Aquarius man: character, life principles, compatibility. Aquarius man (characteristic): what kind of women he likes

Those born in the constellation Aquarius are always endowed with a bright, lively intellect, are sociable, and believe that the world is capable of existing according to their laws, it is just worth implementing the ideas and projects that have matured in their rebellious head. That is why the Aquarius man is a rebel by nature; he always pursues the goal of making existing things better than they actually are.

Aquarius looks at things realistically, while trying in every possible way to improve the world in which he lives. He is friendly, self-possessed, reasonable, but loves to impress the public, going against everyone and obeying only his own internal attitudes.

Characteristics of an Aquarius man

A man born under the sign of Aquarius goes through life alone, because he is too fixated on himself and his interests, but at the same time he is a faithful and reliable friend, capable of always lending a friendly shoulder in difficult times.

A person whose zodiac sign is Aquarius is rarely rich in life, because he does not consider material wealth to be something worth striving for. But, despite this, he handles money sparingly, does not like empty and useless spending, but if relatives or friends need financial help, he will always give the required amount without hesitation.

The Aquarius man is calm and restrained, sometimes he is stingy in showing emotions, although a sensual fire often rages inside. Romantic, always looking for unity and harmony in everything, easily changing interests. He is captivated by everything unknown, so when faced with something mysterious, he will certainly make every effort to find the answer.

A man of this sign is very interested in those around him, along with their problems and concerns. He gets great pleasure from taking an active part in the life of another person. All his friends first of all turn to him for advice, because they know that he will always help in word and deed. Knowing how sympathetic he is, you can always interest him by offering to solve another problem. He will undertake this request with great enthusiasm.

The horoscope of the Aquarius man shows us a kind, attentive and sympathetic person, ready to sacrifice his interests for the sake of the interests of relatives or friends, but he himself tries to hide his true feelings, preferring to independently solve any questions and problems that arise.

In public places, he is always a bright and lively interlocutor, and it is hardly possible to hear him gossiping about someone; a representative of this sign loves to discuss current events and innovative ideas. This is not surprising, because he always follows all the events and news in the world, and his statements are always interesting and witty.

For all his charm and wit, the Aquarius man is completely incapable of defending his point of view or sorting things out. Instead of taking an active position and proving that he is right, he will prefer to quietly retire, thereby avoiding a scandal. And in the future he will try to avoid those people who caused him many unpleasant moments.

Aquarius men love to be alone; they can leave a cheerful company without warning and go for a walk outside the city or just sit on a bench in the park, admire the sunset, sitting on the beach by the sea.

People usually born under this sign are subtle, vulnerable people, endowed with artistry and enormous creative potential. The psychological portrait of an Aquarius man demonstrates his craving for beauty, which is why among the representatives of this sign there are so many people who love and appreciate art. Often among them you can find incredibly talented people of creative professions, who, unfortunately, could not realize themselves due to their inability to adapt to the realities of the modern world.

That is why next to the Aquarius man there should be a person who will be attentive and caring, will always be there in difficult times and can be sympathetic to his periodic walks alone.

Aquarius - a man in love

Having studied the compatibility horoscope, we can safely say that the most suitable partner for a man born under the sign of Aquarius will be. Most likely, she will be the one who will be able to interest the representative of this sign for a long time, because for him, the most important quality in a woman is her mystery and incomprehensibility.

Most often, the Aquarius man is not in the mood for marriage; he perceives it somewhat hostilely. But despite this, he can unexpectedly propose to his partner, and at the most inopportune moment. He considers friendship to be the fundamental point in marriage, believing that the strongest and most sincere relationships can be built only on the basis that partners become true friends to each other.

A woman who decides to connect her life with a representative of this sign should always agree with her partner’s point of view, sharing his interests and hobbies, calmly react to his shortcomings, not make claims regarding the material side of their family, and be ready to support her husband in case of failure or rejoice at his success.

The love of a representative of this sign is never perceived as a high feeling for one person; he loves all of humanity at once. Therefore, next to him he wants to see not his beloved woman, for whom he will move mountains, but a faithful, like-minded woman who understands and is able to support him in difficult times.

In order to start a relationship, a woman will have to take the initiative, since the Aquarius man is most often passive and shy. This behavior does not indicate his indifference, it’s just that any feelings and emotions arise in him only after the friendship has begun, and this takes time.

You should not expect manifestations of jealousy or a sense of ownership from representatives of this sign; this is not acceptable for him, since according to his concepts, people are close not because of great feelings, but due to mutual interest. His partner will never hear promises of eternal love from him, because he is not ready to take on any responsibility, but at the same time, he will not demand anything in return.

The Aquarius man will not accept any pressure from his wife, therefore, feeling that they are trying to use him for their own interests, he will lose interest in his partner and bring the relationship to its logical conclusion. According to statistics, men born in the constellation Aquarius are more likely than other signs to get divorced. This is due to the fact that it is much easier for them to do something for others than for their own family.

He never shows a keen interest in relationships with children. He treats them like good friends who need help. So, he will teach his son to ride a bicycle or play ball, and he will fix a broken doll for his daughter. He is best at speaking and listening, so he always tells the children a bedtime story in an interesting and exciting way. He treats his wife as a servant who should be nearby, cook dinner, wash clothes and look after the children.

Sexual life of an Aquarius man

First of all, a woman is interested in a representative of this sign as a person, and not as an object for pleasure.

In sex, he does not tolerate haste; his actions are always thought out and lazy. He loves long, all kinds of caresses, which he treats as an important part of the entire process of intimacy.

Thanks to such patience, the Aquarius man could become a real knight in the eyes of his partner, but his desire to make these caresses too long spoils the overall impression. Therefore, a woman can feel free to hurry her partner, because when he gets excited to the limit, he will show all his skill and ingenuity, and will definitely give his partner unearthly pleasure. A woman can always direct her partner’s actions in the right direction with a skillful approach.

In bed, a representative of this sign will easily agree to any innovations and experiments. He likes to bring something new and unusual into his intimate life, so he studies a lot of literature of this kind in order to learn and improve his skills. There are no prohibitions or restrictions for him; he will react positively if his partner offers to try a threesome.

He likes to regularly change positions, sometimes even trying something that goes beyond the normal, but his partner is unlikely to be able to stop him. Men of this sign experience problems associated with impotence, and some also experience sexual dysfunction. For him, it is not the sexual act itself that is of great value, but all those processes that precede it. But your partner should be careful and attentive, because many Aquarius men have a tendency towards sadism. Therefore, at the slightest attempt by a partner to cause pain, a woman should, without hesitation, run away from him without looking back.

Stories from our readers

Representatives of the Aquarius zodiac can be characterized as strong, independent and active individuals. They are sociable and charming, which allows them to easily make new acquaintances and win people over. Aquarius man smart and insightful, so he understands people well and never judges them superficially. Such persons have unconventional thinking and prefer to live by their own rules, which are often incomprehensible to others.

Despite his sociability and openness, the Aquarius man prefers to act as a loner. He may have many acquaintances, but there are practically no real friends. It should be noted that such men know how to be friends, and they try to build equal relationships with others. You can always rely on them in difficult times. The limited circle of loved ones is explained by the fact that they do not tolerate deceitful and dodgy individuals, so not every person is allowed into their world.

Aquarius guys have many positive qualities, including sacrifice, kindness and responsiveness. They are completely devoid of selfishness, therefore they are ready to give all of themselves to other people and help in every possible way, even to their detriment. As for negative qualities, they are practically absent. Representatives of this zodiac sign may exhibit a rebellious spirit and lack of self-confidence only in extreme situations.

Due to extreme independence and originality of thinking Aquarius guy often does not comply with traditions and social norms if he considers them wrong. He has his own foundations and principles, which he is not ready to give up even if they seem stupid and incomprehensible to others.


Most representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius remain boys at any age, which is manifested in their behavior, worldview and appearance. As a rule, they have large, expressive eyes, which truly are the “mirror of the soul”, because... they always vividly reflect the guy’s mood and emotions. The lips are usually thin, well-defined, a straight nose, straight, narrow eyebrows and a high forehead.

The Aquarius man is tall, thin and proportionate in build. His gait is always light, but swift, which is why it seems that he is always in a hurry to get somewhere. The man gives the impression of an intellectual and an intellectual to those around him.

Because the Zodiac sign Aquarius has rather simple, and even unmemorable, facial features; he tries to stand out from the crowd with his behavior and clothing. Guys don’t like formal outfits and business suits - they prefer a simple youth style:

  • custom cut jeans;
  • loose sweaters;
  • T-shirts.

When choosing clothes, Aquarians are not guided by such criteria as quality and comfort - originality and extravagance are more important to them. In their wardrobe you can hardly find a monochromatic item of modest colors. Men retain the habit of dressing brightly throughout their lives, so even in adulthood they look like cheerful boys.

Attitude to career and finances

In the professional sphere, an Aquarius man can achieve enormous success thanks to his communication skills and natural talents. But, unfortunately, he does not strive to conquer the top of the career ladder, because... does not differ in purposefulness and efficiency. The guy prefers not to burden himself with difficulties and responsibilities, and material values ​​are not particularly important to them. Because of this characteristic, representatives of this sign mostly live quite modestly, and only a few achieve financial well-being.

To achieve success in their career, Aquarius needs to choose the right profession. It should allow free thinking, not be burdened by rigid rules and, ideally, have a flexible schedule. Representatives of this Zodiac quickly get bored with monotonous work, so they do not stay at one enterprise for a long time. Men do not have to consider creative professions; they will be able to realize their potential in the field of healthcare, biochemistry or in the metallurgical industry.

An Aquarius man does not strive for luxury, therefore he is not inclined to accumulate finances. He easily parts with money, and often spends it on completely unnecessary things. This sign is often involved in charity work and willingly provides financial assistance to friends and relatives. It is noteworthy that Aquarius handles his own money so frivolously, while he is more responsible and economical with other people’s money.

Romantic relationship

Charm, sociability and openness help Aquarius win women's hearts. In his youth, a man usually does not strive for a serious relationship, but is content with fleeting connections. Nevertheless, every time he meets a beautiful girl, it seems to him that she will be the only one with whom he will connect his destiny. But, unfortunately, the feeling of falling in love quickly passes, and the guy rushes in search of a new passion.

To interest a man of this Zodiac, a girl must have an active lifestyle and extraordinary thinking. Because the V love, as in work, Aquarius is fickle, his chosen one will have to make a lot of effort to remain interesting to her partner. Moreover, this applies to all areas of relationships, including intimacy. Representatives of this zodiac sign love to experiment in bed, they know how to please their partner, but often they quickly “burn out”.

To create a happy relationship, an Aquarius guy should choose girls born under the zodiac signs of Gemini, Sagittarius or Libra. Also, a successful alliance can develop with Aquarius and Leo. The worst passions for a man of this sign are Virgo, Pisces and Scorpio.

Attitude towards family and children

Aquarius man is in no hurry to burden himself with marriage and have children. But if he finds an ideal match for himself, by his standards, he will propose to him, and completely unexpectedly for his chosen one. For family relationships to be strong and happy, the wife must first of all be a good friend to her husband, because Communication is important to him. She also needs to be supported during difficult periods and praised for her achievements.

In married life, Aquarius tries to show all his positive qualities. He strives for equality in the family, so he will not shift all the housework to his wife; on the contrary, he will take an active part in arranging life and maintaining cleanliness. Problems may arise with the financial support of the family, because... A representative of this sign does not strive for wealth, however, the household will not have to starve.

Characteristic Aquarius, as a father, is very positive. The interests of children always come first for him; he takes part in their upbringing with pleasure. A man knows how to interest a child and keep him busy with some useful activity. In addition, he strives to instill in his child healthy habits and develop positive character traits. Despite the fact that Aquarius is not one of those people who devotes all their free time to children, they develop very warm, friendly and trusting relationships.

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Have you met a person who is ruled by the sign of Aquarius? Most likely, he is creative, dynamic and lives in his own rhythm. No wonder you fell for him! Want to take control of his intriguing personality and see if you're on the right track? Here is a brief description of people born between January 20 and February 18 - Aquarius.


Part 1

First steps

    Become friends first. Aquarians are not interested in one-sided girls who openly show that they want to start a relationship with them. They want something more interesting. Something more dynamic. Take your time, prove to him that you are worth his time, and first become friends with him.

    • Your task is to become a friend who is different from others. Aquarians want something special. Something that will captivate them. They don't judge a book by its cover, they will want to read you first. Your pages should absorb it.
  1. Appreciate his intelligence. It will seem to you that Aquarius's creativity is overflowing. Whether at an easel or with a camera, he is full of insight and inspiration. His whole life goes beyond the understanding of those around him, and he lives on a different wavelength. If you show him that you understand it, then you understand and appreciate it, and you will both be above the opinions of others who just glance and laugh at him. He'll love it.

    • Ask him questions! Be interested in what he does. Is he writing a song? Equipping his basement with real spy equipment? Painting a school wall? Be interested! It’s even better if you show off your skills.
  2. Show off your intelligence. For Aquarius, this is the best aphrodisiac. Nothing turns an Aquarius on like a lively conversation with a culturally rich and forward-thinking person. He always strives upward, and wants to communicate with those who are also constantly developing.

    • Aquarius is interested in almost everything. So don't worry about what to talk to him about to impress him. He will be interested in everything that makes you passionate. He will love your zest for life.
  3. Fall in love with his eccentricity. Although he feels different from everyone else, he can sometimes feel a little abnormal. Show him that you like his extravagance - this is exactly what you can rely on! Be unusual! Be original! Do what you enjoy. How else can you stand out?

    • As for you, you must be independent of what others think and say. Wear clothes that you like. Fulfill your whims. Don't be afraid to be too loud, too reserved, or too different. After all, do you want to please him?
  4. Don't step too hard. Aquarius craves freedom and independence. If you step too hard, it will blow away like the wind. He isn't very emotional himself and isn't attracted to clingy/desperate/overly emotional people.

    • Let him know that you're cool and a little frivolous. Be a little distant. There are no difficulties for you. What really attracts Aquarius is the lack of tension and drama. He needs to know that when he asks you out, you won't go crazy.
  5. Have fun and don't get stuck in a serious relationship. As a rule, Aquarius is very difficult to attach to you, at least in the beginning. They do not like to label or set limits on anything. If you don't rush and push him, the relationship will last much, much longer.

    • At least initially, a relationship should involve enjoying each other and having fun. And there's nothing wrong with that. And if you want to go to the registry office after five dates, relax. You will still have time for this.

    Part 2

    Development of a relationship
    1. Keep surprising him. Aquarians are interested in everything, they love surprises. They love to learn, gain new experiences, act - live to the fullest. A juicy, fulfilling relationship gets their brains going, and they're intrigued by what's around the corner. Surprise them!

      • Don't be afraid to shock them. It is almost impossible to shock an Aquarius, but challenge him! Offer him something crazy - like trying chocolate-covered grasshoppers?
    2. Talk about everything. Overall, Aquarius is an open book. They are not embarrassed by conversations even on the most taboo topics. Discuss politics, current events, morals and ethics with them - whatever it is, he will support the topic. The more common topics of conversation there are, the better!

      • Don't be afraid to challenge their principles. They like to listen to other people's opinions, even if they don't agree with them. So if you have a valid opinion, they will respect whatever you say. And, as the stars show, they are excellent and diplomatic debaters.
    3. Get creative together. Remember what we said about Aquarius creativity? Get creative together! And although you should have different hobbies, spend some free time doing things together. Whether it's pottery, website design, or travel planning, having a project together will make your relationship much stronger.

      • Dating an Aquarius can be very rewarding. They will teach you a lot. If you don't know anything about photography, playing the piano, or anything Aquarius has, let him bring you up to speed. You'll end up standing close to each other, meanwhile you can let him hug you while you press buttons or hit keys.
    4. Be logical, not emotional. In Aquarius, reason often prevails. He uses his heart rarely, or not very willingly. If you want to build a relationship with him, be logical. Do not look for a way to him with tears or pity. This does not work. But this is a compelling argument – ​​quite!

      If you fight, explain to him how you feel in the most valid words possible. Try to look at yourself from the outside from a more objective position. Instead of saying “Oh my God! Why did you use all the toilet paper and didn't tell me?!", say, "I was in a very awkward position because there was no toilet paper. If you had warned me, this might not have happened." This way you will get an answer much faster.

    5. Keep in mind that he can be withdrawn at times. Here's another trait of Aquarius: although they are not overly sensitive, they become sensitive and get angry when emotions overwhelm them. So if your man has become a little withdrawn or anxious, it could be because his feelings have become too strong. If this happens, remember this feature of theirs, or the relationship will not last long.

      • The only thing you can do in this situation is talk about it. Don't make hasty conclusions and be as tactful as possible. A simple phrase, “I’ve noticed your behavior has changed lately,” may be enough to get him to open up. And of course, don’t go crazy yourself!

    Part 3

    Creating compatibility
    1. Keep in mind that Aquarius is an air sign. It doesn't take much thought to understand what this means. Aquarius, like the wind, flies free. Now here, then there. Sometimes passionate, sometimes gentle, but always busy with his own business. To be compatible with an Aquarius, you need to give him his independence.

      • This in no way means that it will not be faithful. There's nothing you can do about it. It simply means that he needs to think that he belongs to himself and is free to do whatever he wants. Believe that "whatever he wants" involves being a good guy!
    2. Be yourself. Sometimes you'd swear that the second incarnation of Aquarius is Holden Caulfield. He absolutely cannot stand deception. He will immediately notice that you are acting and maintaining an image, so don't do that. Relax. Know that all he wants is for you to be yourself.

      • Always be honest. Honesty and openness are essential for anyone who wants to build a lasting relationship with this dynamic person. When it comes to love, Aquarius is best suited to people who are not put off by their straightforwardness and honesty. Openness, sociability, good imagination and a desire to take risks - Aquarius wants to see a combination of these qualities in his permanent partner.
    3. Don't get overwhelmed with emotions. Mr. Aquarius doesn't like being overly dramatic. If you're running around him, throwing your arms up, crying, mumbling nonsense and choking on your tears, he'll probably sit on the couch and turn on the TV. Not because he doesn't care about you, but because he doesn't care about theatrics.

        Go with the flow. A relationship with an Aquarius can be truly interesting. Instead of pushing him too hard, it's important to just hold on tight and see where it all leads. Trust the wind. When he wants something serious, he will tell you. And then you decide whether you want it or not.

        • Some people find it difficult to give another person a sense of control. Don't think so! Just enjoy yourself, both of you. Why does it have to end? Don't worry about the duration. He doesn't think about it! After all, you only have today. So let go, enjoy, enjoy with your dynamic, delightful and intriguing Aquarius.

He puts freedom above all else, so often love for him is not a feeling to which he will surrender. He wants to find a woman who will appreciate his inner world and understand him. To understand, you just need to trust him, and this is difficult to do, despite your openness to the world, relaxedness and desire to be with someone. Usually he transforms any relationship into friendship, since he believes that friendship does not pose some kind of hidden threat to his freedom, like love.

Aquarius man in love or what is Aquarius love like?

He is not possessive by nature, so relationships with him are like a breath of fresh air. He is ready to inspire any woman to have a joint hobby. At the same time, he advocates for equal relationships, and this can amaze and will definitely please you. His love will not be bright and passionate, but it is an even flame that will warm you in the coldest weather. He will always have enough communication, as he values ​​spirituality, and then only carnal relationships.

Love with him can last forever, as he will always add freshness and extraordinary charm to the relationship. He will be able to fill even intimacy with such spirituality that she will not be able to resist. In addition, he is smart, so he always knows how to please his beloved. But for him to understand that the relationship really does not threaten his freedom, her patience and time are needed. In this case, he will simply be happy to be with her.

Aquarius man in love - In search of Perfection!

He has an excellent imagination, so he should sometimes put himself in his partner’s place. His apparent indifference is often perceived as indifference. And this is the beginning of the fact that the relationship will not develop according to a favorable scenario. He wants freedom, but often this desire turns into an annoying idea and then he simply pushes it away from himself. In addition, he was used to leading, forgetting that she also has an opinion.

He is for equality in relationships, but often infringes on her rights, forgetting about equality. He also does not have a specific ideal that he would like to follow, so he chooses a girlfriend based on different criteria. But he should take a simpler approach to the choice, and evaluate the other half by character, and then he will be able to find his other half, which will really suit him perfectly. It is also worth abandoning logic so as not to darken your feelings.

Aquarius man in love - The other side of the coin!

He is an intellectual, so he is used to evaluating love from a logical point of view. He also wants to have certain guarantees that he will be free. And these torments and hesitations often lead to the fact that his partner simply cannot stand it all and tries to avoid the need to be constantly evaluated. This is why he loses his beloved. And the key can be just a little humor, a simple attitude, lightness.

He always starts a romance with wild passion, and then suddenly becomes cold and tries to turn the relationship into friendship. Such a imbalance often gives rise to bewilderment and misunderstanding, so he cannot keep one woman for long. His personal life is constantly spent in search and torment, reflection and weighing. In rare cases, he may take active steps to preserve the relationship. In most cases there is only one left.

The most important! The secret of an Aquarius man in love!

He should have a simpler attitude towards love. This is not a cage that will completely deprive him of his freedom. Also, you should not always transform a love relationship into friendship, as this can cause loneliness. The feeling should be tested over time, so it is worth waiting and continuing the relationship just to understand how deep it goes. To prevent the relationship from becoming bondage, he should not chase quantity, but look for the quality of love.

> Aquarius in relationships

Aquarius expresses itself differently with different partners. However, there are several noteworthy qualities that are noted in all relationships of the sign.

Common Aquarius Relationship Qualities

Despite his sociability, he gradually gets used to his partner, since he needs to be sure of the purity of his intentions and that you will not limit his freedom. If he falls in love, he turns into a reverent and sensitive lover. It’s incredibly interesting to be with him, because he loves life and tries to try everything.

Mental connection

Aquarians look for a friend first, and only then a lover. If you fail to establish this spiritual contact, you are unlikely to get far. This is an intellectual zodiac, so it loves quality arguments. Be prepared for frequent discussions and slow progress.

Even if he knows he will fail, he will still try to please you. They are incredibly sincere in this matter and love the best qualities in a partner. This helps to maintain peace even in the most difficult times, because during times of conflict it does not forget why you are together and tries to focus on the positive. The habit of dramatization rather dilutes the gray everyday life and does not bring much harm.

Feeling superficial

Aquarius sometimes seems superficial, as the chosen topics for conversation seem random and he is constantly distracted. True, he does this on purpose so as not to bore his lover. It gets to the point where you simply cannot predict what he will say next.

Sexual aspect

This is a passionate lover who is ready to give himself physically if he is confident in his feelings. In this regard, Aquarius will not delay the “first night” if he feels that the time has come.

Long term

I'm attracted to his sensitivity, self-confidence, and lack of worry about other people's opinions. Curiosity and interest in everything makes Aquarius a fascinating storyteller with whom you will never get bored.

This is an ideal option for those who need love, sexuality and variety. Even if you separate, you will remember this lover for the rest of your life.

Unusual moments

Aquarius is confident in his physical attractiveness, and this goes beyond simply “looking good.” They know what they like and don't worry about trends. You will have to get used to the fact that self-expression occurs through appearance, namely style. So don’t be surprised if you dare to do something extravagant and unlike modern fashion. Believe me, he will stand out from the crowd, and so will you.

Aquarius relationships with signs

As already mentioned, with each representative he will manifest himself differently. To view this similarly, go to the compatibility pages.

To compare levels of harmony in different combinations, look at the Aquarius compatibility charts. Men and women look at everything differently, so you can also look at the pages of the Aquarius man and the Aquarius woman.

Articles dedicated to Aquarius

  • Peculiarities ;
  • Peculiarities ;
  • How ;
  • Who is Aquarius most compatible with? ;
  • What to expect from