Dance of snowflakes. Dance silver snowflakes educational and methodological material (preparatory group) on the topic Dance of snowflakes for kids movements

Waltz “Dance of Snowflakes”
Music by A. Glazunov. Composition of movements by T. Kooreneva
Dance of snowflakes with scarves for the New Year holiday for children of senior preschool age.

Description of movements:
8-10 girls participate. The dance is performed with light scarves.

Measures 1-4. Snowflakes run out and stand around the tree.

Part 1
Bars 1-16. They run after each other in a circle. holding the scarf with both hands, slightly to the right.

Part 2.
Measures 1-2. Standing facing the tree, wave the scarves forward and upward.
Measures 3-4. They run to the tree, gradually lifting the scarf up.
Bars 5-8. They repeat the movements of the previous four measures, but run away from the tree.
Bars 9-16. Repeat the movements of the previous eight measures.

3rd part.
Bars 1-16. They run in circles.

Part 4.
Beats 1, 3, 5. Throw the scarf up.
Measures 2, 4, 6. They catch the scarf.
Bars 7-8. They spin around, raising their scarf.
Bars 9-14. They throw and catch the scarf.
Bars 15-16. They run to the tree.
Bars 17-32. They repeat the movements of bars 1-16, but run away from the tree and stand in pairs.

Part 5.
Measures 1-2. Snowflakes, facing each other and connecting scarves, perform a “balance” along the line of dance and against the line of dance.
Beat 3. Separating your hands, perform a full turn along the line of dance.
Beat 4. Perform a “balance” backwards.
Bars 5-8. Having raised their left hands, they circle in the “star” pattern.
Bars 9-32. Repeat the movements of measures 1-8 three times, at the end they stand in a circle facing the tree.

Part 6.
Measures 1-4. They run to the tree, gradually lifting the scarf up.
Bars 5-8. They run back backwards, holding the scarf on their arms outstretched forward.
Bars 8-16. Repeat the movements of the previous bars 1-8, at the end they squat, holding the scarf in front of them.
The intro is repeated.
Measures 1-4. Sitting on one knee, perform a wave-like movement with scarves.

7th part.
Bars 1-38. Snowflakes improvise, sometimes grouping into “stars,” sometimes in pairs, sometimes one at a time, performing familiar waltz elements.
Bars 39-48. They spin around, gradually gathering around the tree, creating a beautiful “living picture”.
Bars 49-52. Maintain the pose.

Download free sheet music for the children's play "Dance of the Snowflakes" in full size"

New Year's Eve, turn on your lights!

In this section you will see a variety of my New Year's dances: performed by the whole group or several guys, bright, playful or soulful, lyrical! In a word, you will plunge into all the colors of the New Year's holiday beloved by children!!!

Enjoy watching!!!



Entrance to the matinee


"The New Year is calling us"

entrance to the holiday, preparatory group

Music for dance

"Ding-ding-dong" -

entrance to the matinee, senior group


music for dance

I got this group of preparations in the preparatory group... it was hard when you get such big children, you have to redo and finish a lot, especially since this is a children's group for children with visual impairments, with such children it is even more difficult... but it’s okay, we tried!

It’s a pity that the video doesn’t show Santa Claus, who repeats the movements with the children - learning to dance from them, only occasionally his fur coat, felt boots and mittens flash... but he danced along with the children!

"Teach me to dance"

Music for the dance:

"Dance of the Squirrels"(middle group)

sl. O. Dolgaleva, Spanish A. Gorskaya


"White Snow" (entrance to the matinee)

"Silver Snowflakes"


Music -

"Candles" (senior group)

Music "New year's night"

Entrance to the New Year's party

(senior group)


Dance of snowflakes with fans


New Year's counting

Entrance to the festival (preparatory group)


"Winter Beauty"

Music -!!!.mp3.html

Fairy dance

Parents, of course, take pictures of their children at the matinee.... but what a pity that because of this the overall pattern of the dance is not visible, but I think that you will complete it in your imagination..

Music -

"Icy Palms" - rehearsal

It’s good that they filmed the rehearsal, but at the holiday the parents again filmed only their children in close-up, so the dance as such was not clear...

Mu language -

Dance "White Blizzard"
I don’t like to use adult songs for children’s dances, but... for 2 such songs I make an exception..
One of them is “White Snowstorm” by Vadim Kazachenko - it’s very catchy, it doesn’t even allow adults to sit still!

This dance has a fast tempo and difficulty in triple steps with footsteps in this fast tempo , and the passage around the tree is very simple...
Don't be surprised that Santa Claus is sitting indifferent - according to the plot of the fairy tale - he is sleeping in a deep sleep and needs to do THIS!!! - to wake him up! So the children are trying... from such dance and music, anyone will wake up...

Music -

And here is the same dance, but walking around the tree with a complication - with the partner spinning by the arm, around you...
True, the parent only removed 1 verse, but I think the meaning is clear...

And this is the second non-children’s song, which is very difficult to refuse, it’s very beautiful!
"Snow falls"

Wind-up toys (rehearsal)

Music by Arina Chugaikina


Music by Arina Chugaikina

Penguin dance (middle group)


Nadezhda Akhmatova
Dance for the New Year's party "Waltz of Snowflakes"

Description of the dance for New Year's party« Snowflake Waltz» for middle group children

music by A. Varlamov song "Silver snowflakes»

Description of the dance

First verse:

The girls stand behind each other behind the Christmas tree, holding plumes in their hands.

They lightly run around the hall and form a circle.

To the chorus: The girls wave in front of them alternately to the right. then with the left hand.

Spinning, hands with plumes at the top, lightly waving them.

Smoothly swing the plumes to the right and to the left.

They circle to lose. Hands to the side.

Second verse:

They easily run in a circle, waving their plumes at the top, then expand the circle.

Waving plumes below. (The movement is repeated twice.).

Chorus: The movements are repeated.

When they lose, the girls easily run around the hall in all directions. Hands to the side.

Third verse:

Gradually squat down, then gradually stand up. (movement is repeated twice).

Chorus: The movements are repeated.

At the end « snowflakes» spin around, arms to the sides, and slowly squat.

Publications on the topic:

"The Transformation of Santa Claus" Scenario of the New Year's party. Transformation of Santa Claus. Characters: Santa Claus, Leshy, Kikimora. Children: Bullfinch, Strawberry, Christmas ball.

New Year's party script Entrance to the hall for the New Year's holiday for the senior group New Year's rhyme Introduction: laughter and music They run out, holding hands, stand up.

Description of the dance “We are a drop in the ocean”(from the Lentyaevo Faculty) Together we will achieve everything I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt. Steps in place, lifting your heels off the floor. One for all and all for.

Scenario for a New Year's party for younger preschoolers NEW YEAR'S MORNING FOR YOUNGER PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. Children, accompanied by music, enter a festively decorated hall, in the center of which stands a decorated Christmas tree.

New Year's party script New Year's party Children run into the hall to the music. Ved: Happy New Year! Both hosts and guests, I wish everyone happiness, good times and good times.

New Year's party script Scenario of the New Year's party Children run into the hall and stand around the Christmas tree. Host: Happy New Year! Happy New Year! With new joy for.

Educational communication about the history of dance within the framework of the project “The Magic World of Dance” FROM THE HISTORY OF DANCE Objectives: - introduce the history of the emergence of dance Materials and equipment: - music center - disk/flash card with music.

Open lesson of the creative association “Melodies of Ballroom Dancing”. Teaching the dance movements "Slow Waltz" Topic: Musical accompaniment to the dance movements “Slow Waltz”: step forward, backward, to the sides. Goal: Continued movement training.

Larisa Perova

accompanied by songs «

Snow butterflies

Introduction :girls, arms to the sides, on half fingers, easily run out to the designated places (in a checkerboard pattern, facing the audience). They kneel down. Hands down.

Magic winter brush

Draws pictures again

Like houses in trees

Snowflakes are falling from the sky

standing on their knees, smoothly raise their right hand up with a slight tilt of the head, return to i. P.

the same with the left hand. the movement is performed 4 times.

Snowy snow butterflies

They're spinning and spinning in the air

girls (second row) rise from their knees at the same time smoothly raising their arms through the middle to the top, spin around themselves, arms to the sides. They stop - the left arm is at the top, the right arm and leg are moved to the right.

Snowy snow butterflies

The whole street turned white

The girls in the first row do the same.

Snowy snow butterflies

Daughters of the magical winter

Snowy snow butterflies

Oh how everyone likes you

turn around on your toes, arms up

Loss: spin around themselves on half fingers, arms to the sides. Formation into a circle.

Christmas trees to decorate

In white capes

Snow butterflies

Snowflakes are falling from the sky

Converge in the center touching with left hands, right hand to the side up. Carousel is performed.

Losing: spread backwards on half fingers, arms to the sides, facing the middle.

Snowy snow butterflies

They're spinning and spinning in the air

Snowy snow butterflies

The whole street turned white

Snowy snow butterflies

Daughters of the magical winter

Snowy snow butterflies

They line up in pairs and make a “candle”. Movement in a circle.

Oh how everyone likes you

disperse to designated places

The wind sings softly

Touching ringing pieces of ice

Standing facing the audience. hands to the side. Smooth movement of the right hand through the middle up - turn to the right.

And in a lace round dance

Snowflakes are falling from the sky

Smooth movement of the left hand through the middle up - turn to the left.

Loss: spin around themselves on half fingers, arms to the sides. They stop facing the middle.

Snowy snow butterflies

They're spinning and spinning in the air

lean forward, arms crossed in front, approach the middle while straightening and raising your arms up through the middle. Turn your arms around you at the top

Snowy snow butterflies

The whole street turned white

move back - turn your arms around you at the top.

Snowy snow butterflies

Daughters of the magical winter

lunge with your left leg to the left, swing your arms forward up 2 times

turn around on your toes, arms up

Snowy snow butterflies

Oh how everyone likes you

lunge with your right leg to the right, swing your arms forward up 2 times

turn around on your toes, arms up

Loss: smooth circling in pairs with the right hand holding each other by the waist, the left hand is pulled to the side.

They stop facing the audience, left arm at the top, right arm and leg to the right.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of GCD for FEMP “Magic transformation of a snowflake” Senior group Developed by teacher: Polyakova L.V. Topic: “Magic transformation.

Lesson notes for the senior group “Santa Claus's Workshop. Making snowflakes" Lesson notes for the senior group “Santa Claus’s Workshop” Making snowflakes. Integration of educational areas: “Communication”,.

New Year is the most long-awaited and magical holiday of the year, which is equally loved by both adults and children. I really want to make this holiday beautiful.

Description of basic positions and dance movements for preschoolers Description of basic positions and dance movements for preschoolers Starting leg positions: 1st leg position - heels together, toes apart.