The script is based on the play by E Schwartz, The Shadow. Lesson scenario - literary living room using a computer


120 years since the birth of Evgeniy Lvovich Schwartz

" Journeybased on the fairy tales of E. L. Schwartz ""

(portrait, books, books for children, book covers, exhibition of books, crafts and drawings)

1. Biography + portrait:

The great Soviet storyteller Evgeny Schwartz is remembered for his stunningly kind and realistic presentations of famous fairy tales from world classics. From his pen more than 20 fairy-tale plays were produced for puppet and drama theaters. Also, many feature films and one animated film were made based on his scripts. Evgeny Schwartz was born on October 9, 1896 in the city of Kazan into a family of doctors.

A lot of time was devoted to raising children. The mother read aloud to them. Zhenya, listening to fairy tales, was terribly afraid that everything would end badly. If the boy refused to eat the cutlet, then the mother began to tell a fairy tale where all the heroes found themselves in a hopeless situation: “Finish your food, otherwise everyone will drown.” And the boy finished everything.
Evgeniy decided to enter the law faculty of Moscow University. However, Schwartz did not receive a law degree; after a couple of years of study, he realized that he had chosen the wrong path. From childhood he was attracted by theater and literature. Schwartz wrote stories and poems for children in the magazines Chizh and Hedgehog.

But Evgeny Schwartz is known not only as a children’s writer, but also as a playwright and film screenwriter (“Cinderella”, “Don Quixote”, “The Snow Queen”, etc.). Despite the fact that Schwartz loved and understood children like few adults, and never gave up children's literature, he also wrote “adult” plays. Many of them are based on ready-made plots, for example, he very often used fairy tales by H. H. Andersen for plays that became very famous.

Evgeniy Schwartz died on January 15, 1958. Many years have passed since Evgeniy Schwartz passed away, time has changed, people have changed, but Schwartz’s plays have not left the stage. And not only in Russia.

2. Discussion of fairy tales read by children:

3. Discussion "Fairy taleOlosttime":

Often fairy tales end with the words: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...” What did Evgeniy Schwartz hint to you? (About the need to take care of your time, fill your leisure time with content).

What do you think can happen to a person who spends his time meaninglessly, mediocrely, who simply loses it? ( He will not learn to read and write. He won't know anything)


1. “What a lonely, unhappy old man I am. No mother, no children, no grandchildren, no friends... And most importantly, I didn’t have time to learn anything. Real old people are either doctors, or masters, or academics, or teachers. Who needs me when I’m just a 3rd grade student?”

2. The situation Petya found himself in was unpleasant. He even cried. He wiped away his tears... (beard)

3.He liked to repeat at the end of each school term…. (I'll have time)

4. Where did Petya find the answer to magic? (In the woods)

5. Whom did Petya meet in the forest house, how did they address each other and why? (evil wizards and sorceresses)

6. How can the guys become the same? (if the guys who were turned into old people find each other tomorrow, come exactly at twelve o’clock at night to the forest house and turn the clock hands seventy-seven times back, then they will become children again)

I would like to end our literary lesson with the words of E. L. Schwartz, “Thoughts can be educated. They can be made to wise up. And from smart thoughts there will be smart, correct actions.”


October 21 V Library-branch No. 6 took place literary hour “Good old tales of Schwartz”, which was held with the 3b class of school No. 24 and dedicated to the writer’s anniversary. At the beginning of the event, librarian N.V. Levykina introduced the children to an exhibition of the writer’s books. She drew attention to the portrait of E. Schwartz: what a kind, sincere person he is with a friendly look.

Then the librarian told the children how Schwartz came to literature, about his acquaintance with K. Chukovsky, for whom he worked as a secretary, with S.Ya. Marshak, who helped him publish in the magazines “Chizh” and “Hedgehog”. The librarian listed the writer’s most famous fairy tales: “Two Maples”, “Marya the Mistress”, “Shadow”, “Dragon”, “An Ordinary Miracle”, “The Tale of Lost Time”. An unusual feature was noted in the fairy tales of E. Schwartz: the storyteller mixes up time, includes new heroes in well-known fairy tales, and invents new scenes. So in “Cinderella” the Page appears with the now well-known statement: “I’m not a wizard, I’m just learning.” And the king turns to us and says: “No connections will make a small leg, a big soul, or a fair heart.” The children learned that many of Schwartz's fairy tales were filmed. Then Nadezhda Vladimirovna invited the children to guess riddles. And they all turned out to be about Time! Students were asked to think about the meaning of the proverb: “Time for business is time for fun.” Does it fit in with The Tale of Lost Time they were required to read for the event?

The children also worked on the text:

— What was the name of the clock that amused the house of evil wizards (watches, clocks?)
- Walkers - what kind of watch?
— Choose synonyms for the word “gloomy.”
— Antonyms for the words “to grow old”, “to work”.

The children enjoyed listening to excerpts from the fairy tale. And then we watched a cartoon based on it. At the end of the event, the children pointed out the difference between E. Schwartz’s work and the cartoon. We came to the conclusion that the book turned out to be more interesting and complete than the cartoon, and, therefore, you need to not only watch movies, but also read in order to become smarter. And the main conclusion from what was heard and learned is that you cannot waste precious time on trifles, stupidity and idleness.

\ Scenarios for school holidays

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Script for school "The Tale of Lost Time" (E. Schwartz)

The script was developed and sent to: Galina



  • Vasily Perfirievich-( V.P.)
  • Mikhail Mikhailovich-( MM. )
  • Maria Ivanovna-( M.I.)


  • 1 boy-( 1m. )
  • 2 boy-( 2m. )
  • girl-( D.)


  • Policeman-( Mil. )
  • Woman-(F.)
  • Grandfather-( Grandfather.)
  • Tanya-(Tanya)
  • Kolya-(Kolya)

Action 1.

(Fairytale forest. Wizards follow each other and sing a song.)

Song of the Wizards.

Here and there someone with some kind of briefcase One day walked somehow to some school, One day walked somehow and caught a crow, And behind him - tick-tock, tick-tock - time train! Chorus: And we kill time all the time, We waste time, we waste time. Where do we get all this time - We won’t tell anyone about this! And while someone with a briefcase was catching crows, Someone with a beard stole the carriage with something, And he gave him the beard as a souvenir, So that someone would have something to catch crows with! Chorus.

(The wizards whisper.)

V.P. - Let's set the watches. Went!

(They disperse in different directions.)

Action 2.

Before school. The bell rings for class. Students run to school.

1m. - The bison ran!

(1m. and the girl go in different directions. The girl plays hopscotch.)

M.I. spying on the girl.

2 m appears and breaks the glass with a slingshot. Old Man ( MM. ) peeps.

1m. grimaces in front of the shop window. approaches him V.P.

V.P. - What are you doing here?

1m. - I? Nothing.

V.P. - Nothing at all?

1m. - At all.

V.P. - Not doing anything at all, at all, at all?

1m. - Yes, I don’t do anything.

V.P. - That's good. That is great. Thank you boy, thank you very much.

V.P. shakes hands 1m. and they turn into each other.

1m. - Wow! Uncle, are you a magician?

V.P. - Magician, magician. Well, close your eyes - you won’t see it yet!

(1m. closes his eyes. V.P. leaves.)

1m. - Is it time? Uncle, is it time?

It's time - not time, I open my eyes! (notices the beard)

Oh! What is this? Oh!

(Runs to the policeman)

1m.- Uncle, who am I?

Policeman- Sorry, grandfather, don’t you understand?

(1m. turns around and leaves, crying. Sits on the bench. approaches himM.I. - girl.)

M.I.- What, did you jump?

1m.- Uncle, is that you?

M.I.- Uncle? Who worked with you?

1m.- Where is he, the thin one?

M.I.- Listen to me. How lazy are you? I ask - how did you waste your time?

1m. - Yes, I didn’t do anything! I played with the reflection.

M.I.- What are you talking about! What?

1m.- Everything. He stuck his tongue out at her.

M.I.- Wow! Talented! And my mediocrity was jumping on one leg.

(A girl runs, turned into an old woman.)

D.- Well, hold her! Hold on, who am I telling?

(M.I. from the corner)

M.I.- Hello grandma!

D.- Burdock! Bungler!

1m.- What are you doing?

D.-I got upset! They shouted at you - hold it.

1m.- Why did she do this?

D.- Nothing for you, but nothing for me. What am I? Do you see?

1m.- Nasty.

D.- What?

1m.- Which one?

D.- Old. Which one was it?

1m.- How do I know?

D.- Normal - young. What was she like?

1m.- How do I know?

D.- Old! What did you become?

1m.- Listen! Mine was also an old man. And he also became young. And I?

D.- I? I? Come on - follow me!


D.- How smart they are to turn children into old people! Such tricks will not work with me!

1m.- Exactly! And I had a magician.

(They approach the fence. Behind it is a construction site. They look through the hole in the fence. The glass breaks. He runsMM. with a slingshot. A policeman is behind him.MM. crawls through the fence.)

Mil. - Where is the boy?

1m.- There. In the forest.

D.- What kind of boy is he? He is one of them. Catch him.

(Mil. looks through the fence - construction site.)

Mil.- Where is the forest there? Eh, old age is no joy.

(Children check)

D.- Do you get it now?

1m.- Got it.

D.- But before me - no. Climb behind me.

1m.- Scary!

D.- Where are you? Come here quickly. Do you want to remain an old man forever?

(1m. climbs over the fence. They find themselves in a fairy forest)

D.- Do you get it now?

1m.- No.

D.- They live here.

Do you see how littered they are? Do they not have any duty officers?

(Approach the clock, which is going backwards)

Action 3.

(In the wizards' house)

V.P. - You simply surprise me, Mary Ivanna! What frivolity - to come up and blurt out all our secrets.

M.I.- Let it be to you, Vasily Parfirich.

MM. -(sings) And we all the time

Killing time...

V.P. - Michal Mikhalych, finally stop your stupid singing.

Forgive me, Mary Ivana, you only think about yourself. You told him that we stole his time. Moreover, you revealed the very essence to him.

M.I.- Which one is this?

MM. - (sings) And here's what (2 times)

I'm crowing (2 times)

V.P. - Was it me or did you ask him how lazy he was? Was it me or did you give him the opportunity to guess that only lazy people can steal time?

MM. - (sings) Only for lazy people (2 times)

You can steal some time.

V.P. - Michal Mikhalych, will you stop your singing or not?

MM. - (sings) Patience has run out -

I stop singing. (breaks the glass in the house)

V.P. - I understood your hint, Michal Mikhalych, but by the way, it’s better to smash stelae and shop windows in the forest, and not in the city where you and I work, and where today you put three of us on our trail. What if they show up here? A?

M.I.- What a bore you are, Vasily Parfirich.

V.P. - A. So, in your opinion, I’m a bore?

M.I.- Yes Yes!

V.P. - Do you know that lazy people are now worth their weight in gold? This is not 10 years ago! The other lazy guy went. Why is he sneaking out of class? To shoot at windows with a slingshot? No, dears, no! He is now pursuing a hobby.

M.I.- Ha-ha-ha! Hobby!

V.P.-Can you work with such a lazy person? He won't give you a minute.

M.I.- Yah you! For once I talked to the loafer - and I started screaming, screaming! What do you think - they just guessed right away that they needed to find a third, get into some kind of dead end, climb into something, and look somewhere. Find some hut in some forest and set some clocks in some direction. Ugh! You will become a bore yourself.

MM.- And it will strike 12 (2 times)

Their time will be ours forever! (breaks glass)

D.- Get into some kind of dead end.

1m.- We got it.

D.- Climb somewhere.

1m.- On the fence.

D.- Somewhere to jump.

1m.- In the forest.

D.- Find some hut.

1m.- Found.

D.- And move some arrows in some direction. Behind me!

1m.- Where?

D.- Look for a third one.

(run away)

Action 4.

(In the city)

They approach a woman.

1m.- Sorry, grandpa...

J. - Who? Grandfather? What kind of grandfather am I to you? Also say grandma! What impudence.

They approach grandfather.

D.- Grandfather, are you real or did they work with you too?

Grandfather.- Excuse me, what do you mean - real? What kind of wood do you think I am?

1m.- Real.

D.- Yes.

2m. - (in the form of a grandfather) Come on, boy, take me across the road.

Kolya - Please.

2m.- Well done! Go and learn your lessons. You will be an excellent student.

2m.- (laughs) Come on, girl, take me to the other side.

Tanya - Now, grandfather.

2m.- Eh, you don’t respect your elders! You're in a hurry to get somewhere. You lose your footing. Lead back!

(Suitable 1m. And D.)

D.- Grandpa is joking. You go, girl, go. We will translate it ourselves.

2m.- Hey, old people, what are you doing?

(Conversation on the bench)

2m.- No, old people, this is not for me. Some places to go, some things to translate. And for what? Cramming lessons again, writing tests, dictations! Yes, I'm so tired of this. Come on, old people, let’s do it this way - everyone lost their time - let everyone get it back for themselves.

(Everyone is silent)

Are we playing a game of silence?

Well, as you wish.

Well, old people, don’t put pressure on the psyche.

In general, I went, old people. (Gets up, takes 2 steps forward - turns around)

No, I'm serious. I'll leave. Well, why are you seated - sit, but time is running out. Let's go to your place!

Action 5.

(Fairy forest)

In the house of wizards -

V.P. - (into the telephone receiver) Hello! Vasya, it’s me Parfirich.

M.I. -(twists the hoop)

MM. -(runs with a gun) Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta!

Children approach the clock and turn the hands in the opposite direction. Everyone in the house freezes in place. The clock strikes 12 times. Wizards turn into old men, and children into children.

Children - (in unison) HOORAY!

Action 6.

Before school. The bell rings. Schoolchildren run to school. They're coming from behind 2m., D, 1m. 1m. stops in front of the display window and begins to grimace out of habit. Suddenly he sees a beard in the reflection.

1m.- Oh! Oh oh oh! (runs to school) Waves his hand.

Another article dedicated to non-traditional literature lessons in the form of a literary living room is presented to your attention on the pages. If in the previous article we discussed the scenario of a literary living room -, then here we will talk about the methodological development of a multimedia lesson and a presentation for it on the topic .

This year marks the 55th anniversary of the death of the outstanding storyteller, writer and playwright E.L. Schwartz. Unfortunately, the work of Evgeniy Lvovich Schwartz is mentioned only in passing in the modern school curriculum, when a review topic devoted to the literary process of the 30-50s is studied.

Evgeniy Lvovich Schwartz

Literary lounge “Creativity of E.L. Schwartz" - brief description

At the introductory stage of the organizational moment, the teacher welcomes those present at the event and announces the topic of the lesson to the music from the film "An Ordinary Miracle".

Now you can give the floor to the presenters, who will tell, having prepared in advance, about the life of Evgeniy Schwartz, telling the most important facts from the biography of the playwright. After the story, we turn the class’s attention to a waltz, which will be prepared by a couple of students with dancing skills.

Having made an emotional impact on students with a musical number, we move on to a fragment from a fairy tale play "Shadow", created by Schwartz on the eve of the Great Patriotic War in 1940, and was a great success.

Literary lounge “Creativity of E.L. Schwartz" - about the fairy tale "Dragon"

Relevant at this stage of the lesson is the continuation of the story about the life of Schwartz, about his attempt to enroll in the ranks of the people's militia at the beginning of the war, about life in besieged Leningrad, evacuation together with the N. Akimov Comedy Theater to Tajikistan, where he wrote a fairy tale "The Dragon".

However, in the post-war years, this play was banned, seeing in it an anti-Soviet satire. It was allowed to play only in 1962, after the death of the author. We introduce the children to an excerpt from the play "The Dragon", demonstrating some features of the satirical images of Evgeny Schwartz.

In this play, the author talks about the disgusting Dragon, who takes on various forms and rules over the city for more than four hundred years. Many people now believe that the play "The Dragon"- satire on Stalin. Others note that Schwartz would never have dared to laugh at Stalin and talks about human nature, which initially contained the possibility of the existence of totalitarianism.

Literary lounge “Creativity of E.L. Schwartz" - about the play "An Ordinary Miracle"

The presenters continue the story about Schwartz's life, describing his activities in the post-war years. The most remarkable thing during this period is the beginning of his work on a work that is most similar to the fate of the author. For ten whole years, Evgeniy Schwartz worked on "An ordinary miracle", and only in 1956 the play was staged.

Still from the fairy tale film “The Tale of Lost Time” (1964)

After execution "Songs of the Wizard" and an excerpt from the play "An Ordinary Miracle", a poem by Evgeniy Lvovich Schwartz is read “The Lord blessed me to go...”.

In conclusion, it is necessary to list the most significant works from the literary heritage of the remarkable playwright and writer. These are plays, poems, and fairy tales, one of which we focus the attention of schoolchildren on - “ A Tale of Lost Time“, since they are probably all familiar with it and the story itself is very instructive, in principle, like most of Schwartz’s works.

The epilogue of the lesson is aphorisms taken from numerous works by Evgeniy Lvovich, which also have not lost their relevance today. At the beginning of the article you can download the full text of the script for the literary lounge and the presentation itself. See the presentation “Literary living room: Creativity of E.L. Schwartz" possible below ↓

Lyudmila Rybakova

“TWO MAPLES” Script for a theatrical performance based on the fairy tale of the same name by E. L. Schwartz for children of the preparatory group

October 21, 2016 marks the 120th anniversary of the birth of the writer and storyteller Evgeny Lvovich Schwartz.

Evgeny Schwartz is one of the few writers whose fairy tales accompany a person throughout his life. As a child, we are captivated by fairy tales - “Cinderella”, “The New Adventures of Puss in Boots”, “Tsar Vodokrut”. In his youth, the writer talks to us about love in “An Ordinary Miracle.”

In maturity, it makes you think and understand a lot of things in fairy tales that have become parables - “The Shadow”, “The Naked King”, “Cain - XY111”, “Dragon”.

Every age has its own fairy tale!

The fairy tale play “TWO MAPLES” was written by E. Schwartz in 1953, but has not lost its relevance in our time, because it teaches:

Obey your parents (the disobedience of the two brothers led to trouble and brought grief to both mother and children);

Only the love and care of a mother can help children in difficult times, and this must always be remembered;

Be kind, sympathize, have compassion and help the weak who are in trouble;

Work, knowledge and skill, ingenuity, resourcefulness help people not to despair, but to go towards their goal to the end.

How you treat others is how both adults and children will treat you. Do one good deed and it will come back to you tenfold.

Love nature, treat it with care. (“Don’t offend us! Don’t forget that we are alive. Don’t forget how to speak our language when you return home,” the trees ask their sons, who have again become people.

Dear Colleagues! I would like to bring to your attention a theatrical performance based on the fairy tale of the same name by E. Schwartz “TWO MAPLES” (for children of the preparatory group).

PERFORMANCE “TWO MAPLES”(based on the play-fairy tale of the same name by E. L. Schwartz)

Characters(all roles are played by children):

Vasilisa is a worker, her sons: Fedor, Egorushka, Ivanushka; Baba Yaga, Bear, Kotofey Ivanovich, Ball, Mice, Hut

Decoration: Vasilisa's house, there is a bench in front of the house. Forest. (Planar trees). Glade. Large log (bench draped with fabric). Two maples – drawn on flat cardboard in a Tamparesque shape. The mill is a cardboard model. Box. Bags.

Overture. Melody "Visiting a fairy tale." The curtain opens.

Scene 1. Forest.

A bear, a cat, a dog are sitting on a log, having a conversation.

Bear: How Baba Yaga took us into her hut,

She was assigned to work and did not give her water or food.

Cat: Never praised

She just scolded and reproached.

Ball: The villain only loves herself,

And it will destroy the other

T. Morozova “Grandma Yozhka” (backing track). Baba Yaga comes out of the forest with a broom (admiring herself in the mirror)

Baba Yaga: I am a granny, I am a Yagulechka!

Everyone admire...the beauty!

I'm good, good! beautiful soul!

(to the animals): Get out,

Don't get caught!

What good are you, one trifle. (sweeps them out with a broom)

(thinks): And he will serve me

Vasilisa is a needlewoman.

I wish I could lure her in quickly (thinks)

I will steal her sons!

She will go looking for them,

Yes, she will come to me!

(joyful leaves)

Scene 2 The hut of Vasilisa and her children. Vanya sits in front of the hut, he “makes a pipe out of a twig.”

Russian folk melody “Oh you, canopy!” 2 brothers Fedor and Egor come out. They play catch up and tease each other.

Egor: Fedya, he ate the bear!

Fedya: Egor the fly agaric swallowed the fence!

Egor: So, let's go into the forest, Fedya,

Maybe we'll see a bear!

Fedya: So, let's go into the forest, Egor,

Let's find a fly agaric! (both take baskets, ready to leave)

Ivan: Mom didn’t tell me to go into the forest!

Egor and Fedya: And we are already big, -

And you have nothing to do with it!

Ivan: You need to ask your mother!

Egor and Fedya: And we quickly, and without asking

We will be able to return. (leave)

Scene 3. Clearing. Fedya and Yegorushka are picking mushrooms.

“Baba Yaga” by P. Tchaikovsky sounds. BYA swoops in and picks them up - they hold on to her broom and shout “Mom!” fly away with her. We've arrived.

Baba Yaga: I will turn you into maples - the crown is high,

Your lonely mother won't find you!

Scene 4. Vasilisa's hut. Vasilisa and Ivan leave the house

Vasilisa: You, Vanyusha, stay here,

Wait for your brothers.

Ivan: Take me too, mother!

Vasilisa: No, you can’t, that’s not good!

I'll go through the forest, across the field,

A mother's grief cannot be quelled! (say goodbye)

Scene 5. In the forest.

Vasilisa goes and calls: Fedya! Egorushka!

The Bear walks to the melody of “Along St. Petersburg”.

Vasilisa: Who's walking through the forest there?

Wandering between the pines?

Can't find a place for yourself?

Bear: It's me, Baba Yaga Bear. Don't be afraid of me, don't run.

Baba Yaga lured me by deception and is holding me! (crying)

Vasilisa: Don't cry, Mishenka, I'll treat you with honey,

But I just can’t give it all,

I’m bringing it to my sons! Have you seen my children?

(The bear shakes his head negatively).

I'll have to ask Baba Yaga about them!

Where can I find her hut?

Bear: Yaga is not at home. She's on her way.

And the hut will come here itself,

Because he walks wherever he wants,

Where she likes it the most!

(Calls the hut): Chick-chick-chick!

Watch out, chicken legs are running along the path!

Strangers are not allowed into the house: they will trample, push

Russian folk melody “The moon is shining” A hut appears, it cackles

Vasilisa: And I will warm them with affection,

I can ask you a lot:

Oh, you chicken legs,

The wings are almost eagle-like,

As you walk along the path,

Let your little feet dance!

Oh, the people marvel and admire!

How everyone likes your dance!

Dance of the Izbushka Russian folk melody “The month is shining”

Baba Yaga emerges from the hut. “Baba Yaga” by P. Tchaikovsky sounds

Baba Yaga: Well, hello, Vasilisa!

They say you are a great craftsman:

You can both cook and spin

And in farming, of course!

Serve me

Bring some water from the swamp!

Vasilisa: I am not your servant, Yagusechka,

And I won’t be a servant, grandma!

Baba Yaga: If you conduct a conversation like this,

You will never find your sons!

Vasilisa: I am ready to give everything for my children!

Give me back Fedya and Yegor!

Baba Yaga: I don't promise to return it

And I allow you to listen!

(claps hands 3 times)

2 Maples: Mom, mom, help! Save me from Yaga!

We want to go home, go home!

Take us with you quickly!

Vasilisa(runs, looks for children, runs up to 2 maples):

Fedenka! Egorushka! Respond!

Baba Yaga: Be silent! I forbid you to answer!

(Vasilisa is crying. Baba Yaga is laughing.)

Baba Yaga: Do as I command.

I only have 3 tasks

Which will require effort.

If I praise you... (thinks)

Then I’ll let the kids go!

What, do you agree?

Vasilisa: Agree!

Baba Yaga: I am very happy! This is exactly what I need!

Baba Yaga: Here's the barn.

I'll tell you to sort it out,

I'll take a look in the morning!

And also, I almost forgot:

Build a wonderful mill.

Grind all the grain

I'll look out the window in the morning!

Well, this chest stores gold (opens)

There is no gold, no more!

Everything was stolen! everything is lost!

Bear: That's right, you, Yaga, forgot,

She buried the gold herself!

Baba Yaga: Oh that's right!

Find the chest

And bring it to me!


I'll go on vacation again!

And I'll fly in the morning,

I'll laugh at you... (flies away)

Vasilisa: Well, time is precious, it’s time to get down to business!

Bear: We can't do it together! Let's invite the cat and the dog!

Ball! Kotofey Ivanovich, please come here!

Vasilisa:(pats head): How good you are, Sharik! Kotofey Ivanovich

Bear: Whatever Vasilisa says, do it

Vasilisa: You are Sharik, look for gold!

You cat, call the mice: sort out the grain,

And we have no time to be bored:

Mikhailo Potapych and I will go build a mill. (leave)

Kotofey Ivanovich: Mice, mice, quickly come to us!

I'll give you a task!

Here's the barn.

Here the grain got mixed up a long time ago:

Rye and wheat, barley and lentils.

I tell you to sort it out

I'll take a look in the morning!

Russian folk melody “Gusachok” Dance improvisation “Mice sorting grain into bags”

Russian folk melody "Polyanka". Improvisation “Building a Chalkboard”. Vasilisa and the Bear imitate the construction of a mill. and they take out bags of flour.

Russian folk melody “And I’m burying gold.” Improvisation “Ball in search of a bag of gold”

(The ball runs and runs up to a large stone, tries to move it)

Ivan comes out to meet Sharik.

Ivan: Who are you, doggie?

Ball: I'm a ball!

Ivan: Have you seen my mother?

Maybe you know where she is?

My name is Vasilisa.

Ball: Brothers and mom are here together!

(The ball wants to lift a large stone, under it is a chest of gold.)

Ball: Help me, Vanyusha, otherwise there will be trouble.

(Both lift the stone and take out a chest of gold)

To the tune of “Along St. Petersburg,” Bear walks and carries sacks of flour.

Bear: We worked all day.

Let's rest, sit in the shade

Vasilisa: The maples make a gentle noise,

They tell me to rest (sits under the maples)

(Vanya sees his mother and hugs her)

Vania: Mother! I couldn't stay at home

I decided to get ready for the road:

I found my sweet mother...

Vasilisa: Well done for coming!

“Baba Yaga” by P. Tchaikovsky sounds. Baba Yaga comes out unnoticed. Looks around and sees that everything is done

Baba Yaga: Did you manage everything? ... I could do everything...

But I won't praise.

I’ll hide the chest of gold,

You won't find it, my friend. (runs away with the chest)

Vania: Stop, Yaga, give me the chest!

Baba Yaga: Ah, gotcha! Just know it!

I don't love anyone

I only create evil and dirty tricks!

Vasilisa: I completed the task -

Keep your promise!

Baba Yaga: Ha ha ha. Another task - an additional one!

Until the sun has set,

You will fulfill it boldly.

Find your sons...

If you don't find it, be healthy! (runs away)

Vasilisa (suitable for 2 maples):

The gentle rustle of these maples tells me:

These children are standing under a spell,

I found my guys!

How can the evil spell be removed?

How can I disenchant them?

Cat, Ball and Bear: Chick-chick-chick! Come, hut

Bring living water

What does Yaga keep?

Russian folk melody “The Moon is Shining” The Hut appears and gives away a bucket of living water.

Vasilisa waters 2 maples with water, “the boys come to life” (they come out of the tampares, hug Vasilisa.

Vasilisa: You, my sons,

My little doves,

I'm so glad again

Hug you all together!

Ivan: Mom, dear, dear,

The best and most expensive. (hugs mom)

Egorushka: All the love and care of mom

We will save, we will save forever! (hugs mom)

Fedya: We will not forget your love,

Let's not upset our mother! (hugs mom)

All participants in the performance come out.

The final words of all the heroes of the fairy tale:

May there be peace and good luck in the family,

We don’t hide tears of joy and happiness!

We want to tell everyone a secret,

How will we remember this fairy tale?

So that there is no grief, sadness,

Mom, forgive me for upsetting you!

And not in a fairy tale, but in life we ​​will say

Our mother is always with us!

Russian folk melody. General Dance.

The theme of the fairy tale is relevant and can be used on Holidays: Autumn, March 8, Mother's Day, Family Day, in the work of the Theater Club.

Thank you for your attention!