Why is the hero ready to do anything? Essay based on text K

Option No. 1692202

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. Separate the fractional part from the whole decimal point. There is no need to write units of measurement. When writing a grammatical basis (task 8), consisting of homogeneous members with a conjunction, give the answer without a conjunction, do not use spaces or commas. Do not enter the letter E instead of the letter E.

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Exam options consist of a text and tasks for it, as well as text for presentation. This version could have included other language. A complete list of presentations can be seen in the Catalog of assignments.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Text starting with words “We just think that when something happens to us...”

Listen to the text and write a concise summary. The source text for the condensed presentation is listened to 2 times.

Please note that you must convey the main content of both the micro-topic and the entire text as a whole.

The volume of presentation is at least 70 words.

Write your summary in neat, legible handwriting.

Use the player to listen to the recording.

Solutions to long-answer tasks are not automatically checked.
The next page will ask you to check them yourself.

Which answer option contains the information necessary to justify the answer to the question: “Why is the hero ready to go on any hunt with his friend Kostya?”

1) Kostya knows how to notice signs of bad weather in time.

2) The hero loves hunting very much and is ready to endure any difficulties for its sake.

3) The hero would like to meet battalion commander Pugachev again.

4) Konstantin will never leave a friend in trouble under any circumstances.

(According to E. Rudakov)


Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is comparison

1) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me, as the weakest, in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people.

2) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a rumble and saw a light.

3) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

4) The wind was knocking down.

(2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

...(16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)


From sentences 13–17, write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the voicelessness - the voicedness of the subsequent consonant

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

...(16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

... (16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me.


From sentences 27–30, write down a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “In an adverb starting with -o - -e, as many N are written as there were in the adjective from which it is formed.”

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

...(16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)

(27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes.


Replace the colloquial word “lying” in sentence 24 with a stylistically neutral synonym.

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

...(16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)

(2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north.


Replace the phrase “storms in the steppe” (sentence 10), built on the basis of the control connection, with a synonymous phrase with the coordination connection. Write the resulting phrase.

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

...(16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev.


Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 7.

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

...(16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)

(7) It became sharply cold.


Among offers 28–31, find an offer with a separate application. Write the number of this offer.

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

...(16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.


In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas in the introductory word.

Neither Kostya, (1) nor I even had time to open our mouths, (2) as Lev declared, (3) that he had food and he, (4) of course, (5) would not leave the car anywhere!

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

...(16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)


Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 19. Write the answer in numbers.

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

...(16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev.


In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number(s) indicating the comma(s) between parts of a complex sentence connected by a subordinating connection.

When I couldn’t get up, (1) Kostya helped, (2) and we, (3) leaning on two guns, (4) stood back to back and rested.

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

...(16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)


Among sentences 9–14, find a complex sentence with consistent and uniform subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

...(16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)

(9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

...(16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the world - privates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)

(3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!


Using the text you read, complete ONLY ONE of the tasks on a separate sheet: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before writing your essay, write down the number of the selected task: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement by the author of the textbook on the Russian language V.N. Aleksandrova: “Adverbial participles allow you to clarify and describe the action being performed, making it tangible and convex.”

To justify your answer, give 2 examples from the text you read. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of V.N. Alexandrov

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded.

15.2 Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending

of this text: “Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.”

In your essay, provide 2 arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3 How do you understand the meaning of the word FRIENDSHIP? Formulate and comment on this

Your definition. Write an essay-argument on the topic “What is friendship”, taking into account

the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,

in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

...(16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, stopped and shot in the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

– (24) You’re lying, you won’t get there! – they seemed to hiss ominously.

- (25) The wrong ones were attacked! – we shouted to them from time to time.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our savior - battalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

“(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,” he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

Translation test in the Russian language for the 8th grade course

Option 3

The answers to tasks 1–14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work.

(1) We were going hunting with my friends, Konstantin and Lev. (2) Suddenly Kostya noticed a narrow dark strip in the north. (3) After half an hour, it became clear that we had to get away, and the sooner the better. (4) The dark strip stretched out into a huge crocodile snout and clearly tried to swallow us along with the car. (5) The rain and snow were getting worse and worse. (6) The earth instantly became limp and turned into superglue. (7) It became sharply cold. (8) I started the car, but I only managed to drive a little: sticky mud clogged the wheels and the engine stalled. (9) Gusts of wind rocked the car, and it seemed that it would turn over and roll with us like a tumbleweed!

(10) I knew that such storms in the steppe could last up to two or three days. (11) Gasoline to heat the interior would have been enough for us for twenty hours,
and what next?.. (12) Freeze slowly?

(13) And then Kostya suggested that Lev leave me as the weakest,
in the car, and ourselves, two strong guys, go against the elements, look for a road and try to get out to people. (14) Neither Kostya nor I even had time to open our mouths before Lev declared that he had groceries and, of course, he would not leave the car anywhere! (15) So Kostya and I had no choice.

(16) The wind knocked down. (17) I recently had surgery, and, of course, it was difficult for me. (18) When I couldn’t get up, Kostya helped, and we, leaning on two guns, stood back to back and rested.

(19) Once again I fell and, floundering in the viscous mass, I did not notice that I had lost my boot. (20) Only when my leg began to go numb did I discover this. (21) There was no strength to return, but Kostya returned and with difficulty, crawling through the mud, found my boot. (22) Then we walked, taking turns pushing each other, or rested, leaning our backs.

(23) We had been walking for four hours, without stopping, and fired into the air, hoping for a miracle, but only fierce pieces of ice, like the teeth of predators, clacked against our weathered faces.

(24) You’re lying, you won’t get there!they seemed to hiss ominously.

(25) The wrong ones were attacked!from time to time we shouted to them.

(26) It is not known how long we had been walking, when suddenly we heard a powerful roar and saw a light. (27) We started shooting, sparing no ammunition, and a minute later several powerful military vehicles drove up to us.

(28) This is how we met our saviorbattalion commander Pugachev. (29) Following our tracks, he sent one of the cars with soldiers. (30) Kostya and I instantly fell asleep, even before they dragged us into the cars and pulled off our boots and wet clothes. (31) We slept until Leo appeared, cheerful and cheerful.

(32) And I had no doubt that Kostya would come up with something and would not leave me in this steppe,he said calmly.

(33) The soldiers found him following our footsteps, attached him with a cable to a powerful car and dragged him to a safe place.

(34) We parted the next morning with a whole battalion of the best friends in the worldprivates and officers of the Soviet Army.

(35) Even now I am ready for any hunt, even for lions in Africa: Konstantin will not abandon a friend in trouble. (36) And it would be nice if battalion commander Pugachev and the soldiers were nearby again.

(According to E. Rudakov)

1.Which answer option contains the information necessary forjustification answer to the question: “Why is the hero ready to go on any hunt with his friend Kostya?”: Kostya knows how to notice signs of bad weather in time.


The hero loves hunting very much and is ready to endure any difficulties for its sake.


The hero would like to meet battalion commander Pugachev again.


Konstantin will never leave a friend in trouble under any circumstances.

2. Replace the colloquial word “lying” in sentence 24 with a stylistically neutral synonym.


3.Indicate the meaning in which the word “turned out” is used in the text (sentence 36).

2) get there



4. Name the part of speech to which the word “floundering” belongs (sentence 19).


5.From sentence 23, write down the particles.


6. From sentences 1317 write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the voicingdeafness of the subsequent consonant. Answer:_______________________________________________________

7. From sentence 22, write down a word with a vowel alternation in the root.


8. From 27 sentences30 write down a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “In an adverb with o“The same number of Ns is written as there were in the adjective from which it was formed.”


9. Replace the phrase “storms in the steppe” (sentence 10), built on the basis of the control connection, with a synonymous phrase with the coordination connection. Write the resulting phrase.


10. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 7.


11. Among sentences 16-20, find sentences with a separate circumstance. Write the numbers of these sentences.


12. Among sentences 16-21, find a sentence with an introductory word. Write his number.


13. In which of the listed text sentences are homogeneous members of the sentence used as a means of expression? Write down their numbers.


14. Among sentences 28-31, find a sentence that is related to the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer.


15. Write (3-5 sentences) about how important friendship was in the narrator’s life.


Read the statement and think over 1 argument in defense of the expressed position:

“Trouble is not so bad when you have friends”7 – leaning

8 – instantly

9 – snow storms

10 – colder

11 – 18,19

12 – 17

13 – 23,33
14 – 29

15 - Evaluation criteria:

2 points – justification is given, examples are given

1 point – justification is given, examples from the text are given

0 points – there is no justification, or there are no examples in the justification.

16 - Assessment:

Evaluation criteria


The answer is given in accordance with the rules for formulating an argument (form of statement): 1 argument is given in defense of the expressed position. The answer does not contain factual errors (the content of the statement)

The answer is given in accordance with the rules for formulating an argument (form of statement): 1 argument is given in defense of the expressed position. There was one factual error.

The given arguments do not correspond to the main idea of ​​the statement


more than 1 factual error was made

Maximum points

1. Two brothers left V The two of us sat by the window for a long time. 2. Having dismounted from their horses, the ladies went to the prince I gyne. 3. Dimka, burying his face in semi fur coat, buried deep under d yovka, twitched with his whole body and cried without h boring, but bitterly- bitterly. 4. Stepan sh e l bent over, head down, trying to and on who not to watch. 5. Throwing a rein b I, with my head down on my chest, drove for a long time. 6. Ivan Evdokimy h was touched and, wow O Hey, he hugged me. 7. He sh e l to st A Rukha-wife, sitting at the window into the garden, resting her on her knees And unnecessary things, staring empty eyes at one point. 8. Prov e this evening at Dolly's, Levin was especially nn oh cheerful. 9. His house was always full n guests ready to entertain his lordly d ity, sharing the noisy and sometimes violent urges e villages 10. Mikhalko, slowly, went down to the I the liquid was breathing e th horses And. 11. Time e us along the river samples e gala from the wind G what a swell, St. e blazing in the sun. 12. Here Oleg lay down, Doge And giving in to silence. 13. The casing of officers hated silently, gritting his teeth, looking underside forehead. 14. Sometimes she is chipped b zila between the stones, cm e I'm not happy V your bones.

  • staying When? what did you do?; n. f. - staying; owls V.; return; unchanged; forms an adverbial phrase (left alone); in a sentence, the participial phrase is an adverbial adverb of time.
  • get off - ger., denotes an additional action; answers the questions When? what did you do?; n. f. - get off; owls V.; non-return; unchanged; forms an adverbial phrase (getting off a horse); in a sentence, the participial phrase is an adverbial adverb of time.
  • burying his head - ger., denotes an additional action; answers the questions How? what did you do?; n. f. - burying his head; owls V.; return; unchanged; forms an adverbial phrase (burying his face in a sheepskin coat); in a sentence, an adverbial phrase is a circumstance of the manner of action.
  • buried - ger., denotes an additional action; answers the questions How? what did you do?; n. f. - buried; owls V.; return; unchanged; forms an adverbial phrase (buried deep in the jacket); in a sentence, the participial phrase is a circumstance of the manner of action.
  • bent over - an adverb transferred from a gerund.
  • head down - ger., denotes an additional action; answers the questions How? what did you do?; n. f. - lowering; owls V.; non-return; unchanged; forms an adverbial phrase (head down); in a sentence, an adverbial phrase is a circumstance of the manner of action.
  • trying - ger., denotes an additional action; answers the questions How? doing what?; n. f. - trying; nesov. V.; return;unchanged; forms an adverbial phrase (trying not to look at anyone while dismounting); in a sentence, an adverbial phrase is a circumstance of the manner of action.
  • throwing - ger., denotes an additional action; answers the questions How? what did you do?; n. f. - throwing; owls V.; non-return; unchanged; forms an adverbial phrase (throwing away the reins); in a sentence, an adverbial phrase is a circumstance of the manner of action.
  • lowering - ger., denotes an additional action; answers the questions How? what did you do?; n. f. - lowering; owls V.; non-return; unchanged; forms an adverbial phrase (lowering his head on his chest); in a sentence, an adverbial phrase is a circumstance of the manner of action.
  • leaving - ger., denotes an additional action; answers the questions When? doing what?; n. f. - leaving; nesov. V.; non-return; unchanged; in a sentence - a circumstance of time.
  • putting - ger., denotes an additional action; answers the questions How? what did you do?; n. f. - putting; owls V.; non-return; unchanged; forms an adverbial phrase (putting unnecessary things on your knees); in a sentence, an adverbial phrase is a circumstance of the manner of action.
  • tired - ger., denotes an additional action; answers the questions How? what did you do?; n. f. - tired; owls V.; non-return; unchanged; forms an adverbial phrase (by staring empty eyes at one point); in a sentence, an adverbial phrase is a circumstance of the manner of action.
  • having spent - ger., denotes an additional action; answers the questions Why? what did you do?; n. f. - having spent; owls V.; non-return; unchanged; forms an adverbial phrase (after spending this evening with Dolly); in a sentence, the participial phrase is an adverbial circumstance of reason.
  • sharing - ger., denotes an additional action; answers the questions How? doing what?; n. f. - sharing; nesov. V.; non-return; unchanged; forms an adverbial phrase (sharing his noisy and sometimes violent amusements); in a sentence, an adverbial phrase is a circumstance of the manner of action.
  • in a hurry - ger., denotes an additional action; answers the questions How? doing what?; n. f. - in a hurry; nesov. V.; return; unchanged; in a sentence, an adverbial phrase is a circumstance of the manner of action.
  • sparkling - ger., denotes an additional action; answers the questions How? doing what?; n. f. - sparkling; nesov. V.; non-return; unchanged; forms an adverbial phrase (sparkling in the sun); in a sentence, an adverbial phrase is a circumstance of the manner of action.
  • waiting - ger., denotes an additional action; answers the questions for what purpose? doing what?; n. f. - waiting; nesov. V.; return; unchanged; forms an adverbial phrase (waiting for silence); in a sentence, the participial phrase is the adverbial circumstance of the goal.
  • silently - an adverb transferred from a gerund. squeezing - adverbial, denotes an additional action; answers the questions How? what did you do?; n. f. - squeezing; owls V.; non-return; unchanged; forms an adverbial phrase (gritting his teeth); in a sentence, an adverbial phrase is a circumstance of the manner of action.
  • looking - ger., denotes an additional action; answers the questions How? doing what?; n. f. - looking; nesov. V.; non-return; unchanged; forms an adverbial phrase (looking from under the brows); in a sentence, an adverbial phrase is a circumstance of the manner of action.
  • laughing - ger., denotes an additional action; answers the questions How? doing what?; n. f. - laughing; nesov. V.; return; unchanged; forms an adverbial phrase (laughing at his awkwardness); in a sentence, an adverbial phrase is a circumstance of the manner of action.

Exercise 106

1. Near forests, like in me G what bed And, vyspat b It's possible (preposition). 2. Gregory Ave And tied the horse to the bush, lay down near, etc And shielding his face from the wind with a hollow overcoat And(adverb). 3. All around all the way to the mountains And the steppe stretched out like an umbrella (adverb). 4. We went around all around garden, without missing a single step A sthenia (preposition). 5. Passing by Shvabrina, Grinev ost A new (preposition). 6. Potapov decided not to enter the house O go ahead, just pass by(adverb). 7. Lena got up from her seat A m b and, did Not how many steps on meeting(adverb). 8. I saw that the Cossacks were in a hurry I so I'm home and off I go on meeting them e lania (preposition). 9. I wanted to talk to you on check apartments (preposition). 10. People are loving I t and they can do And create b it's unfortunate T knowledgeable in order to live on check others (noun with preposition). 11. Nekhlyudov returned to t R otua R and, having ordered zch I'm going to follow you, let's go V mind parties (noun with preposition). 12. IN mind food shortage And abbr. A the path was now special n but important (preposition). 13. I have many turtles here V mind(phraseologism with a noun with a preposition). 14. Good O giving dropped out e the snow was possible some what race With look at the ground (preposition). 15. The old woman saw me off, good O giving for rendering n help b(adverbial participle). 16. Everything was With O publicly in the lines of beggars e go (short adjective). 17. Everyone is coming With O publicly like one hour e catcher (adverb). 18. F e nobody's relatives, With O publicly by agreement, under e take three glasses of vodka each (preposition).

Exercise 107

IN consequences e bad weather, V consequences And to the point R rorists, intervene V consequence, V continue e five years old V continue And stories during And stream, V currents e months, V due to lack of time, find out on subscription account, transfer on account of another organization, have V mind, pattern V sort of snowflakes, pattern V snowflake shape, pattern on similar e snowflakes, V kind of Tolstoy, pay attention on similar e these phenomena on similar And heroes based V there is a plot, from-under the eyebrows, sit down V driver's seat V force nepr e due circumstances, go on I will meet danger, I hope on I'll meet her V connection with the report, V conclusions e speeches, Not looking at the rain, Not looking at the priv And Legia, Not looking in my direction, By cause of crop failure By as it grows, By try as hard as you can, V continue e morning, V distinguish e from colleagues, on crossing the current on defiance of the elements, he said on due to creative search, something on similar e net, V liquidation purposes And dations owe a debt n news, dawn By-over the forest, dispute from-for actions, go nape record of sanity, By as you move east, V follow the speaker, follow V trace, suggest With above normal V distinguish e from previous speakers.

Exercise 108

1. IN continue e 3 am and mid-afternoon he was all immersed n into calculations ( in continuation morning - preposition; serves to connect words; production; rel. to noun morning; used with R. p.; has a time value). 2. Blue, transparent streams of smoke I rushed from the fire to the 3rd sea, on meet 3 splashes of waves ( To sea ​​- preposition; serves to connect words; unproduced; rel. to noun sea; used with D. p.; has space zn.; towards splashes - pretext; serves to connect words; production; rel. to noun splashes; used with D. p.; has space zn.). 3. She repeated her role, on bowed low as she walked and Not how many times By Tom shook her head, on like clay I new cats. 4. Have V mind - task of responsibility n no. 5. You wrote to me something- then on Sunday school count 3? ( about schools are a pretext; serves to connect words; production; rel. to noun schools; used with R. p.; has additional zn.). 6. IN other things V I see 3 disadvantages of times And, let's not turn off O get away from e subject of lectures And (in view of lack - a pretext; serves to connect words; production; rel. to noun lack; used with R. p.; has a meaning). 7. Telegraph poles By Tom is showing again s fell V given lilac V in the form of small sticks. 8. Or maybe some kind of bird- someday V kind of heron. 9. And the boy was in a minute T Liv V consequence 3 its pr And riding ( due to arrival is a pretext; serves to connect words; production; rel. to noun arrival; used with R. p.; has a meaning). 10. Thunderstorms By-over the step b u walk h e I'm thinning out. 11. Mumu deftly turned out from- under the finger e in Stepan. 12. IN trace ek And pages and on a crowd of people moved thickly to meet them and rank 13. Dimka decided that V As an exception, this time Zhigan is not lying. 14. IN track behind then he got out of bed And, took the violin and began to build. 15. I am writing to you from 3 villages And where did you go V consequences e P e initial conditions O affairs ( from villages - pretext; serves to connect words; unproduced; rel. to noun villages; used with R. p.; has space zn.). 16. IN consequences e on the case in e terana vm e played around in society n ny organizations. 17. IN conclusions And the examination lacks clarity. 18. IN conclusions e The old people asked that Mironych not be touched. 19. IN consequences And Vasily Nikolaevi h never once A lel o prin I that decision. 20. IN currents e the disease has reached a turning point. 21. IN continue e throughout the summer he came to us two or three times. 22. IN continue And we are not interested in classes n s. 23. IN currents e all the way Kasyan preserved A got stubborn O lagging. 24. Podvakhte n sailors most often b yu s And delhi or l e reaped on the deck, silently A lively and serious, occasionally A exchanging words on account of the “anathema” weather. 25. He well understood the danger of the clipper’s position and in V here nn oh people for him and, V kind of terrible morals n no responsibility n ity, he experienced burning reproaches of conscience. 26. The townsfolk did not have time to I rush out of control And Baibakov jumped out of the page, followed by V in sight of the whole crowd I found myself exactly V-exactly the same city O the boss, like the one who, a minute before the 3rd, was pr And carried in a cart by a police officer ( before that - preposition; serves to connect words; unproduced; rel. to places those; used with T. p.; has a time value). 27. Lavrentyich patted Shutikov on the back and, V form of a special arrangement O wife, cursed in the most gentle tone he could muster n his tired voice. 28. At the city O boss on the shoulders V in place of the head, there was an empty vessel. 29. Americans don't have n And what art And stical pride, and they bore Yu tbh I have V There is only one cash prize in sight. thirty. Not looking at your hump, or maybe just V consequences e this shortcoming, doctor p And tal to c And sharp spectacles at Yu and Not how funny for a person his age A hundred love.

Exercise 109

1. Yes same, like thunder, gr e shoaled military weapons. So same like lightning, sv e the fire was burning enne s explosions. So same like the winds, rushed into n ny units. 2. What would 3 fish with ъ there is, you have to get into the water ( to- union; serves to connect simple sentences as part of a complex sentence; subordinate; target; simple). 3. He's not straight e meh n but wanted to become a e swarm and for this he was ready to do anything, the most terrible thing would he was not offered any. 4. Cornflower through thick and thin wanted to race With tell everything to my brother. 5. Everything is white its I'm Lukerya Lvovna, that's all same Lyubov Petrovna, Ivan Petrovi is lying h So same stupid, Semyon Petrovi h So same stingy 6. That’s why you have a red summer, yes n oh what would ve chn oh to love this meager field that b ve chn it seemed sweet to you. 7. A thick carpet lay on the floor, the walls same 3 were hung en s carpets ( Same- union; serves to connect homogeneous members in a simple sentence between parts of a complex sentence; composing; connective; simple). 8. So what would she didn't do anything for anything would neither And nimalas - all the way out And she's beautiful. 9. Not for That wolf b b they say that they are grey, but because they are sheep ъ ate 10. I Nasl A waited peacefully with his work, success, glory, so same 3 the works and successes of friends ( Also- union; serves to connect homogeneous members in a simple sentence between parts of a complex sentence; composing; connective; simple). 11. So same in the mornings the air above the Near Mills groaned with beeps, but 3 it was no longer cold and 3 foggy n ny, and 3 bright, luminous ( But- union; serves to connect homogeneous members in a simple sentence between parts of a complex sentence; composing; adversative; simple). 12. Dogs etc. e Mali, horses with a little bree h and at shem, weakly l b the shining light of the stars same were lying. 13. The horse could not move the cart, That's why that 3 rear wheel nipple O chilo ( because- union; serves to connect simple sentences as part of a complex sentence; subordinate; etc And decorous; composite). 14. By this sign and That's why, which is lower I I'm part of the obg trunk O Rela, I figured out what happened O waiting for the pit. 15. Because, how, pob A grovev, zasv e the curly heads of pine trees and the sharp spiers of fir trees were moving, one could guess that the I moose with l ntse. 16. Upon completion And people dispersed so much at the rally same quickly, as planned. 17. Labor is necessary for a person so same like food, it should be p e gular, sist e matic. 18. I thought so same and about that person in h b my fate was in their hands. 19. I wish that would happy b e pr And went like merit. 20. A person needs to live, work and treat b to people in such a way that would honor n o deserve real at yu glory. 21. I skl O headed towards the river, but even there, in this O it's dark O y, cold O th depth, then same To O the stars blazed and trembled. 22. Here, on example, just now I on the account of the riots said that they cannot be called rioters e st b Ian for That only that they have bread for six hryvnias about T don't agree A naughty! 23. I felt sad T but it's not a shame By to what gu n we you e rli, and from what is the meaning of the word that has tormented me for so long And lo, ok A got so simple. 24. By the fact that 3 “grandfather” said, it was clear that 3 Vitka kept his word ( What(spoke) - local; decree s refers to the subject, etc. And sign, quantity, not named s wai them; answers the question What?; n. f. - What; local-noun, relative; used in the form V. p.; in a sentence - an addition; What(Vitka kept his word) - union; serves to connect simple sentences as part of a complex sentence; subordinate; additional (explanatory); simple). 25. K O meta Halley and what- That other to O meta with poison O with a twisted tail same vd O worshiped Blok, according to that that they too were “disastrous.” 26. In st. O Rone from the village the sky is a little cool e it ticked away, they started playing under the clouds pale-blue s A girls - Not something caught fire then, no then 3 Germans are nervous And chatted, guessing that this night b Yu in the circle of them is closing ts I ring, and again they began to let in A chum salmon ( not that - not that- union; serves to connect homogeneous members and parts of a complex sentence; composing; dividing; repetitive). 27. On example, he writes e t about the negligence of the writer’s language, at what are you doing ts I that he is incapable of exc. And distinguish the author's negligence from the negligence of the R rector 28. I think I have n but f A ntasia, “fiction” created and reproduced And tala That same one of the beats And powerful human qualities - intuition, That there are 3 “speculations” ( that is- union; serves to connect simple sentences as part of a complex one; composing; explanatory; composite). 29. It’s impossible to imagine that would the reader laughed at Fel b eton from first to last e th stro chk And. 30. It got dark quickly, so whatever 3 what was no longer possible With look under your feet, n and in in front, n and 3 s behind ( So- union; serves to connect simple sentences as part of a complex sentence; subordinate; investigative; composite; no no- union; serves to connect homogeneous members and parts of a complex sentence; composing; connective; repetitive). 31. His blue eyes e because they have faded, V consequences e starch e heavenly tears, but looked By- still good O stuffy, How boo d then they said: behind why do you care about my soul? And rat b Xia? I'm all here anyway.

Exercise 110

  1. Here(bream, piece) - particle, index.
  2. exactly(Samson Vyrin) - a clarifying particle.
  3. only(i) - particle, restrictive.
  4. even(rough) - particle, intensifying.
  5. over there- particle, index.
  6. Just- particle, intensifying.
  7. Let's(let's talk) - a formative particle forms the imperative mood of the verb let's talk.
  8. smooth- particle, clarifying.
  9. (to whom) same- particle, intensifying.
  10. whether- particle, interrogative.

Exercise 111

1. Say- ka, uncle, after all Not free Moscow, slept nn by fire, given to the Frenchman on? 2. We have a wonderful chief of staff, good, shelling Jann oh, let's smoke nn oh, only perhaps thinks too often that would such a person nn oh come up with that would become a real hero. 3. She felt both creepy and sweet at the same time same time. 4. I Not against f A the science of fairy tales - they are same good, solid human creativity. 5. Corvette is decent- after all rocked. 6. Yes, trepanulo- after all there are a fair number of us. 7. Listen- ka, my friend, they say you are a great master of singing? 8. Go weave bring the light to the light e chat letter. 9. And he loved- after all eat. 10. The dog just- after all Not tolerated the sailors. 11. How same So- With? 12.Drink- ka cucumber O gora ss olu with honey. 13. And the river begins to would With e glare at us, make louder noise. 14. Sailor so- after all and was stunned. 15. How same This is true- With! The deck, one might say, is Not what kind of family, sir? even sacred nn oh place- With, and you, if I may say so, With, spit! You spit e those- With, another spit e T- With- what to turn it into ts I then deck- With? 16. No, I still maintained my character. 17. No, I'm big after all eccentric. 18. But he still- after all continues until someone then no says: "No whether do you have something or newer, doctor? 19. And that’s it- after all, and that's all same the river is similar to the river. 20. Terkin seems would ra With losing n. 21. People jump out, worried nn s only because would hearing them A whether and the view e or they jump out and clog like would“new” but empty words are simple and clear. 22. - What is this? same done- That, A? - race With three nn o and ra With losing nn Praskovya Ivanovna spoke up. 23. Villains Not villains, and your guys after all rummaged and rummaged around. 24. Trees I after all I can break it, but Not bent neither one in an arc. 25. No whether some kind of book sometime on account of the order of life? Teachings on how to live?

  • after all(not without reason) - an intensifying particle.
  • only(too often) - restrictive particle.
  • Yes- particle, affirmative.
  • (How) same- particle, intensifying.
  • even(sacred) - particle, intensifying.
  • (I) after all- particle, intensifying.

Exercise 112

1. This Not yearning, Not boredom, but much worse. 2. In the village Not was neither dogs, neither chickens 3. I Not could Not agree with the arguments of your comrades. 4. Not maybe a wolf neither gasp neither take a breath. 5. There was almost a lot of snow Not knee-deep. 6. Somehow neither It was, but I like autumn. 7. Travelers at all costs neither it became necessary to cross a mountain river. 8. He neither alive neither the dead man rushes back. 9. Not Do you think that I'm afraid of you? 10. Who only Not walked along this highway! 11. German command Not could Not know that there is no neither military units, neither military facilities. 12. Who would neither there was you, my sad neighbor, I love you like a friend from my youth. 13. There is a race of people known by the name: so-so people, neither That neither that's it, neither in the city of Bogdan neither in the village of Selifan, according to the proverb. 14. Like a month neither shine, that's it Not sun light. 15. Not believe the words neither yours, neither strangers, believe only in the deeds of both your own and those of others. 16. Neither one cloud Not was in heaven. 17. Neither one star Not illuminated the difficult path. 18. Not I'm the only one who thinks so, the whole team is of the same opinion. 19. More for him neither about what Not I wanted to think. 20. With all my being I understood and felt: my son went into him - and neither into anyone else. 21. This is definitely the scoundrel Proshka, Not who else is like him! 22. Not From none other than Artemy Bogdanovich did Kostya Nespatov learn about Nastya’s feat. 23. But once Kuzma hit Fomka in the ear so much that from then on neither He, neither who else Not mocked Kuzma. 24. As if neither Shiraz was beautiful, he Not better than the Ryazan expanses. 25. But neither when and neither Where, neither in one word Not hinted that it was difficult for her. 26. In what narrow and barely accessible places Not Vasily Ivanovich climbed in, Not looking at your venerable belly! 27. And Not there were such desperately frenzied feats that no matter what people Not committed. 28. Not felt neither jocks, neither movements. 29. Olenin Not could Not admire the horse. 30. Vladimir Andreevich Snezhkov stood neither alive neither dead 31. In the early twenties in Petrograd already Not there was such an institution where Not invited A.F. Horses give lectures. 32. Yes, what neither month - another world. 33. On the sliding drift neither a single light. 34. - Oh, yes! After all, we still have you here Not have you been? - he responded somehow neither to the village neither towards the city, completely confused. 35. In this matter I neither be neither meh. 36. I managed to slip and somehow Not then dislocate Not then twist your leg. 37. He ate everything neither served, and praised. 38. His eyes were Not then cheerful Not then mocking. 39. - Well, Vasily Borisovich, if only you were a smart person Not fool. This is true: neither fish neither meat, neither kaftan neither cassock! He is your business, and you are nonsense to him. 40. Who would neither there was you, oh my reader, friend, Not friend, I want to part with you today as a friend. 41. How long am I neither I tried to make out something like a boat in the distance, but to no avail. 42. The steppe around, where neither take a look, green, smooth, free. 43. Gerasim neither what Not heard: neither the rapid squeal of the falling Mumu, neither heavy splash of water. 44. There is no smoke for hundreds of miles, neither yurts, neither human trace. 45. Will change Not Once a young maiden dreams are light dreams. 46. ​​Meresieva Not I had a chance to see an air battle from the ground neither once.

Exercise 113

1. Height Not Velika, Not beast, Not a bird, but digs the earth, builds housing. 2. You may be angry at my words, feel Not love me for them. 3. On a slope Not An apiary was visible in a deep ravine. 4. Opening the door, the commander Not hastily went down to the horse. 5. Old man Not willingly stood up and followed me outside. 6. Not The place makes the person, and the person the place. 7. Good after Not long absence to come to the parental home. 8. You Not worse and Not better than other children. 9. The boat was approaching the place where Not the sea, protected from the wind, boiled and tossed in the darkness. 10. Not The sweater my sister had finished was lying on the table near the lamp. 11. I always got over him Not power conquered by will and heart. 12. The evening was fading. All around Not cozy, lonely, cold. 13. Vadim Petrovich sat down on a bed made of Not planed boards. 14. And I stay with you, my dear side! Not I need someone else's sun, someone else's land Not needed. 15. We lift the net and, instead of expensive salmon, we pull out a guinea pig, completely Not the right one. 16. There is a flower standing on a mound, near the river, Not bent by the wind. 17. It was a man Not distant, but self-confident and arrogant. 18. Among the usual cars were Not acquaintances, and they did something Not understood. 19. When it’s quiet, then there’s silence, Not disrupted by movement or sound is especially striking. 20. Through the monotonous howl of the blizzard, he almost heard Not an audible, thin, ringing moan, similar to the buzzing of a mosquito. 21. There was a lot in them Not clear, closed by no one Not tangible, to no one Not visible curtain. 22. The noise of someone’s very loud sounds again reached my ears. Not long steps. 23. Old man Bolkonsky has always been Not high opinion of the character of Prince Vasily. 24. The face is calm and important, but Not strict; eyes Not radiant, rather light; piercing gaze, but Not wicked. 25. And now, completely Not prepared, you brought me into your circle. 26. It smelled like burning Not fading Not fire in the distance. 27. It’s too early for you to get married, you Not wealthy people Not should get married. 28. The creature disappeared and disappeared, no one Not protected, no one Not dear, for no one Not interesting. 29. The newspaper forces the reader to scatter his attention between dozens of heterogeneous facts, Not commensurate and Not connected by no internal connection. 30. He is preoccupied with questions that she Not available. 31. The general opinion about him was that he was very Not far away. 32. He spoke Not loud but clear. 33. The garage itself was Not great and Not apparently accommodated half of the base's park. 34. He was Not washed, Not shaven, with eyes red from insomnia. 35. Be Not beloved and Not happy - how interesting it is! 36. Already Not days and years between us. 37. Enters the door Not a person who has slept for many days. 38. No, Khripushin’s talent was from Not dying. 39. From that moment on, they were both overwhelmed with the honey smell of flowers and Not soil dried out after rain. 40. The battalion commander looked inquisitively at the man standing far away in front of him. Not young man. 41. He's already Not young, but still Not old 42. Hemingway was historically Not was right in that scene of the novel, and the story itself spoke about it later.

Exercise 114

1. To me Not maybe at dawn, I would like to see the beginning of the day. 2. He lived sparingly: Not finished eating Not he finished his drink, dressed God knows how, like a beggar. 3. Sometimes a lion Not he finished eating his food, and therefore the jackal was always with the lion. 4. You wasted it Not you love me more. 5. I Not I completed my studies with them and left Planovka in the third semester. 6. The moon stands high, even the hats Not finish. 7. What letter, Pal Palych? I'll Not I understand. 8. And Anna is watching Not breathing like seething lava flows. 9. And yet very soon, Not depending neither to which, I was very homesick. 10. But I walked and walked, Not looking neither why, but Gnezdilov’s everything Not was. 11. He responded Not although with annoyance. 12. Someone else Not did you count? 13. He said that he was always a boy Not filled up. 14. He put the story aside and, Not Having finished writing, he gave the seal. 15. Not After listening to the end, Katenka took it and looked at the door. 16. Not looking around, with sallow faces, they walked for half an hour and an hour. 17. Ahead, Not getting closer and Not As we walked away, we could hear artillery fire. 18. Time passed Not in a hurry. 19. Despite the fact that Not It was late in the evening, it was stuffy. 20. They came up in a crowd, Not bowing, icons Not noticing, they sit down at the table Not praying and hats Not taking off.

Exercise 115

1. I neither to whom Not interfered and Not needed neither to whom. 2. Neither by whom Not the broken silence kept them in a stupor And. 3. The bus rolled along a tight slope nn oh dirt road with more Not removed n wood n with shields snow detention. 4. Walk carefully Not more beautiful n floorboards, as agreed I Data, Nadezhdin followed him. 5. Gara himself and was Not great and Not accommodated By-we see O mu, and half of the base park. 6. Valko was a man Not verbose, and neither Who neither When Not knew what was happening in his soul. 7. Oleg, how neither in how Not Sometimes he stayed to help Volodya and Tolya. 8. Niot Where Not letters arrived, new friends instead of Varya Not started. 9. Where neither turn your gaze, you will meet you everywhere And w b or water, or stones. 10. After the death of the family b and him not from who was to receive letters and Not who was to write to? Neither who's in the regiment Not knew about him Not happiness. 11. Shigaev, a crafty and clever man n oh, could under what neither there is an excuse to detain Not cunning impostor. 12. I Not hinted neither once about p b sir, neither about my previous behavior And, neither about Grushnitsky. 13. It was time Not wounds n oh, on a village street Not was neither souls, and she reached the crossroads neither by whom Not notice en Naya. 14. Gorse Not little proud of the fact that so far neither one girl chk And Not was in this b e. 15. There was air Not get moving n and quiet. 16. From Not wine n oh pleasures I neither When Not etc. b. 17. Kr e st b Yanin told the fox that in her craft neither a hair's breadth of goodness Not it is seen. 18. Cornflower what? would That neither I wanted to be the first to show b to my brother. 19. Neither clouds in the sky Not wandered. 20. Standing everywhere Not quieted down Yu great hubbub and bursts of laughter. 21. This man was Not distant but self-confident n arrogant and arrogant And vy. 22. Probirate b through other e tormented, neither by whom Not the untouched forest is far away Not lung. 23. There was a lot in them Not okay, closed neither by whom Not tangible, neither to whom Not view And my veil. 24. We were Not enemies, but also Not buddies. 25. I see you are a guy Not coward. 26. Not friends called him "green" and a talker O m. 27. And that's all How boo d then they became stricter: after all Not Where- someday we entered, and that’s it same We were entering the Atlantic. 28. She neither above how Not count e fooled around Not I doubted it neither in how. 29. I neither in how Not I'm to blame for him Not did neither what's wrong with him not in than to reproach me. 30. You Not one of these! 31. Not that picture is in front of me. 32. Not when yes and neza what was it about ъ make it clear to Lizka, and behind one thing for the guys, why did he put the hut aside. 33. Pastukhov Not knew neither where is Surovtsev now? neither where is the company commander, neither what are the losses batal b she. 34. Father not for What Not agreed to leave the village. 35. Lead rustles in Not compressed rye, in Not cochet n oh grass. 36. And she wandered through the wild field, Not groin n Om, untrodden, who did not know the braid. 37. And in such Not conditions familiar to them nn The icks held up well. 38. The dining room was quite filled Not usual guests for Yasnaya Polyana. 39. Maria grus T but looked at the mess n oh field, I remembered that next to this field lie underground n s Not dug up n wow potatoes, what neither by whom Not assembled n the late watermelons were pecked by crows, and further, behind the hill, with And mouthily bowed to the ground filled n heads filled with seeds disappear, a large field crumbles Not cut nn s sunflowers.

(1) During a business trip, I slipped on an icy staircase and seriously injured my hand. (2) My wrist was swollen, there was nothing to do: I had to go to see a surgeon. (3) So I, a resident of a large regional city, ended up in an ordinary district hospital. (4) For some reason, the doctor did not begin the appointment, and near the doors in the cramped corridor, lit by a weak light bulb, there was a real Babylonian pandemonium. (5) Who was there? (6) Elderly women, whose faces were flushed from the stuffiness, gloomy old men, high school girls, shrilly screaming that they will skip the queue, because they just need to get a stamp. (7) Infants cried in the arms of their mothers, exhausted by waiting, who rocked them tiredly and looked in silent anguish at the closed office door.
(8) Time passed, but the reception still did not start. (9) And people’s patience ran out. (10) At first, some kind of dull murmur was heard, which, like a match to dry branches, ignited general discontent. (11) The children, as if on cue, began to cry in one voice, and it was no longer a murmur, but an indignant and plaintive howl that filled the entire corridor.
(12) “Lord, why am I here!” - I thought, looking at these people. (13) The pain awakened in my hand flared with redoubled force, my head began to spin. (14) It became unbearable to wait, I decided to act. (15) With a firm step, I approached the registration window and quietly but authoritatively knocked on the glass. (16) The plump woman looked at me over her glasses, I motioned for her to go out into the corridor. (17) When she came out, I handed her a coupon to the doctor and fifty rubles.
- (18) I urgently need to see a surgeon. (19) Please arrange it!
(20) The woman silently took my coupon and put the money in her robe pocket.
- (21) Everyone move away from the doors, move away! - she grumbled and, passing through the crowd of people, like a knife through jelly, she entered the office. (22) A minute later she came out and nodded her head at me:
- Now they will call you!
(23) The children were crying, the light bulb, blinking due to power surges, splashed beams of yellow light, the smell of something stale and musty filled the lungs. (24) Suddenly, a boy in a blue blouse, who had escaped from the arms of his exhausted mother, buried himself at my feet. (25) I stroked his fluffy head, and the baby looked at me with trusting eyes. (26) I smiled. (27) The young mother sat him down.
- (28) Be patient, little one, be patient, we’ll be leaving soon!
(29) The disabled man dropped his crutch and, helplessly moving his hands, tried to pick it up from the floor. (30) I closed my eyes. (31) The door swung open and the nurse shouted loudly:
- Nikitin, see you!
(32) People shook their heads, asking who Nikitin was here. (33) I stood to the side without moving.
- (34) Nikitin who? (35)Where is he?
(36) The nurse shrugged her shoulders in bewilderment and said:
- Well, then whoever is first in line, come in!
(37) A young mother and her child rushed to the door. (37) I went to the window. (38) Sparse snow was falling, the darkened sky, like an ice-covered river, hung low above the ground, and pigeons flew through it. (39) A young mother and her baby came out of the doctor’s office, he looked at me and waved his bandaged hand at me.
-(40) Nikitin hasn’t come up yet? (41) Well, then the next one in line...

(According to K. Akulinin)


Is it acceptable to put one’s interests above the interests of other people? What are the consequences of such behavior for a person? The problem of conscience is one of the problems raised in the text of the modern Russian writer K. Akulinin.

Nowadays, especially in big cities, people often do not take into account the interests and needs of others at all; they go through life pushing those around them with their elbows. The author refers to a seemingly minor incident that occurred in an ordinary district hospital of a regional city: Nikitin stood in line for a long time to see a doctor, who for some reason did not start the appointment, and, tired of the pain tormenting him, decided to bribe the nurse in order to get through to see a doctor without waiting in line. However, something prevented the hero from taking advantage of his dishonestly obtained privilege. The nurse calls him twice to take him to the office, but in Nikitin’s soul an unconscious sympathy is born for weaker and defenseless people: a sick child, a young exhausted mother, a disabled person with a crutch, who are also waiting for their turn.

The author encourages you to think about the fact that every normal person who puts his own interests above the interests of other people inevitably comes into conflict with his conscience. And it doesn’t matter whether you violate the moral law in a big or small way, or whether you have any justification for it.

One cannot but agree with the author's position. Selfishness and callousness are becoming the norm of modern man. Often, in pursuit of immediate gains, we do not choose means, do not spare the weak, and strive to overtake everyone by at least half a length. But why then, having achieved our small success at such a cost, do we not feel the joy of victory? Our conscience haunts us.

Many Russian writers addressed the problem of testing a person by conscience. So, the main character of the novel F.M. Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment”, Rodion Raskolnikov, there was a theory according to which the interests of some people (“those with the right”) were higher than the interests of everyone else. Raskolnikov decides to test whether he can step over human life to prove the correctness of his theory. And he puts his plan into action by killing the old pawnbroker. However, the hero could not bear the gravity of the crime committed: he was tormented by his conscience, which turned out to be stricter than any judge.

The hero of N.A. Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus',” the village elder Ermil Girin, took advantage of his position to exempt his brother from conscription duty, and enrolled another resident of his village as a recruit instead. After this, Yermil was very remorseful, wanted to give up his position and even tried to commit suicide - the remorse for the offense he committed was so severe for him.

Competition, as the engine of development of modern society, increasingly forces us to justify our disrespect for others by the need to be as efficient as possible, to succeed everywhere, to achieve our goals at any cost. But when your mind and heart are not in harmony, if you do not live according to your conscience: without respect for others, without sympathizing with the grief and need of others, you are doomed to loneliness and moral torment.

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