Music quiz questions for high school students. Music quiz "it's interesting"

Literally a couple of decades ago, choral drinking songs were an invariable attribute of any holiday and this did not require any special game “provocations” or lead-ins from the presenter; now the entertainment part of holiday programs has become very diverse, and often it doesn’t come to songs at all, which is a pity. A choral song makes you closer, brings you closer and lifts you above the hustle and bustle; it’s not without reason that they say about a happy person that his soul SINGS. Therefore, modern holidays are good because they give guests the opportunity to sing and remember beautiful popular songs from different times.

We offer one of these games - musical quiz “Let's color the world with songs and flowers”

Options for conducting a musical game. You can give each guest one question.You can divide the room into teams and hold a team song relay. And at the second stage of the song relay, check whose team is more friendly and interesting in singing a “colored” song from beginning to end.

Leading: Dear guests! We have prepared an interesting task for you. For each question, you must first guess the name of the song in question, and then perform a passage that mentions the color encrypted in the question: red, yellow, green, etc.

Music Quiz Questions and Answers

1. A song about fog of an unusual color ("Purple Haze")

2. What color did the child paint the sky, sea, greenery, camel and even mother? ("Orange Song")

3. The color of the fragrant bird cherry blossoming generously in the heroine’s land? (“White bird cherry fragrant”)

4. What color doomed the cat to a sad life in this cheerful song? ("Black cat")

5. In this song, the army designated by this color is strongest all the way to the British seas (“The Red Army is the strongest of all”)

6. What color is the motor ship, combined with the cries of birds, does the author of this song admire? (“Oh, the white ship”)

7. In this song, the leaf of a very curly tree is exactly this color, and the hero himself is in love and confused? (“Curly maple”)

8. Against the background of viburnum of this color, the girl discovered the changeable and nasty character of her beloved... ("Red viburnum")

9. And this song is about a cherry blossom tree with a wonderful color and about the moon that appeared, and then it turned out... ("Snow White Cherry")

10. And in which song is everything very brightly painted in this color - frost, the sky, and the star? ("Blue frost")

11. A song about a bird that flies and thirsts for prey.. ("Black Raven")

12. Remember the color of the dress of the heroine of the song about sweet dope, blooming gardens and betrayal.. ("Once a year")

13. In the famous children's song of Soviet times, the nights of this color were supposed to literally rise like fires... (“Raise your bonfires, blue nights!”)

14. A song about tulips the color of a belated morning star, which did not bode well for the heroine ("Yellow tulips")

15. In which song does the sea, which is considered Black throughout the world, have this very color? (“The bluest Black Sea in the world is mine”)

16. Leaves of this color are circling over the city and rustling quietly ("The leaves are yellow")

17. It is the eyes of this color that the hero passionately dreams of and literally dies... ("Black eyes")

18. A song about roses that the hero brings to his classmate Svetka for her birthday ("Pink roses")

19. What color rare bird do fortune hunters chase after? ("Blue bird")

20. What color did Luna especially love the hero of this song? ("Blue Moon")


(Quiz about musical instruments for music lessons and more)

This weapon, according to historians, served our distant ancestors as a simple musical instrument. What kind of hand weapon is this?

What golden instrument did the golden-haired Apollo please the ears of the Olympian gods by playing?
(Golden cithara.)

What plucked instrument did the epic storytellers play on when singing?
(On the harp.)

During the time of Alexei Mikhailovich, in order to eradicate paganism, a decree “On the fight against the Slavs” was issued. What musical instrument was confiscated and burned according to this decree?

What musical instrument is named after the legendary ancient Russian singer-storyteller?
(Bayan is one of the most perfect and widespread types of chromatic harmony. Named after Bayan, or Boyana.)

The name of the epic singer Bayan, after whom the musical instrument is named, is sometimes written with an “O” - Boyan. How do you spell the name of the instrument?
(Always only through “A” - button accordion.)

What ancient Russian stringed musical instrument of the 16th-17th centuries. used by buffoons?

The world's oldest musical instrument was found in Russia. What is the name of this instrument and how old is it?
(Pipe, which is about 34 thousand years old.)

Which musical instrument was longitudinal until the 18th century, and later became transverse?

Name the owner of the highest voice in a symphony orchestra.
(Transverse flute.)

The name of which musical instrument, sung by Mozart, comes from the Latin word translated into Russian meaning “breath”?

Which Prussian king masterfully played the flute and composed music?
(Frederick the Great. He wrote 121 sonatas, 4 flute concertos, several symphonies and arias for operas. Not a single concert in his time was complete without the performance of his works, and not a single ball without his performance.)

What musical instrument is Pan (the god of forests and fields) depicted with in the painting of the same name by M.A. Vrubel?
(With a multi-barrel flute, which is called the “pan flute”.)

Name the people's poet of Belarus, the author of the collections “Zhaleika” and “Guslyar”.
(Yanka Kupala.)

What group of musical instruments does the pity belong to?

Thanks to whom or what did the Russian accordion turtle get its name?
(To the city of Cherepovets, where it is made, and not to the turtle!)

What “lonely” musical instrument “wanders on the street somewhere” in the song of the same name from the movie “It Was in Penkovo”?

Name a musical instrument whose name comes from the word “chord”?
(Accordion. Other instruments suffer while they assemble a chord based on sounds, but he has ready-made chords at his side - whatever you want. Pressed a button - a chord, another - another chord.)

Who created the accordion?
(Skilled craftsman Demian in 1828 in Prague.)

What was called “Yam accordion” in Russia in the old days?
(“Yamskaya accordion” was the name given to three horses in the old days. Nowhere in the world, except Russia, was there such a wonderful harness - a swift transport and a “musical instrument” at the same time. Each coachman “played” it in his own way. Every strap, every element of the harness was decorated with a set of different bells, jingles and bells. The chime warned the stationmaster about the approach of the troika. Under the arc there could be from one to five Valdai bells, the ringing voice of which could be heard several kilometers away. The most expensive harnesses were embroidered with silver-plated bells. Therefore, each troika had its own, inherent only to her, sound.)

Is a harmonium a keyboard or a string instrument?

Violino, violon, Geige are the Italian, French and German names for one musical instrument. Write its name in Russian.

What is the name of the wooden rod that is used to tension the strings of a violin?

Does the viola or cello produce a lower sound?

Which bowed string instruments have names that bring to mind beautiful flowers?
(Cello, viola. For Italians, viola is a violet, pansy.)

Is the dulcimer a keyboard or string instrument?

Which string instrument is approximately two meters high?
(Double bass.)

Which part of the body of a string instrument serves to reflect and amplify sound?

How many strings does a viola musical instrument have?

What kind of musical instrument can be concert, salon or cabinet?

What is a piano with horizontal strings called?

What did F. Liszt call the king of instruments?
(Royal. But not only that, because “royal” translated from French means “royal.”)

Which piano keys have more: black or white?

According to the title of the film directed by Grammatikov, what musical instrument was the dog walking on?
(On the piano. “The dog walked on the piano.”)

What is the name of the foot lever in cars and musical instruments?

How many pedals do most concert grand pianos have?

The name of which musical instrument means “loud-quiet” in Italian?

When and by whom was the piano designed?
(In 1709 by the Italian Bortolomeo Cristofori. Initially, this instrument was called “a harpsichord with a quiet and loud sound.”)

What instrument was Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata written for?

Name the predecessor of the piano.

What type of instrument is the virginel?

Does the piano or harpsichord have a hammer action?

Is the right or left pedal on a piano used to reduce the volume of the sound?

Does a grand piano or piano have a vertical frame on which the strings are stretched?
(A piano has a horizontal frame.)

For which instrument did Claude Debussy write the "Children's Corner" suite?

What musical instrument did Chopin, Liszt and Rachmaninov play masterfully?

Pans have been known for a very long time, and now aluminum, steel, enameled and others are used. And in the 18th century, the so-called bourgeois pans appeared, which still exist, although no one calls them that anymore. So what were these pans and what could you cook in them?
(This is how the piano was called in the 18th century. These instruments were distributed mainly among the bourgeoisie, and in comparison with their ancestor - the harpsichord - they produced a loud and harsh sound, hence the name - “bourgeois saucepan”. And to cook using such a “saucepan” maybe music.)

Cembalo is the Italian name for... What?

Which Russian poet, who dreamed of becoming a composer, wrote in the poem “Improvisation”: “I fed the flock by hand with a key”?
(Boris Pasternak. He devoted his extraordinary talent to poetry. But his lines are melodious, like a cello, and harmonious, like an orchestra.)

What percussion instrument is used to signal the start and end of a boxing round?

How many natural scale sounds can a horn produce?
(Only five. Used for signal fanfare.)

The name of which instrument comes from the Italian word for “heavenly”?
(The celesta is a percussion keyboard musical instrument. It looks like a piano. And its sound is surprisingly clear and gentle, as if crystal bells were ringing. The magical music of “The Nutcracker” owes a lot to the celesta.)

The celesta has the same keys as a piano, but instead of strings inside it... What?
(Metal plates. And sometimes these plates are glass. Hammers hit them, and the plates ring transparently and thinly.)

In the 17th and 18th centuries, many pieces of music were intended for the clavier. What kind of instrument is this?
(Harpsichord, clavichord, claviciterum - in the 17th and 18th centuries they were all called the same: clavier. Moreover, transcriptions of the opera score for singing with piano were also called clavier for short. Although in fact it is clavierauszug.)

Are Martenot waves a musical instrument or a physical device?
(A musical instrument - an electrophone - with a piano-type keyboard. Reproduces only single-voice melodies. Designed in the 1920s by M. Martineau. Used in a number of works by French composers.)

This Belgian master created more than one wind instrument named after him. Name it.
(In 1846, Adolf Sax invented and patented the saxophone. But he did not want to stop there, and created a whole family of “Sax horns” - saxohorns. He probably foresaw that the saxophone would reign “only” on the stage, and saxohorns would enter the venerable wind orchestra.)

What simple musical instrument became the emblem of the post office?

What instrument is played with fingers, palms, elbows, sticks and even mallets?
(On the drum.)

What is the most popular instrument on the Dark Continent?

What musical instrument has recently replaced radio, telephone and telegraph for Nigerians?
(Drum. Until recently, Nigeria did not know writing. With the help of drums, Nigerians transmitted their messages over long distances. From the sea to the capital, the message reached in just a few hours.)

In Guinea, boys are taught from an early age to play various musical instruments and especially its language. What kind of language is this?
(Drum tongue.)

In traditional boat races in China, each boat has 40 rowers, a coxswain, and this huge musical instrument. Which?
(The drum, it sets the rhythm for the rowers.)

Which percussion musical instrument is shaped like a cauldron: tambourine or timpani?

What small wooden percussion instruments do Spanish dancers wear on the fingers of both hands?

The name of which percussion musical instrument means “little chestnuts” in Spanish?

What natural material are the sounding blocks of the xylophone made of?
(Made of wood.)

Which instrument is usually played standing: cello or double bass?
(On double bass.)

Which musical instrument in “Woe from Wit” did Griboyedov give not very flattering synonyms - “wheezer” and “strangled”?
(Bassoon. But this is perhaps too strong a word. It’s just that the bassoon has a unique colorful timbre “with a hoarseness” that perfectly complements the other sound colors of the orchestra.)

To which group of folk instruments do spoons belong?

What is the lowest sounding brass instrument?

One of the smallest and most common wind musical instruments was invented in 1821 by 16-year-old Berliner Buschmann. What do we call it?

Mouthpiece instruments belong to which group of instruments?

What is a musician who plays the fanfare called: fanfaron or fanfarist?
(Fanfarist. And fanfaron is a braggart.)

The name of which mechanical musical instrument comes from the opening line of the German song “Lovely Katharine” - “Scharmante Katharine...”?
(Hurdy organ.)

What musical instrument does not have a keyboard: a barrel organ or a celesta?
(Hurdy organ.)

How many strings did Stradivari's violins have?

What instruments does a string trio consist of in chamber music?
(Viola, violin, cello.)

What fable will help you easily remember the composition of a string quartet?
(“Quartet” by I. Krylov. “We got the notes, bass, viola, two violins...” Then the cello was called bass.)

Name the highest-range bowed string instrument in a symphony orchestra.

What is not needed when performing pizzicato (performed on the violin)?

What is the name of the resin used by violinists?

Do you rub rosin on a bow or violin strings?

Is the bow reed made of wood or metal?
(Made of wood.)

In wind or string instruments, is the mute a kind of comb-clamp?
(For string instruments, put on the stand.)

Which group of instruments in a symphony orchestra is the largest?

Which group of instruments is located closest to the conductor?

What instruments did the mosquitoes play in Sergei Kozlov’s fairy tale “The Hedgehog in the Fog”?
(On violins.)

Which group of instruments were traditionally made in Cremona?

A memorial inscription on St. Domenic Square in this city reads: “Here stood the house of Antonio Stradivari, who raised the violin to the highest level of perfection.” Name the city.

Almost all Stradivarius violins received names. What is the name of the violin, which was purchased from the craftsmen of the Stradivarius house by order of Elizabeth Petrovna?
(“Empress of Russia.”)

In 1997, a group of sponsors pooled together to purchase and present to Vladimir Spivakov this truly precious gift worth more than one million dollars. What kind of gift is this?
(Stradivarius violin.)

What surname unites the Italian violin makers Andrea, Girolamo and Nicolo?

The smallest violin on Earth, the pochetta, is only 35 centimeters long. Its name comes from the French pocheter, which means “to carry in your pocket.” In ancient times, the dance teacher always took this violin with him to class, so it has another name. Which?
(“Dancemaster’s room.”)

Name the first musical instrument that Johann Sebastian Bach learned to play.
(Violin. Then the harpsichord, viola, and organ submitted to him.)

What musical instrument, besides the piano, did the physicist Einstein play?
(Violin. Having started studying at the age of six, he continued to play all his life, sometimes in an ensemble with other physicists.)

What musical instrument did Sherlock Holmes like to play?
(On a violin.)

What word is used to describe a string instrument similar to a violin, a wind instrument similar to a trumpet, and a human voice - a low female or child's voice?

An orchestra of which stringed musical instruments is called Neapolitan?
(From mandolins, sometimes with guitars. The mandolin was invented in Italy, known since the 17th century. And the orchestras are called Neapolitan, since it was the Neapolitan mandolins that surpassed the Florentine, Paduan and Genoese ones in their performance capabilities.)

What is the name of the largest wind keyboard instrument?

Which keyboard instrument has a foot keyboard?

What musical instrument can replace an entire orchestra?

What unique instrument from a church in a suburb of Manila is made from 959 bamboo tubes?

Where is the largest organ in Russia installed?
(The Tsar Organ was installed in the Svetlanov Hall of the Moscow International House of Music at the end of 2004. It consists of 84 registers, 4 manual and 1 pedal keyboard. Its height is 14 meters, width - 10 m, depth - 3.6 m. Weight - 30 tons. Created by a consortium of German organ builders - the famous companies Klais and Glatter-Getz.)

Which theater's concert hall houses the world's largest mechanical organ?
(In the Sydney Opera House. It has 10,500 pipes.)

What class of musical instruments does the trembita belong to?

What is the largest multi-string plucked instrument in a symphony orchestra?

How many strings does a harp have?

Which stringed instrument is played only while sitting?

What musical name did simple spring droshky have in pre-revolutionary Moscow?

What musical instrument in Russia is called the “seven-string friend”?

Name the great-grandmother of the guitar.
(Ancient Greek cithara. It had from 7 to 12 strings.)

How many decks does a guitar body have?

What musical instrument do modern bards usually use?

The most popular musical instrument is... What?

What is the lowest sounding 4-string electric guitar called?

What feature makes Paul McCartney's bass guitar impossible to confuse with most other bass guitars?
(For left-handed Paul McCartney, the strings had to be re-strung so that he could play the chords with his left hand.)

What Latin word is used to describe the “intermediary” between a musician and an instrument?
(A mediator is a thin plate with a pointed end. And a “Greek” plectrum is a thin plate bent into an open ring.)

What string instrument does Victor Zinchuk masterfully play?

What instrument is shaped like the floating stage at the Grushinsky Festival on the Volga?
(At this amateur song festival, the floating stage is traditionally shaped like a guitar.)

The name of which Russian musical instrument comes from the Tatar word for “child”?
(This is “the most Russian musical instrument” - the balalaika, from “bala” - “child”. Related words are “pampering”, “balabolka”, “balakat”.)

Which finger is not used when playing the balalaika?

Thanks to what instruments did the musicians of Vasily Andreev’s Great Russian Orchestra receive the nickname “belly scratchers” from their colleagues?
(Balalaikas. Hand movements when playing the balalaika resemble movements when scratching the belly.)

What is the name of the symphony orchestra instrument in the form of a large gong?
(Tom there.)

What group of musical instruments does the church bell belong to?

The sound of what non-traditional instruments for opera adorned the music of Rimsky-Korsakov’s The Golden Cockerel?

What instrument was invented in 1920 by the Russian physicist and musician Lev Sergeevich Termen?
(Theremin is the first domestic electro-musical instrument. The pitch of the sound in it varies depending on the distance of the performer’s right hand to one of the antennas, the volume - from the distance of the left hand to the other antenna.)

What musical instrument did Louis Armstrong become famous for playing?

Which group of musical instruments has a mouthpiece?

What musical instrument is crossed out on the road sign prohibiting the sound signal?

What is the difference between the eastern tam-tam from a symphony orchestra and the African tam-tam?
(The Eastern tam-tam is not a drum, but a metal gong.)

What percussion instrument with a mallet do Siberian shamans use in rituals?

What is the name of the folk musical instrument, a type of whistle flute, pipe?
A. Sopel. B. Nozzle.
B. Sopatka. G. Sopka.

How did the epic Sadko drive the sea princess crazy?
A. Harp. V. Gusliami.
B. Balalaika. G. Echo sounder.

What musical instrument is not part of the shepherd's life?
A. Svirel. V. Rozhok.
B. Dudka. G. Horn.

What is the name of a self-sounding percussion musical instrument: bells in which the plates are replaced by tubes?
A. Tubafon. V. Megafon.
B. Gramophone. G. Saxophone.

Which of these musical instruments is related to the xylophone?
A. Saxophone. V. Vibraphone.
B. Horn. G. Clarinet.
(The vibraphone was invented by the American master Winterhof in 1923)

What musical instrument appeared as a result of the improvement of the hunting horn?
A. Horn. V. Oboe.
B. Trombone. G. Horn.

What was the name of the short musician from Flower City?
A. Rozhok. V. Guslya.
B. Dudka. G. Altik.

What modern musical instrument has seven pedals?
A. Cello. V. Harpsichord.
B. Harp. G. Piano.

Which of these musical instruments is self-sounding?
A. Tambourine. V. Tamtam.
B. Timpani. G. Tambourine.

The sound of which instrument is imitated in Franz Liszt's piano piece "Campanella"?
A. Castanet. V. Kolokolchikov.
B. Harps. G. Gorna.

What Russian musical instrument can be table-shaped?
A. Tambourine. V. Gusli.
B. Harmonics. G. Dudka.

What is the name of the tweeter made of two reed plates in the oboe, clarinet, zurna and other woodwind musical instruments?
A. Staff. B. Cane.
B. Rod. G. Crutch.

The Greek name for which geometric curve gave the name to the wind musical instrument helikon?
A. Parabola. B. Ellipse.
B. Spiral b. G. Sine wave.
(In Greek helix means spiral.)

What is the most important instrument for a piano tuner?
A. Tonometer. V. Tuning fork.
B. Baritone. G. Krypton.

What musical instrument can be seen in Alyosha Popovich’s painting in V.M. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs"?
A. Bayan. V. Gusli.
B. Balalaika. G. Guitar.

What musical instrument is missing from the title of Eldar Ryazanov’s film “The Forgotten Melody for...”?
A. Harp. V. Flute.
B. Harpsichord. G. Clarinet.
("Forgotten Melody for Flute")

What musical instrument is depicted on the coat of arms of Ireland?
A. Bagpipes. V. Flute.
B. Harp. G. Lute.

Which fingers do NOT play the harp?
A. Large. B. Pointing fingers.
B. Unnamed. G. Little fingers.

What musical instrument is played almost exclusively by women today?
A. Harp. V. Piano.
B. Cello. G. Flute.

Which of these musical instruments has the fewest strings?
A. Kobza. V. Balalaika.
B. Dombra. G. Saz.
(Kazakh 2-string plucked musical instrument.)

Which master made the violin called “Paganini’s widow”?
A. Amati. V. Guarneri.
B. Stradivari. G. Bergonzi.
(This violin was given to Paganini at the age of 17 and he played it for 40 years.)

Which of these string instruments does not have frets?
A. Guitar. V. Mandolin.
B. Good. G. Violin.
(Finding where to press the string is a matter of habit and musical ear.)

How many strings are there on a bagpipe?
A. 0. IN 1.
B. 3. D. 7.
(This is a wind instrument.)

Which musical instrument is NOT included in a string quartet?
A. Alt. V. Double bass.
B. Violin. G. Cello.

What musical instrument does A.S. Did Pushkin awaken good feelings among the people?
A. Leeroy. V. Harp.
B. Gong. G. Fanfare
(“... I awakened good feelings with the lyre.”)

What musical instrument owes its name to a type of literary work, mainly poetic, expressing feelings and experiences?
A. Harp. B. Violin.
B. Lyra. G. Horn.
(Lyrics, from the Greek lyrikos - pronounced to the sound of a lyre.)

What musical instrument is the namesake of the Greek mountain where the muses lived?
A. Helikon. B. Saxophone.
B. Horn. G. Harp.

What musical instrument can be seen in the buttonholes of soldiers of the Military Band Service?
A. Pipe. B. Drum.
B. Horn. G. Lira.

Name the lowest sounding brass instrument.
A. Tuba. B. Pipe.
B. Trombone. G. Horn.

The name of which musical instrument is translated as “bundle of brushwood”?
A. Fagot. B. Organ.
B. Flute. G. Harp.
(The barrel of the bassoon is so long that it had to be bent in half and tied.)

What group of orchestral instruments does the bassoon belong to?
A. Brass. B. Keyboard-percussion.
B. Woodwind. G. Stringed-bowed.

The name of which musical instrument is translated from French as “tall tree”?
A. Oboe. V. Fagot.
B. Trembita. G. Cello.

What is the name of an alto oboe?
A. Oboe d'amore. V. Oboe d'enisey.
B. Oboe d'lena. G. Oboe d'ob.
(From oboe and French amour - love. Literally - oboe of love.)

How many times is the barrel of a contrabassoon folded?
A. B two. B. At three.
B. At four. G. At five.

A. Hussar. V. Cornet.
B. Cadet. G. Midshipman.

Which of these wind musical instruments is a wooden one?
A. Horn. V. Cornet-a-piston.
B. Oboe. G. Ocarina.

Which of these wind musical instruments is NOT wooden?
A. Fagot. V. Oboe.
B. Clarinet. G. Cornet-a-piston.
(A brass mouthpiece musical instrument related to the trumpet.)

What kind of “chemical” musical instrument exists?
A. Zinc. V. Lead.
B. Calcium. G. Lithium.
(Zinc is a wind musical instrument. Its other name is cornet.)

What musical instrument did Bayan play at the wedding of Ruslan and Lyudmila?
A. On the balalaika. V. On the harp.
B. On the button accordion. G. On the pipe.

What instrument was created by master harmonica maker Pyotr Sterligov from Tula at the request of the artist Orlandsky-Titarenko?
A. Accordion. V. Bayan.
B. Harmonium. G. Harmonica.
(In 1907.)

Which musical instrument in the orchestra represents the Snow Maiden, the fairy-tale heroine of Rimsky-Korsakov's opera?
A. Fagot. V. Flute.
B. Cello. G. Guitar.
(The high, cold timbre of the flute is very suitable for the fragile, gentle daughter of Frost and Spring.)

What folk instrument did Sharikov play from “Heart of a Dog”?
A. On the harp. V. On the balalaika.
B. On the accordion. G. On the pipe.

What instrument is played with sticks?
A. On the harp. B. At the fanfare.
B. On the cymbals. G. On mandolin.

Which of the following instruments DOES NOT have pedals?
A. Harmonium. V. Timpani.
B. Harp. G. Mandolin.

What is the name of the rod of a sports barbell?
A. Grif. V. Deca.
B. String. G. Bow.

What musical instruments did the poet Lermontov play?
A. Violin and piano. V. Guitar and piano.
G. Accordion and mandolin. G. Clarinet and saxophone.
(Lermontov’s poetry is musical, which was noted by many composers. About 800 composers wrote music to his poems.)

How many strings does a balalaika have?
A. Five. At four.
B. Three. G. Two.

Which of these bowed instruments is the smallest?
A. Violin. V. Alt.
B. Cello. G. Double bass.

In which European country was the accordion invented?
A. In Germany. V. In Belarus.
B. In England. G. In Moldova.

What is the name of the Ukrainian folk musical instrument?
A. Bandura. V. Banderas.
B. Bendery. G. Fandera.

Which of the following is a musical instrument?
A. Gramophone. V. Megafon.
B. Xylophone. G. Gramophone.

Which of these is NOT a musical instrument?
A. Saxophone. B. Xylophone.
B. Metallophone. G. Gramophone.

What musical instrument is the modern harmonium similar to?
A. On the button accordion. B. To the balalaika.
B. On the piano. G. For the violin.
(This is a wind keyboard instrument whose keyboard has a piano-like appearance and a sound similar to an organ. Another name is harmonium.)

What is the name of a musical instrument?
A. Triangle. V. Square.
B. Oval. G. Rhombus.

What is the name of the small portable organ?
A. Organics. V. Portal.
B. Portable. G. Purse.

What was the name of the first Russian revolutionary newspaper, published in London and Geneva A.I. Herzen and N.I. Ogarev?
A. "Gong". V. "Bell".
B. "Fanfare". G. "Lyra".

What musical instrument is there?
A. Tamtam. V. Tuttut.
B. Here here. G. Wonwon.
(This is the name of the African drum.)

Which of these instruments is stringed?
A. Horn. V. Castanets.
B. Horn. G. Cymbals.

What is the name of the plucked string musical instrument, common in the countries of the Near and Middle East, Armenia?
A. Rondo. V. Fugue.
B. Canon. G. Scherzo.
(Or eve.)

Which Russian musical instrument is related to the Finnish kantele?
A. Rozhok. V. Gudok.
B. Domra. G. Gusli.

What kind of accordion is called a “talyanka”?
A. Saratovskaya. V. Venskaya.
B. Italian. G. Vyatskaya.

Name the Italian city where the great Stradivarius worked and where the production of musical instruments is still developed?
A. Verona. V. Bologna.
B. Cremona. City of Padua.

What is the name of the first string of a bowed musical instrument?
A. Prima. V. Soloist.
B. Debutante. G. Premiere.

Which of these musical instruments is NOT a wind instrument?
A. Flute. V. Clarinet.
B. Oboe. G. Alt.

Which group of musical instruments may NOT be part of a symphony orchestra?
A. Drums. B. Bowed.
B. Keyboards. G. Brass.

What musical instrument made Vera Dulova famous?
A. Violin. B. Cello.
B. Harp. G. Alt.

What instrument did Elvis Presley accompany himself on?
A. Harp. V. Gusli.
B. Guitar. G. Balalaika.

What instrument does Elton John accompany himself on during his performances?
A. Royal. B. Guitar.
B. Accordion. G. Tamtam.

Which of these jazz musicians played primarily the clarinet?
A. Duke Ellington. W. Louis Armstrong.
B. Count Basie. G. Benny Goodman.

Which musical instrument is used primarily to produce sound signals?
A. Trombone. B. Pipe.
B. Horn. G. Flute.

Which island is part of the Tierra del Fuego archipelago, whose cape of the same name is the southernmost point of South America?
A. Horn. V. Gong.
B. Royal. G. Tambourine.

What musical instrument do shamans use among the peoples of the North and Far East?
A. Tambourine. V. Royal.
B. Violin. G. Castanets.

Which of these keyboard musical instruments sounded first?
A. Harpsichord. V. Clavichords.
B. Organ. G. Piano.

What instruments should NOT be in a string orchestra?
A. Violins. V. Cellos.
B. Double basses. G. Harps.
(A string orchestra consists of bowed string instruments.)

What musical instrument is NOT present in a classical jazz orchestra?
A. Banjo. B. Saxophone.
B. Double bass. G. Synthesizer.

Which of these instruments does NOT have bellows for pumping air?
A. Bagpipes. V. Horn.
B. Organ. G. Sharmanka.

What is the name of the device in musical instruments for reducing the strength of sound and changing the timbre?
A. Surdinka. B. Mediator.
B. Plectrum. G. Bekar.

This quiz was developed for 4th grade students during their first teaching practice and left an unforgettable impression!

The event allows you to solve a number of important pedagogical problems: the development of musical knowledge in children, their musical training and intelligence; awakening interest in musical art and broadening one’s horizons; developing the ability to work in a team, empathy, and tolerance.

To successfully play the game you need: a tape recorder, audio recordings; portraits of composers; poster with a saying of Hippocrates; posters with tasks of the third round; protocol of results; multi-colored leaves to decorate the hall; markers, crayons; musical instruments; certificates for awards.

The inclusion of dance numbers will add solemnity and beauty to the event.

1. Organization of cognitive and play activities for children

Leading: A sad time, a charm of the eyes... Autumn... A time of reflection, contemplation and sadness about the past summer... Let us today, on this quiet (cloudy / warm / cold / sunny...) autumn day, remember the words of the wise Hippocrates and touch eternity - the wonderful world of music art, because “Vita brevis est, ars longa” - “Life is short, but art is eternal.” (Poster shown)

“Music tournament” is the name of our quiz game today. Two teams participate in it. I ask the captains to introduce themselves and their team.

Now get acquainted with the rules of our quiz game. The teams will be given the same type of tasks in the field of musical art in turn. For a correct answer - 1 point, for an incomplete or partially correct answer - 0.5 points, for an incorrect answer - 0 points.

If a team does not answer a question or answers incorrectly, then this question is transferred to another team, and the order of answers is not disturbed. If none of the players answer the question, fans will be able to answer for their team. The one who scores the most points wins. The quiz is held in four rounds. (A person responsible for maintaining the account from among the guests is appointed)

2. Conducting a quiz


2) What symphony did Sergei Prokofiev write for children? (“Peter and the Wolf”).

3) What is unaccompanied choral singing called? (A cappella).

4) What is the name of the piece for one instrument? (Etude).

5) Name the largest musical instrument (Organ).

6) Name a string instrument that is associated throughout the world with Russia (Balalaika).

Teams take turns answering questions orally, and the scorekeeper records the results; The captain appoints the person in charge.


EXERCISE 1. Ingenuity task: guess on what basis the words are grouped and remove the unnecessary ones. The responder is appointed by the team captain. .

1) Symphony, etude, song, MUSICIAN, sonata.

2) Guitar, CONDUCTOR, button accordion, piano, violin.

3) Waltz, polka, tango, OPERA, mazurka.

4) Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, Chopin, ORCHESTRA.

Players take turns reading aloud, calling out the extra word and explaining why it is extra in this row.

TASK 2. Determine the semantic series and continue it with three more words (1 point for each word):

1) Castanets, bells, spoons, xylophone... (cymbals, tambourine, drum, bells, gong, doira).

2) Trumpet, saxophone, flute, pipe... (oboe, trombone, clarinet, piper, bagpipe, horn).

3) Liszt, Dvorak, Strauss, Bach... (Wagner, Beethoven, Rossini, Liszt, Chopin, Mozart, Paganini).

4) Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, Sviridov, Rachmaninov (Glinka, Kabalevsky, Dunaevsky, Shostakovich, Tukhmanov, Pakhmutova).

It is performed in writing against the background of playing music, the results are read aloud; The audience determines the name of the sound fragment.


Find matches! Team members are invited to the board one by one. Restore the meaning by connecting both parts.

EXERCISE 1."Dancing". Determine the nationality of the dance.

Answers: 1 - d; 2 - g; 3 - in; 4 - h; 5 - e; 6 - b; 7 - and; 8 - k; 9 - f; 10 - a.

The players take turns going to the board and using a marker to restore semantic unity.

TASK 2. Russian composers.

Answers: 1 - g; 2 - b; 3 - in; 4 - a.

TASK 3. Foreign composers.

Answers: 1 - g; 2 - e; 3 - a; 4 - in; 5 B; 6 - d.


Competition for the best performance of musical works (d/task) in any composition. Max. score - 10 points..

3. Summing up, awarding the winners

Team captains are invited to sum up the results of our competition. The floor is given to the accountant. The winning team receives a prize for winning the music quiz, and the opposing team receives an incentive prize for the will to win!

Leading: Guys! So our unusual activity has ended. I looked out the window for a moment, and it seemed to me that autumn itself had become a little more cheerful. Soon a new color will be added to her palette - white, the color of snow, the color of winter. But if there is MUSIC next to you, then even the harshest and coldest day will be pleasant and joyful. It is not for nothing that it is said:

There are exactly seven colors in the rainbow,
And music has seven notes.
On earth for our joy
Music lives forever!


About the author: I am interested in psychology (I am studying part-time in my 5th year at university); I love music, poetry and travel. In 2010, my work “On the Threshold of the Temple” was recognized as one of the best in the competition of creative works of participants of the All-Russian Internet Pedagogical Council and published in the collection of poems “Universe Teacher”.

It happens that at school, as homework, they are asked to compose. This, in general, is not a tricky matter, however, this problem can be solved even easier if you use a special program for composing crossword puzzles.

In this article I will show you a simple example musical crossword, and I’ll tell you how easy it is to make one yourself. I compiled a crossword puzzle on music taking into account the school curriculum - the questions are downright simple.

When you compose a musical crossword yourself, in order not to rack your brains coming up with words and questions, just open your school notebook and use the notes you made in class. Various terms, names of works, musical instruments, names of composers, etc. will work for this work.

Example of a musical crossword

Here's the crossword puzzle I came up with, try to solve it:

Horizontal questions:

  1. The title of the famous play by I.S. Bach for flute.
  2. The founder of Russian classical music.
  3. An orchestral introduction to an opera or ballet, sounded just before the start of the performance.
  4. An ensemble of four musicians, as well as the name of one famous fable by I.A. Krylova.
  5. For example, Mozart has a work for choir, soloists and orchestra, a funeral mass.
  6. A percussion musical instrument, with a tremolo (this is a playing technique) of which Haydn's 103rd symphony begins.
  7. The name of the ballet by P.I. Tchaikovsky on a New Year's theme, in which the tin soldier fights the mouse king.
  8. Musical and theatrical genre, in which such works as “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by M.I. were written. Glinka, “The Queen of Spades” by P.I. Tchaikovsky.
  9. Low male voice.
  10. One of the “whales” in music: dance, march and...?
  11. A musician who conducts a symphony orchestra.
  12. Belarusian song-dance about potatoes.
  13. A musical instrument whose name is made up of Italian words meaning “loud” and “quiet.”
  14. Opera epic N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov about the guslar and the sea princess Volkhov.

Vertical questions:

  1. A musical interval connecting two adjacent steps.
  2. Austrian composer, author of the song “Evening Serenade”.
  3. A sign in musical notation that indicates the sound is lowered by a semitone.
  4. An ensemble of three instrumentalists or singers.
  5. The name of the composer who opened the first conservatory in Russia.
  6. Who wrote the series “Pictures at an Exhibition”?
  7. The dance that underlies Strauss's play On the Beautiful Blue Danube.
  8. A piece of music for a solo instrument and orchestra, in which the orchestra and soloist seem to compete with each other.
  9. The musical style to which the work of I.S. belongs. Bach and G.F. Handel.
  10. Austrian composer who wrote "Little Night Serenade" and "Turkish March".
  11. Polish national dance, for example, in Oginski’s play “Farewell to the Motherland.”
  12. A great German composer who wrote many fugues, and he is also the author of the St. Matthew Passion.
  13. Consonance of three or more sounds.



1. Joke 2. Glinka 3. Overture 4. Quartet 5. Requiem 6. Timpani 7. Nutcracker 8. Opera 9. Bass 10. Song 11. Conductor 12. Bulba 13. Piano 14. Sadko


1. Second 2. Schubert 3. Flat 4. Trio 5. Rubinstein 6. Mussorgsky 7. Waltz 8. Concerto 9. Baroque 10. Mozart 11. Polonaise 12. Bach 13. Chord

How to make a crossword on music?

Now I’ll tell you a little about how I made this miracle. Helped me program for creating crosswords entitled Crossword Creator. It is free, very easy to find on the Internet and install (weighs about 20 MB - that is, not much). Before I started this program, I tried a number of others. This one seemed the best to me.

As you can see, I didn’t include many words for guessing in my musical crossword puzzle - only 27. You can use any number of words. The list of required words is simply entered into the program window, which itself then distributes them vertically and horizontally and beautifully crosses them.

All we have to do is choose a design style, and then download the finished crossword puzzle. Moreover, you can download several necessary files at once: a crossword puzzle without answers, or one with filled-in cells, a list of all answers, and a list of questions. True, the questions are taken from different dictionaries, so most likely the questionnaire will have to be adjusted. For the music crossword example I showed you, I wrote the questions by hand.

Now a very important point. How to output the crossword itself into a graphic file? There is no separate function for exporting to other formats in the Crossword Creator program. Essentially, we just copy the image and then paste it wherever we want. It is best to paste it into some graphic editor: Photoshop, for example. The easiest way is in standard Paint, or you can directly in Word, in the same file where you have the questions.

One technical point. After the picture is inserted into the graphic editor, click "Save as", then enter the name and ( important!) select the format. The fact is that in Paint the default bitmap is bmp, and Photoshop has its own format, but it is most profitable for us to save the image in JPEG format, so we select it.


Your music crossword is ready. Thank you for attention. If you find this material “useful for society,” please send it to “Contact”, “My World” or somewhere else - there are buttons for this right under this text. See you again!