Rain. The rain is thin and long, lost in the grass and cannot be found

A lanky man walked
I got stuck in the cheese.

Thin, Long,
It's easy to jump,
But you can’t see it in the grass.

Large, fractional frequent
And he watered the whole earth.

They're waiting for me, they can't wait,
And when they see it, they will run away.

Who's stomping on the roof?
Whose footsteps do I hear all night?
I can hardly sleep now
Maybe the cats were shod?

I'm often
They ask, they wait,
I'll just show myself
So they will start hiding.

Who is this gardener?
I watered the cherries and gooseberries,
Watered the plum and flowers,
Washed the herbs and flowers?

Lanky Timoshka
Runs along the path.

And when twilight came, they told us on the radio,
That he will come tomorrow and water our garden.

It will reach the sky, but cannot be seen from the ground.

And thin
And long
And he sits down -
Can't see it in the grass.

No arms, no legs,
He knocks under the window and asks to come into the hut.

What kind of beauty is this?
Is it rain or dew?
It's pouring from the sky, it's pouring,
And the rainbow laughs.

What always falls and never rises?

Thin, tall
Fell into the sedge
I didn’t come out myself
And he brought the children out.

Who doesn't cry, but tears flow?

Not a pedestrian, but walking.
People at the gates are getting wet.
The janitor catches him in a tub.
A very difficult riddle?

The longest-legged one walks without a path and without a road.
Hiding in the clouds, in the darkness, only his feet are on the ground.

It's dripping from gray ships,
And the flowers are washed.

A lanky man walked
I got stuck in the cheese.

Who beats and taps on the roof all night,
And mumbles, and sings, and lulls you to sleep?

He walks and we run
He'll catch up anyway!
We rush to the house to hide,
He will knock on our window.
And here and there on the roof!
No, we won’t let you in, dear friend!

Couldn't stay in the sieve
Silver threads
And, jumping out into freedom,
They sewed a cloud to the field.

They waited, they called, but he showed up -
everyone ran away.

Doesn't walk, doesn't jump,
And he floats and cries.
He makes noise in the field and in the garden,
But it won’t get into the house.
And I'm not going anywhere
As long as he goes.

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,
But it won't get into the house.
And I won't go anywhere.
As long as he goes.

“It’s thin, it’s long, but when it sits in the grass you can’t see it” (riddle)

Alternative descriptions


Moderately beneficial natural phenomenon

Type of precipitation

And mushroom and pouring

Large, fractionally frequent, watered the whole earth

A reason to open an umbrella

weather phenomenon

The background of the shower

Mushroom waterer

What's behind the storm

The lanky man walked and got stuck in the damp ground. (mystery)

Ingmar Bergman's film "...over our love"

Ridley Scott's film "Black..."

Bad weather, under which the bunny remained

The story of the Russian writer S. A. Krutilin “Oblique...”

The story of the Russian writer V. M. Kozhevnikov “All week...”

. “What is taller than a forest and thinner than a hair?” (mystery)

Woodcock, when hungry, can lightly tap its beak on the ground, causing worms to crawl to the surface and imitating just that

Drummer on the roof

. “came from heaven, went to earth” (riddle)

Precipitation making a puddle

A phenomenon that has never been observed in the Chilean Atacama Desert

Reason to open an umbrella

. “people are waiting for me, calling me, but when I come to them they run away” (riddle)

. “A lanky man walked and got stuck in the ground” (riddle)

. "It seems... it's going!"

Precipitation in buckets

A reason to open an umbrella

Golden image of Zeus


Tears of autumn

Free watering

Poem by B. Pasternak

Poem by the 19th century Russian poet A. Bestuzhev

Atmospheric precipitation in the form of water droplets

Tears of clouds

Knocking on the roof

Autumn's cry

. "summer...", Talkov

. “sang-...”, Kuzmin

Atmospheric torrential rainstorm

He falls, although they say: "He is coming"

. “one rain is still to come...”

1 of 3 parts of a thunderstorm

The best weather for umbrellas

Flushed snowfall


Summer analogue of winter snow


Third to thunder and lightning

One of the three components of a thunderstorm

Liquid precipitation

Atmospheric precipitation in the form of water drops, jets

Abundant fallout of tiny dust particles during dust storms

About something. falling in multitude

The appearance of many falling stars (meteors) in the night sky

. "One rain is still to come..."

. "Summer...", Talkov

Rain, dozhik, dozhik, dozhik m. water in drops or streams from the clouds. (Ancient dezg; dezgem, rain; dezgevy, rain; dezgiti, rain). Sitnichek, the finest rain; downpour, torrential, the strongest; slanting, whiplash, slanting rain, in the direction of a strong wind. Terrible rain, with a thunderstorm; wet rains, autumn, prolonged bad weather. Rubbish, hizha, chicher, stucco, snow and rain. Hay, rain during mowing. Drizzle, beads, the tiniest rain, even tinier rush. Bathing or sloping rain, a sieve, in baths and swimming pools, through which water pours as rain. Frequent rains, violent winds. Rain through the sun, through the sun, at the same time. Rain and sunshine, like a drowned man, or the righteous man died. The rain penetrated to the bones. The rain did not leave a dry thread; wet like Yusha, lower, fire. After the rain, God will give you sunshine. After a thunderstorm there is rain, after buckets of bad weather. The rain will soak you, but the red sun will dry you. It's snowing and raining at the same hour. There will be rain, there will be fungi; and if there are fungi, there will be a box. Just as there is rain in May, so will there be rye. If God gives rain, rye will grow. If God gives rain, he will also give rye. It's raining like buckets. God forbid it rains, I'm going to drink in the thick one! The amount of rain is no big deal. Rain drop by drop, dew drop by dew drop. After Kazan, it will rain and all the holes will be flooded. Rain will pour into Kazanskaya, it will bring winter, October will rain like rain, pour it with a ladle! hello rain. Mother of God, give rain to our barley, to the master’s hops! hello rain. From the rain, yes (or not) into the water. It was bad weather, but the rain got in the way. It will either rain or snow, it will either happen or it won’t. Covered by rain, fenced off by the wind, housing. Not in the rain: let's stand and wait. Not in the rain, let's wait. He is wet from the rain, but naked is not afraid of robbery. Rain on young people's happiness. Rain is rye to a man, but a louse to a barge hauler. Rain, dozhevoy, church. rainy, coming from rain, bringing rain, related to rain. Rain cloud. Rainwater is fresher and softer than any other. Jumped up like a rain bubble (like a blister). Large rain bubbles, for rain. A rainy day or year, heavy with rain, showers; rainy region, strip, area with heavy rainfall. Raincoat, raincoat, dozhevik m. nasty Lycoperdon mushroom, hare potato, purhawk, bee sponge, bzdyukh, tobacco plant, damn tavlinka. A raincoat is not a mushroom, an upstart is not a pointer. A random person is like a raincoat: he jumped up and burst. Earthworm or earthworm, used. for fishing rods. Rain tub, under roofing, drainpipes. Dozzhukha rainwater, in any use. Wash clothes in dozhukha. When there is rain (rot) in the hay, then there is a bucket in the bottom, that is, the bread will be born well. Rain, sprinkle rain, send rain. It started to wait again. the canopy had to wait. It rained on the fields. It rained and cleared up. At least it would wait. It waited all day. The Lord will rain on the fields. The priest will rain with sprinklers. Impersonal it's going to rain. It's raining outside. Get to the arch. impersonal to rain, to rain. It will be cold outside and it will rain. Rain gauge, meter, projectile that measures the amount of falling rain. Rain-bearing, rain-bearing, bringing, giving birth to rain

He falls, although they say: "He is coming"

The story of the Russian writer S. A. Krutilin "Oblique..."

The story of the Russian writer V. M. Kozhevnikov “All week...”

Ingmar Bergman's film "...over our love"

Ridley Scott's film "Black..."

Crying snowfall

Thin, long, long-legged, but not visible in the grass (rain).

  • - R. all in. Germany, flows out in Oldenburg, flows through the province of Schleswig-Holstein and flows into the Bay of Lübeck. Dl. currents 112 km, of which 53.5 km are navigable...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - The nose is good, thin. Wed. Avoir bon nez. Explanation For Jews, the nose is the organ of intelligence and wisdom. Wed. As long as my breath is in me and the Spirit of God is in my nostrils, my lips will not speak unrighteousness. Job. 27; 3, 4. Wed. Being. 2, 7...
  • - The mother is black, the daughter is red, the son is long-legged, it’s easy to bend...
  • - the farmer is poor, but secure, and the merchant is rich, but unreliable Wed. The nobility's guts are thin and long, but the townspeople's guts are thick and short...
  • - drink herbs, be treated with herbs Wed. O pills, decoctions, o herbs! - You are no worse, no better than poison. Aphorisms...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - about the sensitive, quick-witted Wed. Avoir bon nez. For Jews, the nose is the organ of intelligence and wisdom. Wed. As long as my breath is in me and the Spirit of God is in my nostrils, my mouth will not speak unrighteousness. Job. 27; 3, 4. Wed. Being. 2, 7...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - The land ruble is thin and long, but the trade ruble is wide, but short, the farmer is poor, but secure, and the merchant is rich, but not secure. Wed. The nobility's guts are thin and long, but the townspeople's guts are thick and short...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - Sit on the grass, drink herbs, heal with herbs. Wed. O pills, decoctions, o herbs! - You are no worse, no better than poison. *** Aphorisms...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - And thin, and the bell...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see. The world has thin bellies, but debts...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Neither cancer, nor fish, nor beast, nor bird; the voice is thin, the nose is long; whoever kills her will shed his blood...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See A LOT -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Damn the ankles, it’s a lot to bend over...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - who. 1. Novg., Sib. About lack of money, lack of money from someone. NOS 4, 25; NOS 11, 46; FSS, 91; Mokienko 1988, 73; SOSV, 186. 2. Gorky. Smb. has little ability to accomplish smb. BalSok, 40...
  • - Don. While on a diet, treat yourself with medicinal herbs. SDH 2, 110; SRNG 16, 330...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 2 platform thin...

    Synonym dictionary

“Thin, long, long-legged, but you can’t see it in the grass.” in books

Long day until evening

From the book My Brother Yuri author Gagarin Valentin Alekseevich

It's a long day until the evening. The holiday's growth is small. The joy from meeting the liberators has subsided, the excitement has subsided, and the Klushino women are thinking heavily. The Germans, the war, the need, walked through the village like a greedy fire, everything that was buried in the bins and barns was buried in holes,

“Even though his printed path is long...”

From the book Tenderer than the Sky. Collection of poems author Minaev Nikolay Nikolaevich

“Even though his printed path is long...” Although his printed path is long, And he seems to be a sharkologist, But the sword of his satire is dull, And in epigrams he is not sharp, Like a hedgehog that has lost its needles, But in general, he is a poetic oak! 1955 May 13.

“Today is the month thin and two-cornered...”

From the book Blue Smoke author Sofiev Yuri Borisovich

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CHAPTER 5 A LONG WAY FOR YOU AND ME Traveling to Odessa in May 1985, perhaps, became a turning point in my fan career. If before Odessa I had a reputation as a right-wing fan who, out of some fear, began to fan of SKA, then after Odessa my comrades began to consider me frostbitten

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From the book Stalin. Scramble at the helm author Bushkov Alexander

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5. It’s a long way to Stirlitz...

From the book Stalin. Red Monarch author Bushkov Alexander

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Chapter 1 THE LONG CENTURY OF THE CAVALRY GUARD... We are now having battles... They are broadcasting on the radio that the people of Finland have decided to throw off the yoke of Capital. If earlier everyone was sure that we would win, because we are strong both morally and physically, now we can add that we will win

“There’s no harm in anyone”

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“There is no bad thing to be seen in anyone” First of all, it is worth noting: neither Tsar Pyotr Alekseevich, nor Alexander Menshikov, who led the assault on Baturin, intended to intimidate the population of Little Russia. There was simply no need for this. Together with the Great Russians, the Little Russians courageously

You will never see such battles!

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You will never see such battles! From the poem “Borodino” (1837) by M. Yu. Lermontov (1814-1841). Jokingly about glorious, memorable deeds, which, in the opinion of those who once participated in them, are beyond the capabilities of new generations,

Chapter 2. You can’t see the person behind the body

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Chapter 2. The person behind the body cannot be seen The same Konstantin Karmanov writes: “It is best to start a discussion about the ideal with a simple, but at the same time paradoxical-sounding thesis that a person cannot be seen. It would seem that this is contrary to common sense - the judgment sounds

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From the author's book

LONG WAY TO THE CONVEYOR – Please note: we still haven’t made our car. For now all we do is choose! Go to the type of car from the tables of the “Prospective Type”, then the diagram of the car... – Patience, patience: the circle of choice is gradually narrowing. Remember when