What is a scrub and a facial scrub. What is scrub and peeling? Are scrubs good for you?

Every girl has one or more scrubs in her beauty arsenal. In one procedure, this product can make the skin smooth and shiny, get rid of enlarged pores and blackheads, and smooth out wrinkles. But you need to use a cosmetic product only taking into account the characteristics of the skin and in accordance with the instructions: not too often, but regularly, with light massage movements, on moisturized skin. After the procedure, the skin needs to be additionally moisturized.

What is a face and body scrub, mask, gel

A scrub is a cosmetic product for facial and body skin care that contains solid particles. The product is intended for soft or deep cleansing of the skin from dead cells, giving freshness, and improving blood circulation. Regular use of the scrub improves the color and texture of the skin, helps make keratinized areas (elbows, knees, thighs) soft.

What does a cosmetic product consist of? A scrub consists of hard particles and a soft base. The composition necessarily includes abrasive particles that mechanically remove existing contaminants. These can be natural ingredients or synthetic. Most often these are crushed apricot kernels, plant seeds, sea salt, synthetic balls or coffee. The softest are scrubs for lips and facial skin, while body compositions contain larger particles. The base used is gel, cream, oils (note: this is only permissible for very dry skin), kefir or sour cream (for home remedies).

Some scrubs can be used for other purposes than their intended purpose. Thus, a mild product for normal skin from the domestic brand “Clean Line” with raspberry and lingonberry extract seems too mild even for those with sensitive skin, so many use it as an excellent exfoliant for lips. There are gel scrubs, masks, foams. Gels and foams are best used for washing, but they can dry out the skin. Masks with solid particles have a good effect on oily skin.

How does a cosmetic product work?

A scrub is a product that removes dead skin particles mechanically, that is, through direct exposure to solid particles. The cosmetic product allows you to achieve an instant “wow” effect and gives good results with regular use. The condition of the skin improves if you use the scrub correctly and not very often. In addition, you need to choose the right product. Some scrubs are designed for sensitive skin and will not have any effect when used on oily skin. And products for oily skin will make dry skin more sensitive and can cause peeling.

How to use a scrub correctly: rules

A scrub is not a daily skin care product. If your skin is normal, it is enough to use the cosmetic product once a week. For those with oily skin, the scrub can be used twice a week. If your skin is dry, you should use the product no more than two to three times a month. The body scrub can be used once or twice a week.

It is best to apply a mechanical effect to the skin immediately after swimming or sauna. Steamed skin can more easily withstand the aggressive effects of solid particles and is better cleaned. It is advisable to carry out the procedures in the evening, because street dirt and dust can easily get into the pores that are open after using a scrub.

Before applying the product, you need to cleanse your face and moisten it with water at room temperature. Use your fingertips to take a small amount of the cosmetic product and apply it to your face using gentle movements. For two to three minutes, you need to massage the skin (preferably along massage lines), avoiding sensitive areas, such as the area around the eyes and lips. Then the scrub soap or gel is washed off with warm water. After the procedure, it is advisable to apply a night moisturizing or nourishing cream.

You can massage the skin with your fingers or a special glove. Be sure to moisturize your face and hands before the procedure, because otherwise you can seriously injure the skin. Those who often experience acne may be advised to use a special toner after the scrub that closes the pores. For any dermatological diseases, the use of cosmetics should be discussed with your doctor or cosmetologist.

How to choose the right scrub for your skin

You can make a skin scrub at home or purchase a ready-made cosmetic product. In any case, you need to focus on your skin type. Those with sensitive skin prone to inflammation should pay attention to scrubs with artificial granules. They have a more regular shape, so they scratch less. The more delicate the skin, the smaller the abrasive particles should be.

For oily skin, the best option would be a clay-based product. This cosmetic product will help eliminate oily shine, close enlarged pores and make the surface silky. You can safely choose scrubs with natural particles (for example, crushed plant seeds) and gel-based ones. Scrub masks will also give a good effect. Such products are applied to the skin, massaged, and then left for a few minutes so that the mask has time to take effect.

How to make a homemade scrub from natural ingredients

For problem areas, you can use homemade scrubs based on oatmeal and rice. To prepare, you will need two tablespoons of oatmeal, a tablespoon of ground rice grains and the same amount of vegetable oil. This composition can only be used for the body. A homemade scrub based on sour cream or sour cream helps in the fight against cellulite. You need to add a few drops of orange essential oil and six tablespoons of fine sea salt per glass of dairy product.

Coffee body scrubs (for cellulite and more)

Homemade coffee scrubs for cellulite remain the most popular. You will need two tablespoons of coffee, the same amount of salt, one tablespoon of castor oil or olive oil, two drops of citrus essential oil (grapefruit, lemon, orange). You need to mix everything and wait a little before using so that the salt crystals disperse a little. You can massage problem areas with this scrub once or twice a week. If the skin dries and peels quickly, then salt can be replaced with sugar, additionally add cosmetic oil (base) or honey.

Scrubs for dry and sensitive skin

A scrub for facial skin that is prone to flaking and dryness should be soft. A cosmetic product from the Clean Line brand with raspberry extract is suitable. The cream scrub with rice powder and Kenyan shea butter from Planeta Organica has received excellent reviews. Fresh Line with fruit acids and grape seed oil works very delicately. This product is great for aging skin because it contains antioxidants. After familiarizing yourself with the compositions of the most popular products, you can make a scrub yourself: for example, add crushed rice grains or coffee to grape seed oil.

Scrubs for oily skin

Oily skin needs more frequent cleansing. A good scrub will help get rid of shine, tighten pores, reduce inflammation and even out skin texture. In stores you can find scrubs for oily skin with apricot kernels (Clean Line), blueberry extract and salicylic acid (Clean Skin Active from Garnier), bamboo microparticles (Hydra Vegetal from Yves Rocher), algae extracts and glycolic acid (Peel Me Perfectly from Givenchy). When choosing a product, you can rely on your own preferences (consistency, smell, abrasive particles), but you should still choose a product labeled “for oily skin.”

Pros and cons of using scrubs

Many experts are very wary of scrubs, arguing that these cosmetics most often cause skin irritation, rashes and even premature aging. This is true, but it is enough to follow the rules for using the product and not be too zealous. Natural particles, if used every day, injure the skin, can lead to inflammation or drive an existing infection deeper. There is a risk of completely depriving the dermis of protection.

Scrubs have many advantages. Mechanical removal of dead skin particles stimulates the production of hormones, and this process makes the skin more youthful and elastic. There is no equal to body scrubs in the fight against cellulite. Regular exfoliation stimulates blood circulation, promotes the removal of excess fluid and ensures deep penetration of active components into the tissue. In addition, any scrub can contain ingredients that “work on all fronts,” that is, they not only cleanse the skin, but also moisturize and nourish.

The topmost layer of our skin is the horny layer. And it has the ability to be updated. After which the skin becomes fresh and well-groomed again. Scrubs help her with this. With their help, the skin renews itself faster, thanks to the smallest particles included in the scrub. This procedure is quick and painless. It also allows other cosmetics to be absorbed into the skin faster and more efficiently.

What is a scrub?

Scrub(English Scrub - rub, scrape, clean) is a cosmetic product that consists of a softening base (emulsion, gel) and abrasive particles (for example, crushed nut shells, crushed seeds, sea salt and microscopic plastic balls). The scrub removes old dead cells and all kinds of impurities from the skin surface. This cleansing and exfoliation procedure is called peeling. Thanks to peeling, metabolic processes in the skin become intense, it looks smoother and more beautiful.

Cream, gel or simply cosmetic clay are mainly used as the basis for scrubs. You need to pay attention to this when choosing these products, since not every foundation is suitable for a particular skin type. In order not to harm your beauty and health, you need to carefully study the composition of the scrub.

Action of the scrub

The scrub, due to exfoliating solid particles, cleanses and scrapes off dead cells, cosmetic residues, sweat products and impurities. The softening base protects the skin from damage (scratches, microtraumas), and most often also contains anti-inflammatory components. As a result, oxygen exchange and blood circulation of the skin improves, it becomes smooth and soft.

At the same time, frequent use of a scrub can lead to thinning of the protective layer of the skin and disruption of its water-salt balance due to the fact that the evaporation of moisture from its surface is accelerated. The skin becomes drier and more susceptible to infections and irritation. Therefore, the scrub should be used wisely and depending on your skin type.

Cosmetologists recommend using a scrub once every two to three weeks for dry skin, and once a week for oily skin. For sensitive and dry skin, it is best to use scrubs with synthetic abrasives, as they do not have sharp edges.

How to choose the right scrub?

First of all, you need to clarify whether it contains natural or synthetic granules. Natural ones are, as a rule, crushed apricot or peach pits, crushed nut shells. They are quite hard and can scratch the skin. Synthetic granules do not injure the epidermis and at the same time effectively cleanse.

It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of additional components (plant extracts, vitamins). For example, scrubs with menthol refresh and tone the skin. Exfoliating products with tea tree oil have an antibacterial effect, and body scrubs containing caffeine have an anti-cellulite effect.

When choosing a scrub, be sure to consider your skin type. For oily skin, a clay-based scrub containing nut shells and sea salt is ideal. Dry skin needs a more delicate action, so a scrub for it often contains various oils, and the base is a cream or gel. Jojoba wax particles are used as an abrasive. If you have sensitive or aging skin, gommage is your choice. This is a thick cream that dries quickly on the skin. Its main components are waxes and extracts (raspberry, mint, orange).

How often should you use a scrub?

It depends on your skin type. For dry skin, the scrub should be used once every 10-12 days, since too frequent aggressive exposure dries out the epidermis. Oily skin can be treated with a scrub once every three to four days, normal skin - once or twice a week as needed.

Do not use a scrub if your skin is irritated. Even more severe inflammation may occur. During this period, you should trust your facial cleansing to a cosmetologist. Other contraindications to the use of the scrub are skin damage: scratches, burns, acute forms of dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin diseases.

How to apply the scrub correctly?

It is best to use a facial scrub before going to bed. Before applying the scrub, the skin must be moisturized to soften dead scales. The scrub is applied with the index and middle fingers of both hands along massage lines: from the corners of the mouth to the temples, from the middle of the forehead to the temples and from the chin to the earlobes. Avoid the area around the eyes, where the skin is very delicate. Thus, the face is massaged for about a minute for dry skin and 2-3 minutes for oily skin. Then rinse off with warm water. The use of nourishing or moisturizing products after peeling is very effective and highly desirable.

It is more convenient to use scrubs for hands and feet during manicure and pedicure, and for the body - immediately after taking a shower or bath, so that the skin is steamed. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to problem areas - the upper arms, thighs, buttocks, heels and elbows. After using the scrub, you need to apply milk or cream to your body.

Body Scrub

A body scrub is designed to perform several basic functions: exfoliation, cleansing and improving blood circulation through a gentle massage effect. In addition, scrubs are divided into firming, toning, anti-cellulite, and exfoliating.

How to choose among all this variety a body scrub that is right for you?

1. First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you are buying a body scrub? For example, if you need an anti-cellulite effect, then it is better to choose products with the appropriate mark. And if you want to maintain a slim silhouette, as well as give your skin tone and elasticity, then toning or firming body scrubs are well suited.

2. In most cases, the scrub tube is transparent or translucent. In this case, you should pay attention to the size of the solid abrasive particles included in body scrubs. They come in different sizes: large, medium and small. And depending on your skin type, make your choice. For dry and sensitive skin, it is better to choose a scrub with small particles and a more delicate consistency. For normal skin, scrubs with both medium and large abrasive particles are suitable.

3. It is better to opt for products that use only natural ingredients.

How do facial scrubs differ from other scrubs, such as those for hands and feet?

All these scrubs differ in the content of abrasive substances. There are fewer of them in facial scrubs, since the skin on the face is thinner and more delicate. Therefore, if the packaging indicates that the scrub is intended for the body, there is no need to use it on the face.

Making a scrub at home

At home, you can prepare cleansing mask-scrubs from products available on the farm, for example the following:

Honey cleansing mask . You need to melt 2 tablespoons of honey in a water bath (do not bring it to high temperature), remove from heat and, after cooling a little, add the juice of 1/2 lemon and 1 tablespoon of wheat bran. The mask is ideal for acne-prone, rough skin. It nourishes, refreshes and brightens it, and thanks to bran it has a regenerating effect.

Cucumber scrub . Grate the cucumber, then mix it with a tablespoon of oatmeal or oatmeal flakes, let it brew for 20 minutes. Apply to face with light circular movements for 5-7 minutes. Rinse with warm, then cool water.

Curd scrub . Take 1 teaspoon of ground rice (you can use a coffee grinder), mix it thoroughly with 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese and 0.5 teaspoon of olive oil. It is advisable to warm the mixture slightly before use.

Nourishing scrub . In a porcelain bowl, mash two tablespoons of cranberries well, add a tablespoon of sweet almond oil, three teaspoons of sugar, two tablespoons of oatmeal and 2-3 drops of orange oil. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for a few minutes to allow the flakes to swell.

Scrub for problem skin. Take two tablespoons of oatmeal and mix with a tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of ground rice.

Scrub for sensitive skin . Melt two teaspoons of butter and add two tablespoons of walnuts and two quail egg yolks, crushed into flour.

Every woman wants her skin to always be smooth and clean. The most obvious means to achieve this is to use a scrub. Indeed, living in big cities with poor ecology, it is not enough to wash your face and wipe your face with toner; the skin needs deeper cleansing.

Even a child now knows what a scrub is. In terms of popularity, this product is comparable only to day cream. The golden rule of any beautiful woman is weekly exfoliation of her skin, which is why every cosmetic brand considers it its duty to create some interesting peeling product either with an unusual aroma or with “amazing” properties. It would seem that what new can be invented in the production of scrubbing products? But for cosmetics creators, nothing is impossible.

What is a hot body scrub?

This is a peeling product that contains substances that have a warming effect on the skin due to a burning sensation. You don't need to heat up the hot scrub, it "works" on its own.

Most often, products with this name include one or more ingredients with “hot” properties: pepper (or its various modifications: oil, extract or powder), peppermint, menthol, eucalyptus, and so on.

Pros of hot scrubs:

  • stimulation of blood circulation and metabolic processes
  • suppression of the growth of adipose tissue (especially for red hot pepper)
  • improvement of skin tone
  • lifting (tightening) of the epidermis

Cons of hot scrubs:

  • common allergic reactions
  • many features of application: you need to avoid getting the “burning” composition on mucous membranes, irritated and injured areas, on the area of ​​​​wounds and cuts
  • You should use this peeling with caution if you have excessively dry or sensitive skin.

How to make a hot body scrub at home?

Recipe 1:

You'll need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. ground red pepper
  • 100-150 g honey
  • 100 g ground coffee (or 100 g sea salt)

Mix all ingredients and apply to the body with soft massage movements. This peeling mixture does not foam, but if you are used to using soap-based scrubs, then add a tablespoon of any shower gel to the basic recipe.

Body scrub is a product designed for deeper cleansing of the skin. The scrub usually contains small microparticles: crushed apricot kernels, crushed pine nut shells or plastic balls. The scrub base is usually in the form of a gel or cream. Scrubs have different uses: for the face, for the body, for the hands and feet. Facial scrubs should be used with great care, especially if you have acne-prone skin. Using a scrub in this case can further aggravate the problem.

Choosing a body scrub

When choosing a body scrub, pay attention not only to the price, but also to the tube and whether it is convenient for you to open it. Read the label, it should contain information not only about the composition, but also the method of use and contraindications. Smell also plays an important role. It shouldn't be cloyingly sweet.

Use scrubs with crushed apricot kernels or nut shells with caution; you may get hurt if you use too much force. The same products include a scrub made with coffee grounds.

An excellent scrub is one that contains sea salt. Sea salt polishes and tones the skin very well.

Clay-based scrubs are suitable for oily skin. For dry skin, it is recommended to use a cream-based scrub, while a gel-based scrub is suitable for use by girls with any skin type.

Applying scrub to the body.

The scrub should be applied in the shower. Use gentle circular movements so as not to injure the skin. Then massage the skin for several minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with water. After which it is best to apply cream or body milk from the same series as the scrub. All components of skin care products will complement each other.

Let your skin glow!!

Why is it necessary to include peeling procedures in your care? Does it really help solve many problems associated with imperfections? And which one is better to choose? In this article we will help you understand why scrubs are needed and how to use them, their types and properties.

At its core, a scrub is a cosmetic product for deeply cleansing pores of accumulated impurities and dead skin particles. Proper peeling is a creamy mixture containing small abrasive particles of natural or synthetic origin. For the face, they have fine abrasives that gently cleanse it.

For the body – the particle size is larger. The largest size of abrasive particles is for the foot area. There are also scrubs for the scalp and narrowly targeted ones, for example, anti-cellulite.

Cleansing with peeling is a procedure that is not so long as it is traumatic. That is why cosmetologists recommend choosing this product especially carefully.

For dry and sensitive skin, soft peelings are recommended, preferably oil, cream or gel based. The size of abrasive particles should be kept to a minimum to avoid the risk of damaging delicate skin. The best option for this type would be gommages on natural bases.

For normal and combined types, you can use soap- or gel-based foam with the addition of a natural abrasive (apricot kernels, coffee beans or grape seeds).

Oily skin types are sensitive, so they need to be cleansed more thoroughly. Use clay-based scrubs. It will not only help get rid of unwanted problems, but will also have a healing effect. As a result, it will become more matte and smooth.

Depending on the desired effect, all peelings are divided into several groups:

  • Anti-aging;
  • Evening and brightening tone
  • For those who are sensitive and prone to irritation
  • Anti-cellulite
  • Tonic
  • To increase skin elasticity

However, when choosing the desired product, do not forget to pay attention to the auxiliary components. It’s good if hyaluronic acid, plant and fruit extracts, mineral water, and clay are at the top of the list. Such products will help provide additional care. Choose them carefully depending on the time of year. In winter, the skin is exposed to the aggressive effects of frost and snow. Therefore, it is better to use delicate rolls and gommages. In summer, you can choose coarser abrasive particles that will help cleanse pores of accumulated street dust and sebaceous plugs. After each cleansing procedure, do not forget to wipe your face first with a soothing toner, then moisturize with essence and cream. This way you will provide the skin with quick recovery and fill the cells with lost moisture.

How to apply the scrub correctly?

In order for your skin to become more well-groomed and attractive, it is important to follow a few simple application rules. If followed, the skin will not only become cleansed, but also tightened and smoothed.

Face area. Just as when applying any care products, the scrub must be applied along the massage lines. Start moving from the bridge of your nose to your temples, then smoothly move along the brow ridges and cleanse the cheek and chin areas.

Important! It is not recommended to use this product for the area around the eyes and lips. Purchase specialized products for this. They have finer abrasive particles and therefore will not damage delicate skin. If after the procedure there is a feeling of burning and dryness, then it is not suitable for you.

Body. The scrub for “polishing” the body is applied smoothly to the heated skin. Use intense massaging movements, but do not apply too much pressure. In this case, blood supply to tissues improves, oxygen supply to cells increases, and muscle contraction improves. The skin becomes more toned, elastic and radiant. Do not forget that you need to move in the direction from the limbs to the heart.

To cleanse your feet and heels, choose a scrub with coarser abrasive particles. They will help remove rough parts, corns and calluses. For the best effect, you need to thoroughly wash your feet and steam them. Then apply with light circular movements for 2 - 3 minutes. Together with these, you can use special softening foot masks. They are often made in a convenient form of socks and can be used not only to combat existing problems, but also as a preventive measure.

Anti-cellulite scrub. It is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, to combat “orange peel” in problem areas. Often the composition of such products has a warming effect. Therefore, do not be alarmed if during the procedure you feel warmth or even a slight tingling sensation. They must contain not only large abrasive, but also active components that penetrate the tissue and remove accumulated waste and toxins.

For lips and head. Since the skin of the lips is the thinnest, it means that care for it should be delicate. When choosing a peel for the delicate lip area, carefully review the composition. It's better if it's natural. Honey, coffee or sugar. Fine abrasives will help remove dead cells without damaging delicate skin.

Scrubs for the scalp will help get rid of excess dryness and flaking. However, they must be used in combination with moisturizing lotions. Moving in a circle improves blood microcirculation in the cells, which in turn will enhance hair growth and give it freshness for a long time. In addition, such a massage will help relieve fatigue at the end of the day, improve your mood and sleep.

Which scrub is better: industrial or natural?

Before choosing a product for cleansing, you need to understand the disadvantages and features of each manufacturing method. Many girls are sure that the industrial one contains only ingredients of synthetic origin and prefer to do peeling using home methods. Others, on the contrary, prefer a wide range and properties. In fact, both scrubs require a careful approach.

The main difference between industrial products is their long-term storage, which significantly reduces the time for skin care. They also contain particles of the same grind and soft oval shapes. Which minimizes the risk of damage. However, in order for them to be stored for a long time and not change their consistency, various stabilizers, flavors and even dyes are added to them. If you are prone to allergies, it is better to refuse purchased products and prepare them yourself.

  1. A gentle cleansing sugar scrub.

Mix a teaspoon of cane or regular granulated sugar and 1.5 tablespoons of apricot, grape or olive oil in a glass bowl. Apply the prepared mixture along the massage lines and cleanse your facial skin with light circular movements. You need to move with minimal pressure for about 2 - 2.5 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and pat dry with a towel.

  1. Salt peeling is rougher than sugar peeling, but it copes well with dryness, flaking and inflammation. To prepare this scrub, you will need to mix a small handful of fine sea salt and two teaspoons of finely ground oatmeal. Add half a tablespoon of honey to the dry mixture (make sure it does not crystallize). Next, depending on your skin type, add vegetable oil (for dry skin), 2 tablespoons of kefir that is not too fatty (for oily skin). Apply strictly along the lines of the face as described above. Massage not too intensely for about 2 minutes. Rinse with water and do not forget to apply a caring essence or serum.
  2. To care for the skin of the body, you can also use sugar or sugar-salt formulations. To prepare sugar, take 3 teaspoons of granulated sugar, 1.5 teaspoons of coconut flakes and 4 tablespoons of apricot or olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply with massage movements.
  3. Pumpkin softening peeling. Prepare the pumpkin pulp in advance. Place it in hot water and leave for 3 to 4 minutes to soften it better. Then mix half a teaspoon of pumpkin with the same amount of ground cinnamon and add 4 to 5 drops of vitamin E to the resulting substance. Add half a glass of coconut oil and a glass of granulated sugar to the mixture. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply along massage lines. Move in light circular movements for about 2 – 2.5 minutes. Then rinse it off with warm water and pat dry with a towel.

Homemade cleansing scrubs are recommended for women over 30 years old. Home remedies not only do a great job of removing rough skin particles, but also help keep it toned.

Ready-made peelings for face, body and lips

The advantage of ready-made cleansing scrubs is their aroma, delicacy of cleansing and, of course, saving time.

Ready-made cleansing scrubs:

  1. Anti-cellulite body treatment with natural seaweed from Green Mama. Abrasive particles delicately remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis, improve blood flow and enhance cell metabolic processes. A highly concentrated seaweed cocktail helps fight excess moisture accumulation inside cells, enhances the process of burning subcutaneous fat and has a massage effect.
  2. Nourishing anti-aging for the body Garnier. A complex of nourishing oils helps moisturize dry areas, enhances cellular respiration and improves blood microcirculation. Peeling helps fight the first signs of age-related changes and gives the skin smoothness and radiance.
  3. Facial scrub “Almond powder” from Oriflame. The product is designed for deep cleansing of pores. Soft abrasive particles delicately remove dead cells, tighten enlarged pores and have a massaging effect. As a result, the tone of the face is evened out, the structure of the skin improves, it becomes smooth and velvety.
  4. Peeling – strengthening roll “Coenzyme Q10 Firming Peeling Vegetal” from Deoproce. This 2 in 1 product, in addition to deep cleansing, has a powerful anti-aging effect. Small particles delicately remove horn cells and activate tissue regeneration processes. Peeling helps fight fine wrinkles, improves complexion and makes the skin radiant. The great advantage of this scrub is that it is suitable for any skin type and does not injure it.

No matter how quickly you would like to make your skin smooth and radiant, scrubbing products cannot be used for daily care. After each procedure, it is necessary to allow 5–7 days to restore the cover. If after using the peeling you experience dryness and flaking, this is evidence of insufficient hydration. After each cosmetic cleansing procedure, be sure to apply a moisturizing serum and cream. During the hot season and in dry rooms, use thermal water. It will help refresh the skin and charge it with essential substances.

If inflamed pimples appear, the procedure must be cancelled. Because abrasive particles can get under the skin and cause suppuration. For various fungal diseases and enlarged moles or open wounds, it is also necessary to avoid peeling.

Using the recommendations received, you can easily navigate the world of scrubs, choose and apply them correctly without the risk of damage or the opposite effect. The main thing is to stick to the schedule of using scrubs, and your skin will say “thank you” in the form of admiring glances and numerous compliments.