Comparative characteristics of Gavrila and Chelkash. Comparison of Chelkash and Gavrila

Description of work

In the story "Chelkash" M. Gorky describes "a little drama that played out between two people."
Both heroes - Chelkash and Gavrila - come from the village. Chelkash warms his heart with memories of his rural childhood and youth, and Gavrila dreams of a prosperous life in the village. Chelkash understands Gavrila’s wishes and even feels responsible for his fate.
Chelkash has long been torn off from the earth, he is a drunkard and a thief, and that’s what he lives for.
He loves the sea, loves to walk, Gavrila dreams of freedom, which only money can give him, and Chelkash already feels truly free.

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Comparison of Chelkash and Gavrila

In the story "Chelkash" M. Gorky describes "a little drama that played out between two people."
Both heroes - Chelkash and Gavrila - come from the village. Chelkash warms his heart with memories of his rural childhood and youth, and Gavrila dreams of a prosperous life in the village. Chelkash understands Gavrila’s wishes and even feels responsible for his fate.
Chelkash has long been torn off from the earth, he is a drunkard and a thief, and that’s what he lives for.
He loves the sea, loves to walk, Gavrila dreams of freedom, which only money can give him, and Chelkash already feels truly free.
Chelkash speaks rudely, threatens to kill Gavrila if he “ruins the business,” but these are only threats. Gavrila is still afraid of ruining his soul by engaging in sinful activities, but for the sake of money he is ready to actually ruin his soul by plotting the murder of Chelkashi.
Being in an equal position, Chelkash is morally superior to Gavrila. He throws money in Gavrila's face and "spits in his clean eyes." Gavrila humbly asks for forgiveness, but still takes the money, greed crushes him. Asking for forgiveness is no longer perceived as a moral act. Chelkash behaves nobly again: he forgives the would-be murderer.
The heroes disperse in opposite directions from the place where their clash occurred. The free tramp and thief Chelkash evokes more sympathy than the God-fearing Gavrila, who may improve his economic affairs, but Chelkash will never reach the moral heights.


Gorky’s early work (90s of the 19th century) was created under the sign of “collecting” the truly human: “I recognized people very early and from my youth began to invent Man in order to satiate my thirst for beauty. Wise people... convinced me that I had invented a bad consolation for myself. Then I went to people again and - it’s so clear! “I am returning from them to Man again,” Gorky wrote at that time.

Stories from the 1890s can be divided into two groups: some of them are based on fiction - the author uses legends or composes them himself; others draw characters and scenes from the real lives of tramps.

The story “Chelkash” is based on a real incident. Later, the writer recalled the tramp who served as the prototype for Chelkash. Gorky met this man in a hospital in the city of Nikolaev (Khersones). “I was amazed at the good-natured mockery of the Odessa tramp, who told me the incident I described in the story “Chelkash”. I remember well his smile, revealing his magnificent white teeth - the smile with which he concluded the story about the treacherous act of the guy he hired ... "

The story has two main characters: Chelkash and Gavrila. Both are tramps, poor, both village men, of peasant origin, accustomed to work. Chelkash met this guy by chance, on the street. Chelkash recognized “one of his own” in him: Gavrila was “wearing the same pants, bast shoes and a tattered red cap.” He was of heavy build. Gorky several times draws our attention to large blue eyes, looking trustingly and good-naturedly. With psychological precision, the guy defined Chelkash’s “profession” - “we cast nets along dry banks, over barns, over whips.”

Gorky contrasts Chelkash with Gavril. Chelkash at first “despised”, and then “hated” the guy for his youth, “clean blue eyes”, healthy tanned face, short strong arms, because he has his own house in the village, that he wants to start a family, but most importantly , as it seems to me, this is that Gavrila has not yet known the life that this experienced man leads, because he dares to love freedom, which he does not know the price of, and which he does not need.

Chelkash seethed and shuddered from the insult inflicted by the guy, from the fact that he dared to object to an adult man.

Gavrila was very afraid to go fishing, because this was his first business of this kind. Chelkash was calm as always, he was amused by the guy’s fear, and he enjoyed it and reveled in what a formidable person he, Chelkash, was.

Chelkash rowed slowly and evenly, Gavrila – quickly, nervously. This speaks of strength of character. Gavrila is a beginner, that’s why his first hike is so difficult for him, for Chelkash this is just another hike, a common thing. This is where the negative side of a man comes into play: he doesn’t show patience and doesn’t understand the guy, he yells at him and intimidates him. However, on the way back, a conversation began, during which Gavrila asked the man: “What are you now without land?” These words made Chelkash think, pictures of his childhood, the past, the life that was before the thieves surfaced. The conversation fell silent, but Chelkash even smelled of the village from Gavrila’s silence. These memories made me feel alone, torn out, thrown out of that life.

The climax of the story is the scene of a fight over money. Gavrila was attacked by greed, he became scary, an incomprehensible excitement moved him. Greed took possession of the young man, who began to demand all the money. Chelkash perfectly understood the condition of his ward, went to meet him halfway and gave him the money.

But Gavrila acted basely, cruelly, humiliated Chelkash, saying that he was an unnecessary person and that no one would have missed him if Gavrila had killed him. This, naturally, hit Chelkash’s self-esteem; anyone in his place would have done the same.

Chelkash is undoubtedly a positive hero; Gorky puts Gavrila in contrast to him.

Chelkash, despite the fact that he leads a riotous lifestyle and steals, would never act as basely as this guy. It seems to me that the main things for Chelkash are life and freedom, and he would not tell anyone that his life is worthless. Unlike the young man, he knows the joys of life and, most importantly, life and moral values.

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  • Gavrila is one of the central characters in M.A.’s story. Gorky "Chelkash". The narrative is based on the contrast between Chelkash (an experienced and clever thief and an experienced drunkard) and Gavrila (a young unemployed peasant). Let us dwell in more detail on the analysis of the image of the latter.

    Gavrila is a stocky village youth. He failed trying to make money in the city to support himself and his mother. Now all he had to do was return home, marry a wealthy bride and become a farm laborer. Chelkash immediately disliked him for the strength and health that the young man radiated: “... I hated him because he had such clear blue eyes, a healthy tanned face, short strong arms...”, while the main character at first sight I was attracted by the good nature and gullibility of the peasant.

    At the same time, Gavrila is a coward - by agreeing to deal with a thief-smuggler, he appears to the reader as a coward. He is scared to the point of tears, he does not want to complete the matter and wants Chelkash to let him go. Already here we can see the contrast between a fearless and, most importantly, free drunken adventurer and a frightened slave of his life. Chelkash convinces him to finish the job, but then the essence of the hero is revealed to the reader in a new light.

    Gavrila receives a small part of the total proceeds and greed awakens in his soul. The poor peasant is overcome by an uncontrollable feeling of greed, while he feels weaker than his partner, falling to his knees and begging him for money. He is dependent, unlike Chelkash, dependent on his condition, dependent on his passions (greed), dependent on a drunkard he barely knows. The emotions that arise in an unhappy person push him to a rash act - he throws a stone at Chelkash. His tossing and turning - he either runs away, then returns and bitterly repents of what he has done - again testifies to us of the weakness of his personality. He cannot be consistent here either. Fearfulness, cowardice - this is the weakness of his human soul.

    It is important to talk about how Chelkash himself sees his partner. He does not understand how he can torture himself so much for the sake of money; pity for the poor man is combined with disgust for such a vision of the world. Chelkash feels superior to Gavrila, he calls him “young calf” and “child”. He gives the money to the peasant, realizing that nothing can fix such a soul. It is in the comparison of Chelkash and Gavrila that we understand all the pettiness and meanness of the second.

    Lack of self-esteem, steadfastness of character and moral values, fearfulness and greed of Gavrila - these are the qualities that are emphasized by M. Gorky. He lacks that thirst for freedom that is inherent in Chelkash, therefore, despite the fact that in the end most of the money remains with Gavrila, it is Chelkash who emerges from the little drama on the seashore as the winner.

    In the early work of the writer, the main place is occupied by romantic moods. The inseparable connection between man and nature, special attention to the individual, which combines loneliness and freedom, a challenge to society and its laws, the conflict between the protagonist and the antagonist - these features of romanticism are reflected in the story “Chelkash”.

    Option 2

    In his work (Chelkash), Maxim Gorky pays special attention to the personality and inner shell of a person, revealing to the reader how deceptive the outer shell can be. The main theme of the novel is the confrontation between two heroes, Chelkash (a thief and a drunkard) and the unemployed ordinary peasant Gavrila.

    Gavrila is a strong, healthy guy, with brown hair and broad shoulders. It was not possible to make money in Kuban, and he was again forced to return to his village. After the death of his father, Gavrila was forced to go to work as a farm laborer to feed himself and his mother. The young man has a good disposition, beautiful appearance and an open look. It was for this reason that Chelkash was disliked. Although, on the other hand, he liked Gavrila’s simplicity and kind soul.

    Their meeting happened completely by chance. A dispute between them about dexterity and courage led to the fact that the young man agrees to go on a “dark deed” with a smuggler thief. It is this incident that completely reveals the entire essence and nature of Gavrila. He turns out to be an ordinary coward.

    Gavrila experiences panic and tries in every possible way to avoid what is happening. But Chelkash convinces Gavrila to complete his plan. Having received a small amount, the young man is overwhelmed by a feeling of greed and greed. He falls to his knees in front of Chelkash and begins to beg for more money. This moment shows the entire inner essence of Gavrila, he is dependent on circumstances and his own greed.

    The young man is so tormented by his flaring emotions that out of despair, without thinking, he throws a stone at Chelkash. Personal weakness lies in constant confusion and one’s own weakness. The young guy either becomes a coward and runs away, then returns again and repents of what he has done. Chelkash has ambivalent feelings for Gavrila. On the one hand, it is pity and misunderstanding how one can torment oneself so much for the sake of money. On the other hand, he is disgusted by this state of the human soul. In the end he gives most of the money to Gavrila. Chelkash understands all the pettiness and meanness of the young man’s nature.

    The image of Gavrila is the essence of a petty, mean and greedy person who lacks self-esteem and moral values. He is completely dependent on his own desires and circumstances. Cowardice and weakness are the main traits of Gavrila.

    Essay about Gavrila from the work Chelkash

    Maxim Gorky's story "Chelkash" tells the story of a thief. Grigory Chelkash is well known to people who live on the coast. Everyone knows him as an avid drunkard and a brave thief.

    Gavrila, an ordinary peasant man. In Gorky's story, he appears to the reader as a nice guy who works to support his mother and home.

    Such two different people meet completely by chance. A dispute ensues between them about who is better and more dexterous. Chelkash decides to take Gavrila on the case. To do this, he treats the guy in a tavern and thereby gains confidence in him. Chelkash becomes something of a master for Gavrila. He feels strength in Grigory, begins to trust him, and Gavrila is imbued with a certain feeling of gratitude and submission to him.

    While the men are sailing to steal, Gavrila is overcome with fear many times. Here the reader understands that this “nice guy,” a simple peasant, is in fact a coward. Gavrila asks Chelkash to let him go. Because of this, there is noise in the boat and they are almost overtaken by the keepers of order. But everything goes well, the business is completed, and the men sail to sell their booty.

    Gavrila, who was cowardly and timid before the sea, seeing how much money Chelkash received for the stolen thing, begins to think about how much he could do on his land if he had so much money. Here the most terrible human vice awakens in the “nice guy” - greed. The author of the story describes the feeling that arose in Gavril as very exciting, exciting and revealing in a person all the worst that can be.

    Chelkash, although a thief, kept his word and gave Gavrila money. But this was not enough for the hero. Then Gavrila decided to beg Chelkash for all the money. The drama that takes place on the seashore between two people shows the reader the consequences of greed. In this story, Gavrila was ready to kill a person just to get all the money for the stolen item.

    At the beginning of Maxim Gorky's story "Chelkash" Gavrila appears as an ordinary peasant who farms the land and works to feed his family. But subsequently the author reveals in this hero the lowest and most terrible human qualities such as cowardice, greed and anger.

    This story teaches the reader that a person must be honest, be able to live within his means and find the good sides in his life.

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    In this work, the author tried to contrast the main character with another character. This made it possible to most clearly reveal their character and show how strikingly different their views on life are. A comparative description of Chelkash and Gavrila from Maxim Gorky’s story “Chelkash” will introduce the reader to two completely different people, whose true colors were revealed in a specific situation.


    Grishka Chelkash and Gavrila both come from the village. They know firsthand what hard work is. Both have been accustomed since childhood to plow from morning to night. Everyone still has a family in the village. Chelkash has a wife and child. Gavrila has an old mother and a fiancee.


    Chelkash. Gregory appears in the form of a tramp and a drunkard. An aged man. In dirty clothes. Sloppy and unkempt. The smell of a body that had not been washed for a long time hit my nose. His appearance makes a repulsive impression. Cold, gray eyes. The nose is straight and predatory. The look is sharp, piercing right through. His brown mustache was constantly quivering. Movements are abrupt and jerky.

    Gavrila. A simple, country guy of about 20 years old. A Russian hero of strong build. Strong shoulders and arms. Skin tanned. Brown hair. Light blue eyes shone with kindness. The look is open and good-natured. He immediately endeared himself to his interlocutor. His image inspired confidence. He dressed modestly. All his clothes were shabby, but at the same time, he looked neat.

    Attitude to freedom

    At Gavrila's The concept of freedom lies in material well-being. Only if he has money can he feel like a human being. He often imagined how he would return home, fix the collapsed household, raise his sick mother to her feet, and get married. Without money, he has no choice but to become a son-in-law to his rich father-in-law, on whom he will have to live the rest of his life.

    Grishka I never put money above all else. They flew away as quickly as they appeared. Freedom for him is a broader concept. He has no responsibility for the family with which he separated long ago, no dependence on social conventions. He doesn’t care where to live or how. Just looking at the sea, he felt absolutely free and happy. At these moments, he invariably felt how his soul was cleansed of filth and he himself seemed to be exalted above the entire world around him and its eternal vanity.

    Character traits


    • Kind;
    • responsive;
    • generous;
    • thinking;
    • suffering;
    • capable of deep feelings;
    • romantic;
    • proud;
    • risky;
    • desperate;
    • noble.


    • confiding;
    • good-natured;
    • petty;
    • greedy;
    • vile;
    • cowardly;
    • weak;
    • dependent on passions.

    Common cause. The true face of every hero

    Having agreed to earn some money in a dubious way, Gavrila soon regrets the hasty decision. He became cowardly and was ready to go astray without completing the work he started. Having received a small part of the amount earned, greed awakens in the guy. An uncontrollable feeling of greed made him feel weaker than his partner. He begged Chelkash to give him all the money. Unable to control his emotions, he throws a stone at him and runs away from the crime scene along with the proceeds. Fear and cowardice forced him to return to the wounded Chelkash. He asks for forgiveness, trying to atone for a low deed, but how can this cleanse the soul if it is dirty?

    Chelkash is accustomed to treating his work with responsibility. Having completed the task, he receives the amount promised to him. For him, these are just pieces of paper that do not play a special role in life. When he sees that Gavrila needs them more, he easily parts with them, which speaks of his generosity and kindness. He even managed to forgive Gavrila after he found out that the guy wanted to kill him for money. Chelkash evokes admiration and respect, unlike Gavrila, who is capable of committing murder for his own benefit.

    Gorky’s early work (90s of the 19th century) was created under the sign of “collecting” the truly human: “I recognized people very early and from my youth began to invent Man in order to satiate my thirst for beauty. Wise people... convinced me that I had invented a bad consolation for myself.

    Then I went to people again and - it’s so clear! “I am returning from them again to Man,” Gorky wrote at that time.

    Stories from the 1890s can be divided into two groups: some of them are based on fiction - the author uses legends or composes them himself; other

    They draw characters and scenes from the real life of tramps.

    The story “Chelkash” is based on a real incident. Later, the writer recalled the tramp who served as the prototype for Chelkash. Gorky met this man in a hospital in the city of Nikolaev (Khersones). “I was amazed at the good-natured mockery of the Odessa tramp who told me the incident I described in the story “Chelkash.” I remember well his smile, revealing his magnificent white teeth - the smile with which he concluded the story about the treacherous act of the guy he hired ... "

    The story has two main characters: Chelkash and Gavrila.

    Both are tramps, poor, both village men, of peasant origin, accustomed to work. Chelkash met this guy by chance, on the street.

    Chelkash recognized “one of his own” in him: Gavrila was “in the same pants, bast shoes and a tattered red cap.” He was of heavy build. Gorky several times draws our attention to large blue eyes, looking trustingly and good-naturedly.

    With psychological precision, the guy defined Chelkash’s “profession” - “we throw nets along dry banks, over barns, over whips.”

    Gorky contrasts Chelkash with Gavril. Chelkash at first “despised”, and then “hated” the guy for his youth, “clean blue eyes”, healthy tanned face, short strong arms, because he has his own house in the village, that he wants to start a family, but most importantly , as it seems to me, this is that Gavrila has not yet known the life that this experienced man leads, because he dares to love freedom, which he does not know the price of, and which he does not need.

    Chelkash seethed and shuddered from the insult inflicted by the guy, from the fact that he dared to object to an adult man.

    Gavrila was very afraid to go fishing, because this was his first business of this kind. Chelkash was calm as always, he was amused by the guy’s fear, and he enjoyed it and reveled in what a formidable person he, Chelkash, was.

    Chelkash rowed slowly and evenly, Gavrila – quickly, nervously. This speaks of strength of character. Gavrila is a beginner, that’s why his first hike is so difficult for him, for Chelkash this is just another hike, a common thing. This is where the negative side of a man comes into play: he doesn’t show patience and doesn’t understand the guy, he yells at him and intimidates him.

    However, on the way back, a conversation began, during which Gavrila asked the man: “What are you now without land?” These words made Chelkash think, pictures of his childhood, the past, the life that was before the thieves surfaced. The conversation fell silent, but Chelkash even smelled of the village from Gavrila’s silence. These memories made me feel alone, torn out, thrown out of that life.

    The climax of the story is the scene of a fight over money. Gavrila was attacked by greed, he became scary, an incomprehensible excitement moved him. Greed took possession of the young man, who began to demand all the money.

    Chelkash perfectly understood the condition of his ward, went to meet him halfway and gave him the money.

    But Gavrila acted basely, cruelly, humiliated Chelkash, saying that he was an unnecessary person and that no one would have missed him if Gavrila had killed him. This, naturally, hit Chelkash’s self-esteem; anyone in his place would have done the same.

    Chelkash is undoubtedly a positive hero; Gorky puts Gavrila in contrast to him.

    Chelkash, despite the fact that he leads a riotous lifestyle and steals, would never act as basely as this guy. It seems to me that the main things for Chelkash are life and freedom, and he would not tell anyone that his life is worthless. Unlike the young man, he knows the joys of life and, most importantly, life and moral values.

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