Hunting Lessons: Tiny Shadow. Scary stories and mystical stories Day and night

"If anything matters at all, it's...
a being from whose heart you look outward..."
Max Fry "Labyrinths of Echo" dedicated.

... And so you step over the pain, and the pain is lost somewhere in the bends of your path.
... And so you laugh, and your laughter lives on bends and crossroads.
... And the path is difficult and incomprehensible, for there are no roads in Eternity, which is Nothing and Everything at the same time, and everyone makes their own way in it and only for themselves...
... Your way... - Or your eternity... Does it matter?.. Or who can do what...

After all, anything can be looked at from at least three hundred and sixty angles of view - this is if you use a degree reference system. And if you take radians, then some more will be added. And so on ad infinitum...
... And so you look at the world through the prisms that have been tuned around you since birth, and you do not perceive a single true view - only skewed reflections. But you were forced to live in them, because you didn’t come up with the rules and write the script, and you try to adjust them to your understanding of the world and then act in accordance with what happened...

Little Shadow fluttered to the window. She had no memories, she didn’t even know whose shadow and shadow she was, no name, no gender, no acquaintances... She had only one feeling left, a desire, a feeling... She would not be able to realize or formulate it, but she unconsciously was drawn to him... All these strange creatures living in this world, in which she had absolutely no memory of how she ended up - they all radiated what she so needed. A helpless little Shadow that no one saw or noticed...
The shadow could not hear what they were saying, it could not read their thoughts or see the strange buildings. But recently (though, what is time for a shadow?) she began to perceive these wonderful bright lights. The lights were simply beautiful, they carried nothing for the Shadow, but creatures often gathered around them...
The shadow didn't like it when people cried. Because sometimes this would awaken some incomprehensible half-memories in her. And then it seemed to her (because only then did the opportunity to “appear” come to her) that it was precisely this much, much crying that turned her into a shadow. However, a thought could not form, since shadows do not tend to form thoughts, and she gradually got used to crying, and when there was nothing else, she was content with it. In addition, he awakened in her this strange awareness of memories and separation of herself from the rest of the world, and with this came the beginnings of questions that needed answers...
But most of all she loved laughter. Usually he was accompanied by something sparkling, happy and joyful, and the Little Shadow dissolved in him and became him. She did not know about the existence of words, much less about their meanings, but when she laughed she was not tormented by the beginnings of questions and the lack of answers.
There were also other emotions, and sometimes it seemed to Little Shadow that she had become a little bigger... For some reason, it was very important for her to grow up - perhaps this was the only thing that pushed her to search...

Somehow the Shadow began to distinguish darkness from light. And despite belonging to the shadows, she liked the light more. Because there lived many of the joyful emotions she loved so much.
At first she didn’t care where she was and what she was, the surroundings didn’t show themselves in any way - only these bursts of tears and laughter, happiness and grief... Then, when the lights appeared, the Shadow simply began to change its state, but the light and darkness were still the same for her.
But one day... She came across a lot of laughter, so much that it seemed as if she had grown up. They seemed to be the same creatures that cried heavily when she turned into Little Shadow. Or the same... For some reason, these creatures were familiar to her, and it seemed that their emotions were different from the emotions of everyone else.
Then she suddenly realized that she could grow, and that changes could happen in her existence, and it also seemed to her that if she grew up, she could become the same being. She wanted to be among them, these strange creatures, lost in their emotions and lost in their desires... Who step over their own and other people's pain, and leave such wonderful laughter on the bends of the roads... There was something unattainable and attractive for Little Shadow in this - the emergence of desire and some slight melancholy...
Little Shadow noticed that she could move faster or slower, and she learned to distinguish several more shades of emotions.

They were scared outside the window. Someone tiny was crying, and a large and warm one bent over him, radiating with some special gentle warmth... The little Shadow did not want to fly away. She didn’t like the fear, but she felt that if it disappeared, then this wonderful warmth that poured into the Little Shadow in soft, gentle streams would disappear, and she continued to absorb it...
“Don’t cry, my little one, there’s no one there...” she heard quiet words. Little Shadow did not understand their meaning, but she heard the sound for the first time, and she really liked it... She wanted to listen and listen, just to be told to her, and to be gently bent over her like this - but she did not realize this, but only realized , which is the reason for the fear of the tiny creature. And then for some reason the Shadow shrank and flew away from the window...
Sometimes she came across stray emotions. She could not absorb them, because they were no one’s and bore only the imprints of their owners, and a lonely emotion loses its essence and purpose...
One day she met another Shadow. Little Shadow was very happy - so much so that she even released a little of her favorite emotions. However, that other Shadow did not react to her in any way. It was so intangible that not even any shadow could notice it. She simply flew, unable to control her movement, not knowing that something existed around her and that she herself existed...
But Little Shadow thought that maybe someday she would come across someone else, just like herself... And from then on Little Shadow began to look for something a little different.

They met suddenly. They were both ready for the meeting, they both had already known so much of someone else’s joy that they themselves were able to experience it - they were similar, and they were both waiting for this meeting...
The Little Shadow did not know how to communicate, and neither did the Other Shadow, but they understood each other without communication.
Since then they have flown together. They unmistakably found each other, they unconsciously shared with each other their skills and even these wonderful emotions... They wanted the same thing - to become the same as these amazing material beings...

It was dark. Both in the big World and in the small world formed by several buildings of large creatures - strange, not very harmonious structures... Everything around emitted something unpleasant and prickly, Little Shadow felt it from everywhere - for some time now she had been picking up subtle vibrations of almost all objects, that came into her perception. The Little Shadow did not like such emotions, but they also suited her, like the Other Shadow, and since they really wanted to become material, they were in no hurry to disappear from the dark place.
There were several strange creatures ahead, one of them, emitting a kind of quiet, plaintive light, seemed to be very scared. And the others turned out to be the reason for this, Little Shadow realized this, and she also realized that it was getting worse and worse, that it was already spraying its pain in this unpleasant alien place; she heard voices, but did not understand the words - but she understood the crying so clearly...
And then the Little Shadow came down, collected all the emotions that were stored in it, and condensed as much as possible. She had never done anything like this before, but she always assumed that somehow this would be how her transformation into a strange creature would happen.
But something completely different happened. The little Shadow did not even look like the creatures standing nearby, but they touched it, they felt it, they almost saw it - a clot of shadow opposing such a huge World with its tiny will, its half-formed, not fully identified desire...
The creatures got scared and rushed to the sides. What moves the small and defenseless, when it is ready to block the world with itself - not for its own sake and not for the sake of clearly planned goals - always frightens those who walk across the world and try to tear it to pieces for themselves. It frightens them, sooner or later, and will definitely overtake them...
There was almost nothing left of Little Shadow. But that second Shadow found her, and shared with her the emotions she had stored up, and helped her get to where there was a lot of laughter... The Little Shadow was surprised to discover that she remembered everything, that she distinguished her Other Shadow, and even somehow heard her... The other one didn’t understood why Little Shadow did this - after all, it deprived her of the pre-materiality that she had so laboriously accumulated... In the end, you can also feed on pain, for lack of anything else...
The Little Shadow tried to explain, and the Other one revealed herself and absorbed the explanations, and tried to mingle with the Little Shadow, and, it seems, began to understand... And they liked this state so much, to the point of some tickling currents inside, they liked it...
But one day that second Shadow was gone. She disappeared and did not appear again. And Little Shadow knew that the Other would not appear. I just knew, that’s all...
The world was cut in two. Or rather, this was what was strange, incomprehensible and painful: it was as if nothing had happened to the world itself, and only the world of the Little Shadow was cut in two: everything that was before the appearance of the Other - and everything that remained after...
There was a void in Little Shadow's life. However, gradually this emptiness was filled with someone else's sadness and someone else's joy, someone else's happiness and pain.
The Little Shadow continued to exist as before, and only the emptiness sometimes reminded itself of itself, echoing with other people’s laughter or other people’s tears...

She had an irresistible desire to see this creature, from whom she always exuded such quiet, reliable calm. So what if she doesn’t have a “soul” - but maybe there are other ways to be among them?
“...creativity,” said the creature. – Only creativity distinguishes us...
Creation! Little Shadow rushed away. She will never, never be able to create! She'll never know what it's like! She has too little strength, too little, even to give away someone else’s... But to create something new, different, her own... She will never be among these creatures, she will never be like them...
Little Shadow flew up. But this time for some reason she didn’t come across the Crystal Crossroads, she kept flying and flying, piercing some material and intangible objects, piercing destinies and worlds, wasting bits of strength on increasing speed and no longer caring about it...
She remembered. She remembered that Other Shadow, and their joint flights, and the stories of this soft creature... How nice it would be, she thought, to find her Other Shadow again, or not yet meet her - but only anticipate the meeting, unaware of the loss... Or return to that state when you don’t separate yourself from the world... Or at least wish again, dream again, and collect these wonderful emotions, in the hope that it’s possible to really be the same as all these strange creatures...
Pictures appeared around the Little Shadow, she saw them, but did not have time to be surprised; she stopped and tried to create Another Shadow from the remnants of accumulated energies; She only managed to create similar images, but she was happy with them too... She tried to reproduce everything she could remember, and was not at all afraid that she would no longer have the strength.
The last were the images of those creatures that for some reason seemed very close to the Little Shadow, she looked at them as long as she could hold it, and then, having collected everything that still remained in her, she threw it out with only one desire: to see at least something, completely different, something she had never seen, belonging only to her, since it was unlike anything that the Shadow had managed to recognize in its entire existence. Whether she succeeded in anything, and if she succeeded, then how and what, Little Shadow no longer found out.

Somewhere in one of the worlds, in an ordinary house, the cry of a newborn was heard.
... Little Shadow began to discern the vague outlines of kind faces bending over ...

...And so you make your way through barriers and labyrinths, hit dead ends and break down non-existent doors, build illusions and assumptions and try to live in accordance with them. But Life has its own illusions and assumptions...

Comment from Alaurynn

Some helpful tips:

1) Take the Valdisdall flight point in Stormheim. Go out the west gate to the cliff edge at 58, 49 and either use the grapple hooks to get down to the swamps of Tideskorn Harbor, or float down with kite/slowfall/levitate/etc. You will find several of these little ghosts floating in the air above you at:

/way Stormheim 55 45 Tiny Apparition

2) Do not put your Direbeak Hatchling in your first slot, because the Tiny Apparition always casts the powerful Curse of Doom and you don"t want to risk your Hatchling dying because then you may not get quest credit. Quest credit is buggy right now . Sometimes I got credit without even using the Hatchling. Sometimes I didn't get credit even when he soloed the fight. Just keep at it until you get three wins. They should take less than 2 minutes per fight.

3) Tiny Apparition is an Undead pet that can appear with several different backline pets, but they are usually Critters, Aquatics, Flyers and the occasional Beast. Almost all the snails have abilities that can counter Undead, Critters and Flyers. The Rapana Whelk is my favorite snail pet. It is easily found in the wild, including in this very area, if you still need to capture one. Go for the H/B tanking breed because it has a whopping 1790 health and can easily withstand the blow from Curse of Doom.

Your Hatchling is strong against Aquatics. If you encounter a Beast, just take him down with one or two of your Hatchling"s more powerful abilities. Here"s my team that is very effective in this fight:

Rapana Whelk (1,1,2)
Direbeak Hatchling (1,1,1)
Rusty Snail (1,1,2)

*** BONUS TIP: Most of these Falcosaur quests award 16,000+ XP to characters over level 100. So accept the quest from your Hatchling while on your main (the quest wont be offered below level 110) but then turn the completed quest in on one of your lowbie alts to get the quest credit and xp. Also, probably a bug, but you never know... You can then use another level 110 alt to pick up new quests from your hatchlings. It seems that only one quest was supposed to be offered by each hatchling per day, but using alts will allow you to complete several quests in one day.

Comment from Laeleiweyn

The Direbeak Hatchling needs to be summoned, but it doesn't need to be a part of the battle pet team to get credit for the quest.

Comment from Jat42

Here are the quests of this Questline we know so far:
This Questline can only be completed once the Nighthold raid is unlocked!
You get one Quest every day but the date I"m posting this(Patch 7.1 Build 22989) it is still possible to get the next quest on a different character. So say you complete the quest on your druid you can still get a quest from the same pet from any of your other characters. Don"t know if there"s a limit though.
The Dungeon Quest can be completed on all Difficulties

In one small old town there lived a little old Fraulein named Ophelia.

When she was born - it was, of course, a very long time ago - her parents said:

– Our girl will become a great actress someday!

So they dreamed and therefore gave her the name of the famous heroine of one great play.

Little Ophelia inherited from her parents only one thing: love and admiration for the Great Words of the Poets, and nothing more.

She could not become a famous actress. Her voice was too quiet. But still, she wanted to at least somehow serve art, even in the quietest way.

There was an old wonderful theater in this small town.

And there, at the edge of the stage, there was a booth, closed from the audience by a large, seemingly sea shell. Ophelia sat in this shell-like booth every evening and suggested words in a whisper so that the artists would not stumble. And Ophelia’s quiet voice was very useful here, because the audience should not have heard her.

Ophelia served in the theater all her life and was happy. Gradually she learned by heart all the great comedies and tragedies of the world, and she no longer needed to look at the book.

And so Fraulein Ophelia grew old. And times have changed now. Fewer and fewer spectators came to the city theater, because cinema appeared, and then other entertainment.

Many now had cars, and if anyone really wanted to go to the theater, they could quickly get to the nearest big city and look at much more famous artists - and, in the end, show themselves.

And then the time came when the theater in the small town was closed. The actors separated, and the old Fräulein Ophelia was fired.

When the last performance ended and the curtain fell for the last time, Ophelia remained in the theater for a short time, completely alone.

She sat in her shell booth and recalled her past life.

Suddenly she saw a shadow.

The shadow wandered around the scenes, now increasing and then decreasing.

But there was no one around who could cast that shadow.

- Hey! – Ophelia called quietly, “Who’s there?”

The shadow got scared and cowered.

“Sorry,” said the shadow, “I didn’t know there was someone here.” I didn't mean to scare you. I'm hiding here because I don't know where to go. I beg you, don't send me away.

-Are you a shadow? – Ophelia asked.

Shadow nodded.

“But shadows always belong to someone.”

“Not everything,” said the shadow. “There are also extra shadows in the world.” They belong to no one, no one needs them. I'm just like that. My name is Shadow the Prankster.

- That's it... Yes, it's very sad - not to belong to anyone.

“Very,” the shadow agreed and sighed. - But what can you do?

“And you come to me,” Ophelia said. - I don’t have anyone either.

- With pleasure. But then I need to be with you all the time! And you have your own shadow.

“Yes, you will get along with each other,” said the old Fräulein, and then her own shadow suddenly nodded.

So Fräulein Ophelia got two shadows. Not everyone noticed this, but those who did were quite surprised. Ophelia, of course, did not want too much to be said about her. So she asked one of her shadows to shrink and hide in her purse for a day. There was enough space there for shade.

One day old Ophelia was sitting in church and quietly talking to God. She hoped that God would hear her quiet voice. But that’s for sure - she didn’t know.

Suddenly on the white wall she saw a new shadow, very emaciated. The shadow didn’t look like anything, but for some reason it held out its hands pitifully.

- Are you also a draw? – Ophelia asked.

“It’s a draw,” the shadow sighed. “But there are rumors that someone is taking us in.” Isn't it you?

– I already have two shadows.

- Accept me too. It's so sad to be alone.

- What is your name?

- Vague fear.

- Well. Come to me too,” Ophelia said. - In my purse.

Now she has three shadows.

From then on, almost every day more and more new shadows came to her. It turned out that there are not so few of them in this world.

The fourth shadow's name was Lonely.

Fifth - Big Night.

Sixth - Never.

The seventh shadow's name was the Heaviness of Emptiness.

There were more and more shadows.

Little Fraulein Ophelia was poor, but shadows, fortunately, do not need either food or clothing to keep warm. Only Ophelia’s room sometimes became very dark and cramped, there were too many shadows huddled in it. But new ones kept coming.

The worst thing was when the shadows quarreled.

They argued for the best place, and sometimes they simply even fought. Sometimes it came to real battles.

On nights like these, little old Fraulein Ophelia could not sleep. She lay in bed with her eyes open and tried to calm her friends in a quiet voice. But it didn't really fade.

Ophelia did not like quarrels, except for those quarrels and battles that sounded from the stage in the Great Language of Poets. And then one day an interesting thought occurred to her.

“Listen,” she said to the shadows. - Listen! If you want to live with me, you will have to learn something.

The shadows stopped quarreling and hid. They looked at the old woman from all corners of the small room.

And then Ophelia began to speak. She pronounced the Great Words of the Poets, which she knew by heart.

She read slowly and strictly and demanded that the shadows repeat after her. The shadows tried their best and were quite understanding.

And gradually, from the words of Ophelia, the shadows learned all the great comedies and tragedies of the world.

Now they have a completely different life.

Shadows have learned to take on any form: a dwarf and a giant, a person or a bird, a tree or a horse.

At night they often performed amazing performances in front of Ophelia. And she whispered to them the words so that they would not stumble.

During the day, all the shadows, except, of course, their own, hid in their purse. Yes, they could, if they wanted, incredibly shrink.

The neighbors couldn't see them, but they noticed that something unusual was happening. And people don't like it.

“This old fraulein is somehow strange,” they said behind Ophelia’s back. “We should give her to a home for the elderly.” They'll take care of her there.

“She looks like she’s crazy,” others said. – You never know what she can do!

One day the owner of the house in which she had a room came to the old woman and said:

“I’m very sorry, but now you’ll have to pay double for the room.”

Ophelia couldn't do this.

“Well, then,” said the owner, “you’d better move out.” However, I'm very sorry.

And so Ophelia put everything she had - very little - into a suitcase and left. She bought a ticket, boarded the train and traveled around the world, not knowing where.

And she went very far. I got off the train and went on foot - wherever my eyes looked. In one hand she carried a suitcase, in the other a purse, where shadows were hidden.

It was a long, long street.

Shadows came out of the bag, surrounded her and began to think about what to do next.

“As a matter of fact,” the shadows whispered, “it was because of us that Madame Ophelia found herself in this situation.” We need to figure out how to help her.

And they thought for a long time, and when the old woman woke up, they told her their idea.

- Oh, that's how it is! – Ophelia laughed. - You came up with a good idea.

And so Ophelia came to one village.

At the edge of the village she saw a crossbar on which rugs were being knocked out. She took a sheet out of her suitcase and hung it on this crossbar.

The shadows came out of the bag and began to act out performances that they had learned long ago on the sheet.

Ophelia sat behind and prompted the artists with the Great Words of the Poets so that they would not stumble.

The kids came running.

Then the adults came too. And everyone paid some small change for an unusual performance.

From then on, Fraulein Ophelia began to walk from village to village, from one region to another, and her shadows turned into kings and jesters, into noble ladies and fiery stallions, into wizards and flowers.

People came up, looked, laughed and cried.

Soon Ophelia became famous, and wherever she went, everyone was waiting for her - no one had ever seen such a theater!

The spectators clapped their hands, and everyone paid something. Some more, some less.

After some time, Ophelia even saved up money and bought a small old car.

The artist painted it and wrote on the sides in large letters:


And Ophelia's theater rolled around the world.

This could be the end of our story, but it is not over yet.

One day Fraulein Ophelia got into a snowstorm with her car and was unable to drive further.

Suddenly a Huge Shadow appeared in front of her. It was much darker than all the other shadows.

“Are you also one of those,” Ophelia asked, “also one of those... whom no one wants?”

“That’s probably right,” Shadow said slowly.

– And you also ask to come to me?

- Would you take me? – the Huge Shadow grinned, coming closer.

“I have more than enough shadows,” said the old woman, “but I feel sorry for you too.”

“Maybe you’ll find out my name first?”

- What is your name?

– People call... Death.

It became very quiet. And the snowy wind died down.

“Do you still want to take me?” – Shadow finally asked softly.

“Yes,” answered little old Fraulein Ophelia. “Come to me.”

And a huge cold Shadow covered Ophelia, and the light faded.

But then she got new eyes - young and clear. And they are no longer myopic. And Ophelia, even without glasses, could see where she was.

She stood in front of the Gate to Heaven. And wonderful figures in shining clothes crowded around. They smiled at her.

-Who are you? – Ophelia asked.

- Don’t you recognize it? We are former shadows. The same ones, no one's. Now we are saved and will no longer wander.

The gates to Heaven opened - and the former shadows entered them. They brought with them little old Fraulein Ophelia.

All together they approached a beautiful palace, and it was the most wonderful theater that you could imagine.

Above the entrance was written in large gold letters:


Since then, in this theater they have played out human destinies before the angels, and the Great Words of the Poets sound in it. These words are also clear to angels. And Poets talk about how sad and funny, wretched and majestic it is to be human and live on earth.

Fräulein Ophelia whispers the words to her actors. So that they don't stumble.

They say that sometimes the Lord God himself comes to listen to them. But no one knows this for sure.

To the first step
A young guy stood up
To the twelfth step
A gray-haired old man came.

Leap year

This year lives the longest:
There are more hours and days in it.
We are all waiting for his arrival
Exactly once every four years.

Year, months, weeks, days and nights

There is an oak tree
there are 12 branches on an oak tree,
On every branch
4 slots each,
There are 7 chicks in each nest,
Every chick
One wing is white,
The other is black.

Year, months, weeks

There is an oak tree, there are 12 nests on the oak tree,
There are 4 tits in each nest.


It stings your ears, it stings your nose,
Frost creeps into felt boots.
If you splash water, it will fall,
Not water anymore, but ice.

Not even a bird can fly
The bird is freezing from the frost.
The sun turned towards the forest,
What month is this, tell me?


Snow is falling in bags from the sky,
There are snowdrifts around the house.
Those are storms and blizzards
They attacked the village.
The frost is severe at night,
During the day, drops can be heard ringing.
The day has lengthened noticeably.
Well, what month is this?


A warm south wind blows,
The sun is shining brighter,
The snow is thinning, softening, melting,
The loud rook flies,
What month?
Who will know?


The river roars furiously
And breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up.
A lark trills in the sky.
Who came to us?..


The distance of the fields is green,
The nightingale sings.
The garden was dressed in white.
The bees are the first to fly.
Thunder rumbles.
What month is this?..


Warm, long, long day
At noon there is a tiny shadow.
The ear of corn blooms in the field,
The grasshopper gives a voice,
Strawberries are ripening.
What month is it, tell me?


Even chickens seek shade.
The mowing of grain has begun,
Time for berries and mushrooms.
Its days are the peak of summer.
What month is this, tell me?


The maple leaves have turned yellow.
Flew to the countries of the south
Swift-winged swifts.
What a month
Tell me!


The collective farm garden was empty,
Cobwebs are flying along,
And to the southern edge of the earth
The cranes arrived.
The school doors opened
What month has it come to us?


The ever darker face of nature:
The gardens have turned black,
The forests are becoming bare,
Bird voices are silent,
The bear fell into hibernation.
What month did he come to us?


The field became black and white;
It rains and snows.
And it got colder -
The waters of the rivers were frozen with ice.
The winter rye is freezing in the field.
What month is it, tell me?


Name it guys
A month in this riddle:
His days are the shortest of all days,
Of all nights longer than night.
To the fields and meadows
It snowed until spring.
Only our month will pass,
We are celebrating the New Year.


Every year they come to visit us:
One is gray-haired, the other is young,
The third gallops
And the fourth one is crying.

Months of the year

twelve brothers
They are called differently
And different things
They are engaged.

Winter months

Troika, troika arrived.
The horses in that trio are white.
And the queen sits in the sleigh -
White-haired, white-faced.
How she waved her sleeve -
Everything was covered in silver.


I will paint the branches with white paint,
I will throw silver on your roof.
Warm winds will come in spring
And they will drive me out of the yard.

Guess who
Gray-haired mistress:
The featherbeds will shake,
Above the world of fluff?

Powdered the paths
I decorated the windows.
Gave joy to children
And I went for a sledding ride.

I am the antonym of the word "summer"
Dressed in a snow coat,
Although I love frost myself,
Because I am...

We are familiar with her threats.
It threatens us all with frost.
At least she wrapped herself in snow.
Who is the formidable guest..?


The beauty walks
It touches the ground lightly.
Goes to the fields, to the river,
Both the snowball and the flower.

The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life,
The day is coming.
When does this happen?

She comes with affection
And with my fairy tale.
He waves his magic wand -
The snowdrop will bloom in the forest.


Came without paints and without a brush,
And I repainted all the leaves.

Day and night

One after another in succession
Brother and sister walk peacefully
Brother wakes up all the people,
And my sister, on the contrary,
Calls you to sleep immediately

Brother is white, sister is black,
Brother in the house - sister from the yard

Black swan across the sky
Scattered miracle grains.
Black called white
The white one pecked the grain.


I began to approach the house -
The sun was stolen from the sky.

I am an antonym for the word “day”:
Everyone has been too lazy to work for a long time,
And the toys too, away
It's time to sleep, I've already arrived...


Gray cloth stretches out the window.


White cat
Climbs through the window.


Every morning
He comes through the window towards us.
If he has already entered,
So the day has come.


You fell at my feet
Stretched out along the road
And I can't lift you up
And we can’t drive you away.

You look so much like me
It's like I'm walking lying down.

Days of the week

There are seven brothers:
Equal for years
Different names.

Present day

What happened tomorrow
Will it happen yesterday?

Tear-off calendar

There are exactly seven of these brothers.
You all know them.
Every week around
Brothers walk after each other.
The last one will say goodbye -
The front one appears.

Every day, according to clothes
Seryozhka gives it to us
And I broke up with the last one
He himself disappeared somewhere.

The fat man is losing weight every day
And it won't get better.