Bed linen with feng shui squares. We monitor the condition of the bed linen

Improves mood and quality of rest. Bedroom sets (sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers, bedspreads) are made from various materials; they can be plain, colored, with a pattern or a theme.

It is known that color affects the human psyche. For example, red excites the nervous system, while black depresses and calms. That is why the color of bed linen is chosen not only in accordance with a person’s taste, but also takes into account the impact on the emotional sphere.

Symbolism is also important. For example, in the eastern practice of Feng Shui, all colors have their own specific meaning and are tied to the corresponding elemental element. Some can bring happiness and love into life, while others are contraindicated for use in the bedroom.

What is Feng Shui

East is a delicate matter

Feng Shui is an eastern practice of organizing space. Using this art, you can build a house energetically correctly and design the layout of rooms. For classical Feng Shui, only the movement of Qi energy is important - the fundamental vital substance that fills the Universe and all living things.

However, in modern practice, it is customary to interpret Feng Shui as a certain way of arranging life and home with the help of various amulets, personification of natural forces, dividing housing into thematic zones of family, wealth, love and health.

For example, according to Feng Shui, a bedroom should not be a walk-through room; mirrors opposite the bed and bodies of water (aquariums and fountains) should be avoided - violation of these rules can lead to energy congestion and poor health. The right color of bed linen (as well as the interior as a whole), on the contrary, will provide a surge of strength, good mood and even establish healthy marital communication.

Color in Feng Shui is most often associated with one of the symbolic elemental elements:

  • Tree – represents life, path and growth (green and purple).
  • Fire – development (red and orange).
  • Earth – stability and reliability (yellow and brown).
  • Metal – decline and hardness (white, gray and gold).
  • Water – the end and beginning of the cycle, movement (blue and black).

Fire and water symbolize Yin (north) and Yang (south) - the feminine and masculine principles. Wood, earth and metal can be expressed as either Yin or Yang, depending on the cardinal direction in which these elements are activated:

  • earth (Yin) – southwest;
  • earth (Yang) – northeast;
  • tree (Yin) – east;
  • tree (Yang) – southeast;
  • metal (Yin) – west;
  • metal (Yang) – northwest.

Elemental color is of great importance. For example, a person born in the year of fire and resting on red sheets will awaken passion and irritability and will not get enough sleep. A water person under the influence of blue and cyan colors will become passive.


White color is not used in its pure form

The color of perfection, purity and spirituality. Includes the entire range of colors. Represents the element of metal. Traditionally in China, white is a mourning color, symbolizing death and the other world. It is ideal for bed linen if the owner is a freelancer and likes to work at home and spends a lot of time in the bedroom. The use of color helps to enhance financial well-being and success.

A bed with white linen is placed in the west of the bedroom or in the northwest - these are directions associated with the element of metal.

Images suitable for decorating a white set:

  • circles;
  • crescents;
  • coins;
  • metal objects;
  • "Money Tree".

According to Feng Shui, it is undesirable to use only snow-white linen - it weakens you energetically and promotes the outflow of vitality. It is best if the color is present as inclusions or ornaments. A reasonable amount of white neutralizes negative energy, calms you down, and helps you wake up quickly and easily.


The color of joy and energy. Represents the element of earth. A bed with a yellow bedding set is located in the southwest or northeast of the room.

Promotes physical and mental activity. It is not recommended to use deep yellow bedding - a person will think a lot about problems, and the head must be cleared before going to bed to calm thoughts. Too much yellow can cause stagnation in romantic relationships. Bright patterns on the sheets and duvet covers are recommended for a children's room.

Suitable images:

  • crystals;
  • gems;
  • landscapes;
  • geometric square patterns.

The following color options are beautiful and comfortable: honey, soft golden, noble copper. Warm shades help calm the nervous system and relax, as well as recover from illness.


Green is the color of balance and harmony

The color of harmony, balance and peace, promotes the development of romantic relationships. The use of green color helps to calm down and discard unnecessary thoughts before going to bed. A green bedding set is ideal for a children's room, where it is necessary to balance activity, as well as for an adult bedroom, if a person wants to fully rest and relax.

Green is the color of the wood element, suitable for use in the eastern part of the room. Recommended ornaments and designs:

  • leaves and flowers;
  • trees;
  • green landscapes;
  • bamboo shoots.

One of the few colors that can be used in its pure form. However, the abundance of green in the interior can awaken groundless expectations and unnecessary idealism.


Brown is the color of earth

The color of confidence and tradition, belongs to the element of earth. Light brown is a lighter option, while a rich shade can evoke negative thoughts. Brown bed linen can become a bright accent in the bedroom interior. Soft shades can relieve fears, calm, and fight the effects of stress.

The following images are suitable for decorating brown bed linen:

  • squares;
  • landscapes;
  • imitation stone.

Brown also helps strengthen love and make relationships more stable. Suitable for use in the southwest and northeast of the room.


Red is the color of success and good luck

Traditionally, in Chinese culture, red is the color of success and good luck. On holidays, bright aerial lanterns are launched into the sky; the bride and groom also wear red clothes at weddings. Color activates vital energy, promotes movement and the emergence of passion, personifies the element of fire, a very strong natural element.

Suitable pictures:

  • geometric pointed patterns and triangles;
  • image of a flame or candles;
  • sun (sunrises and sunsets);
  • Phoenix.

It is best to apply color in the south of the room. Red bed linen is used in cases where they want to restore the relationship to its former sensuality. If there is too much color, people under its influence can become aggressive and quarrelsome.


Another fiery color, symbolizes the forces of creation, as well as action and freedom. Orange helps cope with fears and bad moods. Increases feelings of independence and pride, so is not recommended for married couples who need loyalty to each other and an open relationship.

Orange is best used as accents and decorative elements. Bed linen will be decorated with:

  • orange flames;
  • firebirds;
  • triangles;
  • sunset.

Excessive use of orange will lead to unnecessary activity, and the bedroom is meant for relaxation. The appropriate side of the world is south.

Gray and silver

The color of rigor, stability and isolation, embodies the element of metal. Suitable for “male” interiors, for the rooms of young men and bachelors. The predominance of gray color can suppress bright emotions and ruin a good mood. Gray is good as accents.

Suitable textures and patterns for decorating a bedding set:

  • rounded geometric shapes;
  • partial moon (crescent);
  • money symbols.

Light gray sets made of glossy “metallic” fabrics - satin or satin - are also suitable. Gray color will help enhance financial well-being if used in the western or northwestern zone of the room.

Blue and cyan

Blue and cyan colors are calming

Calms and harmonizes, personifies the moving element of water. Blue is not suitable for soft and spineless people, because it enhances the negative aspects of this character trait. A bedding set of this color will help you rest, relax, and put your thoughts in order before bed.

Blue is a more active and rich color, reduces reaction speed, and helps you fall asleep faster. The color of contemplation, in large quantities, can cause melancholy and depression, therefore it is recommended as accents and decorative touches.

Blue and light blue bed linen is decorated with the following images:

  • waves;
  • fish;
  • wavy geometric patterns;
  • seascapes;
  • rivers and waterfalls.

Water is considered the primary element that gave birth to all others. This element is a conductor of Qi energy, which is extremely important in Feng Shui, and also personifies the feminine principle of Yin. It is best to use blue and cyan in the north of the room.

Violet or magenta

Purple color for linen

The color of nobility and divine presence helps to balance the spiritual and physical principles. A creative and mystical color, suitable for relaxation and meditation. When choosing bed linen, preference is given to delicate lavender and lilac shades.

The color represents the tree, so the following drawings are suitable:

  • flowers and herbs (heather, violets, irises, wisteria, hyacinths);
  • geometric patterns of rectangles, ascending lines;
  • landscapes.

Purple is an active color; too much of it will not allow you to relax and will cause irritation. The corresponding application area is southeast.


Black cannot be abused

Surprisingly, according to Feng Shui tradition, black represents water. This is a symbol of the unidentified and mystical night world, the starry sky. Despite the apparent gloom, it is a calm color. It helps to slow down the movement of energies, calm down and fall asleep. Black is a symbol of the feminine essence of Yin.

Successful decorative solutions:

  • smooth wavy lines, abstract patterns;
  • night landscapes with the moon;
  • black and white fish prints;
  • traditional Chinese landscapes in black and white.

Black color is very practical, but do not overdo it. An excess of dark shades is depressing, causing melancholy and gloomy feelings. Ideally balanced with white, gold or silver, or used as accents. The appropriate side of the world is north.

According to Feng Shui, you can use many different colors for bedding. They all have positive characteristics, but, while predominant, they also exhibit negative traits. The art of Feng Shui helps to achieve harmony and prepare space for the movement of energy, therefore the colors in the interior should interact, intersect, and complement each other.

Feng Shui is a Chinese practice, so to achieve the absolute effect, it is better to use cotton, smooth and durable plain weave fabric.

All these materials fit pleasantly to the body and contribute to complete relaxation. A well-chosen color scheme and decorative elements will help turn a bedding set into a bedroom decoration.

Color can calm, attract love, success, creative inspiration and good thoughts.

The connection of the color palette and natural elements in Feng Shui turns ordinary sheets and duvet covers into symbols, filling images and details with meaning.

The teaching of Feng Shui, developed in China more than 3 thousand years ago, has not yet lost its relevance, but on the contrary, it has spread throughout the world and gained hitherto unknown popularity in the 21st century. Even those who have little faith in the existence of energy flows check the postulates of Feng Shui. For many, this has simply become a cute tradition or a tribute to fashion. However, there are many who are completely sincerely confident in the effectiveness of the rituals of this ancient practice.

The purpose for which people turn to Feng Shui theories is to find the most favorable places for the location of the house, rooms, and zones. In addition, the equipment and design of these zones is important. A properly located and planned kitchen and home office area is a way to achieve spiritual and physical well-being, which will have a positive impact on your career, personal relationships, and health.

Feng Shui practitioners pay special attention to the organization of sleeping places, because a person spends at least a third of his life in sleep. While we sleep, the energies continue to be “awake”. It is important to create optimal conditions for the accumulation of favorable energy.

Absolutely everything matters: and the location of the bed, and the presence of a mirror, and correctly selected. According to Feng Shui, bedding also needs to be chosen carefully, based on ancient knowledge.

Firstly, the entire bed should be made of natural materials. Nowadays, many people use blankets with synthetic fillings. This is not very good feng shui. As soon as the financial opportunity arises, it is worth buying natural blankets.

Second: according to Feng Shui, in order not to be alone, everything in the bedroom should be kept in pairs. If you bought a painting for the wall, buy a second one. If you put a flower on one bedside table, put another one on the other. The number of single items should be minimized. Therefore, it is advisable to use a bed with two blankets - the so-called family kits with two duvet covers and two pillowcases.

The greatest importance, of course, is given Feng Shui color of bed linen. Spending the whole night in a colored bed, a person seems to be in a color cocoon and charged with the energy of color.

Feng Shui color of bed linen

Colors, according to Feng Shui, are divided into yin colors and yang colors. Yin colors have healing properties, they are relaxing and relaxing. Yang colors, on the contrary, energize, promote inspiration, impart enthusiasm and stimulate passion.

What colors are related to yin? First of all, it is blue and blue. One of the most popular colors for the bedroom. Blue relaxes and helps you fall asleep quickly. Blue is also the color of water, and the element of water (albeit in very limited quantities) must be present in the bedroom, according to the recommendations of some Feng Shui masters. Not everyone, of course, shares this opinion. Some argue that water should be completely excluded from the bedroom, but generally strict prohibitions are imposed only on living water (aquariums, waterfalls) and its image (for example, a painting with a waterfall). Most Feng Shui experts have a positive attitude towards the color blue in the bedroom.

Purple, like blue, relaxes and calms. It is believed to promote spiritual self-knowledge. If you want to be in harmony with yourself, choose purple or blue bedding.

Blue and purple bedding can cool relationships. Therefore, it is better to avoid these flowers if problems are looming in a married couple.

Black yin color symbolizes money and income. Do you want to become richer? Buy a black bed. The combination of black with gold or silver is especially effective.

But sleeping on black and white bed linen will contribute to a promotion.

Black bed linen is not recommended for a marital bed if the relationship between the spouses cannot be called very passionate. In any case, you should not sleep on black underwear all the time. In your arsenal you need to have bed linen in other colors (preferably from the “spectrum” of yang).

Green yin color is considered to heal the soul and body. Patients in a green bed recover faster. This is the color of renewal, regeneration. Need strength to start a new life? Buy green bedding and sleep on it. Green is also considered the color of prosperity.

Now about yang flowers. These include, for example, orange. If you lack positivity in life, buy orange and blue-orange bedding. Orange is also a good choice for people doing creative work. This color will promote inspiration.

According to Feng Shui, the golden color of bed linen is a good choice for those who dream of wealth.

Yellow bedding will help a person become more sociable.

Beige and brown bedding is universal, neutral and absolutely safe.

If passions in a married couple have subsided, you can buy red bed linen. But it is better to use it on special days, and not all the time. Always sleeping on a red bed is bad for your health.

It is preferable to combine yin and yang colors in bed linen. For example, a beige and blue bed combines yin (blue) and yang (beige). This color “cocoon” will give a person maximum benefit.

Sleep occupies an important place in a person's life. During sleep, people relax, regain strength, and are filled with positive energy. But only if the person’s bed is arranged correctly.

Feng Shui style experts say that when choosing bed linen, many details need to be taken into account, as this is an important process that affects luck in every person’s life. Otherwise, chronic bad luck is guaranteed.

True, before you start equipping your bedroom with everything you need according to Feng Shui, you need to find out. Otherwise, all the tricks will be simply pointless.

Fabrics for bed linen according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, bed linen is natural and natural, no synthetics. Synthetic fabrics scare away luck and prosperity in life. Linen or cotton, calico or silk are ideal. Combined fabric is also not allowed.

You need to decide on the pattern, fabric and, first of all, color. All these components significantly affect the aura.

Feng Shui masters emphasize the importance of color in the life of any person. You need to concentrate on the appearance of the bed linen. Scuffs and puffs can only cause harm, so underwear needs to be changed at least once every 2 months. There is no need to feel sorry for throwing out torn linen, otherwise bad energy may accumulate in the house. An inexpensive online children's clothing store can be a good place to choose underwear. There you can find high-quality and cheap bed linen.

What can be depicted on bed linen according to Feng Shui?

According to Feng Shui, the picture should not depict:

— water, they negatively affect finances;

- predatory animals, they attract danger;

- sharp corners, they bring bad luck to the house;

- vertical lines, they push close people away from each other;

- cars.

Drawings of clouds, flowers, grass, rounded, smooth lines are suitable.

Feng Shui colors of bed linen

Colors affect a person’s state of mind, so it is unacceptable to use dark shades.

The rest of the palette is divided into Yin and Yang.

Yin colors: white, pink, purple bring peace.

Red, yellow and orange are Yang colors, they will fill the body with positive energy. It is important that the color of the bed linen fits perfectly into the interior of the bedroom.

The online baby diaper store provides a complete list of desired colors. It is important to remember that Yin and Yang are one whole, so it is possible to combine colors.

According to Feng Shui, bed linen will have a beneficial effect on the life of any person. Thanks to this, complete harmony can be achieved, because the main goal of the Chinese noble science of Feng Shui is to attract wealth, happiness and good luck to the home.

Magic tip: Feng Shui bedrooms for love

I have already received so many wedding invitations from those who used Feng Shui to attract love that I have no doubt that Feng Shui for love really works! And regardless of age. I was told about the wonders of Feng Shui for love by 20-year-old girls, and even 55-year-old ladies. Age is not a hindrance if a person is ready to accept his happiness.

The bedroom is one of the most important places in the apartment. It plays the most important role in attracting and maintaining love. The bedroom is the most personal, intimate and most “closed” area to prying eyes.

Therefore, the bedroom should be located as far as possible from the entrance to the house (apartment), and it is better that it is not adjacent to the bathroom and kitchen.

The bed is of great importance for love relationships. Which bed should you choose? It's very simple - your bed should have a stable headboard and a strong frame, this will guarantee you a state of relaxation, peace and stability. After all, if the furniture we use is unstable, we don’t feel very confident. The best material for a bed is wood. Also, the bed should be spacious. If you are now single and sleep on a single bed, but want to find your loved one, then it is time to buy a double bed so that your loved one can take his place next to you.

How can we harmonize the energy of the bedroom? will come to our aid color, one of the most important feng shui symbols. A bedroom that attracts love is best decorated in soft, warm earth tones. Red can be used in small quantities. The color red is associated with passionate love, and passion is very attractive. But it is important that this “fire” is not excessive and does not cause irritation and aggression. An excess of shades of blue or black in the bedroom, which belong to the element of Water, is contraindicated; it provokes depression and a feeling of internal uncertainty.

According to Feng Shui It is better not to place mirrors in the bedroom, they interfere with restful sleep, relaxation and proper rest. One of the main feng shui prohibitions for the bedroom: a mirror reflecting sleeping people. For the same reason, mirrored cabinets opposite the bed are not welcome. An ideal option for a bedroom are wardrobes where the mirror is located on the inside of the door. It is better to place a dressing table with a mirror in one of the corners of the room. Also avoid mirrored and glossy ceilings.

Since the bedroom is a zone of love, intimate life, our close interaction with a loved one, it is very important in this sector to symbolically emphasize the pair energy. How to do it? Very simple! It will help to harmonize relationships compliance with the pairing principle in the bedroom: two pillows on the bed, two bedside tables, two poufs, two lamps, etc. Correctly place paired images in the bedroom: for example, two vases, two beautiful pillows, a pair of candlesticks with red or pink scented candles. However, I want to warn you right away: don’t overdo it! Feng Shui masters recommend observing a sense of proportion in everything; an excess of anything always leads to an imbalance.

Lighting. It's great if you have a dimmable lamp in your bedroom, this will help create lighting that suits your mood. In any case, the lighting should be unobtrusive and soft. Bright lighting adds activity, passion, liveliness and dynamism to your love life. And the soft flickering of small lamps, candles and sconces creates a warm, cozy, intimate atmosphere and puts you in a more romantic, relaxed, erotic mood. Women's skin looks best in dim, warm lighting. Best of all - by candlelight.

Bed sheets. The color of bed linen should not be too bright. Warm pink, peach, and any soft pastel colors are preferable. The fabric should, of course, be natural, preferably cotton or linen. You should not buy bright red bed linen (this is too active a color containing excess energy). To revitalize feelings in a marriage, Feng Shui masters advise laying new, high-quality bedding. New, fresh things fragrant with an exquisite aroma will bring novelty and a festive atmosphere to your love relationship!

Chinese lantern for love luck. To spice up your romantic relationship, hang a red Chinese lantern in your bedroom with the symbol of “double happiness” painted in gold paint. I want to emphasize the importance of this advice for attracting long-awaited love. Previously, in China, such lanterns almost always hung in the bedroom of a young couple. If a girl has reached marriageable age and is ready to get married, such a red Chinese lantern can be hung in her room, it will become a symbol of her future successful marriage.

"Romantic" candles. To strengthen and develop romantic relationships, it is good to use paired pink or red candles in the southwestern sector of the house. It is not necessary to light candles every day; it is enough to do this once a week or on the night of the full moon.

Exciting aromas. To ensure that the relationship between two loving people is always joyful, new, fresh, exciting, filled with sensuality, use incense and incense sticks in the bedroom. If this option is not suitable for some reason, it is good to apply a little aromatic oil to the bed linen, you can apply a little of it to your body. But remember that the aroma should be subtle and unobtrusive and pleasant to both of you.

Wedding photography. How can we use Feng Shui to strengthen love in marriage? Take your best wedding photo, where you like yourself, insert it into a beautiful frame and place it so that the moonlight falls on it. If you do this, especially during the full moon, then happiness, harmony and mutual understanding for your couple are guaranteed - try it and see for yourself!

Fan to attract love. A fan is an ancient and very effective means of finding love. You need to hang a fan with images of peonies, birds, or a Dragon and Phoenix in a girl’s bedroom, and her personal life will change for the better!

Images of flowers. Images of peonies, asters, lilacs, orchids, irises and, of course, roses placed in the bedroom attract love luck. In the practice of Feng Shui, rose flowers and their images were associated with the joy of a happy marriage and mutual love.

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An integral part of a program to support good health is a good night's rest. The quality of sleep depends on many factors, in particular the duration of the night's rest, the functional characteristics of the bed and mattress. Even the color of the walls in the bedroom matters and, of course, the bed linen. I wonder what Feng Shui “thinks” about this?

Choosing bed linen material according to Feng Shui

In this matter, ancient Chinese philosophy agrees with doctors who consider natural fabrics to be the best material for bedding sets. Calico, cotton, silk and linen have been noted to have a beneficial effect on people's lives. In addition, these are “breathable” materials, which, as a rule, do not cause an allergic reaction (provided that high-quality and hypoallergenic dyes are used).

The same cannot be said about synthetic materials, which are contraindicated for allergy sufferers, impede air circulation and contribute to disruption of natural human heat exchange. From the Feng Shui side, synthetic underwear is accused of violating the well-being of its owners and can turn away their luck.

We monitor the condition of the bed linen

Worn out clothes are mercilessly thrown into the trash can, minor puffs are no excuse - thrown into the trash! Although, if you are satisfied with a tense relationship with your beloved soulmate, then you can keep the used duvet covers and pillowcases. Also, there is no place in your home for sheets sewn together from several pieces.

After the torn set, send underwear that brings back sad memories. Not only does its appearance disturb past wounds, but underwear also accumulates negative energy, which you will then have to settle for in the form of disrupted proper rest or problems in your intimate life. By the way, to add bright notes to your intimate life, it is not necessary to learn a new position from the Kama Sutra; it is enough to buy bed linen.

Choosing bed linen design according to Feng Shui

The color palette, according to ancient Chinese teachings, is divided into Yin and Yang. With Yin-colored linen, you will find peace, you will not know problems, worries will cease to exist for you.

- to find peace, choose white underwear;
- to relieve stress and improve your career and business, it is recommended to relax on green underwear;
- neutralizes the negative impact and contributes to the development of intuition; a purple bedding set;
- will end your loneliness, make you happier, bring love and romance into your life pink;
- blue underwear will relieve mental stress.

To recharge your energy, you should pay attention to the Yang color palette:
- to clear the clouds from the family horizon, increase your work ethic, and just for joy, relax on yellow underwear;
- will eliminate discord in intimate life, end depression and provide positive emotions with an orange bed;
- as a temporary option, it is recommended to use red underwear (it is advisable to use it as needed, if some business has stalled or you need to rekindle passion in your partner).

Drawing matters too. Images of fast-moving objects, both spiritualized and non-spiritualized, have a detrimental effect on the nervous system and aggravate the condition of suspicious people.

If your own financial well-being is valuable, then avoid water landscapes. Predators adorning bed linen pose a hidden threat. If you want to maintain a harmonious relationship, avoid sets with vertical lines and sharp corners.