How an adjective changes by case. Case endings of adjectives

Author information

Sazonova Galina Vasilievna

Place of work, position:

Krasnodar region, city Novokubansk, MOBUG No. 2, teacher

Krasnodar region

Characteristics of the lesson (lesson)

The level of education:

Primary general education

The target audience:

Pupil (student)

The target audience:

Teacher (teacher)



Russian language

The purpose of the lesson:




Lesson type:

Lesson of studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge

Students in the class (auditorium):

Used textbooks and teaching aids:

T.G. Ramzaeva "Russian language", 4th grade

Explanatory dictionary for schoolchildren, O.D. Ushakova

Equipment used:

Table "Declination of adjectives"

Short description:

Russian language lesson in 4th grade

Subject: Changing adjectives by case


* introduce students to the technique of recognizing the case of an adjective;

* introduce the declension of adjectives in the singular;

* develop attention, memory, speech of students.

Equipment: table “Declination of adjectives”, MMP, laptop, screen

During the classes

1.Organizational moment and communication of the purpose of the lesson

A good day, a good story, a good deed.

Why adjectives good, good, good have different endings, although they have the same gender and number? (They have different cases.)

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the declension of adjectives in the singular.

2. Vocabulary and spelling work

You will learn a new word from the dictionary that we will learn in class if you solve the crossword puzzle (see attached file): (slide)

1. Long stick. (Pole.)

2. What is the name of a large settlement? (City.)

3. An item for sitting. (Chair.)

4. A large, tall haystack. (Stack.)

5. A road with rows of trees planted on both sides. (Alley.)

What word did you get? (This word highway.)

What is a highway?

First, children express their guesses, then

find an explanation in the explanatory dictionary. (This is a paved road.)

Write this word twice, pronouncing it syllable by syllable, highlight the spelling, and add an accent mark.

Match the word highway suitable adjectives. ( Smooth highway, wide highway.)

Why are adjectives used in speech? (Adjectives are used to make speech more precise and beautiful.)

Name the grammatical features of the adjective. (Adjectives change according to gender and number.)

How to determine the gender of an adjective? (The gender of the adjective is determined by the gender of the noun.)

Today we will learn another grammatical feature of an adjective.

3. Work on the topic of the lesson


Determine the gender and number of adjectives in phrases:

. (In the phrase deep pond adjective deep masculine, since the noun pond to which it refers is masculine. In the phrase deep lake adjective deep neuter, since the noun lake to which it refers is neuter. In the phrase deep hole adjective deep feminine, since the noun it refers to is feminine. In phrases deep pond, deep lake, deep hole adjectives are singular. As they relate to nouns pond, lake, hole, which are in the singular.)

In what gender and number is an adjective always present? (An adjective is always in the same gender and number as the noun it refers to.)

Decline these phrases.

How Ouch? How oh? How and I?

Name deep th the pond is deep oh the lake is deep and I Nora

How Wow? How Wow? How Ouch?

R.p. deep Wow the pond is deep Wow lakes are deep Ouch burrows

How wow? How wow? How Ouch?

D.p. deep wow the pond is deep wow the lake is deep Ouch burrow

How Ouch? How oh? How wow?

V.p. deep th the pond is deep oh the lake is deep wow hole

How them? How them? How Ouch?

etc.. deep them pond deep them the lake is deep Ouch hole

oh how ohm? oh how ohm? oh how Ouch?

P.p.. oh deep ohm deep pond ohm deep lake Ouch burrow

What conclusion can you draw? (Adjectives are changed by case or declined.)

How to determine the case of an adjective? Can I finish? (No, the adjective deep ending - Ouch in the genitive case, dative, instrumental, prepositional. The case of an adjective can be determined by case


4. Physical education minute

We worked great.

Don't mind taking a break now

And we are used to charging

Comes to class for lesson.

I will name phrases. If the phrase contains a singular adjective, you squat. If the phrase contains a plural adjective, you walk in place.

Winter road, tasty berries, slender trees, high fence, forest paths, new notebooks, red apple, interesting stories.

5. Consolidation of what has been learned

a) Exercise “Determine the gender, number and case of the adjective”

Word combinations are written on the board.

Across a wide field, about a faithful friend, on a long journey, under a low bush, behind a high fence, an interesting book, on a tall tree, with a beloved kitten, on a bookshelf, in a green grove, in a blue wave.

b) Work according to the textbook.

Reading the output on page 124.

Read the memo on page 124.

Exercise 283 p.125.

Write from memory, determine the case of the adjective. ( Transparent - in V.p..)

c) Independent work (mutual check).

Select and insert adjectives, connecting them in meaning with nouns. Determine the case of adjectives. Select endings.

In the _________ cold there is silence in the forest. All the animals hid from the __________ cold. Suddenly crossbills flew noisily over the _________ clearing. Birds flocked to the top of the _________ spruce. At the very top there were clusters of ___________ cones. The birds began to drag ___________ seeds with their claws.

6. Lesson summary

Continue the sentence:

To determine the case of an adjective, you need to:

  1. Find the …… to which ……… belongs
  2. Determine the case……
  3. By case...... determine case......

7. Homework

Exercise 281, p.124

Changing the cases of adjectives in the singular

16. Read the table “Changing by case of singular adjectives” (see above). Which adjectives have the same inflection?

17. Read it. Decline any of the given adjectives together with the noun using the table.

Vegetable soup, night sky, earthly bark.

18. Read it. Determine the case of nouns.

They sewed it from... fabric, stopped near... a building, floated across... the sky, drove up to... a gatehouse, watched... a performance, flew into... a window, decorated... with frost, grew under. .. birch tree, swam in... the sea, read about... a bear.

    Words for reference: tall, silk, blue, forest, open, interesting, young, warm, silver, brown.

  • For each noun, select an appropriate adjective from the words for reference. Write down the phrases.
  • Indicate the case of nouns and adjectives, highlight their endings.

19. Read the memo on how to determine the case of an adjective and a sample argument.

Think like this: adjective big refers to the word village Village- neuter noun ( village), is in the instrumental case ( rises(above what?) above the village), in the singular. So it's also an adjective big also stands in the neuter gender, in the instrumental case, in the singular ( above the village(which?) big).

20. Read it.

      In the north wild standing alone
      On naked top of the pine
      And dozes, swaying, and snow loose
      She is dressed like a robe.
      (M. Lermontov)

  • Be prepared to explain how to determine the case of highlighted adjectives.
  • Copy the poem. Indicate which part of speech each word in the first two lines belongs to.

21. Read it.

Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov is an excellent master of portrait painting. His painting “Mika Morozov” is one of the best children’s portraits in world art. Take a closer look at the picture.

The kid stood up slightly in his chair. I saw something and froze. Curly, curled. Black-eyed. He raised his thin eyebrows. He opened his plump pink lips. What struck the boy early in the morning? Not yet tidied up, in a white nightgown, he is ready to jump up right now and figure out what is happening. Little hands grabbed the handrails of the chair. A moment of surprise.

The artist managed to spy on this moment and reflect it in the picture.


  • Determine the topic and main idea of ​​the text. Explain the meaning of expressions master of portrait painting, world art.
  • Find adjectives in the text. Tell us for what purpose they are used in the 1st and 2nd parts of the text.
  • Read the description of the boy. How do you see the boy from this description?

22. In the “Picture Gallery” of the textbook, look at the reproduction of Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov’s painting “Mika Morozov”.

  • Isn't it true that the artist told us a whole story about a boy? Does the description of the boy from ex. 21 with your impression of the picture? What are your impressions of the portrait? What could surprise the boy? Make your guesses.
  • Compose and write an essay on the topic “What do I remember about V. A. Serov’s painting “Mika Morozov”?” Begin your essay with the first two sentences from the text in ex. 21.

It is difficult to imagine a lively conversation without vivid epithets that reflect a person’s feelings - admiration, jubilation, joy, annoyance, indignation. Basically, these unusual words that make our speech richer are adjectives that denote the quality of an object and answer the questions: what? Which? which? which? The definitions are easy to pronounce, but not only schoolchildren, but also adults, get confused in their spelling. To avoid mistakes when writing, you need to correctly determine the case of these colorful words.

How to determine the case of an adjective by a noun

Usually an adjective agrees in case with its subordinate noun. Consider a simple sentence: “A narrow path ran through a spruce forest, winding and twisting, until it finally disappeared into an impenetrable thicket.”

  • Look for adjectives by asking questions - which one? Which? It turns out that two words – narrow and impenetrable – are adjectives.
  • Find a noun associated with the first epithet by asking - what? The answer is the path, which is in the nominative case, goes out, and is narrow - of the same case.

Remember: if the noun is the subject, it is I.p., if the noun is a minor member, it is V.p.

  • The second noun is in the thicket, it answers the question - in what? Where? and has a prepositional case, therefore the adjective is in the impassable, stands in P.p.

How to determine the case of a feminine adjective

Each type of adjective has its own rules for determining cases. Let's look at the feminine declension.

The nominative case has an ending - aya, -aya, genitive, dative, instrumental and prepositional - oh, -ey. Accusative - yu, -yu. More details in the example.

As you can see, the endings in different case forms are the same, so if you have difficulty, double-check the spelling on the dependent noun, using the hint from paragraph 1.

How to determine the case of a masculine adjective

To determine the case of masculine adjectives, ask a question about it and use the endings as a guide:

I.p. – endings – oh, -y, -y;

R.p. - wow, -him;

D.p. - oh, -him;

V.p. - if an inanimate object the endings will be - oh, -y, -y, a living object - oh, -him;

etc. – ym, -im;

P.p – om, -em.

How to determine the case of a neuter adjective

In the nominative and accusative case, neuter singular adjectives end in – е, -е. Next comes without repetitions - genitive case - oh, -him, dative - ohm, -him, instrumental - ym, -im, prepositional - ohm, -em.

How to determine the plural case of an adjective

These word forms answer the question - which ones?, coincide in number with the dependent noun and have the following case endings:

I.p. - s, -s;

R.p. and P.p. – oh, -them;

D.p. – ym, -im;

V.p. – animate objects according to R.p., inanimate objects – according to I.p.;

etc. – yim, -imi.

So, you have learned how to determine the case of an adjective, it’s time to consolidate the result. Print out the hint charts and use them as needed to spell any compound adjective correctly.


Russian language lesson in 4th grade

"Changing adjectives by case"

Gizitdinova Raisa Sergeevna

teacherprimary classes

first qualification category


Lesson topic: Changing adjectives by case.

Lesson objectives:

Educational goals:

Familiarization with the algorithm for determining the declension of adjectives;

Identification of the declension features of this part of speech;

Development of initial research skills;

Stimulating cognitive interests with the help of problematic questions;

Developmental goals:

Development of interest in further educational process,

Development of the ability to analyze one’s own activities;

Educational goals:

Raising children's desire for academic success,

Fostering a sense of friendship and camaraderie.

Cultivating a love for nature.

Lesson type :

A lesson in mastering new knowledge.




    Cards for individual work.

Technologies used: ICT, health-saving, research(method of involving students in setting the goals and objectives of the lesson, method of organizing work in a group, method of reflection, method of organizing independent study of new material in classroom practice)annotation : This lesson consists of several stages, at each of which ICT is used to improve the learning of the material. Different types of activities are used: frontal work, work in pairs, individual work of students, work at the board, work in groups.

During the classes.

1.Organizational stage.

Teacher: The guys looked at each other and smiled. I am glad to see you again and I think that today will bring us the joy of communication and the joy of discovering new things in the classroom. Good luck to you!

What do you want this lesson to be?

Children: Interesting, to learn something new.

Teacher: Is everyone ready for the lesson?

Children: Yes!

(1 slide.)

The lesson begins

It will be useful for the guys.

Try to understand everything

To write correctly.

2. Self-determination for educational activities .

Which part of the speech do you think the following told about yourself?

(2 slide)

I'm friends with the noun
And I’m not bothered at all.
My main point:
I denote the attribute of an object.
What kind of ice? Cold, smooth.
What tea? Hot, sweet.
I change by birth,
Numbers and cases.
I love attentive children.
Who am I?..(adjective).

Teacher: Which part of speech will we work with in class today?

Children: With adjectives.

3. Updating knowledge and recording difficulties in activities.

Teacher: Why are adjectives used in our speech?

Children.In order to name the characteristics of objects, to accurately describe objects in order to make our speech expressive.

Word combinations on the board:

cold... weather, oh cold... weather

What parts of speech do they consist of? (from a noun and an adjective)

What can you say about the nouns in these phrases?

(in gender, singular)

What do you know about nouns?

(change by gender, number, case, i.e. declined)

About adjectives? (are in the same gender and number as the noun);

Determine the endings of adjectives in phrases;

Why do adjectives have different endings?

(nouns have different cases);

Can adjectives change by case?

(children's assumptions)

4. Statement of the educational task.

- Let's try to decline the adjective at the boardwinter (does not work)

Let's substitute a nounday . From this noun we ask a question to the adjective.

What will we learn in class? (change adjectives by case, i.e. decline.)

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

(3 slide) “Changing adjectives by case”

-What are the goals of our lesson?

- Today we will learn:

(4 slide)

Lesson objectives:

Decline adjectives.

Recognize the case of adjectives.

Use adjectives in oral and written speech.

5. Solving the problem. Study.

Let's do some research:

Groups 1 and 2 will decline the phrase:winter morning

3 and 4 groups:good days . (Work in groups)

(5 slide) Research plan.

    Decline noun and adjective.

    Observe how adjectives change.

    Draw a conclusion.

Highlight the endings of nouns and adjectives.

Checking the work.

(Children explain how they worked:

They changed the noun by case, asked a question from the noun to the adjective, determined the ending of the adjective)

Well done boys!


Are you probably tired?

Are you probably tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together.

They stomped their feet,

Hands patted.

Twirled, twirled

And everyone sat down at their desks.

Close our eyes tightly

We count to 5 together.

Open, blink

And we continue to work.

6. Constructing a project for getting out of a difficulty (discovery of new knowledge)

What conclusion can we draw?

We repeat in groups how we changed adjectives by case.

- Make a memo for determining the case of adjectives

(Make up in pairs, discuss)

Guys, let's write down an algorithm for determining the case of an adjective.


    Let's find the noun with which the adjective is associated.

    Let's determine the case of the noun.

    By the case of the noun we recognize the case of the adjective.

7.Primary consolidation.

a) -Write down the sentences, inserting the endings of the adjectives. Using the algorithm, determine the case of adjectives.

(1 student works at the blackboard, the rest write in notebooks):

Winter__ sunny day. The sky is clear and clear. It's frosty days.

b) Independent work (Write down sentences, inserting the endings of adjectives. Using the algorithm, determine the case of adjectives):

IN In the winter... fog the cold... dim... sun rises. Cheerful... a flock of birds flew over a snowy... forest... clearing.

c) Mutual check (swapped notebooks).

G) Dictation (several students work on individual cards)

The blizzard has arrived and I winter. The earth is covered softly them fluffy th snow. Birds are hungry in winter eat forest. Friendly s the guys are making feeders. They'll hang them in the school ohm garden.

- Why are birds hungry in the forest in winter?

How do you help birds? (we make feeders, pour food, hang birdhouses)

- Find phrases noun + adjective. Determine the case, highlight the ending.

Examination(7 slide)

Conclusion :

“The adjective changes by case and always has the same gender, number and case as the noun with which it is connected in meaning.”

8. Summary:

So, our research ends for today.

Well done! I liked how you determined the case of adjectives today.

The teacher evaluates independent work using cards.

At the end of our lesson we will conduct"Blitz survey" .

I ask experts in the Russian language to answer the questions.

9. Lesson summary. Reflection.

a) Homework.

Make 5 sentences about winter.

Write down noun phrases. + adj.

Indicate gender, number, case of nouns and adjectives..

b) Blitz survey.

What new have you learned about inflecting adjectives?

What goals did we set for ourselves?

(learn to decline adjectives,

recognize the case of adjectives).

Have we achieved them?

How to find out the case of an adjective?

Who had difficulties?

Who is happy with themselves today? Why?

How do you evaluate your work?

Everyone has a sun on their table. If you are in a good mood, draw a smile. If you are in a bad mood, then draw the sun a bad mood.


Card No. 1

1 task. Complete the adjectives. Determine gender and case of nouns.

Coat(…………), frost(……..), snowflake(……….), sea(………), book(………..), cheese(…..),

Task 2. Determine gender and case of adjectives.

Reindeer, old forest, near a mighty oak, tall tree, winter sun, bird noise, near a neighboring house, in a snowy outfit.

Card No. 2

Write down the phrases, inserting adjectives according to their meaning. Determine the case of the adjective.

(………..)branch, (…………)stump, by the (………..) river, (………..) snow, near the (……….) shore, on (……… ..) poplar, for (……….)brother, to (……..)city.

Card No. 3

For these verbs, come up with and write down adjective and noun phrases. Determine the case of adjectives.

Post (what?)…………. ………….. .

Dig up (what?)…………. …………. .

Tell (what?)………. …………….

Sing (what?)…………. ………………. .

See (what?)……….. ……………….

Hear that?)……… …………….. .

To love (what?)……….. ……………….

Unstressed case endings of adjectives are written in the same way as stressed ones, except for masculine adjectives in the nominative case.

In order to correctly write the unstressed ending of an adjective, you need to find in the sentence the noun to which this adjective refers and determine its gender and case. Then remember the ending of the adjective in this case. Next, compare the ending of the adjective and the ending of the question it answers.

The woodpecker treated himself to tasty spruce cones . → treated himself(how?) cones TP, cones(which ones?) delicious mi .

Masculine adjectives in the nominative and accusative cases answer what question? and have the endings -й, -й.

Masculine: Which? -Ouch, th, -th:dashing Ouch , brave th , great th

Neuter gender: which? -oh, -her: white oh , syn her

Example: There was a funny clown at the circus . → was(Who?) clown IP, clown(Which ?) brave y. m.r. IP

Genitive case answer the question which one? and have endings -Wow, -his: near him, cheerful .

Seryozha called his beloved puppy called(whom?) puppy RP, puppy(which one?) love Wow . m.r. RP

Masculine and neuter adjectives in dative case answer the question (which one?) and have endings -oh, -to him: handsome wow , near to him .

We arrived at a beautiful building . → we arrived(for what?) to the building DP, building(which one?) handsome wow . s.r. DP

Adjective masculine and neuter in instrumental case answer the question (what?) have an ending -th, -them: good them , cheerful th .

The plane was flying over a huge city . → flew over(how?) city TP, city(which?) huge th . m.r. TP

Adjective masculine and neuter in prepositional case answer the question (about which one?) and have endings -ohm, -eat:oh cheerful ohm ,oh neighbor eat .

I talked about my favorite writer . → told(about whom?) about the writer PP, writer(which one?) love ohm m.r. PP

Feminine adjectives in genitive, dative, instrumental and prepositional cases, answer the questions what? and have endings -Ouch, -to her. handsome Ouch , senior to her.

She was a fun girl . → was(by whom?) girl TP, girl(Which ?) cheerful Ouch . w.r. TP

IN instrumental case there may still be endings -oh, -by her.

Feminine adjectives in accusative case answer what question? and have endings - wow, -yuyu.

They went to an evening disco . → Went(where? for what?) to the disco VP, disco(which one?) evening yuyu . w.r. VP