Riddles about wind musical instruments. Riddles about musical instruments: viola, piano, button accordion

Everything around kids is a mystery, everything raises a million questions, and often the answers they hear do not satisfy the little researchers. After all, they form their own worldview with their own concepts and definitions. They need to understand for themselves, assimilate something new in their imagination, supplement their vocabulary with new words, and enrich their imagination with images and reach out to everything new themselves, with the help of an irresistible force to cognize and explore. Riddles for young children are very important because they allow kids to learn about the world through interesting images, new words, and curious ideas.

Riddles - useful exercises for the mind

The mysteries left to us by previous generations carry poetry, tradition, and a cultural element. Riddles are a miniature folk art that helps to learn many necessary concepts from childhood. It is thanks to riddles that kids learn to think and analyze everything they see, hear and say. These concepts encoded in words help expand children's knowledge. The experience of teachers for many years has proven that new knowledge is perceived and assimilated much more effectively when accompanied by an active thought process.

Guessing riddles, puzzles and charades becomes a kind of intellectual exercise for children, mobilizing and training their mental potential. To solve riddles, you need to be more observant, monitor the life process around you, be able to remember in time what you once saw, compare, compare phenomena and facts, mentally separate, highlighting valuable moments, be able to generalize, synthesize what you found. Solving riddles for young children promotes the development of resourcefulness, improves ingenuity, increases reaction speed and mental activity, develops independent thinking and the habit of deeply and comprehensively understanding the world.

Variety of riddles

Riddles appeared a very long time ago and therefore there are many varieties of them - these are folk, and author's literary, and in poetic form, colloquial and prose, and thematic riddles, and according to the method of riddle, for example, decoy riddles, figurative or plot, metaphorical, mathematical, logical, humorous. Modern riddles differ in the following ways.

  • Descriptive riddles in which a phenomenon or object is described, and it must be guessed based on the specified characteristics.
  • Riddles-questions. When a riddle asks a question that must be answered either in rhyme or any other option, depending on the continuation of the riddle.
  • Riddles-tasks. When it is necessary to solve an unusual, logically structured problem described in the riddle itself.

Children's riddles about the piano

Such riddles are thematic and help to better understand the desired topic, in this case the king of musical instruments - the piano (or grand piano).

Piano riddles for children with rhyming answers.

Loved music very much

Two sisters - Nyura and Nina.

And that's why we bought it

They are very...

Great marvelous miracle

There's a howl in the hall at the concert.

The mouth is open - the teeth are there.

Fingers on those teeth.

And having all three legs,

Will not rush along the path,

The gas doesn't press even though there is a pedal...

The name of the monster? ...

He stands on three legs

Feet in black boots.

White teeth, pedal.

What's his name?...

Which instrument has both strings and a pedal?

Undoubtedly, this is marvelous, this is our white...

He can play both forte and piano,

That's why his name is...

Keyboards black and white row,

The pedals glow yellow gold...

You can't take me with you in a case.

With mighty forte, gentle piano,

And he is extremely right,

Who calls us...


Descriptive riddles

It is very important to interest children in trying to come up with their own riddles that describe the instrument being studied, in this way the efficiency of learning the material will significantly increase, because in the process of creativity everything is remembered much better.

In riddles about the piano, the essence is important, to which all the power of the small work is directed, concentrating the child’s attention.

The cow is standing

Ready to roar.

If you hit me in the teeth, you won’t end up in a howl.

A giant musical instrument for the hall.

I would tell you its name,

I'm sure you guessed it yourself.

He has a large wing and three legs.

Riddles about the piano make it easier to learn to play this beautiful instrument, which fills the hearts of children with love and beauty.

He's his wrinkled belly
Sometimes he puts it out, sometimes he hides it,
Then he sings with us,
He cries with us.

This string instrument
It will ring at any moment -
And on stage in the best hall,
And on a camping trip.

The wing of a huge butterfly gave her a wondrous shape.
This touch-me-not is capricious and has a lot of strings.
And in order to play music, you need to sort through them all...

Everyone knows in Rus'
At least ask someone about her!
It only has three strings
But she is the love of the country!

Triangular board,
And there are three hairs on it.
The hair is thin,
The voice is ringing.

Name it correctly
The instrument is slightly larger than a violin.
He is her closest friend
But the sound is a little lower.
There are strings and a bow,
Not new to music!

What kind of miracles are these?
We hear voices in the forest
The guys are sitting by the fire,
They sing and look at her.
So that it suddenly sounds,
Pluck the string first.
And there are seven or six strings,
We cannot count her merits.
It’s easy for everyone to sing to it,
Tell me, what is her name?

Carved in the forest, smoothly hewn,
Singing and singing, what is it called?

If you cover the cauldron with leather, it will look like me.
We can play a tremolo, imitate the sound of thunder...

Small in stature and pot-bellied,
And he will speak -
A hundred loud guys
It will turn off immediately.

Six-string alien
This sonorous instrument
Romantic Spanish girl
They love the bard, the soldier, the student,
And Honored Artist,
And a loaded tourist.

You will take her in your hands,
Either you stretch it or you squeeze it!
Voiced, elegant,
Russian, two-row.
It will play, just touch it,
What is her name?

He has a cold and is anxious, and seems to be out of tubes.
He grumbles, not sings. This is grandpa...

Check sound and tone
The instrument...

On the left is a piano,
On the right are buttons from the button accordion.
And the furs are like an accordion.
This is clear even to a cat,
Well, of course it's him.

There are buttons, but not a shirt,
Not a turkey, but pouting,
Not a bird, but singing and singing.

Guess it in one try
Come on, don't waste time!
I look like a snail
I am akin to copper pipes.
I am a wind instrument
And, sometimes, a regimental one.
French horn

Wooden girlfriends
They dance on the top of his head,
They beat him, and he thunders -
He orders everyone to keep pace.

The smooth movements of the bow make the strings tremble.
The motive sings from afar, sings about a moonlit evening.
How clear is the overflow of sounds! They contain joy and a smile.
It sounds like a dreamy tune, its name...

He is our church minister.
There was an inspiration for Bach.
The entire orchestra will be replaced by one.
What is that gentleman's name?

This is a jack of all trades.
Any sounds live in it:
Piano, drum,
Violin, pipe, accordion...
And one moment,
Auto accompaniment,
There are countless special effects in it,
There is even a MIDI output
Keys and generator.
What is this? -...

I put the pipe to my lips -
A trill flowed through the forest,
The instrument is very fragile
It's called...

He is like an older brother to the violin,
I'm glad to help her in the orchestra.
He is also a faithful friend to the viola,
It has a bass sound.
He's a bowed giant
A big, important gentleman.
Double bass

He has a pleated shirt
He loves to dance in a squat position,
He dances and sings -
If you get your hands on it.
Forty buttons on it
With mother-of-pearl fire.
A merry fellow, not a brawler
My vociferous...

The sound is intense, juicy, melodious, sweet-mysterious, smoothly viscous.
The sharp leg stands on the floor. Her place in the orchestra is in the right corner.
The name is pleasant - like caramel. And it's called...

He was born from an accordion,
I became friends with the piano.
It also looks like a button accordion.
What will you call him?

Sleeping, she lay on her shoulder.
The bow crawled along the strings, hoarsely
She suddenly screamed:
- Well, what else? - I woke up...

They beat it - not a drum.
The shaman will meet the sun with him,
And at the holiday he will be -
He will play along with the violins...

Riddle about alto

Name it correctly
The instrument is slightly larger than a violin.
He is her closest friend
But the sound is a little lower.
There are strings and a bow,
Not new to music!

Riddles about balalaika

Three strings, plays loudly
That instrument is the “cocked hat”.
Find out quickly
What is this?

I'll strike three strings,
I'll make you sing ditties.

I'm happy, I'm happy,
I could sing ditties myself.

Riddles about drum

It's easy to go hiking with me,
It's fun with me on the way,
And I'm a screamer, and I'm a brawler,
I am loud, round...

Small in stature and pot-bellied,
And he will speak -
A hundred loud guys
It will turn off immediately.

It doesn't stop on the way,
Carries away into the distance
He doesn’t walk on his own
Walking helps.

Riddles about accordion

He has a pleated shirt
He loves to dance in a squat position,
He dances and sings -
If you get your hands on it.
Forty buttons on it
With mother-of-pearl fire.
A merry fellow, not a brawler
Our vociferous...

He gets fat and then loses weight.
Sitting on his knee
It's screaming all over the yard.

He doesn’t sing, he plays,
Helps people sing.

Riddles about harmonic

You will take her in your hands,
Either you stretch it or you squeeze it!
Voiced, elegant,
Russian, two-row.
It will play, just touch it,
What is her name?

Riddles about guitar

What kind of miracles are these?
We hear voices in the forest
The guys are sitting by the fire,
They sing and look at her.
So that it suddenly sounds,
Pluck the string first.
And there are seven or six strings,
We cannot count her merits.
It’s easy for everyone to sing to it,
Tell me, what is her name?

The string rings, she sings,
And the song is heard by everyone.
Six strings play anything
And that instrument is always fashionable.
He will never get old.
We call that instrument...
(with guitar)

Riddles about conductor

I'm on stage in the twilight
I'll go out in an elegant tailcoat.
I'll wave a thin stick -
The violins will begin to sing,
The harpist will pluck the string,
The pipes will respond.
How wonderfully the orchestra plays!
Well, I’m the most important one in it!

Riddles about pipe

Carved in the forest
Smoothly hewn
He sings and bursts into song.
What is the name of?

Riddles about composer

He writes music for us
Plays melodies
He will set the poems to a waltz.
Who writes the songs?

Riddles about double bass

He is like an older brother to the violin,
I'm glad to help her in the orchestra.
He is also a faithful friend to the viola,
It has a bass sound.
He's a bowed giant
A big, important gentleman.
(Double bass)

Riddles about musical spoons

They eat soup at lunch,
By evening they will “talk”
Wooden girls
Musical sisters.
Play a little too
On beautiful bright...

Riddles about organ

What kind of instrument is this, the height of a whole house?
In pipes, dressed in wood, decorations on it.
This sonorous giant has many voices.
He is sometimes affectionate, sometimes strict, and his name is...

Riddles about gramophone

Musician, singer, storyteller,
All it takes is a pipe and a box.

Riddles about piano

I stand on three legs
Feet in black boots.
White teeth, pedal.
What's my name? ...

Riddles about saxophone

It will sparkle in the sun,
Gives you a gentle sound.
He is the first in jazz,

Riddles about violin

It's like the girl started singing
And the room seemed to brighten.
The melody glides so flexibly.
Everything is quiet: it’s playing...

The smooth movements of the bow make the strings tremble,
The motif murmurs from afar, sings about the lunar wind.
How clear the sounds are overflowing, there is joy and a smile in them.
A dreamy tune sounds and is played...

Riddles about music dishes

Know that they are neighbors with the drum.
They are made of copper.
You need to wave your hands in time,
Strike loudly, then rest.
Their party is not a trifle, not a trifle,
In music there are also...

Riddles about piano

We call the instrument a piano
I have a hard time playing it.
Louder, quieter, louder, quieter -
Everyone will hear my play.
I hit the keys zealously,
My instrument is...

Riddles about choir

Let's all sing a song together,
A song will sound throughout the school.
Smooth, harmonious and friendly.
We need to sing together, guys.
The corridor is full of songs -
Ours is trying so hard...

The page contains riddles about musical instruments, music and those involved in it. The riddles will be useful primarily for music teachers, kindergarten teachers, and primary school teachers. By solving riddles, children will get acquainted with unfamiliar musical instruments in a playful way. It is advisable to give the children the opportunity to see and listen to the sound of a new instrument for them, and, perhaps, to play themselves, for example, on musical spoons.

There are seven sisters
On the staff.
They are all important
Without them there will be no music. (Notes)

This is a six-string instrument.
They play on it around the fire,
They compose songs together.
How does a company get together?
Without her there is no fun. (Guitar)

I march and knock to the beat all day long.
And I'm glad you bought it... (Drum)

I played all day
Sang, danced to... (Fipe)

From inside the assembled accordion,
Sounds flow.
It moans protractedly
He dances fervently. (Accordion, button accordion)

Does he play the violin? (Violinist)

He sings songs tenderly.
People come to him for a concert,
They give bouquets, applause,
Everyone admires... (Singer)

He plays the guitar
Sings romantic songs.
He is always in the center of a noisy company!
Our beloved... (Guitarist)

In kindergarten without his music,
Not a single holiday will pass!
Maybe a polka, maybe a waltz,
Performs quickly, loudly,
There is no flaw in the instrument,
Melodious... (Piano)

The bow moves back and forth.
And she makes sounds!
There is no gentler motive
What does he perform...(violin)

White keys,
Black suit.
Many people settled in it

Remember guys!
If the music is played
Four musicians
That group is called... (Quartet)

Without sleep and rest,
Composing a melody
Our famous... (Composer)

Experienced master
This... (Conductor)

Dudochka, clarinet, button accordion
Together musical... (Instruments)

Circle on top
Below are small plates.
We'll play all day
Into the ringing... (Tambourine)

Just three strings
Triangular shape.
Come on, play it
Cheerful... (Balalaika)

This key cannot open the door!
It is written at the beginning of the note... (Treble clef)

What do a car have in common?
And the piano?
They have a common detail
Called... (Pedal)

Talent, patience,
And the ability to play the harp.
It turned out... (Musician)

Can't live without him
Musician play!
He stands silently
Holds a music notebook. (lectern)

This is a traveling musician
He walks around, he turns the barrel organ,
And gets up early... (Organ grinder)

To learn to play
You need desire and... (Patience)

Heard to us from all sides
Melodious chime.
It's been ringing since the morning... (Bells)

A tiny sound rattles
He'll play along with us... (Bell)

Does he play the accordion? (Accordionist)

Brother of the violin, a little more
Wooden body.
Four strings
The sound is a tone lower,
Playing... (Alto)

This complex instrument
Decorates the entire cathedral,
As soon as it starts playing, the whole orchestra replaces! (Organ)

How many notes are there in music? (Seven)

How you want to play
So put the tube to your lips
And blow on... (The pipe)

Magic tube
Destroyed an army of mice.
It's called... (Dudochka)

He loves blows
The harder you hit,
The louder it plays! (Drum)

You can eat soup with them
But, put them edge to side,
And we’ll sing ditties to them! (Wooden spoons)

He has a pleated collar
Forty buttons on it,
Loud and cheerful
Let's sing along in chorus!
Wonderful... (Bayan)

Helps composers
Paves the way to notes! (Treble clef)

This is such a noisy toy,
But not a rattle! (Maraca)

This key is not simple.
Opens the way for us
Into the world of magical melody. (Treble clef)

There's air inside
A circle will be stretched on the sides.
Makes a loud sound
With a strong impact.
If you knock weakly,
It will be a quiet sound. (Drum)

magic tube,
There are holes inside.
How do you blow into it?
So the sounds will flow. (Pipe)

Little dots
There are hooks at the top.
Sat on seven lines,
If you do them,
There will be music playing. (Notes)

The melody was combined with poetry,
It turned out... (Song)

Without it the melody is bad
This note is... (A)

The tool is very useful
He is, of course, known to everyone.
Checks sound and tone.
This... (Tuning fork)

If you can't sing
So, I stepped on my ear... (Bear)

The song repeats the quatrain,
What is it called? (Verse)

Tool with pleated skirt,
Look, it's playing loudly,
It will stretch the sound
He will lose quickly... (Accordion)

We eat with them, arrange food,
Putting them edge to side,
We'll play boogie-boogie. (Spoons)

We sang ditties for you,
We lost on the whistles,
There are four of us - nice... (Quartet)

Round like a rattle.
This is... (Maracas)

Delicate sound
This is how it plays... (Violin)

We will find this note:
There is a secret in the word
I also hid in the vinaigrette.
Very close,
Settled in the radish! (Note D)

This note is used to salt food,
And they find it in the words:
Beans, solfeggio. (Note Sol)

Special notebook,
To compose music.
Think carefully
Look, let's call it... (Music notebook)

Pheasant, beans, sundress,
Torch, factrot, pharaoh,
Contains the note -... (F)

Hidden in the words:
Cabaret, kare, mashed potatoes, rattle,
Harem, mansion, guys.
Our favorite note... (D)

On five wires
The sisters are sitting.
He's all friends
They sound in turns
And they make music!
Name them quickly
These are the notes: ... (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si)

Elena Shadrina
Thematic music lesson “Musical Instruments”

Target: develop timbre hearing


Teach children to guess riddles about musical instruments;

React to changing parts music game, in accordance with perform movements;

Distinguish tones by ear musical instruments: harp, cello, double bass, violin, trumpet, organ, guitar, accordion, musical triangle, metallophone, drum, pipe, tambourine;

Introduce the sound of castanets and how to play them;

Perform the song expressively, conveying a cheerful, joyful character;

Convey rhythmic patterns using musical triangle and drum;

Learn to voice a Russian folk nursery rhyme in children's rooms musical instruments(harp, pipe, whistle, drum, rattle, cymbals, etc.)

Perform a Russian folk melody with an orchestra.

Aesthetic methods education:

Training, exercises in practical actions;

Beliefs in the process of formation of initial manifestations of taste

Children enter the hall and sit on chairs.

Musical director: Guys, today we will talk about musical instruments.

Everyone on earth

There is a home.

Good and fun

And it’s cozy in it.

The dog has a kennel,

The fox has a hole,

The robin has a nest,

The owl has a hollow.

Guess a riddle,

My little friend

Where do you think he lives?

Musical sound?

Maybe in the cry of a seagull,

In an eagle's cage?

Or in the trumpet call

Good elephant?

Children: Musical sound lives in musical instruments.

Musical director: Right, musical sounds live in musical instruments. And sound musical instruments begin then when they are played musicians.

Guys, I have a magic box that contains riddles about musical instruments. Do you want to guess them?

Children: Yes!

Musical director: Approach one at a time and pull out the riddle.

1. If you want to play,

You need to take it in your hands

And blow into it lightly -

Will music can be heard.

Think a minute...

What is this?

Children: Dudochka!

2. He has a pleated shirt,

He loves to dance in a squat position,

He dances and sings -

If you get your hands on it.

Forty buttons on it

With mother-of-pearl fire.

Children: Bayan!

3. He sits under his cap,

Don't disturb him - he's silent.

You just have to take it in your hands

And rock it a little,

Heard, there will be a chime:

"Dili-don, dili-don."

Children: Bell!

4. Tool- like a huge violin.

The sound is thick like a baritone.

Musician playing while sitting.

Tell me, what is his name?

Children: Cello!

The fraction is beating,

Walking helps.

Children: Drum!

6. They took the hammers into their hands

The records were pounding.

Heard musical ringing,

That's what it sounds like...

Children: Metallophone!

7. There are bells on it,

We hit it loudly.

We will play with him now,

Give me a sonorous...

Children: Tambourine!

There are pictures on the table in front of the children. musical instruments. Children guess the riddle, find an image of this musical instrument and hang it on a magnetic board.

Musical director: And now I suggest you play with a tambourine musical game"Who will hit the tambourine faster"

A game "Who will hit the tambourine faster" Ukrainian folk melody

Musical director: Now I suggest you listen to the timbres musical instruments and identify them.

"Define tool»

Voices recorded on the tape recorder musical instruments: harp, cello, double bass, violin, trumpet, organ, guitar, accordion.

1. The harp sounds

2. The cello sounds

3. Double bass sounds

4. Violin sounds

Anya Elkina performs a piece on the violin

5. The trumpet sounds

6. The organ sounds

Children watch a video of playing the organ on the screen.

7. Guitar sounds

8. Accordion sounds

Nurse Tatyana Fedorovna performs the piece “

Musical director: How well do you identify timbres? musical instruments. And now I suggest you identify the timbres of children. Let's play a game "Recognize by voice"

Musical director: And now we will come to this unusual screen where they are waiting for you musical riddles.

Musical and didactic game"Merry tools»

1. The pipe sounds

2. The drum sounds

3. Sounds musical triangle

Now let's sing a song "Triangle and Drum"

4. The metallophone sounds

5. The tambourine sounds

6. Castanets sound

Musical director: Castanets - Spanish folk instrument with voiced, clicking sound. There is a clear rhythm on the castanets.

Children watch a video about techniques for playing castanets.

Musical director: And now I suggest you try playing the castanets yourself.

Experimenting with castanets.

Musical director: Guys, tell me, what is the sound of castanets like?

Children: At the sound of hooves, a woodpecker knocks on a tree.

Musical director: Children, please tell me with which ones musical instruments can we depict rain?

Children: Bell, musical triangle, metallophone.

Musical director: Rolling thunder?

Children: Drum, castanets.

Musical director: And now I suggest you voice a Russian folk nursery rhyme at children's musical instruments.

Like our neighbor

The conversation was fun:

Ducks - to the pipes,

Geese - in harp,

Sheep - to the Donets,

Cockroaches - drums.

Tap dances - into rattles,

Waxwings - in the flute,

Cuckoos in beaters

Starlings with bells,

Two titmouse crumbs

We played spoons.

They play, they play

Everyone is amused

Strikes on musical triangle in the rhythm of the verse.






Wooden spoons

Tutti on everyone instruments

Musical director: And at the end of our musical living room let's play in the orchestra.

Orchestra "Quadrille" Russian folk melody