Knot money magic: tricks for profit. Wealth or Prosperity Knot

The knot is the source of magical properties. With the help of magic, the power of the node increases many times over. The meaning of knots in magic has strictly individual shades. We can see echoes of the mystical essence of the knot even in such an innocent ritual as “tying a knot as a keepsake.”

Our ancestors knew about the magical properties of knots, hence many rituals and beliefs arose, some of which have survived to this day. The use of knot magic is one of the simplest and at the same time extremely effective ways to attract wealth into your life.

Money ritual for 9 knots

First option.

We perform a ritual on the waxing moon or full moon.

Take a green silk ribbon about 30 cm long.

Tie 9 knots on it, sequentially saying to each knot:

« The first node begins witchcraft.

The second node is done.

With the third node, the money comes to me.

With the fourth node, new opportunities are knocking on my door.

With the fifth node, my business is thriving.

The sixth node secures witchcraft.

With the seventh node I was given success.

With the eighth node the income is multiplied.

With the ninth knot, it's all mine now!»

Keep the ribbon with you as a talisman

Second option.

Tie nine knots on the cord. Their general order on the cord should be: 1-6-4-8- 3-7-5-9-2. That is, first tie the first knot at one end of the cord, the second at the other end, the third in the middle of the cord, the fourth in the middle between the first and third, the fifth between the third and second, etc.

As you tie each knot, say: “I fasten with this knot everything in one, my will, my passion, my monetary power.”

When finished, burn the cord over the candle flame, then scatter the ashes to the wind.

Money ritual on a green candle

At dawn on the waxing moon, light a green candle.

From a skein of green yarn (wool), cut nine threads of equal length. Place them together, hold them between your palms, rub your hands against each other, forming a cord from the threads.

When performing manipulations, say:
“By nine roads, by nine ways, what I desire will come to me: copper nickels, silver rubles, gold chervonets, significant bonds on paper, marked with signatures and seals.”

A bundle of wealth for the lazy

A modern and simplified way to attract wealth using a thread.

You will need a green thread, preferably made of natural fibers, about 30 cm long. This thread is tied 5 times clockwise around the little finger on the hand: for women - on the right, for men - on the left. As you tie the knot at the end, mentally wish yourself prosperity. If the thread gets wet or dirty, replace it with a new one, tie it in the same way and wear it until you receive the ordered amount. Then remove and burn.

English prosperity knots

Perform the ritual on the waxing moon on Thursday.

  • green candle
  • any incense stick,
  • square patch green/brown,
  • 3 silver (or simply white metal) coins,
  • a little bit of different herbs: marigold, saffron, la-vanda,
  • 10 rock salt crystals
  • and, most importantly, two threads, gold and silver.

Retreat to a quiet place. Mix the herbs and pour them onto a flat surface in the form of a circle. Place a candle and an incense stick in the center of this circle, put coins, salt, a piece of fabric and thread. Light the candle, then the incense stick. Take the coins in your palms, bring them to your mouth, and exhale on them four times.
Repeat the spell three times: “I call for air, I call money the way,”
then once: “It’s done and it will be blessed!”

Collect herbs, coins, salt, place on a green piece of paper and wrap it in the form of a bag. Intertwine silver and gold threads together. Using the resulting rope, tightly tie the bag of green flap with seven knots. Carry this bag with you for thirty days, and then hide it at home in a secluded place.
Based on materials from,

You can believe it or doubt it, but the fact that the magic of money has unlimited power is an indisputable fact. Financial well-being, stability, a decent life, the opportunity for personal self-realization - all this can be given to you by the magic of attracting money and success. All you have to do is take advantage of its capabilities and enjoy the results

One of the most popular and accessible ways to balance life situations when problems arise is to tie knots. This method has been used for a long time. For several hundred years, people have been able to make different types of knots for love, luck, and prosperity. The most common is the money weave - this pattern is as simple as it is effective.

General concepts about money nodes

A money knot is tied to lure more bills and coins into the wallet. This money has special powers. Lured bills can attract other money into the house, thereby making the owner richer. It turns out to be a cycle, as a result of which material wealth increases. The methods by which money will be transferred to the account may vary:

  • winning the lottery;
  • promotion at work;
  • unscheduled bonus.

The purpose of weaving is to send positive energy to increase wealth into the Universe. Different types of nodes can transmit information at different rates. The more complex the weaving, the faster it works.

Weaving cannot work without energetic support. If you tie a knot and do not make an effort, material wealth will not increase.

Money nodes will not help lazy and irresponsible people. To get as much money as possible, you need to tie the knot and start working very well and fruitfully. Only in this case is a positive result possible and the money will easily go into your wallet.

If you want to change your financial situation for the better, when knitting a talisman you need to leave the ends free. To enhance this effect, small coins or colored ribbons are tied to the ends of the threads. If you need to consolidate a positive result - to save a bank account or save money won in the lottery - the ends need to be connected with a knot.

Basic money node

It is the easiest to weave among the others. It is used as a basis for knitting more complex elements. This type of weaving is very common in eastern countries.

In China and Japan, weaving is a highly revered activity. Anyone who can tie the necessary knot beautifully and quickly can count on a happy and prosperous life.

The shape of the basic knots that are woven to attract money is shamrock-shaped. According to ancient legends, this symbol was used to designate leprechauns. These mythical creatures know how to handle gold like no other.

Weaving is quite simple, even a beginner can handle it. To tie a good knot, you need to prepare high-quality material. Thick rope or waxed cord works best. This way the weave will hold its shape for a long time. If the thread ends up being unruly, you need to fasten the weaving loops with a thread and a needle.

To enhance the effect of weaving, you need to take threads of the right color. Red or yellow shades are great for attracting wealth. These colors symbolize prosperity and material well-being.

During the formation of the unit, it is necessary to clearly understand the purposes for which it is being made. This way it will begin to be saturated with energy from the person and, accordingly, will work harder. To enhance the effect of weaving, you can chant the following phrase while working:

“I’ll tie a knot, I’ll attract wealth.”

To make a money knot, you will need to follow a few simple steps.

  1. The thread of the selected color is cut from the total skein. To find out the required amount for an individual amulet, it is worth measuring the distance from the index finger of your left hand to your elbow. This length fits perfectly.
  2. In the middle of the thread, fold 2 loops. For convenience, they can be wrapped around your index and middle fingers. After this, the loops are folded in the shape of a heart.
  3. The loose thread is threaded through the resulting loops from right to left. First it is threaded inward, then through the middle from the outside and from the left side again inward.
  4. It turns out to be a trefoil. If necessary, the loose remaining threads can be joined or left loose. Trimming is not recommended.

You can carry such a knot with you - its effect will be stronger; it is even better to bring the amulet to your place of work. This way it will stimulate money faster than lying on a shelf with nothing to do. It is worth taking care that this symbol is not visible to anyone.

It works from the energy of the person with whom it comes into contact, so the interference of someone else’s energy will not benefit the amulet. You can put the amulet in a secret pocket on your bag or in a secluded compartment in your wallet.

A good method of increasing wealth is to place a tied knot at the bottom of a piggy bank. There he will be able to come into contact with a larger number of coins and bills, the effect will be greater.

Reinforced node

The next most complex knot is reinforced. Its peculiarity is that it is knitted from 2 threads of different colors. Its action is 2 times more effective than that of the base unit.

When weaving, you need to place one thread strictly above the other. This achieves not only symmetry and aesthetics. Money always loves orderliness, and a ready-made and beautiful knot can help with this. If the weaving turns out sloppy, it is worth redoing it. Money will not come to an uneven amulet.

For threads, it is better to choose matching and bright colors: scarlet and gold. Together they are very effective at attracting large bills into your wallet. In order for the money pattern to work in full force, small coins with holes in the middle are wound around the ends of the threads. They can be purchased at any souvenir shop - they are very cheap.

The reinforced pattern is woven according to the same pattern as the basic one, with the only difference that you need to fold 2 threads into loops at once. If the cords are too hard and difficult to bend, you can place them in soap and water for a few minutes, rinse and dry. This will make them softer.

To prevent the loops from unraveling, they can be secured by sewing them in with threads of the same color or by dripping a little glue onto the joints. The reinforced knot is not only a talisman. Correctly executed weaving looks very aesthetically pleasing. If desired, it can be tied to a bracelet or worn as a pendant.

Money Tree Node

This weaving is a fairly powerful money talisman. It combines a ligature from several basic knots, so its effect is several times greater than that of ordinary basic weaving. Threads for a money tree are usually taken in golden, brown and green colors.

One of the most common colors for this weaving is red. The first step to knitting a tree is to weave a regular simple base knot. After this stage has been completed, you need to move on to the next steps.

  1. You need to cross the free ends of the threads. It turns out that the left thread is on the right, and vice versa. A fourth petal appears to be forming at the bottom of the node.
  2. The thread that is now to the left must be threaded into the left petal, forming a loop on it.
  3. You need to thread the same thread into the new loop. This is how another petal is formed. To prevent the pattern from falling apart, it can be fixed with pins.
  4. After this, the work turns 90° to the right and steps 2 and 3 are repeated in full.

After completing these steps, the node is ready. The ends are decorated at the request of the owner.

If the pattern is not made by yourself, but was purchased or received as a gift, you need to get used to it. To imbue an object with the necessary energy, you need to communicate with it: touch it, twirl it between your fingers. If it lies comfortably in your hand, then you can expect help from it. If it seems that the amulet is like someone else’s, you should leave it alone for a while. It is likely that the node simply has not yet been saturated with the necessary energy. This will happen over time.

When the amulet has taken root with the new energy, you can take it with you to work, wear it as a decoration on clothes or as an element of costume jewelry. Such a talisman will now serve the new owner and begin to increase his wealth.

He says that on June 28, a reserve for future wealth is possible, I suggest that today you make your own simple knotted talisman - the Money Knot.

Money knots are tied, as the name implies, to attract material wealth into your life, any assets, money, and situations that will help you improve your financial situation, advance in your career and business, and so on, ways of bringing money into your life may turn out to be things you never expected.

Those. the task of the node is to secure your message to the Universe on the material plane. The presence of a node, of course, does not imply your complete inaction, but with its help you can achieve what you want much easier.

If you need to change the situation or attract, then the tips of the knots are left free or fastened in parallel. If you need to save or protect what has already been achieved, then they are tied with a ring.

Here are three money knots that I mastered and knitted for myself personally. Incomprehensible, but they WORK!

What if it wasn’t you who tied the knot? Then it makes sense to get to know the knot and feel it. Hold it in your hands, examine it, close your eyes and warm it in your palms to see if it responds. If you don’t rush things and don’t push, then you will definitely respond. You can sit on the bundle and carry it in your pocket.

Next, it’s good to strengthen the knot and pour your energy into it, duplicating it. To do this, thread another lace parallel to the one from which the knot is connected, from beginning to end. Talk through your tasks, talk through and secure what you want, the knot is a material symbol of your “knotted” intention, like an ovary in a flower.

For money knots, you can hang coins on the ends by first passing the coin over the knot, following its curves. For the ends, this point: if a knot is tied to preserve something that already exists, then the ends need to be connected into a ring, closed in any way, by tying, pulling with thread, gluing. If it is tied to attracting something into life, then the ends should remain free (and you are open to what you want), they can be fastened in parallel, loosely, without tying, threaded into Chinese coins.

There are also special rituals, but you need to focus on your feelings; if you want to wash a knot on a new moon, wash it. Give him tea - give him something to drink. So you actually launder, feed and water your images, images of money, prosperity, happiness, family, substitute yours. Those that were put in the knot.

Then the knots can be worn on the body, in a purse, bag, pocket, hung in a visible place, placed on a table, on a chair, under a pillow, in bed linen. Where YOU need it, and where THEY want it. Money knots can be carried in a wallet, handbag, they are placed next to the place where money is often counted, under cash registers (if you have them). They can be sewn on and glued to something. Can be placed in envelopes with money.


At all times, knots have been talismans with strong energy properties. In our article you can learn how to tie a knot correctly, with which you can attract good luck and wealth, as well as fulfill any desires.

Tying a knot is one of the oldest ways to attract what you want. Our ancestors quite often used knot magic for protection from evil, evil spirits, and also for acquiring material wealth. There are several types of knots, and each of them has a special secret meaning. Money nodes attract wealth and prosperity, luck nodes help a person achieve success in all areas of life, the desire node serves to realize a cherished dream. The site's experts will tell you how to change your life for the better with the help of simple knots.

Luck Knot

A dark streak can come in every person's life. At such moments, Fortune turns away from you, and any attempts to change your life do not bring a positive result. Of course, you can just accept it and get through this difficult period. However, if you want to overcome obstacles as quickly as possible and return your luck, you can do this using a regular knot.

Many people may think that tying knots for good luck is a long and painstaking job that requires quite a lot of effort. In fact, anyone can tie a knot of luck. To do this you will need three red threads or narrow ribbons. First, form the top of the knot by tying a double knot from the threads. Then fold the threads so that two of them are woven together and the other is separate from them. After this, start tying small knots, and at the end, tie a double knot again so that the knots do not unravel. While weaving, say:

“I tie knots, I tie luck to myself.”

After this, always keep the knot with you so that others cannot see it. If one day you lose a knot, don't be upset: it means you were able to avoid a big setback or serious problem.

Money node

The money node is popular not only in Russia, but also in China, as well as in many other countries. The Chinese quite often call it the knot of life, based on the fact that a person’s life can only be happy if he does not experience financial difficulties.

Making money knots is as easy as making a luck knot. You only need one cord for it. Fold it in half and then form a shamrock knot like the one in the picture above. To prevent the knot from falling apart during weaving, you can secure each loop with needles. When the money node is ready, say:

“May the money knot bring me wealth.”

The money unit should be kept in a wallet in the banknotes department or at your workplace. You can use it as a talisman by tying it to your watch or bracelet. If you want your family to never face financial difficulties, place the bundle in the place where you keep your money.

Wish fulfillment knot

Every person strives to realize their dreams. However, sometimes this takes too much time, and during this period a person ceases to believe that his desire can be fulfilled. There are many ways to attract what you want into your life, and you can do this with a simple knot.

Before you start weaving, you need to set up correctly. To begin with, you must concentrate as much as possible on your desire, trying to visualize it in all details. To consolidate the result, write your dream on paper. Try to get rid of unnecessary thoughts that do not allow you to concentrate, and if this fails, take up weaving another time.

Take three laces of different colors and put them together. The weaving technique is in many ways similar to a good luck knot, only while tying each knot you need to say your wish. You should get 12 knots.

After this, keep the talisman with you until your wish comes true. You can make only one dream at a time, but after that you can repeat the manipulations with another wish.

In addition to success in business and at work, it is important that luck accompanies you in your personal life. If loneliness has become a habitual state for you lately, fill your life with love. Strong conspiracies at home will help you with this. We wish you happiness and new victories,and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.07.2018 04:22

Many people think that the world around us is built only by actions and actions. This is partly true...

Tying a knot is one of the oldest ways to attract what you want. Our ancestors quite often used knot magic for protection from evil, evil spirits, and also for acquiring material wealth.

There are several types of knots, and each of them has a special secret meaning. Money nodes attract wealth and prosperity, luck nodes help a person achieve success in all areas of life, the desire node serves to realize a cherished dream. Experts from the site will tell you how to change your life for the better with the help of simple knots.

Luck Knot

A dark streak can come in every person's life. At such moments, Fortune turns away from you, and any attempts to change your life do not bring a positive result. Of course, you can just accept it and get through this difficult period. However, if you want to overcome obstacles as quickly as possible and return your luck, you can do this using a regular knot.
It may seem to many that tying knots for good luck is a long and painstaking job that requires quite a lot of effort. In fact, anyone can tie a knot of luck. To do this you will need three red threads or narrow ribbons. First, form the top of the knot by tying a double knot from the threads. Then fold the threads so that two of them are woven together and the other is separate from them. After this, start tying small knots, and at the end, tie a double knot again so that the knots do not unravel. While weaving, say:
“I tie knots, I tie luck to myself.”
After this, always keep the knot with you so that others cannot see it. If one day you lose a knot, don't be upset: it means you were able to avoid a big setback or serious problem.

Money node

The money node is popular not only in Russia, but also in China, as well as in many other countries. The Chinese quite often call it the knot of life, based on the fact that a person’s life can only be happy if he does not experience financial difficulties.

Making money knots is as easy as making a luck knot. You only need one cord for it. Fold it in half and then form a shamrock knot like the one in the picture above. To prevent the knot from falling apart during weaving, you can secure each loop with needles. When the money node is ready, say:
“May the money knot bring me wealth.”
The money unit should be kept in a wallet in the banknotes department or at your workplace. You can use it as a talisman by tying it to your watch or bracelet. If you want your family to never face financial difficulties, place the bundle in the place where you keep your money.

Wish fulfillment knot

Every person strives to realize their dreams. However, sometimes this takes too much time, and during this period a person ceases to believe that his desire can be fulfilled. There are many ways to attract what you want into your life, and you can do this with a simple knot.
Before you start weaving, you need to set up correctly. To begin with, you must concentrate as much as possible on your desire, trying to visualize it in all details. To consolidate the result, write your dream on paper. Try to get rid of unnecessary thoughts that do not allow you to concentrate, and if this fails, take up weaving another time.
Take three laces of different colors and put them together. The weaving technique is in many ways similar to a good luck knot, only while tying each knot you need to say your wish. You should get 12 knots.
After this, keep the talisman with you until your wish comes true. You can make only one dream at a time, but after that you can repeat the manipulations with another wish.