Self-learning German from scratch. Learning German on your own

German is one of the most popular languages ​​in the world. It ranks third among the top ten most used languages. Every year, German-speaking countries become tourist destinations, and if you look at language learning from a business point of view, it is enough to remember that partners from Germany are considered one of the most respected and promising.

Get Germanized

Creative, fun and unusual about Germany, the German language and local customs. The author of the channel is an ambitious and positive presenter, ready to help his visitors learn more about their beloved country.

On the channel you can find many interesting videos that examine national traditions, cultural characteristics of Germany and the life of the local population. The videos are made with attention to the topic and mild humor, which makes the learning process easier.

The channel will be useful to those who have a good command of English. At the same time, the page is updated frequently: new issues appear three times a week.

Lessons with Irina SHI

According to the author of the channel, you can learn another language quickly, and all that is required is the “holy trinity”: desire, training and a little patience. An experienced teacher will tell you about the features of the language, help you overcome the language barrier, and not only teach you to understand speech, but also to speak German. On Irina Shi’s channel you can find many capacious, useful video lessons that talk about various areas of the German language, with an emphasis on grammar: tenses, conjunctions, cases, prepositions, declensions, pronouns.

German lessons with Elena Shipilova

On the channel you can find a basic German course, consisting of only 7 lessons. Elena will tell you how to behave in various everyday situations, introduce you to the basic rules of pronunciation and composing sentences. The author of the channel claims that the series of lessons will be useful to those who “need to speak German, and not learn it.”

In addition to materials on learning German, on the channel you can find the same concise and succinct lessons on other languages, as well as tips on how to memorize words, learn phrases and many other useful educational materials.

German lessons with Sonya

Positive German teacher and Viennese resident Sonya, with a delightful accent, talks about German in Russian. It will teach you the basics of grammar, help you expand your vocabulary, and also introduce everyone to the main attractions and interesting corners of Vienna. Thus, with Sonya you will not only have fun, but also expand your knowledge of German. Classes are designed for entry-level users.

German in 16 hours

Professional polyglot and translator Dmitry Petrov offers a unique technique that will help you master general communication skills in German as quickly as possible - in 16 lessons. All classes take place in parallel with students in the studio, which clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of the classes.

In addition to German lessons, on Dmitry’s channel you can also find materials for learning other languages, which he offers to learn using the same method: English, French, Spanish, Hindi and Chinese. You can also find tips for learning languages ​​faster. This technique receives positive reviews. All videos necessary for training are available for free.

Lessons with Oksana Vasilyeva

On the channel you can find lessons for beginners to learn German. Its author Oksana Vasilyeva will informatively and concisely talk about the grammar and rules of the language. The narration is conducted in Russian. Oksana will teach you how to learn the language using any German language tutorial. You will get explanations of grammatical basics, rules for establishing word order in a sentence, verb conjugation and other important things. Channel users will also be able to travel around Berlin and feel the atmosphere of the capital.

In addition, in her videos, Oksana gives advice on how to improve memory, overcome the fear of speaking a foreign language, and also help your own children learn the language.

German from Germany

The author of the channel is a professional teacher and native speaker of German. Charismatic and friendly Julia Schneider with her wonderful accent will teach everyone new words and help them master the grammatical rules of the German language, as well as introduce them to the customs and customs of Germany.

Deutsch für Euch

A cheerful red-haired presenter in a red cap will talk about German in English. The channel was created for those who are tired of standard textbooks with monotonous exercises and want lively explanations and an extraordinary teacher. Here they will help you learn and remember the most difficult material. True, it will be understandable and useful only to those who speak English.

The author of the channel focuses on learning German grammar. A huge number of videos are available for free access, covering many of the points necessary for learning the language.


This channel contains a lot of materials on preparing for exams and directly exam videos for testing various levels of knowledge of the German language. You can also find exercises and interesting reports about the country. It is important that the lessons are taught by native speakers, which will help not only to learn grammar, but also to develop your own correct pronunciation, based on the lessons.

In addition, on the channel you can find a section with audiobooks, which will help in training the skill of understanding German speech by ear. The materials will be useful to those who already speak German and want to consolidate their knowledge.

We decided to learn German, but you don't know where to begin? Or do you want to review material you forgot at school? Do you want to study on one's own? Were prepared especially for you online lessons for learning German.

So, what does the site offer you for success? learning German from scratch?

First of all, especially for the entry level in the form online lessons tutorials were prepared on teaching German A. A. Popova for beginners and intermediate levels. No prior knowledge is required from you. All language elements are presented step by step. The most important thing that is required of you is wish learn German. At first you may have a dislike for dull German sounds, but over time it will completely or partially disappear. Details about the organization of classes for learning German are written in the first introductory text. Doing the exercises is not at all difficult, because for this there are special forms for entering text, as well as answer keys. To view the answer, hover your mouse over the key: . You can only peek back after you have completely completed the exercise! If you have any questions, you can ask them under the lesson as a comment.

Go to -› list of lessons ‹- (Click)

Reasons to learn German

  • The German language is not difficult.
    Words are both heard and written, you just need to know the letter combinations. You probably won't even have to learn the alphabet, because it is of Latin origin, which most people already know. And if you know English, it gives you a big advantage. English and German have common roots, which means there are a large number of similarities, which will greatly facilitate its learning. Also, the German lessons on the site are very easy, so if you can't learn them, congratulations, you're very lazy. * There should be a Flash sloth emoji here, but there isn't one.*
  • German is the most commonly spoken language in Europe.
    English, French and German are the 3 official languages ​​of the European Union. In absolute numbers, German is the second most commonly used language. However, if native speakers are taken into account, German comes first. Knowing a language gives you about 100 million more people to communicate with. Of course, this is not a billion, as in Chinese, but still
  • German is the language of inventors and innovators.
    A large percentage of the most outstanding achievements were first invented in Germany. More than 100 Nobel Prizes have gone to outstanding German scientists for their achievements in physics, medicine, chemistry, literature and other fields. And this does not include Austria and Switzerland, the other 2 main representatives of the German language. So if you're looking to add a Nobel Prize to your resume, learning German might not be a bad place to start. Or at least you can read their scientific works.
  • German is an important language in the scientific community.
    It is the second most commonly used language in the world of science. One of the reasons for this is that the German book market is the 3rd largest in the entire world, just after Chinese and English. But only a small number of books have been translated from German into other languages. Therefore, knowledge of German is simply necessary here.
  • German is the key to world-class higher education.
    German universities have an excellent international reputation. In 2011, the country was the fourth most popular destination for international students, with more than 250,000 of them enrolled in German schools. Moreover, the German higher education system boasts a high number of universities with very low tuition fees and even completely free. It is not surprising that scientists and researchers gather there in droves. Sounds like a good investment for the future.
  • Germany is the locomotive of the European economy.
    German is an interesting choice not only for scientists, but also for businessmen. Germany is the largest economy in the European Union and the 4th largest in the world. It is home to numerous international corporations and is always at the forefront of new technologies. Communicating with someone in their native language has always been a sign of good manners, and using German with business partners can dramatically increase your chances of effective negotiations and successful professional relationships.
  • German companies are world market leaders.
    Do you want to work for a company that is a leader in the international market? Knowing German can help you open the door you need. Germany is home to a large number of strong economic players such as Siemens, BMW, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Porsche, Adidas, Hugo Boss, Lufthansa... And that's not all. Meanwhile, Berlin is emerging as a hub for innovative start-ups. Some even call it the Silicon Valley of Europe. Therefore, knowing German offers enormous potential for improving your career opportunities.
  • German also has a huge online audience.
    You don't even need to meet these 100 million people in real life. You can do this while lying on your favorite couch. German sites make up a huge part of the Internet. Technically, the German domain .de is the second most popular after .com. Second place on the entire Internet! Yes, I'm shocked myself.
  • The Germans are everywhere.
    Even if you're not planning on visiting a German-speaking country or you're not keen on stalking Germans online, don't worry: Germans will find you. If you have traveled, you must have already noticed this phenomenon. German citizens are some of the most insatiable travelers. With six weeks of annual leave and plenty of spending money, you could run into these poor souls anywhere in the world. It is only recently that the championship has passed to tourists from China, and before that the Germans were the leaders. Therefore, even a little knowledge of the language can be useful to you on the road.
  • German culture is part of the world heritage.
    Although Germans have a reputation as analysts and lovers of logic, the German-speaking world is also home to outstanding minds in the fields of music, literature, art and philosophy. This is the language of Goethe, Kafka, Brecht and Mann. It was the native language of composers Mozart, Bach, Schubert, Beethoven and Wagner. Revolutionary philosophy was first written in German when Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche and Heidegger were just beginning their creative careers. Learning German gives you the opportunity to appreciate the masterpieces of these creators in the original. Just look at Goethe's Faust!
  • If none of these reasons apply to you, then this reason is Rammstein.

I think that first, so that interest in the language does not disappear, it is worth starting with materials that are entertaining and educational at the same time. In this regard, I can advise you this:

1. German is a language that immediately begins with difficulties. The difficulty with this is the articles that determine the gender of the noun, and it - this gender - in German most often does not coincide with Russian (the most famous example here is “das Mädchen” - a girl, which in German is neuter; the article das indicates the gender, and there are also der and die + indefinite ein and eine). So you either have to stupidly memorize ALL nouns along with the articles that belong to them, or use the game "", and it is an excellent tool for memorizing articles (and for replenishing your vocabulary, by the way, too), since they are divided into simple, medium and complex. Don't ignore this game.

Well, I’ll allow myself a little self-promotion) I once wrote short fairy tales on German grammar, and they were published on the de-online website. One of these fairy tales is "". People liked it) Read it, maybe it will somehow help you in learning articles.

5. There is also a good audio course for beginners: " ": consisting of four episodes, it tells the story of student journalist Andreas and his invisible companion Ex. Each series includes 26 lessons with dialogues, exercises and audio materials. There are textbooks for this course (one for each series), which are downloaded separately.

6. As for textbooks, in addition to “German Grammar with a Human Face” (a textbook with pure theory, no exercises), I can also recommend V.V. Yartsev’s textbook “German Grammar? Don’t be afraid!”: it has a very interesting, humorous presentation material in the form of a journey through the forest through different clearings. Exercises are provided for each section, and answers to them are given at the end of the textbook.

7. To memorize irregular verbs - the song " ": these verbs are sung there in rhyme, thanks to which they are perfectly remembered. There are 40 irregular verbs in this song - that's just the beginning.

Germany is a wonderful country with good food and delicious beer, a developed economy and beautiful landscapes, excellent educational programs for students, so more and more people want to learn German from scratch.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

Features of learning German

Many people want to find out how and whether it is even possible to learn a foreign language (in our particular case, German) quickly, simply and painlessly. Yes, this is possible and quite feasible, but in pairs, with a teacher or in special linguistic courses, sometimes it turns out easier and better. And here the point is not that someone will explain the basics of grammar to you and put the necessary information into your head, because in the end you can come to everything on your own. The fact is that the courses increase your desire to learn. The main problem that all beginners face is the lack of strong motivation, interest, fortitude, and self-control. It is these qualities that allow, after long days, weeks and months, to begin speaking a foreign dialect with ease and beauty.

If you do not have a clearly defined goal and the desire to achieve it, then it is very difficult to force yourself to sit regularly for several hours a day over textbooks, memorizing words, sayings, articles, irregular verbs and grammar.

b"> Where to start learning German from scratch on your own?

The beginning is always the most difficult thing in the learning process; the final result depends on how everything goes. There are many different methods and ways to learn a foreign syllable, but you must, of course, start with the very basics - the alphabet, letters and their sounds.

You can purchase manuals that are usually bought for children, tutorials for beginners from scratch, or download free initial video lessons on sites that help you learn German on your own. Children's books and textbooks are a very good option if you do not know a single foreign dialect, since they have a clear plan and structure, clearly and simply explain the grammar and rules, taking into account the psychology and knowledge of a beginner.

c">Ways to learn a German home

In order to achieve the desired results, you need to make some efforts, show self-discipline and perseverance, because you will need to spend several hours studying textbooks. But besides standard cramming and memorizing grammar rules, you can use other learning options.

Increasingly, children in schools or language courses are using a game method that makes it easy to remember the necessary information, master complex grammar and expand their vocabulary. The easiest way is to place cards in the house with the names of objects in the language being studied, a table of irregular verbs or articles that are so difficult to remember. When your eyes come across a particular entry, you will remember its meaning. In the future, the task can be complicated by adding different characteristics or descriptions to the words.

It is not without reason that children at school are advised to read a lot in order to learn to speak well. Even if you don’t understand everything well yet, still look through books and magazines in the desired dialect, look at pictures and look for words in the dictionary, write them down in a notebook, enriching your speech.

If you have already completed several lessons on your own, learned the basic greeting phrases and want to continue in the same spirit, then you should register on special free training sites. You can have conversations with a fellow student like yourself, communicate with an ethnic German, or find a German-speaking friend studying Slavic languages ​​with whom you can exchange valuable tips and help with your studies.

d"> Difficulties in learning German that shouldn’t frighten you

It is impossible to answer the questions about whether it is difficult to learn German, how long it will take to do it, and how quickly you can start reading and writing. Everything depends, as mentioned above, on your determination and perseverance, desire and patience. But even the most diligent students face difficulties, here are some of them:

  • many dialects that are not always understandable to those who learn the language from scratch;
  • rapid speech, during which words are distorted and letters disappear;
  • complex grammar with many irregular verbs, articles and other things;
  • incomprehensible sentence structure and slang.

But they should not frighten, because everything can be overcome, learned and understood, found in smart books, heard over a glass of beer and a plate of delicious sausages, because the people of Germany are very responsive and will always help someone who is trying to master their native language.

In the German language category there are free online video lessons on learning this foreign language. German (Deutsch) is a language that belongs to the Indo-European group and is the official language of Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, and one of the official languages ​​of Switzerland, Luxembourg and Belgium. One of the official and working languages ​​of the European Union and some other international and regional organizations. The writing of the German language is based on the Latin alphabet, supplemented by three umlauts (ä, ö, ü) and the ligature eszet (ß). The German language is widely spoken throughout the world. Learning German using video lessons will be useful for both beginners and more experienced translators. You can watch video lessons from the German language section for free at any time. Some German video lessons come with additional learning materials that can be downloaded. Enjoy your learning!

Total materials: 38
Materials shown: 1-10

Learn German on your own. Course for Beginners - Pronouns

Lesson “Learning German on your own. The course for beginners - Pronouns" is devoted to the question of how German pronouns are written and pronounced. Pronouns are words such as I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they. Learning begins with them, because these are the most common words in any language. The author of the lesson, Irina Shipilova, will show you how each of these pronouns is written and how they are pronounced. As we explain, you will learn some pronunciation features...

German in 16 hours - Polyglot course. Lesson 2. Words of greeting, questions, verb conjugation

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German for beginners - verb conjugation

The video “German for Beginners - Verb Conjugation” is devoted to the question of how German verbs are conjugated. At the beginning of this lesson, pronouns will be repeated in order to consolidate the material already covered. Of course, you can’t build a conversation on pronouns alone and you need to learn new language structures, for example, verbs. Here you will learn some new verbs. A verb refers to the action of an object and answers the question - what to do? The verb in the indefinite form answers...

Polyglot - German in 16 hours. Lesson 1. Verbs

This online lesson tells you how to learn German in 16 hours using the Polyglot course. This is the fifth series of lessons from the television project Polyglot, which airs on the Culture TV channel. It consists of 16 lessons during which the German language will be studied. This way you have the opportunity to learn German in just 16 hours. As a result, the German language will no longer be foreign to you, you will be able to speak it, express your thoughts, and understand what they say...

German. Grammar - modal verbs

This video explains how to learn German in a short time. Here is the fifteenth part of the training course, the author of which is a true polyglot. At this point, you have already become familiar with topics such as pronouns, verb conjugations, question words, numbers, possessive pronouns, strong verbs, and also learned about forward and reverse word order. A new topic will be discussed here, which is devoted to modal verbs. Modal verbs are...

German course from a polyglot. Lesson 3. We continue to conjugate verbs

This online lesson teaches you how to conjugate German verbs. This is one of the activities included in the course to learn German from scratch. The author of the course is a real polyglot - Irina Shipilova. This is already the third lesson, and by this point you have already become familiar with pronouns and some verbs. Before continuing your studies, take a little time to review the material you have already learned in order to remember everything, otherwise there is no point in continuing further. After all, pronouns and rules...

German language training. Strong verbs, conjugation

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German for beginners. Numbers, counting

This video lesson talks about how to learn to speak German and understand well what others are saying. Here you will learn to count, i.e. learn how to write and read words denoting numbers, as well as words related to numbers. It is worth noting that German and English belong to the same group and have many similarities. In general, when studying several foreign languages, we can conclude that being a polyglot is not so difficult. Each new...