How to throw a pajama party for girls. Room decor for a pajama party

A big event for your child can be pajama party for kids organized by you. This event will be remembered for a long time by both children and parents. They will remember the adventure in pajamas for a long time. In addition to its entertainment purpose, a well-run pajama party will help your child bond with other children and make new friends. Therefore, it is important to make every effort.


Bunches and Bits (Karina)

Of course, a hand-made invitation will make children think of your party as some mysterious, meaningful event, long before it even begins. You can draw something colorful that hints at the theme of the pajama party, if of course it is themed. If you are not very good at drawing, you can make various applications, in general, dare, create, surprise.

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In addition to indicating the start time of the pajama party and its theme, you can subtly hint to parents what items their child should take with them by depicting them on the invitation: the pajamas themselves, a toothbrush, a favorite toy. All those items that a child may need before going to bed and after waking up.


You will need to take care of feeding a group of children at least in the evening and the next morning. It’s good if you know all the children and represent their preferences. But if this is not the case, it would be a good idea to contact your parents and clarify information about possible intolerance to certain products and allergic reactions to any ingredients.

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As a rule, dinner in such cases consists of light snacks, yoghurts, sandwiches, possibly pizza. Most likely, the children will spend the evening very actively, so take care of the drinks.

Pajama Party Script

It is advisable to draw up at least a rough script for a pajama party and stick to it, gradually moving from one point to the next. To make it interesting for children to move from one activity or game to another, you can arrange this in the form of a little entertainment.

Inflate the balloons, after putting a note in them with the name of the action that should be the next point in your script. Largely write on the balls the time for which you have planned the next stage. That is, we will have as many balls as there are points in the scenario or games in the list. Once the time indicated on the ball has arrived, you toss the ball over the children. They will have to burst it, and, after reading the note, find out what they will do next.


Of course, the main part of a pajama party will be the entertainment. A group of children who find themselves together can turn out to be an inexhaustible source of energy, mercilessly gushing over the edge, and any person unprepared for this situation will be swept away. Joke.

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But in order to keep the situation under control, you better prepare in advance and come up with what games the children will play, taking into account the interior of the room where they will take place. I mean, it's stupid to have pillow fights in a room that's filled with vases from the Qing Dynasty of China.
Here are some games you can play on pajama party for kids.

Funny cotton balls

Age: from 6 years
You will need:

  • Cotton or foam balls.
  • Large ladle
  • Two large saucepans or two plastic buckets
  • Stopwatch
  • Two chairs with backrest

A game: Each child plays for himself for a while. Place chairs facing each other at a distance of 1.5 meters. Place an empty bucket on one chair and a bucket filled with cotton balls on the other.

Blindfold the child, turn him around his axis several times and then put a ladle in his hand. Point your hand with the ladle towards the bucket of balls.
On a signal, the child will have to move the balls from one bucket to another using only one hand. Keep time with a stopwatch. The one who does it faster than the rest wins.

Advice: To make the game even more fun, you can make fun of one of the children, for example the birthday boy. Stealthily transfer the already moved balls back into the first bucket. Blindfolded, he won't understand why everyone is rolling around laughing and the bucket doesn't run out of balls, even though he makes heroic efforts.

With the arrival of a child in a family comes many pleasant worries. Sometimes parents are confused by the variety of children's products, and it is for newborns that the largest list will be needed. From the first days of your baby’s life, his health will depend only on you. And this applies not only to his nutrition, but...

Bag with things

Chuck Patch

Age: from 3 years
Preparations: Fill a tote bag or bag with a variety of clothes. These can be old hats, trousers, skirts, boots of any size. If you manage to add elements like false ears, huge clown glasses, or something else like that as a joke, it will be even more fun.

A game: Place the children in a circle and play some rhythmic children's music. While the music is playing, the children must quickly pass the bag to each other. As soon as the music stops, the child who happens to have the bag at that moment must quickly and without looking, take something out of the bag and put it on himself.
If there are a lot of children, then you can run two bags. The fun will double, and the results will amuse everyone, including you.

Mystery box

Age: from 4 years
You will need:

  • Various objects, no sharp edges or edges
  • Large cardboard box
  • Tablecloth or towel
  • Paper and pencil for each player

Preparations: Place different items in the box. Cover it with a towel so that objects are not visible from the outside.
A game: Ask each player to reach into the box and touch an object. Then he will have to draw it on paper, the way he imagines it. The winner is the one who was able to draw the object more accurately.

  • As soon as the children start arriving, immediately ask them to prepare their sleeping bags
  • Announce to everyone that no one will sleep on the bed to avoid conflicts
  • Encourage children to spend as much time outdoors as possible until it gets dark, as they will spend the night indoors with many other children after pajama party will go into the stage of sleep and rest
  • Prepare cartoons and popcorn in advance
  • Lay out several board games so that those children who cannot immediately fall asleep will find something to do

How to organize a pajama party for girls? How to make an original invitation to a pajama party with your own hands?

What competitions should I prepare? What food and drinks should I buy? You will find answers to these and some other questions here.

Chatting and having fun all night long with your girlfriends, going to bed in the morning, and then waking up to the smell of a delicious breakfast prepared by a caring mother is almost the ideal way to celebrate your own birthday for girls from 10 to 16 years old. But a pajama party doesn't have to be just for a birthday. Help your child organize an unforgettable leisure time. A pajama party, like any other, requires careful preparation. What needs to be done?

Everyone knows that a pajama party will be successful if you have colored soft blankets, a DVD player, books with scary stories and several board games (in our case, “bed” or floor games) at home. In this article we bring to your attention ideas that will help make the holiday special.

First, you should think about the invitation! How to make your own pajama party invitation? We suggest trying two original ideas.

DIY pajama party invitation

Pajama Party Invitation #1 “Pillowcase Invitation.” No one can ignore such an invitation. And it's very easy to make! You will need: a piece of fabric (for example, 24x12 cm), as well as an invitation card cut out of blue cardboard (10x5 cm). Sign the card, decorate it according to your own taste and desire. Fold a piece of fabric in half (you will get a rectangle measuring 12x6 cm), sew it on the sides from the wrong side. Turn the resulting pillowcase inside out and insert the invitation into it. Isn't it a charming invitation?

Pajama Party Invitation #2 "Under the Blanket Invitation." You will need: two sheets of paper. From one you fold an envelope - “bed”, from the other - you make an invitation that you put in it. An envelope can be made very easily by just folding a sheet of paper in half and gluing the edges together (don't forget to make a slit where the edge of the blanket is). You can write the invitation on plain paper, fold it several times (like a simple note), draw eyes and a mouth on it, “lay” it on the pillow, tucking the main part of the note under the blanket.

In the invitations, you can write what guests should bring with them (toothbrushes, slippers, favorite movie, etc.).

How to decorate a room for a pajama party?

After the invitations are ready and handed to the guests, it's time to think about preparing the room. The ideal pajama party is one where guests lie on the floor. Therefore, lay a large warm carpet in the children's room and place as many decorative pillows and blankets on it as possible. Match the lighting to the occasion: A small night light with a pink, red or orange shade will come in handy.

What things do the guests and hostess of the party need? Firstly, a camera (rest assured, the girls will start posing for each other as soon as you walk out the door), secondly, a TV and DVD player with the hostess’s favorite discs. Well, and of course don’t forget about pajamas! We also advise you to leave paper, pens and pencils in the room - they may be useful for competitions.

Pajama Party Menu

It all depends on the preferences of the children. But there are some foods and treats that go great:

· Popcorn

· Fruit juices and lemonades

· All kinds of sweets

You might be inspired by the following idea: try creating cake in the shape of a bed and girls sleeping on it. For this you will need sponge cake, oval and round cookies, cream, chocolate for decoration. The sponge cake must be cut so that it becomes rectangular in shape. Use the cream to make pillows. Next, you need to place cookies on the cake (oblong, and above it - round, this will be the head). Cover the lying figures with cream - this will be a blanket. If you manage to achieve at least a minimal resemblance to the guests when drawing details with cream, the cake will be a resounding success!

What competitions and games can be held at a pajama party?

We bring to your attention an article “Pajama party competitions” (here you will find ideas for organizing the evening).

Look for more games and competitions for a pajama party in the article Games for a pajama party (in this article you will find materials for games and competitions that can be downloaded and printed for free)

A pajama party is a good reason to get together with your best friends, gossip, play, and have fun. Traditional gatherings over a glass of wine or tea and cake sooner or later get boring.

How to throw a pajama party

The name of the event speaks for itself: all participants must bring pajamas, slippers, and other small items for sleeping and put on this. The room also needs to be prepared. You can cover the sofa with a soft blanket, or you can scatter many small pillows on a warm carpet.

Think over the menu. The party format does not involve a feast, so make plenty of appetizers, canapés, sandwiches and give each guest a small plate. If you don’t want to bother with cooking, delivery of pizza or rolls is at your service. Suitable drinks include milkshakes, aromatic teas, cocoa or light wine.

Think about lighting. The bright light of a chandelier or table lamp will ruin the atmosphere of night gatherings. Give preference to lamps with dim light that can be placed on the floor.

What to do at a pajama party

The main question when organizing a party is how to entertain the guests.

Fans of active entertainment will appreciate pillow fights and jumping on the bed. The popular game Twister is also suitable. Remember how you had fun as a child, bombard them with soft toys.

The game “Wish or Truth” will fit well into the intimate atmosphere of the event. Ask your friend to choose either wish or truth, and then ask her a tricky question. Depending on her choice, she is obliged to answer frankly or perform some action.

Set up a beauty salon at home. Light scented candles or a lamp, do facial masks, manicure, pedicure. The next morning you will return home in a good mood and in all your glory.

The pajama party format is suitable before the wedding. In this case, do not forget about a gift for the bride. The theme will include a beautiful set for the first wedding night or funny pajamas for sleeping as a wife. You can also give a garter that your friend will save for the groom.

Organize a fun party For girls– it’s not an easy matter. Several features need to be taken into account. First of all, the event should be interesting to every invited young lady, so the theme of the party should be chosen by everyone together. Now it has become fashionable to organize pajama parties, when girlfriends gather at home in their pajamas and whisper about their secrets before going to bed. But it is possible to carry out party For girls according to a more original scenario.

You will need

  • brightly colored cosmetics, out-of-fashion clothes, fortune telling books


After finishing, it's time to sleep. Well, then, together, we will all remove the traces of the night’s gatherings. If you want to get together regularly, make it a habit to help your hostess clean the house. It would be correct to change the location each time and arrange parties in turns. This way you will maintain friendship, peace in the family and a sense of celebration. After all, going on a visit is always an event.

Video on the topic


  • how to have a pajama party in 2019

Gatherings with friends are always fun and interesting. But sometimes you can add a twist to an ordinary meeting that will make your evening even more memorable. For example, this highlight could be pajama party. In every girl's life there are such parties were in childhood, only then we simply called them “sleepovers at a friend’s house.” But we were all children, which means that when we grow up, we still remember our childhood and sometimes want to return to it. Moreover, who said that only girls should take part in a pajama party?

You will need

  • Disposable holiday tableware, treats, surprises for guests, board games, pajamas

Gifts, cake and a crowd of friends playing together are, of course, great. But it’s much more interesting to be a real superhero and go in search of treasures. Or maybe go hunting with the whole tribe? Successfully choosing a party theme for children is a great gift for a child and his friends, because such a holiday gives a good mood, new emotions and pleasant memories!


Bright striped decorations + real adventure = a chic children's party. emerges by itself: the mischievous leprechaun stole the gifts and hid them at the other end of the rainbow. Children, passing tests, receive a piece of a certain color as a reward, put them together into a rainbow on a piece of whatman paper and find treasures.


An interesting birthday theme is a mafia-themed party. Children in the guise of heavily armed mafiosi and their charming girlfriends simply cannot help but evoke emotion in the adult guests!

We hide cards from the police, shoot accurately at the target and no less accurately throw grenades into the bucket, come up with funny gangster nicknames, and decipher secret gangster messages. And, at the end of the scenario, we commit a daring robbery of the presenter, grabbing well-deserved prizes!

Having trouble choosing a party theme? For children, the script is more important than the design - start from the end! If you have little time to prepare, it is better to choose a well-known topic, the ideas for which lie on the surface.

Pajama room

“Clothing” parties like hat and jeans parties have not gained much popularity among children, but pajama parties are an exception. Although even adults love to have fun in this way, let alone active children with their craving for spacious, comfortable clothes.

How fun it is to come up with scary stories among friends, build a tent out of a sheet, pretend to be asleep while you are tickled, play shadow theater and blind man's buff, collect balloons around the room with your eyes closed, or guess what the presenter is going to treat you to for the night! Ugh! And it’s not at all necessary to invite guests to a real sleepover - the guys can change into pajamas just for the atmosphere.

“Delicious” party styles for children are ideal if the birthday falls in the summer/early fall - watermelon, melon, strawberry, etc. Although there are winter options, for example, apple, orange and banana party (minions?).

The preparation is simple: a lot of treats with the flavor of the birthday boy’s favorite fruit/berry, paper “fruit” garlands, pictures, balls of themed colors. There are no restrictions regarding the script program - any competitions, some of which involve tasty props. Stock up on napkins!

Any theme party for children, be it a birthday or a less important occasion, requires serious preparation. Of course, there is some discount for the young age of guests. For example, many decorations can be made with your own hands from scrap materials - the main thing is bright and cheerful, and not artistically ideal.

However, obvious hackwork “on the knee” should be avoided - regardless of the chosen style, start preparing at least two weeks in advance. To make your theme party unforgettable, think about the following in advance:

  • location
  • Scenery
  • treats, birthday cake
  • musical accompaniment
  • script, competitions, prizes.

Don't know what competitions and games to prepare for your pajama party? We present a selection of fun activities for girls' get-togethers. Using these competitions and games, you can host a crazy pajama party for a group of both schoolgirls and grown-up girls!

Pajama Party Contests

Competition "Pillow Fight"

Pillow fights are a pajama party classic. And it is not surprising that there are several options for holding this competition. The main thing is that the pillows are not very large and have artificial fillings.

Option #1

There are two hoops lying next to each other on the floor (they can be replaced with ribbons laid out in the shape of a circle). Each participant stands in the center of her circle and the pillow fight begins. The battle continues until one of the competitors reaches the hoop. You can make the task more difficult by asking participants to stand on only one leg.

Option No. 2

Participants are divided into pairs. The rivals take turns standing opposite each other, “armed” with pillows. The “fight” lasts a certain time, for example, 3 minutes. Then everyone receives awards in comic categories: “The most graceful blow”, “The most loyal attitude towards the opponent”, etc.

And don’t forget to take a photo during the pillow fight or video the whole thing!

Competition "Best Pajamas"

Why not have a pajama fashion show and determine the best outfit? Let each contestant present her outfit and tell why she chose it. Then a vote is taken and the best pajamas are determined in various categories: “The most glamorous”, “The most original”, “The most comfortable”, etc.

Competition "Best Story"

The hostess of the holiday needs to buy “Kinder surprises” in advance - one for each friend. To play, everyone takes apart one “egg” at a time, prints them out one by one, and takes out the toy. Then you need to come up with a story in which the main character is this toy and “pajamas” are necessarily present.

After all the stories have been voiced, the most original one is chosen (funny, scary, etc.). Its author receives a prize. You can come up with several nominations so that no one is offended.

Competition "Find your pillow"

Since the pajama party involves an overnight stay, there are already a lot of pillows in the room. They need to be put in one row - this will be the props for the game. One participant is selected. She is asked to look at her pillow, pick it up, feel it, and remember its features. The girl is then blindfolded. The pillow is placed among the rest. The participant needs to find her pillow by touch. The time spent searching is recorded, and at the end of the competition, the winner is determined - the one who found the pillow faster than others.

Competition “Where are my slippers”

This humorous competition is suitable for a pajama party with five or six guests. Since the dress code for the event includes slippers, there will be no problems with props. All participants' house shoes must be collected in a pile. On command, players run up to the slippers and look for their pair of slippers. The one who finishes it first wins. To complicate the task, you can add a couple of “other people’s slippers.”

Pajama Party Games

For entertainment you need props: pieces of paper, pens, a beautiful box. Make sure you have a good camera, as there will be a lot to see. So, first, hand out several sheets of paper and pens to all the party guests. They need to write one word each on a specific topic: the name of an action, food product or emotion.

Then all the pieces of paper are put into a box and mixed. Each participant in the game chooses one note. She needs to depict the written word, and the audience needs to guess it. Take pictures of the brightest moments!

All party guests will enjoy the fun, regardless of their age. For the game you will need socks (as many as there are participants) and various small objects: a bead, a button, construction parts, candy, a hairpin, a pen cap (the main thing is that there is nothing dangerous). The presenter hides one object in each sock in advance. Then guests take turns choosing a sock, sitting on a chair, putting it on their foot and trying to determine what is inside. You can only use your toes!

Great fun for a crazy pajama party that just requires regular soap bubbles. Participants are invited to compete in the following categories: “The largest soap bubble”, “The longest-lived soap bubble”, “The farthest flying soap bubble”, etc.

This fun is not just a game for girls at a pajama party, but a way to get to know your girlfriends better. In advance you need to prepare a card with questions for each participant:

  • Favorite dish -
  • Favorite color -
  • Favorite actor -
  • Favorite song -

The list can be continued at your discretion. The girls are asked to answer about themselves, and then about each friend. Then all the answers are checked. For each correct answer - one point. The girl with the most points wins.

Each participant receives a balloon and a marker (for disks or glass, so that they can draw well). The task is the same for everyone: blindfolded, draw eyes, nose and mouth on the ball. Then the room is decorated with the resulting masterpieces.

We wish you a fun and colorful pajama party!