a permanent participant. Now it's hard to even imagine a show without her.

Yulia Mikhalkova with the Ural Dumplings team at a concert

In 2013, the program received an honorary award at the “Breakthrough of the Year 2013” ​​ceremony, receiving the title of “Best Comedy Show” on television.

Yulia Mikhalkova on stage

Julia made her mark not only in a humorous show, she managed to act in a movie, in a film called “Silver,” playing a small but significant role. Subsequently, the directors continued to make offers to her, and the girl starred in several more films and TV series. Among them are “In Love and Unarmed”, “Real Boys”, etc.

Nikolai Naumov and Yulia Mikhalkova in the TV series "Real Boys"

In addition to artistic comedic talent, Yulia also has vocal talent. The audience did not realize this for a long time until she took part in the recording of some songs of the group “Meaning Hallucinations”. She also starred in the videos of this group. Later she sang together with other performers.

Yulia Mikhalkova on the set of the film "In Love and Unarmed"

Yulia posed nude for the men's magazine Maxim, which played a bad joke on her when in 2016 she decided to run for parliament. She had to justify herself to voters and journalists for this act, but the girl said that she had never posed naked, and these shootings were only part of the profession, part of PR, and as a deputy she was able to do a lot for her native Yekaterinburg.

Yulia Mikhalkova on the set of a culinary program

According to the election results, she took third place, but then subsequently withdrew her candidacy. Why she did this remains unclear; most likely, the political games of her opponents played a role. The girl did not accept this state of affairs and responded with her own weapon, creating a miniature parody of the deputies and ridiculing some aspects. After the video aired, the girl was no longer included in the list of candidates from United Russia.

Personal life

For more than four years, Yulia was in a serious relationship with the deputy of the regional Duma of the Sverdlovsk region, Igor Danilov. They lived in a civil marriage, everything was fine, Igor even proposed to his beloved, giving her a diamond ring. However, the relationship went wrong, Julia chose to leave the man, saying that Igor is very good, but she needs another man, whom she will need to reach out for and strive for better.

Yulia Mikhalkova with her ex-husband

Recently, information appeared that Julia had a new lover, but she did not disclose his name. The girl also reported that she would like to have children. At the beginning of 2017, there was even a rumor about the interesting position of the actress, which she neither confirmed nor denied.

Read about the lives of other famous actresses

Undoubtedly, the most memorable artist of the Ural Dumplings show is Yulia Matyukhina-Mikhalkova. Her person was surrounded by piquant rumors: someone wrote that she was born in Yekaterinburg, someone predicted that the girl would marry a local authority, and someone spread information about Yulia’s career in striptease. However, now we know more about this mysterious beauty, and we are ready to tell you about her.

Yulia Matyukhina-Mikhalkova - biography

Full name: Yulia Mikhailovna Matyukhina-Mikhalkova. In fact, Yulia’s small homeland is Verkhnyaya Pyshma, in the suburbs of Yekaterinburg. How old is Yulia Mikhalkova? In 2018, she will celebrate her thirty-fifth anniversary. The girl's height is 170 cm, weight is only 52 kilograms. Her parents were ordinary provincial residents: her mother was a saleswoman, and her grandparents were construction workers. Of course, none of them predicted a career as a TV star for their daughter.

Yulia Mikhalkova in childhood (4 years old)

However, Yulia herself dreamed of the stage from childhood, but did not find support from her mother. The girl remembers how in kindergarten, where all the girls were dressed as snowflakes and princesses for the holiday, she alone looked like a Red Guard boy - with a bald head and a saber in her hands. Such injustice only made the dream of a fabulous adult life grow larger every year. Having celebrated her fourteenth birthday, Julia bought her first beautiful dress and long-awaited shoes with the money she had saved.

The girl’s favorite subjects at school were Russian language and literature. She was the author of the best essays in school, as well as the most talented reader. Teachers advised her to enter the literary department, but the dream of conquering the theater stage overshadowed all other possibilities, so Yulia went to preparatory classes at the local theater institute.

Yulia’s first stage experience is not associated with the fondest memories: among the tasks that were given there were, for example, “screaming loudly,” “pretending that you are a falling leaf or a fox hiding in the thickets.” According to the girl’s stories, teachers were often rude, called names and in every possible way made their students emotional in order, as they themselves explained, to “pull out the guts.” Such pressure eventually broke the aspiring actress, and she, frightened by potential competition, did not apply to a theater university and entered the Faculty of Philology.

Boring studies, in which there was not a grain of creativity, motivated Yulia to try herself in the team Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Having passed the institute casting, she became one of the participants in the women's group called “NeParni”. After some time, the girls were already performing on the same stage with professional KVN players as part of festivals in Sochi.

Having gained experience in KVN, Yulia nevertheless decided to study as an artist and took her documents to the theater. At the entrance exam, members of the admissions committee reminded the girl of her past classes at the courses, throwing their hands at her during the speech and driving her crazy. The tearful scene melted the hearts of the teachers, and they accepted Mikhalkova for the course.

And then a busy student life began for Yulia: classes at two institutes, rehearsals and games in KVN, as well as work on a local TV channel as a weather forecast presenter, where only she was accepted from the entire group.

Career at Ural Dumplings

Despite the fact that Yulia’s student life was associated with a lot of hobbies and creative successes, she only got real pleasure at KVN. The curator of the “NeParni” team was Sergei Ershov - today he is one of the regular actors of the “Ural Dumplings” show, so when the guys needed a talented artist for the female role in the next program, they already knew who to take.

Soon Mikhalkova became “their guy” in the “dumplings” company, and in 2009 they invited the girl to become a permanent member show "Ural dumplings" on STS. Today it is difficult to imagine a traditional show without this long-legged beauty, who can play any female role - from a painted fifa to a disgruntled cleaning lady.

Personal life of Mikhalkova

The most pressing topic that interests Julia's fans is her marital status. After all, artists often hide this point in their biography from journalists, and the latter only have to make guesses.

Yulia Mikhalkova and Sergei Netievsky in the show “Ural Dumplings”

So, at one time the newspapers wrote that Yulia was having an affair with a colleague, Sergei Netievsky. The reason for this conclusion was the hands of the artists, reverently clasped at each final song. But the rumors were quickly dispelled.

Since 2010, Yulia has been in a relationship with a deputy of the Sverdlovsk region named Igor Danilov, whom she met at one of the parties. The couple was often seen at social events and on vacation abroad. A personable boyfriend often gave Yulia reasons to boast about her beloved. Just look at the price of UGG boots with pearls and rhinestones for 800 euros, brought as a gift from France.

Yulia Mikhalkova with Igor Danilov

One of the most memorable moments for Yulia was their joint journey to the place of power Arkaim. The couple experienced dozens of kilometers walked, barefoot climbs to Mount Repentance, and in the end were rewarded with seeing the sunrise at the top.

By the way, Igor Danilov is not one of those officials who gives citizens a reason for standard accusations of corruption and subterfuge. In his city, he is considered one of the most honest and therefore respected people.

The beautiful fairy tale was not destined to last forever. Having received a marriage proposal, Julia could not give a definite answer, and in 2014 the couple separated. Today the girl is dating a new gentleman, but so far she doesn’t tell anyone about him either on VK or Instagram.

We can only watch how the personal life and creative career of the charming Yulia develops. Time will show.

Biography and personal life of the talented comedian Yulia Mikhalkova

Effective appearance, intelligence and an excellent sense of humor - this is all about the famous comedian Yulia Mikhalkova. With the help of her talent and brilliant performances on stage, she became a star of Russian show business. We will tell you how a girl got into the famous KVN team “Ural Dumplings”, achieved success and met her loved one.

Julia's life success story

The girl’s full name is Mikhalkova-Mitokhina, she was born on July 12, 1983 in the Sverdlovsk region, the small provincial town of Verkhnyaya Pyshma. The future star was raised by her mother and grandmother; the father left the family, the girl did not know him. His brother and grandfather replaced him in his upbringing.

Mikhalkova's talent and love for the stage manifested itself in early childhood: she loved to put on makeup, wear elegant dresses and perform in front of the mirror or family. The girl always loved to stand out: even to school, Julia went to a ball, dressing in the best clothes.

Photo by Yulia Mikhalkova

Already in high school, she got on a local TV channel in Sverdlovsk - her beauty and energetic character helped her break through and start hosting a youth TV show.

After receiving a school certificate, Mikhalkova entered the University of Yekaterinburg at the Faculty of Philology, but for a couple of years she transferred to the EGTI, a theater institute; I successfully studied there until 2008, successfully receiving my diploma.

She developed a passion for the game after her first year, when Yulia joined the famous KVN team “Ural Dumplings” and began performing on stage. Then she realized that this is what she always wanted, especially since her excellent sense of humor only helped in the path of KVN. At that time, “Ural dumplings” were known and loved throughout the country; Mikhalkova organically fit into the team. She liked the atmosphere of friendliness and creativity.

With each performance, Yulia became more and more popular: the audience liked both the girl’s appearance and her performance. She skillfully turned into a “silly girl”, played roles superbly, ironizing modern orders and stereotypes.

During the team's work, the girl gained tremendous experience. Yulia regularly appeared on television in the TO show “Ural Dumplings” on STS. She worked together with the best comedians in Russia.

In 2013, “Ural Dumplings” was nominated for the “Breakthrough of the Year” award - this was, among other things, thanks to Mikhalkova and her talent.

In parallel with working in the team, the young star realized herself as a film actress. Her first episodic role took place in the film “Silver” in 2008. After that, Julia annually starred in film projects, participated in the filming of films and television series. She appeared in “Real Boys”, “Construction”, “Unreal Story”, etc. The star does not intend to stop, she plans to play in a serious project.

The active star starred in music videos of various groups and musicians. Here she showed another talent of hers - good vocal abilities. In 2013, she released the original song “My Heart for You.”

In the same year, the artist starred in an erotic photo shoot, which surprised her fans, who did not expect candid photographs from her in “nude style.”

Does the Russian beauty have a husband?

Yulia Mikhalkova with her beloved young man

Yulia met with Yekaterinburg Regional Duma deputy Igor Danilov for several years, and even cohabited with him. As the star herself admits, she developed a mutual understanding with her lover: he recognized what she was doing. Igor and Yulia spent a lot of time together, visiting different countries and cultural attractions. But not long ago she realized that she did not want to marry this man, and the couple separated

In 2016, Mikhalkova hinted that she had met true love, although she did not say much about him. Only that I met him at one of the performances and immediately fell in love.

In July 2017, Mikhalkova turned 34 years old, and she does not yet intend to give birth. Judging by her words, the beauty has not yet fully realized her talent in order to settle down and start raising children. Although she plans to have many children, at least three or four. The girl dreams of a big house, a strong family and a husky dog.

Perhaps soon the tabloid headlines will be full of news about the beauty’s magnificent wedding and the real name of her chosen one. We wish her success in business and harmony in relationships, so that everything happens the way Julia dreams.

The only girl in the “severe” male team of the Ural Dumplings, beloved by millions, Yulia Mikhalkova is the undoubted star of Russian show business.

Yulia Evgenievna Mikhalkova-Matyukhina was born in July 1983 in the town of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, which belongs to the Sverdlovsk region. Yulia studied at a regular school and was no different from her peers. The girl loved to change clothes and “smear herself” with her mother’s cosmetics, posed in front of the mirror and held home concerts with an improvised microphone in her hands. The parents listened with a smile to their little daughter’s plans that she would certainly become an artist and tour cities and countries, changing beautiful outfits.

In the 10th grade, Yulia Mikhalkova ended up on Channel Four of Yekaterinburg television, where the girl was entrusted with hosting a youth program.

After graduating from school, Yulia entered the Ural University, choosing philology. But in her 2nd year, Mikhalkova decided that she could handle studying at two universities at once and entered the theater institute, which was also located in Yekaterinburg. In 2008, the girl received a second diploma of higher education, which stated that Mikhalkova is an actress of drama theatre, film and television.


Yulia says that she came to the university KVN team to brighten up the boredom that accompanies the educational process. Already in her first year at the Faculty of Philology, Mikhalkova appeared on stage with her cheerful and resourceful colleagues and never wanted to leave. KVN has become the meaning of the actress’s life.

At first, Mikhalkova played in the women's team, which was led by, but then the Ural Dumplings team was formed. If in 1997 there were more girls than boys in the team, then in 1999 only Yulia remained.

After “Ural Dumplings” stopped participating in the games of the KVN club, they decided to continue performing. After all, the popularity of the artists was incredible. Further activities transformed into a comedy show. Yulia Mikhalkova was always present in every episode. Without the actress, it’s hard to imagine the team in which Julia has become indispensable.

In October 2013, “Ural Dumplings” received a well-deserved award: the team was nominated as “Best Comedy Show” at the “Breakthrough of the Year 2013” ​​ceremony.

A cinematic biography of Yulia Mikhalkova began in 2008. The actress appeared in the film “Silver”. The girl got a small but noticeable role. Then Mikhalkova’s filmography was replenished with several more films and TV series. In 2010, Anario Mamedov’s romantic comedy “In Love and Unarmed” was released. In each subsequent year, another new project appeared in which Julia played. There are not many of these films, but they are all bright and remembered by the audience. “Morzhovka”, “Unreal Story”, “Construction” - the films received high ratings and audience recognition.

Viewers learned that their favorite comedian also sings after Yulia Mikhalkova participated in the recording of several songs and videos. Member of the group “Semantic Hallucinations” Nikolai Rotov released the video “Star of Gelendzhik”, in which the Ural actress appeared. In the same 2012, the video “Yulia the Beauty” was released, and a year later another video for the song “My Heart for You”. Together with rapper Stan Mikhalkova sang the single “If Not.”

Personal life

The personal life of Yulia Mikhalkova is developing happily. For several years, the actress dated Igor Danilov, a politician and deputy of the regional Duma of the Sverdlovsk region. The young people lived in a civil marriage and, as Yulia says, in complete harmony, since the husband had a good sense of humor, and Igor liked what his beloved woman was doing. Together the couple traveled the world. But in 2014, the union broke up for unknown reasons. The actress later informed fans via “ Instagram”, that she had finally met her soulmate, whose name she kept secret.

When asked when Yulia will have children, the actress answers with humor that now “everything has moved, youth has continued.” Therefore, if previously the norm was to give birth at 17, now it is quite acceptable if this happens at 47. As for the girl personally, the actress will give birth “in bulk,” that is, many children in a short period of time.

In 2013, the artist starred in a candid photo shoot for the men's magazine Maxim, causing considerable excitement and demonstrating her excellent form. In an interview with the magazine, the actress said that she plans to take the post of Minister of Culture in the future. At the end of the year, the artist entered the top 20 most beautiful and sexiest representatives of Russian show business in the publication’s rating. Later, the girl reconsidered her own views on participating in candid photo shoots and when asked whether she would act for Playboy, the actress already answered that only in clothes.

In 2016, Yulia decided to seriously pursue a political career and become a deputy of the State Duma. Before nominating her own candidacy, the actress improved her image: she began supervising the construction of children's playgrounds and improving the condition of local areas in her hometown. The girl began to regularly visit the Orthodox church and even established a connection with church leader Vladimir Legoyda. According to the results of the United Russia primaries, Yulia Mikhalkova entered the top three leaders of the internal party vote, along with Pavel Krasheninnikov and Sergei Chepikov.

At the debate of participants in the United Russia primaries, which were broadcast on Channel 4, the actress was reminded about the candid photographs. In response to criticism, Julia responded that she had never posed naked. The artist called the candid photo shoot “an article in an information magazine,” which gave rise to jokes and the emergence of Internet memes.

The regional authorities could not allow the industrial region to be represented in the State Duma by an actress with the image of a frivolous person. It would be illegal to simply remove Yulia Mikhalkova’s name from the list of candidates, which is why the head of the governor’s administration, Vladimir Tungusov, held a number of meetings with the candidate. The parties reached a compromise - Yulia signed a refusal to participate in the State Duma elections, but nominated her own candidacy for elections to the Legislative Assembly.

Yulia Mikhalkova now

At the beginning of 2017, the actress published a photo on her own Instagram account under the hashtag #waiting for a miracle, where she appeared in a loose-fitting dress with a clearly rounded tummy. Congratulations from fans appeared in the comments. But later the artist was not confirmed.

Now Yulia Mikhalkova, in addition to creativity, continues to be involved in politics. The girl became a member of the PutinTeam movement, which was created by the athlete in order to support the president in the upcoming elections. In addition to Yulia, the team also included singer, seven-time world bandy champion Nikolai Durakov, actor, and producer.

On the eve of the New Year 2018, the actress held a campaign “New Year's dress from Yulia Mikhalkova”, organized for the pupils of the orphanage. The project participants had the opportunity to look at the world of fashion from the inside. The girls sewed the outfits themselves and also presented them on the catwalk. Yulia Mikhalkova personally conducted a number of catwalk lessons. The show was attended by cadets of the Suvorov Military School from Yekaterinburg, as well as singer, actors and Human Rights Commissioner in the Sverdlovsk Region Tatyana Merzlyakova.


  • 2008 – “Silver”
  • 2009 – show “Ural dumplings”
  • 2010 – “In love and unarmed”
  • 2010 – “Real boys”
  • 2013 – “Construction”
  • 2015 – show “Empire of Illusions: The Safronov Brothers”
  • 2017 – “Lucky Chance”