Learning to play the guitar. Learning to play the guitar with a tutor

Hi all! I'm learning to play the saxophone at school! Nikita managed to create a very comfortable environment both in the room and during the learning process! Anyone who hated music school with evil teachers as a child should definitely come and compare))

I go to classes at the Sing&Play school, learning to play the guitar. Many thanks for the fact that he was able to develop such a non-standard approach to teaching music :). I am a beginner from the word “completely”, in addition to this I am also very busy, there is no opportunity to practice enough at home. However, there is clearly progress! :). The school is cozy, everyone studies in a separate, soundproofed room, all rooms have air conditioning, musical equipment, and all the necessary things for classes. Moreover, the administrator always helps students halfway if it is necessary to reschedule a lesson or resolve some organizational issues. Separately about Sasha - not only is he a cool musician and the lead singer of my favorite band, but he’s also just a great teacher. The classes are held in a relaxed atmosphere, he does not press, he is very patient, he does not “load” with theory, but somehow still conveys knowledge about the complex structure of notes and music. After classes there is always a feeling of flight and joy :)). I am truly grateful and will continue to come to you!!

I recently studied at school with Rufina Akhmetshina, at the age of 36 I was inspired to learn the violin :) Thank you very much for your patience, non-standard approach and acceptance of the problems of an “adult, working” student. Learning at will as an adult brings completely different sensations and motivation) I will be happy to continue! Thank you for the easy, non-standard approach to learning and always a positive attitude.

I've been studying vocals for about 4 months. I really like that the teachers pay attention to my tastes and aspirations and help improve my weak skills. Separately, it was a big cool surprise for me to organize events where I can perform and get a lot of emotions and develop my live performance skills. I like that the school is developing, there are new ideas, our own teams are being formed, there is an opportunity to meet talented people! Thank you very much Nikita, Ksenia and Ekaterina ❤

I’ve been dreaming about it for a long time and finally decided to learn the saxophone from scratch. I don’t remember why, but the choice fell on the Sing & Play school. I have never regretted it! Teacher Nikita Naimushin truly became a guru and guide to the world of music for me! A friendly atmosphere and professionalism are guaranteed! And I bow to my teacher for his patience and positivity :)

I have long wanted to learn to play the electric guitar. I found the Sing&Play school and have never regretted it. I studied for 4 months with teacher Andrei Danilov. The classes were extremely intense, but at the same time calm. There was enough time for everything: not only for theory and the game itself, but also for setting up technique and refining playing skills. While I didn’t have my own guitar, the school kindly provided all the necessary equipment! I am very pleased with the training, many thanks to my teacher Andrey and the founder of the school Nikita Naimushin, I will be glad to study with you again!!!


What do you need to start studying at a guitar college?- This is one of the first questions from those who contact us.

At Guitar College Moscow people come with very different levels of training - from “zero” to “advanced”. We have several conditional gradations of the level of instrument proficiency - this is important for the further formation of groups according to interests and areas.

Here are typical phrases from our students upon admission; perhaps you will find your request among them:

Level zero – “I can’t do anything.” Or “I know Am, Dm, E, but it’s difficult to change. I also picked up “Grasshopper” on one string))!”

Beginner level- “I freely take C, E, G, D, Am, Dm, Em, H7, play several songs by fingerpicking and fighting. The problem is that the barre chords cannot be played. I would like to learn something more sensible.”

Intermediate level - “I’ve been playing the guitar for a long time, I know a lot of songs, I love to sing, but I’m interested in more complex and beautiful chords - nines, sevens, etc., and most importantly - the logic of their application.” Or “I play acoustic, but I want to play electric, but it’s heavier.” Or “I graduated from children’s music school in classics. I dream of learning to improvise, I love jazz and blues."

Advanced level- “I’ve been playing for a long time, I didn’t leave YouTube for 2 years, then I studied with a cool private owner for 1 year. In principle, everything is fine. I'm playing. But what next? I tried to write down my own - complete dependence on what was memorized... sucks... just Klon Klonovich, no ideas. I can learn a dozen more things, but I don’t see the point, and so I spent 5 years on technology. I think it's time to get my head in order. Do you have a recipe for brain deadness? No jokes, plz” or “I play in a band. It all sounds Soviet. I don’t feel like learning notes and I don’t think they will help. Do you have teachers who will make branded solos for me for specific things? I don’t mind spending money on this business, but I also need to be taught.”

Pros - “Have a higher education (classical guitar). I have been teaching guitar at children's music schools for 8 years. I'm interested in fingerstyle. But there are a number of questions, namely: - is it necessary to play on metal strings? - How compatible are nails and steel strings? - Is it possible to perform this on nylon? - is it possible to play this music in a classical production? - Is it necessary to connect to an amplifier? I would like to receive answers to these and other questions, including those related to the specifics of this style, as well as assistance in the high-quality preparation of two or three works. Preferably individually."

The main path for applicants to Guitar College Moscow looks like this: introductory express course → assignment to teachers by specialty. For people who have graduated from music school and are planning to study individually, taking an introductory course is discussed.

Introductory express course

The classical teaching method in a music school involves a gradual movement from simple to complex. As a result, after a few years the person plays. If you try to figure out what happened to him during this time, the student has formed a certain number of reflex actions, skills and operations that work together. This is a long process that takes years. Our students often do not have that amount of time - we work mainly with an adult audience who is focused on results. The author's methodology for the introductory express course was formed over about 25 years, thanks to constant work with students of different ages, different tastes, abilities, with or without initial preparation. The course pursues practical goals and allows students to save significant time at further stages of mastering the instrument, quickly developing the skills and reflexes that form the basis of a professional musician.

Course content: sight reading of complex rhythms (including blues), stable rhythmic structures (polymeters), confident knowledge of the fingerboard, professional chord system, oral construction of non-chords (for example, A7 + 5-9), laying the foundation for harmony and improvisation. Practical tasks on the instrument (correct organization of movements of the right hand, exercises for mastering the fingerboard “by touch” - working the fingers in position without looking at the fingerboard).

Since the course involves obtaining a mandatory practical result, upon completion a test is taken on all topics.

Course duration: 2 months

Lesson duration: 150 minutes. Classes are held once a week on Sundays.

Price: 3000 rubles per month. Payment for the course at the second lesson.

Discount 1000 rub/month:

For those who have graduated from children's music school - attending individual lectures - repeating

Completing the course allows you to further form groups according to areas, level of instrument proficiency and interests (electric guitar, acoustics).


We offer training in specializations and theoretical disciplines: guitar (acoustic, electric guitar), vocals, bass guitar, keyboards, drums, solfeggio and etc.

Duration of group lessons– 120 minutes, individual lessons last on average 40-60 minutes. Classes take place once a week, in groups or individually.

The course program includes: specific style (country, blues, rock, metal, jazz, funk, pop music), popular repertoire, harmony, improvisation, individual skill, ensemble practice

Price: from 3000 rub. up to 4000 rub. per month, depending on the student’s starting level.

The guitar is one of the most popular musical instruments in the world. In the last century, its new types made revolutionary changes in music, giving rise to new styles and directions. This applies in particular to electric guitar and bass guitar. The acoustic guitar, or “acoustics,” does not lose its popularity; it is taught in many specialized schools, studios, and clubs in our city.

Qualified teachers will teach children all the nuances and features of playing the guitar, not limited, of course, to the “three yard chords.” It is worth remembering that the learning process is rarely quick: especially impatient amateurs should still follow the advice of the masters, and not rush them, wanting to quickly surprise their company.

Learning to play the guitar is an important component of the aesthetic development of children. Having mastered playing this stringed instrument, boys and girls will more easily master others, remembering the skills acquired in class. Everyone can choose their own course: some want to work exclusively with an individual tutor, others in a group. For some, the basic level is important, while others intend to take the matter seriously and study it for several years.

First steps during training

In technical terms, the process of playing the guitar is holding the strings on the frets with one hand and plucking them with the other hand (or hitting them with your fingers or a pick). Therefore, the first thing to do is to “place” your hands correctly. That is, get used to their position, which will be necessary for the game. Many people are dismissive of this, but staging is important for convenience, for playing technique, and for preventing fatigue during it. The next step is sound production. That is, the hands must move “in coordination”: one pinch the strings, the other produces sound. And only after that you can move on to learning chords. First, general ones, and only after you have “filled up” your hands, you should move on to song ones.

Playing guitar. Memo for parents

The latest methods of learning to play the guitar make it possible to introduce students to this art from the age of 4-5. But not all children at this age can cope with basic social skills, so they are unlikely to be able to pick up the guitar. At a minimum, a child must be able to talk, formulate his thoughts, not shut down when meeting strangers, and be ready to learn. You shouldn’t write off your predisposition to study music. The teacher, of course, will check the child’s hearing and abilities. But it is important in the family to discern the child’s inclination to master the guitar. In addition, you need to decide for yourself whether you are ready to devote time and effort to practicing the guitar. After all, taking your child to a music school does not mean that your mission is over. It is necessary to motivate the future guitarist to practice regularly at home, help him, and attend classes. This is the only way you will see the result. It is also important to be prepared for financial expenses. The guitar itself and the set of attributes that you cannot do without must be of good quality. As the child grows up, there will be a need to update his musical arsenal.

A few words about the ukulele - the “little sister” of the guitar

The instrument received its modern name in the Hawaiian Islands, which is why many people call the ukulele a “ukulele.” But back in the 15th century. some Europeans played its “ancestor” - and it was not a matter of fashion, but the fact that mandolins and guitars were very expensive and were beyond the means of almost everyone. In the island American state, ukuleles began to be made from the local Koa acacia - a symbol of the island. Hawaii. The Pacific Exposition of 1915, held in San Francisco, introduced this instrument to many US residents and guests of the country. In the 21st century, the ukulele remains a popular and sought-after attribute of many musicians.

It’s hard to imagine a friendly hike without a fire, warm company and favorite songs. And here there remains one still unsolved (for some) problem: “How to learn to play the guitar?” If you are already ripe for this practice, if your hands are ready to play on anything, if your soul is torn by motifs familiar from childhood, and fingers are looking for support for melodic fingering– congratulations, you are ready to learn how to play it.

Of course, a great desire is already half the battle, but you also need a guitar. We hope you are aware that there are guitars:

  • classic;
  • acoustic;
  • electric.

The tool may have:

  • 6 strings;
  • 7 strings;
  • and even 12 strings.

For beginners, in order to learn to play the guitar, it will be quite it is enough to master a classical guitar with six strings. It is advisable to use nylon strings as training strings. They will help keep your fingers safe - and this is very important in the early stages.

So, we’ve decided on the tool, there are still accessories left. Since we are learning on our own, we must be prepared that no one will tune our guitar every hour. Therefore we tuner needed. You can also purchase a case so you can easily travel with your instrument, a left foot rest, and a pick.

How to learn to play the guitar: help for beginners

So, you got the desired tool, where to start so that the divine music of real Russian rock pours out of it?

Or, more simply put, how to learn to play the guitar on your own from scratch? Of course you will need video lessons for beginners. But this is not yet a guarantee of success.

Get ready for some time to pass between your bold statement “I want to play the guitar” and the real “I play the guitar”. Before the chords form a melody, you you'll have to learn some basics. However, don’t worry, all beginning guitarists have gone through this, the main thing is to spend at least 30 minutes a day learning. Practice at home regularly, and very soon you will surprise your friends with a pretty decent game.

So, to begin with, learn what parts your tool consists of. Now this is your friend, assistant, comrade, advisor and the best outlet in life - so it is simply vital for you to know what a guitar is made of.

Each guitar has body, neck and head. Carefully look at the photo of the guitar's structure: pay attention to the strings, frets, frets, sound hole - you will need all this to get sound. To hold the instrument correctly, it is very important for you to know where the stand, shell, and saddle are located.

Correct fit

Before you learn to play the guitar yourself from scratch, you should understand how to properly hold this thing in your hands. Of course, you need to take the right attitude. And it consists in keep your back straight, without leaning or throwing your body back. The left leg is elevated. The base of the guitar rests on the right leg. Next, we will tell you how to learn to play the guitar yourself from scratch; video lessons will also be at your disposal.

Correct hand placement

We have not yet figured out how to extract sound from an instrument. After all, the guitar definitely needs an approach.

Let's take a look at your hands:

  1. The left hand tightly grips the bar.
  2. The right hand is responsible for producing a clear, ringing sound. To do this, you need to relax her.
  3. Place your right elbow at the intended intersection of the body and bridge of your guitar. To do this, you need to draw a conventional line upward from the stand to the shell.
  4. Get your fingers ready for fingering.

It is impossible to quickly learn to play the guitar until you learn the position of your fingers. Each finger has its own position and is responsible for his string. The strings are numbered from bottom to top, in descending order of sound: from highest to lowest. Since we have 5 fingers and 6 strings, the distribution will be as follows:

Now it's time to find out what it is rhythmic pattern of the right hand. In simple terms, it is the way you produce sound. For example, you touch the 6th string with your thumb (p). Place the index finger (i) on string number 3, the middle finger (m) on the second, and the ring finger (a) on the first. At the same time, notice that your index and thumb form a cross, and your thumb is also ahead of the rest.

Learning to play on your own: first exercises

Help you learn to play guitar from scratch simple exercises for the right hand:

  1. Let's try bass 3, 2, 1, 2, 3.
  2. Get your fingers ready to play.
  3. Hook the 6th string with your thumb - you get a dull low sound.
  4. Now alternately pluck strings No. 3, 2, 1, 2, 3.
  5. Then repeat the picking, but with your thumb hooked on string No. 5.

Bass pluck 3, 2, 1. Hook the 6th string with your thumb and then pluck the 3 strings together: 3rd, 2nd and 1st.

Learning chords

All we have to do is install the left hand on the instrument, which will help to extract chords or sounds that make up the pleasant sound of your instrument. At first, it will be a little unusual to pinch the strings located on the neck, but as you practice your fingers will get used to it.

  1. Bend your thumb slightly and place it parallel to the frets.
  2. At the same time, your hand should also be kept slightly rounded, placing your fingers closer to the frets.
  3. The fingertips touch the strings only with their upper part, so we recommend that girls cut their nails before they decide to learn to play the guitar from scratch at home.

We already know the string numbering order on a guitar, now Let's study the numbering of frets(they are usually denoted by Roman numerals). One fret occupies the space between two iron lines located on the fingerboard perpendicular to the strings. They are called fret saddles. Frets are numbered starting from the head of the guitar. Beginners usually draw chord diagrams starting with the first three frets (the Am chord in the key of A minor). In the diagrams, the strings are numbered from top to bottom (1, 2, 3...)

How to choose a guitar

Before you learn to play the guitar, you need to choose the right instrument. But after visiting the store, the aspiring musician begins to involuntarily get lost in all the assortment and variety of models. Therefore, when choosing a guitar, you need to adhere to certain actions.

Initially, you should pay attention to the strings, which are iron and nylon. Nylon strings are better suited for learning, as iron strings will cut unaccustomed fingers.

Next, you should visually inspect the guitar for the integrity of the body and the absence of dents or cracks. The upper and lower decks should be made of a single sheet of plywood, and all joints should be well taped. You need to ask the seller about the material from which the tool is made. It is better to buy a guitar made of pine.

The neck must be perfectly straight, without bending, otherwise a beginner will not be able to properly tune the instrument. It is better to give preference to a guitar with a neck that is bolted on rather than glued. This will allow, through a bolted connection, to change the distance between the neck and the strings and slightly level it in case of bending.

An important factor in the sound of a guitar is the condition of the tuning pegs, since they are used to tune the guitar. They should fit tightly, without gaps, spin well and not creak. All that remains is to check the acoustics and sound of the instrument. In general, the strings should "sound" and not "chatter". Considering all the features, it is still better to entrust the choice of guitar to a professional in order to be able to purchase a quality instrument.

How to learn to play the guitar

To play the guitar, in addition to acquired skills, you need an ear for music. If you don't have it, it will be quite difficult to learn the game. The main stages that need to be completed during training are reading tablature, studying the construction of chords, possible ways to perform accompaniments, as well as completing practical exercises. It is also important to choose the appropriate method for learning to play the guitar in.

One of them is printed tutorials - a free manual that contains basic initial lessons. They describe in detail the guitar's tuning, frets, notes, chords, etc. The potential student decides for himself when to study, but this method is more suitable for patient, diligent people. If a person lacks self-discipline, you should not study according to self-instructions, as this can take forever.

Video tutorials on the Internet are also a free option. The guitarist chooses his own lessons and practices them. However, an inexperienced user may unknowingly miss useful information or rush from one lesson to another in a hurry. There is also the possibility of constant distractions by others, which will interfere with learning.

The best option, providing an individual approach, is a private tutor. By using this method, you are likely to get quick results, study at a convenient time and not be distracted by everyday trifles. But not everyone can afford to pay a tutor for lessons.

Paid video courses, which are compiled by teachers and include only the necessary information, have recently become popular. The lessons are designed “from simple to complex”, while maintaining the sequence of knowledge acquisition. You just need to insert the disc and repeat the necessary chords and fingerings after the teacher, and then consolidate what you have learned in free mode. The lesson can be viewed as many times as necessary to understand the material. The cost of such lessons is much cheaper compared to a tutor, and the result is no worse.

By choosing the appropriate learning method and showing perseverance, patience and dedication, you can learn the basic fundamentals of playing the guitar in a short period of time, and then polish the acquired knowledge over time.

How to play chords

Learning to play the guitar begins with the main stage - learning chords. Each chord has a combination of several notes, which are indicated in the form of letters of the Latin alphabet from A to G, making them easy to remember: the first note is “A” (letter A), and the last is “G” (letter G).

The chords differ in sound character due to the minor and major scales. Major means cheerful, joyful, minor means sad, calm. The symbol for a minor chord always contains the letter “m”, while in a major chord everything remains unchanged. Also, music cannot do without accidental signs - sharp (#) and flat (b), which raise or lower the chord by a semitone, respectively. For example, G#m means the note "G sharp" in a minor mode.

To learn chords, you will need fingerings - these are chords on the neck of a guitar, in which strings are indicated horizontally, and frets are indicated vertically by numbers. Each pattern corresponds to one chord. On it, dots highlight the places on the fretboard where you need to press the strings in order to get this or that chord.

For convenience and ease of playing, you can find a songbook on the Internet, which contains a large number of chords with words located above them. This is where fingerings are needed. According to the proposed scheme, you need to place your fingers on the required frets and play the chord once.

It is better to practice on simple chords, for example Em (E minor), Am (A minor), C (C), since most others require knowledge of a special “barre” technique, in which you need to pinch several strings of the same fret with one finger at the same time. With a large “barre” all the strings are clamped at once, but this will require long training.

There are many ways to play the guitar, but the most common are picking, when the guitarist alternately plucks the strings and parses the chord into sounds, and strumming - playing a chord with one hit on the strings. The following symbols are present in the combat game:

1) P - blow from the top string to the bottom;

2) V - blow from the lower string to the upper;

3) + - mute the strings with your thumb;

4) x – the same with the edge of the palm.

For a beginning guitarist, to get a clear sound when strumming, it is better to strike with the tips of your nails rather than with your entire hand. If, when playing simple chords, you get a melody, and not just a set of harmonies, then you can start learning songs and in the future please your friends with good music.