Interpretation of sleep sexual intercourse in dream books. Sex in a dream

Dream Interpretation sexual intercourse

Often in dreams we see quite ordinary, unremarkable scenes that rarely remain in our memory. But sometimes we dream of piquant images that do not leave us indifferent and force us to look for an interpretation in a dream book. Why do you dream about sexual intercourse? What does the subconscious want to convey to us, what should we expect in the near future? Interpreters readily provide answers to these questions.

What do dream books say?

Famous seers and psychologists will help you understand what sexual intercourse may mean in your dream. Choose a dream book that you like and find out the answer to your nagging question.

From a psychological point of view

Perhaps we should start with what psychologists think about this.

Miller argued that a girl should be wary of making new acquaintances if she was raped in a dream. There is a high probability that she will meet a guy who will turn out to be a tyrant and despot.

What do other dream books say?

Interpreter psychologist Meneghetti

Dreaming of intimacy

If intimacy has not yet occurred, but in a dream you are absolutely sure that it will happen, then this indicates that you do not know how to follow through. You lack perseverance and patience. Due to the lack of such qualities, you have missed many chances given by fate.

If everything happened according to mutual desire, you enjoyed it and generally felt relaxed, then this is a good sign. This means that in life you are a liberated person who does not lose her cheerful attitude.

The psychologist claims that if you have watched other people having intercourse, then you have many complexes. Your closedness and suspiciousness interfere with your normal life. It is also a negative sign for men, meaning possible impotence.

Meneghetti looks at several atypical scenarios that can be seen in night vision. So, if sexual intercourse was with:

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does sexual intercourse dream about according to this interpreter? The dream book gives many interpretations, which depend on how the plot unfolded in night vision.

In general, this symbol indicates that you tend to dominate in relationships and dictate your own rules. But at the same time, sometimes you get tired of this role.


There are many complexes and contradictions hidden within you. Deep down, you are not satisfied with your partner, but you yourself do not take any steps to normalize the situation. You should talk to your chosen one honestly and openly, tell them about your desires.

Such dreams signify your desire and desire for power. This manifests itself in all areas of life, be it work or family relationships. As a result of this, you do not hear your partner and do not listen to his opinion and desire. You should change your behavior pattern.

Homosexual intimacy in night dreams

If during sexual intercourse you did not see your partner’s face, then you are full of anxiety and doubt. At this time, you need a person who will help you calm down and can guide you on the right path.

Opinions of other predictors

Today there are many dream books, so you should not dwell on the interpretations of psychologists alone. Find out what sexual intercourse can mean in a dream according to magicians, sorcerers and other seers.

Chinese dream book

This source viewed this symbol in two ways. It all depends on who has had such an interesting dream:

  • for a man - there is a dark period of life ahead, he should stock up on patience and endurance;
  • for a woman - life will sparkle with new colors, positive changes are coming.

The Chinese interpreter claims that sexual intercourse with a nun promises ruin and serious financial problems.

The dream book also gives another interpretation. Such visions can occur when you are not satisfied with your partner or your sex life in general.

Seeing yourself in bed with your father or mother in a dream

Egyptian dream book

Did you dream about sexual intercourse with a woman? This is not a very good sign and means that there will be trouble in the future. However, difficulties will only strengthen you and ultimately bring you good.

The dream book gives several more interesting predictions. So, copulation with a bird means that you are one step away from success, you should put in a little more effort. At the same time, the Egyptian interpreter warns that enemies will appear who will try to interfere with your happiness.

Oddly enough, intimate intimacy with the mother leads to positive changes. This is a sign that family relationships will improve, harmony will reign in the house, and all negativity will be forgotten.

If in a dream you experienced disgust, hostility, or any other negative emotions, then you should pay attention to your actions. Do they harm other people? The dream book states that your actions will probably make your relatives feel uncomfortable.

Dream book of healer Akulina

The healer does not give optimistic forecasts and claims that sexual intercourse in a dream is a harbinger of various kinds of troubles. First of all, they will concern working issues. Be prepared for unreasonable nagging from your superiors, fines, and salary reductions.

Watching intimacy in a dream

You also need to take care of your own health. Now your body is most vulnerable to all kinds of diseases. The healer claims that it is necessary to undergo an examination by a doctor as soon as possible so that, in the presence of an existing disease, he can prescribe the correct treatment.

General value

Any, even the most insignificant details are important for interpretation. Remember who you played in the night vision. Did you have a chance to observe the action from the side, or was everything different?


If you have only ever observed sexual intercourse from the outside, this is an indication that you are too shy. This prevents you from moving forward and limits your freedom of action. The intimate side of life has become a real problem for you, because you cannot relax and often feel ashamed. The dream book claims that such a pattern of behavior can lead to you being left alone in the end, alone with your complexes. Try to trust your partner, do what you really want.


Active participation in intimacy in dreams

Most often, people dream that they not only observe sexual intercourse from the outside, but are also involved in it themselves.

According to the dream book, sexual intercourse with a man is an indicator that you are too impulsive and often give in to your emotions, ignoring the arguments of reason. Soon, because of your behavior, you will find yourself in a very awkward situation, but thanks to your charisma, everything will work out. In the future, try to communicate with people more reservedly and avoid thoughtless purchases.

Having sexual intercourse with a woman is a good sign. Be prepared for unexpected but very pleasant surprises. The dream book also notes that now is a favorable time for change. Try to implement everything that you planned and put on the back burner.

This plot has another interpretation. You will probably have to leave your hometown soon. However, this forced trip will not last long. Moreover, you will meet a person who will completely change your worldview.
According to Freud, the more strange and illogical the night's events seem to us, the more hidden meaning they contain.
Have you copulated with an animal? Such an unpleasant activity characterizes you as a conservative person.

Change is a rare guest in your life, but you do not feel discomfort from it. You are confident in yourself, you know which direction to move in, and you discover happiness your own way.

Have you been intimate with a friend? This is an indicator that you suspect him of something. It is worth saying that your friend experiences the same mistrust towards you. You both understand that your friendship is coming to an end, everything is no longer the same as it was before. But don't give up. Perhaps friendships can be restored if you decide to have a frank conversation and really want to change the situation for the better.

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Sexual intercourse, copulation according to the dream book of the Italian philosopher and psychologist Antonio Meneghetti:

When you dream of sexual intercourse in its entirety, with real details - naked bodies, genital intercourse, release, this is a symbol of positivity. To see scenes of supposed, expected copulation in a dream - a dream indicates uncertainty, unfulfilled desires or impotence of the dreamer.

Sexual intercourse, copulation according to the dream book from astrologer and occultist Evgeniy Tsvetkov:

If you dreamed of copulation, this means that the situation will develop in such a way that you will experience some kind of interference, there will be delays in business, travel, etc.

Sexual intercourse according to the dream book from American psychologist David Loff:

Dreams in which sexual intercourse appears, as well as the search for sexual connotations for dream interpreters is something similar to fun. Often you don’t even have to search for long. Love, flirting, sexual desire and satisfaction, night rendezvous in the bizarre interweaving of dreams are very frequent guests.

For quite a long time, the main approach to the study and interpretation of dreams was the search for sexual overtones. To a certain extent, this can be explained by the significant contribution of Sigmund Freud to this area. However, finding meaning in dreams related to sex can be quite challenging. Scientific research shows significant differences in the way men and women dream about sex. And yet, when all is said and done, almost everyone has sex in their fantasies.

According to statistics, at least 12 percent of men's and 4 percent of women's dreams are devoted to the theme of sexual intercourse. This is generally consistent with sexual desire in reality, because men are much more concerned about it than women. Thus, William Damhoff provided the following data on the manifestation of sexual intercourse in dreams (the book “Finding Meaning in Dreams”): men - participation in sex - 93 percent, observation of sex - 7 percent; women - participation in sex - 68 percent, observation - 32 percent.

These data suggest that women tend to separate themselves from the events in sexually charged dreams, while men identify with the participants. This may be important for realizing the fact that men, especially boys, are more likely to achieve orgasm in their sleep than the fairer sex. It also explains the conflicts associated with the good girl/bad girl taboo that many women have.

It is also important to find out the meaning of sexual images and symbols that often creep into our dreams. In childhood, and then throughout life, sexuality is hidden behind a veil of secrecy, so the subconscious strives to visualize ideas about it. Freud made a significant contribution to this development of thought with the creation of his theory of personality.

Freud did about the same thing with the theme of sexual connotations of dreams that was done by Henry Ford with the internal combustion engine. Suddenly, everyone and everywhere began to have dreams of sexual content. As a result, a certain part of educated society felt a cooling towards the theory of the psychoanalyst. To this day, many scholars are interested in whether Freud was actually as absorbed in sexual symbolism as is commonly believed.

Dreams not only about people having sex can be called sexual. Often they show how we perceive other people and how, in our understanding, they think about us. To create a framework for interpreting sexual dreams, identification is important - who is present in the dream next to you and what feelings you had about the experience experienced in the dream.

Some dreams are simply romantic. A guy and a girl meet and enjoy each other's company. Typically, the script assumes that the partner is attractive and the environment is pleasant. In this case, the taboo is not broken, except that the dreamer ends up in bed too quickly. Often the dreamer did everything under the influence of attraction to a specific person. Freud's theory of wish fulfillment is a completely sufficient explanation for this.

Other dreams go beyond the taboos that exist in our minds. This may include dreams involving a sexual plot that the dreamer in real life would consider unacceptable. Dreams of this kind can cause great anxiety; you can wake up after an experience in a dream

Dream Interpretation genitals

Why do you dream about the genital organ? The dream book suggests that the image seen does not always have similarities with reality, and therefore it will have to be interpreted correctly.

You should start by dividing your plot into small parts, and only then begin deciphering from the dream book. If you did this correctly, then receiving an accurate forecast will not take long.

The main thing is not to distort the events that are taking place, but to try to answer the questions that arise as sincerely as possible, no matter how unpleasant they may be.

Distinctive features

The dream promises conflicts and humiliation

As the dream book describes, the genitals are a symbol not only of sexual dissatisfaction, but also of the dreamer’s unrealized potential. His spiritual aspirations do not lead to any positive effect, and therefore the problem only gets worse.

What is Miller saying?

It is important to differentiate the plot you see so that unnecessary questions do not arise later. Miller's dream interpreter focuses on whose genitals the sleeping person could see:

  • men – to long-term conflicts and confrontations;
  • women - you can be offended or humiliated.

What they were doing?

Correct interpretation is impossible without a detailed description of your plot. Many dream interpreters pay attention to the key action of sleep.


Warning that the new connection will be unsuccessful

If you dreamed about touching your genitals, it means that in real life there will be an unwanted connection, leading to disappointment. Your task is to think several times before you start making any promises to another person.


Washing an intimate organ, according to a popular dream interpreter, is a sign of getting rid of an imposed point of view. You need to learn to critically perceive incoming information so that problems do not arise in the future.


Kissing or sucking a genital organ means finding yourself in an extreme situation. The dream interpreter advises you to think through the plan of your trip in advance, so that later it does not bring you unpleasant surprises.

Cut off

Seeing someone cut off their manhood means unjustified humiliation. The dreamer should try to minimize contact with suspicious individuals, since they may spread rumors behind their backs.

The prospect of new horizons and opportunities

Size matters?

For every man, the size of his dignity is of great importance, and therefore it is so important to remember it.


If you dreamed of a long phallus, you have long wanted to get a significant thing that will take your life to a new level. Despite the fact that your life is comfortable, you should always set yourself new horizons, no matter how frightening they may be.


As the dream book writes, a small penis reflects satisfaction with one’s own life. The dreamer does not need public approval, and he is not afraid of any conflicts.


Seeing genitals in a dream means it’s high time for you to make some adjustments to your life. To obtain a competent interpretation, you will have to remember some features of the storyline.

Under what circumstances did you see the genitals? The dream interpreter identifies several options:

If you dream of a male phallus, then it must be interpreted correctly. Some dream books write that this symbol is a reflection of creative potential and business reputation. Whose organ did you see?


The sight of your reproductive organ should alert you, as it foreshadows possible problems with your own reputation. You should not allow suspicious people into your environment.


Why do you dream about someone else's genital organ? For representatives of the fair sex, such a dream can be interpreted in different ways. If she sees atypical genitals, she will soon become a mother. If you did not plan to have a child, then it makes sense to worry and use the appropriate means of protection.

The dream book promises tough competition

I dreamed of someone else's phallus - the beginning of open rivalry. Most likely, another woman will appear in family life, and the further outcome of the relationship will depend on you. By taking the initiative, you can not only maintain, but also strengthen current relationships. The husband's penis reflects an excess or lack of protection. If the problem cannot be solved, then it makes sense to start a heart-to-heart conversation and talk about your problems.

Female genital organs

The plot of some dreams is not always easy to interpret, which is why it is so important to pay attention to female genitalia. Who saw them?

Stronger sex

If a representative of the stronger half of humanity dreams of female genitalia, it means that in reality someone needs protection. You need to assess the current situation and determine who really needs help.

However, you will have to choose the right tactics of behavior without excessive invasion of personal space.


Whose organs were you able to see? The Dream Interpretation highlighted several typical options:

Vision prediction of a possible intimate relationship

  • yours - to an intimate relationship;
  • strangers - to the emergence of a rival in a relationship.

If a young girl felt pleasant sensations in a dream, then, according to the dream interpreter, she will be able to bring an interesting idea to life. A person who is on the path of spiritual development must understand the dreamed image as a sacred sign reflecting the original source of existence.

Scary interpretations

The erotic dreams that some dreamers dream about may not always bring pleasure. In some dreams, the images seen are repulsive and lead to bad thoughts. If you see stitched labia, it is a sign that you are not yet ready for the serious business that you have been planning for so long.

Vision means serious profit

Why do you dream about a big penis? Such a dream is not just a dream, but is a reflection of internal experiences that are deeply rooted in the soul. Your task is to try to relive such emotions and only then will you be able to get rid of this oppression.

Seeing bleeding genitals is a sign of events concerning close people and relatives. According to another interpretation, a dreamed image is a harbinger of serious illnesses. If you have such a dream at night, then after waking up you should definitely visit a doctor.

Long hair in the crotch area is the first sign of incredible profits. If you have never seen so much money, you will have to learn how to manage it correctly. Otherwise, you are in danger of poverty.

Despite the above interpretation, the presence of hair in these places is a reflection of practicality and down-to-earthness, which manifests itself even in outlook on life. Why are genitals removed in a dream? According to the Muslim Dream Book, an image that comes in a dream predicts the loss of your current position or position in society. You will have to put in a lot of effort to maintain your place in the sun.

If your penis falls off in a dream, then in reality the dreamer is threatened not just with financial ruin, but also with the possible death of close relatives. Feeling a snake bite in an intimate place is a symbol foreshadowing betrayal or sudden love.

Most often, sexual intercourse in a dream symbolizes real dissatisfaction in intimate life. However, there is a completely different interpretation of such a vision. The dream book will explain in detail why it is dreamed of.

Dreams Dreams…

Freud's dream book, for example, believes that sexual contact does not have any symbolism. It can occur during a period of prolonged abstinence or puberty.

In addition, seeing sexual contact in a dream means that you regret missed opportunities, including personal ones. If the picture is somewhat blurry, then this is a reflection of intimate fantasies.

Intimate details

In order to get the most accurate interpretation of a dream and understand what it means in a dream, it is worth taking into account what the contact was like.

  • Heterosexual sexual intercourse - ordinary desires, the desire to possess.
  • Homosexual symbolizes the thirst for power and submission.
  • Oral sex means an extraordinary situation.
  • Anal - to deception, intrigue.
  • Group – you need to take care of someone.
  • Bisexuality is an internal conflict, the need to see a situation from different sides.
  • Sexual perversions - to a new acquaintance.

Open up new horizons!

If you dreamed of pornographic pictures, debauchery and other indecencies, then the dream book does not advise you to worry and be scared. This is just a desire to open new horizons and add variety to everyday life.

If in a dream you happened to observe sexual intercourse, especially a group one, then in reality there will be a big surprise or unexpected news. For a pregnant woman, watching sex means an early, possibly premature birth.

Trust or rift?

Why do you dream about an intimate kiss? In a dream for spouses, it is a symbol of boundless trust and spiritual harmony.

For lovers, according to the dream book, such affection promises a break. If you dreamed that a stranger gave you a kiss, then you dream too often and a lot about intimate things.

Reflection of protest

Why do you dream of interrupted sexual intercourse? In a dream, it means that you are trying to avoid obligations or feel inferior in some way. Essentially, this is an unconscious protest against what is imposed by society.

What does coitus interruptus mean for a man? He clearly doesn't want to get married. This same vision symbolizes the search for an extraordinary solution.

If a woman dreams of the same event, then she delays the moment of conception and birth of a child. Another interpretation of the dream book says that the lady understands the futility of a relationship with a certain person and is thinking about breaking up.

Marriage of convenience!

Seeing blood during sexual intercourse is bad. The dream book believes that some kind of trouble will happen to relatives or very close people. Blood in a dream also reflects the strengthening of the bond between lovers.

Violence during sexual intercourse is a very symbolic image that usually does not require additional interpretation. He hints at something that has to be done against one's will.

If you were raped, then in reality you are afraid of becoming a victim, of submitting. If a woman dreams of violence, then the dream book is sure that she will marry for convenience and achieve her goal.

Miller's note

Mr. Miller believes that sexual intercourse with violence in a dream for a girl is a symbol of an unsafe adventure, as well as a sign of a possible separation from her chosen one.

Stability or search?

Why do you dream about sexual intercourse with a man? The dream book believes that this is a sign of loss of peace and stability.

Why do you dream about sexual intercourse?

Freud's Dream Book

Very often, the image of sexual intercourse in a dream does not need symbolic interpretation. Such dreams are typical during puberty or during prolonged abstinence. In many cases, such a dream is an expression of regret about missed opportunities, about sexual contacts that were desired but did not take place.

If the picture of sexual intercourse is somewhat blurred, it symbolizes your sexual dreams and fantasies.

Why do you dream about sexual intercourse?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Sexual intercourse - dissatisfaction with intimate life.

Sexual perversion - meeting a person of the opposite sex who, as it turns out, turns out to be a person of your sex; sexual attraction to people of the same sex.

Why do you dream about sexual intercourse?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

A girl having intercourse with a man is a disappointment in love.

For a woman, this dream foretells everything good and significant.

For a girl or woman to see that she was raped - to achieve her goal.

Coitus with your father is an honor, you will be the chosen one of fate.

With a brother - to receive kind help from relatives.

A man having intercourse with a beautiful woman in a dream is a great success.

With my wife - discord in marriage.

With a married woman - fulfillment of desires, but associated with some danger.

With an acquaintance always means a successful business that you are undertaking in secret, a mysterious enterprise.

With a stranger - success in matters that you cannot hide.

With a corrupt woman - happiness that will be destroyed by illness.

With my sister - double my strength.

With an unmarried daughter - her wedding.

With a married woman - her divorce.

With the mother - union with the forces of the earth, assertion of one’s personality / union with the forces of hell, a dark path with external success in life.

Coitus between a man and a stranger foretells the death of your sexual partner, if he lives close, or his return from afar.

Women with women - participation in the secret of the one you love.

With an animal - wealth, benefit from the qualities that this animal symbolizes; but if it:

Covers you - harm from him.

With a corpse - acquisition of valuable property.

Why do you dream about sexual intercourse?

Astrological dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book: Sexual intercourse sometimes leads to delays and troubles. Also a symbol of unsatisfied sexual desire.

Why do you dream about sexual intercourse?

Christian dream book

Sexual intercourse - To illness or to troubles at work. To work through this dream, you need a general meditation, for example, like this. Imagine the general's house in every detail, try to see the general in his ceremonial uniform. Be careful on this day.

Why do you dream about sexual intercourse?

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Sexual intercourse (sex) – Positive sexual experiences. The desire to take over, to put down. To be dependent on the object of desire. Symbol of the unification of Anima and Animus. Much depends on the position of sexual intercourse. The specifically human face-to-face pose allows us to speak specifically about the symbolism of the unification of masculine and feminine without the expressed subordination of one to the other. The position of a man from behind implies the subordination of a woman, the position of a woman from above implies the submission of a woman to a man, but if in such a position the woman’s face is not visible, this means that the true sexual partner is hidden or anonymous. Group sexual intercourse refers to the period of adolescent initiation or ritual sexual intercourse, characteristic of a number of archaic and modern societies. Sexual intercourse can be seen as a means of proving power, pacification or relieving anxiety, it is also a symbolic unification of the own tendencies of male and female consciousness. Eroticized transference. Someone who engages in heterosexual sexual intercourse. Parents. Projection of one's own desires towards possession. Someone who engages in homosexual sexual intercourse. Projection of the desire for power.

Why do you dream about sexual intercourse?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

If seen completely in all real details (bodies are naked, there is genital intercourse and orgasm), then it symbolizes positivity;

if you dream of scenes of expected, supposed sexual intercourse - which happens most often - this speaks of uncertainty, indecision, unfulfillment or impotence of a person;

in other cases it may mean a strong desire to seduce with the aim of vampiric capture, psychic plagiarism with a destructive ending;

in general, a mature person never dreams of sexual intercourse as it actually happens, since he has the opportunity to experience it in real life. If this happens, then most likely it indicates the presence in the subject’s environment of someone who, under the guise of friendliness, is making plans for his vampiric capture;

sexual intercourse with the father is an ambivalent image; sexual intercourse with the mother is always negative;

erotic relationships with animals always symbolize mental regression, black vaginismus or the “worm position”;

the sexual act that positively transforms a person indicates the aspiration of the individual Inse towards the universal Inse.

Why do you dream about sexual intercourse?

Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Sexual intercourse in any case means positivity if it is presented fully in all real aspects, if the bodies are naked, genital intercourse and orgasm take place.

Most often, if a person sees expected, supposed scenes of sexual intercourse, this means insecurity, insecurity, lack of fulfillment or a situation of impotence.

Sexual intercourse - can mean a desire to take possession, lure, vampirically capture, the so-called. “lowering” of moral restrictions with a destructive ending.

In general, a mature man never sees sexual intercourse actually taking place. If this happens, then this is an excellent indicator that he is living, despite outward well-being, under a vampiric grip that is currently in the incubation period.

A hug with a father is an ambivalent image, a hug with a mother is always a negative image.

Hugs with animals or eroticism with animals (or sexual intercourse with them) always means mental regression, “black vaginismus”, or “wormy position” (eating another).

The image of a transformed (unfolding) sexual act indicates the aspiration of the individual “in this” to the universal law of existence.

Why do you dream about sexual intercourse?

Online dream book

Seeing sexual intercourse means subconsciously being dissatisfied with your personal life.

A dream about sexual perversion means that you have a latent attraction to homosexual relationships.

Why do you dream about sexual intercourse?

Egyptian dream book of pharaohs

If a person sees himself copulating with a woman in a dream, it is bad, it means sadness.

If a person sees himself in a dream copulating with his mother, dripping with moisture, it is good - he will be reunited with his relatives.

If a person sees himself copulating with a hedgerit in a dream, it is bad, it means that there will be a trial against him.

If a person sees himself copulating with a bird of prey in a dream, it is bad, it means that something may be snatched right out of his hands.

If a man sees himself copulating with his wife in daylight in a dream, it is bad, it means that his crimes will be visible to his god.

Why do you dream about sexual intercourse?

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

Having sexual intercourse with a man portends a loss of well-being.

Having sexual intercourse with your wife speaks of the existence of otherworldly influences, enchantments, obsessions.

Why do you dream about sexual intercourse?

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Sexual intercourse is a positive sexual experience. The desire to master, to “put down.” To be dependent on the object of desire. Symbol of the unification of Anima and Animus. Much depends on the position of sexual intercourse. The specifically human face-to-face pose allows us to speak specifically about the symbolism of the unification of masculine and feminine without the expressed subordination of one to the other. The man's position from behind implies the woman's submission, the woman's position from above implies the woman's submission to the man, but if in such a position the woman's face is not visible, this means that the true sexual partner is hidden or anonymous.

Group sexual intercourse - refers to the period of teenage initiation or ritual sexual intercourse, characteristic of a number of archaic and modern communities.

Sexual intercourse can be seen as a means of proving power, pacification or relieving anxiety, it is also a symbolic unification of the own tendencies of male and female consciousness. Eroticized transference.

Someone performing heterosexual sexual intercourse is a projection of one's own desires for possession.

Someone performing a homosexual sexual act is a projection of the desire for power.

Why do you dream about sexual intercourse?

Danilova's erotic dream book

Repeated sexual intercourse - such a manifestation of sexuality in real life could be regarded exclusively on the positive side. A completely different matter is a dream in which everyday experiences are sometimes transformed beyond recognition. A dream in which multiple sexual intercourse occurs appears to us to be such a case. Your attention is now focused on something that you consider extremely important. Some thought constantly worries you and does not allow you to transfer your attention to other objects and matters. The problem posed does not lead at all in the direction that you define for yourself. At the same time, it determines your consciousness in such a way that your life is built in the form of strictly repeating cycles. Having stopped at a certain stage, you start all over again, making a second attempt to achieve success. The cyclical nature of life is reflected in dreams, indicating unresolved problems that lead the psyche to a state of dissonance. As a result, you stop paying attention to the objects around you, which also deserve to be dealt with. In the end, concentration can result in quite significant complications: the neglect of other pressing issues will sooner or later make itself felt. Therefore, you need to switch to something else, because unbeknownst to you, there are a lot of other important things to do besides what you are currently doing.

A dream about coitus interruptus can be interpreted, based on the traditions of modern erotic culture, as a desire of partners to avoid fertilization.

More broadly, it can mean the impossibility of marriage, the inability to be full members of society due to the lack of children. Perhaps this is a symbol of refusal to submit to generally accepted sexual norms, a subconscious protest. If a man sees such a dream, his interpretation is as follows: reluctance to get married, protest against criticism from others (for example, against his mother’s demands to start a family or against his partner’s desire to marry him). This may be the inability to achieve what you want using generally accepted methods, the search for an option with the least losses and a lack of understanding that this can lead to serious losses.

For a woman, a dream about coitus interruptus symbolizes her reluctance to have children or the decision that the existing number of children is enough for her and she will not give birth to more. Another option is the loss of meaning in her relationship with this man, the understanding of their meaninglessness, a waste of time and the need to look for a more suitable partner.

A dream about prolonged sexual intercourse can be interpreted as a symbolic reflection of the dreamer's thoughts. In the first case, such a dream will mean: for a man - the desire to prolong what he is currently doing, to do it as long as possible. For a woman, this dream can mean a similar desire, the occurrence of which is associated either with the inability to finish the job on time, or with the reluctance to finish it at all. In addition, for a man to see prolonged sexual intercourse in a dream can mean the onset of a successful period in life, which, according to his desire, should never end. For For women, prolonged sexual intercourse seen in a dream is a sign of a favorable period in life, good luck, long-awaited acquisition and success, happiness in your personal life, children’s health and all the good things.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Monday to Tuesday

An unpleasant dream warns of problems: deprivation, failed trips, demotion. Calm pictures indicate quick success and the need to take decisive action. The meaning of the dream will be realized on the coming Thursday or Friday.

22 lunar day

A dream can reveal important information for the sleeper: an answer to a pressing question, a hint in a difficult choice, an indication of possible mistakes and ways to prevent them. Treat it more responsibly in order to make the most of the chance to improve your life.

Waning moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

February 26

Dreams on this day of the month are rarely filled with negative meaning. A joyful dream predicts for the dreamer success in business, happiness and a surge of emotions after a successful vacation, which are just around the corner.