Turkish Soprano: sun and a sultry man - what else is needed. Turetsky Soprano group: “Two of our six soloists are already married. Composition of sopranos 10 surnames


Mikhail Turetsky, the leader and founder of the world-famous Turetsky Choir, came to the conclusion in 2008 that he would like to embrace a powerful layer of world musical literature intended exclusively for female voices. This is how the idea of ​​a women's choir came about. After a thorough casting, which included 200 vocalists from different cities of Russia, he selected 10 outstanding voices. So...


Mikhail Turetsky, the leader and founder of the world-famous Turetsky Choir, came to the conclusion in 2008 that he would like to embrace a powerful layer of world musical literature intended exclusively for female voices. This is how the idea of ​​a women's choir came about.

After a thorough casting, which included 200 vocalists from different cities of Russia, he selected 10 outstanding voices. Thus was born the group “Soprano 10”, where each soloist is a “vocal diamond” with extraordinary acting and musical abilities.

“You fall in love with these girls five minutes after they start singing. And in terms of all characteristics - visual perception, repertoire, range of possibilities - the art group "Soprano10" has become a unique phenomenon on the Russian stage.

"Soprano" features every female singing voice in existence, from the highest (coloratura soprano) to the lowest. Each soloist presents her own singing style: from academic to folk and pop-jazz. In one concert of the art group “Turetsky Soprano”, classics and rock, jazz and disco, fashionable modern music and retro hits are heard.

The girls managed to perform at the festivals “Song of the Year”, “New Wave”, “Slavic Bazaar”, “Five Stars”. The project’s professional biography includes annual tours in Russia and abroad (USA, Canada, Switzerland, Israel, etc.), recording 6 albums, music videos, love and recognition from the public.

Over time, several soloists left the group. By 2016, out of 10 people, only eight remained in the composition. For this reason, the team leader decided to make adjustments to the name. The number “10” disappeared from it. The new name is “Turetsky Soprano”.

The repertoire policy has also changed. Leaving vocal classics in the program, the group began to perform original songs and shoot original videos - which increased the popularity of the group.

At the beginning of 2017, a video for the song “One for All” was released. The members of the group starred in skits with different men. The song previously became the soundtrack of the television show “One for All,” in which actress Anna Ardova plays all the female roles.


Daria Lvova, driving soprano. A brunette with a piercing gaze and deep, always memorable vocals, she was born in Ufa on June 22. She graduated from a music school with a degree in piano, studied vocals at the Ufa College of Arts, and sang in the academic choral trio “Orpheus”. "I am probably a maximalist by nature. Live to the fullest, love - forgetting about reality, work so that the viewer, sitting even in the very last row, feels and hears every nuance of the concert. To be an artist and not give real emotions to stage, it’s impossible not to invest in what’s happening. It’s the same in life.”

Olga Brovkina, coloratura soprano. Olga has been in Soprano 10 since its founding. The crystal voice of the team. Her talent was polished first at a music school, and then at the Institute of Arts. Serebryakov and at the Moscow Academy of Choral Art in the “solo singing” department. The girl’s professional biography includes best places in music competitions, work in opera companies and a solo career. A modern Turgenev young lady with an independent character, efficiency and a bright personality. The main thing for Olga in clothes and life is individuality. For example, a girl loves heels, but will not refuse semi-men's shoes without heels, playful ballet shoes or colored sneakers.

Evgenia Fanfara, dramatic soprano. A beauty from Hollywood films, a stylish, original singer with her own exclusive picture of the world. Her voice is soft, like moonlight, intriguing, like a mystery, exciting, like love. And, of course, many more comparisons are appropriate, but it’s better to hear it once. Graduate of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after. Gnesins, before studying at one of the leading music universities in the country, she graduated from the Gnessin School, and also toured with the Bolshoi Children's Choir. Popova. Her repertoire includes the most diverse roles, her character is characterized by honesty and faith in her dreams, and only she herself knows what is in her soul. Life philosophy: “You have to be able to enjoy the moment. Yes, set long-term goals, think about the future, but don’t forget that we live today, now, at this minute! You shouldn’t put it off until tomorrow, wait for Monday or Friday, graduation or the appearance of a new job. It is better to be, as they say, open-mind, to live with an open heart, to enjoy touching little things."

Tamara Madebadze, jazz mezzo soprano. This is melted chocolate, early warm autumn and bright temperament. Elegance, luxury, and at the same time mischief and a sense of humor are always with her. And the contact and unique flair for the audience determined that it is Tamara’s entertainment that always accompanies the performances of the art group. Since childhood, the girl was very versatile - she wanted to become both a chemist-inventor and a dramatic actress. But in her soul there lived one main love - for music. And the fact that Tamara’s mother is a musician also played a role and influenced her choice. Studying at a music school began, and the first victories appeared at a variety of music competitions. Next - the Institute of Contemporary Art, class "pop-jazz vocals". At the same time, Tamara worked in various musical groups. Tamara is not particularly fond of high-heeled shoes, but generally likes to walk barefoot along the sandy seashore. Values ​​honesty, sincerity, trust and, of course, attention in relationships between people: “Sometimes a short meeting, one call or even a few kind words can do a lot. I sincerely wish everyone to always find time for loved ones who so need your company !"

Anna Korolik, folk soprano. Is it possible for a voice to convey the coolness of a green forest and the murmur of a stream, the tenderness of a summer night and the enthusiasm of a holiday? Yes, it's possible. If Anya sings it. Her musical career began in childhood, when she mastered folk wind instruments and piano. And it continued first at the Perm Regional College of Arts and Culture, and then at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. He speaks about happiness for himself: “When I’m driving at speed along the highway, alone or with friends, with music or in silence, in the rain or the sun shining in my eyes, this is real happiness. It’s in such moments that I feel absolutely free from the bad mood that "prejudices, unnecessary obligations. I experience approximately the same feelings on stage"

Victoria Wood, lyric soprano. The dark-eyed beauty with a languid gaze loves web design, her friends and studying. She positions herself as a sociable, energetic and ambitious person. Victoria is a native Muscovite, graduated from the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins. Be sure to follow the emergence of new trends, shows, fashion exhibitions. She believes that bright evening makeup for a woman is only appropriate for events. But in everyday life it’s better to be natural. She loves heels very much: “They are beautiful, they give confidence and charm. But, unfortunately, due to my profession, I am constantly on tour, so I cannot afford to wear heels all the time. Therefore, most often I wear comfortable shoes.”

Valeria Devyatova, soul soprano. The owner of a sensual soul soprano was born in the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Kemerovo region. She graduated from a music school in classical guitar and vocal classes, as well as from the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins, specializing in pop-jazz vocals. Since 2009, she has been a soloist of Soprano 10, but left the art group in 2011 for personal reasons. In the summer of 2013 she returned to the team. The girl loves beauty, photography, holidays and is sad when it rains. For her, it is important to live, not to exist. Treats fashion as a kind of entertainment. She prefers comfortable shoes, but if such shoes have heels, then this gives the beauty double pleasure.

Rogova Iveta, soprano-latino. Iveta was born on January 16, 1983 in the small town of Kola, Murmansk region, into a musical family. Grandfather was the director of a musical theater. It was he who instilled in the girl a love of music. At the age of 10, she wrote her first song, which brought success at a regional competition. Iveta received the audience award and an award - an electric iron, which became a home relic. When Iveta was thirteen years old, the family moved to St. Petersburg. The northern capital, where the family moved, did not in any way affect the girl’s hot temperament. Her voice has the chic of a French cabaret, light jazz, insinuation and sophistication.
The girl graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Culture, faculty of "Variety Musical Art and Artistic Communication" with a specialization in "pop-jazz violin", "pop-jazz vocals". She acted in films, worked at Lenconcert, created a rock band, where she sang her own songs. By the way, the lyrics for many songs from the Soprano repertoire are also her work. Sneakers, boots and sneakers complement her style. Harmony in everything is extremely important for Iveta.

=Mikhail Turetsky presents - Soprano Art Group 10 =

The leader and creator of the art group “Turetsky Choir”, Honored Artist of Russia Mikhail Turetsky presents a new project “Soprano10”*.
The new group consists of ten girls, each of whom has a unique voice, from the lowest - contralto, to the highest - coloratura soprano. “Soprano10” is an ensemble of soloists in which each girl is a unique individual, but at the same time all participants interact perfectly with each other in choral singing.
The team was created by Mikhail Turetsky in 2009. His main goal was to create a female analogue of the “Turetsky Choir”, which could perform any music, without limiting itself to certain genres and styles. At the castings, which lasted several months, the highest demands were placed on the applicants. Firstly, they had to not only sing well, but also master several vocal styles: for example, classical and jazz vocals, pop and folk, etc. Secondly, they must have a good musical education, be excellent sight-readers, and quickly learn any new pieces. A mandatory requirement is knowledge of at least one foreign language. The ability to play a musical instrument is also desirable. And, finally, they must have a bright stage appearance. Mikhail Turetsky personally examined several hundred performers, and as a result, thirty girls were selected, of which only the ten best remained. Traditionally, female vocal groups have 3-4 participants, but in this case the task was to create not a traditional, but a unique project - to show that 10 soloists can coexist perfectly with each other, demonstrate the entire rich palette of female voices, and finally go beyond boundaries all existing formats.
The Soprano10 repertoire is based on the best female arias and romances, a huge layer of music from the Soviet period, Russian folk songs and, of course, the most beloved and famous examples of world classical and pop music. The main “know-how” of the group is the processing and transformation of brilliant classical works into bright vocal versions, which no one has done so far, not even the Turetsky Choir.
The first concert program “Magic of Love” included all types of music and, of course, many musical surprises were prepared for the audience. The best choreographers in Moscow are involved in staging dance numbers with the girls, and the best stylists and costume designers work on their appearance.
Talented arrangers, session musicians, stage directors and lighting designers are invited to collaborate.
As the artistic director of the group, Mikhail Turetsky, expects, the Soprano10 project will have a successful creative destiny and success both in Russia and abroad.

On May 23, Mikhail Turetsky’s new project, “”, will visit Minsk with a concert. This group consists of ten members, owners of unique varieties of soprano timbre: from drive soprano to soprano-latino.

On the eve of the concert, the girls told fans about their preferences in fashion and makeup

Daria Lvova
, driving soprano: “In everyday life I prefer to wear something comfortable; I am most attracted to the casual style. My wardrobe contains a large number of jeans, T-shirts, T-shirts, jumpers, and various sweatshirts. This makes life much easier, allows you to look stylish, but at the same time does not hinder your movement, allowing you to relax. I usually go without makeup. A light tone and blush is enough for me in everyday life.”

Olga Brovkina, coloratura soprano: “I prefer classic and not so classic trousers, completely different dresses, I like to look for new possibilities for combining my wardrobe. I love heels, but I won’t refuse semi-men’s shoes without heels, playful ballet flats or colored sneakers! I believe that makeup should be light and natural and only emphasize naturalness.”

Evgenia Fanfara, dramatic soprano: “Constant moving, touring life dictate their form of clothing, it must be convenient and comfortable. As for makeup, I like a lively face: lightly tinted eyelashes, BB cream and lip gloss can always be found in my makeup bag.”

Tamara Madebadze, jazz mezzo soprano: “I like unusual, exclusive things, handmade, which are often found in a single copy and are often timeless and fashionable. I prefer shoes without heels, but I love walking barefoot even more on the sandy seashore!”

Anna Korolik, folk soprano: “Knowing what things are “in trend”, what fashionable new items have appeared, helps to dress with taste, to always be different and stylish, to change your image. Natural beauty, emphasized by light makeup, in my opinion, this is the strength of a young girl!”

Victoria Wood, lyric soprano: “My favorite style is smart casual. I really like this combination - comfortable clothes for every day along with strict elegant things."

Valeria Devyatova, soul soprano: “Sometimes the soul asks for a holiday, and then I dress up for no reason, just for myself. I prefer comfortable shoes, but if such shoes have heels, then it’s double the pleasure! Because any woman, wearing heels, feels more beautiful and better.”

Iveta Rogova, Latin soprano: “In everyday life, I dress sportily, simply and comfortably. Comfort and convenience come first. I don't particularly follow fashion. I’ll say more - I’m indifferent. I prefer to wear what suits me personally, even if it is outside of current trends. Sneakers, boots, sneakers - my style. In everyday life, I pay tribute to good mascara and BB cream. I don’t use lipsticks or eye shadows at all.”

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Group "Soprano Turkish"

The Turkish Soprano group is six talented girls with magnificent voices. However, it is no secret that in some girl groups there are quite strict requirements for the appearance and even personal life of the participants. the site found out from the soloists what was actually happening in the group, whether they could get married, have children, or, for example, gain a few kilograms. And are there any sanctions following this?

“Of course, there are restrictions, as in any team, otherwise we would not be able to stay together for so many years. But none of them are connected with personal life, as is the case with other artists in Russian show business. I have never heard that any of us were forbidden to get married and have children. We have, rather, recommendations, and even then they relate only to appearance. For example, bread and sweets are often removed from our rider. Instead, they add fish, fruits, cheese, nuts - the most healthy fresh products. However, we don’t need to explain for a long time that our appearance is, like our voices, the calling card of the group, one of the integral components of any artist. That's why all the girls keep themselves in shape. If there is no time for the gym, then a fitness and yoga trainer comes to us directly to the rehearsal base.”

“We were lucky with the producer, and this is not flattery. In our case, the relationship between the producer and the artists is built on trust, and that is probably why they are the most honest and long-term. The fact is that our team started without signing any contracts at all; we always worked on trust. And if my colleagues left the team, it was only for personal reasons. For example, someone got married and wanted to devote themselves exclusively to their family, someone wanted to try themselves in a solo career... Since Mikhail Borisovich and his family are surrounded exclusively by women, he understands that for every representative of the fair sex it is important to realize themselves not only professionally . Therefore, we do not have any prohibitions that limit our personal life and women’s destiny.”

“I’ll tell you even more: two of our six soloists are already married. For example, I have a child whom I carried without stopping my vigorous concert activity. And even the presence of my belly and dresses a la “Natasha Rostova” did not in any way affect the impression we made on the audience. Turkish always says that a woman must fulfill her feminine and creative destiny. So we were lucky with the producer.”

And although nothing is stipulated in the contract about changes in appearance, the girls try to actively monitor their appearance. For example, he regularly visits beauty salons:

“Of course, without natural strength and beauty, our hair would hardly look like this, especially after hours of styling. However, any hair needs regular care. Therefore, once every 1.5-2 months I go to a beauty salon to get treatments and professional moisturizing masks. In addition, I do not regret spending money on shampoo. Good hair cosmetics cannot be cheap, and it is definitely not mass market. For us, artists, it is important that our hair is not just long, but also silky and shiny. And this needs to be maintained constantly. Looking good and being well groomed is hard, daily work.”

Before the concert at the Voronezh Opera and Ballet Theater, three soloists of the group “Soprano 10” - Iveta Rogova, Victoria Wood and Valeria Devyatova - spoke with journalists. Iveta mostly answered the questions; two other girls clarified facts regarding their personal creative path.

The Soprano 10 team has been in existence for five years. When he was not there, Mikhail Turetsky said that he dreamed of creating a women’s choir “non-singing cowards”, he dreamed of raising the bar for female performing skills on the stage. Was it difficult to get into the Soprano 10 team?

Iveta Rogova:- It was a tough selection, or rather even shooting. The requirements were nowhere higher - naturally, a higher musical education, knowledge of at least the English language, instruments, the presence of one’s own manner of performance, one’s own style. It is advisable to have concert experience. Plus stage appearance. Until now, if someone who is large but very talented comes to a casting, he is offered to lose weight. We are all current soloists weighing no more than 60 kg. In addition, all current soloists are winners of all-Russian music competitions. I won violin and composer competitions, in romance games, although I am not a romance singer, I had my own jazz group in St. Petersburg. The three of us are winners of beauty contests in our cities, I am in St. Petersburg, Valeria is in Kemerovo. We are all from different cities of Russia. When we went to the casting in Moscow, it was not easy to break down, because each of us in our city was one of the best vocalists.

Victoria Wood:- It was easier for me in this regard, I am from Moscow.

- Has the composition changed over the past 4 years?

Iveta:- Eight is our main team. Our girls are all between the ages of 21 and 35. Vika is new; the girl who came before her got married and went abroad. Lera was there from the very beginning, she just left for a while and then returned.

- Can they take you back?

Iveta:- Turetsky is the kind of person who has difficulty parting with personnel; in this regard, he is a conservative. Even when he gets angry, he threatens, but if he understands that a person is talented, he will meet him halfway. We are all humans.

Vika: - Being new is difficult. It takes a long time to get into the material, you need to cover everything that has been developed before you for 5 years. And every soloist must know the hundred works of repertoire by heart.

- Why are you being fined?

Iveta Rogova:- There is a fine for being late. Recently there was a fine of 5 thousand rubles. We have a rehearsal every day - 6-8 hours. This includes choreography, directing, stage movement, fitness, choral and solo singing. There is no way you can be late. If there is no strict discipline, we will crumble. This is vital at the pace we are working. Now there were 43 concerts in two months.

- Isn’t it difficult in a women’s team?

Iveta:- We do not have a female team in the usual sense of the word. We have a strong masculine side. No one will stand around the corner with a crooked gun. We have the opportunity to agree through logic. And on stage we are already becoming energetically stronger than the male “Turetsky Choir”. The audience feels it too.

- In four years, have you gained regular listeners and fans?

Iveta:- We have a fan from Moscow, she follows us around the cities and gives us flowers. And in general they give a lot of things. Recently, a cake was presented with the inscription “Soprano 10” in Perm, locally made. Down scarves were given as gifts in Orenburg. Most often they present something local, something that the region is known for outside its borders.

- Can the program change from concert to concert?

Iveta:- Changes depending on the well-being of the soloists. We all sing live. If there are parts that require special physical intervention, we remove these works. The concert lasts 2.5 hours.

- What is Mikhail Turetsky like as a leader?

Iveta:- Demanding, reasonable, fair, emotional. He is an artist and producer rolled into one. This makes it both easy and difficult at the same time. If the producer side says to act tough, according to the rules, without sparing anyone, then the creative side whispers that these are women, they are talented, they may have their own problems. It would be true to say that Mikhail Turetsky is quick-tempered, but easy-going.