Who we are where we came from. Who are we? Where are we from? Mysterious Denisovan people

But who are we and where are we from?
When from all those years
There are rumors left
Are we not in the world?...
B. Pasternak

Looking into the mysterious sky,
And often thinking - where are we from?
Thoughts come - in the open spaces,
maybe somewhere
In the depths of space we were
But why, but why, such thoughts?
After all, We are earthly and our mother is the Earth...
But why are children not adapted?
so long to Life???
How does the rest of Nature work?...
Man is the only one who dresses up
into skins"
He is not protected from Nature
No scales, no fur and no fat,
And you can't keep warm naked from
bad weather...
Analysis of mathematics led to the calculation,
What is the force of gravity of the Earth, -
Very large, not fit for humans,
For those who often suffer from back problems...
And what about human birth??? Very dangerous
The most painful person comes into the world
Baby with the head of "Homo Sapiens"
The inhabitants of other places do not have such suffering...
In each individual the rhythm is 24 hours,
With Man, everything is different:
Internal rhythm of "wakefulness-sleep"
At 25 o'clock it is clearly marked...
We don't know any sense of proportion
We climb under the hot sun rays
And we get painful burns,
This means that the streams of the Sun are hot for us...

This world is alien. This is not where we appeared
Not here they were formed and received
powerful device,
So that they think and multiply on Earth,
And Reason is given - as a mandate!...

Inaccurate knowledge always gives rise to speculation. This is a pattern.
Modern science cannot answer the question - how did Life appear on earth!? Those who are searching are trying to answer this question! Where is Man from? This is the biggest mystery of humanity. American ecologist "Ellis"
Silver, in his book “People Are Not from Earth: A Scientific Assessment of the Facts,” writes that people, unlike animals, are too unadapted to life on Earth.
In particular: diseases and weakness of the spine indicate that the first people
developed in an environment with lower gravity, many chronic diseases, painful and dangerous childbirth, the percentage of deaths of both the fetus and the mother during childbirth is incomparably high! Poor tolerance to solar radiation
and the appearance of burns on the human body indicate that the home planet was most likely located further from the Sun.
Biologists claim that according to the biological clock, the optimal day for a Human is one containing 25 hours, not 24 hours!!!
Only 10 percent of the powerful brain apparatus is used by humans!
Why? Nature cannot be so wasteful!
The extra 223 genes, which other creatures on Earth do not have, account for 2/3 of the differences
human from chimpanzee!
Rapid adaptation to the state of weightlessness (2-3 days) and long-term adaptation of the body in the reverse order (from 3 weeks to 3 months)
And why is Life given to us so short???...The body's reserves are more than
for 120-130 years!!!
But why is there such nostalgia for Heaven???
And for some reason the full moon has such an effect on us???...
The size of the Moon and the distances allow it to exactly cover the disk of the Sun during a total solar eclipse.

Where are WE from? That's another question. There are different hypotheses: from Mars, from Sirius,
from Alpha Centauri, from the star cluster -

With the light hand of Charles Darwin, people have long recognized themselves as an improved version of the monkey. If we assume that we are primates, then it should be noted that we, the only ones of this biological species, have legs longer than our arms. We pay for this with back pain and shifts in the spine. And yet, unlike monkeys, humans have sparse body surface hair and subcutaneous fat.

Homo sapiens is the only primate in the world with such a large brain and fangs the same length as the rest of the teeth. In addition, it is the only one characterized by bradycardia, that is, an automatic slowing of the heartbeat in water. A person speaks solely thanks to the ability to consciously control his breathing and, thus, modulate the sounds of speech.

Attempts by enthusiasts to teach monkeys to speak were unsuccessful due to their inability to control their breathing. The difference from our hairy “relatives” is that we do not have seasonal mating, like other primates. In addition, the person has an elongated genital organ and protruding breasts.

According to the version put forward by scientists in 1960, the design of human genitals can be explained by the fact that our distant ancestors, like seals, led a semi-aquatic lifestyle, since the monkeys we are used to have them of a different design.

Homo sapiens aquatic

A relatively recent fashion has emerged: women are encouraged to give birth in water. Such births are much easier and, in addition, a child born in such conditions becomes much more resistant to any diseases. Apparently, in this case, the aquatic environment has a positive effect, since it is more natural for humans. Therefore, assumptions that humanity once led an aquatic lifestyle may have a basis in reality.

The aquatic theory is also supported by the fact that, according to experts, the skeleton of any land animal should be at least three times stronger. Anyone who lives in an aquatic environment does not need a particularly strong skeleton. But we, the descendants who moved to land, pay for this change with frequent injuries from jumps, falls and impacts. At the same time, in nature there are no species of monkeys leading a predominantly aquatic lifestyle.


Doubting our relationship with monkeys, scientists began to look for other relatives in the animal world. Thus, US biologists have discovered a great genetic similarity between a human cell and a gray rat cell. The similarity was so clear that it allowed them to conclude: rats and humans had common ancestors! The behavior of rats and people is also sometimes strikingly similar.

Rats are smart, quick-witted, learn quickly and apply the acquired skills in life (for example, it is enough for one rat to eat poisoned bait and die, and the whole flock begins to ignore the most tempting treats). Rat packs are very closed and recognize only their own; they simply kill strangers, that is, stray rats. Populations of rats have something very reminiscent of a social organization, and of an authoritarian, even fascist nature.

At the top of every society there is a strong male - a dominant, commanding a harem of females and a pair of deputies, somewhat inferior to him in strength. Below are powerless pariahs who are not even entitled to their own nests. The right to have a female is a reward “from the authorities.” At the same time, the leader himself is so busy asserting his power that sometimes he does not even have time for females: they are fertilized by his deputies. Whether these observations are enough to recognize rats and people as one family - judge for yourself.


According to geneticists, people in their modern form should have appeared on Earth at least 200 thousand years ago. But this period is five times longer than the “official” lifespan of the human race! However, there is reason to believe that our forgotten history is even older. The 200 thousand years proposed by geneticists is the point at which a branch of humanity separated from another, more ancient group of fairly intelligent beings. Strictly speaking, there are many reasons for such a conclusion.

In particular, there is the concept of forbidden archeology, which includes finds that cannot be explained from the point of view of modern science. Indeed, there are quite a few of them: these are traces of giants tens of millions of years old, preserved on petrified soil, and very ancient skeletons of absolutely incredible creatures similar to humans, and finds of artificial objects millions of years old.

Serious science does not consider such findings, perhaps for the reason that they cannot be “fitted” into any of the generally accepted theories. But nevertheless, an idea appeared and began to take root: once upon a time in the center of the Galaxy there was a mother planet on which humanity was born, which later settled across all habitable worlds. And then, for some unknown reason, the colonies created by the aliens lost civilization, degraded and became wild. Now their surviving and greatly changed descendants in different worlds are rebuilding their lives.


Among the seals belonging to the Sumerian civilization, images of flying objects, bird people, and even the solar system were repeatedly found. The latter is all the more surprising since telescopes were invented relatively recently. It is clear that the idea of ​​the interplanetary origin of man is far from new. It has been expressed in different terms and in different eras. This concept is actively developed in their works by science fiction writers and Hollywood, which has learned to make very realistic horror films.

But it cannot be denied that the idea itself did not arise out of nowhere. Against the background of this idea, the modern assumption that it was not man who descended from the ape, but the ape from man, sounds not so nonsense! That is, primates are a completely degraded, secondary branch of people. The authors of this theory very easily found proof for it.

It is known that during the process of intrauterine development, the embryo goes through all evolutionary stages. And it turned out: a person does not go through the “monkey” phase. But in the development of a monkey embryo, on the contrary, there is a period in which it is very similar to a human. And this is so clear that someone once described a person as “a sexually mature embryo of a monkey.”

At no stage of its development does the human embryo resemble a monkey.


Today, in addition to Darwinism and the Bible, there are a number of popular versions of the origin of man.

Alien version. This is one of the oldest alternative versions, with many variations to suit every taste, ranging from "They created us to relieve their endless boredom" to "We are a defective version of the higher intelligence." In addition, there is an assumption that aliens made an emergency landing on Earth, and we are their descendants. But in general, all the variations boil down to the fact that man is the fruit of the labor of some extraterrestrial civilization.

The Matrix and the like. Things get even more interesting here. Some - obviously not without the influence of the film of the same name - suggest that our world is not real. Others believe that the entire existing physical reality, including our body, is just a kind of “playground” created by us to gain additional life experience and skills. In reality, we are either disembodied energy entities, or we simply look completely different.

Descendants of bats. It is said that once upon a time there lived on Earth creatures that combined the features of humans and birds, similar to the harpies from ancient myths. How exactly they evolved into humans is unknown. Let us note here that there are recorded eyewitness accounts claiming that half-humans, half-birds still exist.

Androgynes. There is an old Greek legend about how the gods originally created a race of people who had both male and female characteristics. But these creatures turned out to be so strong that they encroached on the power of the gods. Then Zeus decided to divide the androgynes in two in order to weaken them. That is why, according to legend, we are now doomed to spend our whole lives looking for our soulmate, which, by the way, is not far from the truth.

Giant people. The idea that our ancestors were giants has been expressed for a long time. According to myths, angels descended to earth, took human daughters, and from such connections a tribe of giants appeared. Well, over time, their descendants shredded and became similar to modern humans.


In the folklore of many peoples one can find references to a period that is commonly called “paradise”. This was the first phase of human existence. In those distant times, the climate on Earth was much warmer. Water occupied most of the earth's surface, and coastal areas were covered with many shallow, warm lagoons.

There was always a huge, seemingly motionless luminary in the sky, which everyone admired. It was called the “cosmic egg” or the “night sun.” All sources state the irregular shape of the star. It was indeed ovoid or oval in shape.

From an astronomical point of view, this may mean that there were two stars in the solar system, and the Earth was a smaller satellite. Thanks to her light, there was neither winter nor night in that world. The vegetation was lush and rich, its fruits could be eaten constantly without much effort. The mountains in those pristine times were small and rare, and the reservoirs were clean and shallow. Vast and stormy oceans simply did not exist then. Also, conflicts, especially bloody ones, between creatures and species were rare, and carnivores fed mainly on carrion.

The social structure of humanity was matrimonial, paternity was unknown and unimportant. Masculine traits, that is, strength and aggressiveness, were unnecessary, while feminine ones - tenderness, protection and consolation - were required everywhere. And there was no death in our understanding: the mythology of immortality could only appear in connection with mass longevity. But death was not something frightening, but was only a part of life.

This period ended with the death of the smaller Sun: the second star exploded. The inhabitants of the Earth fell “from the highest heavens to the lowest.” That is, according to some researchers, the Earth was thrown out of the region of Jupiter and began to rotate in a new orbit, closer to the Sun. At the same time, its rotation axis became inclined, and then the alternation of seasons appeared. Accordingly, the priorities of the intelligent beings inhabiting the Earth at that time also changed.


Representatives of the most ancient of all existing fields of knowledge - occultists - have their own view on the origin of modern man. They collected many of the most ancient legends - both about the origin of humanity and about the civilizations that once existed. These myths say that the oldest civilization that is remembered arose far to the north.

This happened long before the start of the Ice Age. The divine ancestors came from the “Land of the Gods,” the “Island of Immortality,” from “Mount Meru” and settled near the northern horizon, which, according to some researchers, meant the settlement of the Earth by creatures from outer space. Although, of course, nuances are possible - a developed culture that existed on a small island decided to expand its habitat area.

But this nuance means that the settlers were messengers of another, even more ancient civilization! The one about which we know nothing. The aliens settled the continent of Hyperborea, located around the North Pole.

Thus, the Hyperboreans lived on a continent where the Sun never set. Sometimes they were visited by Apollo on a golden arrow or in a carriage drawn by swans. Some researchers interpret this as an image of a spaceship. They also insist on the unearthly origin of the Hyperboreans, who colonized an area similar in climate to their homeland. It was said about the inhabitants of the mainland that they were tall and fair-haired. These people became the progenitors of the white race.

The continent of Hyperborea existed for a long time, and its history ended with a cataclysm: a comet or a fallen second Moon shifted the earth’s axis. The sun changed its path, and this marked the end of one of the eras in the history of our planet. According to occultists, after this catastrophe, which instantly destroyed the continent, the third cycle began on Earth.

A new race developed on a vast continent known as Lemuria, or Mu. Now in place of the sunken continent there is the Atlantic Ocean, but millions of years ago this entire ocean area was dry land. The mainland was filled with active volcanoes and was constantly subject to earthquakes.

It eventually broke up into islands and sank to the bottom of the ocean. Whether it will be found in the foreseeable future and whether school biology textbooks will change - we can find out either tomorrow or never.

It's no secret that, according to modern scientific classification, man belongs to the animal kingdom. We are part of the hominid family and represent the human race.

Man is an animal

The first signs that great changes were coming in the animal kingdom arose about seven million years ago, and perhaps even earlier, when the “human” line separated from the chimpanzee line. It is generally accepted that this happened very simply - our ancestor stood on his hind legs and walked. Thus, hominids acquired their main feature - bipedalism, that is, walking on two legs. True, it was not long before primitive man gave up the habit of climbing trees. Over millions of years, it continued to evolve: its appearance, habitat, living conditions, skills, and so on changed - until in the late Paleolithic era, about 40 thousand years ago, the Cro-Magnon man, the ancestor of modern man, appeared on the territory of Europe . Thanks to the latest archaeological finds, it has become clear that our ancestor won the right to exist in a severe struggle - literally life and death - with his contemporaries: with the physically stronger Neanderthal, with the so-called Denisovan man, who is in many ways similar to the Neanderthal, and with a tiny man - a resident of the island of Flores.

Mysterious Denisovan people

The scientific world only recently learned about the existence of Denisovan man, after the publication in 2010 of materials about the remains of a new species of primitive people found in the Altai Mountains. Scientists have never seen anything like this before. The remains were discovered in Denisova Cave, whose age is estimated at at least 50 thousand years. This cave, located near the city of Biysk, in the valley of the Anui River, has for 30 years been considered a source of unique historical finds, comparable in significance to the artifacts of Ancient Egypt. During the excavations, archaeologists found out that there was a site of primitive man here for many millennia. The “room”, 110 meters long and 270 square meters in area, consists of several interconnected voids inside the rock and, apparently, was once a very convenient place for our ancestors to live.

The most significant objects for archaeological science were found in the cave in recent years. A real sensation awaited scientists when they extracted the bones of an ancient man, previously unknown to science, from the 11th cultural layer. At first it was the phalanx of a girl’s little finger and a molar tooth of an adult, and a little later - two more artifacts. Scientists estimate that Denisovan people lived in northern Asia about 30-50 thousand years ago. In ancient times, they formed a single tribe with the Neanderthals, but later they left Africa, and the Denisovan people went east, while the remaining Neanderthals moved west.

Smart cannibals

The world learned about the existence of Neanderthals in the middle of the 18th century, when, during construction work in the Neander Valley in Germany, workers accidentally dug up bones similar to human ones. The frightened diggers immediately called the police, but the police, after carefully examining the remains, found them very strange and turned for help to a local literate who taught natural sciences at school. The teacher showed the find to specialists, and it immediately became a sensation in the scientific world. An ancient man, whose remains lay in clay for thousands of years, fit perfectly into the theory of Charles Darwin, occupying the empty place in it between Homo sapiens and apes. Scientists have found that the Neanderthal looked quite terrifying. Not inferior to us in height and skull size, covered with hair, he had a thick neck, long arms, a wide chest and short strong legs. Yes, he couldn’t be called handsome: there was practically no forehead and chin, small eyes looked out from under the powerful brow ridges, and a wide, fleshy nose rose above his thick lips. Nevertheless, this man knew how to make fire and hunt large animals, used stone tools and buried the dead in graves, laying them in the fetal position. Moreover, the Neanderthal even wore necklaces and played a prehistoric “flute.” In general, he would have been a completely worthy representative of the human race, even if unsightly in appearance, if he had not turned out to be... a cannibal.

Neanderthals and modern humans once shared a common ancestor, Pithecanthropus, but our lineages diverged about 500,000 years ago, meeting only 410,000 years later in the Middle East. And 40 thousand years ago, Neanderthals suddenly disappeared from the face of the Earth, leaving behind only remains covered with the dust of centuries. Even mammoths walked our planet longer, going extinct only about 10 thousand years ago.

The Hobbit People of Flores Island

In John P.P. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings", on which the film of the same name is based, tells about the adventures of hobbits - small, smart people from the fairy-tale Middle-earth. It seems that scientists have found confirmation that creatures similar to hobbits existed in reality. These primitive people, descendants of Pithecanthropus, about two million years ago set out on a long and dangerous journey from Africa to Southeast Asia, and along the way they even had to overcome ocean spaces to get to the island of Flores off the coast of Indonesia. Here Homo florensiensis, as scientists called them, firmly settled and became the undivided masters of the island for hundreds of thousands of years. “Hobbits” felt so comfortable in these places that they lived until the era of Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals and actually became their neighbors in a communal apartment called Earth. Being on the island in complete solitude, in the process of evolution, Homo florensiensis turned into dwarf people about a meter tall, with long arms and small muscular bodies, practically devoid of hair. The face was dominated by a large flat nose, tiny eyes were deep-set, and jaws with large teeth protruded strongly forward, with almost no chin. The inhabitants of the island of Flores differed from modern pygmies in their small brain size, approximately like that of chimpanzees, which completely changed scientists’ understanding of the size of this organ as the main factor in the development of ancient people. The islanders made stone tools, mastered fire and, despite their small stature, successfully hunted various animals. But about 14 thousand years ago, the hobbit people suddenly disappeared from the island, perhaps killed by a volcanic eruption or as a result of extermination by the larger Cro-Magnons. Be that as it may, among local residents there are still legends about the dwarf people Ebu Gogo, who lived on the island until the 16th century, when the first Europeans appeared here.

Skull of Homo flores, sometimes called "the hobbit"

Savages among us

So what is modern man? Let's go back to the Neanderthals. Science has proven that Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals coexisted in the same territory for about 50 thousand years. Naturally, for obvious reasons, there was an interpenetration of these two species. However, science has found that we had different foremothers, and mixed “marriages” had virtually no effect on the DNA of modern humans. However, Svante Pääbo, a professor at the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, found that the DNA of modern humans contains between one and four percent of Neanderthal genes. And according to other scientific data, for example, the DNA of the inhabitants of New Guinea contains about five percent of the DNA of Denisovan man. So it turns out that we are all, to one degree or another, descendants of bloodthirsty primitive savages, even if the line of our direct Cro-Magnon ancestors went through its own seemingly independent path of evolution. Modern science leaves us with a wide range of hypotheses about who we are and where we came from. In this field there is a place for both supporters of the theory of Darwinism and admirers of the ideas of Aristotle, G. Leibniz, K.E. Tsiolkovsky and others, who believed that life, including intelligent life, could have been brought to Earth from space. Moreover, modern archeology has thousands of ancient artifacts indicating a visit to our planet by space aliens. To believe this, just read the books of Erich von Däniken.

By the way, where did the Neanderthals go? Maybe they accidentally entered another dimension - after all, according to string theory, there are a great many such dimensions around us? And just imagine: suddenly one day these ancient people will find a way back, and the first watchmen will suddenly appear from the morning fog, moving carefully with clubs in their hands, peering intently with their small eyes at the unfamiliar landscape.

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Who are we, where are we from? This can only be understood by tracing back to the very beginning, where we came from and how we then developed. Hylozoics will help us with this, because this science deals with a part of human history unknown to us, providing extensive information about its ancestry. Not one of the most brilliant paleontologists and historians was able to do this. The thing is that the evolution of man has always followed two parallel paths: the evolution of his physical form and the evolution of consciousness in this form. These two processes partially determine each other. However, these are two different manifestations of life, and therefore were directed by different groups of higher intelligence. I believe there are no materialists among us, so let’s not waste precious time discussing the fact that man, in all his brilliant form, could not have appeared by chance, from a lump of bioplasm, having developed from an animal in the process of natural selection!

The appearance of man on planet Earth was predetermined in the plans of the higher mind. Everything in the lower worlds manifests itself from the higher worlds! Humans are no exception. And this applies not only to his monad, but also to his biological form. The human body is the end result of all biological evolution. It took 320 million years for man to develop into the form in which we know him today. This has been happening throughout the entire current period of planet Earth, with man present from the very beginning of this period. Yes, we are much more ancient creatures than paleontologists indicate! This is unknown because man did not have an organism from the very beginning of his history. Note that even now, every incarnation of a person on Earth begins first of all with the formation of an etheric shell, and only then the organism is “poured out” in the form of an etheric shell. The incarnation of all humanity, its physical manifestation on the planet, took place similarly!

According to the septenary scheme of manifestation of monads in space, the physical manifestation (manifestation) of monads (on the only physical planet of the septenary system) takes a period of time of about 620 million years (one-seventh of the total manifestation of 4320 million years, which is called a “cosmic day” or “eon”) , which is divided into seven periods. In each of these periods, called the root races, a new physical species of man gradually developed, possessing new psychological qualities. The development of each root race took place on different continents or groups of continents, where civilizations of these root races were created, which were subsequently destroyed by natural disasters. Natural disasters have always occurred during periods of great transformation in the lower kingdoms of nature. For example, revolutionary changes in the mineral kingdom resulted in volcanic and seismic activity, causing enormous destruction in the human world.

The first root race began 300 million years ago. The densest shell of individuals of this period was ethereal, and emotional consciousness predominated. This root race went through all seven stages of development without undergoing division into sub-races. From the seventh stage of this first root race, the second root race was born 150 million years ago. It was also largely ethereal, although it showed increasing tendencies to become denser, forming organic forms. The compaction process was involutionary and evolutionary, in a transitional form. From this root race seven sub-races were formed. All subsequent root races were then born according to the same pattern. In the sixth subrace of the second root race, a sexless organism appeared in man. These primitive people reproduced by budding. From the spores they secreted, the first mammals also developed, later expanding their class to include all the countless species known to us today. The lower animals belong to the evolution of the deva and were formed by the spirits of nature in the third eon.

So, hylozoics goes against Darwin's theory of evolution. Man existed long before mammals, and therefore could not have descended from them! From what has been said above, it also follows that the line of evolution of physical man, or more precisely, evolution in the first stages, runs completely separately from the evolution of the rest of organic life. Further, the third root race arose 40 million years ago on the continent of Lemuria, located in what is now the Pacific Ocean. The individuals of this root race possessed fully developed organisms, although not of the form that we are accustomed to consider human. The first subrace continued to reproduce by budding, and the second subrace by laying eggs conceived without external fertilization. These were all the same organisms self-generating in etheric form. The third subrace was the hermaphroditic one, in which both sexes were equivalent. Sex division occurred only in the fourth subrace. We will remain like this until the end of the period of manifestation on the physical Earth.

The third root race, namely its third subrace, was marked by the fact that at this time super-beings began to incarnate among people. These were divine hermaphrodites. Their goal was to guide human development, to ennoble his body and higher shells. The guidance of these early fathers of mankind took place in a physical manner (through incarnation). As a result, in the fourth sub-race the nervous system was formed, which allowed mental consciousness to develop in physical man, although the emotional consciousness still remained dominant. Humanity began to develop rapidly! This development was marked by the fact that, on the one hand, the human body became such that it allowed the development of mental consciousness (brain). But on the other hand, this happened in the middle of the eon (“day”), when half of the period of manifestation of the Earth had already passed, that is, the compaction of matter reached the lowest, physical form, which did not contribute to the development of any consciousness other than the physical. The brain arose, but from too dense matter!

At the same time, there was an ever-increasing migration of monads from the animal kingdom to the human kingdom. These newcomers to the human kingdom did not have the slightest chance until the end of the eon to keep up with their older brothers (the first-born people, from whom the class of mammals as such arose), with their ever-increasing pace of evolution. Anticipating that this state of affairs would lead to a crisis in the evolution of consciousness, the hierarchy of the solar system decided to create a planetary hierarchy in order to direct evolution in the right direction. Before this decision was made, the method of accelerating the evolution of consciousness was that individuals who in the previous chain of planets had become beings of the second triad (supermen, superdevas) incarnated among people. But these measures were no longer enough in the developing new conditions. Help was called from the system of Venus, which, like the planetary seven of the Earth, had a dense physical planet. The difference, however, was that the manifestation of the Venus system was already in the last aeon.

It follows from this that at that moment the majority of humanity on Venus was on the verge of moving into the fifth kingdom of nature, and certain individuals had already accomplished this Ascension. This is analogous to how earthly humanity is now unevenly developed, so that some are at higher levels than others. The Venusians then had more wise guidance in the manifestation of their planetary system than they needed! It was not difficult for them to identify a group of their higher beings (the sixth kingdom of nature) so that they would lead the evolution of consciousness on Earth. They were happy to help their little brothers! A group of these divine beings of the essence world arrived on Earth 21 million years ago. They were accompanied by the supermen of Venus (beings of the fifth kingdom of nature), the so-called Masters, and their disciples, who were in the highest stage of the human kingdom (ideality). In addition to this, in order to ensure that adequate assistance was provided to humanity, they were joined by superdevas from the entire solar system of the level of evolution of the fifth kingdom of nature. Devas of this level of evolution are called angels, or Augoeides.

No matter how busy a person is with his affairs, no matter how sad or happy his life is, the question still arises before him - what is all this for? Why do we live if we have to die anyway, moreover, if those we love inevitably die? This is the problem of the meaning of life - probably the same problem in an attempt to solve which philosophy itself arose. Because this problem contains everything that is most important and valuable for any person who is not afraid to think about it.

Any system of beliefs, worldviews and philosophies is ultimately based on an approach to solving this issue. This is not surprising, because in the end, all prohibitions and regulations, traditions and values ​​are justified only by why and for what they should be observed. That is why the meaning of life in philosophy and the attitude towards the finitude of life and death are very connected. In addition, this issue intertwines individual meaning - that is, the meaning of the life of a particular person - and social meaning - the meaning of the life of society or humanity as a whole. Historically, philosophy knows three types of approaches to this problem.

The first is the traditional faith-based approach. Life only makes sense when it is eternal. When all the best that you have does not disappear, when neither evil nor time no longer exists, but there is only eternal joy and fullness of being. But in order to achieve such a life - to be resurrected after physical death in another world - one must, during one’s lifetime, achieve unity with the gods or with God, and observe the instructions and restrictions given from above. With this approach, the problem of the meaning of life is removed by striving for God and eternal life. However, many religious systems demanded and demanded the renunciation of human individuality, or shared the provision of hell and eternal death for those who do not comply with divine regulations.

Associated with the religious, the secular approach says that the destiny of man is to arrange or reorganize the world in such a way that people do not suffer from fear or hunger, but live guided by brotherhood. It is for the sake of this progress that the individual lives. To some extent, this approach brings paradise from another world into the future. But if the religious approach often turns the individual with his shortcomings or lack of faith into an obstacle that needs to be overcome, then the problem of the meaning of life, when posing the question secularly, acquires an exclusively collective character, and people become something like humus for future generations.

Another, no less traditional approach puts forward the version that the meaning of life as such, emanating from any higher rules or values, does not exist, and human life is finite in principle. Therefore, we need to use it and give it the meaning that we ourselves want to give it. Thus, a person either drinks, eats and has fun, because tomorrow he will die, or he consciously decides to become a victim in the struggle for his identity, but at the same time without hoping for anything. But the problem of the meaning of life in this case seems to recede into the background and is obscured, hidden. Not everyone has the courage to share the heroism of such an approach, and therefore supporters of this approach need to overcome despair and pain, especially since the approach, while reconciling with the existence of death, does not solve the problem of the death of loved ones.

The problem of the meaning of life in philosophy and its historical development also allow us to see that many famous personalities, famous for their wisdom, shared one or another approach. Thus, Diogenes, Epicurus, Nietzsche and, with certain reservations, Spinoza can be called supporters of the view that life has meaning in itself, and a person must realize and practice this, striving for happiness, inner peace, the realization of the “will to power” and so on . Aristotle, Marx, Feuerbach, Mill preferred to see the meaning of life in the realization of social aspirations. As for Egyptian, Indian, Socrates and Plato, various directions of Christian and Muslim philosophy, classical European philosophy, especially in the person of Kant, they in principle shared the religious approach, even if they often criticized many of its shortcomings. At the same time, representatives of which could also be guided by a secular, atheistic or religious approach stand somewhat apart. But their contribution to the study of this issue is to study the very process of a “borderline situation”, when a person suddenly finds himself in a critical, “near-death” state and, overcoming it, is able to gain freedom and understand the meaning of his own existence.