Amulet tattoo on shoulder. Slavic amulets tattoos

The depiction of sacred symbols on clothing, weapons and the human body has been used since ancient times. Unlike modern people who use tattoos as decoration, ancient people believed in their mystical meaning. Tattoo amulets were used to protect against dark forces, attacks from enemies and to preserve life. Let's consider the main meanings of images on the body.

Nowadays you can see various inscriptions, signs and pictures on the bodies of young people. All images can be divided into the following types:

  • quotes from religious texts;
  • runic writings or staves;
  • ancient hieroglyphs;
  • Celtic patterns;
  • image of animals.

The image of a dream catcher, the eye of Horus, the black sun, Slavic symbols and hieroglyphs is very popular. A kind of protection from black energy and demonic forces is the image of a mask: it deceives evil spirits, thereby diverting evil from a person.

Previously, masks were worn during ritual actions, and cosmetics on the face also served as a disguise - evil spirits could not recognize a person. In the modern world, cosmetics have acquired a different meaning and began to serve as decorative adornment.

Popular among animals and insects:

  • grasshopper;
  • ladybug;
  • spider and bee;
  • Scarab beetle;
  • other animal totems.

Among Buddhist symbols, it is popular;

  • Om mandala;
  • bodhisattva;
  • lotus.

Tattoos can be applied to any part of the body - arms, wrists, feet, back or chest. However, it should be remembered that an unknown image on the body can negatively affect a person’s fate. Before applying a pattern to the skin, you need to find out the mystical meaning of the design or symbol.

The meaning of popular amulets

Let's consider the meaning and meaning of amulets, which are most often depicted on the body of modern girls and boys.

dream Catcher

This Indian symbol is designed to protect against evil spirits - it traps them in an intricately woven pattern-net. The amulet protects both at night and during the day. Usually an image of a spider is added to the dream catcher - this can protect a person from severe damage and the evil eye.

This symbol serves as protection from the evil eye and damage to a person. This Slavic amulet, in addition to protection, enhances the influence of the birth canal and helps communicate with the other world. Therefore, the symbol is popular among magicians and wise men.

However, the black sun also has a downside that everyone should know about. The symbol turns destructive towards those who do not live according to conscience and honor. Therefore, when choosing the black sun as a talisman, be prepared to live your life with dignity and honesty. Then this symbol will bring goodness into your life.

The image of lines and patterns has become popular recently. Tattoos of amulets in the Celtic spirit symbolize the life path a person must go through. It is believed that the basis of the patterns was given to the Celts by the gods, and it is unchanged.

The human path, according to Celtic beliefs, has no beginning and end - it is endless in the cycle of rebirth. The purpose of the patterns is to lead a person to spiritual growth, to tear him out of the shackles of the mortal world, and to guide him on the path of truth.

The triangle with an eye can be seen on the body of modern people and the American dollar. This ancient symbol brings insight and intuitive knowledge. Nowadays, the all-seeing eye is depicted on the body in order to protect against the evil eye, troubles and troubles. Sometimes a symbol is used to emphasize its originality and mystery.

The mystery and unusualness of hieroglyphs attracts modern people. Images can be found on the neck, arms, and back. Usually a hieroglyph carries a certain idea written in the symbol. This could be the idea of ​​sincerity, health, wealth, the change of seasons.

Runic tattoos

Among the runic signs, Scandinavian and Slavic writings differ. Each rune carries its own sacred meaning, which can radically affect a person’s life. Sometimes a script of runes is depicted - a combination of several symbols.

Slavic amulets-tattoos

Recently, tattoos of Slavic amulets have become widespread. The revival of pre-Christian culture is gaining momentum and attracting more and more people with its harmonious and understandable symbolism. Slavic gods (Veles, Perun, Svarog, Dazhdbog, Yarilo, Makosh, Stribog) or a symbolic image of amulets are depicted on the body:

  • caroler;
  • Svarog square;
  • bereginya;
  • lunnitsa.

There are male and female Slavic protective symbols that have a positive effect on energy. Therefore, it is unacceptable to depict a male symbol on a female body and vice versa.

It is a male amulet and bestows fearlessness and invulnerability in extreme situations. In ancient Rus', carolers were worn from childhood. It bestows wisdom and prevents the unwise use of physical strength.

It is also a male amulet. It helps in work, gives strength and ingenuity.

Protects warriors in battle, gives the state of necessary aggression and fearlessness. However, Valkyrie's aggression is controlled and wise - it eliminates excessive anger and gives her charge the ability to control herself.

Solar (Celtic) cross

Endows his ward with courage, perseverance and confidence in his abilities and just cause. In ancient times, the cross was depicted on military shields. It was believed that the enemy could not destroy such a shield.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

For a long time, the topic of tattoos for men was hushed up in every possible way. They tried to erase a huge amount of knowledge about drawings on the body from human memory, consigning them to oblivion. That huge layer of Slavic culture, in which tattooing was of great importance, was relegated to the primitive level of perception of drawings. However, recently more and more people have become interested in the history of their ancestors. And the understanding began to return of the great role of a talisman played by the drawing applied to the body.

It was believed that the esoteric knowledge of the ancestors was irretrievably lost. The main use of this knowledge was reduced to primitive household magic, often without understanding the mechanisms and forces. And only by collecting bits and pieces of cultural heritage did we understand how wise and enlightened our ancestors were. They were in no way inferior in their knowledge to other great peoples of the ancient world.

Tattoos are symbols and coded markers on the body that contribute to the distribution of cosmic energy flows. With their help, it was possible to adjust the body's abilities in a wide variety of areas. A tattoo on the body could activate hidden capabilities or weaken deficiencies. Strong warriors used tattoos to make themselves fearless, invincible, and resilient.

The scope of tattoos is endless. One of its most important functions is to indicate belonging to a particular clan or tribe. A man received the right to a tattoo upon reaching a certain age, having proven his abilities and strength to others by going through the initiation rite.

Men who were weak and cowardly were only allowed to get tattoos to increase their fearlessness. The rest of the drawings were allowed to those warriors who proved themselves on the hunt or in battle. They are the ones who most need a talisman that protects them from enemy weapons or animal attacks.

Separately there are drawings that increase a man’s ability to fertilize and procreate. Then they began to add symbols that attract and increase the power of love of the opposite sex. Over time, they even began to apply signs with elements of magic and conspiracies to attract the love of a particular woman in order to gain the feelings of her beloved. Subsequently, the amulet protected the couple’s love from separation and quarrels.

The use of tattoos to mark a brave warrior was especially encouraged. The distinctive awards for modern warriors originate from these origins. In ancient times, one could trace his great path through the body of a warrior. According to them, he was shown respect - the division of spoils after a victory, the selection of the most beautiful women, and so on.

Sages and priests had their own distinctive tattoos. By them, people distinguished those whose knowledge was more perfect, because it had been accumulated and transmitted over centuries. A stupid or cowardly man never became a leader, for the man’s entire glorious or inglorious path was outlined in tattoos.

Once upon a time, drawings were applied to the body not to decorate it or to emphasize one’s individuality. Ancient tattoos of Slavic amulets differed from modern symbols in the powerful energy that emanated from the design. Each symbol had a sacred meaning, spoke about the belonging of its bearer to a specific class, protected against negativity, and endowed it with strength and magical abilities.

Runes and solar signs on the body of the Slavs denoted the names of the Gods and symbolized unity with nature, protected from harm and the evil eye, and attracted the protection of forces from the higher worlds.

Gods in the culture of the Slavs were masculine and feminine, and accordingly, there are runes that carry feminine and masculine energy. Let’s say that tattoo amulets for Slavic girls were dedicated to the Goddess Lada and depicted a fern flower or Ladinets. Men preferred to apply images of the Sun God, Veles or Dazhdbog, but they could also use runes with the energy of Goddesses, except for “Bereginya”, which means the feminine principle, the Bereginya of the Family.

Images of amulets in art and everyday life

The Slavs used runes in their daily life, since it was a writing system that appeared long before the Cyrillic alphabet and the advent of Christianity. Even after the advent of another religion and writing, the sacred symbols of the Slavs were used until the twentieth century. In Soviet times, they were completely forgotten and only now, with growing interest in their roots, the use of these signs is being revived.

The art of tattooing also makes its contribution. Charms and their meaning are one of the most popular queries on the RuNet, and in salons they are increasingly choosing the symbols of ancestors to create tattoos:

  • swastikas,
  • animals (often a bear and/or wolf),
  • trixels,
  • geometric figures,
  • runes,
  • ribbons,
  • stars,
  • geometric ornaments.

There are many paintings by famous and unknown artists, where our Native Gods are lovingly depicted, and all this is accompanied by solar signs. We chose the painting “Dazhdbog” by Andrey Shishkin, which can also become the basis for your tattoo.

Tattoo amulets and their meaning

You should be careful when making tattoos with inscriptions from Slavic runes and solar signs.

It’s one thing when you know their meaning and the rules of combination, it’s another thing when you apply an unknown text or composition to your body, with signs that are incompatible with each other.

You must remember: the main thing in your future tattoo is that the tattoo amulets and their meaning correspond to your plan. After all, this is not just decoration.

Let's say a tattoo on the shoulder is a talisman for a warrior if it depicts one of the Gods, a fern flower, a godman, a thunderer, a thunderstorm, . Often the ornament fit into the picture of the armor, which meant that the warrior was wearing invisible armor. Those who wanted to peacefully protect their family used amulets in the form of tattoos of the following signs:

  • Overcome the grass,
  • Wedding party,
  • Rodovik,
  • Solard,
  • Colard,
  • Heavenly boar.

A person susceptible to disease could have images depicted in the form of Doukhobor. All these symbols were previously used in everyday life and created the sacred space of a home, village, or state. Perhaps this was one of the secrets of the invincibility of the Russian people? Then we believe that rune amulets tattoos should be revived and used for the common good.

Tattoo amulets for men

We have already mentioned invisible armor, but here we will tell you in more detail and reveal the secret meaning of why drawings are applied to certain parts of the body. The fact is that tattoo amulets for men were drawn exactly where protection was needed: wrists, ankles, shoulders, neck. Runes were a kind of armor for humans. It was believed that by applying such a pattern to the body, a man maintains a constant connection with the Gods, Heaven and Earth. It was this constant connection that gave the drawing the properties of a talisman.

Our ancestors believed that the pattern on the body is a pattern, a structure that attracts flows of energy. Man-made amulets, fortune telling cards and runes have the same power, provided that they are made using the right technology. In other words, our body and, in general, everything that exists is permeated by energy. In the area of ​​the tattoo or talisman, it is refracted and affects the surrounding space and the bearer of the sacred runes in a certain way, but in what way it depends on the picture you drew.

Let's say the image of God Perun was considered protection from dark forces, evil and endowed the wearer with vital energy and power. Now this image can be used as a tattoo amulet against the evil eye and other incidents in life.

In this article we showed sketches for tattoos, amulets, photos and the meaning of key signs that were used by ancestors to endow themselves with superpowers.

Tattoo amulets for women

Returning to history, we would like to note how our ancestors applied tattoos to their bodies. Tattoo amulets for women, as well as for men, were made by wise men or priests. In other words, people with esoteric, magical knowledge. They were aware that a drawing, when it gets on the skin, also leaves its imprint on all the energy bodies of a person, which enhances its impact. This is why tattoo design is still taken very seriously.

The application process itself was carried out in temples in front of the images of the Gods, it was long and the priest was in a trance. A woman is the Guardian of the Family, and therefore of the entire country, and the female amulet tattoo is designed to strengthen her wisdom, femininity, fertility, ability to heal and raise healthy, sane offspring.

The runes and signs denoting the Goddess Lada (keeps love in the family), Ladinets (protection from the evil eye, damage, a symbol of love and harmony) will help with this. And also Fern Flower or Overcome Grass - protects against diseases, and it is also believed that such a tattoo is a talisman against damage.

The amulet tattoo for a girl on her wrist, as on one of the vulnerable spots, had particular power. The drawing was applied here to protect against dark forces. A popular motif among women was also the drawing of a tree as a symbol of life and procreation. Girls who wanted to get pregnant painted a tree on their stomach.

It was believed that tattoos of talismans and amulets can be drawn when a person reaches 33 years of age, since before this age the body is just forming and a tattoo can bring changes that a person did not plan.

Here we will leave a picture depicting the runic writing of the Slavs, so that if you choose protective amulets for a tattoo with an inscription from runes, its meaning will be clear.

To create a good luck tattoo for yourself, use:

  • The Wind rune is a symbol of a persistent spirit, persistent movement towards the top, the goal.
  • The rune or image of Dazhdbog - the brightest patron of the Slavs, sending us help in all matters.
  • The rune Is means life, growth, change.

If you want to enlist the support of the entire universe, the Alatyr Rune will help you. But we don’t recommend applying “Source”, because it leads to stagnation. It is unlikely that the Runes “Krada” and “Lelya” can be placed together, due to their opposite meanings of “fire” and “water”. But “Chernobog” and “Mir” have similar images, and together they create a good tandem. Combining harmony and chaos, these runes form a balance of good and evil.

We are not sure that anyone would want to depict a sign that means need, because it symbolizes inevitability, fatalism and death. But the “Rainbow” Rune will not be superfluous to anyone with its energy, directing us to the center of the Universe along the path of knowledge. “Oud” should not be applied to women, because it means a three-letter manhood or, culturally, “masculinity.”

Where is the best place to get Russian amulets tattooed and in what style?

As a rule, such drawings are made monochrome, or vice versa, bright, colored with many elements. Most often, amulets are tattooed on the forearm, back and wrists to “protect” energetically vulnerable areas. Nowadays, the preference for making tattoos in these places has remained, but not because of the vital need for super protection, but because in these areas the design looks more harmonious.

Russian amulets, graphics, dotwork, realism, and ethnicity look best. For ease of understanding, we had to recognize the so-called “Slavic style,” which does not mean the method of depiction, but the very motives inherent in this direction. It’s just that every client comes to the salon and says: “Give me a tattoo in the Slavic style.”

What can you do if this concept turns out to be very loose? So I had to come to terms with and admit that: yes, there is such a style, only under its guise you can see images of Russian beauties, bears, scenes from epics, flowers, herbs in various techniques. And also swastikas, trixels, Gzhel painting, and all these will be protective tattoos, the meaning of which we described today.

In this article:

Initially, tattoos were not just a means of decorating the body; they had a great meaning hidden in them.

For a long time, the Slavs and other peoples covered their bodies with tattoos to protect them from damage and the evil eye, helped solve problems, helped in battle with the enemy, etc. In addition, a tattoo could indicate that a person belongs to a certain class, as well as the high status of its owner.

But nowadays everything has changed; anyone can decorate their body with a design or pattern, and at a relatively affordable price.

Today, tattoos-amulets are becoming popular again; more and more people are coming to salons asking for a protective tattoo. The popularity of such patterns is growing not only because there is a fashion for everything Slavic or Scandinavian, but also because of the obvious advantages that the pattern gives to its owner.

Tattoo amulets have truly enormous power and potential; just by their presence, a special sign can protect the owner not only from harm from dark forces, but also protect from failures and illnesses.

Protective tattoos in history

Tattoos can carry different meanings, some of them are really only suitable for decoration, while others can really protect you from the most unpleasant situations and events in life. Be that as it may, today the most popular tattoo amulet is considered to be the “Eye of Horus” design.

The "Eye of Horus" image is one of the most famous symbols of Ancient Egypt. When such a pattern is applied to a person’s body, it becomes a real amulet. There are various versions of such a talisman, each of which has its own purpose and meaning.

The uniqueness of this symbol is that it can protect from a variety of troubles, protect from failure, and from illness, and from the negative influence of dark magic.

In Ancient Egypt, the “Eye of Horus” testified that its owner belongs to the priestly caste, has a third eye, or is endowed with wisdom and accepts the immutable laws of the universe, the laws of life and death, the laws of existence. Such designs were most often applied to the upper part of the forearm and the inside of the wrist.

When choosing a tattoo, you must remember that each design carries a meaning that is of great importance.

It is also necessary to pay attention to such seemingly insignificant points as the technique of drawing and shade. There are no small details in creating effective amulets, so if you want to get an effective tattoo, and not just a beautiful design, you need to remember all the little things.

Most Slavic tattoos with protective meaning were applied in those parts of the human body that were not visible to an outsider, for example, on the feet, on the lower back and even behind the ears.
In addition to popular motifs, designer tattoos are also in great demand, the sketches of which are created by masters versed in culture, history and the occult.

Only thanks to ancient knowledge it is possible to create an individual drawing for each individual person, this is exactly what our ancestors did. It is almost impossible to find two identical amulets tattoos among the Slavs.

Modern archeology confirms the fact that among almost all peoples where tattoos were common, the designs were drawn up by sorcerers, shamans, sorcerers and sorcerers. In addition, these same knowledgeable people also acted as tattoo artists who applied designs to the human body.

A tattoo can contain not only patterns, but also words of power, abbreviations and entire phrases in ancient languages.

The solar cross is a symbol of Yarilo’s strength

The advantage of complex amulets is that only the owner and creator can interpret them, which means that an evil person will not be able to unravel the secret of the amulet and destroy its protective properties.

Tattoos from the evil eye and damage today

For many years now, in most civilized countries there has been a steady fashion for tattoos. In the West, it is difficult to surprise someone with a body design, and it does not matter who its founder is, a young guy, a girl, or a middle-aged man.

However, fashion is an extremely controversial thing. People have forgotten that the role of a tattoo is much more than just decorating the body.

For all nations, such drawings had the deepest meaning, they could protect and help in life, and therefore, thoughtless use can cause harm to a person.

Of course, drawings that depict animals, plants or any modern motifs do not carry any energy, but hieroglyphs, various ancient symbols from the Scandinavian, Celtic, Slavic or other traditions, can bring a lot of trouble.

If you are skeptical about the beliefs of your own ancestors and consider them superstitions, then you will be interested to know that the magical properties of tattoos were considered not only in those ancient times. In the 18th-19th centuries, all British sailors depicted various versions of the crucifixion on their bodies and believed that such a design could protect them from many troubles.

It is worth noting, however, that some such tattoos also had a completely practical meaning; if a person had a motif of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ depicted on his back, this often saved the sailor from corporal punishment, since few people dared to lash a holy image, and even in the middle of an open seas.

Kolyadnik - a symbol of the victory of Light over Darkness

The Arabs also had common tattoos, but in most cases they were inscriptions - quotations from the Koran, which were also used as a talisman. Most modern bioenergeticists and psychics confirm the ability of certain symbols to influence a person, especially if these symbols are applied to his body.

Tattoo or drawing

You might be wondering if having something on your body really helps a person, do you really need a tattoo for that? In fact, if you know what, where and how to draw, then the image can be drawn using the most ordinary felt-tip pen. Such a drawing will also have a fruitful effect, but in terms of effectiveness it cannot be compared with a tattoo. The fact is that a correctly applied tattoo becomes an extension of a person, an integral part of him. Even if we do not take into account that the felt-tip pen can simply be erased at the most unpleasant moment, nevertheless, such a drawing, unlike a tattoo, will be a simple and rather weak amulet.

If you want to test the effectiveness of the magic of tattoos for yourself, then you can use a drawing made with a pen. If you choose the right sketch and place to apply it, you will immediately be able to feel the changes in your body and your life.

As such a test pattern, you can use one or more Elder Futhark runes.

Runes, translated from the Old Norse languages, mean whisper. They contain enormous magical power; this magical instrument was used by many European peoples, in particular the Germans, Norwegians, Danes and many others. And even in Viking times, runes were often used as tattoos.

The only difficulty is that the correct formula of runes, which can protect against negativity, bring good luck and help in solving problems, can only be done by an experienced runologist who knows the explicit and hidden meanings of each rune. Otherwise, you may bring upon yourself not the most pleasant forces. As an example, we can say that all the Vikings dreamed of dying in battle and going to Valhalla - the harsh northern paradise. Many tattoos of that time were aimed precisely at inviting the much desired death in battle. Today, many young people put the same symbols on their bodies and then are surprised by the trials that befell them.

We'll look into it in the article. Let's get acquainted with the history of such tattoos. We have also prepared two separate materials on the topic:

Photos of amulets tattoos

Sketches of tattoo amulets

The art of tattooing originated in ancient times and has now celebrated more than one hundred or even thousand years anniversary. Even the ancient Egyptians decorated their bodies with small drawings or patterns.

But at first this small picture was not a simple decoration, but was designed to reliably protect its owner from evil spirits, the evil eye and other negativity.

Today, tattoo amulets have not lost their popularity among representatives of both sexes. But modern tattoo lovers treat them more like ordinary decorations, and in vain. Do not rush to impulsively pin up any picture or composition. First, inquire about the meaning of the chosen tattoo. The following subtle points should also be taken into account:

  1. A tattoo is not a child’s drawing on the body that can be easily washed off. Once you get a tattoo, it will be problematic, if not impossible, to part with this decoration that has ingrained itself under the skin. Therefore, before you tattoo a symbol on your skin once and for all, you should think a hundred times. What if the tattoo gets boring?
  2. Applying a tattoo is akin to a surgical operation and requires an equally serious approach. Surely you won’t go and have an operation at the first clinic you come across with a trainee in the surgical department? In the same way, you should choose a qualified technician and a trusted salon. Never trust self-taught tattoo artists! Otherwise the consequences could be tragic.
  3. If you have not yet decided which protective tattoos are right for you, we recommend that you get acquainted with the most popular images and their meanings.

Possible meanings of amulets tattoos

  1. The image of a guardian angel will give you optimism, hope, protect your soul from all harmful influences, save you and help you achieve harmony in life.
  2. The phoenix bird symbolizes the sun and promises its owner longevity and tranquility.
  3. The pelican, like the bearer of the tattoo with its image, is a high-flying bird. This tattoo represents spiritual development, self-improvement and attempts to improve the world around you.
  4. The dream catcher will become a reliable ally of its owner against bad thoughts and the nightmares they generate. Such a tattoo may also indicate a passion for American Indian culture.
  5. The elk depicted in the tattoo is the best friend for strong-willed and hardy men. It protects their health and helps them achieve their goals.
  6. Cricket will help awaken your creativity, guarantee good luck, and illuminate you with a love of life and cheerfulness.
  7. The Egyptian “Eye of Horus” tattoo will help you overcome the darkness in yourself, protect you in trouble, strengthen your desire for the divine, help you achieve harmony with nature, and also reliably protect you from the evil eye.
  8. The stork is a symbol of family happiness, prosperity and, of course, happy parenthood. After all, according to legend, it is he who brings our little treasures on his wings.
  9. The swallow will chirp about the eternal youth of its carrier, bringing good luck, hope, vitality and spring.
  10. The ladybug will attract higher powers to your side, giving you good luck in business, fertility and motherhood.
  11. A tattoo with the image of the sea king Poseidon will save a sailor from troubles on the water.
  12. Quotes from the Koran are a symbol of Allah’s protection for adherents of Islam, respect for native traditions, and devotion to faith.
  13. Slavic deities and runes are the patronage of higher powers, unity with nature, protection from any misfortune.
  14. The parrot says that you wish good things to your neighbors, gives joy, fun and protects you from the evil eye.
  15. Indian gods give health, prosperity and long life.

If, nevertheless, you have the courage to choose a companion from the world of tattoos for life, let him bring you the most positive emotions, and, therefore, will certainly become your guiding star.

Tattoo amulets and their meaning

Body drawings have been used as a talisman for centuries. With the help of certain images, a person receives a shield that repels any negativity. Before getting a tattoo, you need to think carefully about everything, since removing it is very difficult, and sometimes impossible. You should approach the choice of a design with full responsibility and be sure to know its energy.

Tattoo amulets and their meaning

In general, there are a huge number of designs that are applied to the body. When choosing, many rely solely on beauty, without thinking about the meaning. Psychics claim that this is a huge mistake, since the power of a tattoo can influence a person and even change his destiny.

Tattoo amulets and their meaning for girls and boys:

This is just a small list of popular designs. Many more often choose for themselves the symbols of the zodiac signs, which not only protect against negativity, but also have a certain energy.

Zodiac tattoo amulets:

It is important to consider that each of these symbols must be applied to a specific place on the body.

Tattoo amulets: their meaning

In ancient times, in addition to special protective talismans, people all over the world also used tattoos - amulets, which were believed to not only protect the wearer from the evil eye and the machinations of enemies, but were also a symbol of courage or maturation, and sometimes a sign of belonging to a certain social class of society. . Tattoos of this purpose should help in life, protecting against any manifestation of evil and generously giving good luck, love, happiness and health. The first protective tattoos were discovered in ancient Egypt. One of the female priestesses of the goddess Hathor, named Amunet, had a fertility symbol impaled on her stomach; this information reached contemporaries thanks to the perfectly preserved mummy of the priestess.

The relevance of tattoos-amulets in modern reality

Nowadays, tattoos-amulets are not only a tribute to fashion, they really believe in their exceptional influence. But many wearers of such tattoos are unaware of the impact the chosen amulet tattoo can have. Moreover, not only the chosen symbol plays a role, but also the place where the drawing is applied, and even the time of application. And how exactly the influence of the amulet will manifest itself is largely unpredictable. Protective tattoos really have an impact on the fate of their owner; the only thing they cannot change is a person’s character, although certain personality traits can enhance or suppress. Applying a tattoo symbol is like a lottery - you can get lucky, from which a person will only benefit, but he can also lose. Therefore, it makes sense to get a temporary tattoo to feel its impact and make sure that it will only be for the good.

It is extremely important to understand the meaning of the symbol you like that you are going to apply to your body. A correctly chosen symbol will certainly become an effective talisman of protection and a magnet for good luck, especially if its bearer firmly believes in its magical effect.

Basic amulets tattoos

Among many peoples of the world, the butterfly is considered a symbol of spirituality and rebirth. It is believed that a butterfly tattoo will save its owner from nervous disorders and depression. The snake will protect you from hypocrisy and lies, and will make its bearer wiser. A tattoo in the form of a Phoenix will be an excellent protector against the evil eye and damage, because it symbolizes rebirth and eternal life. The wolf will definitely help you find a way out of a difficult situation and survive grief. If the average person wants to give his tattoo a religious or magical meaning, then he can apply a passage, a phrase from the Bible or a mantra. Recently, protective Japanese hieroglyphs, Celtic runes, and Slavic amulets have become especially in demand and popular.
Tattoos with Slavic symbols are equally popular among both men and charming representatives of the fairer sex. But it is worth considering that the vast majority of Slavic amulets tattoos were applied to hidden areas of the body, inaccessible to the eyes of strangers: on the ears, lower back and even on the feet. This indicates that amulets tattoos should be hidden from prying eyes. In addition to the popular motifs listed above, exclusively designer tattoos are in great demand, sketches of which are created by masters who have occult knowledge and are versed in the history and culture of different nations. But if the average person is guided only by the desire to decorate his body and does not believe in the magical essence and power of a talisman tattoo, then at least decorate yourself with sacred symbols from head to toe - this will not help. Without faith, the drawing will remain an ordinary tattoo.