Was Rosenbaum sitting? Artist, singer and composer: interesting facts from the life of Alexander Rosenbaum

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum (September 13, 1951) is a famous Russian singer, singer-songwriter, poet and literary figure. Since 1996 he has been an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and in 2001 he received the title of People's Artist.


Alexander Yakovlevich was born on September 13 in Leningrad. His father and mother met each other while they were still students at the 1st Medical Institute. Immediately after graduation, they got married and some time later they left for the city of Zyryanovsk, located in Eastern Kazakhstan. There, being doctors, they got a job in a city hospital: the father as a urologist, and the mother as an obstetrician-gynecologist. It was there, in Zyryanovsk, that Alexander’s older brother, Vladimir Rosenbaum, was born.

After six years of stable work in the hospital, the Rosenbaum family decides to move to Leningrad, as the hospital is slowly beginning to empty and there is no longer a need for a large number of specialists. Realizing that sooner or later they will be laid off, Alexander’s parents move to Leningrad, where their second son is born, a future singer and songwriter.

Alexander's musical abilities and talent began to manifest themselves at the age of five. In parallel with secondary school, he enrolls in a music school, where he learns to play the piano. Prominent teachers of that time became his teachers, so a year later, under the guidance of Larisa Ioffe and Maria Glushenko, Rosenbaum began to show incredible musical abilities, participating in numerous competitions. In addition, he is learning to play the guitar from his neighbor, the talented Mikhail Aleksandrovich Minin, who, at the request of his parents, takes on teaching the young genius all the basics.


After junior school, Alexander Yakovlevich is transferred to an educational institution on Vitebsky Prospekt, as his parents want their son to learn languages. So Rosenbaum finds himself in a school with in-depth study of the French language, which, by the way, was never given to him due to his passion for music. Alexander often skipped classes, and while in class, he sat and composed his own compositions, paying absolutely no attention to the teachers.

At the same time, sports appeared in the life of young Sasha. On the advice of friends, he enrolls in the figure skating section, from which he leaves a month later, and then in the “Labor Reserves” boxing section, but he does not stay there either, preferring music to any activity. By this point, everyone already knows that Alexander has truly enormous musical abilities: the singer’s friends, his school teachers and even neighbors. He plays the guitar at home, at a party, in the yard, at amateur performances and school competitions, and declares about himself that he was “literally born with a guitar in his hands.”

However, music for a long time remained for Rosenbaum only a hobby and a pleasant pastime. At the insistence of his parents, in 1968 he entered the 1st Medical Institute in Leningrad. The talented guy fails to complete his education the first time: he is expelled after a year, and then by accident (he is confused with another student who did not pass the exam on time). When the mistake becomes clear, it is too late to resubmit the documents, as Alexander receives a summons from the military registration and enlistment office.

But, fortunately, he was never accepted into the army due to minor vision problems, so a year later the young man restored his documents to the institute and continued his studies until 1974. He graduates from a higher educational institution with a specialty as a general practitioner and almost immediately after graduation he goes to work at the First Substation, located not far from the educational institution.

Music career

Despite the fact that by the time he entered the institute, Rosenbaum had already created songs of his own composition, he decided to devote himself professionally to music only in 1980. At various times he participates in such ensembles as “Argonauts”, “Admiralty”, “Pulse” and “Six Young People”, performing everywhere under the pseudonym “Ayarov” (from his initials). However, Rosenbaum does not find in any of the musical groups what he was looking for when entering the world of music, so he does not stay long in any of the ensembles.

Alexander Yakovlevich began performing as a solo performer already in 1983, actively participating in city musical events, most of which were held in the House of Worship of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after Derzhinsky. There he first performed such compositions as “Romance of General Blackness”, “Song of a Horse of Gypsy Blood”, “On the Don, on the Don”, “Prophetic Fate”, “Oh, if only it were possible...”, “I often wake up in silence " and many others.

Popular recognition came to Rosenbaum at the same time. His songs had different meanings and were devoted to completely different topics. Alexander Yakovlevich was keenly interested in post-revolutionary Russia of the 20th century, dedicated compositions to Gypsy customs and the Cossacks, wrote philosophical and lyrical songs, as well as compositions supporting military personnel. By the way, Rosenbaum often performed charity concerts in military units and even traveled to Afghanistan several times.

Musical style

Today, Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum is known to millions of listeners around the world, and this success was achieved not only thanks to the singer’s talent, but also to the original musical style, which has remained with him from the very beginning of his professional career on stage.

Rosenbaum always performed his songs on the Russian seven-string (a type of guitar that lacks the fifth string, giving it the name OPEN G). The only exception was one of Alexander’s performances with the Zhemchuzhny brothers, when he used a twelve-string guitar for the performance. The rest of the time, the author-performer uses only bright and effective playing of the Russian seven-string with several beat rhythms. By the way, Alexander Yakovlevich is one of the few musicians who does not use a pick during a performance, which makes the compositions more lively and the sound much richer.

Personal life

Rosenbaum's family life began very early. Like his parents, he met his first love while still a student at the 1st Medical Institute. However, unlike the previous generation, the young people did not wait for graduation and got married 2 months after they met.

As a result, after nine months the marriage broke up, and Alexander fell in love with a work colleague, Elena Viktorovna Savshinskaya, a radiologist at the First Substation, where Rosenbaum went to work immediately after graduating from medical school. In 1976, Alexander and Elena had a daughter, Anna.

Every Russian person is familiar with the work of the famous singer and poet - Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum. His heartfelt songs touch the subtle emotional strings of listeners; this performer is the idol of many people in Russia.

The talent of Alexander Rosenbaum in childhood

Pinochet killed only three thousand of those who took up arms against the regime. An ordinary tavern labuk, Viktor Khara, also ended up there, from which they made God knows what. And he just went with everyone, to excite.

Rosenbaum Alexander Yakovlevich

The musical artist's birthday is September 13, 1951. Alexander was born into an intelligent family of doctors. The father of the future singer was a urologist, and his mother was an obstetrician-gynecologist.

The talent of the future celebrity manifested itself in early childhood. He combined his studies at school with piano lessons. He was taught by some of the best music teachers of that period - Larisa Ioffe and Maria Glushenko. After a year of studying music, Alexander already participated in various competitive events, showing his unique talent.

Unjustified hopes of Alexander's parents

Subsequently, father and mother insisted on teaching A. Rosenbaum a foreign language. He studied French at a school on Vitebsky Prospekt. But Alexander was completely indifferent to his studies, since he was not interested in anything other than music. He often skipped French lessons. During classes, the future singer was busy composing his own compositions and did not attach importance to the teachers’ dissatisfaction.

Studying at the Medical Institute

For quite a long time, musical creativity was simply an outlet and a pleasant pastime for the singer. In 1968, his parents forced him to go to college in the medical field. Upon entering this educational institution, the singer already had an arsenal of his own songs.

The one who did not know trouble did not find a bit of happiness.

Rosenbaum Alexander Yakovlevich

In 1980, he decided to take up music professionally. Alexander began performing with various musical groups, choosing the pseudonym “Ayarov”. Alexander Yakovlevich did not find a musical direction to his liking in any ensemble.


It takes a lot of effort to find among contemporaries those who have never heard the name of Alexander Rosenbaum and have never heard at least one of his songs. If a person with a guitar is present at any event, after performing his repertoire he will always be asked: “Do you know the “Boston Waltz”? And about ducks, well, where to love - to love, to shoot - to shoot? Isn’t this popular recognition of the work of the artist, poet, composer and singer Alexander Rosenbaum, who wrote more than 850 songs and poems, released 33 albums, and starred in seven feature films and several documentaries. The work of Alexander Rosenbaum was recognized by awarding him the title “People’s Artist of Russia” in 2001.

The beginning of the way


First songs

One of the amazing qualities of Alexander Rosenbaum as a creative person is the ability to transform, get used to the image of the heroes of his songs, germinate with their thoughts, feelings, and become a single whole. Therefore, the songs of the “Odessa cycle”, inspired by the stories of Isaac Babel (“Oh, these nights”, “Gop-stop”, “Fraer”, “He and I grew up in the same yard” and others) always gave rise to many unfounded rumors. Rosenbaum is not a “thieves”; he can only be “thieves” in his creativity. The same thing happened when getting acquainted with his songs about the Cossacks (“Cossack”, “On the Don, on the Don”, “Esaul”, “Foal”). Many tried to find out Rosenbaum’s family connection with the Cossacks, since it was impossible to believe that a non-Cossack could write and sing like that. And this is all Rosenbaum, from whose pen come songs that were suffered by his soul, felt by every cell of his heart, head and body. There was only one case when the song being performed “died” and was never performed again. This is the song “In the Mountains of Afghanistan,” which he wrote before going to Afghanistan for concerts. What I saw with my own eyes was so different from the information received earlier that it tore my heart to pieces, changed my mind’s perception, and filled my soul with indescribable pain. Therefore, the songs born about the war in Afghanistan (“The Road of a Lifetime,” “Caravan,” “We Will Return”) do not leave anyone indifferent, and “Monologue of the Black Tulip Pilot” is still listened to by viewers standing, with tears in their eyes.


Speaking about the versatility of Alexander Rosenbaum’s work, it should be noted that he never wrote songs in cycles; they can only be grouped by theme.

It’s amazing how a very young man was able to write such strong, heartfelt songs, imbued with true love for the Motherland, about the year 1937: “Waltz of 1937”, “Lullaby on the Planks”, “Anathema”, “Repentance”. It seems that they do not directly expose, do not specify the facts of the years of repression, and are even accompanied by lyrical melodies, these songs have such power, revealing the fear and suffering of the people, that even in the 80s they were prohibited from being performed in front of the public.

Andrey Serdyukov


It takes a lot of effort to find among contemporaries those who have never heard the name of Alexander Rosenbaum and have never heard at least one of his songs. If a person with a guitar is present at any event, after performing his repertoire he will always be asked: “Do you know the “Boston Waltz”? And about ducks, well, where to love - to love, to shoot - to shoot? Isn’t this popular recognition of the work of the artist, poet, composer and singer Alexander Rosenbaum, who wrote more than 800 songs and poems, released 32 albums, and starred in seven feature films and several documentaries. The work of Alexander Rosenbaum was recognized by awarding him the title “People’s Artist of Russia” in 2001.

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum was born on September 13, 1951 in Leningrad, in the family of fellow students of the 1st Medical Institute Yakov Shmarevich Rosenbaum and Sofia Semyonovna Milyaeva, whose professional activities were subsequently associated only with medicine, which largely predetermined the choice of the profession of a doctor and their son Alexander.

In 1956, the youngest son, Vladimir, was born into the Rosenbaum family, who, unfortunately, is no longer alive. Alexander Rosenbaum remembers the best years of communication with his brother in childhood, adolescence and older age. Since 1975, Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum has been married to Elena Viktorovna Savshinskaya. Their daughter Anna, a professional translator, got married and gave them four wonderful grandchildren.

As a child, Alexander Rosenbaum did not receive an elite upbringing; he is the product of an ordinary Soviet intelligent family. Relative freedom of action and choice was the key to his development as a multifaceted personality. The only pressure from his mother was Alexander’s studies at a music school, for which he is eternally grateful to her.

Alexander began studying music at the age of five, graduated from a music school in piano, and subsequently from an evening music school in jazz arrangement.

Sasha studied at the music school reluctantly, like all normal boys, who were more attracted to the courtyard and the courtyard brotherhood. Parents considered learning music to be part of general education, and only my grandmother, Anna Arturovna, immediately recognized her unrealized talents in him and said: “Sasha is exceptional.” Grandmother was the dearest person in Sasha’s life, a true friend. Communication with her changed his attitude towards music, which became for Alexander as integral a part of life as breathing.

Talent, of course, comes from God, but the impetus for creativity comes from talented people. At the age of 13, Sasha was greatly impressed by the performance of a pianist in a jazz ensemble at a dance, which he attended by chance when he came to his grandmother’s work. The tapper mercifully let him play the keys, and they played four hands. It was such a delight that Sasha sat down at the piano for a long time, as it turned out, for the rest of his life. The second impetus was an acquaintance with the famous guitarist Mikhail Minin, his grandmother’s neighbor in a communal apartment, who showed Sasha the basic chords and, as if, pulled the strings of his soul, so much so that Alexander never parted with the guitar again, learning to play on his own and honing his skills patience, talent and time. At the age of 16, the first poems appeared, rhymes on school and home topics were involuntarily born in the mind of the young man. These were the first steps towards creating our own songs.


During his studies at the 1st Leningrad Medical Institute, which Alexander Rosenbaum entered immediately after school, he willingly participated in student skits. Even in his first year, one of the songs performed by Alexander at a citywide show was awarded the Audience Award at the Kiev Art Song Festival.

In 1974, having successfully passed all state exams, Rosenbaum received a diploma as a general practitioner with a specialization in Anesthesiology and Reanimatology and got a job at the 1st ambulance substation, where for almost 6 years he was at the forefront of the medical battle for human health. life. Subsequently, Rosenbaum will say: “I’m not afraid of conceit - I think in terms of a mass of people, and not because I am some Jesus Christ, but because my humanity is always a huge number of sick people, with difficult destinies, whom I am not by virtue of my talent, and by virtue of my medical profession I learned, absorbed, experienced. Without medicine, nothing would have worked out for me as a singer-poet.”

Naturally, during the period of work in the ambulance, songs with specific themes were born: “The song of an ambulance doctor,” which was written at night in a car while forced to park under a raised bridge, “One day of an ambulance doctor,” “Nothing is impossible” , “Nostalgic,” written after Alexander left medicine. Leaving was inevitable, the song ceased to be a hobby, it essentially became a second profession, you had to choose, be either a doctor or an artist. He chose the latter.

First songs

If anyone thinks that Alexander Rosenbaum’s first songs were the so-called “thieves,” then he is mistaken, since the first were songs about love (“Smoke of Love,” “Window Sill,” “Warm Wind of Summer”) and about war (“Smoke of Love,” “Window Sill,” “Warm Wind of Summer”) and war (“ Starfall”, “Give me a minute”), as well as about his beloved hometown (“Song about Leningrad”, written in 1968). He returns to writing songs about his hometown again and again, as he loves it more and more keenly and sensually. This is the pride in the creations of Peter I in “Walk along Nevsky”, the beauty of the cold autumn of St. Petersburg in the song “The Time Will Come”, the hooligan song “Ligovka”, “Sadness Fell”, “Waltz on the Swan Canal” and others. From the songs of the recent period: “Night on Vasilievsky” with sadness about the past years, “Night Flight” with admiration for the beauty of the creations of the masters of St. Petersburg, “Once upon a time on Ligovka”, “Poplar fluff” with the personification of St. Petersburg by the Demon and the Angel, and himself as the author his eternal servant.

One of the amazing qualities of Alexander Rosenbaum as a creative person is the ability to transform, get used to the image of the heroes of his songs, germinate with their thoughts, feelings, and become a single whole. Therefore, the songs of the “Odessa cycle”, inspired by the stories of Isaac Babel (“Oh, these nights”, “Gop-stop”, “Fraer”, “He and I grew up in the same yard” and others) always gave rise to many unfounded rumors. Rosenbaum is not a “thieves”; he can only be “thieves” in his creativity. The same thing happened when getting acquainted with his songs about the Cossacks (“Cossack”, “On the Don, on the Don”, “Esaul”, “Foal”). Many tried to find out Rosenbaum’s family connection with the Cossacks, since it was impossible to believe that a non-Cossack could write and sing like that. And this is all Rosenbaum, from whose pen come songs that were suffered by his soul, felt by every cell of his heart, head and body. There was only one case when the song being performed “died” and was never performed again. This is the song “In the Mountains of Afghanistan,” which he wrote before going to Afghanistan for concerts. What I saw with my own eyes was so different from the information received earlier that it tore my heart to pieces, changed my mind’s perception, and filled my soul with indescribable pain. Therefore, the songs born about the war in Afghanistan (“The Road of a Lifetime,” “Caravan,” “We Will Return”) do not leave anyone indifferent, and “Monologue of the Black Tulip Pilot” is still listened to by viewers standing, with tears in their eyes.

Songs about the Great Patriotic War have the same power and strength, causing stingy tears in the eyes of veterans who looked without fear even into the eyes of death; The great-grandchildren of these veterans listen to these songs soulfully and quietly. These are: “Red Wall” (about the memory of those killed in the battles for Stalingrad), “Babi Yar” (about the death of more than one hundred thousand Soviet people near Kiev), “On the Road of Life” (about besieged Leningrad), “Or maybe there was no war ? (about the horrors of fascism, which must be preserved in the imperishable memory of many generations so that such a repetition does not occur), “I often wake up in silence” (the song was written by Rosenbaum during his work on the ambulance as a response to a patient’s story about that he dreams of war every night) and others.

The work of Alexander Rosenbaum is also characterized by an interest in the fate of the Decembrists (“Decembrist Dream”), the history of Russia in the post-revolutionary years (“Romance of General Charnota”, “Romance of Nai-Tours”, “Romance of Kolchak”), and gypsy life (“Song of a Horse of Gypsy Blood” , “If it were possible...”) and many other topics. And everywhere he is honest and open. In the dashing 90s, when many reveled in the freedom of “divide and conquer”, glorifying the time of formation at any cost, Rosenbaum wrote a simple-looking song “Something is wrong here,” which expresses the author’s civic position towards the cruel and sometimes reckless time of change , his love for his long-suffering Motherland. The following songs are dedicated to the same period: “Posthumous Note”, “Thieves in Law”, “Strelka”, “Trans-Siberian Railway” and others.

Rosenbaum has a clear concept of what a man should be and what he should do, and continues to learn everything and from everyone. His listeners range from teenagers to the elderly, and performance venues range from prisons, temporary stages in battlefields, small stages in provincial cities, naval ships to the best concert halls in the world. Every year on May 9 he performs in St. Petersburg, because Victory Day is more than a holiday for him. And every performance of his is completely sold out. He doesn’t curry favor with listeners, doesn’t sing on request, and on Medical Worker’s Day he gladly puts on a white coat, because there are no former doctors.

He made himself, he doesn’t let anyone into his soul and is ready to pay for everything he took from fate.

Today, Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum continues to write new songs and actively tour, because stopping is a dangerous thing for him.

Andrey Serdyukov

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum (September 13, 1951, Leningrad, USSR) - Soviet and Russian singer-songwriter, actor and writer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1996), People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2001).

Biography Alexandra Rosenbaum
Alexander Rosenbaum was born on September 13, 1951 in Leningrad, in the family of classmates from the 1st Medical Institute, Yakov Shmarevich Rosenbaum and Sofia Semyonovna Milyaeva. Yakov and Sophia graduated from the institute in 1952, and then the Rosenbaum family went to live in Eastern Kazakhstan, in the city of Zyryanovsk, where there was no railway. Yakov, a urologist, became the chief physician of the city hospital there; Sophia's profession is obstetrician-gynecologist. For six years, Sasha’s father and mother treated the residents of Zyryanovsk. During the same period, another son was born into the family - Vladimir Rosenbaum.

Alexander Rosenbaum is a composer, author and performer of his own songs. Many of his early songs belong to the genre of thieves' songs, and their hero is a classic image of an Odessa raider from the times of the New Economic Policy. This image was based on “Odessa Stories” by Isaac Babel. A number of his early songs are also related to his work as a doctor.

His work is also characterized by an interest in the history of Russia in the post-revolutionary years of the 20th century (“The Romance of General Charnota”), gypsy themes (for example, the songs “Song of a Horse of Gypsy Blood”, “Oh, If It Was Possible...”) and the Cossacks (“Cossack”, “Kuban Cossack”, “On the Don, on the Don”). Among his songs there are also philosophical lyrics (“Prophetic Fate”). Military themes are also not ignored, in which most of the songs are related to the Great Patriotic War (“I often wake up in silence”, “See me, Dad, to the war...”, etc.), naval themes (“38 knots” , “Song of the Old Destroyer”). A special part of his work is dedicated to the war in Afghanistan (“Monologue of the Black Tulip Pilot”, “Caravan”, “The Road of a Lifetime”). The singer often visited Soviet military units, performing concerts in Afghanistan. In 1986, at the Film Studio of the USSR Ministry of Defense, the song “In the Mountains of Afghanistan” was embedded in the film “The Pain and Hopes of Afghanistan” to chronicle the fighting - in fact, the first video for the artist’s songs was created.

Although Alexander Rosenbaum writes his songs almost exclusively for the Russian seven-string guitar (he plays in the tuning of a seven-string guitar without the fifth string, this tuning is called OPEN G) guitar, his early blat songs were performed by him to a classic “chanson” arrangement (in particular, at several concerts with brothers Zhemchuzhny). A characteristic feature of Rosenbaum’s performances is his spectacular playing of a twelve-string guitar, always using paired metal strings, which give the instrument a bright, timbre-rich sound. He uses several types of guitar strumming. Rosenbaum's poems are replete with specific vocabulary (technical, hunting, military, prison, etc.). During his career, Rosenbaum gained the greatest popularity in 1985-1990 as a singer of the “Afghan” (as well as Leningrad) theme. [source not specified 1966 days] After the collapse of the USSR, Jewish and Israeli motifs appeared in Rosenbaum’s work. Rosenbaum has a strong, masculine baritone voice, stage presence and attractiveness.

The song “Waltz-Boston” gained all-Union popularity in the late 1980s. with an original melody and complex harmony, replete with altered triads. This song was performed both by the author himself and by many vocalists; there are numerous instrumental arrangements.

In form, Rosenbaum’s work is close to the genre of the author’s (bardic) song. However, while bard song in the Soviet years was a recluse, a pariah of the stage, disseminated only on homemade tapes, Rosenbaum enjoyed official recognition and gave concerts as a Lenconcert artist long before the collapse of the Soviet Union and the abolition of censorship. In the anthology “Author's Song” (compiled by Dmitry Sukharev) his name is not mentioned.

Family and personal life Alexandra Rosenbaum ( Alexander Rosenbaum)
Father - Yakov Shmarevich Rosenbaum(born December 23, 1923) - urologist, participant in the Great Patriotic War, was the chief physician of the city hospital.
Mother - Sofya Semyonovna Milyaeva(1929-2009) - obstetrician-gynecologist.
Younger brother - Vladimir Rosenbaum(March 12, 1956 - July 2005) worked as an emergency physician, died after rejection of a transplanted kidney. Mentioned in "The Ambulance Song". The song “My Brother” is also dedicated to Vladimir Rosenbaum.
The first marriage lasted only 9 months.
Second wife (since 1975) - Elena Viktorovna Savshinskaya- fellow student, radiologist at the Skvortsov-Stepanova Hospital. Mother-in-law - Era Gertsevna Savshinskaya, English teacher (1927 - December 21, 2006, died of cancer).
Daughter - Anna Savshinskaya(born October 20, 1976) - philologist and professional translator, married an Israeli citizen - Tiberio Chaki - an athlete-swimmer who ended his sports career, runs the Tolstoy Fraer beer chain.
Grandson - David Chaki-Rosenbaum(born December 1999), lives in St. Petersburg.
Grandson - Alexander Niki Chaki-Rozenbaum(born February 2005).
Grandson - Daniel(born February 2014)
Grandson - Andrey(born February 2014)

Alexander Rosenbaum from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia
Source of photo biography and personal life of Alexander Rosenbaum: https://ru.wikipedia.org/

Childhood and family of Alexander Rosenbaum

Alexander’s hometown is St. Petersburg, although at that time it was called Leningrad. He was born into a family of doctors. His parents started a family while studying at the same medical school. For some time after the parents graduated from university, the family lived in Kazakhstan, and later everyone returned to their hometown.

Sasha’s grandmother took care of her upbringing, since her parents were constantly away from home and “disappeared” at work. He grew up, in his own words, a very good child, but he was no stranger to all the problems of any yard boy. Rosenbaum recalls that he started smoking at thirteen. Already as a teenager I tried port wine with the boys.

Sasha started going to music school at the age of five. It was important for the parents to give their son a decent education. At first he didn’t like studying at all, but since he didn’t want to contradict his parents, he continued to attend lessons at the music school. He studied both violin and piano. But as a teenager, the boy learned to play the guitar on his own, and during that period he began to write his first poems.

As a high school student, Rosenbaum became seriously interested in boxing. By the end of the tenth grade, he was already a candidate for master of sports. With such success, if desired, one could make a successful career in sports. However, his medical parents managed to convince their son to continue the family tradition. Sasha entered the same medical institute where his mother and father studied and met.

The beginning of the career of singer Rosenbaum

The sixties passed. Many universities formed their own musical groups - VIA and rock groups. When the Argonauts ensemble was organized at the Alexander Institute, he, of course, took a worthy place there, being a vocalist, guitarist and songwriter. Very quickly the group became famous in St. Petersburg, young people danced to their songs, some of them became real hits.

Alexander left the group in the mid-seventies. He graduated from the institute, but not without incident. It so happened that he was accidentally expelled, which is why he had to recover and finish his studies the following year. Moreover, a graduate of the institute left its walls with honors.

Alexander Rosenbaum - Waltz-Boston

Rosenbaum combined his main work in his specialty with variety activities. Internally, he was torn, because he felt that he had found himself in medicine, but he could no longer imagine life without the stage. A choice had to be made. He did it for the benefit of the stage. During the five years of work after college, Alexander managed to work as a paramedic and then as an ambulance doctor.

Solo career of Alexander Rosenbaum

Due to the fact that in the late seventies, criminal songs with a guitar were popular, Alexander decided to build a solo career in this direction. Impressed by I. Babel’s stories, he wrote a whole series of similar songs, which quickly spread throughout the country on cassette tapes. Rosenbaum performed with this cycle for some time at various research institutes and clubs until this caused him to have problems with law enforcement agencies. All this unnerved the performer, so he decided to become not an underground, but a professional artist. Alexander got a job at Lenconcert.

A. Rosenbaum - “Duck Hunt”!

In the early eighties, the repertoire underwent significant changes. Now these were not criminal songs, but songs about his hometown, friendship, love, war, and favorite book characters. During that period, the cycle “Gulliver’s Travels”, “Capercaillie”, “Boston Waltz”, “Black Tulip”, etc. appeared. His song “Black Tulip” talked about the war in Afghanistan, which the performer knew firsthand. He was there and took part in military raids more than once. During that period of time, Rosenbaum spoke a lot to the military and to prisoners.

In 1993, viewers were able to see Alexander in the role of a tough mafioso. He played this hero in the film “To Survive.” The Kinotavr festival awarded this work with a prize.

Alexander Rosenbaum today

Since the mid-nineties, the performer has released many CDs and cassettes. There are some of his songs performed by Mikhail Shufutinsky. He often began to give large solo concerts, including in the USA and European countries.

Today the performer is still popular. For two years from 2003, he was a State Duma deputy, representing the United Russia party.

Personal life of Alexander Rosenbaum

The singer's first marriage happened at a very young age, when he barely entered college, and lasted only nine months. A year later his second marriage took place. The chosen one was a student of the same institute, Elena Savshinskaya. Their daughter Anna was born in 1976. Today Rosenbaum is a happy grandfather with four grandchildren.

Alexander Rosenbaum had a serious addiction to alcohol. This dates back to the late eighties. This was the reason that concerts were organized less and less often; they did not want to invite him mainly because of these problems. He stopped drinking when he almost died of a heart attack due to excessive libation. This happened during another concert in Australia. Since then, the singer has not drunk alcohol.