Drawing thank you mom for being here. A cute selection of pictures and quotes about your beloved mother

Congratulations, young people, and I wish you different things:
Silent mother-in-law, safe mother-in-law,
Good father-in-law, may he sponsor you financially,
Well, let your father-in-law invest in you too.

Happy Wedding Day, Happy Wedding Day guys,
Let there be money in the house,
No more nights of sleep,
And they gave birth to beautiful children!
I wish you passionate love,
And a strong, awesome family!

Happy wedding day to you! We wish to use rolling pins and frying pans only for their intended purpose, and handcuffs only in secrecy and not for their intended purpose!

Congratulations on your wedding day from the bottom of my heart!
It's time for you to change your priorities:
You loved dates and flowers,
Now learn to cook borscht, cutlets...

On your wedding day, SMS from us:
You couple is just super, just class!
Congratulations on your holiday, friends,
The whole Earth is walking with you!

Congratulations, newlyweds! Let it be in yours family nest It will be warm and cozy! Coo, finger each other's feathers and raise more chicks!

Congratulations on your wedding day!
Now you can’t live carelessly!
We wish you health, trust,
Love without lies, hypocrisy!
We wish you heirs soon,
And in the bedroom, forget about the quarrel!

Dear young people! Congratulations and hurry
I wish you a couple of years to receive a baby!
So that the mother-in-law and mother-in-law can take one by one,
And then, five years later, they gave it back to you!

Guys, it’s a great holiday - I can hardly understand whose wedding it is and who is marrying whom! I congratulate you and wish you harmony and understanding in your life together!

I congratulate you on your wedding day now,
Listen to my wonderful command:
Love each other now everywhere,
And say everything honestly, honestly!
So that the wife idolizes only her husband,
And let her husband always listen to her alone!

We congratulate you on your wedding day
And we have fun endlessly
After all, we have known you for a long time:
Here we are, waiting for the treat nonchalantly.

On your wedding day, we wish you such an amazing love that will understand women's logic, forgive men's stupidities and acquire children's pranks!

Newlyweds, we wish you only flowers,
But not the bouquets given by guests,
And the flowers of life, that is, children, tender dreams,
May life be warmed by the sun's rays!

Newlyweds, congratulations,
And I present this wish:
Live together always in harmony,
For this you need a little
So that the husband gives flowers to his wife,
Got my salary on time!

Happy wedding day, guys! We wish you passion
That love will keep you in its power,
What will warm you in the cold and in sadness,
What will become rays of hugs and caresses!

Well, that's it, guys - you got it,
From now on we must live together!
But since we dreamed about it so much,
You will love each other!

Well, so you got married! We have lost another fighter! And I can only sigh, congratulate you and wish you happiness and harmony in family life!..

Now there will be no beer, no entertainment,
And instead of shopping, cooking cabbage soup...
Well, okay, if only at every moment
Have you seen that the feelings are only stronger!

Happy wedding day! Sweet life
Instead of “bitterly” we wish you only furtively,
Why do you need bitterness in such a wonderful relationship?
Your love has overcome limitations!

It's over great era bachelor life. Now you are officially responsible for the one you love! Breathe deeply with each other, this is highly recommended for improving your health!

Here's your family,
Like a bird - two wings.
You haven’t grieved before.
And now life has blossomed!
You are so radiant and sparkling,
Exactly - a glass of champagne!
We wish the family to flourish
I would buy a large size!

That's it, now you're up to your neck in worries:
Breakfast-dinner, money is all in the budget,
Apart from home, only to work...
Well, live together for many years!

What is the most important thing in family life? Have two computers on the household, use a rolling pin correctly and learn Zen. This is what I wish for you! Happy wedding!

How sad it is for all of us to realize
That your wedding still took place,
And now we need to look for others,
So that, as with you, they would shout “bitterly”.

We solemnly wish to grab the largest piece of the wedding pie, because this is how it is decided who is the head of the family. And then the loser will have to submit!

On your sweet holiday we wish:
Don't go overboard with the cake.
Walk next to us, instilling in us
Only envy, white envy at that!

The free days are long gone,
And now you are spouses, everywhere together.
Relaxing with friends is not easy...
So let’s shout “Bitter!” bride and groom!

Congratulations on your marriage!
A wedding is great!
If only my wife could cook borscht
Awesome red!
If only the husband was a craftsman -
Let them not know boredom
Hammering nails into the walls,
Skillful fingers!

Let the nights be sparkling hot,
There is not enough strength for quarrels!
After all, the one who did not know passions in marriage
Never really lived in the world!

We congratulate you with all our hearts on your wedding day! We wish that everything in life is neither bitter nor sweet, but in moderation with sourness, pepper and zest!

Let the wedding be noisy,
Well, hurry up to bed!
Let the wife give birth to children,
And not two, but five!
So that the mother-in-law does not visit,
So that the husband does not drink, does not beat.
And so that the wife doesn’t nag,
And let there be peace in the family!

We wish you to always live happily.
Years will pass - the smile will be without teeth,
But even then, guests in the house are frequent
So that it is not sclerosis and gout, but love!

Our beautiful bride is beautiful like Snow White, hardworking like Cinderella, talented like Marya the Artisan. on her life path 33 heroes met, but she fell in love with only one - the handsome Prince. We would like to wish that your entire married life resembles a fairy tale!

So that the wedding goes off with a bang and is great,
Let's offer you a decent amount of champagne!
And so that the head does not make noise in the morning,
Citizens, you need to snack skillfully!

All of us, tirelessly and briskly,
Today we will shout “Bitterly”!
Congratulations on your hot wedding,
Give valuable gifts!

We would like to wish the beautiful bride to wear an expensive fur coat, live in an elite new building, and drive a luxurious convertible. But someone must provide her with all these riches! Therefore, we wish the happy groom to learn how to give his wife a fur coat, clean his apartment and drive a car!

So that your caresses are tender,
Borscht in the kitchen - only fresh,
Socks are always in the laundry basket,
Yours was an exemplary family!

Let family quarrels be infrequent
And stormy reconciliations come after,
So that Vanechka is red, Masha is big-eyed
There were two sitting on each knee!

We cordially congratulate you on your wedding day! We wish in everyday life - bright colors, on vacation - a sea of ​​​​tenderness and the sun of passion, and in bed we wish not to burn from the fire and not to go out from the headache!

Let your honeymoon be in Bali,
Guests give money, but not rubles!
Let the wedding last a long time, until dawn,
I wish you peace, happiness and love!

Bitter, bitter for the groom!
And you, bride!
Live a hundred years
Happy and together!
Let from these kisses
There will be kids
Let girls be born
Let there be boys!

We are young today
Here's what we want to wish:
Let the husband love his wife,
Gives him a fur coat every year,
And his wife spoils him,
Don't be jealous in vain!
We believe that you will be together then
You will live to be a hundred years old!

We wish the couple freshly baked
Honey love, concrete durability,
Let the cup of wisdom outweigh conflicts,
May your honeymoon last for years!

May you be warm at night without a blanket,
So that love does not know fatigue,
So that there is no satiety, no boredom,
May your grandchildren envy your prowess!

Young people, we sincerely wish you
Live in love, increase wealth,
To your golden wedding
Celebrate together in the Maldives!

Bitter, dear friends!
Let your family grow!
So that at your gates
A children's round dance crawled, -
Let the angels frolic
Both girls and sons!
To give you joy,
So that parents are loved!

Only in children's fairy tales does everything end with a wedding,
Well, your life, guys, is just beginning.
Don’t be lazy to confess your love more often,
And then you will laugh happily all your life.

How fleeting is the life of a bachelor!
Cupid, now, has managed to get to you!
The love of an endless century,
I wish you both to enjoy!

Your name is Beauty,
The dress is chic, the veil is awesome.
Have fun today
Life will begin tomorrow.
So gain strength -
Join your family life.

You voluntarily put a yoke on your necks,
So now drag him - you yourself wanted to,
I wish you success, happiness without limit,
So that love helps you, and tenderness warms you.

Congratulations on your wedding, dears,
The guests are noisy to you, “Bitter!” let them scream.
We wish you to give birth soon
Five children, well, they are twenty-five grandchildren!

Well, groom, hold on dear,
And be proud of your wife
You chose it yourself
He took me as his wife without a doubt,
Now forget lazy life -
Make the girl happy.

Young people, accept
Congratulations from us!
May it be bitter today
Sweet - your destiny.
For everyone around to say:
“This family is top class!”

A cell was born in the society -
The most beautiful couple got married!
We wish you to expand and prosper further
And don’t forget about your friends on the weekend!

Dear young people!
Congratulations on your marriage!
To be “bitter” often
I wish you!
For the rest, my dears,
May it be sweet for you
So that exactly one year later
The baby was sleeping in the crib!

Let the husband be the head of the family,
Well, his wife will become his neck.
After all, fate has already decreed it so long ago,
That the neck turns its head.

Congratulations to the young people!
May they have happiness!
Kids, apartment, cottage,
Both finance and luck!
Holidays in foreign countries
Warm, sunny, great!

The legal marriage has taken place! We wish you not to fight over the TV remote control, not to argue about tastes - be diplomats and find a compromise, and spend the battles in your bedroom!

Happiness, sadness to you, friends!
Let your family grow,
Let the daughters fill it up
And beautiful sons!
Both cars and housing
I want to wish you!

Happy wedding day to you guys!
We wish for mutual understanding:
Love - to share, passion - to put up,
And retire with tenderness in the evening!

Now the bird of love is circling above you, protecting you from troubles with its beautiful wings, but let another good bird - the stork - soon join it.

Bitterly! - today we shout in chorus,
We pour each other again:
We want to bring happiness to the young,
We wish you love and prosperity!

After all, family life is not an easy thing,
Sometimes it’s full of joy, sometimes it’s complete torment.
But you, newlyweds, don’t be shy,
The main thing is to know how to love each other.

Congratulations on your marriage according to the law: the groom is lassoed and ringed by the beautiful bride! You don’t have enough kids to be completely happy, but there is no need to rush in this matter - plan without haste and have fun!

I wish happiness to the young people,
Let love be carried through the years,
Let the hearth's cozy smoke
It warms their feelings like water.
May the sun's good rays
Children are tickled in the cradle,
Let the wife bake the rolls,
And her husband gives her caramels.

A miracle has happened - you are family!
Let your friends not be angry
When for them you are not at home,
Even though the light is on in the apartment.
So that the stork brings you babies -
Get to work quickly, sparing no effort!

Let sadness, grief and misfortune not know about the existence of your family, but let it always be visited by joy, kindness, comfort and eternal love.

Let the hardworking stork come your way,
So that there is no time left for discord in the family,
So that the mother-in-law and mother-in-law can be united tightly by their grandchildren,
So that there is no moment for sadness and boredom.

Congratulations to the young
Beautiful, young, mischievous!
We wish the best couple become
And give an example to everyone else:
Live in peace, sleep and eat together
Keep your home, love and honor!

Happy wedding day, dear ones,
I congratulate you.
Love and success
I wish you in life.

Family happiness,
Good luck in your work,
So that you live in peace,
Warmth and care.

Have patience
Keep each other safe
Appreciate love
And take care of your family!

My sister's wedding
I want to wish her.
So that all wishes come true,
To fly with happiness.

Let your husband hug you more often
The days are filled with kindness.
So that we can live together in abundance,
Without blowing out the candle of love.

Be wiser in your actions
Don't forget your loved ones.
And adorable children,
Give birth to your husband as soon as possible.

Happy wedding day, brother! Just be happy.
May the family be strong
Let there be a place for all feelings,
The boat of fate floats easily!

Everyone knows: there are difficulties.
But this is also not a problem.
I wish to overcome all of them.
Always love faithfully!

You're irresistible now
Simply chic, so good
And I can’t look past
Not a single soul is alive

You look openly, boldly,
Like loving the big world,
Oh little sister, what's the matter?
It's just your wedding!

May you always be satisfied
Next to my well done husband,
You deserve better,
The good of everyone, in the end,

And you live in abundance,
Don't worry about anything
Let every day be sweet
Lived together with my husband!

My dear sister!
Happy Wedding Day to you.
I wish you endless love,
Lasted through life forever.

To be adored
And they kissed so passionately,
Joy, earthly happiness,
To captivate anyone with her gaze.

She loved and respected her husband,
To protect the home hearth.
So that your husband is always proud of you,
After all, you are an inspiration for great things...

My beloved brother!
I adore you.
And have a wonderful day
Congratulations today.

Let the wedding be bright
The bride is the best,
I'm heaping up gifts,
And life is like miracles.

So that there is a sea of ​​happiness,
Luck, good luck,
Your wife loved you
And my own dacha.

My dear brother!
Empty Angel guards
Your family peace
And protects life...

Godmother is a great honor,
Walk at the goddaughter's wedding.
And sincerely congratulate you,
Raise a glass of champagne.

I congratulate you with all my heart,
I wish you happiness and love.
Let the kisses become hotter
And your feelings will be brighter.

More good things in life for you,
May the Angel always protect you.
Only smiles and positivity to you,
Now I want to say “Bitter”!

The greatest day has come true today!
The children's wonderful dream came true.
In the most gorgeous dress, in a veil you dance
And you sincerely rejoice with your loved one.

A gold ring shines on your finger,
Family ties are reliably cemented.
And when the guests all start to leave,
There will be a desire to retire.

Flowers, congratulations, gifts for you -
All in this happy and joyful hour.
You will hear speeches, of course, from the sea,
But I will speak out first, like a sister.

Know how to always look for compromises,
To overcome the difficulties of life.
Appreciate each other and be friendly.
I think there is no need for quarrels in the family.

Let your life be like the Olympics:
A reward is given for each period.
And you will take it with gold or bronze,
If you come to old age together by the hand!

My dear bride and groom!
Please accept your godmother's message.
I congratulate you, newlyweds.
May there be happiness in all seasons.

Good luck will come, love will warm you,
May your guardian angel protect you.
So that prosperity flows in streams
And you have more children - beautiful, daring ones.

Always help, and appreciate, and cherish,
And strictly maintain “swan” loyalty.
My dear ones! Be a gentle couple,
Support each other and provide strong support...

What happiness, little sister -
Our family has expanded!
After all, your teddy bear
She brought her loved one to us.

Love him tightly and strongly,
Give birth to healthy children,
Hide our family character,
Live a happy life!

Congratulations on your wedding day to the newlyweds

Here it is - a beautiful day
For you and everyone who is dear to you!
Now both joy and dreams
You will have to divide it in half.

Live in peace and love,
Don't separate your tender hands -
And your happiness for two
It will warm the whole world around!

Congratulations on your Wedding Day in prose

Dear newlyweds, this solemn day today completely belongs only to you two. I would like to wish you great friendship and family warmth. May your whole life be beautiful and warmed by the warmth of your love. Be happy and never be separated

Happy Wedding Day from friends

Today you have the most important moment in your life, you are entering into a legal marriage.
I wish you to be the best and most beautiful couple in the world. Keep your love and always be a support for each other. IN good hour advice and love to you.

Congratulations on your Wedding Day personalized beautiful

_______(name!) and _______(name)! Congratulations on your wedding day! We wish you success, happiness, love each other! Now you are husband and wife! Let your life flow like a calm river! Love to you, fidelity, happiness and kindness!

Happy Wedding Day to Natasha and Dima

Our dear Natasha and Dima!
Happy Wedding Day!
Let your union be inseparable.
Love each other for the rest of your life, just like you do now.
Let your hearts beat in unison,
And let life together be sweeter than honey.
We wish you a home - a palace!
To the palace - an heir, as a continuation of the family.
One hundred years for you to live in harmony and happiness,
Raise children without losing your feelings.
Know no evil, discord and bad weather,
Fill each other's souls with warmth!

Congratulations on your Wedding Day from the bottom of my heart

Remember these minutes forever, you are no longer just a bride and groom, from now on you are husband and wife. Let any adversity pass you by, take care of each other, be faithful to each other. And despite the fact that guests often shout “Bitter” to you, let your life always be only sweet.

Brief wedding day greetings

Congratulating the newlyweds,
I wish with all my heart:
Happiness, health, good luck, love
May all your dreams come true!

Happy Wedding Day greetings to newlyweds

Our beloved newlyweds! On this joyful and solemn day, we want to wish you to live many years without troubles and quarrels, so that your family is strong and friendly! Love and respect each other, expand your family with mischievous children!

Happy Wedding Day greetings to a friend

Today is an unusual day:
You say goodbye to the usual
And from now on I’m not alone,
And my beloved wife.
May your marriage be strong,
Let the children please you
A guiding star
Let love shine on you!

Happy Wedding Day greetings to the newlyweds

Today is a particularly beautiful day -
He gives a fairy tale, joy, laughter.
The image of the bride is sensual and clear,
The groom is as beautiful as sin.
Two hearts in marriage found bliss -
You have entered into a dual alliance.
And even the stamp is like perfection.
Let the music of love play the blues.
We congratulate you on your wedding day.
We wish you happiness together.
What do you dream of understanding?
To wish you later.

Beautiful congratulations on your Wedding Day in verse

Exciting, beautiful moment,
The bride and groom are coming!

And enjoy the dream!
May happiness be eternal
And the joy will be endless!
We wish you a strong family,
Have a wonderful life, kindness!

Happy Wedding Day from a friend

My dear friend!
We have known you for a long time.
We played with toys together
And we ran to the movies together!
You and I dreamed of a miracle,
About a prince on a white horse.
And all your troubles and sorrows
You trusted me!
Today the dream came true -
You're in a wedding dress
Lace veil.
And life was filled with new meaning -
You have become a happy wife!
May you live together for a long time!
Praise each other more often.
Now I want to shout - “Bitter!”
May life be sweeter than honey!

Happy Wedding Day to the newlyweds

On your wedding day I wish
Happiness, peace and goodness!
May luck inspire you
and always lives with you!
May children be born soon
And they grow to the delight of everyone!
It's good that there is something in the world
Your best family!

Happy Wedding Day from parents

Parents receive congratulations!
May happiness always accompany you!
We give you our blessing -
Be together once and for all!
Let every new day happy life together
Will give you love and warmth.
And the ringing laughter of the Princess and the Cowboy
They will come and consecrate your home!

Toast to the newlyweds at the wedding

I drink a glass of playful wine to the bottom,
So that everything in your life is beautiful:
And smiles and children's laughter,
And great financial success,
So that joy in the house multiplies,
So that your fairy tale never ends!

Personalized wedding day greetings

________(name!) and ________(name)! Congratulations on your wedding day! With all our hearts we wish you endless happiness! May your love remain with you until the end of your days, so that you never quarrel!

Congratulations on your Wedding Day in verse

Exciting, beautiful moment,
The bride and groom are coming!
And everyone looks at them with love,
And enjoy the dream!
May happiness be eternal
And the joy will be endless!
We wish you a strong family,
Have a wonderful life, kindness!

Congratulations on your wedding day in Kazakh

D?rys sіzge s?y- tileymiz
?aramastan did?not wash?jyldar mekende- ?for?,
Emeshonzhar ni zhana ni?ay?y-sherler
Al so?ana ba?ytty radiated!
Yl?i demes-
Sen-, s?y-f?not k?t-!
This congratulation into Russian is translated as follows:
We wish you to love you truly
And live together for many years.
Know no grief, no sadness,
And so that they only radiate happiness!
Always support each other
Hope, love and wait!

Congratulations on your wedding day to your brother

Play guitars, funny songs!
After all, our brother is getting married today!
Happy couple - bride and groom!
May there be harmony in this family!
Brother, appreciate your young wife,
Support, pamper, sometimes!
Dear daughter-in-law, be a friend to your brother
And the most beautiful wife!

Congratulations on your Wedding Day

We congratulate you on your Wedding Day and on behalf of all the guests we wish you to live happily, to love each other deeply, and that even in nightmare you never dreamed of betrayal. May the family path you have embarked on today be smooth and happy.

Toast to the wedding

Let your life play like wine dances in a glass, and not lose its aroma for a long time,
Wealth will be like a crazy waterfall, and happiness will multiply limitlessly a hundredfold,
I drink wine for this while standing, these sweet liquid grapes!