House museum in Crimea. ⌘ Military monuments of Crimea

Honored Artist of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, laureate of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, member of the Union of Artists of Russia, deputy chairman of the Yalta city branch of the Union of Artists of Russia for creative work

Crimea has always attracted the creative elite, the local landscape and climate have inspired many wonderful artists: the names of Aivazovsky, Konstantin Korovin, Maximilian Voloshin are inextricably linked with the place of their work: Gurzuf, Koktebel, Feodosia. Naturally, their creative heritage can be seen in museums and galleries of Crimea.

Museum, Galleries and Exhibitions

The largest gallery in Crimea, dedicated to the work of the world-famous marine painter I.K. Aivazovsky, is located near the Feodosia Embankment in the house of the master and his sister. The world's largest collection of Aivazovsky's works is kept in Feodosia and numbers 416 items. The gallery was opened in 1880 and became the first public gallery in the south of the country. The gallery is based on works by Aivazovsky and his personal belongings, as well as works by his students, contemporaries, marine painters and artists of the south-eastern Crimea. Nowadays, it also hosts personal exhibitions of contemporary artists.

Gallery opening hours:

from 10:00 to 18:00, closed on Wednesdays

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Galleries and exhibitions

This art gallery hosts landmark exhibitions and is the center of social life for the peninsula's artistic elite. The gallery is located in the building of a five-star hotel, which is located on a quiet street running from the center of the Embankment to the Alexander Nevsky Church. Exhibitions are constantly changing, there are both thematic and personal exhibitions of contemporary Crimean artists, and there is a permanent exhibition.

Working hours:

Galleries and exhibitions

The unusual exhibition hall building was built right on the bridge over the Vodopadnaya River, which flows into the sea in the area of ​​the Oreanda Hotel, at the beginning of Naberezhnaya Street. The exhibition hall hosts exhibitions of contemporary local artists and satisfies the city's thirst for a renewed aesthetic experience. In the two-story pavilion building, built in 1968, events are constantly taking place to keep Yalta residents up to date with the events of the creative elite. The building itself also represents a certain cultural value - its blank walls are decorated with large-scale mosaics by E.S. Zernova on the topic “The Dream and Work of the Artist”.

Working hours:

Galleries and exhibitions

This art gallery was founded in 2003 with the aim of popularizing the Crimean art school. The organizers organize personal and thematic exhibitions, help in creating collections, organize plein air visits and creative meetings. The three main art spaces of this gallery are located in Yalta: Art Estate on Sechenov Street, “Lotus” in Primorsky Park, where young artists are exhibited, and the second floor of the Yalta Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists.

Working hours:

Galleries and exhibitions

During the work of the gallery, which opened in 2009 on the Square of the Rebels in the center of Sevastopol, more than 30 exhibitions were held. The main mission of the gallery is the development of the cultural environment of Crimea. All the necessary conditions are created here for the interaction of artists with lovers of their work. The organizers conduct publishing activities, invite everyone to the Voloshin plein airs, have a collection of antiques, hold auctions and participate in exhibitions outside the peninsula.

Working hours:

from 10:00 to 18:00 daily; break from 13:30 to 14:00

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The museum was opened in 1927, now it is located in a beautiful four-story building with a lavishly decorated facade not far from Primorsky Boulevard. Currently, the museum has one of the best collections in Crimea, the basis of which is works of pre-revolutionary Russian art and masterpieces of Western European masters. The Sevastopol Art Museum, despite the small exhibition space, annually organizes thematic exhibitions from the museum’s fund: Russian landscape, Itinerants, watercolors.

The museum is open all days except Tuesday.

September - May from 10:00 to 17:00

June - August from 11:00 to 18:00

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The Simferopol Art Museum is located in a historical building in the city center on a quiet street connecting two main city highways, which was built in 1913 for the Officers' Assembly. The museum is located in two buildings: the permanent exhibition is located in the main building, and the exhibition halls are located in the wing. The main exhibition occupies eight reconstructed halls and displays works of Russian, Western European and Eastern art from the 15th to the 21st centuries. Master classes, concerts and creative meetings are held here.

Working hours:

Tuesday from 12:00 to 20:00; from Wednesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 17:30; Monday - closed

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Galleries and exhibitions

This gallery, which opened its doors in 1984 in the center of Simferopol, opposite Victory Square, constantly hosts exhibitions of local artists. The Council of the Union of Artists of Crimea also meets here. Exhibition activities are the main direction of work, but representatives of other creative professions are also friendly here. People come here for consultations on fine art and to order work of any genre. The building has a certain value - it is a rare example of pre-war Soviet architecture, built in 1925 according to the design of architect N.A. Trenches, previously there was a textile syndicate and the main post office.



Faculty of Geography

Department of Tourism

on the topic of: Museums of Crimea

completed by: Olga Vyazovskaya

checked by: Voronina A.B.

Simferopol 2010


1. Museums of Crimea

Prospects for the development of museum affairs using the example of the M. Voloshin House Museum




There are more than 4 thousand museums of different status and specialization in Ukraine. In terms of the quantity and quality of museum collections, our country is potentially one of the most powerful museum states in Europe and can become a center of world cultural tourism.

The main attention in the work of museum institutions of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is paid to the implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Museums and Museum Affairs”. The Autonomy has maintained a functioning network of state museums and reserves - 19, with branches - 25 museums.

Along with them, there are 137 public museums, 51 museums contain museum objects and collections of the State part of the Museum Fund of Ukraine.

In connection with the use of new technologies, the problem of choosing information support and classification systems is posed that satisfy both the needs of the traditional activities of the museum for recording and preserving funds, and the prospect of developing new forms of museum service, conditioned by entering the global information space.

1. Museums of Crimea

Alupka State Palace and Park Museum-Reserve

Alupka (Vorontsov) Palace is an outstanding monument of the Romantic era of the 1830s-1840s of the 19th century. The palace belonged to the former governor-general of the Novorossiysk region, Count Mikhail Vorontsov (1782-1856). The design of the palace was developed by one of the best English architects, Edward Blore (1789-1879), court architect to King William IV.

The Vorontsov Palace, which has 150 rooms, has a rich museum collection.

Around the palace there is a huge park (it is divided into Upper and Lower) - one of the best monuments of landscape gardening art on the southern coast of Crimea, numbering about 200 species of plants. The layout of the park was led by the German gardener Karl Kebach.

The Alupka Nature Reserve includes the Massandra Palace of Emperor Alexander III.

Alushta Museum of History and Local Lore (branch of the Crimean Republican Museum of Local Lore)

In 1966, a public historical and revolutionary museum was opened in the building of the Alushta City Party Committee, on the basis of the collections of which in 1971 the exposition of the Alushta Museum of Local Lore, a department of the Crimean Museum of Local Lore, was created. After a complete re-exposition in 1987, the “Socialist Alushta” department was opened at the now Alushta Historical and Local Lore Museum. Its collection includes archaeological collections (including from excavations of the medieval settlement of Partenit), numismatic and ethnographic material, personal belongings of participants in the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, party veterans, Heroes of Labor, scientists and cultural figures, rare and unique documents and photographs on history cities, evidence of the development of industry and agriculture, resort construction in the Alushta zone. In total, the museum has more than 4 thousand exhibits.

Museum of Nature and Dendrozoo of the Crimean State Nature Reserve

The Crimean State Nature Reserve has existed since 1923. Before the revolution - grounds for royal hunting. This is the largest protected area in Ukraine. The Lebyazhye Islands Nature Reserve in Karkinitsky Bay is its branch.

The museum of the reserve contains about 1,600 exhibits telling about the flora and fauna of the reserve, its history, and the nature of the mountainous Crimea. Eight dioramas represent the main natural complexes of the reserve.

Next to the museum there is a dendrozoo with enclosures in which deer, mouflons, roe deer, eagles and other typical representatives of the inhabitants of the mountainous Crimea live.

Literary and Memorial Museum of S.N. Sergeev-Tsensky

The museum is located in the house where the famous writer, academician Sergei Nikolaevich Sergeev-Tsensky (1875-1958) lived and worked from 1906 to 1941 and from 1946 to 1958. Almost all materials related to his life and work are collected in two departments of the museum - memorial and literary. The writer's library, which contains many rare books, has been preserved.

The writer is buried in his estate, next to his house. A monument was erected over the grave.

House-museum of academician of architecture A.N. Beketova

The buildings of the outstanding Ukrainian architect adorn many cities of the country. Among the architectural monuments of Crimea created by A.N. Beketov, in Simferopol - the building of the Crimean Russian Academic Theater named after. M. Gorky, in Alushta - villa "Marina" (now building No. 3 of the sanatorium "Sea Corner-1"), the building of the former administration of Glavspirt (club-dining room of the sanatorium "Alushta"), built according to his design in 1936-1939.

The building of the House Museum is also an architectural monument - an old mansion, a former summer residence of the Beketov family.

The museum exhibits memorial items, paintings written by A.N. Beketov during his stay in Crimea.

Museum of the writer I.S. Shmeleva

This is the only museum of the famous Russian writer in the CIS. It is located next to the House-Museum of Academician A.N. Beketova.

Ivan Sergeevich Shmelev (1873-1950) lived in Alushta for four tragic years - from 1918 to 1922. The house where Ivan Shmelev lived was made of adobe, with two small rooms with a veranda, located next to the former estate of S.N. Sergeev-Tsensky. There is a memorial plaque on it.

Museum of Disasters on the Waters

A museum dedicated to world-famous water disasters has opened in Crimea. A unique tourist site appeared on the basis of a lighthouse temple in the village of Malorechenskoye (Bolshaya Alushta). The museum's exposition is located in a dim room, stylized as a sunken ship. The walls and ceiling are decorated with “shipwrecks”. Tourists are shown 9 popular science films about the most ominous disasters on the waters - from the collapse of the legendary Titanic to the death of the nuclear submarine Kursk.

Bakhchisarai Historical and Cultural Reserve

Created in 1990 on the basis of the Bakhchisaray Historical and Architectural Museum. The institution was created with the aim of protecting the historical and cultural heritage of the mountainous and foothill areas of South-Western Crimea within the Bakhchisarai region and covers an area of ​​slightly more than 3000 hectares. The purpose of the reserve is to use movable and immovable monuments of this historical and geographical region in the field of studying the material and spiritual heritage of the peoples of Crimea.

The Reserve includes the following museums:

Museum of History and Culture of the Crimean Tatars;

Museum of Archeology and "Cave Cities";

Art Museum.

Of undoubted interest to visitors is both the palace ensemble, which is an architectural monument of the Middle Ages, and the unique exhibits displayed in the interiors of the palace premises.

The most ancient and significant monument of the Khan's Palace is the Demir-Kapu Portal (Iron Door Portal; Crimean-Tat.), built by the Italian architect Alvise Novi. A curvaceous carved stone portal with a semicircular pediment, typical of the Italian Renaissance, frames an oak door covered with strips of wrought iron. In addition to its artistic merits, the portal is valuable because the gilded Arabic inscription decorating it contains the date of construction - 1503.

On the ground floor of the palace, where the Historical Department of the Museum of History and Culture of the Crimean Tatars is located, the constant interest of tourists is attracted by such objects as the Divan Hall, the Summer Gazebo with a fountain in the Eastern Baroque style, and, of course, the famous Fountain of Tears, sung by Pushkin and Mickiewicz.

The second floor of the palace ensemble is dedicated to ethnographic exhibitions. Here it is fashionable to see samples of the ancient Crimean Tatar national costume, wonderful embroideries of Crimean craftswomen (awarded a bronze medal at the Paris Exhibition of 1925), jewelry, weaving items and carpets, blacksmiths' products, the interior of the bride's room, as well as exhibits reflecting the culture of the small Crimean people - Karaites

There is also an Art Museum on the territory of the Palace, where tourists can see the works of masters of the 19th-20th centuries, reflecting mainly Crimean themes.

Museum of Archeology and “Cave Cities”

The museum is a regional center for archaeological research of the monuments of South-Western Crimea, conducting archaeological expeditions and occupying a leading place in the acquisition of funds of the Bakhchisarai State Historical and Cultural Reserve (the main part of which is archaeological materials).

From 1940 to 1955 - an archaeological station at the Bakhchisarai Palace Museum. From 1955 to 1979 - the status of the archaeological department of the Bakhchisarai Historical and Archaeological (Architectural) Museum. The status of the BGIKZ branch is since 1996.

The museum includes an archeology department and a “cave cities” department.

The main areas of activity are archaeological excavations at “cave cities” and archaeological sites in the region, processing and introduction of archaeological material into scientific circulation. Promoting security measures at archaeological sites. It is planned to resume exhibition activities, which were forcedly interrupted in 1997.

Museum of History and Culture of the Crimean Tatars

The main structural unit of the Reserve is the Museum of History and Culture of the Crimean Tatars, which is based on the territory of the former palace of the Crimean Khans. After the annexation of Crimea by Russia, the last Crimean Khan left Bakhchisarai, and the palace has since been preserved as a monument of oriental architecture, serving at the same time as a repository for objects of Crimean Tatar art and ethnography, antiquities and history. In the future, this collection became the basis of the National Museum of Crimean Tatars created on October 4, 1917.

Art Museum of the Bakhchisarai State Historical and Cultural Reserve

The opening of the museum took place on July 8, 1996. This was preceded by five years of work to restore and adapt the building, collect and prepare exhibits and create an exhibition

The works of famous Russian and foreign masters of the 18th-19th centuries are of greatest value: F.S. Rokotova, D.G. Levitsky, S.S. Shchukina, Gune, V.F. Timm and a number of others.

Currently, the collection of the Art Museum consists of over 1,500 exhibits of painting, graphics, sculpture, decorative and applied arts. The best of them are presented in the exhibition, deployed in one of the ancient buildings, in the former house of the caretaker of the Khan's Palace, harmoniously connected with the architecture of the palace complex.

Crimean Astrophysical Observatory

Crimean Astrophysical Observatory is the largest astronomical institution in Ukraine.

CrAO was organized in 1945 on the basis of the Simeiz branch of the Pulkovo Observatory, founded in 1908. The observatory has modern scientific equipment that allows for comprehensive astrophysical research in a wide spectral range of electromagnetic radiation - from hard gamma rays to meter-long radio waves, a wide variety of objects in the Universe (from artificial Earth satellites and small bodies of the Solar System to extragalactic formations).

On the territory of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, excursions are held with visits to telescopes, the opportunity to look at the starry sky, see planets, nebulae and galaxies. There are about two dozen telescopes on the territory of the scientific town. They are hidden in the dense foliage of rare tree species brought more than fifty years ago from the Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

Gurzuf branch of the house-museum of A.P. Chekhov

Gurzuf branch of the house-museum of A.P. Chekhov is a department of the house-museum of A.P. Chekhov in Yalta. In 1900, Chekhov bought a house in Gurzuf for relaxation and solitude, since Yalta seemed very noisy to the writer. Chekhov did not live here long: the proximity of the sea and the humid air from the surf affected the writer’s health. In August 1900, Chekhov began working on the play Three Sisters. Later, the writer gave the dacha to his wife O.L. Knipper, who came here until 1953.

Museum A.S. Pushkin in Gurzuf

Museum A.S. Pushkin - a department of the Yalta Historical and Literary Museum - is located in the "House of Richelieu". The "House of Richelieu" was built in 1811 by the then Governor-General, was remodeled more than once and now looks completely different than before. In this house in 1820 A.S. Pushkin lived three “happiest weeks” in the family of General N.N. Raevsky.

The rock above the sea and the grotto in it are named after the poet. This Richelieu house has survived to this day with minor alterations. It is located on the territory of the Pushkino park-sanatorium, about 100 m from the sea.

Evpatoria Museum of History and Local Lore

On February 1, 1921, according to the order of the command of the 46th Infantry Division, a building on the street was allocated for the Museum of Antiquities in Yevpatoria. Sovetskaya (now Sverdlova St., 11) is a former mansion built in 1914. In 2.5 months, about two thousand pieces of ceramics and porcelain, carpets, and coins were collected. The Museum of Antiquities opened on July 30, 1921.

In 1925, the museum had 5 departments: archaeological, atheistic, resort, industrial and ethnographic.

Most of the museum's collection was looted during the Great Patriotic War. In 1944, its restoration began.

In 1950, the local history profile of the museum was formed with three departments: the pre-revolutionary past, the history of Soviet society and nature. In 1968, the buildings of the Karaite kenas (former prayer temples of the Karaites) - an architectural monument of the 18th century - were transferred to the museum. Restoration is currently underway here. Now the museum houses 56.8 thousand exhibits. Among them, the most significant is the archaeological collection - more than 37 thousand items.

Karaite Kenas

Yevpatoria is the only city in Ukraine on whose territory there are active Karaite kenas. This is not only a functioning temple, but also a unique excursion site.

Crimean Karaites (Karai) are one of the most unique peoples on the planet (and the smallest). Construction of kenas began in 1803, on the site of the first Karaite temple in Evpatoria. The construction was headed by the influential Karaite family of Babovich. In 1804-1807, the cathedral was built, and in 1807-1818, the small kenasa, which represents the Karaite temple complex.

Yevpatoriya Postal Museum

Horse, carriage, bicycle, train, plane. The photographs show the entire evolution of postal services. The exhibition was called “From the Messenger to the Internet.” The most valuable exhibits: a postcard from 1914 and the Iskra newspaper from the 16th. From postal past to present.

Evpatoria Pharmacy Museum

The museum opened in 2004. The first and only pharmacy museum in Crimea is located in an ancient building on Karaev Street.

This building was built in 1897 by pharmacist Roffe on the site of the oldest pharmacy in Crimea, founded in 1823, and has remained unchanged to this day.

The exhibition of the Pharmacy Museum displays utensils, hand-held equipment and mechanisms used in the manufacture of dosage forms, old advertisements and price lists of various medicines.

Ethnographic Center "Tekie Dervish"

"Tekie dervish" is translated as "shelter of dervishes."

This is a former monastery of wandering Muslim monks - dervishes ("poor", "beggar" in Persian), who are members of Sufi brotherhoods.

There is no exact information about the time of construction of the Tekie-Dervish ensemble, as well as about the author of the project. It is believed that it was built in the 16th century and is a complex of a monastery and a mosque.

Exhibition: the life of dervishes in ancient exhibits. What they wore, what they ate, what they played. Almost all the exhibits are from the personal collection of the director of the Museum of Ethnography, Alife Yashlavskaya. Women's hats - they are called marama - are handmade, they are about a hundred years old.

Kerch Historical and Archaeological Museum

The Kerch Museum of Antiquities, one of the oldest museums in our country, was opened on June 2 (15), 1826. The basis of the museum collection is the collection of Paul Dubrux (1774 - 1835), the founder of Kerch archeology. The museum carried out surveys, descriptions and excavations of ancient settlements and necropolises.

The discovery of the crypt of the Kul-Oba mound in 1830 prompted the government to focus the museum on excavating mounds in order to extract art objects for the Hermitage. With the beginning of the work of archaeologist A.E. Lyutsenko (1853), these works acquired scientific significance. In 1835, according to the design of the Odessa architect Giordano Toricelli, a museum building was built on Mount Mithridates, reproducing the appearance of the Athenian Temple of Theseus.

During the Crimean War (1853 - 1856), the museum building and exhibition were destroyed and looted by the enemy, the most valuable exhibits were taken to London, where they are now kept in the British Museum. From then until 1922, the museum did not have its own premises, which led to the loss of many exhibits.

The museum is the owner of a unique collection of lapidary monuments of world significance: tombstones, sculptures, epigraphic monuments, architectural details, slabs with tamga signs, covering the period from the 4th century. BC e. to the 14th century n. e. The museum's archaeological collections are noteworthy: terracottas, painted ceramics, amphorae, antique glass, plaster casts, numismatics. The collected materials on the history of the defense of the Adzhimushkai quarries by Soviet military garrisons in May - October 1942 are unique. In total, the museum stores more than 130 thousand exhibits.

Museum of the History of the Eltigen Landing

The museum opened on the eve of the 40th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War - May 8, 1985. It is located on the “Tierra del Fuego”, the paratroopers’ bridgehead - the first six square kilometers of the liberated Crimean land.

The museum complex includes: a mass grave of soldiers who fulfilled their duty to the end, a motorboat raised on a pedestal, a weapons platform, a hospital and an operating room, melted concrete of a pillbox - the site of the command post of the 318th Novorossiysk Rifle Division, half-faded scars of trenches and an anti-tank ditch, an ancient mound - Shumsky height. And above all this symbol of a breakthrough, movement forward is the soaring concrete bulk of the sail monument at the Wall of Heroes.

Museum of the History of Defense of the Adzhimushkay Quarries

The Museum of the History of Defense of the Adzhimushkay Quarries was opened in May 1967. It is located in underground workings, which are a multi-kilometer branched network of tunnels, adits, and narrow side corridors formed from the development of limestone - shell rock, which was used as a building material.

Adzhimushkay quarries are a unique historical and revolutionary monument. At the beginning of the century, meetings of underground Bolsheviks were held here, and their printing house was located. During the civil war, a partisan detachment was based there. During the Great Patriotic War, in November - December 1941, a partisan detachment named after them was created here. V.I. Lenin, and in 1943 - the partisan detachment "Red Stalingrad". For 170 days, from May to October 1942, in conditions of complete encirclement, units of the Soviet troops of the Crimean Front bravely defended themselves in the catacombs. The museum exposition tells about this legendary defense.

Crimean Republican Museum of Local Lore

Its history goes back to the Museum of Antiquities of the Tauride Scientific Archival Commission (founded in 1887) and the Natural History Museum of the Tauride Zemstvo (founded in 1899).

The Museum of Antiquities was created on the initiative of the Tauride Scientific Archival Commission. The commission was headed by prominent public figure A.Kh. Stephen, son of H.H. Steven - the founder of the world famous Nikitsky Botanical Garden. However, her activities soon went beyond the prescribed tasks. Already at the second meeting A.Kh. Steven drew the attention of those present to the fact that “Crimea is richer in material ancient monuments than in written ones,” so the organization of an archaeological museum seemed quite logical.

Jewelry, household items from Naples-Scythian, antique ceramics, glass; gold, silver, bronze coins of various eras; labels of Turkish sultans and Crimean khans; rare manuscripts, engravings, maps, photographs; ethnographic materials, stone sculptures and steles...

The significance of the museum is also evidenced by the curious fact that in September 1913, “Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Maria Petrovna and Grand Dukes Oleg Konstantinovich and Roman Petrovich blessed it with a visit.”

According to statistics from 1912, the number of visitors exceeded 35 thousand people. The museum's funds were replenished mainly through the collections of its own expeditions and donations.

The years of the Great Patriotic War caused significant damage to the museum.

In 1945, the museum received a new name - Crimean Local History Museum (since 1993 - republican).

Nowadays the Crimean Republican Museum of Local Lore contains more than 100 thousand exhibits, including a significant archaeological collection from the Paleolithic to the Middle Ages, a collection of numismatics, and unique graphics of the 18th-19th centuries. with views of Crimea, personal archives of famous researchers of nature and history of the peninsula P.I. Köppen, A.H. Steven, A.L. Berthier-Delagarde, rich in photo and documentary funds. The museum stores interesting historical and everyday items, objects of decorative and applied art, a collection of porcelain, and ethnographic materials.

The modern exhibition is in its infancy. Several permanent exhibitions (exhibition sections) are open to visitors: “The Past of Taurida from Ancient Times to the End of the 18th Century”, “Preserved Landscapes of Crimea”, “Relics of the Natural History Museum”, “Crimea during the Great Patriotic War”, “Revival of the Soul” ", "The life and work of the poet I.L. Selvinsky."

The pride of the Republican Museum is the scientific library "Tavrika" named after A.Kh. Stephen, founded on November 24, 1873. It is the result of the merger of several local history libraries: the library of the Tauride provincial zemstvo, the TUAK library, the library of the Crimean Society of Naturalists and Nature Lovers, the library of the Central Museum of Taurida and a number of private collections: the library of N.A. Golovkinsky, A.L. Berthier-Delagarde, part of the library of Nicholas II from the Livadia Palace, etc.

"Tavrika" is the main repository of literature about Crimea published in the world over the past 400 years. The unique fund, containing more than 40 thousand volumes on the history, archeology and nature of the region, is known far beyond the borders of Crimea.

"Tavrika" can rightfully be called a museum within a museum.

Nowadays, in the structure of the Crimean Republican Museum of Local Lore there are departments: funds, historical, nature, museology, department "Museum of Contemporary Christian Art named after G.E. Bothram", literary and memorial department "House-Museum of I.L. Selvinsky", department scientific - educational and exhibition work.

Crimean Ethnographic Museum

The first ethnographic department in Crimea was created at the Central Museum of Taurida on May 18, 1923. His collections are art treasures confiscated after October 1917 from the palaces of the southern coast of Crimea.

In the 20s, expeditions were organized to study the life and culture of national regions: Tatar, Bulgarian, Greek collective farms, Crimean and Jewish crafts, folklore. In the 1930s, the activities of museums began to have a pronounced political character. The main task was to demonstrate socialist construction and fight against religion.

The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 radically changed the ethnographic picture in Crimea and the museum. The deportation of the peoples of Crimea caused great damage to the cultural heritage. In 1941, the Germans were expelled from Crimea, in 1944 - Armenians, Bulgarians, Greeks, and Crimean Tatars. After the war, ethnography as a science ceased to exist in Crimea. The museum also no longer has an exhibition on the culture of the Crimean Tatars.

In accordance with the program for the return of deported peoples to Crimea, the Department of Culture of the Crimean Regional Executive Committee in December 1992 issued an order to create an ethnographic museum in Crimea as a Branch of the Crimean Museum of Local Lore.

The museum staff prepared 17 stationary and a number of traveling exhibitions, exhibited in museums of Crimea, at holidays and festivals of national cultural societies, conferences and seminars, in schools and colleges.

From the first day the museum was founded, it developed a fruitful relationship with the Association of National Societies and Communities of Crimea.

On the basis of the Crimean Ethnographic Museum, the Crimean Association of Ethnologists was created, registered with the International Association of Ethnologists. Visitors are offered exhibition complexes telling about the material culture, customs and rituals, traditions and holidays of 13 ethnic groups and ethnic groups of the peninsula. 80% of the exhibits presented were donated to the museum by residents of Crimea.

Simferopol Art Museum

The history of the collection begins in 1922, when an art department appeared as part of the Central Museum of Taurida. The origin of the collection can be characterized: items from palaces and estates of the Southern Coast of Crimea arrived as a result of nationalization in 1918-1920. But the contents of the collection were worth the most flattering assessments.

The collections of the current Simeropol Art Museum are of significant interest and have high artistic value. At the beginning of the exhibition you can see icons of the Moscow school, portraits by D.G. Levitsky, A.G. Venetsianova, V.A. Tropinin, landscapes by I.K. Aivazovsky. The creativity of the Itinerant artists is represented by the works of N.A. Yaroshenko, I.E. Repina, N.N. Ge, A.I. Kuindzhi. The permanent exhibition includes paintings by V.M. Vasnetsova, V.D. Polenova, M.A. Vrubel, V.M. Nesterova, A.N. Benoit, L.S. Baksta, V.D. Polenova - The galaxy of brilliant names is continued by I.E. Grabar, K.S. Petrov-Vodkin, K.F. Yuon, P.P. Konchalovsky, A.A. Deineka, T.N. Yablonskaya

The museum's exhibitions are constantly updated. The exhibition complex, the so-called “outbuilding”, hosts traditional biennales of young Crimean artists and very interesting exhibitions of painting, graphics, decorative and applied arts from the collections of both Simferopol Art and other museums.

Zoological Museum of TNU named after. IN AND. Vernadsky

Founded in 1965. The material presented in the museum was collected during numerous scientific expeditions by employees of the Department of Zoology.

The museum contains more than 3,700 original exhibits. The museum's exposition is presented in two halls: the department of invertebrates and the department of vertebrates. In the department of vertebrates, exhibit materials (animals, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals) are placed in a systematic order in 27 display cases (9 wall-mounted, 10 built into window openings and 8 in the center of the hall). Biogroups of animals from different climatic zones are exhibited in 8 large dioramas: Arctic , Antarctic , Commanders , Penguin , Africa , tropical island , Sea bottom , Crimean nature reserve.

Chersonesos Museum-Reserve

The historical and archaeological reserve of Chersonese Tauride is known not only in our country, but also far beyond its borders. In 1996, by decision of UNESCO, it was included in the hundred most outstanding monuments of world culture.

Chersonesus was a Greek colony founded in 422-421. BC e. came from Heraclea Pontus. It was a slave-owning republic with a democratic form of government; The highest body of state power was the people's assembly.

In 1827, an officer of the Black Sea Fleet, Kruse, carried out the first excavations at the site of the lost Chersonese. They were subsequently carried out by individuals and organizations. The most systematic excavations began in the late 80s of the last century.

The museum-reserve is very popular; tens of thousands of tourists visit it every year. They are attracted by collections of epigraphic monuments (including the world-famous oath of citizens of Chersonesos in the 3rd century BC), works of art, handicrafts and tools, and household items used by the inhabitants of Chersonesos.

Museum of Defense of Sevastopol

The museum was founded on April 11, 1869. The initiative to create the museum belonged to the participants in the heroic defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855. To organize the museum, a Special Committee was created in St. Petersburg, chaired by E. I. Totleben, and in Sevastopol, a local commission headed by Vice Admiral P. I. Kislinsky. Items were donated to the museum: personal belongings, photographs, documents, manuscripts of memoirs of participants in the defense of Sevastopol, collections of bladed weapons and firearms, engravings, paintings by artists I.K. Aivazovsky, F.A. Rubo, V.E. Makovsky and others. The opening of the Museum of Sevastopol Defense took place on September 14, 1869.

For the 25th anniversary of the museum, in 1895, a special building was built for it according to the design of the architect A. M. Kochetov.

Over the 130 years of the museum’s existence, its collection has expanded significantly. Today, the museum exhibition tells about the history of the Black Sea Fleet from the day of its founding to the present day. The museum contains a unique collection of ancient and modern weapons, ship models, military uniforms, works of battle painting and ancient photographs.

In the courtyard of the building there is an open exhibition of military equipment.

Panorama "Defense of Sevastopol 1854 - 1855."

For the 50th anniversary, a specially organized committee decided to create the panorama “Defense of Sevastopol”, entrusting its execution to the outstanding Russian battle painter Franz Alekseevich Roubaud (1856 - 1928). In October 1901, Roubaud, having received an order to create a panorama, came to Sevastopol for the first time.

May 1905 the panorama was opened.

It worked until June 25, 1942. On that day, the Nazis subjected the building to targeted bombing and artillery fire. During the fire, out of 1610 sq. m 493 were killed, and the rest were severely damaged.

In the exhibition hall of the museum, opened in 1970, several sections tell about the heroes of the Sevastopol epic and the history of the panorama. From the exhibition hall, a spiral staircase leads the viewer to the panorama observation deck. The area of ​​its painting is 1610 square meters. m (14 m x 115 m), subject plan - 900 sq. m.

Panorama "Defense of Sevastopol 1854 - 1855." - a world-famous monument to the people's feat.

Defensive tower of Malakhov Kurgan

The defensive tower of Malakhov Kurgan is one of the few fortification structures of the mid-19th century that survived in Sevastopol. It was built in July 1854 according to the design of military engineer F. A. Starchenko. Damaged during the first bombardment of the city on October 5, 1854, it was heavily damaged during the Great Patriotic War. It was restored by the end of 1956. On the outside of its walls there are marble plaques with the names of the units that occupied positions on the mound from October 5, 1854 to August 27, 1855.

February 1958 the torch of the Eternal Flame was lit on the defensive tower. In 1963, an exhibition was opened in the tower telling about the events that took place on Malakhov Kurgan during the Crimean and Great Patriotic Wars.

The exhibition tells about the progress of the defense, doctors and the first nurses. Here is a sculptural portrait of Dasha Sevastopolskaya (Daria Lavrentievna Mikhailova), the first woman in Russia who began to provide assistance to the wounded on the battlefield.

At the defensive tower and on the territory of the former Kamchatka lunette there are monuments erected at the places where Vice Admiral Kornilov, Admiral Nakhimov and Rear Admiral Istomin were mortally wounded.

There are more than 20 monuments and memorial markers on Malakhov Kurgan.

Six kilometers east of Sevastopol, on the top of Sapun Mountain, next to the majestic monument of Glory, a strict semicircular building rises. The world's largest diorama, “The Assault on Sapun Mountain on May 7, 1944,” is located here.

The diorama building is located in the western part of the Sapun Gora memorial complex; built according to the design of the architect V.P. Petropavlovsky in the direction of the main attack of the troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front that liberated Sevastopol, and forms a single architectural ensemble with the Monument of Glory to the Liberator Soldiers and the Eternal Flame, memorial walls framing the area around the monument on three sides.

The artist created the largest modern diorama - “The Assault on Sapun Mountain on May 7, 1944”, in which he masterfully solved the theme of the victorious offensive near Sevastopol. Artists G.I. Marchenko and N.S. Prisekin worked with him. The military consultant was Hero of the Soviet Union, Captain 1st R. retired G.V. Ternovsky.

The length of the painting is 25.5 m, the height is 5.5 m, the area of ​​the subject (full-scale) plan is 83 square meters. m.

The diorama depicts the climax of the assault on Sapun Mountain by troops of the 51st and Primorsky armies, and displays the mass heroism of the Soviet soldiers-liberators of Sevastopol.

Chembalo Fortress

Genoese fortress Chembalo, Chersonesos State Historical and Archaeological Reserve. The ensemble of fortifications is located on the top and slopes of Mount Fortress (formerly Kastron). Nowadays it is in ruins and serves as the main attraction of the city.

For several centuries now, the ruins of the medieval fortress of Chembalo have been towering over Balaklava. Although in the 14th century the fortress was one of the most important points of the military-political presence of the Genoese Maritime Republic in Crimea, until recently there were no archaeologists here. The top-secret submarine base of the USSR Black Sea Fleet was located in Balaklava Bay, and the first excavations began here only in 2000.

Kalamita Fortress

It is located on the eastern bank of the Chernaya River, in the southwestern part of the Monastery Rock. It is a monument of medieval architecture of republican significance.

The total length of the fortifications of Kalamita is 234 m, the area of ​​the fortress is 1500 sq. m. m. There are more than 200 artificial caves in Kalamita. The upper ones, the most ancient, were associated with a defensive fortress. The lower ones had economic purposes.

At the first tower, the descent into the cave monastery has been preserved. It is believed that it arose in the 8th - 9th centuries. Its foundation is associated with the iconoclastic movement in Byzantium and the spread of Christianity on the Crimean peninsula. The cave church of St. Clement has the shape of a basilica, divided by two rows of columns into three naves with semicircular vaults and an altar apse.


The aquarium at the Sevastopol Biological Station was opened in 1897.

After restoration work, in the summer of 1951, the Aquarium was reopened to visitors. The advancement of new scientific knowledge and frequent sea expeditions led to the fact that in 1959 more than 30 species of various sea inhabitants were presented at the Aquarium. And in the early 60s, the Sevastopol Biological Station was reorganized into the Institute of Biology of the South Seas.

Today, about 100,000 people visit the Aquarium every year, and the collection of tropical marine animals is significantly replenished with rare representatives of ocean fauna, donated to the Aquarium Museum by collectors - scientific employees of the Institute.

In total, the Aquarium currently has 4 halls.

Sevastopol Art Museum named after. M.P.Kroshchitsky

Sevastopol Art Museum named after. M.P. Kroshchitsky was opened on November 6, 1927. The museum building is an architectural landmark of the city, one of the few buildings in the city that survived the war.

Today there are more than 8 thousand works of painting, sculpture, graphics and decorative arts. Authentic works of Western European, Russian, Ukrainian artists of the 16th-20th centuries: I. Levitan, I. Shishkin, I. Repin, I. Aivazovsky, V. Vereshchagin, V. Serov, I. Kramskoy, V. Polenov, J. Bassano, F Sneijder, G. Robert and others. Contemporary creativity is also widely represented, and exhibitions of contemporary artists are held.

Naval Museum Complex "Balaklava"

Carrying out the order of the President of Ukraine dated July 29, 2002 related to the demilitarization of Balaklava Bay, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine decided to create the Balaklava Naval Museum Complex. The opening of the branch took place on June 1, 2003.

Object 825 GTS (or K-825) is an underground submarine base in Balaklava, a secret Cold War-era military facility located in Balaklava Bay. The Naval Museum Complex includes the underground part of the plant, the arsenal, as well as a sea pier and several buildings. The areas around the artificial canal that runs right through the mountain, several workshops of the plant and the arsenal where torpedoes and nuclear warheads were stored are open for inspection. The museum exhibits include models of warships and samples of equipment and weapons.

Feodosia Art Gallery

The art gallery in Feodosia was founded by I.K. Aivazovsky. Caring about the development of culture in his native city, Ivan Konstantinovich strove to make his home the center of artistic life. In 1880, a large hall was added to the house where he lived and worked, in which his paintings were constantly exhibited. Essentially, this hall became one of the first peripheral art galleries in Russia.

The painter’s creative activity left a bright mark not only in the history of Russian art, his name was included in the golden fund of world art.

Currently, the collection of the artist’s works includes 417 storage units. It is compiled in such a way that it is possible to trace all the stages of the 63-year-old creative path of the unsurpassed marine painter. A bronze monument was installed at the main facade of I.K. Aivazovsky’s house. On its pedestal there is a laconic inscription: “Theodosius to Aivazovsky.”

House-Museum of M. A. Voloshin

The construction of the house was carried out in parts from 1903 according to drawings and under the leadership of M. A. Voloshin himself.

Guests of this house were writers and poets M. Gorky, K. Trenev, V. Veresaev, M. Tsvetaeva, V. Bryusov, O. Mandelstam, A. Green, A. Tolstoy, M. Bulgakov, I. Erenburg, L. Leonov , artists K. Bogaevsky, M. Latri, V. Polenov, K. Petrov-Vodkin, R. Falk, A. Ostroumova-Lebedeva, E. Kruglikova, P. Konchalovsky and many others.

After repairs and restoration of the building, the M. A. Voloshin House Museum was opened to the public on August 1, 1984. Since 1988, it has become an independent museum.

Currently it is one of the largest literary and memorial museums in Crimea. There is a large collection of works of art, including watercolors by M. A. Voloshin, numbering about nine and a half thousand books. In total, the museum has 18.7 thousand exhibits.

In the halls of the first floor there is a literary exhibition, including sections “Life and Work (1877 - 1932)” and “M. A. Voloshin and Modernity (1932 - 1987)”; on the second floor there is a memorial workshop of the artist and poet, which has preserved to the smallest detail the atmosphere of that time, reflecting the rich spiritual world of the owner of the house.

Every year more than 70 thousand people get acquainted with its exposition. Literary evenings and creative meetings with poets and writers held in the courtyard of the house during the summer months are very popular.

Feodosia Museum of Local Lore

The museum is one of the oldest in the country. Founded on May 13 (25), 1811 by mayor S. M. Bronevsky as the Museum of Antiquity. Originally located in a medieval mosque. In 1871 he occupied a building built according to the design of I.K. Aivazovsky, and in 1925 he moved into the house of the artist himself. After the revolution, it was first called archaeological, and from the mid-30s. - local history museum. During the Great Patriotic War, the museum's collections were partially evacuated and partially looted by the occupiers. In 1945, the museum resumed work. Since 1987, it has been located in a building built in the second half of the 19th century. in the traditions of classicism architecture.

The formation of the museum's collection of antiquities began in the first decade of the 19th century. To date, this is the most significant part of the museum's collections. It included 12 thousand items, including unique ancient and medieval epigraphic monuments, archaeological complexes from excavations in Feodosia and other ancient cities and settlements of southeastern Crimea. From the mid-20s. natural history collections of minerals, fossils and an extensive herbarium are being created. More than 5 thousand coins are included in the numismatic collection. The scientific library is rich (more than 11 thousand volumes), containing rare publications of the 18th - 19th centuries. In total, the museum collections contain more than 60 thousand exhibits, including many unique ones.

The exhibition here is mobile, reflecting the economic development of the city. Exhibitions of stock collections are held annually.

Feodosia Literary and Memorial Museum of A. S. Green

Alexander Stepanovich Green (real name Grinevsky) lived from September 1924 to April 1929 during the period of his creative maturity. Here he creates the famous novels “The Golden Chain”, “Running on the Waves”, “Road to Nowhere”, “Jesse and Morgariana” and others.

On the eve of the 90th anniversary of the Russian Soviet romantic writer, July 9, 1970, the Literary and Memorial Museum of A. S. Green was opened.

A group of artists led by Savva Grigorievich Brodsky, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, author of illustrations for the 6-volume collected works of A. S. Green, created a museum-ship. The museum-ship corresponds to the maritime, romantic character of the writer’s works.

The exhibition is housed in eight rooms: “Greenland”, “Frigate Hold”, “Captain Gez’s Cabin”, “Ship’s Library”, revealing the writer’s creative path, the Petrograd and Crimean periods of his life. The office was restored in a memorial form. The museum contains personal belongings of A. S. Green, his books, handwritten pages of the unfinished novels “Touchy” and “King of the Flies,” autographs, copies of manuscripts, and memoirs of contemporaries.

The museum's holdings include more than 5 thousand original exhibits.

Museum-apartment of the Tsvetaev sisters

The museum is housed in a memorial building, where in 1913 - 1914. A.I. Tsvetaeva stopped. M. Voloshin, M. Tsvetaeva, S. Efron were here. In Feodosia, attempts were made several times to create a Tsvetaev museum. Since 1999, a stock collection of materials has been collected (printed publications, art objects, memorial items, a large collection of iconography, audio and video materials, autographs, etc.). The collection is constantly replenished by the Moscow House-Museum of M. I. Tsvetaeva, the custodians of the archive A. I. Tsvetaeva and her granddaughter O. A. Trukhacheva.

In the memorial building, a memorial room-living room (typological interior of the early 20th century) and literary exhibitions “Crimea in the fate of the Tsvetaev sisters” and “Literary Feodosia” have been recreated.

Feodosia Museum of Hang Gliding

The Hang Gliding Museum in Feodosia was created on the initiative of Feodosian Evgeniy Vasilyevich Belousov, sports aviation pilot, director of the gliding museum in Koktebel (1984 - 1990), President of the USSR Paragliding Association (later the Ukrainian Paragliding Association "Soyuz" 1990 - 2003) , participant in international paragliding tournaments. The museum presents exhibits from the history of hang gliding and provides information about the first steps of one of the youngest types of air sports in Ukraine - paragliding. Authentic hang gliders and their models, simulators with suspension systems are presented.

The first exhibition dedicated to the 10th anniversary of domestic hang gliding (“Hang Gliding in the USSR”) was opened in March 1986, at the same time the first lecture on the history of hang gliding was written and a slide film “Pages of History” was made.

Feodosia Museum of Money

Feodosia is one of the most ancient cities in Ukraine, where coins have been minted for a long time - historians count 14 periods of issuing metal money.

Continuing the numismatic relay race, on the initiative of the Feodosia collector, Oleshchuk Alexander Romanovich, on July 15, 2003, the Feodosia Money Museum (the first money museum in Ukraine) was registered, which opened on August 22 of the same year.

The museum continues the traditions established by the city Museum of Antiquities. One of the most important tasks is the restoration of numismatic monuments, which for various reasons were lost or not acquired by the Museum of Antiquities in Tsarist and Soviet times, as well as the return of Feodosia to the glory of the numismatic center that the city had a century ago.

Yalta Historical and Literary Museum

The museum was founded in 1892. The museum's collection includes more than 130 thousand items. The museum includes departments of archeology, history, culture of Yalta of the 19th - early 20th centuries, an exhibition department, as well as the literary museum of Lesya Ukrainka, the house-museum of N. Z. Biryukov.

At the exhibition "Treasures of the Hellenes, Romans, Goths" visitors are given the opportunity to see precious unique finds from the archaeological monuments of Greater Yalta (the sanctuary at the Gurzufskoye Sedlo pass of ancient times, the southern coastal Gothic-Alan necropolises of the 5th - 10th centuries, etc.) Many of the displayed items are not have analogues in museum collections around the world.

The exhibition "Yalta's Past: Archeology, History, Ethnography" features the earliest pebble tools in Eastern Europe, 800 - 700 thousand years old, objects of material culture of the legendary Tauri, materials from the excavations of the Roman fortress of Charax, things discovered by archaeologists during excavations of medieval fortifications, settlements, necropolises, Christian churches. A special place in the exhibition is occupied by one of the best collections of decorative and applied art of the Tatars of the Southern Coast of Crimea in the 18th - first half of the 20th centuries. Historical documents, plans of old Yalta, authentic landscape photographs and illustrated postcards introduce the history of Yalta from the time it was established as a city (1838) to its transformation into the best resort in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. A separate hall is dedicated to the main street of the city - Embankment.

In the same museum building, the exhibition “Masterpieces from the Museum Funds” presents: antique vases of black-figure and red-figure styles from the collection of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich, items made of bronze, ivory, faience and porcelain by masters of Asia and Europe, which in the 19th - early The 20th century was decorated with palaces and noble mansions of the southern coast of Crimea.

Museum of Culture of Yalta

The exhibition tells about the cultural life of Yalta at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries, the stay of outstanding figures of national culture on the southern coast of Crimea: M. P. Mussorgsky, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, S. V. Rachmaninov, A. A. Spendiarov, L. N. Tolstoy, A. P. Chekhov, I. A. Bunin, F. A. Vasilyev and many others.

The museum is located in a 19th-century mansion, in a furnished apartment in which every item is original. Memorial furniture from the houses of famous Yalta residents - doctor V. N. Dmitriev, playwright S. Ya. Naydenov, historian and engineer A. L. Berthier - Delagarde, writer and doctor S. Ya. Elpatievsky - recreate not only the life of the late 19th - early 20th century, but also the atmosphere of the cultural life of the city at that time.

Massandra Palace

The Massandra Palace of Emperor Alexander III is located in Upper Massandra on the slopes of a mountain range, surrounded by a park that turns into a forest. Construction of the palace, which began in the 1880s, was completed according to the design of M. E. Messmacher in 1902.

For many years, the palace, turned into a state dacha, was closed to the public. In 1991, the building and the adjacent part of the park were included in the Alupka State Palace and Park Museum-Reserve as its branch, and a year later they were opened for viewing.

Livadia Palace

Summer residence of the last Russian Tsar. The first sanatorium for peasants in the 20s. State dacha of the leader of the Soviet state I. Stalin in the first post-war years.

The Livadia Palace was built according to the design of the Yalta architect N.P. Krasnov (1864-1946). Construction lasted from April 1910 to September 1911 - 17 months.

At the end of the Second World War, Livadia was chosen as a meeting place for the heads of the three allied powers - the USSR, the USA and Great Britain, at which the issues of the end of the Second World War and the post-war structure of the world were resolved. The conference took place in the White Hall of the palace from February 4 to 11, 1945. The work of the Crimean (Yalta) Conference of 1945 and its decisions are described in the materials presented in the halls of the first floor. In F. Roosevelt's office - laboratory, researchers and specialists can get acquainted with documents and books dedicated to the "Roosevelt era". The books of the participants of the Crimean Conference are of particular value.

On the second floor there is the exhibition "The Romanovs in Livadia".

Yalta Historical Museum

In 1802, on the initiative of a progressive public figure, doctor V.N. Dmitriev, the Yalta branch of the Crimean-Caucasian Mining Club adopted a resolution to organize a historical museum in one of the rooms of the specially built club building. Later, departments of geology, archeology, ethnography, botany and zoology appeared.

After the Great Patriotic War, the museum resumed its activities on April 3, 1946, located in the building of a former church (built in 1910 - 1914 by architect N.P. Krasnov).

Today the Yalta Historical Museum is a complex museum complex. It includes exhibition departments: the history of Soviet society, pre-revolutionary history, "Glade of Fairy Tales", the House-Museum of N. Z. Biryukov, the House-Museum of K. A. Trenev - P. A. Pavlenko, applied holography, as well as two sectors - archeology and progressive Russian culture of Yalta.

The museum's collection consists of about 75 thousand original exhibits. In the first post-revolutionary years, KrymOHRIS (Crimean Regional Committee for Museums and the Protection of Monuments of Art, Antiquity, Nature and Folk Life) donated to the museum a large collection of applied art and ancient ceramics from palaces, villas and dachas on the South Coast. The museum was replenished with valuable materials from archaeological excavations in subsequent years.

The museum receives up to 780 thousand visitors a year.

"Glade of Fairy Tales"

"Glade of Fairy Tales", located 2 km from Yalta in a picturesque wooded area, at the foot of Mount Stavri-Kaya (Cross Rock). This is an unusual open-air museum, where characters from folk tales - sculptures made by professional craftsmen and folk craftsmen - are located on the hills and near ponds.

Over 300 sculptures by more than 25 authors from Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, and Armenia are presented at Polyana. Over 500 thousand visitors come here every year.

Literary and Memorial Museum of K. A. Trenev - P. A. Pavel enko

The museum opened in November 1958 in a house that was a kind of creative laboratory for two Soviet writers - K. A. Trenev and P. A. Pavlenko. The building was built in 1937 - 1939. according to the project and under the supervision of the son of the writer V.K. Trenev, an architect and writer - author of novels and short stories on the history of the navy.

Soviet playwright, laureate of the USSR State Prize, author of the world-famous drama "Yarovaya Love" Konstantin Andreevich Trenev worked for a long time at his Yalta dacha.

The exhibition on the first floor is dedicated to the life and work of K. A. Trenev. Here are books, manuscripts, photographs, autographs, personal belongings, a corner of the interior of the office of the writer’s Moscow apartment.

The exhibition “The Life and Work of P. A. Pavlenko” is located in four halls on the second and third floors. It includes the writer's office. In this house, P. A. Pavlenko wrote the novel “Happiness,” devoting it to the restoration period in Crimea.

Literary and memorial house-museum of N.Z. Biryukov

The museum is located in the house where the last years of the life of the Russian Soviet writer Nikolai Zotovich Biryukov (1912-1966), laureate of the USSR State Prize, author of the famous novel “The Seagull” and other works, passed. The memorial museum was opened on November 15, 1970. Its creator is Anna Ilyinichna Biryukova. The writer's fate is tragic: a serious illness in his youth confined him to bed. Despite complete immobility, he, thanks to his wife and friend Anna Ilyinichna, led an active lifestyle: he traveled around the country and met people. In Crimea, Biryukov worked on the epic “On Steep Passes”. The museum carefully preserves the furnishings of the memorial rooms: study, library, dining room. The literary exhibition tells about the life and work of the writer.

House-Museum of A.P. Chekhov

Chekhov came to Yalta several times. In 1898, due to worsening lung disease, on the advice of doctors, he chose the southern coast of Crimea for permanent residence.

In October 1895, the writer, who at first lived in private dachas, bought a small plot of land on the outskirts of Yalta in the village of Verkhnyaya Autka. Chekhov entrusted the construction of the house to the young architect L. N. Shapovalov. The writer himself took part in the layout of the rooms. In September 1899, together with his mother Evgenia Yakovlevna, he celebrated a housewarming.

Simultaneously with the construction, the writer is engaged in landscaping the site. Chekhov's hands planted more than 150 species of different trees and shrubs into the rocky soil.

The cozy Chekhov house becomes a place of pilgrimage for representatives of advanced Russian culture. A. M. Gorky, I. A. Bunin, A. I. Kuprin, V. G. Korolenko, N. D. Teleshov, D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, I. I. Levitan, V. M. Vasnetsov, S. V. Rachmaninov, F. I. Shalyapin and others.

The museum's exposition tells about the writer's active participation in the public life of the city, about his activities as a trustee of a girls' gymnasium, about material assistance in the construction and maintenance of a school in the village of Mukhalatka, collecting money for the starving people of the Volga region, organizing donations for the construction of the boarding house "Yauzlar" - the first in the South on the coast of Crimea, a sanatorium for poor patients.

After the October Revolution, on May 4, 1919, the Simferopol Revolutionary Committee declared the house a national treasure, and M.P. Chekhova was appointed lifelong custodian of the house. And on April 9, 1919, she was issued a safe conduct letter from the Yalta district-city revolutionary committee. "Belaya Dacha" officially became a museum - the first state literary and memorial museum of Crimea.

Every year the funds of the A.P. Chekhov House-Museum in Yalta are replenished. Now the number of exhibits has reached 25 thousand. The most valuable of them are the autographs of A.P. Chekhov, lifetime editions of his works, photographs, personal belongings of Anton Pavlovich, business cards and photographs with dedicatory inscriptions of artists, actors, and literary contemporaries of Chekhov; 8 paintings by I. I. Levitan. The furnishings of the writer's living room, bedroom and study have been completely preserved.

House-Museum of Musical Culture named after composer Alexander Spendiarov

Here, for 15 years, the fruitful creative and social activity of the talented student N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, one of the founders of Armenian classical music A. A. Spendiarov, took place. Within the walls of his home, the composer created the ballad based on the words of Maxim Gorky “The Fisherman and the Fairy” (1902), the first part of the suite “Crimean Sketches” (1903), dedicated to the memory of Aivazovsky, the symphonic painting “Three Palms” (1905) based on Lermontov's poems. For the symphonic painting “Three Palms”, the ballad based on Polonsky’s poems “Beda the Preacher”, and the melodic recitation accompanied by an orchestra “We Will Rest” (Sonya’s monologue from Chekhov’s play “Uncle Vanya”), Alexander Spendiarov was awarded the M. I. Glinka Prize.

Spendiarov's house was the center of the musical culture of Crimea.

In the 80s, by decision of the Crimean Regional Executive Committee, the building was declared a historical and cultural monument of republican significance.

In 1990, the buildings were sold to the Yalta Travel and Excursion Bureau for the purpose of complete restoration, restoration of interiors and furnishings of the early 19th century. and the organization of the Museum of Musical Culture named after composer Alexander Spendiarov.

In December 1999, the Main Department of Justice of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in Crimea registered a Charitable Foundation for the restoration and creation of a museum of musical culture named after the composer Alexander Spendiarov. Along with world-famous palaces and museums, the resort city also has buildings - monuments of history and culture, which, gradually collapsing, are undeservedly consigned to oblivion.

Lesya Ukrainka Museum

The outstanding Ukrainian poetess Lesya Ukrainka (1871-1913) lived for three years in Crimea, which became the cradle of her work. Here she wrote the poetry cycles “Krimski Pogadi”, “Krimski Vidguki”, the story “Over the Sea”, the dramatic scene “Iphigenia in Tauris”.

The Lesya Ukrainka Museum in Yalta was opened on the 120th anniversary of the birth of the poetess on February 25, 1991. It is located in the former mansion of E. F. Lishchinskaya. In the fall of 1897, Lesya Ukrainka stayed in one of the apartment buildings of the merchant Lishchinskaya.

The museum's exposition includes: lifetime editions of Lesya Ukrainka's works, photographs of relatives and friends that introduce the life and work of the poetess, typical furniture, Ukrainian national costumes, drawings of the late 19th - early 20th centuries.

Wax Museum in Yalta

Presents sculptures of popular, historical and political people made in St. Petersburg.

Starokrymsky Literary and Art Museum

In the summer of 1998, in a two-story mansion on the street. Svoboda, house 17, the new Starokrymsky Literary and Art Museum was opened for visitors.

On the ground floor there is a spacious assembly hall where creative evenings are held. On the second floor there is the main exhibition, which can be roughly divided into two parts. The first is dedicated to the ancient and medieval periods of the history of Old Crimea. The second part presents exhibits from the late 18th - early 20th centuries.

Here are collected authentic things found during archaeological excavations by professional archaeological researchers and simply residents of Old Crimea in their gardens. The impression is complemented and enhanced by first-class paintings by contemporary artists S. Arefieva, V. Derkachenko, N. Yakubov, K. Asanov, V. Solo, E. Sadovsky.

In the courtyard of the museum you can see the rock garden and the Catherine Mile, restored by the museum staff.

House-Museum of K.G. Paustovsky

In September 2005, a museum of the master of lyrical prose Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky opened in Old Crimea. It is also included in the ecological-historical-cultural reserve Cimmeria Voloshina and is the first Paustovsky museum in Crimea.

House number 31 on Karl Liebknecht Street when Paustovsky was in Old Crimea belonged to the nurse Vera Romanovna Oleinikova (Rutkovskaya), from whom the writer rented two isolated rooms. K. Paustovsky stayed in this house in 1938 and in the 50s. last century. It was here that he wrote his famous stories “The Black Sea”, “Mountain Dew”, “The Storyteller”.

The museum displays authentic items from the interiors of three old Crimean houses in which Konstantin Georgievich stayed, and the house in Koktebel where he lived in the early 50s. Most of the furniture in the museum today has been preserved from those times. The exhibition contains archival documents, letters, information about the life and work of the writer, things he used, and rare photographs.

Old Crimean House-Museum of History, Culture and Life of the Crimean Tatars

The museum has three exhibitions. In one room there is a recreated residential interior, the second room is the bride’s room, the third is an art gallery of the artist Nuri Yakubov.

. Prospects for the development of museum affairs using the example of the M. Voloshin House Museum

museum crimea information service

Reconsidering the tradition that comes from the times of initial collecting and collection, which meant a museum as a collection of rarities, relics and objects of art, more focused on the accumulation of information rather than on its transmission and accessibility, the most important function of a modern museum is its direct participation in the continuous reproduction of spiritual values. One of the long-tested ways to implement this function is the publication of catalogs of museum objects. Modern technical capabilities for storing, transmitting and providing information make it possible to add new forms of computer service, diskette versions of catalogs of all types, as well as Internet capabilities to traditional printed catalogues.

The focus of the scientific description of a museum object is its information potential, understood as a set of information about the object and its environment, information recorded by the object itself as a carrier, information about its origin, connections with historical events or persons, attributive characteristics of the object - its size, weight, color, material, as well as the abilities of a museum object, sufficiently fully and reliably reflect the range of events and phenomena, its expressiveness and attractiveness.

And if the purpose of publishing a catalog of museum objects is to involve the diverse information accumulated by the museum into a single information field of humanity, then the tasks that the compilers of catalogs of museum objects have to solve relate specifically to the area of ​​​​transmitting the information potential of these objects, since the printed verbal text of the catalog description with labor covers both aspects of semiotic relations and the multifaceted information potential of the exhibit. These problems arise when cataloging both clothing and visual storage groups, and written ones (archives, libraries).

The publication of the catalog of the memorial library of the House-Museum of M.A. Voloshin, undertaken by a group of co-authors, is a museum-bibliographic description of the personal library of the poet, artist and thinker Maximilian Voloshin, preserved in his house in Koktebel (Crimea). In 1974, the library fund as part of the entire memorial complex was transferred to the Feodosia Art Gallery named after. I.K. Aivazovsky and is currently part of the main fund of the M.A. Voloshin House Museum. This book collection, currently numbering 9,244 volumes, was highly valued both by the poet himself and by his contemporaries, who noted the library of the Voloshin house as one of its main values. The library consists of books and periodicals acquired by M.A. Voloshin during his travels around Europe and residence in the capitals of the Russian Empire, donated to him by famous writers, prose writers, poets, publishers and scientists of the first third of the twentieth century. Being an essential part of his creative laboratory, it reflects broad interests and hobbies and allows us to see Voloshin, a poet and thinker, in a real historical perspective, in his connections and relationships with European, Russian and world culture. Another unique feature of the Voloshin library is the large number of books with his autographs (1529), with dedicatory inscriptions of the authors (425), with notes by M.A. Voloshin (278), registered copies (30), as well as the presence of books published in his time private publishers in very small editions.

The unique preservation and completeness of this library provides it with a special place among other book collections of Russian and world classics and, of course, has long required catalog publication both for the purpose of accurately recording the contents of the library and for the purpose of transmitting information to users. At the end of 1996, the scientific and methodological council of the M.A. Voloshin House Museum approved a long-term plan for publishing a catalog of the museum’s memorial library with a computer version using the efforts of DMV researchers with the involvement of specialist consultants and volunteer assistants. In parallel with the development of the computer version of the catalogue, it was decided to publish one printed issue annually in a small edition in alphabetical order.

When considering the issue of automating museum collections and involving them in a wide information field, it is necessary to solve the problem of choosing a classifier. And here the gaze again involuntarily turns to library science, which is related to museums. It seems that among the most common classifiers, it makes sense for museums to use the Dewey Decimal Classification, as the most capacious and mobile indexing with the possibility of maximizing index clarification.

In conclusion, I would like to note that, along with the House of the Poet, other museums in Crimea also have wonderful book collections. Taking into account financial and transport problems, the use of these resources in the information field, at least on the scale of Crimea, is the dream of all museum workers, researchers, local historians, and scientists. The gradual computerization of libraries and museums should ultimately lead to the creation of a unified telecommunications network in Crimea. Therefore, one of the most important tasks is to introduce into general use an information system that meets both internal museum tasks and has prospects for serving users in the international information network.


Considering the high importance of museums in Crimea, as one of the catalysts for tourist flows, museum institutions of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea should increase attention to cultural issues. Museums are becoming cultural, scientific, educational, and even leisure centers for the widest audience.

They noted a number of pressing problems facing museum institutions today: museum security, informatization of stock and accounting work, issues of inter-museum cooperation and integration of museums into the resort and tourism sector, wider introduction into practice of cultural and educational activities of Museum pedagogy.

The development and role of culture in the modern world have made the museum a socially active institution that preserves and popularizes cultural heritage, which constitutes the heritage of peoples and requires careful handling. In this case, it is necessary to take into account Huizinga’s statement that “the sustainable development of civilization is ensured by a balance of material and spiritual values.”


.Crimean Republican Museum of Local Lore [electronic resource]: 1999-2003. - Access mode:

Tags: Museums of Crimea Abstract Culturology

Museums of Sevastopol

Museum-reserve "Chersonese Tauride"
Sevastopol, st. Ancient, 1
website -

Sevastopol Art Museum named after. M.P. Kroshitsky
Sevastopol, ave. Nakhimova, 9
website -

Museum of the Heroic Defense and Liberation of Sevastopol
Sevastopol, Historical Boulevard, 1
website -

Military-historical museum of fortifications
Sevastopol, Balaklava district, Tavricheskaya embankment, 22
website -

Military History Museum of the Black Sea Fleet
Sevastopol, st. Lenina, 11
description -

Diorama “Assault on Sapun Mountain on May 7, 1944”
Sevastopol, Sapun Mountain
website -

Memorial complex "Malakhov Kurgan"
website -

Cultural and exhibition center of the Sevastopol Defense Museum
Sevastopol, st. Lenina, 35
website -

Museum historical and memorial complex "35th Coastal Battery"
Sevastopol, Alley of Defenders of the 35th Coastal Battery, 7
website -

House-Museum of the Sevastopol Underground
Sevastopol, st. Revyakina, 46
website -

Sevastopol Stone Museum
Sevastopol, st. Vakulenchuka, 33-v
website -

Museums of Eco-park "Lukomorye"
Sevastopol, ave. Victory
website -

Living Museum of Ancient Crafts
website -

House-Museum of S. Perovskaya
Sevastopol, village. Lyubimovka, st. Sofia Perovskaya, 59-a
website -

Museum "Coast of Maclay"
website -

Gallery of Contemporary Art “Green Pyramid”
Sevastopol, st. Ancient, 29
website - ...

Southern Hermitage Gallery
Sevastopol, emb. Admirala Pereleshin, 1
website -

Cellars of the Inkerman Vintage Wine Factory
Sevastopol, st. Malinovsky, 20
website -

Museums of Simferopol

Central Museum of Tavrida
Simferopol, st. Gogol, 14
website -

Simferopol Art Museum
Simferopol, st. Dolgorukovskaya, 35
website -

Crimean Ethnographic Museum
Simferopol, st. Pushkina, 18
website -

Crimean Tatar Museum of Cultural and Historical Heritage
Simferopol, st. Chekhova, 17
website -

Museum of the History of the City of Simferopol
Simferopol, st. Pushkina, 17
website -

House-Museum of Ilya Selvinsky
Simferopol, lane. Bondarny, 2
website -

Memorial to the victims of the fascist occupation of Crimea 1941-44.
Simferopol district, village. Mirnoe, st. Belova, 44
website -

People's Museum of Archeology of Crimea
Simferopol, st. Gavena, 101
website - ...

Museum of the History of the Simferopol Railway Junction
Simferopol, sq. Privokzalnaya, 1
website - ...

House of the Artist
Simferopol, st. K. Marx, 13/16
website - ...

Museums of Yalta

Livadia Palace and Park Museum-Reserve
village Livadia, st. Baturina, 44
website - http://livadia-palace.rf/

Massandra Palace
village Massandra, Simferopol highway, 13
website -

Alupka Palace and Park Museum-Reserve
Alupka, Palace Highway, 10
website -

Museum "Swallow's Nest"
village Gaspra, Alupkinskoe highway, 9-a
website -

House-Museum of A.P. Chekhov
Yalta, st. Kirova, 112
website -

Gurzufskaya dacha A.P. Chekhov
village Gurzuf, st. Chekhova, 22

Museum A.S. Pushkin
village Gurzuf, Embankment, 1
website -

Lesya Ukrainka Museum
Yalta, st. Ekaterininskaya, 8
website -

Biryukov Literary Memorial House-Museum
Yalta, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 5
website -

Yalta Historical and Literary Museum
Yalta, st. Pushkinskaya, 5
website -

Museum "Glade of Fairy Tales"
Yalta, town. Vinogradnoye, st. Yauza, 28
website -

Nikitsky Botanical Garden Museum
Yalta, town. Nikita, Nikitsky Botanical Garden
website -

House of the Composer
Yalta, st. Ekaterininskaya, 3
website -

Museum of the Maritime Fleet at the Artek International Children's Center
village Gurzuf, st. Leningradskaya, 41
... ...

Gallery "Art-South" - paintings by Crimean artists
Yalta, st. Gogolya, 1
website -

Museums of Feodosia, Sudak, Alushta

Feodosia Art Gallery named after I.K. Aivazovsky
Feodosia, st. Gallery, 2
website -

Feodosia Museum of Local Lore
Feodosia, Aivazovsky Avenue, 11
website -

Literary and Memorial Museum of Alexander Green
Feodosia, st. Gallery, 10
website -

Museum of Marina and Anastasia Tsvetaev
Feodosia, st. V. Korobkova, 13
website -

Feodosia Museum of Money

website -

Hang Gliding Museum
Feodosia, st. Kuibysheva, 12
description -

Vera Mukhina Museum
Feodosia, st. Fedko, 1
description -

Museum of Underwater Archeology
Feodosia, ave. Aivazovsky, 47-a
website -

Museum of Fish and Fisheries
Feodosia, st. Gorky, 32
description -

Museum-reserve "Sudak Fortress"
Sudak, st. Genoese fortress, 1
website -

Historical Museum of Sudak
Sudak, st. Ushakova, 1

Museum of the History of Winemaking
Sudak, town. New World, st. Shalyapina, 1
website -

Museum of Local Lore in the House of Culture in the village. Marine
Sudak, s. Marine
website -

House-Museum of L. S. Golitsyn (Novy Svet Estate)
Sudak, town. New World
description -

Wine cellars "Arhaderesse" JSC "Sunny Valley"
Sudak, s. Solnechnaya Dolina, st. Chernomorskaya, 23
website -

Alushta Literary and Memorial Museum of S.N. Sergeev-Tsensky
Alushta, st. Sergeeva-Tsensky, 5
website -

Alushta Museum of History and Local Lore
Alushta, st. Lenina, 8
website -

Museum of Nature of the Crimean Reserve
Alushta, st. Partizanskaya, 42
website -

Museum of Disasters on the Waters
Alushta, s. Malorechenskoye, st. Alexey Dizha, 17
website -

Museum of Natural Beauty and Antiquities
village Partenit, st. Solnechnaya, 6-a
website -

Museum of Nature of Kara-Dag
Feodosia, town. Resort, st. Nauki, 24
description -


Among all, museums are very popular, because they have preserved important artifacts that allow you to learn the history of the peninsula in detail. Museums of Crimea are located in large cities: Simferopol, Sevastopol, Kerch, etc., and we have compiled a list of the most interesting ones.

Among all the museums of Crimea, and there are more than fifty of them on the list, there is a pearl - the only example of Crimean Tatar palace architecture -. It was built in the 16th century and was the family residence of the Girays for more than 250 years. Now this Crimean museum occupies only 4.3 hectares, but in its heyday its area was four times larger. It was a city in itself, because it had everything: the palace square for ceremonies and the Falcon Tower, stables and libraries, luxurious gardens and mosques, the Khan’s cemetery and baths, the main and harem buildings, in total there were more than 4,500 rooms, and in luxury there was little that could compare with them.

Amazingly beautiful fountains, including the famous Fountain of Tears, glazed tiles, ornaments and stained glass windows decorate the palace to this day, and Arabic script quoting the Koran still lives on the walls and arches of the palace.

Now the Bakhchisaray Palace, an invaluable monument of world architecture and a museum of Crimea, is part of a historical and cultural reserve, which includes all the cave cities surrounding Bakhchisaray. On its territory there is a museum of the history and culture of the Crimean Tatar people, an exhibition of ancient weapons from the times of the khans.

Kerch Historical and Archaeological Museum

The basis of the museum exhibits of the oldest museum of the history of Crimea was the personal collection of P. Dubrox, the founder of Kerch archeology. The halls and storerooms of this Crimean museum contain monuments of the prehistoric past of the peninsula, traces of the glorious Bosporan kingdom, amazing relics of antiquity and the Middle Ages: an archaeological collection, a lapidarium, a collection of ancient tools and ancient anchors. But the greatest value of this Crimean museum is its Golden Pantry. It contains gold and silver coins from all historical periods of Crimea: the times of Panticapaeum and Mithridates Eupator, Alexander the Great and the Bosporan kings Kotis and Sauromatus, the Crimean Khan Mengli Giray. The amazing jewelry of ancient fashionistas amazes the imagination: in the earliest, and this is the 4th century BC, Greek and Scythian traditions merged together, ancient times are represented by rings, buckles and gems, stones with magical powers, and the 19th century by oriental weapons.

The history of this Crimean museum is full of tragedies and losses. Every time foreign invaders appeared on the peninsula, the museum lost its precious exhibits: this was the case during the Crimean War, when a huge number of exhibits were stolen by the British, and this was also the case during the Second World War, when many exhibits were taken to Germany. Now excavations on Kerch soil continue, and this oldest museum in Crimea will be replenished with new precious exhibits.

Central Museum of Tavrida

150 thousand exhibits of the main museum of Crimea in Simferopol will tell about all sides of the history of this ancient land:

  • lapidarium, where you can see “Polovtsian women”, mosaics from ancient times and Iron Age sculptures;
  • Stone Age tools;
  • weapons and household items of the Tauri and Cimmerians, Byzantines and Goths;
  • things of soldiers of the Crimean War (weapons and maps);
  • exhibitions dedicated to the Tauride province of the 19th century, Crimea during the Civil and Second World Wars;

But the most interesting exhibition is dedicated to ancient (2nd century BC - 15th century AD) precious jewelry: jewelry of women and warriors, coins and household items made of precious metals. No one can remain indifferent at the sight of “eagle-headed” buckles made by the ancient Scythians, helmets from Sarmatian burial grounds found in cave cities.

Sevastopol Museum of the Black Sea Fleet

The entire history of the Black Sea fleet is collected in the halls of this Crimean museum, created on the initiative of General Totleben, a participant in the defense of Sevastopol during the Crimean War. The first exhibits of this Crimean museum were maps, personal belongings, awards and trophies of defense participants, and money for the exhibition was collected by the whole world.

The eight halls of the Museum of Naval History of Crimea contain numerous exhibits: after the revolution, things and documents of naval officers flocked here; during the Second World War, documents and personal belongings of soldiers became exhibits; there are also personal belongings of military leaders who defended Sevastopol and died on its soil: the admiral’s spyglass P.S. Nakhimov and epaulets by V.A. Kornilov, the award saber of General Totleben and the awards of Admiral M.P. Lazarev.

This museum of Crimea also houses trophies, the list of which is impressive: the dirk of a fascist admiral, the broadsword of Osman Pasha, the Turkish commander-in-chief, Turkish sabers taken in battle from the Ottomans.

The museum is rich in models of sailing and modern ships and naval weapons from different centuries: ship cannons, mortars, daggers. A separate exhibition is dedicated to marine navigational instruments, including telescopes, astrolabes, and sextants. The exhibition of naval uniforms is also interesting, from the uniforms of the 19th century to the modern period.

In addition, there are museums in Crimea, the list of which will impress even an experienced traveler, in every city. They are different: ethnographic and archaeological, literary and military-historical, biological and wine museums, but each preserves a piece of the past of this amazing land, the land of Crimea.

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The unique nature of Crimea has always inspired artists; the most famous masters worked here. Therefore, it should not be surprising that, despite the fact that there are not many large cities here, Crimea has a large number of art galleries. They often contain rare works, which people come from all over the world to see.

Speaking about galleries in Crimea, one cannot fail to mention the most famous of them. It is dedicated to the work of the famous Feodosian I.K. Aivazovsky. The museum is located on the embankment in the houses of the artist and his sister. This art museum in Crimea houses more than 416 works, and is the most extensive collection of the master. In addition to his paintings, paintings by students, as well as the artist’s belongings and documents are exhibited here. Periodically, the gallery hosts exhibitions of contemporary authors.

  1. Gallery "Art-Boulevard" in Sevastopol

It opened not so long ago - in 2009. For this gallery, Crimea and Sevastopol are of interest as places where it is worth developing a cultural environment. For this purpose, Voloshin plein airs are organized, exhibitions are held, and literature is published. In addition to paintings, you can see antiques here, auctions are held periodically, and other museums in the country take part in exhibitions.

  1. Art gallery "Pocherk" in Yalta

If you walk from the center of the embankment towards the A. Nevsky Church, you can find this gallery. It is located in the hotel building on the first floor. “Pocherk” is considered one of the most famous galleries in Crimea; here you can meet very famous people. Both well-known masters and young Crimean artists exhibit here. Guests can view the permanent exhibition and thematic collections.

  1. Kroshitsky Museum in Sevastopol

This art museum in Crimea was opened in 1929; it houses a large collection of pre-revolutionary paintings by Russian artists, as well as paintings by foreign masters. In addition to the main exhibition, there are exhibitions of Crimean creators, as well as works from the gallery’s collection. The Art Museum of Crimea in Sevastopol is located across the street from Primorsky Boulevard.

  1. theHARASHO in Evpatoria

Crimean galleries rarely specialize in contemporary art – theHARASHO is just that. Here you can find both works by recognized artists and amateurs - this is the main goal so that everyone can try their hand at art. The gallery was opened in 2007, and since then it has hosted more than 150 art, photography, and decorative arts exhibitions. Crimea has a small number of similar galleries, so it’s worth a trip to Yevpatoria.

  1. Vera Mukhina Museum in Feodosia

  1. Art Museum in Simferopol

It is located in two historical buildings in the center of Simferopol: one houses the main exhibition, the other contains exhibition halls. This art museum in Crimea has paintings by Russian, Western European and Eastern masters. Concerts, exhibitions and master classes are held here periodically. Crimea and its population consider such galleries to be their pride.

  1. Gallery "Art South" in Yalta

It was founded in 2003 to popularize the Crimean school of painting. You can come to Crimean galleries of this kind not only for exhibitions - they also hold various events, plein airs, and meetings. "Art South" has three art spaces in Yalta - Lotus (Primorsky Park), Art Estate (Sechenov Street), premises in the Yalta Artists' Exhibition Hall (second floor).

  1. Exhibition hall of the Union of Artists in Yalta

This building was seen by everyone who walked around Yalta past the Oreanda Hotel and the Vodopadnaya River. This two-story house with interesting architecture is one of the most famous galleries in Crimea. It was built in 1968, its external decor emphasizes the creative direction - the bright mosaic was made by E.A. Zernova, its title is “The Dream and Work of an Artist.” Local artists, as well as visiting masters, exhibit here.