Lead singer of the group e type. Biography E-Type

I have always loved the work of E-TYPE....I found a short interview with him....I plan to interview him myself
personally since I communicate with him via Facebook....

Martin, I remember the years when "E-type" was, along with "Army of Lovers", the best-selling foreign group in Russia. Where did you go then?

For some reason, some in Russia think that I left show business and ended my musical career. But that's not true - I still give about a hundred concerts a year. It’s just that in Russia our popularity has somehow subsided. Although it seems to me that interest is now being revived. My job is not to be famous, but to write music. If you like her - good, if you don't - that's okay too. I'll survive somehow.

What attracts you so much to touring our country?

Russia delights me. I even wrote a composition called "Russian Lullaby". Probably, my interest in Russia was initially connected with an interest in Russian history: Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Lenin, Stalin... And here’s another important point. My career in show business was gaining momentum simultaneously in two countries - Sweden and Russia. Your country is also a reminder for me of my first success.

And I first came here at the age of 25. Since then he has traveled to many Russian cities. In addition to Moscow and St. Petersburg, he visited Krasnoyarsk, Ufa, Kursk, Yekaterinburg, and the cities of the Black Sea coast. I even brought my mother here - by the way, she teaches history at the university - and showed her St. Petersburg. She was absolutely delighted.

During your Russian tours, did any funny incidents happen to you?

There were a lot of funny things, it’s even difficult to remember and highlight one thing. Our travels around the country on my personal plane were interesting. We had a lot of problems with aerial maps, because in Russia distances are calculated in meters, and in Sweden - in feet. Accordingly, it was necessary to recalculate literally on the fly.

What didn’t you like about us?

On your streets you won’t be able to ask anyone how to get anywhere, because few people speak English, at least at a primitive level. The language barrier is a specifically Russian problem, about which it is time to do something.

Several years ago you stated that you would like to find yourself a Russian bride. Was the idea a success?

That time nothing worked out. Then I had a long break from touring in Russia, so there was simply no opportunity to meet anyone. Maybe this time I'll be lucky.

Do you listen to Russian music?

I can’t say that I listened particularly much. I don’t speak Russian and I don’t understand what your pop idols are singing about. However, I like Russian folk songs and instrumental music. I generally love folklore.

Before coming to dance music, you played in the heavy metal band "HEXEN HOUSE". Is long hair a nod to your hard rock past?

Partly yes. I have always been faithful to this image. He did not betray him even in the army, receiving regular scoldings from his superior. And when I had already achieved fame, producers and managers also recommended that I give up my long hair. To which I answered them: this is my music, and, therefore, I decide for myself what image I should create and how I should look.

- “E-Ture” is often compared to the group “Army of Lovers”. Do you think there are reasons for this?

Oh no, I don't like this comparison. I would say this - we are similar only in quality hits. "Army of Lovers" arranges its numbers so that there are jokes and banter. Our messages have always been serious.

On the Russian stage, unfortunately, performances accompanied by a soundtrack are not uncommon. How do you feel about this phenomenon?

I don't accept this, of course. Why then go to concerts, if not to listen to your favorite artist live? I don't perform to a soundtrack. True, in ancient times I had cases when the poor quality of local equipment left me no other choice. But a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then. Now, I hope the situation has changed for the better.

Do you have any idols in music?

Eat. Bob Marley.

You once wrote the song "Campione 2000", which became the official anthem of the European Championship, and the song "Olympia", which became the anthem of the Swedish Olympic team. Do you like sports yourself?

Yes, I like team sports: football, hockey. I definitely watch matches involving the Swedish national team. But I’m not one of those crazy fans who follows competitions on Internet sites and on TV. I watch it when I have time and the mood.

I know that several years ago you wrote a book for children about the Vikings. Any new ideas?

Yes, now I’m writing a continuation of the same story about the Vikings. But my books are addressed not only to children, but also to teenagers.

- “Stars” tend to write more about their loved ones, but for some reason you are interested in historical topics...

The main character of my book has a lot in common with me. Such a sweet simple guy.

Did you immediately realize that music was your destiny?

At first I studied to become a lawyer, then worked in a hospital. Although this was also connected with music, since I played the piano in the hospice. People who were doomed to die soon ordered music from me. For some, this was their last wish in this life.

Do you already feel like a veteran of music?

No, I wouldn't say so. My musical style does not change over time. I write new songs all the time. I do what I wanna do. But this does not prevent you from feeling in control.

What else are you interested in besides music?

I like to play American billiards, table tennis, and race motorcycles and cars. I also love shooting at flying targets. I have achieved some success in this matter and often participate in competitions held in different parts of Sweden.

I also have six dogs at home that require attention and care. I picked them up on the street in different countries. My main message that I want to give to the world is to save dogs and animals in general: horses, cats. By the way, during my tour of Russia, I noted that you have a lot of stray animals on the streets. This is truly a global problem. And it’s time for the Russian authorities to take action on it.

Interviewed Ekaterina Shcheglova

In the 90s, the music of the E-Type group exploded the dance scenes of the world, swept by a wave of Eurodance. But his activities did not stop there. Today, E-Type is also actively developing in the musical direction.

Of course, "E-Type" is nothing more than a stage name. The musician's real name is Boo Martin Erik Eriksson. A fairly ordinary, unremarkable Scottish name. Martin was born on August 27, 1965 in the family of a journalist and a housewife.

My childhood passed, like everyone else’s, with bruises, abrasions and scratches. The only difference was that in high school I started to be interested in music rather than girls. My classmate and good friend and I played heavy metal all day long. I liked devoting myself to music. I don’t really know what I would have to do if it weren’t for her. I loved Bob Marley and Mozart. Many people think that this is a strange combination, but personally I don’t think so. A classic it will forever remain a classic. And no matter how many years pass, one day everything will start all over again, but the music will live forever. I am 100% sure of this.

Martin tried himself in various musical directions. Of course, he was most interested in the direction of hard rock and heavy metal. His first experience was participation in the band “Maninnya Blade”, where he was a drummer. But the existence of the band ceased in the late 80s.

With the onset of the 90s, Martin's musical tastes changed dramatically. His attention was drawn to a drum machine, with which he was able to experiment with sound. At the same time, the world was gripped by a dance fever, to which Martin himself succumbed. In one of the nightclubs in Sweden, Erickson met Johan Renck, then known under the pseudonym “Stakka Bo”. This acquaintance became fateful for Martin. After listening to the music of an unknown guy, Johan, delighted, invited Martin to sign a contract for the release of a joint single.

- “Stakka Bo” invited me to his studio to sign a contract. This came as such a surprise that I, confused, completely forgot that I did not have a pseudonym. Just that day, the license plates were removed from my car, and I could not drive it. Accompanied by the police, I stood on the side of the road and waited for a taxi. Time was running out, and I was already in a depressed mood. And then a blood-red, brand new E-type Jaguar drove up to me. I couldn't take my eyes off this car. Like a child, I stood there, open-mouthed, staring at it until I saw a shiny silver E-type badge on the back. That’s when it dawned on me: “E-Type” is me! Exactly me, and no one else!” Arriving at the office, I signed my name under a new pseudonym.

After releasing several joint singles, E-Type & Stakka Bo announced the end of their collaboration due to the fact that their musical tastes diverged, and each decided to develop in their own direction. In 1993, Martin released his first solo work, the single “I’m Falling,” which became a failure.

But this failure only strengthened Martin’s spirit, and he continued to improve his music. Not much time has passed since the failure before Denniz Pop (producer) already noticed it. It was thanks to him that the incredible couple Nana Hedin and Martin Erikson got together. Now “E-Type” has a new sound. The single “Set The World On Fire” took the Swedish dance scene by storm, instantly rocketing to the top of the music charts. Soon, “Set The World On Fire” was certified gold. To consolidate their success, the E-Type group released the album “Made In Sweden” (1994).

A few years later, the production group releases the next album

E-Type "Explorer" (1996). The commercial success of this album exceeded all expectations. After the release in Sweden, “E-Type” goes on a tour of Asian countries.

The following E-Type albums “Euro IV Ever” (2001) and “Loud Pipes Save Lives” (2004) were less successful, but this did not affect the popularity of the group.

In 2004, Martin began rebuilding his rock band, taking over the production of the new team.

I never stopped loving rock. I've been planning it for a long time, but I still haven't found the time to tackle this project. Now I have more opportunities to fulfill my old dream. My team is completely renewed. We often rehearse and play in local clubs in our free time. For me this is not work, but rather relaxation. Because here I can relax and play for fun.

The album “Eurotopia” (2007) was recorded with an updated line-up. E-Type vocalist Nana Hadin was diagnosed with tongue cancer, so she had to leave the stage for a while.

“E-Type” videos are no less emotional and spectacular than the group’s concerts. Crazy energy is in full swing even through TV screens. Dance mania gradually conquered the world, and with it, E-Type videos turned the gray routine into a celebration of Eurodance.

In 2011, E-Type released another undoubted dance hit, “Back 2 Life.” This time the musical accompaniment was a little different from the musician’s previous works, but the same incredible energy continues to live in his works. In 2013, Martin launched an active concert activity. It is possible that we should expect new albums.

After a bit of a lull where I was just lazy and did nothing, I want to get back to an active lifestyle. I finally published my book and want to draw. And that's not all I want to do!

In addition to music, Martin Erickson enjoys drawing and writing books. He lives with his wife in a suburb of Stockholm and dreams of having a child, but so far this is only in plans.

Video clip for the song of the group E Type “Rain”

What is E-Type and who is hiding under this pseudonym? Well, first of all, the E-Type is a very popular car model of the 60s, one of the most stylish in the history of the automobile industry. This means that the musician who called himself that way wanted to develop his own unique style. His name is Bo Martin Eric Eriksson, he was born in the Swedish city of Uppsala in 1965, but soon his family moved to the city of Bromma, and now he lives, as befits a star, in a comfortable apartment in the center of Stockholm.
Martin's musical career took place very early. And he started - you won’t believe it - as a drummer in the metal band HEXEN House, whose music he now describes as “the most terrible kind of death metal.” From those times he still had long hair. There was a time when the authoritative European magazine "Kerrang" even recognized HEXEN House as the fastest metal team, but Bo needed something more to moderate his ambitions. And in 1991, fate brought him together with the little-known Swedish rapper Stakka Bo (real name Johan Renck), with whom Martin Eriksson recorded the song “We Got The Atmosphere” and two more singles. They become quite popular in Scandinavia, and Ericsson is invited to work as a moderator on the famous Swedish cable channel Z-TV. Martin works on his image, writes music for soundtracks and already in the summer of 1993 records his debut single “ITm Falling”, which, however, achieves absolutely nothing, despite the colossal costs of recording it.
E-Type realizes that he needs a team and good producers, and turns to the production company Cheroin, Dennis Pop and Max Martin for help. He gets the go-ahead, and already in the summer of 1994, the first fruit of their collaboration appears on the European music market - the single “Set The World On Fire”, which in the shortest possible time brings complete triumph to E-Type and his producers. The single instantly goes gold in Sweden, holds the top spot on the national dance charts for a long time and takes 2nd place in sales for the year. Next in his footsteps comes “This Is The Way”, and in November 1994 the debut album “Made In Sweden” itself is released, which will remain on all sorts of European charts for the next year.
The 1995 dance year is once again marked by E-Type thanks to the success of the singles "Do You Always (Have To Be Alone)" and "Russian Lullaby", co-written by famous hitmaker Jonas Berggren of ACE OF BASE. Martin racks up a decent crop of awards at the Sweden Dance Music Awards, winning Best Song, Best Artist and Best Newcomer, while their overall success sees Denniz Pop named Producer of the Year for the second time in a row. and rushes together with his group of 9 musicians, dancers and arrangers (among whom was dancer Dilnarin Demirbag, who turned out to be the eighth sexiest woman in Sweden in 1996) to conquer the whole world. Successful concerts in the USA and Britain lead to the fact that the re-released “This Is The Way” alone reaches 15th place on the Billboard club charts and is noted at the high 6th place in the similar British chart. Next, E-Type conquers Asia, not to mention Eastern Europe, where techno is traditionally held in high esteem, and even six of its singles, led by “So Dem A Com,” were released in France.
The year 1996 comes, and E-Type again comes knocking at the studio of Deniz and Max with his ideas. New to the team, Christian Lundin, half of the production duo Amadin and E-Type's best friend, co-writes most of the songs on the new disc and co-produces "The Explorer". The October release of the album is preceded by the release of the single "Free Like A Flying Demon", which holds 1st place in the Swedish charts for three weeks in a row and goes gold. After listening to it, it becomes clear that E-Type has adjusted its sound towards more guitar and slightly spurred its techno horses. But with the advent of "The Explorer" the worst fears disappear - E-Type still hasn't forgotten how to do cool dance things. And all five singles released in support of it, plus hundreds of thousands of copies sold, speak for themselves.
The second album actually sounded heavier than the first, but most likely this only played into E-Type's hands, so that we could not accuse him of repeating himself. His songs became much more meaningful, and Martin himself looked very good in his new knightly image. In addition to his favorite Macintosh and Roland JV-1080, the E-Type was armed with a dozen different models of synthesizers and several guitars, and another miracle of modern technology, the Akai S-3200, began to manage the drum loops.
Martin met last New Year with such technical equipment and gave us his third album “Last Man Standing” along with the pilot singles “Angels Crying” and “Here I Go Again”, which the compilers of most dance collections of last year could not ignore. E-Type, this time too, remained faithful to his signature fast-talking manner of performance and the catchy rhythms of modern eurodance. On January 22, his new album will release the third single “Princess Of Egypt”, somewhat reminiscent of the famous E-Type song “When Religion Comes To Town”, and in the spring he and his band are going to travel the world again.
But the most important thing is that at the moment our hero is at the very peak of his vitality and is not going to limit himself to music alone. At the end of last year, Martin Eriksson, under a still unknown pseudonym, finished his first literary work - a children's book about the Vikings. It seems that Astrid Lingren is growing a wonderful heir!

Who actually sang?

Nana Hedin is a Swedish singer whose voice we have heard more than once, but whose face we have never seen. Nana sang along with such performers as E-Type, Doctor Alban, Celine Dion, Ice of Base and many others. But despite her voice, she was never seen anywhere.

And the dancer was just a dancer... Dilnarin "Dee" Demirbag.

Professions writer, singer, TV presenter Years of activity from 1991 to present Genres eurodance, pop Labels Stockholm Records Official site Audio, photo, video on Wikimedia Commons

early years

His father Boo (Bosse) Gustaf Eriksson is a journalist, writer and producer for Swedish television. The mother's name is Elizabeth, and the sister's name is Erica.

Martin Eriksson began his musical career early. He was first a drummer in a rock band called Maninnya Blade, which broke up in 1988 (it was re-formed in 2004 with a new line-up). Several former members form a new metal band, Hexenhaus. In the early 1990s, Martin began experimenting with a drum machine to produce music. In 1991, he met Johan Renk, better known by his stage name Stakka Bo, and became even more interested in dance music. Together they released several singles under the pseudonym "E-Type & Stakka Bo". Around the same time he worked in a capacity at ZTV.

The E-Type nickname is taken from the name of the Jaguar E-type car model.

In a 1993 interview, E-Type and Stakka Bo admitted that they decided to stop working together in order to develop in different musical directions. In mid-1993, Martin Eriksson released his first solo single, "I'm Falling", which did not achieve commercial success. [ ]


Real success came a year later, when such famous Swedish producers as Denniz Pop, Max Martin and Amadin drew attention to him. In the summer of 1994, he and Nana Hedin (Swedish) Nana Hedin) releases the song "Set The World On Fire", which soared in the Swedish charts (No. 1 on the dance chart and No. 2 on the sales chart) and soon went gold. The next single, "This Is The Way", reached number one on the sales chart. Debut album released in November 1994 "Made In Sweden", which reached number two on the music charts in Sweden.

In addition to the two songs already mentioned, the composition “Russian Lullaby” and the ballad “Do You Always (Have To Be Alone)” were also released as separate singles from this album.

The female parts in E-Type's compositions were performed by such Scandinavian vocalists as Nana Hedin, Therese Lof (Swedish: Therese Lof; former member of the pop group One More Time) and Linda Andersson (Swedish: Linda Andersson), backing vocals were provided by Martina Edoff ( Swedish Martina Edoff) and Anni-Krats-Gutto (English: Anni Krats-Gutto). The dancer in the group's videos was Dilnarin Di Demirbag (Swedish. Dilnarin "Dee" Demirbag). In March, at the Swedish Dance Music Awards, they won 3 awards: “Best Performer”, “Best Song” and “Newcomer”, and Denniz Pop received the prize for the second time in his career as Best Producer. The group then went on a tour of Asian countries.

E-Type and the production team spent 1996 working on their second album "Explorer", which was released in Sweden on October 23. The album sold over 20,000 copies.

In 1997, the group made a big tour of Russia. A film about the tour was later released on Russian TV.

In 1998, the third album was released « Last Man Standing » . With hits « Angels Crying » , « Here I Go Again » And « Princess Of Egypt » .

In 2000, E-Type recorded the single “Campione 2000”, which became the official song of the European Football Championship.

In 2001, on November 12, E-Type released his new single "Life". Upcoming album release titled "Euro IV Ever" was delayed until the end of 2001. As a result, it was released on November 25, with Nana Hedin singing on most tracks with female vocals. Max Martin, Rami and E-Type produced the album "Loud Pipes Save Lives" in 2004, and released it on March 24. In early April, "Paradise" peaked at No. 11 in Finland and entered the Finnish Dance Chart at No. 28.

On May 14, 2007, he released a new single called "True Believer". A new album was also released this year "Eurotopia". On it, for the first time, the main female vocal parts did not belong to Nana Hedin: she was diagnosed with tongue cancer in 2009, and she had to leave the stage for a while.

In January 2011, E-Type released a new single, "Back 2 Life". This composition is not similar to the classic hits of the Swedish musician: it is made more in a pop style and lacks the usual female backing vocals, although the E-Type energy is still felt. Somewhat later, Martin presented a video clip for this track, which was filmed in Cuba. “I’m writing music again, finishing a book I’ve been working on for about two years, I want to paint again. I’m returning to an active life and hope to visit Russia again soon!” says E-Type. The track was actively received by representatives of the record industry. Contracts for the release of the single in the UK, France, Germany, Austria, USA, Italy and Greece indicate a great deal of trust and confidence among professionals in the success of the next hit from E-Type.

Studio albums

Year Album
1994 "Made In Sweden" 2 - -
1996 "The Explorer" 5 - -
1998 "Last Man Standing" 1 1 2
2001 "Euro IV Ever" 2 3 7
2004 "Loud Pipes Save Lives" 2 13 17
2007 "Eurotopia" 10 - -


Year Single Europe Billboard
1991 "We Got the Atmosphere" with Stakka Bo - - - - - - - - -
1992 "Numania 1" with Stakka Bo - - - - - - - - -
1993 "I'm Falling" - - - - - - - - -
1994 "Set the World on Fire" 2 - - 13 48 - - - 22
1994 "This Is the Way" 1 - - 14 26 - - - 15
1995 "Do You Always (Have To Be Alone)?" 13 - - - - - - - -
1995 "So Dem a Com" France only - - - - - - - - -
1995 "Russian Lullaby" 45 - - 35 - - - - -
1995 "Set the World on Fire" 95" - - - - - - - - -
1996 "Free Like a Flying Demon" 1 - - - - - - - -
1996 "Calling Your Name" 4 - - - - - - - 17
1997 "Back in the Loop" 10 - 20 - - - - - -
1997 "I Just Wanna Be With You" 10 - 15 - - - - - -
1997 "You Will Always Be a Part of Me" 30 - - - - - - - -
1998 "Angels Crying" 2 - 2 - 45 2 - - -
1998 "Here I Go Again" 1 - 1 25 72 3 - - -
1999 "Princess of Egypt" 9 - - - - - - - -
1999 "Hold Your Horses" 26 - - - - - - - -
2000 "Megamix" not released - - - - - - - - -
2000 "Campione 2000" 2 40 - 66 3 9 61 - -
2000 "Es Ist Nie Vorbei" with Blümchen 28 - - - - - - - -
2001 "Life" feat. Na Na 1 - 16 - - 3 - - -
2002 "Africa" ​​feat. Na Na 5 - 13 - - - - - -
2002 "Banca Banca" 32 - - - - - - - -
2004 "Paradise" feat. Na Na 2 - 11 - - 11 - 32 -
2004 "Camilla" - - - - - - - - -
2004 "Olympia" 4 - - - - - - 52 -
2005 "The Predator/Far Up in the Air" 43 - - - - - - - -
2007 "True Believer" 1 - 3 - - - - 43 -
2007 "Eurofighter" 17 - - - - - - - -
2008 "Line of Fire" with The Poodles 3 - - - - - - - -
2011 "Back 2 Life" - - - - - - - - -
the field must not be empty What is E-Type and who is hiding behind this pseudonym? This man's name is Bo Martin Erik Eriksson. He was born in the Swedish city of Uppsala on August 27, 1965. At a young age, his family moved to Stockholm, to an area called Bromma. Martin Eriksson still lives in Stockholm. Regarding the history of the origin of the pseudonym, there are 2 versions. What both versions have in common is that the E-Type is a very popular car model of the 60s Jaguar brand, one of the most stylish in the history of the automotive industry. This means we can assume that the musician who called himself that wanted to develop his own unique style. According to the first version, when Martin arrived at the studio to sign his very first contract, he parked his car next to a Jaguar E-Type and thought that it might be a suitable stage name. According to the second version, Martin chose this pseudonym for himself during his military service in order to at least somehow differ from the great many other Erikssons who served with him, since this is one of the most common surnames in Sweden. E-Type has been known to the general public for a long time, when Martin, under the pseudonym MC Werewolf, was the drummer in the Swedish metal band Hexenhouse, whose music he now describes as “the worst kind of death-metal.” From those times he still had long hair. There was a time when the authoritative European magazine "Kerrang" even recognized Hexenhouse as the fastest among its kind. Be that as it may, Bo needed something more to moderate his ambitions. And in 1991, fate brought him together with the little-known Swedish rapper Stakka Bo (real name Johan Renck), with whom in 1991 they released their debut single “We Got The Atmosphere”. The single soon reached the top of the Swedish charts. Later, in 1992, another single "Numania 1" was released with a b-side, the song "Obey", which featured guest vocals from La Camilla (Army Of Lovers), as well as the song "The Dream", which was never released eventually released as a separate single. The duo gains enough popularity in Scandinavia and Eriksson is invited to work as a VJ on the Swedish music channel Z-TV. During this time, E-Type became a well-known figure in the Swedish entertainment industry, not only as a popular TV presenter, but also as a composer of TV soundtracks, a songwriter for several Swedish artists, and already in the summer of 1993 he released his first solo single "I"m Falling ", which, however, achieves absolutely nothing, despite the rather large costs of recording it and filming a video clip. A successful solo career began in 1994, when E-Type, realizing that he needed a team and good producers, turned for help to the production company "Cheiron", headed by Denniz PoP and Max Martin (produced Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Celine Dion and others). In the summer of 1994, the first result of collaboration, the single "Set The World On Fire", conquered the Swedish charts and instantly achieved gold status, reaching 2nd place in sales for the year. The follow-up single, "This Is The Way", like its predecessor, also went gold. The debut album "Made In Sweden" was released in November 1994. The 1995 dance year again takes place under the symbol of "E-Type", thanks to the success of the singles "Do You Always (Have To Be Alone)" and "Russian Lullaby". The latter was recorded in collaboration with famous hitmaker Jonas Berggren from Ace Of Base. Successes in Sweden in 1994 were rewarded with three well-deserved awards at the Swedish Dance Music Awards for Best Debut, Best Artist, Best Song, while their overall success saw Denniz PoP recognized as Best Producer for the second time in a row. After such a resounding success, Martin Eriksson, with his group of 9 musicians, dancers (among whom was dancer Dilnarin "Dee" Demirbag, recognized as the 8th sexiest woman in Sweden in 1996) and arrangers, rushes to conquer the world. In continuation of these successes, Europe began to show increased interest in the new Swedish star. In 1995, the singles "Set The World On Fire" and "This Is The Way" appeared on the charts in France and Germany. During the spring of 1996, US dance floors began to increasingly recognize E-Type with the song "This Is The Way", which performed very well on the Billboard club chart. The year 1996 comes and E-Type again comes knocking at the studio of Denniz and Max with his ideas. A new face in their team - Kristian Lundin, half of the production duo Amadin and E-Type's best friend, composes most of the songs for the new disc with him and becomes a co-producer of the second album "The Explorer". The album's release (October 23) is preceded by the release of the single "Free Like A Flying Demon", which holds 1st place in the Swedish charts for 3 weeks in a row and goes gold. After listening to it, it becomes clear that E-Type has adjusted its sound towards a guitar sound and somewhat moved away from techno rhythms. But with the advent of "The Explorer" the worst fears disappear - E-Type still hasn't forgotten how to do cool dance things. And all 5 singles released in support of it, plus hundreds of thousands of copies sold, speak for themselves. The second album did sound heavier than the first, but most likely this only played into E-Type's hands so that we could not accuse him of repeating himself, and besides, his songs became much more meaningful. On November 27, 1998, E-Type, in knightly garb, released his 3rd album, "Last Man Standing", having previously achieved significant success with the singles "Angels Crying" and "Here I Go Again". This time again, E-Type remained faithful to its signature fast-talking manner of performance and the catchy rhythms of modern Eurodance. On January 22, 1999, his album released its third single, "Princess Of Egypt", somewhat reminiscent of the famous E-Type song "When Religion Comes To Town". Despite the success, 1998 was the darkest year for E-Type and the entire Swedish music industry. On August 30, 1998, renowned producer and close friend of E-Type, Dennis Pop, died of cancer at the age of 35. He learned about his illness back in December 1997, but already in February he was too weak to receive an award from the Swedish Grammy Awards. Martin Eriksson dedicates his new album "Last Man Standing" to the memory of his friend Denniz PoP. In 2000, Martin Eriksson was asked to write the official anthem of the European Football Championship held in June/July 2000. The result of this work was the song “Campione 2000”. It was a breakthrough for the E-Type in Holland, Belgium and other Benelux countries. In the same year, E-Type embarked on another experiment - he recorded the bilingual single "Es Ist Nie Vorbei" together with the German performer Blumchen (Jasmin Wagner). The E-Type also shines in areas other than music. In 2000 he published his first book "Sveakampen". This is a semi-autobiographical Viking book, with characters based on E-Type's friends and acquaintances. By the end of 2001, Sveakampen was released as a computer game. The fourth album "Euro IV Ever" is released on November 21, 2001 and is a selection of E-Type's favorite Euro-techno hits performed by him. Fans have been waiting for the release of this album for 3 years. The first single from the album, "Life", released on November 4, 2001, did not disappoint the expectations of E-Type fans and reached the top of the Swedish charts. The album is wildly successful in the West and goes gold in Sweden. It will be important to note that in the lead-up to the release, the album title and lyrics of one of the songs were changed due to the events that occurred in the United States on September 11, 2001. The album was originally called "Eurofighter". Also, the phrase from the chorus of "Arabian Star" "I saw the Arabian star falling from the sky" was corrected and re-sung as "I saw the Arabian star brightest of them all". Fortunately, the original performance can still be heard on the promotional album "Euro IV Ever". In 2004, E-Type took part in the Eurovision selection as part of the local Swedish singing competition Melodifestivalen, where he performed the song "Paradise", which became the first successful single from the next album "Loud Pipes Save Lives" and went with this song to the final. In the same year, E-Type's composition "Olympia", which is a cover version of the song "Camilla", became the official anthem of the Swedish Olympic team. "Loud Pipes Save Lives" was released on March 24, 2004 with the help of Max Martin, Rami and John Amatiello (Amadin). www.e-type.ru