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The labor market is inactive: people hold on to jobs, and companies hold on to specialists. In such a situation, moving for an interesting job is a difficult but rewarding experience. We talked to an expert and found out why bosses are not always happy with visitors and how to overtake local competitors while living in another city.

Money, resume, contacts: what needs to be done in advance

Every city and every profession has its own characteristics. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, competition is much higher than in the regions, so it is easier to look for work locally: while a nonresident worker is dealing with relocation issues, the employer will already find a local specialist. Some industries make it harder to find remote work. For example, there is very high competition for positions among lawyers and accountants. In this case, the employer considers only local applicants.

It is important to consider these features before moving. The hh Index service will help: it shows the situation by profession in different cities - the number of people per vacancy, the increase in offers by industry, the average salary offered.

After researching the job market, update your resume: add recent work experience, competitive salary, training information, check keywords. To find out what to write in a cover letter, look at vacancies in your specialty, note the skills in demand and knowledge of the latest versions of programs. If you don’t have a resume or it hasn’t been updated for a long time, contact “Ready resume”. Experts will conduct an interview and compile your work history into a neat document.

Keep in touch with professionals from other cities, remind them of yourself, and be interested in vacancies. Often a new employee joins a company thanks to a recommendation from one of his colleagues. For some professions, communications are the main tool of work. For example, a journalist spends a long time building up a database of contacts in order to later get any comment. It is useful to get telephone numbers in advance that may be useful in a new place.

“From the experience of communicating with candidates, I know that many were recommended by acquaintances or friends who already lived and worked in this city,” says Evgenia Mikhailova, an expert at the “Ready Resume” service. “For employers, a positive review from an employee who has proven himself well is a powerful argument.”

When remote search is not suitable, it is worth creating a financial “safety cushion” and trying to move without a specific job option. The ideal option is to put aside money with the expectation that it will be enough to live on for three to four months.

In addition to the HeadHunter website, different cities have their own popular channels for posting vacancies. Local residents are well versed in them.

Evgenia Mikhailova: “The applicant should try to determine the most popular sources of personnel search for the categories of interest to him. Somewhere these are print media, somewhere these are all-Russian search sites, and somewhere there are local resources. For example, in Tula many find work through a newspaper; in Arkhangelsk I looked for workers on a local Internet resource. Somewhere in the cities there are strong VKontakte communities. You need to search in every possible way.”

If you are a specialist with a narrow profile, choose companies or enterprises where you could get a job. HR department contacts are usually available on websites. Send them your resume and note that you are ready to move: employers often help a valuable employee with relocation.

Use automatic subscription to vacancies of the companies you need. Set up an automatic search for suitable vacancies - indicate the city you want to move to, salary, desired schedule.

Do not apply for jobs with the word “urgent”. If a company urgently needs someone in your specialty, they are unlikely to be willing to wait for you to move.

Some vacancies are not suitable for a newcomer. For example, the manager of a construction project in Moscow needs to have good experience in communicating with local government agencies and monopoly companies. Without this, it will be difficult to work: an applicant from another city simply does not have the necessary contacts.

If the job requires a good knowledge of the business environment, it is better to start at a lower position. Having developed contacts and understood the processes, you can apply for the desired level.

Help your boss make a decision

Employers have many fears associated with visiting employees. He may not get along with the team or he won’t like the city, and unexpected difficulties will arise at work. The boss expects a long working relationship. He is afraid that you will suddenly pack up and go home if something goes wrong.

The employee does have the right to change his mind at any time. To relieve anxiety, promise not to do it suddenly. Explain that all everyday problems have been resolved and you are ready to work.

Evgenia Mikhailova: “Employers need specifics: when the employee is ready to start work and whether he can promptly come for an in-person interview if necessary. In most cases, relocation issues are a headache for the job seeker, which should not affect the employer in any way.”

Managers believe that visiting specialists are more motivated - they need to gain a foothold and quickly show results. This stereotype works, especially if the applicant is moving from a larger, more developed city. Visitors may be given preference when they need a mobile employee who is ready to travel, for example, if they need to set up work across an entire network of offices or install new equipment.

First interview, and you are in Khabarovsk: how not to miss the invitation

The first interview can take place on Skype or by phone. Solve all technical problems in advance. An unreliable or poor connection can prevent you from communicating calmly with your manager.

In your resume, in the “city of residence” column, put the one where you are going to look for work. Think in advance about how you will get to the first meeting if you receive an invitation: how many days later will you arrive for an in-person interview, when will you be able to go to work. Think over communication, advises Evgenia Mikhailova: “If a person lives, for example, in Khabarovsk, and is looking for a job in St. Petersburg, indicate St. Petersburg as the city of residence, and the call time is from 8:00 to 17:00, so that recruiters do not call at night.”

Some employers screen applicants together with the security service. It happens that the process is delayed - in serious structures with high secrecy, checks can take two months or longer. Treat this with understanding: provide the necessary documents on time, honestly answer questions from specialists, if necessary.

Consider how long your move will take. Be prepared to discuss this deadline with the manager during your first interview. Consult with those who have moved - choose a reliable transport service, look at housing offers in the new city.

Those who succeeded

Every two weeks, HeadHunter publishes a text about those who have moved to live and work in another city. We talked to job seekers and managers to find out what kind of specialists are being sought in different regions.

For example, in Kaliningrad there is no university that would train engineers for the local design bureau with a space profile. Therefore, the KB staff consists of visitors from Samara, Tomsk and other cities where they can study in the desired specialty. There are many managers in Kazan, but there are not enough bakers and seamstresses. Job seekers and managers from Sochi talk about the need for reliable personnel for the hotel and restaurant business. Read the stories of other applicants, look at the advice of managers. If you are determined to change location, find out more about the new region.

Regions with acute personnel shortages are the Far East and the Far North. The southern regions of Russia are characterized by a need for personnel for agriculture and food production. Study the personnel situation, determine the profile of the region before you start moving.

There, parents can put a record of the birth of a child in the “children” column in their passports.

  • On the appointed day, pick up the child’s passports and birth certificate.
  • Let us repeat once again: it is not necessary for both parents to go.

One is enough, but with a full package of documents.

This document enshrines 5 basic rights of minors: A child has the full right to live and be raised in a family; this right is enshrined in paragraph 2 of Art. 54 of the RF IC He must be guaranteed the right to full communication with all his relatives, both close and distant grandparents, brothers and sisters, as well as with other relatives. This is stated in Art. 55 of the RF IC The child has the right to protect his rights and interests Art.

56 RF IC No one can prohibit a minor from expressing his opinion Art.

Read more about whether it is possible to register a child in an apartment without the owner’s consent here. What documents will be needed? The full list of documents on the basis of which the registration of minors is carried out is indicated in the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Migration Service on registration (Chapter 25). In accordance with this document, registration of a newborn requires:

  1. Child's birth certificate.
  2. Passport or other identification document of the parent (adoptive parent).
  3. Guardianship documents (if necessary).
  4. Application for registration at the place of residence.

There is no need to confirm the child’s right to reside at the place of registration.

Is it possible to register a child in another city and how to do it?

How and where should a newborn child be registered?

Russian passport;

a certificate from the maternity hospital indicating the date, time and place of birth, as well as the weight and gender of the child;

marriage certificate (if available)

After receiving the birth certificate, you must go to the passport office of your housing department or HOA to register the child.

It should be remembered: if registration occurs within a month after birth, then only the presence of the mother is required, based on her application. After this period, if the child’s father is registered separately from the mother, then you will need to additionally obtain a certificate of registered persons from the father’s place of residence (extract from the house register), which must indicate that the child is not registered with him.

At the passport office, one of the parents (to whom the child is registered) needs to fill out an application for registration of the child using Form No. 6.

It is enough to mention that for living in his apartment by persons who are not registered at any address, he may be subject to an administrative penalty in the form of a fine in the amount of 2 to 7 thousand rubles.

You will not need the consent of the homeowners or other residents living in it if you register your newborn at your own place of registration. If all of the listed conditions that relate to the place of registration are met, but the migration service refuses to register your child at the place of residence, then you can contact either a higher authority or directly to the court.

What documents are needed to register a newborn?

To complete the registration procedure for a newborn, you need to collect a whole package of documents, including:

  • mother's application for registration of the newborn at her place of registration.

That is, the newborn is protected from the fate of becoming a person without a place of registration by the state. The procedure for registering a newborn is simple and requires a small number of documents. You must provide a trace. Responsibility is imposed on the basis of Article 19.15.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses regarding the lack of registration.
Liability is imposed based on the protocol on applicable sanctions. For small children of foreign citizenship, fines of 5,000 or more may be imposed if the receiving party in Russia is an individual. When accepted by an organization, failure to register at the place of stay is punishable by a fine to the state in the amount of 600,000 rubles.

per foreign citizen.

For fictitious registration without the purpose of actual residence of citizens in a certain territory, administrative liability may be imposed.

Tell me, if I have registration in another city, how can I register my newborn there?

The same norm is translated by Article 20 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, according to which the place of residence of children under 14 years of age is established at the place of residence of their legal representatives. Article 20 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Citizen's place of residence

  1. Place of residence is the place where a citizen permanently or primarily resides.

How to register a newborn child if registration is in another city

With the birth of a child, not only happiness and joy come to the house, but also many worries.

  • a birth certificate, which is issued at the registry office on the basis of the parents’ passports, a medical certificate confirming the fact of the child’s birth and a marriage certificate (if the baby’s parents have officially formalized their relationship);
  • if the child was adopted or guardianship was issued over him, then a document on adoption or establishment of guardianship;
  • If a child is registered with one of the parents, the other must provide a certificate confirming that the newborn is not registered at his place of residence.

If the mother is registered in another city, how to register an infant≫General≫Registration≫Newborn child Article updated: May 15, 2018. The article contains detailed instructions for registering a newborn child with married parents, separately with the mother and separately with the father.

If the child is born in another city, where should he register?

The administrative regulations indicate that registration of a newborn child is carried out together with at least one of the parents. Administrative Regulations of the Federal Migration Service 79. Regardless of whether the child’s parents are legally married or not, whether they are registered at the same address or not, the father’s written consent to register the child with his mother is not required! Representatives of the migration service have no legal basis to demand this document from the child’s mother. To obtain permanent registration for a child at the mother’s place of residence, you must visit the passport office, which is “attached” to this address, or the nearest MFC.
You can submit documents through the State Services website. But for this you need to be registered in this system. But in order to register a young citizen at his mother’s place of residence, her personal presence is necessary.
If other citizens live in the apartment or the apartment is in shared ownership, the child does not need anyone’s consent to obtain registration. Every citizen of the Russian Federation is given the right to freely move throughout the territory of our country and freely choose his place of residence. Newborns are registered at the place of residence of the parents or one of the parents in the manner established by paragraph 78 of the Regulations: 78. In the event of the arrival of minor citizens together with their parents (adoptive parents, guardians) at the place of residence in the residential premises of the state, municipal and specialized housing stock, registration of children is carried out regardless of the consent of the landlord, tenant and citizens permanently residing in this residential premises.

For example, a mother, due to caring for her baby, can entrust this to her dad.

How can a child be registered at the mother’s place of registration?

This certificate will not be needed if the baby is under one month old;

  • passports and their copies presented by the father and mother of the newborn;
  • Marriage certificate.

The presence of the parent at whose place of registration the child will be registered is mandatory. Even if the written consent of the mother or father is submitted for the registration of the newborn at her/his place of residence, migration service employees have the right to refuse to accept the documents.

How a newborn child is registered With documents certified by the head of the passport office (except for certificates and passports, which do not need to be certified), you must contact the EIRC employees.

Even if the written consent of the mother or father is submitted for the registration of the newborn at her/his place of residence, migration service employees have the right to refuse to accept the documents.

How a newborn child is registered With documents certified by the head of the passport office (except for certificates and passports, which do not need to be certified), you must contact the EIRC employees. Applications of the established form are usually written on the spot.

Features of registration of a newborn child at the place of registration of the mother

The procedure for obtaining a birth certificate is described above. We remind you: if the child’s parents are not officially married and the father does not come to the registry office and confirm his paternity, then the newborn child will not be able to be registered with him, because the child does not have a documented father.

With the birth of a child, not only happiness and joy come to the house, but also many worries. How to get documents for this little man, how to register a newborn baby, and most importantly - where to register a newborn baby, how to get benefits from the state, health insurance, financial assistance from the state, etc.? All these issues can be resolved quite simply, especially if you know all the details. In just a few days, your baby will be a full member of society, having a birth certificate, registration, compulsory medical insurance policy and net worth.

Where to register a newborn baby?

Leaving the maternity hospital, the child goes into the full care of his parents.

And, accordingly, it can be registered only at the place of their legal residence.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, any person legally residing in our country has the full right to freedom of movement and choice of place of residence. Despite this, Migration Legislation regulates the procedure for registering citizens in a new city or other locality where they have recently moved.

This practice is mandatory if a person plans to live in a new place for a period exceeding 3 months. It is not difficult to register in another city, so it is better to carry out this procedure. Otherwise, problems of a domestic nature and with law enforcement agencies cannot be avoided.

To control the movement of citizens of the Russian Federation, registration at the place of temporary or permanent residence is mandatory. Photo No. 1

Migration RF is the main source of migration law on the territory of our country. It is this, represented by numerous Federal laws, that determines the migration process and the procedure for registering Russian citizens or foreigners at their new place of residence.

As for the need for registration in another city when moving, this practice was introduced in order to control other obligations of residents of the Russian Federation. Depending on how long a person plans to live in another city, he can apply for two types of registration:

  • permanent (indefinite);
  • temporary (up to 3 years).

It is necessary to register for a new place of residence only if a citizen wants to stay in a city located outside his permanent place of registration for more than 3 months. In accordance with the law, permanent registration can only be obtained if one of the following circumstances exists:

  • purchase or other type of acquisition of your own home;
  • the consent of the owner of a certain residential premises to register a specific citizen.

Applying for temporary registration is a little easier. It allows you to stay in a city located outside of your permanent place of registration for a certain period of time, which does not exceed the maximum established by law (3 years).

If necessary, temporary registration can be extended if the authorized organization allows the extension to be carried out.

In the case when a certain citizen lives in another city without registration for more than 3 months, some responsibility is imposed on him and the owner of his home. It is often represented by a fairly large fine. In addition, without registration, problems may arise with employment, treatment in public hospitals and other everyday issues.

Obtaining permanent registration

Permanent registration is carried out at the place of permanent actual residence of the citizen. Photo No. 2

As noted earlier, you can register in another city either permanently or temporarily. Depending on the option chosen, the registration process largely depends.

Below we discuss how to register at a new place of residence on a permanent basis.

So, in order to obtain permanent registration in another city, you must:

  1. Receive a departure sheet from the passport office at the place of registration for a given period of time (an optional event, but it greatly speeds up the process of obtaining registration in a new city).
  2. Collect a complete list of documents required to obtain permanent registration and submit it to the local passport office of the city where you want to register. Necessities include:
  • an application requesting to register you at your new place of residence;
  • a document confirming your right to register at a specific address (a certificate of ownership of the home or a statement from the owner of the home confirming his consent to register you with him on a permanent basis);
  • departure sheet.
  1. After submitting all documents, you will be registered at your new place of residence within, as a rule, from 3 to 10 days. After registration is completed, a note about the new, permanent place of residence is placed in the passport.

The procedure is quite simple and does not require much effort. However, if there are any problems with the documentation, you will have to eliminate them, otherwise you will not be able to register in a new place.

Is it possible to get a new registration without registering?

If, for some reason, you were unable or did not have time to check out at the place of previous registration, you can do this at the place of new registration. Photo No. 3

In accordance with the migration legislation of the Russian Federation, temporary registration in one city does not require refusal of permanent registration in another. However, registration at a new place of residence on a permanent basis is possible only if you refuse permanent registration in the old one.

Many citizens change their place of residence in a hurry, forgetting to get a departure sheet from the passport office at the old place where they are officially registered. In such a situation, the question reasonably arises: “Is it possible to obtain permanent registration in another city without registering from the old one?” Fortunately for many, this practice takes place in our country.

To register at a new place of residence without leaving the old one, you must:

  1. Go to the passport office of the city where you want to obtain permanent registration.
  2. Submit the previously specified list of documents and an application for permanent registration.
  3. Write an additional request to remove you from the register at your old place of residence.
  4. Wait until all documents are processed and receive a new residence permit.

In general, everything is quite simple and should not cause any problems.

Obtaining a temporary residence permit

Temporary registration is carried out at the place of your, albeit long-term, but still temporary stay. Photo No. 4

Every year a huge number of Russian citizens need to obtain temporary registration. This procedure is quite simple and is carried out as follows:

  1. Come to the passport office of the city where you want to obtain a temporary residence permit.
  2. Provide government officials with the following list:
  • application requesting temporary registration;
  • a document proving your identity;
  • a statement from the owner of the property confirming his consent to obtain a temporary registration at his place of residence and for you.
  1. Wait until all documents are processed and receive a certificate of registration at your new place of residence.

Temporary registration is issued for a certain period of time specified in the certificate of its receipt. The validity period of temporary registration cannot exceed 3 years.

If you wish to extend your registration, you can submit a corresponding application to the passport office. If it is approved, it is necessary to repeat the algorithm presented above.

How to register a child?

A minor child can only be registered at the place of registration of one or both parents. Photo No. 5

Registering a child in another city is a simple event that requires the implementation of the previously mentioned steps. However, the registration of a child has a number of features that are important to consider when applying to the passport office. The most important are the following:

  1. You can register a child in a new place only if at least one of his parents is already registered there.
  2. The procedure for obtaining registration for a minor is carried out only in the personal presence of at least one of his parents or other legal representatives.
  3. A child can be discharged from a certain place of residence only with the consent of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

As you can see, answering the question about how it is in another city is quite simple. By adhering to the above information, you can register for registration quickly and without problems.

- an active form of population migration, requiring registration of an individual at a new address. This procedure will not be difficult if you know all the nuances. Let's figure out how to register in another city without worries and hassle.

Types of registration

A citizen can register at a new address temporarily or permanently. The type of registration depends on the goals pursued by the individual. For example: to move while studying, temporary registration is sufficient.

The rights for temporary and temporary registration are the same. The only difference is its validity period. Temporary registration is limited, its maximum validity is three years. When registering permanently, a stamp is affixed to the passport. Temporary registration requires a certificate.

From a legal point of view, there is no difference between types of registration. In practice, there are quite often situations where people with temporary registration have difficulty accessing high-paying jobs or bank loans.

Permanent registration in another city: step-by-step instructions

First of all, a citizen must deregister at his place of residence. At the Social Insurance Fund or the passport office of the housing and communal services at the place of previous residence, he is obliged to write a statement of his will and receive a departure certificate. You can skip this step. Registration in a new city is possible even if the individual has not been deregistered at his previous address. In addition to the application, the citizen will have to fill out a tear-off coupon, which the passport officer will send to his previous place of residence for deregistration.

To affix a registration stamp, you must contact the FSS at your new residential address. In addition to the application (), the following documents must be submitted:

  • passport;
  • departure sheet;
  • a document base.

The most important among them is the foundation document. Without it, registration is impossible. This could be a deed of gift, a certificate of agreement, an agreement for the free use of residential premises, etc.

For persons who have not previously had a residence permit in the country, a departure certificate does not need to be presented. It is worth noting that the government agency is obliged to register a citizen even in the event of loss of the retirement certificate.

The permanent registration procedure takes up to three working days.

Sometimes questions arise about how to register in another city without going there. The easiest option is to use the government services website. On it you need to select the “registration at place of residence” item, indicate your new registration address and old place of residence, contact information and telephone number. FMS specialists will contact you and set up a time. The data is sent to the new place of residence by passport officers.

Temporary registration in another city - plan

To obtain temporary registration, an individual must appear at the Social Insurance Fund in person. This registration is possible only with the consent of everyone registered in the living space.

To register you will need:

  • passport;
  • a document base;
  • statement ().

In addition to the citizen applying for registration, each person registered in the living space must write an application. If the registered child is a minor, then the application is written for him by his legal representatives.

If the owner cannot appear in person at the Social Insurance Fund, then registration is carried out with his consent, certified by a notary.

As for minors, they are registered at the new address of their parents; the consent of other registered persons for this procedure is not required.

The registration certificate is issued in person within three days to several weeks. It is worth noting that an individual is required to register temporarily for three months. Otherwise, he will have to pay an administrative fine, the minimum amount of which is 1 thousand rubles.

Registration in a new apartment in another city

Most citizens who have purchased housing in another city are interested in the question of how to register in a new apartment in another city.

Registration is possible only upon presentation of title documents by the property owners. If the owner of a property moves to another city with relatives, then additional documents certifying their relationship and photocopies of papers will be required. In accordance with the law, only spouses, children and their parents are recognized as close relatives. Suitable documents are: marriage certificate or birth certificates of children.

Registration in a new home is impossible without visiting a single information and settlement center. Here you need to open a personal account for the property.

The registration application is submitted to the passport office at the new address. All family members must write it. For minor children, applications must be submitted by legal representatives. The passports of all registered persons are submitted to the Federal Migration Service. In return, a certificate is issued.

You can receive stamped passports within three days to a week. When they are handed over, each registered person signs in the register book to confirm receipt of the new registration.

It is not necessary to leave your old place of residence. This will happen automatically. The registration procedure in a new city is no different from registration at the place of residence.