The image of the defender of the homeland in the poem. Lesson topic: Vasily Terkin - defender of his native country

Zoshchenko Mikhail Mikhailovich

When I was little, I really loved having dinner with adults. And my sister Lelya also loved such dinners no less than me.

Firstly, a variety of food was placed on the table. And this aspect of the matter especially seduced Lelya and me.

Secondly, adults always told Interesting Facts from your life. And this amused Lelya and me too.

Of course, the first time we were quiet at the table. But then they became bolder. Lelya began to interfere in conversations. She chattered endlessly. And I also sometimes inserted my comments.

Our remarks made the guests laugh. And at first mom and dad were even pleased that the guests saw such our intelligence and such our development.

But then this is what happened at one dinner.

Dad's boss started telling some story incredible story about how he saved a fireman. This fireman seemed to have died in a fire. And daddy's boss pulled him out of the fire.

It is possible that there was such a fact, but only Lelya and I did not like this story.

And Lelya sat as if on pins and needles. She also remembered a story similar to this one, but even more interesting. And she wanted to tell this story as quickly as possible, so as not to forget it.

But my father’s boss, as luck would have it, spoke extremely slowly. And Lelya couldn’t stand it any longer.

Waving her hand in his direction, she said:

What's this! There’s a girl in our yard...

Lelya did not finish her thought because her mother shushed her. And dad looked at her sternly.

Dad's boss turned red with anger. He felt unpleasant that Lelya said about his story: “What is this.”

Turning to our parents, he said:

I don't understand why you put children with adults. They interrupt me. And now I have lost the thread of my story. Where did I stop?

Lelya, wanting to make amends for the incident, said:

You stopped at the way the distraught fireman said “mercy” to you. But it’s just strange that he could say anything at all, since he was mad and lay unconscious... Here we have one girl in the yard...

Lelya again did not finish her memories because she received a spanking from her mother.

The guests smiled. And daddy’s boss turned even redder with anger.

Seeing that things were bad, I decided to improve the situation. I told Lela:

There is nothing strange in what my father's boss said. Look how crazy they are, Lelya. Although the other burnt-out firefighters are lying unconscious, they can still speak. They are delirious. And they say without knowing what... So he said - merci. And he himself, perhaps, wanted to say - guard.

The guests laughed. And my father’s boss, shaking with anger, said to my parents:

You are raising your children poorly. They literally don’t let me say a word - they interrupt me all the time with stupid remarks.

Grandmother, who was sitting at the end of the table by the samovar, said angrily, looking at Lelya:

Look, instead of repenting of her behavior, this person began to eat again. Look, she hasn’t even lost her appetite - she eats for two...

Lelya did not dare to loudly object to her grandmother. But quietly she whispered:

They carry water for angry people.

Grandmother did not hear these words. But dad’s boss, who was sitting next to Lelya, took these words personally.

He gasped in surprise when he heard this.

Turning to our parents, he said this:

Every time I get ready to visit you and think about your children, I really don’t feel like going to you.

Dad said:

Due to the fact that the children really behaved extremely cheekily and thus they did not live up to our hopes, I forbid them from this day to have dinner with adults. Let them finish their tea and go to their room.

After finishing the sardines, Lelya and I left to the cheerful laughter and jokes of the guests.

And since then we haven’t sat down with adults for two months.

And two months later, Lelya and I began to beg our father to allow us to have dinner with adults again. And our father, who was in a great mood that day, said:

Okay, I’ll allow you to do this, but I categorically forbid you to say anything at the table. One word of yours spoken out loud and you won’t sit at the table again.

And then, one fine day, we are back at the table - having dinner with adults.

This time we sit quietly and silently. We know dad's character. We know that if we say even half a word, our father will never again allow us to sit with adults.

But Lelya and I do not yet suffer much from this prohibition to speak. Lelya and I eat for four and laugh among ourselves. We believe that adults even made a mistake by not allowing us to speak. Our mouths, free from talking, are completely occupied with food.

Lelya and I ate everything we could and switched to sweets.

After eating sweets and drinking tea, Lelya and I decided to go around the second circle - we decided to repeat the meal from the very beginning, especially since our mother, seeing that the table was almost clean, brought new food.

I took the bun and cut off a piece of butter. And the oil was completely frozen - it had just been taken out from behind the window.

I wanted to spread this frozen butter on a bun. But I couldn't do it. It was like stone.

And then I put the oil on the tip of the knife and began to heat it over the tea.

And since I had drunk my tea a long time ago, I began to heat this oil over the glass of my father’s boss, with whom I was sitting next.

Dad’s boss was saying something and didn’t pay attention to me.

Meanwhile, the knife warmed over the tea. The butter has melted a little. I wanted to spread it on the bun and already began to move my hand away from the glass. But then my butter suddenly slipped off the knife and fell straight into the tea.

I was frozen with fear.

I looked with wide eyes at the butter that splashed into the hot tea.

Then I looked around. But none of the guests noticed the incident.

Only Lelya saw what happened.

She began to laugh, looking first at me and then at the glass of tea.

But she laughed even more when dad’s boss, while telling something, began stirring his tea with a spoon.

He stirred it for a long time, so that all the butter melted without a trace. And now the tea was like chicken bouillon.

Dad's boss took the glass in his hand and began to bring it to his mouth.

And although Lelya was extremely interested in what would happen next and what her father’s boss would do when he swallowed this drink, she was still a little scared. And she even opened her mouth to shout to her father’s boss: “Don’t drink!”

But, looking at dad and remembering that she couldn’t speak, she remained silent.

And I didn't say anything either. I just waved my hands and without looking away began to look into the mouth of my father’s boss.

Meanwhile, Dad’s boss raised the glass to his mouth and took a long sip.

But then his eyes became round with surprise. He gasped, jumped up in his chair, opened his mouth and, grabbing a napkin, began coughing and spitting.

Our parents asked him:

What happened to you?

Dad's boss couldn't say anything out of fear.

He pointed his fingers at his mouth, hummed and glanced at his glass, not without fear.

Here everyone present began to look with interest at the tea remaining in the glass.

Mom, after tasting this tea, said:

Don't be afraid, there are ordinary things swimming here butter, which melted in hot tea.

Dad said:

Yes, but it's interesting to know how it got into the tea. Come on, children, share your observations with us.

Having received permission to speak, Lelya said:

Minka was heating oil over a glass, and it fell.

Here Lelya, unable to bear it, laughed loudly.

Some of the guests also laughed. And some began to examine their glasses with a serious and concerned look.

Dad's boss said:

I’m also grateful that they put butter in my tea. They could fly in the ointment. I wonder how I would feel if it were tar. Well, these kids are driving me crazy.

One of the guests said:

I'm interested in something else. The children saw that the oil fell into the tea. However, they didn't tell anyone about it. And they allowed me to drink this tea. And this is their main crime.

Hearing these words, my father’s boss exclaimed:

Oh, really, you disgusting children, why didn’t you tell me anything? I wouldn't drink this tea then...

Lelya stopped laughing and said:

Dad didn't tell us to talk at the table. That's why we didn't say anything.

I wiped my tears and muttered:

Dad didn't tell us to say a single word. Otherwise we would have said something.

Dad smiled and said:

These are not ugly children, but stupid ones. Of course, on the one hand, it’s good that they unquestioningly follow orders. We must continue to do the same - follow orders and adhere to the rules that exist. But all this must be done wisely. If nothing had happened, you had a sacred duty to remain silent. Oil got into the tea or grandma forgot to turn off the tap on the samovar - you need to shout. And instead of punishment, you would receive gratitude. Everything must be done taking into account the changed situation. And you need to write these words in golden letters in your heart. Otherwise it will be absurd.

Mom said:

Or, for example, I don’t tell you to leave the apartment. Suddenly there is a fire. Why are you stupid children going to hang around in the apartment until you burn out? On the contrary, you need to jump out of the apartment and cause a commotion.

Grandma said:

Or, for example, I poured everyone a second glass of tea. But I didn’t pour it for Lele. So I did the right thing.

Here everyone, except Lelya, laughed. And dad said to grandma:

You didn't do the right thing, because the situation has changed again. It turned out that the children were not to blame. And if they are guilty, then it’s stupidity... Let’s ask you, grandma, to pour Lele some tea.

All the guests laughed. And Lelya and I applauded.

But I, perhaps, did not immediately understand my father’s words.

But later I understood and appreciated these golden words.

And these words, dear children, I have always adhered to in all cases of life. And in your personal affairs. And in war. And even, imagine, in my work.

In my work, for example, I learned from the great old masters. And I was very tempted to write according to the rules by which they wrote.

But I saw that the situation had changed. Life and the public are no longer what they were when they were there. And that's why I didn't imitate their rules.

And maybe that’s why I didn’t bring so much grief to people. And to some extent he was happy.

However, even in ancient times, one wise man (who was being led to execution) said: “No one can be called happy before his death.”

These were also golden words.

Golden Words “When I was little, I loved having dinner with adults. And my sister Lelya also loved such dinners no less than me.” This is how Zoshchenko’s story begins, which is told on behalf of the boy Minka. There were several reasons for the children's desire to be at the table. First, there was a lot of different food. Secondly, the adults told many interesting facts from life. At first the guys sat quietly at the table, but over time they became bolder and also began to share their life impressions. Children's sayings made the guests laugh. And the parents were proud that these conversations showed the intelligence and development of their children. But one dinner changed this “custom”. Papa Minka's boss told an incredible story about how he saved a fireman. “This fireman seemed to have died in a fire. And daddy’s boss pulled him out of the fire.” The children did not like this story. Lelya sat as if on pins and needles. She wanted to tell her story, which in her opinion was more interesting. And since the boss spoke very slowly, the girl could not stand it and interrupted the narrator: “What is this! There was one girl in our yard...” Lelya did not continue her story, because her mother shushed her and her father looked sternly. The boss turned red with anger and was indignant at the fact that children were sitting at the same table with adults and interrupting them. The girl recalled the place where the boss stopped. And then she noticed that the embattled fireman could not say “mercy” to him, since he was most likely lying unconscious. And again she began to tell her story. Now she received a spanking from her mother. The guests smiled. And the boss blushed even more. But the boy decided to correct the situation. He said that there are different types of survivors. But, as a rule, they mutter without knowing what. So instead of “guard”, he could well have said “merci”. The guests laughed. The boss, who was already shaking with anger, told the parents: “You are raising your children poorly. They just don’t let me say a word - they interrupt me all the time with stupid remarks.” The grandmother, who had been watching what was happening all this time, noticed that Lelya, instead of repenting, continued to eat for two. The girl quietly noticed that they carry water on angry people. However, the boss heard these words and took them personally. He gasped in surprise and again turned to the girl’s parents: “Whenever I go to visit you and remember your children, I really don’t want to go to you.” This time dad said that because bad behavior children at the table, they are not allowed to dine with adults from now on. And now he invited them to finish their tea and leave the room. “After finishing the sardines, Lelya and I left to the cheerful laughter of the guests.” After this incident, the children did not sit at the table with adults for two months. One day, when the father was in a good mood, they persuaded him to allow them to sit at the same table with them again. He agreed, but forbade them to say anything at the table: “One word of yours spoken out loud, and you will not sit at the table again.” And once again, one fine day, children are allowed to sit at the same table with adults. Now they sat very quietly and were constantly silent. They understood that an accidentally spoken word would deprive them of the opportunity to sit at the common table forever. However, such a ban did not upset them very much. They ate for four and laughed among themselves. “We believe that the adults even made a mistake by not allowing us to speak. Our mouths, free from talking, are entirely occupied with food.” So at the table they ate everything they could and began to eat sweets. When they were finished with sweets and tea, they decided to try everything for the second round. Moreover, my mother noticed that the food was over and brought new portions. The boy took the bun and wanted to butter it. But it was very frozen and did not want to spread on the bun. The oil was like stone. Then Minka came up with an idea: he put butter on the tip of a knife and began to heat it over the tea. But he had already drunk his tea, so he decided to warm it over a nearby glass. It turned out to be dad's boss's glass. He was telling something interesting, so he didn’t notice at all what the boy was doing. “Meanwhile, the knife warmed up over the tea. The butter has melted a little. I wanted to spread it on the bun and already began to move my hand away from the glass. But then my butter suddenly slipped off the knife and fell straight into the tea.” The boy froze with fear. He looked at the glass of oil without looking away. When Minka finally looked back, he saw that no one had noticed what had happened. Only Lelka noticed and, looking at her brother, began to chuckle. She began to laugh even more when the boss began stirring his tea with a spoon. He stirred it for so long that all the butter melted. “And now the tea tasted like chicken soup.” The boss raised the glass to his mouth. Lela was very interested in what would happen when he took a sip of this drink. However, she was scared and wanted to shout to him: “Don’t drink!” But she remembered that her father did not allow her to talk at the table, and she remained silent. Her brother didn’t say anything either. The boss finally took a long sip. “But then his eyes became round with surprise. He gasped, jumped up in his chair, opened his mouth and, grabbing a napkin, began coughing and spitting.” From fright, he could not say anything or answer his parents. Everyone began to look at his tea. The boy's mother tried it and said that there was just a piece of butter floating there, which had melted in the hot tea. Dad asked the children how it could get there. Having received permission to speak, Lelya blurted out: “Minka was heating oil over a glass, and it fell.” And everyone laughed. Some began to examine their glasses. The boss began to say that the children could have added tar, not butter, to the tea. One of the guests noted that the children saw the oil fall, but did not say anything. He saw this as the main crime. Everyone found out that dad did not allow talking at the table. That's why they didn't tell anyone. Dad said to this that they are not nasty, but stupid children, because they unquestioningly follow orders. We must continue to adhere to the rules, but we just need to do it wisely. And in this case, instead of punishment, they would receive gratitude. “Everything must be done taking into account the changed situation,” said dad. - And you need to write these words in golden letters in your heart. Otherwise it will be absurd.” Mom and grandmother began to give examples when they had to follow orders even in new conditions. For example, running away from the apartment if a fire started, although the children were told not to leave the house. Dad advised him to pour some tea for Lela, since they shouldn’t be punished for stupidity. The guests laughed and the children applauded. But the boy did not understand his father’s words then. Understanding of the golden words came with time. The author addresses the children and says that he now adheres to these words in all cases of life. Even in his work, he tried to follow this rule: to write according to the same laws as the masters of this art. But he saw that the situation had changed. “Life and the public are no longer what they were with them.” Therefore, he did not imitate the masters. Perhaps this is why the author brought little grief to people. “And I was happy to some extent. However, even in ancient times, one wise man (who was being led to execution) said: “No one can be called happy before his death.” These were also golden words.” We find the golden words of many heroes in Zoshchenko’s work. And they all say, firstly, that there is no need to draw hasty conclusions. And secondly, you should not unquestioningly follow all the rules and instructions that adults pronounce. All actions must initially be thought through, and what is not clear should be clarified with the person who gave such instructions. And perhaps then the mistakes of the man are on his own life path will do much less.

When I was little, I really loved having dinner with adults. And my sister Lelya also loved such dinners no less than me.

Firstly, a variety of food was placed on the table. And this aspect of the matter especially seduced Lelya and me.

Secondly, the adults each time told interesting facts from their lives. And this amused Lelya and me.

Of course, the first time we were quiet at the table. But then they became bolder. Lelya began to interfere in conversations. She chattered endlessly. And I also sometimes inserted my comments.

Our remarks made the guests laugh. And at first mom and dad were even pleased that the guests saw such our intelligence and such our development.

But then this is what happened at one dinner.

Dad's boss began to tell some incredible story about how he saved a fireman. This fireman seemed to have died in a fire. And daddy's boss pulled him out of the fire.

It is possible that there was such a fact, but only Lelya and I did not like this story.

And Lelya sat as if on pins and needles. She also remembered a story similar to this one, but even more interesting. And she wanted to tell this story as quickly as possible, so as not to forget it.

But my father’s boss, as luck would have it, spoke extremely slowly. And Lelya couldn’t stand it any longer.

Waving her hand in his direction, she said:

- What's this! There’s a girl in our yard...

Lelya did not finish her thought because her mother shushed her. And dad looked at her sternly.

Dad's boss turned red with anger. He felt unpleasant that Lelya said about his story: “What is this!”

Turning to our parents, he said:

“I don’t understand why you put children with adults.” They interrupt me. And now I have lost the thread of my story. Where did I stop?

Lelya, wanting to make amends for the incident, said:

— You stopped at how the distraught fireman said “mercy” to you. But it’s just strange that he could say anything at all, since he was mad and lay unconscious... Here we have one girl in the yard...

Lelya again did not finish her memories because she received a spanking from her mother.

The guests smiled. And daddy’s boss turned even redder with anger.

Seeing that things were bad, I decided to improve the situation. I told Lele.

“There’s nothing strange in what dad’s boss said.” Look how crazy they are, Lelya. Although the other burnt-out firefighters are lying unconscious, they can still speak. They are delirious. And they say without knowing what. So he said - “Merci”. And he himself, perhaps, wanted to say “guard.”

The guests laughed. And my father’s boss, shaking with anger, said to my parents:

- You are raising your children poorly. They literally don’t let me say a word—they interrupt me all the time with stupid remarks.

Grandmother, who was sitting at the end of the table by the samovar, said angrily, looking at Lelya:

- Look, instead of repenting of her behavior, this person started eating again. Look, she hasn’t even lost her appetite - she eats for two...

- They carry water for angry people.

Grandmother did not hear these words. But dad’s boss, who was sitting next to Lelya, took these words personally.

He gasped in surprise when he heard this.

Turning to our parents, he said this:

- Every time I get ready to visit you and remember about your children, I really don’t feel like going to you.

Dad said:

- Due to the fact that the children really behaved extremely cheekily and thus they did not live up to our hopes, I forbid them from this day to have dinner with adults. Let them finish their tea and go to their room.

After finishing the sardines, Lelya and I left to the cheerful laughter and jokes of the guests.

And since then, we haven’t sat down with adults for two months.

And two months later, Lelya and I began to beg our father to allow us to have dinner with adults again. And our father, who was in a great mood that day, said:

“Okay, I’ll allow you to do this, but I categorically forbid you to say anything at the table.” One word of yours spoken out loud and you won’t sit at the table again.

And so, one fine day we are back at the table, having dinner with adults.

This time we sit quietly and silently. We know dad's character. We know that if we say even half a word, our father will never again allow us to sit with adults.

But Lelya and I do not yet suffer much from this prohibition to speak. Lelya and I eat for four and laugh among ourselves. We believe that adults even made a mistake by not allowing us to speak. Our mouths, free from talking, are completely occupied with food.

Lelya and I ate everything we could and switched to sweets.

After eating sweets and drinking tea, Lelya and I decided to go around the second circle - we decided to repeat the meal from the very beginning, especially since our mother, seeing that the table was almost clean, brought new food.

I took the bun and cut off a piece of butter. And the oil was completely frozen - they had just taken it out from behind the window.

I wanted to spread this frozen butter on a bun. But I couldn't do it. It was like stone.

And then I put the oil on the tip of the knife and began to heat it over the tea.

And since I had drunk my tea a long time ago, I began to heat this oil over the glass of my father’s boss, with whom I was sitting next.

Dad’s boss was saying something and didn’t pay attention to me.

Meanwhile, the knife warmed over the tea. The butter has melted a little. I wanted to spread it on the bun and already began to move my hand away from the glass. But then my butter suddenly slipped off the knife and fell straight into the tea.

I was frozen with fear.

I looked with wide eyes at the butter that splashed into the hot tea.

Then I looked around. But none of the guests noticed the incident.

Only Lelya saw what happened.

She began to laugh, looking first at me and then at the glass of tea.

But she laughed even more when dad’s boss, while telling something, began stirring his tea with a spoon.

He stirred it for a long time, so that all the butter melted without a trace. And now the tea tasted like chicken broth.

Dad's boss took the glass in his hand and began to bring it to his mouth.

And although Lelya was extremely interested in what would happen next and what her father’s boss would do when he swallowed this drink, she was still a little scared. And she even opened her mouth to shout to her father’s boss: “Don’t drink!”

But, looking at dad and remembering that she couldn’t speak, she remained silent.

And I didn't say anything either. I just waved my hands and, without looking up, began to look into the mouth of my father’s boss.

Meanwhile, Dad’s boss raised the glass to his mouth and took a long sip.

But then his eyes became round in surprise. He gasped, jumped up in his chair, opened his mouth and, grabbing a napkin, began coughing and spitting.

Our parents asked him:

- What happened to you?

Dad's boss couldn't say anything out of fear.

He pointed his fingers at his mouth, hummed and glanced at his glass, not without fear.

Here everyone present began to look with interest at the tea remaining in the glass.

Mom, after tasting this tea, said:

- Don’t be afraid, there is ordinary butter floating here, which has melted in hot tea.

Dad said:

- Yes, but it’s interesting to know how it got into the tea. Nuka, children, share your observations with us.

Having received permission to speak, Lelya said:

- Minka was heating oil over a glass, and it fell.

Here Lelya, unable to bear it, laughed loudly.

Some of the guests also laughed. And some began to examine their glasses with a serious and concerned look.

Dad's boss said:

“I’m also grateful that they put butter in my tea.” They could fly in the ointment. I wonder how I would feel if it was tar... Well, these kids are driving me crazy.

One of the guests said:

- I'm interested in something else. The children saw that the oil fell into the tea. However, they didn't tell anyone about it. And they allowed me to drink this tea. And this is their main crime.

Hearing these words, my father’s boss exclaimed:

- Oh, really, ugly children, why didn’t you tell me anything? I wouldn't drink this tea then...

Lelya stopped laughing and said:

“Dad didn’t tell us to talk at the table.” That's why we didn't say anything.

I wiped my tears and muttered:

“Dad didn’t tell us to say a single word.” Otherwise we would have said something.

Dad smiled and said:

- These are not nasty children, but stupid ones. Of course, on the one hand, it’s good that they unquestioningly follow orders. We must continue to do the same - follow orders and adhere to the rules that exist. But all this must be done wisely. If nothing had happened, you had a sacred duty to remain silent. Oil got into the tea or grandma forgot to turn off the tap on the samovar - you need to shout. And instead of punishment, you would receive gratitude. Everything must be done taking into account the changed situation. And you need to write these words in golden letters in your heart. Otherwise it will be absurd.

Mom said:

- Or, for example, I don’t tell you to leave the apartment. Suddenly there is a fire. Why, you stupid children, will just hang around in the apartment until you burn out. On the contrary, you need to jump out of the apartment and cause a commotion.

Grandma said:

- Or, for example, I poured everyone a second glass of tea. But I didn’t pour it for Lele. So did I do the right thing?

Here everyone, except Lelya, laughed. And dad said:

“You didn’t do the right thing, because the situation has changed again.” It turned out that the children were not to blame. And if they are guilty, it is of stupidity. Well, you shouldn’t be punished for stupidity. We’ll ask you, grandma, to pour some tea for Lele.

All the guests laughed. And Lelya and I applauded.

But I, perhaps, did not immediately understand my father’s words. But later I understood and appreciated these golden words.

And these words, dear children, I have always adhered to in all cases of life. And in your personal affairs. And in war. And even, imagine, in my work.

In my work, for example, I learned from the great old masters. And I was very tempted to write according to the rules by which they wrote.

But I saw that the situation had changed. Life and the public are no longer what they were when they were there. And that's why I didn't imitate their rules.

And maybe that’s why I didn’t bring people so much grief. And to some extent he was happy.

However, even in ancient times, one wise man (who was being led to execution) said: “No one can be called happy before his death.”

These were also golden words.

When I was little, I really loved having dinner with adults. And my sister Lelya also loved such dinners no less than me.

Firstly, a variety of food was placed on the table. And this aspect of the matter especially seduced Lelya and me.

Secondly, the adults each time told interesting facts from their lives. And this amused Lelya and me too.

Of course, the first time we were quiet at the table. But then they became bolder. Lelya began to interfere in conversations. She chattered endlessly. And I also sometimes inserted my comments.

Our remarks made the guests laugh. And at first mom and dad were even pleased that the guests saw such our intelligence and such our development.

But then this is what happened at one dinner.

Dad's boss began to tell some incredible story about how he saved a fireman. This fireman seemed to have died in a fire. And daddy's boss pulled him out of the fire.

It is possible that there was such a fact, but only Lelya and I did not like this story.

And Lelya sat as if on pins and needles. In addition, she remembered one story like this, but even more interesting. And she wanted to tell this story as quickly as possible, so as not to forget it.

But my father’s boss, as luck would have it, spoke extremely slowly. And Lelya could not stand it any longer.

Waving her hand in his direction, she said:

- What's this! There's a girl in our yard...

Lelya did not finish her thought because her mother shushed her. And dad looked at her sternly.

Dad's boss turned red with anger. He felt unpleasant that Lelya said about his story: “What is this!”

Turning to our parents, he said:

- I don’t understand why you put children with adults? They interrupt me. And now I have lost the thread of my story. Where did I stop?

Lyolya, wanting to make amends for the incident, said:

- You stopped at how the distraught fireman said “mercy” to you. But it’s just strange that he could say anything at all, since he was mad and lay unconscious... Here we have one girl in the yard...

Lyolya again did not finish her memories because she received a spanking from her mother.

The guests smiled. And daddy’s boss turned even redder with anger.

Seeing that things were bad, I decided to improve the situation. I told Lela:

“There’s nothing strange about what dad’s boss said.” Look how crazy they are, Lelya. Although the other burnt-out firefighters are lying unconscious, they can still speak. They are delirious. And they say without knowing what. So he said, “Merci.” And he himself, perhaps, wanted to say “guard.”

The guests laughed. And my father’s boss, shaking with anger, said to my parents:

- You are raising your children poorly. They literally don’t let me say a word—they interrupt me all the time with stupid remarks.

Grandmother, who was sitting at the end of the table by the samovar, said angrily, looking at Lelya:

- Look, instead of repenting of her behavior, this person started eating again. Look, she hasn't even lost her appetite - she eats for two...

Lyolya did not dare to loudly object to her grandmother. But quietly she whispered:

- They carry water for angry people.

Grandmother did not hear these words. But dad’s boss, who was sitting next to Lelya, took these words personally.

He gasped in surprise when he heard this.

Turning to our parents, he said this:

- Every time I get ready to visit you and remember about your children, I really don’t feel like going to you.

Dad said:

- Due to the fact that the children really behaved extremely cheekily and thus they did not live up to our hopes, I forbid them from this day to have dinner with adults. Let them finish their tea and go to their room.

After finishing the sardines, Lelya and I left amid the cheerful laughter and jokes of the guests.

And since then we haven’t sat down with adults for two months.

And two months later, Lelya and I began to beg our father to allow us to have dinner with adults again. And our father, who was in a great mood that day, said:

“Okay, I’ll allow you to do this, but I categorically forbid you to say anything at the table.” One word of yours spoken out loud and you won’t sit at the table again.

And then one fine day we are back at the table, having dinner with adults.

This time we sit quietly and silently. We know dad's character. We know that if we say even half a word, our father will never again allow us to sit with adults.

But Lelya and I do not yet suffer much from this prohibition to speak. Lelya and I eat for four and laugh among ourselves. We believe that adults even made a mistake by not allowing us to speak. Our mouths, free from talking, are completely occupied with food.

Lelya and I ate everything we could and switched to sweets.

After eating sweets and drinking tea, Lelya and I decided to go around the second circle - we decided to repeat the meal from the very beginning, especially since our mother, seeing that the table was almost clean, brought new food.

I took the bun and cut off a piece of butter. And the oil was completely frozen - it had just been taken out from behind the window.

I wanted to spread this frozen butter on a bun. But I couldn't do it. It was like stone.

And then I put the oil on the tip of the knife and began to heat it over the tea.

And since I had drunk my tea a long time ago, I began to heat this oil over the glass of my father’s boss, with whom I was sitting next.

Dad’s boss was saying something and didn’t pay attention to me.

Meanwhile, the knife warmed over the tea. The butter has melted a little. I wanted to spread it on the bun and already began to move my hand away from the glass. But then my butter suddenly slipped off the knife and fell straight into the tea.

I was frozen with fear.

I looked with wide eyes at the butter that splashed into the hot tea.

Then I looked around. But none of the guests noticed the incident.

Only Lelya saw what happened.

She began to laugh, looking first at me and then at the glass of tea.

But she laughed even more when dad’s boss, while telling something, began stirring his tea with a spoon.

He stirred it for a long time, so that all the butter melted without a trace. And now the tea tasted like chicken broth.

Dad's boss took the glass in his hand and began to bring it to his mouth.

And although Lyolya was extremely interested in what would happen next and what daddy’s boss would do when he swallowed this drink, she was still a little scared. And she even opened her mouth to shout to her father’s boss: “Don’t drink!”

But, looking at dad and remembering that she couldn’t speak, she remained silent.

And I didn't say anything either. I just waved my hands and, without looking up, began to look into the mouth of my father’s boss.

Meanwhile, Dad’s boss raised the glass to his mouth and took a long sip.

But then his eyes became round in surprise. He gasped, jumped up in his chair, opened his mouth and, grabbing a napkin, began coughing and spitting.

Our parents asked him:

- What happened to you?

Dad's boss couldn't say anything out of fear.

He pointed his fingers at his mouth, hummed and glanced at his glass, not without fear.

Here everyone present began to look with interest at the tea remaining in the glass.

Mom, after tasting this tea, said:

- Don’t be afraid, there is ordinary butter floating here, which has melted in hot tea.

Dad said:

- Yes, but it’s interesting to know how it got into the tea. Come on, children, share your observations with us.

Having received permission to speak, Lelya said:

- Minka was heating oil over a glass, and it fell.

Here Lyolya, unable to bear it, laughed loudly.

Some of the guests also laughed. And some began to examine their glasses with a serious and concerned look.

Dad's boss said:

“I’m also grateful that they put butter in my tea.” They could fly in the ointment. I wonder how I'd feel if it was tar... Well, these kids are driving me crazy.

One of the guests said:

- I'm interested in something else. The children saw that the oil fell into the tea. However, they didn't tell anyone about it. And they allowed me to drink this tea. And this is their main crime.

Hearing these words, my father’s boss exclaimed:

- Oh, really, ugly children, why didn’t you tell me anything? I wouldn't drink this tea then...

Lelya stopped laughing and said:

“Dad didn’t tell us to talk at the table.” That's why we didn't say anything.

I wiped my tears and muttered:

“Dad didn’t tell us to say a single word.” Otherwise we would have said something.

Dad smiled and said:

- These are not nasty children, but stupid ones. Of course, on the one hand, it’s good that they unquestioningly follow orders. We must continue to do the same - follow orders and adhere to the rules that exist. But all this must be done wisely. If nothing had happened, you had a sacred duty to remain silent. Oil got into the tea or grandma forgot to turn off the tap on the samovar - you need to shout. And instead of punishment, you would receive gratitude. Everything must be done taking into account the changed situation. And you need to write these words in golden letters in your heart. Otherwise it will be absurd.

Mom said:

- Or, for example, I don’t tell you to leave the apartment. Suddenly there is a fire. Why are you stupid children going to hang around in the apartment until you burn out? On the contrary, you need to jump out of the apartment and cause a commotion.

Grandma said:

- Or, for example, I poured everyone a second glass of tea. But I didn’t pour a drink for Lelya. So did I do the right thing?

Here everyone, except Lyolya, laughed. And dad said:

“You didn’t do the right thing, because the situation has changed again.” It turned out that the children were not to blame. And if they are guilty, it is of stupidity. Well, you shouldn’t be punished for stupidity. We’ll ask you, grandma, to pour some tea for Lelya.

All the guests laughed. And Lelya and I applauded.

But I, perhaps, did not immediately understand my father’s words. But later I understood and appreciated these golden words.

And these words, dear children, I have always adhered to in all cases of life. And in your personal affairs. And in war. And even, imagine, in my work.

In my work, for example, I learned from the great old masters. And I was very tempted to write according to the rules by which they wrote.

But I saw that the situation had changed. Life and the public are no longer what they were when they were there. And that's why I didn't imitate their rules.

And maybe that’s why I didn’t bring people so much grief. And to some extent he was happy.

However, even in ancient times, one wise man (who was being led to execution) said: “No one can be called happy before his death.”

These were also golden words.

When I was little, I really loved having dinner with adults. And my sister Lelya also loved such dinners no less than me.

Firstly, a variety of food was placed on the table. And this aspect of the matter especially seduced Lelya and me.

Secondly, the adults each time told interesting facts from their lives. And this amused Lelya and me.

Of course, the first time we were quiet at the table. But then they became bolder. Lelya began to interfere in conversations. She chattered endlessly. And I also sometimes inserted my comments.

Our remarks made the guests laugh. And at first mom and dad were even pleased that the guests saw such our intelligence and such our development.

But then this is what happened at one dinner.

Dad's boss began to tell some incredible story about how he saved a fireman. This fireman seemed to have died in a fire. And daddy's boss pulled him out of the fire.

It is possible that there was such a fact, but only Lelya and I did not like this story.

And Lelya sat as if on pins and needles. In addition, she remembered one story like this, but even more interesting. And she wanted to tell this story as quickly as possible, so as not to forget it.

But my father’s boss, as luck would have it, spoke extremely slowly. And Lelya couldn’t stand it any longer.

Waving her hand in his direction, she said:

What's this! There's a girl in our yard...

Lelya did not finish her thought because her mother shushed her. And dad looked at her sternly.

Dad's boss turned red with anger. He felt unpleasant that Lelya said about his story: “What is this!”

Turning to our parents, he said:

I don't understand why you put children with adults. They interrupt me. And now I have lost the thread of my story. Where did I stop?

Lelya, wanting to make amends for the incident, said:

You stopped at the way the distraught fireman said “mercy” to you. But it’s just strange that he could say anything at all, since he was mad and lay unconscious... Here we have one girl in the yard...

Lelya again did not finish her memories because she received a spanking from her mother.

The guests smiled. And daddy’s boss turned even redder with anger.

Seeing that things were bad, I decided to improve the situation. I told Lela:

There is nothing strange in what my father's boss said. Look how crazy they are, Lelya. Although the other burnt-out firefighters are lying unconscious, they can still speak. They are delirious. And they say without knowing what. So he said - “mercy”. And he himself, perhaps, wanted to say “guard.”

The guests laughed. And my father’s boss, shaking with anger, said to my parents:

You are raising your children poorly. They literally don’t let me say a word - they interrupt me all the time with stupid remarks.

Grandmother, who was sitting at the end of the table by the samovar, said angrily, looking at Lelya:

Look, instead of repenting of her behavior, this person started eating again. Look, she hasn't even lost her appetite - she eats for two...

They carry water for angry people.

Grandmother did not hear these words. But dad’s boss, who was sitting next to Lelya, took these words personally.

He gasped in surprise when he heard this.

Turning to our parents, he said this:

Every time I get ready to visit you and think about your children, I really don’t feel like going to you.

Dad said:

Due to the fact that the children really behaved extremely cheekily and thus they did not live up to our hopes, I forbid them from this day to have dinner with adults. Let them finish their tea and go to their room.

After finishing the sardines, Lelya and I left amid the cheerful laughter and jokes of the guests.

And since then, we haven’t sat down with adults for two months.

And two months later, Lelya and I began to beg our father to allow us to have dinner with adults again. And our father, who was in a great mood that day, said:

Okay, I’ll allow you to do this, but I categorically forbid you to say anything at the table. One word of yours spoken out loud and you won’t sit down at the table again.

And so, one fine day we are back at the table, having dinner with adults.

This time we sit quietly and silently. We know dad's character. We know that if we say even half a word, our father will never again allow us to sit with adults.

But Lelya and I do not yet suffer much from this prohibition to speak. Lelya and I eat for four and laugh among ourselves. We believe that adults even made a mistake by not allowing us to speak. Our mouths, free from talking, are completely occupied with food.

Lelya and I ate everything we could and switched to sweets.

After eating sweets and drinking tea, Lelya and I decided to go around the second circle - we decided to repeat the meal from the very beginning, especially since our mother, seeing that the table was almost clean, brought new food.

I took the bun and cut off a piece of butter. And the oil was completely frozen - it had just been taken out from behind the window.

I wanted to spread this frozen butter on a bun. But I couldn't do it. It was like stone.

And then I put the oil on the tip of the knife and began to heat it over the tea.

And since I had drunk my tea a long time ago, I began to heat this oil over the glass of my father’s boss, with whom I was sitting next.

Dad’s boss was saying something and didn’t pay attention to me.

Meanwhile, the knife warmed over the tea. The butter has melted a little. I wanted to spread it on the bun and already began to move my hand away from the glass. But then my butter suddenly slipped off the knife and fell straight into the tea.

I was frozen with fear.

I looked with wide eyes at the butter that splashed into the hot tea.

Then I looked around. But none of the guests noticed the incident.

Only Lelya saw what happened.

She began to laugh, looking first at me and then at the glass of tea.

But she laughed even more when dad’s boss, while telling something, began stirring his tea with a spoon.

He stirred it for a long time, so that all the butter melted without a trace. And now the tea tasted like chicken broth.

Dad's boss took the glass in his hand and began to bring it to his mouth.

And although Lelya was extremely interested in what would happen next and what daddy’s boss would do when he swallowed this drink, she was still a little scared. And she even opened her mouth to shout to her father’s boss: “Don’t drink!”

But, looking at dad and remembering that she couldn’t speak, she remained silent.

And I didn't say anything either. I just waved my hands and, without looking up, began to look into the mouth of my father’s boss.

Meanwhile, Dad’s boss raised the glass to his mouth and took a long sip.

But then his eyes became round in surprise. He gasped, jumped up in his chair, opened his mouth and, grabbing a napkin, began coughing and spitting.

Our parents asked him:

What happened to you?

Dad's boss couldn't say anything out of fear.

He pointed his fingers at his mouth, hummed and glanced at his glass, not without fear.

Here everyone present began to look with interest at the tea remaining in the glass.

Mom, after tasting this tea, said:

Don't be afraid, there is ordinary butter floating here that has been melted in hot tea.

Dad said:

Yes, but it's interesting to know how it got into the tea. Come on, children, share your observations with us.

Having received permission to speak, Lelya said:

Minka was heating oil over a glass, and it fell.

Here Lelya, unable to bear it, laughed loudly.

Some of the guests also laughed. And some began to examine their glasses with a serious and concerned look.

Dad's boss said:

I’m also grateful that they put butter in my tea. They could fly in the ointment. I wonder how I'd feel if it was tar... Well, these kids are driving me crazy.

One of the guests said:

I'm interested in something else. The children saw that the oil fell into the tea. However, they didn't tell anyone about it. And they allowed me to drink this tea. And this is their main crime.

Hearing these words, my father’s boss exclaimed:

Oh, really, you disgusting children, why didn’t you tell me anything? I wouldn't drink this tea then...

Lelya stopped laughing and said:

Dad didn't tell us to talk at the table. That's why we didn't say anything.

I wiped my tears and muttered:

Dad didn't tell us to say a single word. Otherwise we would have said something.

Dad smiled and said:

These are not ugly children, but stupid ones. Of course, on the one hand, it’s good that they unquestioningly follow orders. We must continue to do the same - follow orders and adhere to the rules that exist. But all this must be done wisely. If nothing had happened, you had a sacred duty to remain silent. Oil got into the tea or grandma forgot to turn off the tap on the samovar - you need to shout. And instead of punishment, you would receive gratitude. Everything must be done taking into account the changed situation. And you need to write these words in golden letters in your heart. Otherwise it will be absurd. Mom said: “Or, for example, I won’t tell you to leave the apartment.” Suddenly there is a fire. Why are you stupid children going to hang around in the apartment until you burn out? On the contrary, you need to jump out of the apartment and cause a commotion. Grandmother said: “Or, for example, I poured everyone a second glass of tea.” But I didn’t pour it for Lele. So did I do the right thing? Here everyone, except Lelya, laughed. And dad said: “You didn’t do the right thing, because the situation has changed again.” It turned out that the children were not to blame. And if they are guilty, it is of stupidity. Well, you shouldn’t be punished for stupidity. We’ll ask you, grandma, to pour some tea for Lele. All the guests laughed. And Lelya and I applauded. But I, perhaps, did not immediately understand my father’s words. But later I understood and appreciated these golden words. And these words, dear children, I have always adhered to in all cases of life. And in your personal affairs. And in war. And even, imagine, in my work. In my work, for example, I learned from the great old masters. And I was very tempted to write according to the rules by which they wrote. But I saw that the situation had changed. Life and the public are no longer what they were when they were there. And that's why I didn't imitate their rules. And maybe that’s why I didn’t bring people so much grief. And to some extent he was happy. However, even in ancient times, one wise man (who was being led to execution) said: “No one can be called happy before his death.” These were also golden words.