Hypotheses of the northern ancestral home of the Aryans. The stellar ancestral home of the Aryans and Slavs - forgotten roots

Despite the fact that the Great Russian People has a history of thousands of years, many are convinced that it is only about a thousand years old. Not only was their history taken away from the Russians, but there was also a substitution of the Spiritual values ​​of the Slavs and Aryans, their Shrines. Where is the Sacred Land of the Slavic and Aryan Peoples located? Many people don't know the answer to this question. Which city is Sacred for the Slavs and Aryans? There may be several answers: Kyiv, Novgorod, Moscow, Yaroslavl, etc., and which Originally Ancient City was the Spiritual center of the Primary Faith of the Slavs and Aryans, few people except the Old Believers-Ynglings know. Now the Russian people are offered spiritual values ​​and shrines revered by representatives of various religious teachings and movements.

All of them, undoubtedly, are shrines. The whole question is, for whom? The answer is very clear - for representatives of various religious cults that arose outside of Russia. Individual people moving along the path of Spiritual development turn their attention to the Shrines of the East: Ancient India, Tibet, Shambhala, etc. But all this is not the original Slavic and not the original Aryan heritage! After all, the Slavs and Aryans came to these now sacred places from other places. It is not becoming for the Slavs and Aryans to bow to other people's shrines, to pour water into someone else's mill, to give their psychic energy to an alien egregor! There is no need for Russians to destroy their own Slavic and Aryan culture through the inculcation of an alien pseudoculture with their own hands! Our ancestors from the distant past warn us: “... we ourselves are Dazhdbog’s grandchildren and did not seek to sneak in the footsteps of strangers.” How timely this phrase is for our time, and yet this is just the “Book of Veles”, far from the first Holy Scripture of the Slavs.

Others will say: “Did the Slavs and Aryans have a Sacred Land? And if there was one, then where was it located? What was located on this Sacred Land?” All these questions can be answered quite definitely. Yes, the Slavs and Aryans had and still have a Sacred Land, and it was called Belovodye.

The very word "Belovodye" suggests the presence white water or white river . In the Aryan priesthood, this concept corresponded to the image of one Rune TF - "Iriy"- white, heavenly purity water. To our great regret, in the spiritual and secular literature accessible to the average reader, until recently there are no specific references to Runes and Belovodye. In rare books you can find only a brief definition of this concept. Thus, Belovodye is defined as a legendary land, the Spiritual center of the Ancient Faith and the White Brotherhood; a paradise located somewhere in the East. Simply put, Belovodye is a separate territory where spiritually advanced, enlightened white people lived.

Currently, many place Belovodye either in Tibet or in Shambhala, they say, white mountain rivers flow there. In addition, Tibet is a mountainous eastern country. At the same time, many believe that the center of the Ancient Faith and the White Brotherhood is located in Shambhala, and the very concept of the “White Brotherhood” stems from the degree of purity of Spiritual aspirations. Some authors identify the ancestral home of the Aryans and Slavs with Belovodye. In some Spiritual sources it is called Pyatirechye or Semirechye.

There are several points of view regarding the ancestral home of the Slavs. Some authors place it in the lower reaches of the Don (Science and Religion, No. 3, 1996, p. 40), others - on the territory of Iran (V. Shcherbakov “Where did the gods and heroes of the sagas live?” M., 1991). The third point of view on this issue is that Semirechye (Pyatirechye) and Belovodye are completely different areas. The representative of the latter is A.I. Barashkov (aka Bus Kresen, aka A.I. Asov), a man with great imagination, places Semirechye in the area of ​​Lake Balkhash (Veles Book: notes p. 265, M. 1994), and Belovodye in one case ends up on Elbrus (Science and Religion, No. 10, 1994, p. 52), and in another case in the north of what is now Western Siberia (Science and Religion, No. 1, 1996, p. 29).

Based on the Ancient Runic Chronicles of the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Inglings, the main conclusion can be drawn - Pyatireche and Belovodye synonyms indicating the same territory. Pyatirechye - land washed by rivers Iriy (Irtysh), Ob, Yenisei, Angara and Lena . Later, when the glacier retreated, the Clans of the Great Race settled along the riversIshim and Tobol . Thus, Pyatirechye turned into Semirechye. Pyatirechye (Semirechye) had other ancient names - land of the Holy Race and Belovodye .

How did the development of this Holy Land take place? All this happened in ancient, pre-biblical times. Then the Clans of the Great Race, i.e. white peoples, warned by the Great Priest, named Spas, about the impending death of Darius (a copy from the map of Daaria, made by Gerhard Mercator in 1569), as a result of the Great Flood, moved from the Northern ancestral home, the continent on the northern top of the Earth, now called variously: Arctida, Hyperborea, Severia. They moved along the isthmus between the Eastern and Western seas, these are the now known names: Stone, Stone Belt, Riphean, or Riphean Mountains, Ural Mountains, etc., and settled the lands in the territory of what is now the southern Urals. This happened 111809 years ago (109807 BC)

Then our Great Ancestors settled a large island in the Eastern Sea, called Buyan, now the territory of Western and Eastern Siberia. How can one not recall the ancient words told to A.S. Pushkin by the wise storyteller Arina Rodionovna: “In the Eastern Ocean Sea on the island of Buyan...” The name of the island is possibly associated with the emergence from the depths of Midgard-Earth to the surface of a powerful stream of Light Power and growth on this island there was all kinds of lush vegetation that had special healing properties. After

The First Great Flood, which occurred as a result of the destruction of Lelya, one of the three Moons revolving around Midgard-Earth, retreated the Western and Eastern Seas. Information about this Flood has been preserved in ancient sources:

“You are My children! Know that the Earth walks past the Sun, but My words will not pass you by! And about ancient times, people, remember! About the Great Flood that destroyed people, about the fall of fire on Mother Earth!” (Russian Vedas “Songs of the bird Gamayun”, 17 ball);

“You have been living peacefully on Midgard since ancient times, when the world was established... Remembering from the Vedas about the deeds of Dazhdbog, how he destroyed the strongholds of the Koschei that were on the Nearest Moon... Tarkh did not allow the insidious Koschei to destroy Midgard, as they destroyed Deya. .. These Koschei, the rulers of the Grays, disappeared along with the Moon in half... But Midgard paid for freedom with Daariya, hidden by the Great Flood... The waters of the Moon created that Flood, they fell to the Earth from Heaven like a rainbow, for the Moon split into pieces, and the army of Svarozhichs descended to Midgard..."(“Santiya Vedas of Perun”, First Circle, Santiya 9, shloka 11.(139).).

To the listed sources you can also add the Elder and Younger Eddas (Scandinavia), the Mahabharata (India) and other ancient texts.

After the Flood, the Clans of the Great Race, who moved from Daariya to the land of the Holy Race, settled the lands that were previously the seabed. Both Aryan peoples lived together on the same territory: yes "Aryans and x" Aryans, and Slavic peoples: Rasen and Svyatorus. They lived in peace, ennobling the land, planting gardens and forests, and jointly creating Majestic Temples (Temples) and Cities. The Clans of the Great Race and the Descendants of the Heavenly Clans helped each other in a brotherly manner, this is where the concept originates "White Brotherhood" , for in all creative deeds, Conscience and pure thoughts were the measure of everything. This Brotherhood had not only pure thoughts, but also white skin. And this is already a philosophical unity of both form and content. On this basis we can say that to the Tibetan White Brotherhood, located in Shambhala,Slavic-Aryan White Brotherhood has no relation. In the same way, Maria Devi Yusmalos Christos and Yuoanna Swami, who are looking for brothers-in-arms among the Judeo-Christians, have nothing to do with the “White Brotherhood”.

Returning to Semirechye, it is easy to notice that all the rivers of Belovodye carry their waters to the North, towards the ancient ancestral home of the Race - Daariya.
After the waters and fragments of the destroyed Moon Lelya, the first of the three satellites of our Earth, fell on Midgard-Earth (planet Earth), not only the appearance of the Earth changed, but also the temperature regime on the surface.
During the destruction of Fatta, the second of the three satellites of Midgard-Earth, a huge fragment crashed into the Earth, as a result of which the tilt of the earth's axis and the continental outlines changed. The giant wave circled the earth three times, which led to the destruction of Antlan (Atlantis) and other islands. Increased volcanic activity led to atmospheric pollution, which was one of the causes of the Great Cooling and glaciation 13,008 years ago. Many centuries passed before the atmosphere began to clear and the glaciers retreated to the poles.

Since then, for three months, the Land of the Holy Race began to be covered with the White Cloak of Madder - a snow cover. Naturally, the rivers of Semirechye were covered with ice during the cold period, and in the spring, during the ice drift, they literally turned into White Rivers - there was slush.
As you know, in the Balkhash region the rivers do not freeze in winter, the climate is warmer, and there is no longer any need to talk about white water. Looking at the Iriy (Irtysh) and other Belovodye rivers today, we must not forget that humanity has thoroughly polluted Nature, mainly over the past eighty-five years. Naturally, you can’t say about any water now that it is white and clean.
Could the Sacred Land of the Slavs and Aryans be located in Tibet or Elbrus? Of course not, why would people begin to settle on rocks, in the mountains, when fertile lands were available in abundance.

The little information about Belovodye speaks, firstly, of its significant remoteness and inaccessibility for those living west of the Riphean (Riphean) mountains and, in addition, indicates a significant period of time that has passed since the resettlement of the Clans of the Great Race to the western lands of Venea (resettlement across the European continent).

The land of paradise, the Garden of Eden in the language of the Aryans and Slavs were designated by the image of one Rune F - "Vyriy" . In many Holy Scriptures and Traditions of the Slavs and Aryans there are reports that the Holy River Iriy flowed through Vyriy. Moreover, there were Iriy and Vyriy, both earthly and heavenly.
Heavenly Iriy - Heavenly White River, or Perunov Way (the so-called Milky Way); the earthly Iriy - the current Irtysh (Iriy the Quiet) - is also a milk river, which flows from Smetanoye Lake (Lake Zaisan), and originates from the Iriyskiye Mountains (Mongolian Altai).

"Land of Light Spirits", "Land of Living Fire", "Land of the Living Gods", "Wonderland"- these are the various names of Belovodye. But if this is the Land of the Living Gods, then in accordance with the Old Icelandic "The Saga of the Ynglings"(text II) we can conclude that in Belovodye there was a city of the Gods - Asgard . The same source indicates that Asgard was located east of Tanaquisl, and in the city of the Gods there was a large Temple . According to ancient custom, the leading position in Asgard was occupied by the God-Priests, and in the main Great Temple there were twelve High Priests - guardiansPrimary Fire (England) . These priests were called Diyas, or Lords of Wisdom. (For more details, read "Slavic-Aryan Vedas". Book 1. "ARKOR", Omsk, 1999-2001).

V.I. Shcherbakov locates Asgard not far from present-day Ashgabat (Nisa). However, firstly, there are not only large, but also small rivers nearby. Secondly, the construction period of the temple in Nisa is approximately 3-2 millennia BC, which is clearly not enough for the city of the Gods. In addition, the walls of the temple in Nisa were made of raw brick, while from the Old Scandinavian Sagas and Traditions of the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings it is known that the Temple - the Great Temple of England was built from Ural stone, and was in height from base to top in one thousand arshins(Alatyr Mountain) and was a huge pyramidal structure of four Temples, one above the other, located in the center of the Circle of Temple buildings. Two Temples were above ground, two were underground.
In the lowest Temple-Sanctuary there was a labyrinth consisting of a large number of underground passages and galleries. There were underground passages under Iriy and Omyu. In the storerooms of the Great Temple (Temple) of England there was a huge amount of treasures of the Holy Race. From the Chronicles of the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Inglings, the fact is known that Belovodye has always been a powerful Spiritual center of the peoples of the Great Race. It was Belovodye that determined the commonality of Traditions, Culture and Faith among the entire white population of Midgard-Earth. Why did it become possible to preserve that pure, bright Culture at such a high Spiritual level for hundreds of thousands of years?

First of all, it should be noted that we are not supporters of Darwin's theory of the origin of man or the biblical version of the creation of man from the dust of the ground (Genesis, chapter 2, article 7).

Moreover, earlier (for example, more than a hundred thousand years ago) Midgard-Earth was inhabited by our more highly developed and Highly Spiritual Ancestors - the Ancient and Wise. Highly educated, i.e. Knowers of True Knowledge. Highly spiritual, i.e. Spiritually and. Mentally rich. Our Ancestors came to Midgard-Earth from outer space, and therefore had much broader knowledge than the current generation. Together with extensive knowledge, the Ancient Gods and First Ancestors brought to earth that Spiritual and Moral Law, without which it is impossible to possess even a small part of that knowledge. The Spiritual heritage that the Old Russian Inglistic Church preserves originates from that Heavenly Spiritual and Moral Law. As life developed, living conditions on Midgard-Earth changed.

One generation of the Great Race replaced another. The spiritual and moral instructions given by the Ancients were supplemented with interpretations and explained for subsequent generations. The peoples of the Great Race did not live on Midgard-Earth unconsciously, as Christian theologians and secular science, taking the position of Darwinism, depict their life. The True Heritage of the Slavs and Aryans was especially denigrated and distorted; the writers of the “true history” had a good hand in this: Scaliger and the Romanov dynasty with the blessing of the Christian hierarchs, the Communist Bolsheviks and the current creators of the “new history”.

The average person vividly imagines pictures of impenetrable forests and swampy swamps in ancient times, where herds of wild people, Slavs and Aryans, who knew no civilization, hid, and who often attacked “cultured and civilized” peoples.

On the contrary, the life of the Slavic and Aryan peoples was subject to certain laws and traditions. The spiritual level of numerous Clans was determined by the Wise Commandments given to the Slavs and Aryans by the Gods and Wanderers (Messengers of the Gods) for many hundreds of thousands of years. The essence of the Commandments boiled down to the implementation of a number of instructions necessary to maintain the psychophysical health of the people. The commandments were of a specific nature; continuity was maintained between the Commandments given in different time periods.

Despite the “vivid” evidence of Christian historians about the alleged savagery of the Slavs and Aryans, one can point to such a feature of the social organization that took place in Russenia (the territory where the Great Race settled) as caste. There were nine professional castes, the highest - the ninth - the caste of Priests and Priestesses, Guardians of the Wisdom of the Light Gods and Great Ancestors, as well as the caste of “untouchables”, i.e. a group of people who violated the Blood Commandments and the Laws of RITA (Heavenly Laws on the Purity of Family and Blood). Well, since the main Temple of the Race stood in Belovodye: - The Great Temple of England, it was from Belovodye that the Light of Spirit and Faith flowed for all Slavic-Aryan peoples. Despite the enormous time periods separating the peoples who settled throughout the Russenia and the present generation of Aryans and Slavs, the latter retained many features that distinguish them from other peoples.

“In personal qualities, the Slavs and Aryans especially value wisdom, righteousness, courage, loyalty to duty and word, love for the Motherland, ingenuity, the ability to speak accurately and concisely. There should be only one love, for one beloved or wife, for one Fatherland, to one Primordial Faith of the First Ancestors. In relations between people, unhypocritical brotherly love, respect for youth and reverence for elders, especially for Parents, loyalty in friendship, responsiveness to the grief of others, readiness to risk one’s head to come to the aid of the suffering, to protect the innocent and weak are always encouraged ". In everything there is the idea of ​​a pure Conscience, which is so above all that no earthly blessings, temptations, or death itself should force a person to betray it.

Excessive attachment to earthly well-being and comfort is alien to a Slav or Aryan. Earthly goods and values ​​recede into the background precisely because more important than them and above them, there is a highest Spiritual value - Conscience." - And what can be added more than that?

“Like attracts like!” - this ancient wisdom is quite applicable to the Slavs. “Our gods are our Fathers, and we are their children...” - this is what he says "Veles's book" .

What kind of children could the Solar Gods of the Slavs have? Only those who match these Gods, match Yaril the Sun! What descendants could appear among the people who glorify the world of Rule? Exactly the same - Orthodox - physically perfect. The younger generations gained spiritual perfection by learning from the older generation. The Elders of the Clans completely trusted the Wise Priests.

One should not naively believe that all children, one hundred percent, grew up to be highly moral. Yes, there were people who violated the Commandments, including the Blooded, especially after the separation of the Clans caused by the Great Cooling. Such people inevitably fell into the caste of “untouchables.” Throughout their subsequent lives, they were forced to pay for mistakes and violations of the Commandments, effectively being in an isolated position.
In order to raise a worthy young generation, children from an early age were instilled with the Ancient Faith of the First Ancestors - Ingliism, and Hard work. It is Hard work, not the ability to work. The Slavs and Aryans should not work and did not work, because work (a soulless, mechanical process) is the lot of slaves. They must always Work, i.e. put your Soul into the fruits of your Labor.
Education in reading, writing and science began at the age of nine. From the age of twelve, young men, along with caste training in a certain profession, began to master the art of war.
The girl, as a future mother, studied home economics, cooking, gardening and field cultivation, and childcare. The Ancient Wisdom of the Light Gods and Ancestors was not lost either.

The Priests most often included either orphans or children from families belonging to the Priestly caste. Secret knowledge was passed on to them as they progressed spiritually through a whole series of initiations, through a whole chain of Spiritual self-improvement.
At the Slavic and Aryan Temples (Temples) there were many ancient tomes, scrolls, tablets, Santios, Kharatiyas (parchments) with sacred texts written in priestly writings, these were the main treasures.

Some may doubt both the very existence of Belovodye and the leading role of the Priesthood of the Great Race in the world history of Midgard-Earth. If you believe the “history” that is taught today in schools and higher educational institutions in many countries, then this is of course impossible. But who said (and proved!) that the Slavs or Aryans were illiterate? It is known that only among the priests of the Great Race four written languages ​​were in use: Yes "Aryan letter, x" Aryan letter, Rassen figurative-mirror letter, Svyatorusskoe letter.

These priestly writings subsequently became the basis for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Ancient Egyptian, Persian, Sanskrit, Phoenician, Greek, Latin and modern writings of the Slavic and Aryan peoples. If there had been no Belovodye, then there would not have been that Ancient India, that Ancient China, that Ancient Egypt, that Mesopotamia in the quality in which we know about them.

No civilization can arise spontaneously, out of nowhere, by the will or desire of an individual. For the emergence of civilization, certain internal prerequisites and, possibly, some kind of external impetus are necessary. By internal prerequisites we understand a fairly significant level of Spiritual culture.

To this day, Christians of various directions sincerely associate human sacrifice with paganism - supposedly the faith of the ancient Aryans and Slavs, considering the latter an uncultured people. But what kind of high culture can we then talk about in relation to Dravidia (Ancient India), where human sacrifices were carried out systematically, through the ancient religious cult of dark-skinned peoples “Kali-Ma” - the cult of the black Mother.

Why “suddenly” did a “qualitative leap” occur when the bloody cult was replaced by a bloodless Vedic cult? “Suddenly”, nothing just happens. “Suddenly” is a consequence of the x “Aryan campaign in Dravidia in the summer of 2817 from the Creation of the World (2691 BC). And this campaign took place from Belovodye. Those who doubt such a course of history can point to the “accidental” coincidence of the name of the so-called Indian Sacred Books - Vedas. But “Vedas” is an original Slavic word, one of the runes of the Aryan script, meaning Knowledge, Wisdom. Another striking example is Ancient Egypt. From ancient Egyptian legends it is known that this country was founded by nine White Gods who came from the North. Under the White Gods, in this case, are hidden white-skinned Priests - initiated into Ancient Knowledge, who undoubtedly were Gods for the Negroid population of Ancient Egypt.

Let us remember what Ancient Egypt began to possess after its creation by the White Gods. These are sixteen secrets: the ability to build housing and temples, mastery of the techniques of agriculture, animal husbandry, irrigation, crafts, navigation, military art, music, astronomy, poetry, medicine, the secrets of embalming, secret sciences, the institute of the priesthood, the institute of the pharaoh, the use of minerals. It is worth noting that the Egyptians acquired all these skills from the first dynasties, and not during the reign of the last dynasty. The period of formation of the state of Ancient Egypt is also known - 12-13 thousand years ago.

Why were the people who founded Egypt called Gods? Only because their Knowledge was so extensive that it allowed them to quickly organize into a powerful civilization. But then it turns out that the white peoples already 13 thousand years ago were not as dark as various “scientific” men imagine them to be today.

How did the white priests end up in Egypt? Their route is quite simple: Belovodye (Rassenia, Tartaria) - Antlan (Atlantis) - Ancient Egypt. Why is it now that practically nothing is heard about the Slavic-Aryan Belovodye as the center of the Spiritual life of the white peoples?

There is a belief that Alexander the Great visited some northern Holy Land (Science and Religion, 1995, No. 1, art. 25-26). While on a campaign against India, he, being in the Aral Sea region, or in the Pamirs, turned north to the desired country. In Nizami’s poem “Iskander-name,” a waterless desert lay on the king’s path, then the sand “became silver,” apparently as a result of the snow that fell. “All the earth is silver, the waters are like mercury...” Here comes Belovodye! The journey to earthly paradise took two months. The city that Alexander Filippovich reached was located in a green valley. There is abundance all around, and even the city is protected by “invisible forces.” Alexander was met by the elders - the Priests, who led Alexander into the azure palace - the Great Temple of Inglia - "...immense like heaven..." and told him about their life. Faithful to heaven, the people of a fair country received everything they needed from the Gods.

Studying the magazine version "The Golden Book of Kolyada" A. I. Barashkova (Science and Religion, M 12 1994, No. 1 - 1995) we also discovered a number of information about Belovodye. So the dimensions of the garden - Vyria were seven miles by eighty columns. But after all, both a mile and a column are units of length of the Piad system x "Aryan arithmetic! It also mentions the Smorodinka River, which flows directly from under a stone, from underground and has a red, bloody hue. Obviously, the Smorodinka River is a stream from a spring gushing out of the ground. The red color of the water comes from oxidized iron present in spring water. By the way, such springs are not uncommon at the mouth of the Om! Iriy (Irtysh) is the boundary between Yavu and Navya. And this position does not contradict reality. Previously, the population of the temple city lived on the right bank of the Iriy, and the burial places of the deceased were on the left bank of the Holy River.

If we turn to the chronicles of the Old Russian Church, we can find the following evidence: “... In the summer of 5028 from the Great Migration from Daariya to Russenia, on the holiday of the three Moons, the month of Tailet, the ninth day of the 102nd year of Krugolet 13, the confluence of Iria and Omi was built Asgard Irian..." According to the same chronicles, Asgard of Iria was destroyed by hordes of Dzungars in the summer of 7038 from the Creation of the World (1530 AD) with the help of troops from the Siberian Khanate.

These data do not contradict the evidence from Novgorod legends about the earthly paradise (Science and Religion, No. 1, 1995, p. 26). They are outlined (in the middle of the 14th century AD) by the Novgorod Archbishop Vasily in his “Message” to the Tver ruler Theodore. Vasily argued in a dispute with Theodore that the earthly paradise did not perish, that it could be achieved. Here Vasily cited testimonies of people who managed to do this. Events apparently developed at the turn of the 13th-14th centuries AD.

Where did the Temples that stood on the Earth of the Holy Race go? Where have all the sacred texts gone?

After the destruction of Asgard of Iria in the summer of 7038 from S.M. The Great Temple of England (Great Temple of the Primary Fire, also called Alatyr Mountain), built from Ural stone, settled and crumbled after three years, leaving only the foundation and a network of underground passages.
In the empty Temple, the foundation - the energy structure - was broken. Ural-stone maintained its energy structure due to constant radiation from the creative acts of white people. But, despite the cessation of creative radiation, the sanctuary was partially preserved, thoroughly covered with what the Ural-stone turned into.

The remaining part of the underground passages was used even after the revival of the city. For example, after the construction by Christians in 1891 on the ancient foundation of the Assumption Cathedral, one of the passages led to the bishop's house, and the other to the building of the spiritual consistory (diocesan administration). After the Bolsheviks came to power, these moves were used by the OGPU-NKVD-MGB-KGB-FSK-FSB. In addition, graveyards, mounds and cemeteries on the left bank of the Iriy were preserved for a long time.

Part of the Temples of the ancient Slavs and Aryans in Belovodye was captured by Christians to conduct their religious rites. What the Christians did not manage to destroy, after the decree of 1929, the Bolsheviks destroyed. Most of the Temples and Hermitages were barbarically destroyed or burned. This fate affected the Perunov Skete with the Temple of the Veda of Perun, which has now been partially restored. Utensils of value were looted. The sacred Santii, Kharatiyas, Magi, tablets, and books were mostly destroyed. However, part of the Ancient Sources of Wisdom survived.

According to the testimony of the Joachim Chronicle, the sacred Slavic-Aryan texts were saved by Joachim himself. Even a non-Christian understood that these books contained the Ancient Wisdom of Life! Many ancient sacred texts were preserved by community members Slavs and Aryans, who hid them first from the unkind princely eye, then from the royal eye, and from 1917 to 1990. from the eyes of the communists.

At the end of the 20th century AD. in Russia, which was about to return to its historical roots, there was a real information hunger for the original Slavic Spiritual literature, which is why the release of the “Veles Book” edited by A.I. Barashkov was so warmly received. In the original, it was written down on tablets in the Svyatorussian script. To date, "Veles's book" has already gone through three editions.

In the book Myths of the ancient Slavs. Veles's book - comp. A.I.Bazhenova, V.I.Vardugin. - Saratov, “Nadezhda”, 1993. 320 p., in the introductory article by People's Academician Yu. K. Begunov, in particular, it is said that the language of the “Veles Book” does not belong to any one people; it is similar to Old Slavic, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian and Czech. This, according to the academician, confusion of lexical signs of many Slavic languages ​​does not indicate the great antiquity of this cultural monument. However, in our opinion, the academician did not take into account the fact that all Slavs are brothers and once had one common language, which subsequently underwent changes characteristic of each nation. It was this language that the Slavs spoke in Belovodye. Any Slav knew that the Great God Rod is the Creator of the World, the One and Multiple, Almighty Essence. But the variety of manifestations of life was carried out through the manifestation of other Essences - messengers of the One God of the Family. In principle, there is not much difference between the Original Faith of the ancient Scandinavians, Germans, Franks, Saxons, Celts, Scots, Welsh, Rassenov (Etruscans) , actually Slavs, Wends, Scythians, Sarmatians, Persians, Iranians, Syrians, Egyptians.

Once upon a time in Belovodye, the Priests of the Great Race owned a coherent system - the hierarchy of Divine Essences. The same structure was owned by the Priests of the Slavic peoples who migrated from the land of the Holy Race to new lands.
This resettlement of white peoples to free lands led to the fact that after some time, new cities began to appear among the forests and steppes, and subsequently powerful powers that existed for many centuries and millennia.

Information about the ancient Slavic Powers was preserved not only in legends and in the memory of peoples, but also in written sources. On the map of the Universe by Aranteus Finaus of 1531, you can see Scythia and Scythia, Muscovy and Gothia, Russia and Tartaria. And on the old map of Russia in 1594 from the “Atlas” of Gerhard Mercator it is shown that all the countries of Scandinavia and Denmark were part of Russia, which extended only to the Ural Mountains, and the Principality of Muscovy is shown as an independent separate state that is not part of Russia. And to the east behind the mountains are the ancient principalities: Obdora and Siberia, Yugoria and Grustina, Lukomorye and Belovodye, which are part of the Ancient Power of the White People -Great Tartaria. From this Great Power, particles of ancient Wisdom were transferred and preserved in all countries of Midgard-Earth, where white people, the descendants of the Ancient Gods, came. This served as the basis for the emergence of many independent, Light God-glorifying cults, where the basis of veneration remained: the Heavenly Family and the Highest Patron Gods of the Great Clans.

After some time, local tribes and peoples observed all the purity and goodness that the tribes of the White Creator Gods brought with them. Many of them subsequently became Patron Gods for these peoples, and the symbolism that white people brought with them began to be considered solar, sacred, bringing happiness, good luck, joy, prosperity and health.

We can observe this Solar symbolism not only in the halls of the Hermitage in St. Petersburg and St. Basil's Cathedral, but also in many cities and villages of Russia, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East, for example, a state-protected architectural monument of the 19th century in Yekaterinburg frames the entire facade swastika script symbolizing happiness and prosperity. This building houses the library named after. Herzen. In addition, the Swastika as a cult symbol is now used in India, Tibet and other countries.

Over time, the peoples of Southeast Asia began to perceive the symbolism of the white peoples as their own, because the centuries-old connection with Belovodye was lost. Priestly Wisdom and symbolism were not always able to be conveyed in full, and over time, inevitable changes occurred both in the external cultural appearance of peoples and in the Spiritual plane. Also, information gradually disappeared about the land from which the peoples of the Great Race settled. By the way, history describes such a little-known fact that Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich of Kiev allegedly, when “choosing” a new religion, sent embassies even (?!) to Belovodye. If this fact took place, then in the 10th century AD. The Slavs living on the territory of Kievan Rus no longer knew that Belovodye was their ancestral home. The Ancient Faith of Belovodye was the Spiritual source that fed the Kievan People's Faith.
It is worth noting that in Belovodye only plant sacrifices and the fruits of human labor were offered to the Gods and Ancestors. Prince Vladimir himself tried to legitimize and introduce human sacrifices in Kievan Rus; the influence of the admixture of Khazar blood had an effect!

Observing the Spiritual and Moral Commandments, the Slavic and Aryan peoples, without suspecting it themselves, were Spiritually invulnerable! Moreover, this was not even influenced by the fact that the descendants did not know in its entirety the previous Heritage of the Ancestors. In Belovodye, and then in all the territories where the Slavs and Aryans settled, the basis of the Faith was always the cult of the Ancestors, and not some mythical amorphous forces. It is this cult of the Ancestors that is the basis of that high Spirituality that the peoples of the Great Race possess to this day.

If ordinary people knew little about Belovodye in the 10th century AD, then in the 20th century they began to know even less. The reason for this is hidden aggression from dark forces in all directions of our lives, both in the physical and in the spiritual world. First, they replaced the Native Old Faith with a foreign Religion. Missionary preachers from other countries, not out of disbelief in the Faith, called upon the Slavs and Aryans, but forced them to renounce their Native Gods in favor of a foreign god. They changed and simplified the Ancient Initial Letter to the limit, removing from it “extra letters” and the figurative base, under the good pretext of simplicity and perfection. Thus, the children of the Great Race were deprived of imaginative thinking and the ability to think creatively, to match the Ancient Gods.

Modern theologians are trying to prove the unprovable. For example, the Slavic Triglav, for some reason, is identified with the Christian Trinity. Yes, the Christian religion is based on the principle of trinity, but the Slavs and Aryans do not have this principle. The basis of the Slavs and Aryans is Swastika principle: Body, Soul, Spirit, Conscience , and their harmonious unity was depicted by the symbol of the Swastika.

Outwardly, Moishe's religion - monotheism - is simpler and more accessible. But not everything that is simpler will be better; Not all that glitters is gold. What is good for one people is unacceptable for another. Slavic virtues cannot be compared with the Jewish (Christian) virtues reflected in the Bible. But it is the Bible that “historians” today are trying to present as the only Holy Scripture among the Slavs and Aryans in the 9th-12th centuries. from r.H. But what about the Old Faith of the Ancestors and the Ancient Vedas? Why did our free Ancestors, with the light hand of “historians,” turn out to be “dark and ignorant,” and the alien Lord, to whom everyone ended up in slavery, “benefactor and enlightener”? This happened because in the 9th-12th centuries the connection of many generations was broken: Parents - Slavs and Aryans - were exterminated by newly-made Christians and missionaries, and the “new great faith” was hammered into the orphans - the faith of the people of Israel. The veneration of one's Great Ancestors has become a crime, sedition and idolatry, and the worship of the idols of Israel is a great virtue.

There was an active distortion of the Heritage of the Ancestors, which was replaced by “history,” and it was constantly rewritten to please those in power. White became black, and black became white. The ancient, millennia-old cultural tradition of the Slavic peoples was being destroyed. In the 10th-12th centuries, Rus' learned this. Previously, the doctrine of Israel was known to the Romans, Greeks, Germans, Franks, Saxons, Scandinavians, and Wends. The destruction of ancient libraries - repositories of hidden Knowledge: the proto-Sumerian in Babylon, the Alexandrian in Egypt, the destruction of the Santorini archipelago, the destruction of papyrus storehouses in Thebes and Memphis, the destruction of the Etruscan library in Rome, the arson of a temple-temple in Athens, the destruction of a huge libraries in Constantinople, the disappearance of the libraries of Yaroslav the Wise and Ivan the Terrible. There is simply nothing that would testify to the 600-40-10 thousand-year Heritage of the peoples who inhabited Midgard-Earth, they "somebody" destroyed or hidden.

The forces that came from the World of Darkness were especially successful in promoting lack of spirituality and incest. Their main recipe for the degeneration of white peoples is incest, i.e. violation of the Blood Commandments among the Slavs and Aryans. It is characteristic that the propaganda of international marriages in the Soviet Union went in the same direction, where they tried to create a new community - the Soviet people.

But the seeds of wisdom of the Great Race, sown in Belovodye, did not perish. The Slavs and Aryans did not dissolve either in the gray mass of Christianity or in the red mass of the Soviet people. The main thing is that the Slavs and Aryans have strong traditions of Orthodoxy, the pre-Christian Old Faith. Although now few people know that on Russian soil the term "Orthodoxy" was borrowed by Christians from the Old Believers-Yinglings, and the first attempt to introduce it into Christianity was made in the 17th century by Patriarch Nikon during the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, but it did not pass and was subsequently considered a heresy, for before that Christianity of the Byzantine sense in Rus' was called orthodox, i.e. true believers (on the right is the ancient text of a Christian service book of the 13th century, written in the ancient Russian charter, these service books are kept by the Righteous Old Believers), and now in Western countries the Russian Orthodox Church is called nothing more than the Russian Orthodox Church - Russian Orthodox Church. Christian priests began to call themselves Orthodox only at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. So, for example, the Spiritual Regulations, which Peter I established in 1718, calls the tsar a Christian sovereign orthodoxy- and the deanery in the holy church as a guardian. It was republished in the middle of the 19th century, but even then church censorship did not change the word “orthodoxy” to “Orthodoxy.”

The entire church reform of Patriarch Nikon came down not only to replacing the phrase “orthodox Christian faith” with “Orthodox Christian faith”, two fingers with three fingers, etc. in the liturgical books. The true goal of Nikon's reform was to erase in the memory of the people the original meaning of the word "Orthodoxy" - Rule to Glorify. And also to put an end to the period of Dual Faith in Rus', when “true Christians,” or as the Old Believers call themselves, coexisted relatively tolerantly on Russian soil. "Righteous Christians", and Old Believers-Ynglings, i.e. "Orthodox Slavs" professing Ingliism. Christians also called them Inglians or pagans.

Also, the goal of the Nikonian Church was the destruction of the ancient eminent Clans led by the Rurikovichs, who preserved Ancient Orthodoxy, and replacing them with low-born people who adopted Nikonian Christianity, who strived for power and were greedy for everything foreign.
Despite the fact that the Inglians were tolerant of representatives of all other religions, as reported in the Radziwill Chronicle:
"Both of these Zvakhus (I) Varangians are Rus (Y), as all the Druzians are called (I) Svie, the Druzii are (e) Ourmen, Inglyans, Druzii and Goths" (see chronicle). For the Inglians (Old Believers-Inglings) of many Ancient Clans and the entire ancient Slavic and Aryan tradition, the Christian Patriarch Nikon and Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov prepared one fate - complete physical destruction and oblivion, for this is required by the Bible, and to be precise, the Old Testament:“Destroy all the places where the nations that you conquer served their Gods, on the high mountains, and on the hills, and under every branched tree. And you will destroy their Altars, and break in pieces their Pillars, and burn their Groves with fire, and break in pieces the images of the Gods them, and destroy their name from that place.". (Deuteronomy, ch. 12, v. 2-3).
But no matter how many representatives of the Ancient Clans, our Old Faith, Culture, Tradition, Heritage of Ancestors and ancient Shrines were destroyed under the first kings of the Romanov Family (Mikhail Fedorovich, Alexei Mikhailovich, Peter Alekseevich), Nature does not tolerate a vacuum.

Thus, on the site of Asgard of Iria in Belovodye, destroyed in the Summer of 7038 (1530) by the Dzungars, 186 years later in 7224 (1716) a city was rebuilt, which received the name Omsk, i.e. "Skeet on Omi". The fact that this is exactly the place where Asgard (City of the Gods) was located is proven by the testimony of Semyon Remezov, recorded in the “Drawing Book of Siberia” (mid-17th century). On the 21st sheet, an arrow indicates the merger of the Omi and Irtysh, and next to it the text is written in S. Remezov’s hand: "Etc “It’s worth it for the Kamyks to be a city again on the steppe itself.” . Soviet philologists translated this ancient Russian text as follows: “On the edge of the Kalmyk steppe there will be a city again”, although in the text itself there is no mention of any Kalmyks or steppes at all. Literally from the Old Russian language it is translated as follows:“We have to rebuild the city on the right bank (of the river), next to the steps of ancient buildings, made of stones laid on stones.”, because again in Old Russian means again ; kra i- shore , A kra i o selfi - right bank (of the river) next to something;steppes - steps of temples and building , because steppes in modern meaning in the Old Russian language it was writteninsolently , i.e. deserted place; kama, Kamyk - stone, and to the Kamyks - stone on stone .

What Semyon Remezov wrote is also confirmed by other data: in the Summer of 7136 (1628), the governors of the city of Tara sent Cossacks to Moscow to Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov with a petition, in which they asked for permission to revive the city at the confluence of the Om and Irtysh. They wrote: "...The place is good, there are a lot of trees and forests nearby...". This mention in the petition about the forest completely negates the interpretation of the Kalmyk steppe as interpreted by Soviet philologists, because there is no forest in the steppe. And as we know, the first Omsk fortress was built of wood on the left bank of the Om. And only after clearing the ancient city on the right bank of the Om, a stone fortress was built on the remains of stone foundations, as confirmed by excavations in the center of Omsk.
Thus, when laying a heating main in the area of ​​the Old Omsk Fortress, where the Flora pavilion is now located, an ancient necropolis (underground city) was discovered, older than the Egyptian pyramids (I. Solokhin “Where ancient Iriy carries water”) . During the demolition of the old thermal power plant, in the same area, a network of underground passages older than the necropolis was discovered (this was shown on TV6-Moscow).

And there are many such finds, but modern science does not have the means to examine and study these antiquities. During his life, Omsk academician Vladimir Ivanovich Matyushchenko from Omsk State University conducted many archaeological excavations of ancient settlements, burial mounds and other ancient settlements in the Omsk region. He discovered many finds, the age of which dates from 4-5 to 12-15 thousand years. We must pay tribute to Academician Matyushchenko, who believes only his own eyes and pure facts and honestly declares that he it is unknown what ancient culture and what nationality belong to the found archaeological antiquities. This is understandable, because not all archaeological finds can be fit into the modern chronological model of history or tied to the history of any people that existed in ancient times.

In Summer 7502 (1994), invited to a scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the city of Tara, Pater Diy (Head) of the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Inglings, Alexander, made a report “The Unknown History”, in which he informed representatives of the scientific community about the ancient cities of Belovodye , including about the ancient Tari city, which this year was not 400, but 4000 years old, for it was founded in Summer 3502 (2006 BC) at the confluence of the rivers Iriy and Tara.

Information about this ancient city has been preserved not only in the Runic Chronicles of the Old Russian Church of the Old Believers - Ynglings, but also in the ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata":
“The country where one tastes bliss rises above evil; It is ascended by the power (of the Spirit), and therefore is called Ascended... This is the road of the ascended Golden Ladle; It is believed that it is in the middle between East and West... In this vast Northern Region. .. A cruel, insensitive and lawless person does not live... Here is the constellation Swati, here they remember his greatness; Here, descending to the victim, Tara was strengthened by the Great Ancestor" (So ​​in the Holy Mahabharata, in the Book of Efforts, in the Book of Bhagavan’s Journey, chapter 110 says). Some representatives of modern historical science believe that all church legends are not confirmed either historically or archaeologically. Archaeologists from the Pedagogical Institute of the city of Tara, back in 1992, excavated an ancient settlement at the confluence of the Irtysh and Tara, 3.5-4.5 thousand years old, but did not know which culture to classify it as. they were constantly told that in ancient times only the Tatar and Ostyak cultures could have existed in this region, and the found household and cultural objects belonged exclusively to the Slavic culture, which, according to official history, simply should not exist in this place.

On this occasion, Father Diy Alexander reminded those present at the conference about the historical works “Comparative Archeology” and “Primitive Slavs according to the monuments of their prehistoric life” (Tomsk, 1894), written by the Great Russian scientist of the 19th century Vasily Markovich Florinsky, the founder of the Imperial Tomsk University , where the main curator was Russian Emperor Alexander III.
V. M. Florinsky conducted a comparative analysis of more than a thousand excavations in Siberia and the Far East, as well as in the European part of Russia. And everywhere, every mound or settlement belonged to the Slavic culture, and everywhere one could see the identity between the Siberian burials and the Slavic mounds in the European part of the Russian Empire. Only Slavic burial mounds in Siberia and the Far East were tens, or even hundreds of times older than European ones. Based on these archaeological data, V.M. Florinsky concluded that Siberia is the ancestral home of the Slavs .

To the question of Father Diyu Alexandru: “In what place on the territory of the Omsk region were there still ancient cities and sanctuaries,” he replied: “If this is interesting, then the ancient Vendagard was located in the area of ​​Bolsherechensk (the modern regional center of Bolsherechye), and in the area of ​​​​the village of Okunevo In the Muromtsevo region there was a Temple complex of the Goddess Tara, which was built by the High Priest of the Light cult of the Goddess Tara, Khan Uman. During the Second X "Aryan campaign from Belovodye to Dravidia (ancient India), Khan Uman was appointed Spiritual Advisor to the king of the Forest People.
For reference: in the summer of 1998, during excavations in the Bolsherechye region, an ancient settlement was found, the oldest monument of proto-urban culture, which was named New Arkaim in a modern manner. Excavations of the ancient city are still ongoing.

In 1995, near the village of Okunevo, at the excavation site of Tara Uval, German citizen Rajni (Rasma), a follower of the spiritual teacher Babaji, who was sent to the Holy Land by her spiritual mentor Muniraj, came from India from India. She knew nothing about archaeological excavations in the area and had only information received in India from her Spiritual teacher, but, in spite of everything, she immediately found the skeleton where the ancient Temple stood - the Temple of the Goddess Tara. Now in the village of Okunevo there is an ashram of followers of God Shiva (Slavs, called Zhiva), and on the omkara, the skeleton of the ancient Temple (Temple) of the Goddess Tara, services and fire rituals are held.
The territory of Belovodye and the land of the Holy Race extended from the Urals to the Great Ocean in the East and from the Northern Ocean to the Irian Mountains and India. Many people now do not know that some 250 years ago all these territories were part of the Slavic Power, called in Europe - Grande Tartarie, i.e. Great Tartaria .

Until now, for representatives of the ancient beliefs of Europe and India, Belovodye is a Spiritual center, a repository of Ancient Spiritual Knowledge and Wisdom. But what is known abroad is not always known to the residents of Russia, because some representatives of the official authorities, due to ignorance or ignorance, try to hide from the people information that the ancient Slavic-Aryan Faith has not been destroyed, but is alive and continues to exist despite everything What.
And to this day in Russia, in Belovodye and on the land of the Holy Race, communities of Old Believers-Ynglings live, professing the ancient Holy Faith of the First Ancestors - Ingliism in the purity that our wise, ancient Ancestors left us.

In summer 7500 from SM. (1992 AD), after seven years of going through various authorities, the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings was legally revived. Classes are officially being held again at the Asgard Theological School and at the Theological Seminaries at the Temple of the Veda of Perun. Like in the old days, the Temple of the Veda of Perun (Temple of Wisdom of Perun) shines with domed tents in Belovodye, in which, as in the good old days, ancient Divine Services and Rituals are performed, the most ancient holidays according to the Circle of Chislobog are observed and celebrated.

In the preface to " Myths of the ancient Slavs..." (Myths of the ancient Slavs. Veles book. - Compiled by A. I. Bazhenova, V. I. Vardugin. - Saratov, "Nadezhda", 1993.-320 pp.) it says: “Let’s assume that the Slavic Faith is better. But it doesn’t exist in its pure form, in everyday use, in broad knowledge. Who among the people knows what the Slavic Sun God is called?...”. Yes, we agree that not only ordinary people, but also not all academics know what the Sun was called. Yes, in broad knowledge there is no complete understanding of the Old Faith.
But, nevertheless, the Old Faith is alive precisely in the people themselves, because in Christianity there are only meaningless names, names or terms that, as a rule, carry a pre-Christian, Slavic context. True, this does not apply to such ancient Christian holidays as the Dormition of the Virgin Mary or the Beheading of John the Baptist. These holidays are alien to the Yngling Old Believers - gray! We are talking about ancient holidays that the Slavs celebrated from time immemorial, naturally woven into the folk calendar. For the Slavic Faith is a natural Faith, not an artificial one.

The revival of Ynglism, the Holy Old Faith of the Slavs and Aryans in everyday people's life is the highest goal facing the Old Russian Ynglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings. Who else, if not us, the Old Believers-Inglings living in Belovodye, will have to return to the Slavic and Aryan peoples their broadest knowledge and the Native, undistorted Heritage of their Ancestors in return for the invented history.

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"continues to expound his concept of the beliefs of our ancestors. Why was the ancestral home of white people sought on the Kola Peninsula? What does the Mother of God have to do with the cosmic calendar of our planet?

The Old Slavic calendar was strictly connected with the Sun, with the change of seasons (due to the movement of the Earth around the Sun), and with it the whole life of the Slavs. According to the solar calendar, the Slavs have been keeping chronology since ancient times, marking all important dates: the birthdays of family members, the beginning of plowing the land, the time of sowing seeds, the beginning of harvesting, the beginning of the new year, and so on.
In ancient times, the Russian people had not four seasons in their calendar, but only three: winter, spring and autumn (ausen). There was no summer as a separate season. Summer was the name for the entire calendar year, and in it (inside, in the round) there were: winter, spring and autumn. In connection with these three time seasons (winter, spring and autumn), the same Sun was called differently in the Old Slavic calendar! And each name of the Sun had its own philosophical meaning.

Kolyada- this is the Baby Sun (the newly born Sun), the peasants of the Russian North celebrated its Christmas on December 25 from ancient times. Kolyada time: from December 25 to March 21.

Yarilo- this is the Sun, which has gained strength, burning, ardent. Yaril time: from March 22 (vernal equinox) to September 21 (autumn equinox).

Horse- this is the Sun in age, aging, losing strength, kind and affectionate. Khorsa time: from September 22 to December 21.

The period of time from December 22 to December 25 for the Slavs living in the Russian North, beyond the Arctic Circle, was a time without the Sun in the sky.

Today we call this time of year - Polar night. This is exactly the duration (from December 22 to December 25) that the Polar Night is observed at latitude 67.2 degrees north latitude.

So, the Slavs, until the mid-17th century, had a faith associated with the folk calendar and the Sun.

The Slavs also had their own "The Holy Trinity"- Kolyada, Yarilo and Horse.

All three are hypostases of the same Sun God.

The share of the last Sun (autumn-winter) - Khorsu (Old Russian: Khurs, as well as Horus, Kors, Horst, Khrst) - in accordance with the Slavic cycle, annually dies on the night of December 21-22. After 3 days he is replaced, on December 25, the Baby Sun is born - Kolyada.

All this was written in the mentioned article.

When my fellow countrywoman from Murmansk read it, she told me: why are you writing about the Polar Night, which lasts 3 days? In Murmansk, the Polar Night lasts almost 40 days!

I thought, if my fellow countrywoman does not understand, that the Polar Night varies in duration, depending on the area, from 1 day to six months, then I simply owe this moment clarify. At the same time, I consider it my duty to tell who she is Mother of God in Aryan mythology. And why is it a holiday in Christianity? Protection of the Virgin Mary Celebrated annually on October 14th.

The custom of celebrating the Intercession of the Virgin Mary appeared in very ancient times, and not just anywhere, but in the Far North of Russia. It was associated not with a religious, but with an astronomical phenomenon - the arrival of the Polar Night in the northern hemisphere of the earth.

Protection of the Virgin Mary - literally- this is the arrival of the Polar Night. Figuratively- Protection of the Virgin Mary- Thiscovering part of the surface of our planet with Cosmic Darkness.

Can you imagine a solar eclipse? So, the Polar Night is a kind of solar eclipse that lasts not minutes, as is usually the case, but days and even months, depending on how close the observer is to the Earth’s pole.

The above figure explains that the occurrence of the periods of Polar Night and Polar Day is associated primarily with the tilt of the earth's axis. Making one half-turn around the Sun, the Earth places one Pole under its rays, and making a second half-turn around the Sun, the Earth puts its second Pole under the sun’s rays, and this happens constantly, from revolution to revolution, one cycle of which is 365 days.

These two photographs explain how this turns out:

December 22, Murmansk. View from my window. It is noon on the Polar Night. At 12 noon Moscow time it is twilight, night darkness sets in after 15 o'clock.

Polar day period and polar night period vary in duration at different geographic latitudes. The shortest Polar day and the shortest Polar night are observed on lines of the Arctic Circle- 66°33′44″ North and South latitude. (Red and blue lines on the map).

The longest Polar day and the longest Polar night are observed at the poles - the North geographic pole of the planet and the South. Accordingly, the onset of the Polar Day and Polar Night occurs at the poles of our planet earlier than anything else. At the North Pole of our planet The first day of the Polar Night occurs exactly on October 14-16, and the Polar Night lasts 176 days - almost six months!

The onset of this astronomical phenomenon, when there is only a blue sky with stars overhead both day and night, is called Protection of the Virgin Mary. On the Day of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary, which, I repeat, is celebrated on October 14, the first snow often falls in the North of Russia due to the onset of cold weather.

Today many people associate the calendar date "Protection of the Virgin Mary" precisely with loss first snow without realizing the cause-and-effect relationship between snow And Mother of God.

But they do not realize it because they do not know either the real history of their ancestors, or the fact that in Aryan mythology the Mother of God is not a woman, the Mother of God (visually, in fact) is a blue sky with stars.

So that readers understand me correctly, and understand, HOW we were all cruelly deceived Jews, to which Christ the Savior said his famous phrase: "Your father is the devil, and you want to do the lusts of your father..." (John 8:44), I consider it my duty show what lies at the foundation of the religion of the Jews - Judaism.

I quote the Old Testament, chapter 32 of the book “Exodus”:

1 When the people saw that Moses did not come down from the mountain for a long time, they gathered to Aaron and said to him, “Get up and make us a god who would go before us, for we don’t know what happened to this man, to Moses, who brought us out of the land of Egypt.
2 And Aaron said to them, Take out the gold earrings that are in the ears of your wives, your sons and your daughters, and bring them to me.
3 And all the people took the gold earrings out of their ears and brought them to Aaron.
4 He took them out of their hands and made them cast body, and finished it with a chisel. And they said: Behold your God, O Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt!

This biblical episode is well illustrated by this drawing from a Jewish children's book.

Are you at a loss?

You don't understand how to relate to to God or to Mother of God has some kind of baby cow - calf?! Yes, even cast from gold?!!!

Now you will see - the most direct!

In ancient times, people did not have any religion. All the wisdom of tribes and peoples was concentrated in myths.

The origin of man, the Earth and the Sun - everything found its explanation in the mythology of the ancient world. Among other things, in these ancient myths there was an image Mother of God. Not women, no! In ancient mythology, the Mother of God was depicted as the Cow-Sky!!!

To prove my words, I quote from a well-known source: "In many tales, in the role deity who gives birth to the Sun and creates the world, an animal or bird is performing. Thus, traces of a legend have been preserved, according to which it was believed that Sun was born in the form golden calf sky , which seemed huge cow with scattered all over her body stars. The Pyramid Texts also talk about "Pa, the golden calf born of heaven", and later images show this Heavenly Cow with luminaries floating across her body. We find echoes of this legend, which, apparently, was once one of the main Egyptian myths about the origin of the world, in other texts and in a number of figurative monuments, and sometimes the myth of the Heavenly Cow is preserved in a revised form, and sometimes it is even intertwined with Other Tales. So, Heavenly Cow found in birth scenes sunny baby from a lotus: on many ritual vessels two are visible Heavenly Cows standing on the sides of the lotus on which he sits newborn Sun ". .

So, in ancient mythology supreme deity was considered Sun, A Our Lady people called blue sky with stars . The imagination of the ancients drew Our Lady of Heaven as giant cow, That's why Sun and was called affectionately "golden calf" . In this regard, I consider it appropriate to remind everyone of the living echo of that ancient mythology: we still continue to name the vast band of star clusters in the night sky"milky way" !

Jews, these eternal ones parodists, in mockery of such faith of our ancestors they created religious parody:

Image of the Sun - "heavenly calf the color of gold" - they turned into an image "golden calf" , literally cast from gold . This is evidenced by the drawing from the Jewish children's book presented above.

Compare now:

Heavenly "golden Taurus" - the Sun.

A parody of the “golden calf” - a calf cast in gold, about which the Bible says: “This is your God, O Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt!”

After such an immersion in history and ancient mythology, let's We'll see on ours, so to speak, ORTHODOX TEMPLES.

Taking into account all of the above, we now look at them with new eyes, and lo and behold! Our Temples suddenly turn...into Temples of the Sun (temples "Heavenly Taurus" gold color) and to the Temples of the Virgin Mary (temples of endless blue sky with the stars) - strictly in accordance with the myths of the ancient world!

Is it a coincidence that ORTHODOX TEMPLES correspond to the ancient mythology of the inhabitants of the Far North - the Aryans (Hyperboreans)?

Such accidents do not happen! In addition, today Orthodox priests themselves explain to believers that Temples with domes covered with gold are temples of Christ. And temples with domes painted blue and decorated with big stars are temples mother of God - Mother of God.

This is another Temple of the Virgin Mary, who in the imagination of the Aryans appeared in the formblue sky with stars, and in the imagination of Jews and Christian believers- as a woman, the mother of Christ.

Continuation of this topic in my articles:

"Who invented Orthodoxy?"

"Frankly about religion and worldview, Christianity and paganism" .

One of the Internet readers did not believe me, he thought that I had made up everything about the fact that the myth "about the Sun dying for 3 days" was formed in the Russian North.

R0Mi0: Anton, it seems to me that you have adjusted the facts to fit the idea! Why do you take a parallel where the Sun disappears for 3 days and appears again? People, our ancestors (let's call them Aryans) lived far beyond this parallel.

I want to say thank you very much to Romio for asking this question. I was waiting for it, and now I want to answer it.

Firstly, in addition to Christianity, in which Christ the Sun dies on the cross and rises after 3 days, the legend about the Sun dying for 3 days, by a strange coincidence, turned out to be in the mythology of all peoples of the ancient world.

In connection with this circumstance, a natural question arises: who could create this myth about dying for 3 daysSun?

I personally don’t believe that something like this could just be made up. In my opinion, it is impossible to fantasize this. But yes, you can take a peek. And I think it was possible to spy only in the Far North, where the Polar Night occurs in winter.

This is the first half of my answer.

The second half of the answer - by a strange coincidence, the all-knowing Jews for some reason consider the ancestral home of the Aryans not Siberia, which is marked on medieval maps as Scythia-Hyperborea, and the Kola Peninsula!

When the October Revolution broke out in Russia, fellow Jews from the OGPU and NKVD had a strong desire to find their ancestral home. white race, and they directed their steps not just anywhere, but precisely to the area of ​​​​the Lapland Nature Reserve, to the Seydozero area.

I should note that both Seydozero and the Lapland Nature Reserve are located exactly where the Polar Night occurs in winter, which lasts several days.

Interesting information: Lapland State Nature Biosphere Reserve - a nature reserve in the Murmansk region - is one of the largest protected natural areas in Europe. The area of ​​the reserve is 278,435 hectares (including a water area of ​​8,574 hectares). The main value of the reserve is wild untouched nature in its own natural pristine state. Created by resolution of the Leningrad Regional Executive Committee of January 17, 1930. One of the main values ​​of the reserve - virgin old-growth forests whose age is estimated from 3 to 10 thousand years. The age of the trees in these forests is 400-600 years, height up to 15 meters, trunk diameter up to 70 cm.


Eduard Shure, in his book published in 1914, told extremely interesting information about the Aryans:

“If the black race has matured under the scorching sun of Africa, the flowering white race took place under the icy blast of the North Pole. Greek mythology calls whites Hyperboreans. These red-haired, blue-eyed people came from the north through forests illuminated by the northern lights, accompanied by dogs and deer, led by brave leaders, urged by the gift of clairvoyance of their women. Gold of hair and azure of eyes are predetermined colors. This race was destined to createsolar cult sacred fire and bring into the world a longing for heavenly homeland…»

Northern lights.

When a revolution took place in Russia in 1917 and instead of the Tsar he began to rule the country Council of People's Commissars, (consisting of 80-85% Jewish , as Vladimir Putin recently noted), the new leadership had a great desire to find at least some traces indicating the birth of the white Aryan race in the Far North of Russia. Apparently, the commissioners had some secret information according to which they intended to look for traces of the Aryans on the Kola Peninsula, in the Lovozero tundra region, near Seid Lake.

The map is clickable.

An expedition was organized to those hard-to-reach places, led by A. Barchenko, professor at the St. Petersburg Institute for Brain Research. Astronomer A. Condiain was appointed his assistant. The direct supervision of the program for searching for traces of Hyperborea was carried out by the head of the NKVD department of the USSR, Gleb Bokiy, and the main guardian of all research and work in this direction from the very beginning until the day of his death was the 1st Chairman of the Cheka, Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, the closest ally of Vladimir Lenin. From the last two figures one can judge how important this topic was for the first Soviet leaders.

It is known that Alexander Barchenko’s scientific research on the search for Hyperborea has accumulated as many as 30 folders, which are still stored in the competent authorities of Russia and, apparently, are still a state secret.

It is also known that in 1937-1938 a metamorphosis occurred in the Soviet Union. These years were included in Russian chronicles as “Stalinist repressions.” By that time, all power in the USSR had been in the hands of Joseph Stalin for several years. And the head of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler, was then planning to start World War II. Stalin, foreseeing a catastrophe, wanting to avoid the worst: internal betrayal, decided in advance to clear the USSR of the “fifth column” - those “enemies of the people” who tried in every possible way to harm the world’s first workers’ and peasants’ state from within.

The enemies turned out to be the overwhelming majority of those whom not so long ago the Bolsheviks called “faithful Leninists,” as well as Trotskyists - like-minded people and followers of Lev Davidovich Trotsky (Bronstein), one of the founders of the Red Army. Stalin's purge also affected those who participated in the search for Hyperborea on the Kola Peninsula. Everyone who was associated with the activities of A.V. Barchenko, including, apparently, the Sami guides, in the words of Lavrentiy Beria, “turned into camp dust.” The head of the NKVD of the USSR, Gleb Bokiy, the immediate superior of A.V. Barchenko, was repressed and shot in 1937. A.V. Barchenko himself, on charges of deputy people's commissar Belsky and Frinovsky “Masonic-spy” for subversive work he was shot on June 25, 1938...

Some interesting information about the work of the expedition, which was looking for traces of the Aryans on the Kola Peninsula, was provided by the information portal “Candle of Time”.


The first Russian scientist who became interested in the north of the Kola Peninsula and conducted a scientific expedition in the twenties of the last century was Professor Alexander Vasilyevich Barchenko. In 1921, on the instructions of the St. Petersburg Institute for the Study of the Brain and Mental Activity, he went to the Kola Peninsula to investigate the rituals of Lapland shamans and the mysterious phenomenon of “measuring,” or, as scientists called this phenomenon, polar psychosis. Under its influence, residents left their homes and rushed to the North.

The expedition to the remote northern region was not an accident. All his life, Barchenko purposefully, with fanatical persistence, searched for places on Earth where “traces” of the wisdom of long-vanished peoples were preserved, where people showed extraordinary abilities.

Having received a good education for those times at the classical gymnasium of St. Petersburg and at the medical faculties of Kazan and Yuryev universities, Alexander Barchenko got a job in the Ministry of Finance, but soon took up literary creativity. While still a biology student, he was interested in studying human paranormal abilities and mystical teachings. Experiments in telepathy, public lectures, and science fiction novels brought him popularity. He worked since 1915 at the Institute for the Study of the Brain and Mental Activity, studying mediums, psychics, and the mysteries of the human psyche. At the same time, Barchenko wrote works on parapsychology and palmistry. Probably, not without the blessing of the director of the institute, the famous professor V.N. Bekhterev, Barchenko went to a mysterious zone on the Kola Peninsula.

It is clear that such a person could not help but interest the OGPU. On the initiative of Felix Dzerzhinsky himself, the researcher was hired to work in a special department headed by Gleb Bokiy, an old-school revolutionary who was at the origins of the GULAG system.

Officially, Barchenko was listed as an employee of the Scientific and Technical Department of the Supreme Economic Council, which was headed by “Iron Felix”. But in fact, he gave lectures on the occult to Lubyanka workers and was engaged in research in this area.

Significant funds were allocated for Barchenko’s research, and almost unlimited access to archival information was provided... The scientist was to discover evidence that the basis of our civilization is a universal cosmic intelligence. According to Barchenko's hypothesis, humanity originated in the North during the era of the so-called Golden Age, that is, approximately 10-12 thousand years ago. The Flood forced the Aryan tribes living there to leave the area of ​​the present Kola Peninsula and move south.

Alexander Vasilyevich organized expeditions to areas where anomalous phenomena were observed, hoping that he would find confirmation of his theory. The people who sent him there were interested in practical issues - in particular, the impact of anomalous radiation characteristic of sacred zones on humans.

In 1921, Barchenko went to the Kola Peninsula in search of the legendary Hyperborea. He was convinced that the Hyperboreans were a fairly highly developed civilization - they knew the secret of atomic energy, they knew how to build and fly aircraft... Information about this researcher gleaned from Masonic literature available to him. He also believed that the carriers of ancient knowledge about Hyperborea were the Sami shamans who lived on the Kola Peninsula.

Local residents said that at the foot of Ninchurt there are holes that lead to the dungeon. But those who try to penetrate deeper are “stupefied.” Members of Barchenko’s detachment found one of these manholes and even took pictures at the entrance, but did not check the “stupefaction”. Although they say that Barchenko himself, having tried to penetrate the mysterious dungeon, experienced strange sensations... He came to the conclusion that this place was under the influence of unknown mystical forces... One could make all sorts of assumptions - about underground tunnels, about ground movements, about the traces of the same Hyperborea existing here... But Barchenko’s expedition did not have the opportunity to linger. The main task was, like other expeditions of that time, to search for minerals. Geologists discovered rare earth and uranium ores in these places.

And in 1922, in the taiga near the famous Seydozero, at the intersection of water streams, they found hills that resembled pyramids! The Sami, who used these structures for ritual purposes, said that they were built a long time ago, in ancient times... According to the scientist, all this could serve as evidence of the existence of Hyperborea.


Here the researcher tried to find the mythical stone from Orion (or, as members of Western secret societies called it, the Grail stone). According to legend, this stone had the ability to accumulate and transmit psychic energy over a distance, to come into contact with the cosmic mind...

Shaman seids (high columns made of stones) were also found there.

Those present near these structures noticed weakness, dizziness, and some experienced hallucinations; they experienced a decrease or increase in body weight. Here, when communicating with shaman-noids, and then in their absence, I had to get acquainted with the so-called meryachenie (emerik). During this phenomenon, similar to mass hypnosis, people repeated each other’s movements, spoke in incomprehensible languages, prophesied... Did some forces of this unique occult place influence the psyche of people? After all, shamans knew how to turn mere mortals into obedient puppets...

The most promising place for penetration into the world of Lapland shamans was, according to the scientist, the sacred place of the Lapps (Sami) - Seydozero. It was here that the scientist actually encountered strange phenomena that could be caused by magical rituals. The diaries of the geophysicist of the expedition, D. Kondiin, describe a sacred Lapp hole discovered near the lake. According to local residents, it led to the underworld. But this narrow passage first caused the expedition members a feeling of anxiety, and then, when trying to penetrate it, a feeling of ever-increasing horror. The fear was so great that none of the scientists managed to overcome it and get into this sacred place. And one of the expedition members, Pilimenko, even unable to withstand such strong tension and screaming in horror, began to run away. Local residents told A. Barchenko that those trying to disturb the peace of the underground kingdom are stopped by the spells of shamans.

Several decades passed, and a public expedition of Moscow State University professor V. Demin set off in the footsteps of A. Barchenko’s expedition. Researchers managed to discover a paved road leading from one lake to another, described in Kondiin’s diaries, a drawing of a huge man with arms outstretched in a cross on the rocks of Seydozero, fallen columns, and even the remains of an ancient observatory that escaped the attention of A. Barchenko. But one of the most mysterious places of the Kola Peninsula - the shamans' hole - eluded the professor for several years.

Success came in 2001, when geophysicists from the GEON Center for Regional and Geological Research took part in the expedition. The very first radar measurements helped to detect dungeons, and where no one expected it. All amateur expeditions that came to the Seydozero area stopped at a large clearing where the paved road connecting the two lakes ended. Surveys carried out using radar and subsequent computer processing of data obtained in the summer helped to discover underground cavities with a vault height in some places exceeding 30 meters at a depth of 4 meters under the clearing. A buried tunnel was also discovered leading from the underground shelter on the opposite side of the lake to the voids of Mount Ninchurt.

Geophysicists obtained no less interesting results when studying the bottom of Seydozero. Mysterious underwater wells were discovered here. Their real existence was confirmed by scuba divers. At a depth of 16 meters, they not only saw holes with a diameter of 70-80 centimeters, but also felt them with their hands. Valery Demin explains the disappearance of the manhole, once found by Barchenko’s expedition, very simply. Until the 1950s, there was an NKVD concentration camp on the other side of the island, and in the clearing, where seekers of the mysterious Hyperborea come today, there were VOKhR (militarized security service), auxiliary and economic services. It is quite possible that the camp workers, in order not to create unnecessary difficulties for themselves, blew up a suspicious underground hole.

The discovery of underground shelters near Seydozero is also confirmed by Lapp legends. In 1991, an interesting article by V. Rykov about the shamans of Lapland was published. It told about the lower, underground world of Lapland. According to legend, spirits penetrated into it through numerous lakes, and for a living person there were only two entrances: one in the steep cliffs of Mount Alluiv near Lovozero, the other on the shore of Seydozero...

Currently engaged in the search for Hyperborea on the Kola Peninsula

Aryans (Aryans) are the scientific name for the Iranian-Indian linguistic community before its division into the Indo-Aryans and Iranians proper, which occurred approximately at the end of the 2nd millennium BC. Some time ago, this word was used to describe the entire Indo-European language family.

Since scientists established the close relationship and common origin of the Indo-European languages ​​at the beginning of the 19th century, disputes about the ancestral homeland of the Indo-Europeans have not ceased. It is believed that if the ancestors of these peoples once had one language, then the speakers of this language should have constituted one people. Archeology and data from the mythology of the Avesta and Vedas (the sacred books of ancient Iranian and ancient Indian religions) indicate that the Aryans came to Iran and
India from somewhere in the north.

Science has not yet solved the problem of the Indo-European ancestral home. You can indicate the four most common versions of its location. Another version, proposed first - at the beginning of the 19th century - about the settlement of Aryans from India, is currently abandoned by scientists. Next in time was the hypothesis about the origin of the Aryans from the steppes of the Northern Caspian region and the Southern Trans-Urals. It has been developed in sufficient detail on the basis of large archaeological material. According to it, it turns out that not only the Aryan in the narrow sense, but also the common Indo-European ancestral home was located on the territory of modern Russia (and partly Kazakhstan).

However, proponents of the other two theories have put forward their own arguments. One version says that the early Indo-Europeans came from the Anatolian plateau. The other is from the Balkan Peninsula, where they created the first Neolithic culture in Europe, Vinca (VI-V millennium BC). By the way, the Vinca culture includes the oldest writing discovered on Earth, which has not yet been deciphered. There is also an intermediate point of view that combines these two. According to it, the early Indo-Europeans back in the 8th-7th millennia BC. created the ancient Neolithic culture of Çatalhöyük on the Asia Minor peninsula, and from there they settled in two streams. Some went to Europe, where they created the Vinca civilization. Others headed to the Caspian steppes.

Finally, supporters of another theory believe that there was no specific Indo-European ancestral home and no single ancestral people. There was no common Indo-European proto-language. The closeness of the languages ​​of the Indo-European family developed as a result of long cultural contacts within the same area, but the languages ​​themselves always remained different. This area is considered to be the so-called Circumpontic region (that is, the area around the Black Sea), where in the 4th millennium BC. There was an intensive transition to metal processing technologies - the “Bronze Age” began. True, such a hypothesis also provides for later migrations of Indo-European peoples from this circumpontic zone.
Thus, science is not yet able to unambiguously determine the area of ​​origin of the first Indo-European languages. The same discord reigns in questions about the ancestral homelands of individual communities within the Indo-European family, for example, the Slavic. Three main hypotheses of the Slavic ancestral home are distinguished: Vistula, Dnieper, Danube. There are also intermediate and compromise options between them. And no less problematic is the origin of the Aryan peoples in the narrow sense of this concept.

So, if not all Indo-Europeans came from the steppes of Southern Russia, then perhaps at least the Aryan, that is, Indo-Iranian, community originated here? The revival of hypotheses of this kind began after the discovery in the Chelyabinsk region in 1987 of the remains of the ancient settlement of Arkaim with interesting buildings of a religious nature. Speculation immediately began around them, very far from science. On popular sites you can see statements that Arkaim is older than the Egyptian pyramids, that “scientists have proven” that this was the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans and even the Slavs, etc. and so on.

The settlement of Arkaim is radiocarbon dated. We now know that it existed around 2000-1800. BC, that is, it is about five hundred years younger than the latest pyramids. Arkaim cannot in any way be the ancestral home of all Indo-Europeans, since it existed much later than the collapse of the Indo-European community, which is roughly dated linguistically. It obviously cannot be the ancestral home of the Slavs, since there is no sign that its population settled to the west. Rather, on the contrary, it came from the West. Arkaim itself belongs to the Sintashta culture, excavated in the Southern Urals since the 60s. last century. Its continuation in the 2nd millennium BC. observed in the Andronovo culture, spread across the territory of Kazakhstan, Central Asia and Southern Siberia.
Speculation that the population of Arkaim could be Aryan is based on the fact that its existence falls on the very last period of the Iranian-Indian community, before its collapse. It is assumed that its population moved south, but in different ways. Genetic studies have confirmed the presence among the ancient Arkaim people of the Y-chromosomal haplogroup R1a1, characteristic of many Indo-Europeans.

However, all such arguments cannot be considered decisive and irrefutable. The most important thing is that no archaeological traces of the resettlement of the bearers of the cultural traditions of Arkaim to Iran and India have yet been found. Meanwhile, in contrast to the Aryan version, Turkic and Finno-Ugric concepts of Arkaim also arise. They start from the fact that the peoples of these groups, living in this region to this day, are noted here in ancient historical sources. Not a single written monument of antiquity mentions the Indo-Europeans in the steppes of the Trans-Urals.

The main problem is that we cannot yet make archaeological artifacts “speak” in the language of their creators. The peoples who created non-literate cultures remain a mystery to us, in most cases. We cannot definitely say that it was on the territory of Russia that the ancestral home of all Indo-Europeans or even part of them - the Aryans - was located. All this remains speculation for now - plausible, but without irrefutable evidence.

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Who are we? Where was our ancestral home? Domestic and foreign scientists have been puzzling over these questions for decades. A variety of versions have been put forward. Starting from the cosmic theory, according to which people are descendants of aliens, and ending with the theory of the Atlanteans, an ancient race that served as the source of our civilization.

However, thanks to the latest achievements of science, scientists were finally able to lift the veil over the mystery of centuries and understand how our civilization developed.

Geological, paleontological, as well as studies of folk tales of different peoples, carried out in various parts of the globe, helped with a very high degree of probability to establish not only the ancestral home of present-day humanity, but also the ancestral home of our ancestors, the Aryans, or, as they would later be called, the Russians.

These and many other questions are considered in his books by the famous domestic scientist, researcher, as well as the President of the World Association of Professional Hypnotists Kandyba. This man spent many years of his life in long research, participating in expeditions in the Atlantic Ocean and in the north. Comparing disparate information with each other, he created a sensational theory capable of challenging seemingly established scientific points of view in the modern world.

Participating in an expedition to search for a sunken continent in the Atlantic Ocean, Kandyba became convinced from his own experience that the land described in such detail by Plato does not and cannot exist in this place. However, unlike some scientists who simply gave up, Kandyba continued his research. For advice, he turned to one of the most ancient historical chronicles - the Indian Vedas.

Many scientists specializing in the study of religious texts tend to believe that Vedic myths are the oldest and most objective source. They are written in a peculiar poetic form and it can be very difficult to distinguish truth from fiction. However, the Vedic texts speak unambiguously about the ancestral homeland of people.

Thus, the holy book “Rigveda” tells that 18 million years ago there was a great civilization on the continent of Oriana. Its location was easily determined using Indian sacred texts. According to them, the city of Arka, the capital of the united empire, was located under the North Star, that is, on the territory of the modern Arctic, bound by ice many millennia ago.

According to ancient Vedic texts, the first man's name was Oriya. This is where not only the name of the ancient continent comes from, but also the name of the ancient race - the Aryans. Our ancestors were far ahead of the known civilizations of antiquity. The Orians not only professed monotheism, that is, monotheism, but also, like modern Christians, they identified the One God the Creator with his three hypostases. God the Father is the plan, the Mother is the memory of the plan, and the Son is the One who brought this plan into the world.

This worldview is too similar to modern Christianity and some scientists began to say that all these texts are just a fake. However, supporters of this hypothesis were able to defend themselves. The famous myth researcher Asov, the author of many books on the mythology of the Slavs, based on a comparative analysis of the myths of our direct ancestors, as well as the myths of Iran, Greece and India, was able to prove that a similar concept of seeing the world existed among all peoples, but after many centuries the ancient faith was lost .

Wooden tablets found quite recently on the territory of modern Russia irrefutably prove that our ancestors worshiped the One God in three forms, and only later other gods appeared, at the first stage of myths only assistants of the Creator. It is also believed that the sources of the Slavic wooden tablets are much older than the Indian Vedas, and the information from them is surprisingly consistent, although the Slavs could not have communicated with the ancient Indians unless they had a common homeland.

According to Vedic texts, ancient civilization occupied an entire continent, and it was one state, divided into principalities and ruled by a single ruler. The residence of the ruler was in the city of Arka, which was the capital of a unified empire. Its location is easy to calculate from a star map. The city of Arka was located directly under the North Star.

On a huge mountain there was a Temple to the One God, to which hundreds of believers came. At night, the North Star illuminated the temple and its servants believed that it was the Light of God descending on them. Under the mountain lies a huge capital - the largest trading center of the empire, where merchants and believers in the One God flocked.

According to the Vedas, there were no wars or disagreements on the continent, since people believed in God and honored his commandments, which were very similar to those of the Bible. Cities were built all over the continent. The Orians were very knowledgeable in medicine and astrology. All temples were also observatories. They also knew many other secrets that were lost with the collapse of civilization.

Navigation developed, and only vague legends of peoples who had sunk into summer brought to us tales of wonderful ships that came to the still ignorant inhabitants of other continents. About tall people who knew the astronomical and astrological calendars, pottery, and knew how to smelt metal.

This is how the legends about the great Atlantean civilization, which was actually located in the Arctic, were born. Perhaps the great misconception of mankind was caused by translators who, instead of Arctida, once wrote Atlantis, thereby directing modern scientists along the wrong path.

The tragic end of the Arctic civilization is described in detail in the Vedas. According to legend, the high priest of Arki, once again praying in the Temple on the mountain, received a revelation from God. The Almighty informed him that the civilization of the Arctic would soon come to an end. Warm climates will be replaced by severe cold, and fertile lands will be covered in ice.

Having told the people about what he had heard, the priest insisted that all people leave their homeland for other lands. However, people did not heed God’s warning and fought for life to the last. Gradually, only small islands of freezing land remained from the once fertile land. Small principalities, separated by ice, fought for life, and people did not want to leave their homeland. Many people died from cold and hunger.

The Vedas report that the last people left the Arctic three million years ago. These events are confirmed by modern geological research. Indeed, complete icing of the Arctic occurred about three million years ago.

Various peoples of the far north have preserved numerous legends about the land between the ice, from which people came. Confirmation of this hypothesis can also be found in Slavic myths, for example, in the myth about the onset of winter, which lasted for many years. Some scientists believe that the myth of the Babylonian Pandemonium is nothing more than a description of the death of the Arctic civilization.

However, serious scientists would never put forward such a bold hypothesis without confirming it with real facts. Myths have always been indirect evidence, and only modern geology and archeology can answer the main questions.

Scientists were able to obtain soil samples at a depth corresponding to 20 million years or more. At a depth corresponding to 18 million years, not only frozen layers of soil were found, but even fragments of plants. In particular, a fragment of a grapevine was found, which confirms the hypothesis about the once warm and fertile land of the Arctic.

Arctic researchers claim that it is not possible to find any traces of civilization under a kilometer-long layer of ice. And then a hypothesis was put forward that settlers from the Arctic could create a new civilization. For many years this theory was not confirmed until sensational finds were discovered in Arkaim in the Urals.

After excavating and reconstructing fragments of buildings, scientists came to the conclusion that a huge city once existed on the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains. Temples and palaces, astronomical observatories were once full of people. A careful comparison with Vedic texts made it possible to establish that the mysterious city was one of the last strongholds of the Aryan civilization.

As historians and archaeologists note, in those days none of the peoples inhabiting the Urals had such knowledge in architecture and astronomy. And the layout of the city is very similar to what the city of Arka once had, located under the North Star.

According to the legends of the Middle East, the prophet Zarathustra came from the territory of the modern Urals. And scraps of ancient Vedic knowledge of the last descendants of the inhabitants of Arctida became the starting point for the prophet in the creation of a new religion, which for many years dominated the Middle East.

Archaeologists have established that Arkaim was abandoned by people about 3,500 years ago, which coincides with the eruption of the Santorini volcano. The climate in the Urals began to change, and the Aryans were again forced to flee the cold. Discovered by Professor Zdanovich in 1987, the Arkaim city was declared a national reserve in 1991. This is almost the only monument left by our distant ancestors that has survived to our times.

Leaving Arkami, the Aryans began to settle along the banks of the rivers and mix with the local population. Ancient customs were forgotten and unique knowledge was lost. The same thing happened with the descendants of the Aryans in India. Having mixed with the local dark-skinned population, the Aryans forever lost their true appearance - tall stature, fair skin and light brown hair.

By the way, the name “Russian”, as some studies believe, came along with the arias. Russians - this is the name given to the descendants of Arctida who came from their frozen homeland for their light hair color. And, as many anthropologists believe, it is our compatriots who have largely preserved the appearance of their legendary ancestors.

Aryans is the name of the peoples speaking the languages ​​of the Aryan (Indo-Iranian) group of the Indo-European family, derived from the self-name of the historical peoples of ancient Iran and ancient India (II - I millennium BC. The linguistic and cultural proximity of these peoples forces researchers to assume the existence of the original ancestral Aryan community (the ancient Aryans), the descendants of which are the historical and modern Iranian and Indo-Aryan peoples.

Arctic and Thule Island.

At one time, the German National Socialists were looking for the Arctic ancestral home of the Aryans. However, oddly enough, it was not a German, but an Indian who was the first to express such a hypothesis. In 1903, the Indian nationalist and scholar of the Rig Veda, Lokmanya Val Gangadhar Tilak (1856-1923), published the book “The Arctic Homeland in the Vedas.”

In this book, he first dated the creation of the Vedas to the third quarter of 3 thousand BC. e. this dating still remains fundamental among Indologists. But the hypothesis of an Arctic ancestral home has been recognized as erroneous.

On what basis did Tilak make such a surprising assumption for a Hindu? The fact is that he, like the supporters of the steppe ancestral home of the Aryans, drew attention to the fact that the climate of the Vedic ancestral home of the Aryans was much colder than the climate of India.

Belovodye. The ancient homeland of the Aryans and Slavs by the artist Vsevolod Ivanov.

Another point that also caught Tilak's attention was that the Vedic descriptions of the sky refer to the subpolar regions.

1. the sun rises in the south, and not in the East, in addition, the sunrise occurs so slowly that the priest will have time to read prayers a thousand lines long during this time.

2. The chariots of the ushas (goddesses of the sunrise) are extremely slow, and people are forced to often ask the gods to grant them light and drive out darkness. Thus, in the “Vedas” the prayer request to the gods is repeated many times: “may we safely reach the other end of the night and that edge that is not even visible.”

3. Sunrise is preceded by several dawns that go in a circle.

4. The cart (Ursa Major) is located high above the head.

5. the sun has 7 rays and 7 sons, which corresponds to the 7 “Bright” months of the polar year, and only in post-Vedic texts do indications appear that the sun has 12 sons.

6. The duel between the good god Indra and the evil demons for the release of the sun occurs not every day, but every year, and in the struggle Indra kills the water demon Arbuda with ice, and not with his lightning, which means the duel takes place in winter.

7. “Day” and “night” of the gods last 6 months, which corresponds to the alternation of the polar day and polar night.

This last statement is indeed repeated many times in ancient Indian writings. Thus, the “Laws of Manu” say: “for the gods, both day and night are the (human) year, again divided in two: day is the period of the sun’s movement to the north, night is the period of movement to the south.” This statement is further developed by the Avesta, which states that “there the stars, the month, the sun can be seen rising and setting only once a year, and the year seems to be only one day.” The sages who commented on the Vedas argued that in ancient times the Brahmin priests were afraid that the dawn would not come after night.

Such descriptions, often found in the Vedas, forced Tilak to consider the mysterious Arctic lands as the Aryan ancestral home. How correct are Tilak's assumptions? It is known that after the melting of the glacier, ancient people began to populate the vacated spaces and reached the shores of the Arctic Ocean.

In 8-6 millennia BC. e. The climate on the northern shores of Russia and Scandinavia was several degrees warmer than today, and birch forests grew even on the very shores of the Arctic Ocean. When this warm period ended and cooling began, it is quite possible that the Aryans descended to warmer regions.

Our modern knowledge of antiquity allows for such a possibility, which can be confirmed or refuted by other evidence. But supporters of the Arctic ancestral home of the Aryans do not stop at this probable assumption.

They prefer to fantasize, imagining some sunken continent or island north of their real homeland (German Ariosophists called the mysterious island of Thule, which lay north of Germany, their modern Russian followers locate Hyperborea north of Russia.

This continent is supposed to have had large Aryan cities heated by geysers.

Armanism (German: Armanenschaft) or Ariosophy are the names of the esoteric system developed by the Austrian occultists Guido von List and Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels in Austria between 1890 and 1930.

According to ariosophists, in the Arctic ancestral home of the Aryans, they possessed magical objects or technical devices that surpassed even the current capabilities of man, and for Stone Age people, the owners of such objects seemed like gods. The ariosophists associate the death of Thule and the Hyperboreans with a geological catastrophe.

According to one version, the island went under water and the Aryans miraculously escaped death in the icy depths of the ocean, and according to another, the power of the geysers that warmed the Arctic ancestral home was depleted and the Aryans were forced to travel a long way through the ice in order to reach lands with a warm climate. In that case, if we find the Arctic ancestral home, then it would be possible to discover artifacts that were known to the Aryans and that could significantly accelerate technical progress.

However, scientists are skeptical about the assumptions of the Ariosophists. Historians and geologists are unanimous that there is no reason to assume that several thousand years ago a later lost island, much less a continent, could have existed somewhere in the Arctic. But dreamers and visionaries are attracted by the mystery of a mysterious land hidden under a thick shell of Arctic ice.

Montelius hypothesis.

Close to this hypothesis is another one put forward in the 19th century. Swedish archaeologist Oscar Montelius (1843-1921. In his works, he tried to prove that the same people lived on the territory of Scandinavia, Denmark and northern Germany throughout the entire period of human existence - the ancient Germans, and therefore, it was here that the Indo-Germanic ( Aryan) civilization.

Oscar Montelius.

Montelius went down in the history of science as an outstanding systematizer and cataloger of archaeological finds; he actually managed to trace the evolution of many household items and tools from antiquity to the contemporary 19th century, because - and in this he is absolutely right - the vast majority of inventions, devices and craft techniques were invented many thousands of years ago by unknown masters and then passed down from generation to generation.

Montelius's main mistake was the narrowness of his horizons: knowing almost everything about the antiquity of his homeland and neighboring countries, he had practically no knowledge of the antiquities of other regions of Europe and could not correctly compare Scandinavian finds with French or English ones, and the similarity of Scandinavian monuments with monuments of other regions considered the continent to be the result of the gradual settlement of the Indo-Germans (Aryans) throughout Europe.

So, in his opinion, it was the Aryans who were the first builders of megalithic burials in Europe. Montelius considered burial chambers, widespread in the north of the continent, to be the oldest in the world, and megaliths, known even in such remote corners of the earth as the Far East or Madagascar, as evidence of Aryan migrations. Such statements were not accepted even by his contemporaries, scientists from other countries.

After the radiocarbon method was discovered, it turned out that in real history everything was exactly the opposite compared to the Montelius concept: the oldest megaliths are Spanish and Portuguese, but Scandinavian ones are the youngest. In fairness, it should still be said that the scheme of the evolution of ancient megalithic burials proposed by Montelius from Scandinavia to the Iberian Peninsula and still exists, attention, only in the “Reverse Direction” - it shows the path of development and subsequent degradation of burial structures from the south of Western Europe to its north.

Let us emphasize once again that Montelius’s hypothesis was the result of long-term research by the scientist and, at that level of knowledge about the prehistoric past, was practically perfect. But the 20th century came, and in it what happened to Montelius’s hypothesis is what always happens to ideas when they take hold of the masses.

In interwar Germany, Montelius's scientific, armchair hypothesis about the autochthony of the German people in the western Baltic becomes for the ignorant proof of the superiority of the Aryan blood of the Germans over all other Aryan peoples. Even the French and British, the ideologists of National Socialism shouted, are not purebred compared to the Germans, because they appeared as a result of the mixing of migrants - Aryans with backward non-Aryan tribes.

After the Second World War, the history of the Aryans was finally cleared of ideology, the typology of the Montelius Finds took its rightful place in science, and the hypothesis of the autochthony of the Germans in the western Baltic had to be abandoned under the pressure of new facts.

Another similar, but more adequate, from the point of view of modern knowledge about the past of Europe, hypothesis was put forward in 1995 by Marek Zverebil. In his opinion, the Aryans as a people developed on the Baltic and North Sea coasts of Europe as a result of the crossbreeding of hunters who appeared after the retreating glacier with agricultural tribes that came there about 7 thousand years ago.

This hypothesis is not as exciting as the previous one, there is no place in it for the mysterious objects of the Aryan race, and there is no sunken island or continent in it, supposedly hiding the amazing achievements of the Aryan civilization. In addition, the “Northern” features of the Aryan ancestral home are clearly smoothed out in it, because in the north of Poland or Germany the polar night or polar day is impossible. In addition, this hypothesis is slightly reminiscent of the Montelius hypothesis, which we described above.

Vologda Region?

Along with these now classical hypotheses, there is also a more exotic version, which has only a small number of adherents. Thus, the Indian professor Durga Prasad Shastri is looking for the Aryan ancestral home in the Vologda region of Russia. He came to this conclusion as a result of comparing Vologda dialectisms with Sanskrit.

So, in Northern Russian “Gayat” means to clean, to process well, and in Sanskrit “gaya” means house, household, family; in Vologda dialects “karta” is a pattern woven on a rug, and in Sanskrit “kart” means to spin, cut off, separate. The Russian meaning of the word "Gat" is a road laid through a swamp. In Sanskrit "Gati" means passage, path, road.

The Sanskrit word “Drat” (to go, to run) corresponds to the Russian analogue - to drape; in Sanskrit "radalnya" - tears, crying, in Russian - sobs. We say “Tryn-grass,” and in Sanskrit “Trin” means grass. We say "dense forest", and "dream" in Sanskrit means forest. Northern Russian “Bus” means mold, soot, dirt, in Sanskrit “busa” means garbage, sewage. Russian “Kulnut” means to fall into the water, in Sanskrit “where” is a canal, a stream. And there are a lot of such examples of similarities, say supporters of this hypothesis.

Proponents of this hypothesis pay special attention to toponymy, and especially to the names of rivers and lakes, because such names are passed down from generation to generation practically unchanged. Thus, in the Vologda and Arkhangelsk regions the Ganges River flows, and some other rivers in this region also have “Indian” names - Shiva, Indiga, Indosat, Sindoshka, Indomanka.

It is interesting that other, not so “Talking” names of rivers are easily translated from Sanskrit: Sukhona means - easily surmountable, cubena - winding, court - stream, Darida - giving water, Padma - lotus, water lily, kusha - sedge, syamzhena - uniting of people.

Researchers note the similarities between the ornaments of Indian and North Russian carved wooden products. The most common motif of Indian carving is considered to be carved triangular - chevroned decoration of architectural details. At the same time, as some scientists suggest, in India, with the arrival of the Aryans, the tradition of brick construction, known since Harappan times, was replaced by the tradition of wooden architecture brought by the Aryans from the Russian north.

It has been preserved in India for quite a long time, despite the fact that the humid climate of the Indian subcontinent is not conducive to the preservation of wooden buildings. When wooden buildings gave way to stone ones, the Aryans preserved the carved ornaments of wooden buildings, and the Mahabharaga preserved descriptions of palaces with wooden carved walls, doors and columns.

Only in the dry foothills of the Himalayas did wooden architecture survive until the Middle Ages, and in the states of Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Maharashtra, ancient wooden buildings survived until the present day.

Researchers note that ornaments similar to Indian and Northern Russian ones are also known in Central Asia (the vicinity of Bukhara and southern Tajikistan), which may indicate the routes of resettlement of the Aryans from Russia to India.

In all these regions, the main motifs are straight and oblique crosses, rosettes of six or seven petals imitating the rays of the sun, swastika-shaped spirals, as well as fertility symbols - diamonds and triangles. It is interesting that the triangular ornament is often found in other areas inhabited by Aryans - in Iran, Transcaucasia, in the Black Sea and Trans-Volga steppes.

But the most impressive evidence of the Vologda ancestral home is the technology of embroidery of ornaments. The patterns used by Indian and Vologda craftswomen are surprisingly similar, and the technology itself is called the same both in the Vologda region and in India. Russian craftswomen talk about the embossed satin stitch, and Indian craftswomen talk about chikan.

It is curious that in the 19th century, linguists discovered another archaic Aryan language - Lithuanian, and immediately a hypothesis arose about the Baltic ancestral home of the Aryans. As with the Indian homeland, the main argument was that an archaic language would be best preserved in close proximity to the homeland.

However, apparently, the Lithuanian language remained unchanged due to the fact that its speakers were distant from speakers of other languages ​​- they lived in dense forests, which were then a characteristic part of the landscape of northern Europe. In any case, archaeologists cannot prove the facts of numerous migrations of peoples from the Baltic Sea coast to Western Europe and central Asia in 4-2 thousand BC. e.