Additional office “Rimsky. Museum of Criminology in Rome

SRT (Roman Type Section)- these are not large rooms from 7 to 24 sq.m. These sections do not have a kitchen, but if you remodel, you can find a corner for a small stove and table. Also in the Roman-type sections there is a toilet and a sink, all of this is located on 2 sq.m. They are most often located on the 1st floor. No balcony.

SOT (General Type Section)- very similar to Roman-type sections, they also have a small footage. Their difference is that SOT has a shower. Located on the first floor. No balcony. They may also be located in former dormitories.

KGT (Hotel Room)- a type of living space, which is either a small one-room apartment or a room with a kitchen niche and a bathroom. A building consisting of such apartments or rooms is also called a “hotel”. Can be located on any floor.

KSS (Room With Neighbor)- a type of living space, popularly called a “communal apartment”. There is a shared kitchen. There is also a shower, also shared. Typically, this type of property is the most difficult to sell.

HR (Khrushchev)- a type of apartment that appeared in the 60-70s. As a rule, they have a small kitchen (no more than 6 sq.m.), adjacent or walk-through rooms, and a combined bathroom. Usually these are five-story buildings that are built from panels, and that is why they have all load-bearing walls.

NH (Not Khrushchev)- the type of apartment, which is also called “standard”, differs from Khrushchev in that it does not have an “arch”. Also, these apartments are larger in size.

R (Separate)- type of apartment layout, when all rooms, and their number must be at least 2, have an individual entrance from the corridor.

UP (Improved Layout) Apartments with an improved layout, in terms of comfort, are superior to Khrushchev-era apartments. The houses where apartments with UP are located are usually brick. Wall thickness 510 mm. This provides warmth and comfort in the apartment. Kitchens are not large, from 6 to 8 sq.m. The rooms are walk-through. Apartments of this type were not created a day ago large families, therefore they do not have large areas even if there are sufficient rooms.

St (Open layout)- V Lately This type of apartment is very popular, especially among new buildings. This layout includes the absence of load-bearing partitions. This allows the owner of such an apartment to make any repairs and any layout at his discretion. This of course has advantages, but does not exclude disadvantages. One of them is the high cost of repairs.

PM (Full-length)- this is a type of apartment that has a larger footage than that of the Khrushchev apartments. And it also differs in layout and ceiling height, usually 2.8-3 meters. People also call them “Stalinists”. The area of ​​such apartments in two-room apartments is from 50 sq.m., in three-room apartments from 64 sq.m.

Hit (Small apartments)- apartments with small rooms. Our domestic developers always try to pass off this type of apartment as a “European standard”. However, in Europe such housing is provided to low-income families, or is built as part of social programs. You can also call a “hit” an apartment, for example a two-room apartment, which was later converted into a three-room apartment, etc.

SI (Adjacent-isolated)- a type of apartment layout, where the rooms can be either rooms isolated from each other or adjacent to each other.

SM (Adjacent)- two-room apartments have this layout, in which only one room has a separate exit to the corridor.

I (Isolated)- see Separate

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Why don't you try something unusual, something radically different from everything you've seen in the Eternal City? Visit the Criminological Museum in Rome, located at Via del Confalone 29. Amazing museum was opened back in 1931, and today it houses a unique collection of things one way or another related to forensics. Moreover, initially it was accessible exclusively to representatives of the Italian authorities and police, but in 1994, the federal government body decided to open the doors of the museum to the general public.

The very first exhibits from the collection of the criminological museum date back to 1873 and include a lot of interesting things, such as, for example, manuals on methodology, as well as more terrifying artifacts (samples of the cells in which prisoners were imprisoned). In the Roman Museum of Criminology you can also find items produced by the prisoners themselves while serving their sentences.

The museum is divided into three sections. The first is a collection historical documents, as well as instruments of torture (for example, electric chairs). Among other things, the museum also houses a reproduction of the “iron maiden” and guillotines, once used to behead criminals. The first section also contains a cell with the outline human body, which still contains a human skeleton. This exhibit was found in the wall of the Sicilian prison Milazzo (Milazzo) on February 17, 1928. Included in the list of artifacts located here are the red robes of Giovanni Batista Bugatti (1779-1869), also known as Mastro Titta, who carried out death sentences until his retirement in 85 years old.

The second section of the criminological museum is dedicated to crimes of the 19th century. Here you will find early forensic techniques as well as research in criminal anthropology. There is also a stand in this section containing information about the most unusual robberies. In this room you can also find the gun with which Gaetano Bresci shot King Umberto I. Bresci was the only criminal who tried to kill the monarch and was not executed for it. In Italy it was abolished in 1889 the death penalty, so Bresci was sentenced to life imprisonment.

On one of the stands in the second section of the Roman criminological museum are the weapons used in the duel by Ferrucchio Macola, editor of the Journal of Venice, and the poet Carlo Emanuele Felice Cavallotti. On March 6, 1898, a duel took place, where Cavalotti was killed, accusing Macola of lying.

And finally, the last, third section is devoted to crimes of the 20th century. Within this section you can find entire exhibitions of evidence related to cases of “organized crime” and “espionage”. There is also a whole stand here telling about the most mysterious and sensational murders in Italy, from the 1940s to the present day.

Museum opening hours:

  • Tuesday and Thursday: 9:00 – 13:00, 14:30 – 18:30;
  • Wednesday, Friday and Saturday: 09:00 – 13:00.

Find out current opening hours and prices entrance ticket by number +39 06 6889 9442 or on the official website As of September 2014, a ticket to the museum costs 2 euros, and visitors under 18 years of age and over 65 years of age have free admission.