How to find a job that suits a woman. How to find what you love and why it is important to choose a job you like

We all love “twenty ways of this” and “thirty ways of that” style articles: structured lists, concentrated information - just the thing for reading on the run or during your lunch break.

Today I want to write an article in the same style, based on personal experience and refuting the traditional ways of finding a job for the soul.

When I was tired of working in the financial sector, then, like many in a similar situation, I began to think - what would I really like to do? Without answering this question myself, I, in the spirit of the times, blamed it on the Internet: OK, Google, how can I find a job to my liking? Google gave me a bunch of information. But it didn’t help me very much, and here’s why.

What is usually advised in such articles?

Remember what you wanted to become as a child?

Childhood, they say, is selfless and not clouded by everyday problems, and therefore, it is childhood dreams that will lead you to your real calling. Great, I remember very well what I wanted to be as a child. An astronaut and a princess. I don’t remember exactly, at the same time or not, but both professions at my current age of 38 look a little doubtful for implementation.

I wanted to become an astronaut when I re-read the science fiction books of Belyaev and Krapivin: to search for new worlds, to explore universes, to heroically create a bright future for earthlings - it seemed romantic and the right thing to do.

I dreamed of becoming a princess solely in order to wear beautiful floor-length dresses and ride a horse, certainly white, around my own kingdom. In my opinion, this dream appeared after the film “Three Nuts for Cinderella,” if anyone remembers that one.

What now? Now I am not really drawn to explore space, I prefer earthly nature; I don’t really like long dresses - I prefer jeans with sneakers. So both of these dreams, although they remained touching memories, did not help me find a new occupation.

Ask yourself: what do you love most?

Write a list of three to five to ten favorite hobbies and think about how you could make money from it? What professions are related to your hobbies?

Write book reviews? To be honest, I’m not sure that you can make good money from this, but this is also not the business that you have your heart set on. I don’t want to make reading a chore.

Write: writer, copywriter, translator.

Copywriting, by the way, is the activity closest to my liking. I thought about it for quite a long time, studied content exchanges, demand, literature. But something in my heart was categorically against it. I realized that since writing has always been my biggest and most cherished dream, writing custom advertising texts and articles for me is akin to a betrayal of this dream.

Don't get me wrong, I consider quality copywriting a very worthy occupation. But this is just my cockroach: I’m afraid to write texts to order. I'm afraid that it will become a routine and will kill the magic and the desire to write what you want.

Travel: By the way, there are many options here.

Travel journalist for magazines like GEO National Geographic (that's cool, yes; it also implies epic mastery of photographic equipment).

A tour guide or guide in another country (but this is more likely not a travel job, but an opportunity to earn money abroad).

Photographer. Stewardess. Cruise ship employee...

All these professions mean that you will have to spend most of your time traveling and be practical about your surroundings: looking for angles, interesting places for reviews, non-trivial attractions for tourists. It's all great, yes. But what I like most about traveling is the leisurely contemplation of nature and architecture, away from the tourist trails and during the off-season for tourists. In addition, with a teenage son and a Siberian cat, I cannot now afford to constantly travel around the world. Alas.

Cats: veterinarian or breeder. Oh no. Both professions - no. A veterinarian makes me like a ballerina makes an elephant. I am terrified of everything that has to do with treatment, injections and, God forbid, blood. The breeder doesn’t either: otherwise all the kittens will simply stay with me, because I won’t be able to part with a single fur ball.

What's the result? Everything I like is not very suitable for my dream job. It turns out that it is not enough to look for an activity in the field of your hobbies; it must also intersect with character traits, personality type and personal cockroaches. This is where the following common advice comes to the rescue.

Take Career Guidance Tests

Passed by. In principle, a good way. Gives a wide variety of options. Various tests suggested that I work: as a journalist, lawyer, scientist, creative manager, interior designer (which is very “hot”), but they did not find out the main thing: I am a complete introvert. I prefer working alone to any work with people, ideally remotely and with correspondence on Skype.

One of these tests gave me the following verdict:

“People of this type are distinguished by analytical abilities, rationalism, independence and originality of thinking, the ability to accurately formulate and express their thoughts, solve logical problems, and generate new ideas. They often choose scientific and research work and conditions that give freedom for creativity. Work can captivate them so much that the line between work time and leisure time is blurred. The world of ideas may be more important to them than communicating with people. Material well-being is usually not a priority for them.”

And as a suitable profession, I was offered the profession of a web analyst. Let's say it looks like the truth, but it's still not the same. I have always dreamed of creativity, and if you choose a business to your liking, then it should definitely contain a decent amount of creativity.

Other common methods

Asking the opinion of relatives and friends, moving forward a year or five and presenting myself in a new capacity, thinking about what I would like to learn - also did not work very well for one reason or another.

What to do? I don’t know if I was just lucky or the system worked, but I was lucky enough to find what I loved. I am absolutely in love with my new profession as an interior 3D visualizer, and every new day that I spend creating my 3D worlds makes me infinitely happy. But when I started looking for a job I liked, I had no idea about such a profession.

How did I come to her? I tell you and invite you to try to follow my path.

Create an image

Find a time and place where no one and nothing will distract you. Forget about childhood, about “should” and “it’s customary”, about loans and rent, about your education, about diplomas and other honors, about many years of experience in the profession, forget about everything. If you are reading this article, it means that not everything in your life suits you and it’s time to imagine a new life.

So, imagine that you have already found your dream job, it doesn’t matter at this stage what it’s called. Take a piece of paper (it’s better to write by hand than to type on a computer; this is where special neural connections of the brain are activated) and describe: how do you imagine yourself in your new capacity?

For me, the ideal job is me, a laptop, a cat, a quiet workspace in my apartment or small house, my family nearby, and nothing else. No tedious trips to the office, traffic jams and crushes, no open-space, God forbid, meetings, meetings, business meetings, dozens of colleagues, hundreds of reports and a bunch of bosses. No more overtime or staying up late - how many years of my life have I wasted on this!

Type of work: something highly technical to use the brain; something creative enough so that it is not cramped or boring within the given framework; something quite broad so that you never stop learning and so that there is no limit to perfection. Something like this.

What is the ideal job for you?

Find out what it's called

Now that you have formulated a future image for yourself, try to identify the work that will lead you to this image. There are several ways. Try everything.

If you are comfortable working for a permanent employer full-time or part-time, look for vacancies on the largest job search sites: and

The trick here is in the filters. If you already know what industry you'd like to work in, look for it. If you don't know, watch everything. Most likely, you can hardly imagine what variety of professions are now required and you will be very surprised at their range.

The main thing at this stage is to suppress in yourself “I can’t do this” and “I can’t do this.” Now you just need to determine the name of your dream profession.

Here’s a quick look at the vacancies (salary in brackets) in the section “Working in the field of entertainment, art, and mass media in St. Petersburg”: copywriter/content marketer (RUB 50,000), dancer of exclusive dance show programs/dancer ( 90,000 rub.), studio pottery instructor (45,000 rub.), text writer/copywriter (in English) (60,000 rub.), doll decorator (45,000 rub.), quest administrator (50,000 rub.) , wedding planner (40,000 rub.), actor (Father Frost/Snow Maiden) (15,000 rub.). The quest administrator made me especially happy!

Search using different areas and filters, not even limited to the search city.

If your dream is freelancing, look for your dream job on freelance exchanges.

I recommend monitoring demand on four exchanges:,,, The last two are international and are suitable for searching if you speak English at least at the school level. But they will greatly expand your search capabilities.

Look at what projects customers require, how much they are willing to pay for them, and what basic requirements they have. You will definitely like something that is in demand.

Here is a quick selection of the most popular requests: website design, landing page creation, video editing, online store promotion, maintaining groups on social networks, copywriting, logo creation and many, many others. Some of the non-trivial ones I came across were: do a smoke removal calculation, create a car booking system, go to the library..., but this vacancy made my day: “Sex toys 3D modeling for 3D printing, only advanced level”...

If you have a specific goal, such as living and working full-time, start by finding and reading blogs from inspiring people who are already doing it.

Most often, in their blog, authors directly or indirectly indicate their occupation; you just need to read it carefully. For example, for those who dream of traveling, there is a fairly well-known blog by Masha Dubrovskaya, which contains a huge amount of useful information. Read, study, get inspired!

If you are brave, original and dream of doing something completely unique, look for lists of unusual professions.

Professions such as dream salesman(the company for making dreams come true is located in the USA, in Chicago), brain remover(this is a specialist who must remove the brain from the heads of killed animals and send it to restaurants for preparing delicacies), braider(braid braider) train pusher(this profession has already appeared in Japan and the USA, payment is made for each person packed onto the train), professional sleepyhead(for testing the comfort of hotel rooms), tropical island caretaker, water slide testers And deep ocean explorers- actually exist and applicants are periodically invited to them. Go for it :)

If you are not 100% attracted to anything, choose the most suitable job for you as a starting point, even if you are not satisfied with everything about it. There is one trick here, described in the next paragraph.

Believe in the universe and the space of options

It's difficult at first. The secret is that as soon as you start walking the road from point A to point B - to the job of your dreams, completely new opportunities and options suddenly open up for you that could not have opened up at starting point A. You meet someone, you learn new information, you get new offers that you would never have received without moving. Therefore, if you were not able to immediately find the right option, and you were not able to plan your entire path to the end, but you intuitively feel that you are walking in the right direction - believe this feeling.

It was this step that led me to my dream profession. I started trying out the profession of “interior designer”. Understanding its basics, requirements, methods of training, I came across a description of the specialization of an interior 3D visualizer, and the inspiration came immediately - this is it!

You too: you will begin the journey, begin learning, communicating with new people, with professionals and mentors, and this path will open many other forks for you. You will definitely have plenty to choose from!

Try on a profession

Try a new job profession. Sign up for training courses. Get an internship, trainee, or assistant professional. Feel your sensations. The feeling of joyful excitement, the desire to learn more and more nuances, the desire to grow and develop in the chosen direction did not leave you until the end of the course or internship? Hooray, you have found your business!

If it has left and you are disappointed - well, it doesn’t matter! It's great that you tried it, otherwise how else would you know that it's not for you? Crossing out options brings you closer to that cherished one. In addition, you gained useful experience and new acquaintances! You can take a break and try something else.

Take a big step towards your dream

So, have you found a job you like? Congratulations! The most important thing remains: to take a step from a dream to its fulfillment. Do it! Just prepare yourself properly first. Work in your chosen field in the evenings, on weekends, on holidays (this is temporary), earn your first money, your first clients and your first experience.

At your current job, make savings in the form of a financial cushion for the first time (ideally for six months). Be patient and support your household. Believe in yourself. Remember that at first it will be difficult, very difficult and unusual, but if you don’t give up at this stage, then everything will work out.

Is everything done? Bingo! Receive a bonus as a gift - happiness. I'm not kidding, doing the job of your dreams, receiving pleasant feedback from customers, growing and developing professionally in your chosen field, making money doing what you love - this is the real happiness, available, in general, to each of us.

Join us! Share your achievements, doubts, victories and difficulties.


Hello! Today we’ll talk about where and how to find a good job. Any person sooner or later thinks about changing jobs. A lot of questions arise before him to which he is looking for answers. So what do people consider most important when looking for another job, or even looking for their first job? That's right: salary. It’s worth dwelling on this in more detail and sharing some tips for finding a job.


As you know, there is no such thing as extra money. But it is imprudent to put this factor at the forefront when searching for a job. The salary may be high, but the situation in the team or difficult relationships with management can lead to a nervous breakdown, so much so that you won’t even need money just to be left alone.

So what other factors play a significant role for job seekers?

  • Convenient work schedule;
  • Proximity of the place of work to home;
  • A team that welcomes newcomers in a friendly manner;
  • Loyal management;
  • Level of individual responsibility;
  • Possibility of business trips or traveling.

The above list is far from complete; the enumeration can be done endlessly. The main thing is to understand what is important and necessary for you, and only then start doing it.

How to look for a job correctly

Many people think: what’s so complicated about this? Submit an ad on a website or in a newspaper and wait for a call from an employer enthusiastic about your candidacy. But this opinion is very wrong. Experts say that about 80% end up finding a job that is not advertised.

There are simple rules that, if followed, significantly increase your chances of finding a job:

  • Get in touch with friends, colleagues from previous jobs, former classmates. It is possible that one of them will mention you in a conversation with the manager, specifying what a great specialist you are;
  • Decide clearly what you want, and only then offer yourself as a candidate for the position;
  • Try to expand your circle of acquaintances, establish new contacts;
  • Stop just spending your free time online. Do something useful: register on professional forums, communicate with professionals;
  • Remember: even if you don’t plan to change your job now, the necessary connections will only bring benefits;
  • There is no need to send out resumes in batches to all companies at once: the employer will decide that the person definitely does not know what he wants;
  • If at the first interview the future bosses do not evoke great delight, and the internal rules are alarming, there is no need to break yourself. You can adapt to different circumstances, but not for long;
  • Don't talk badly about your former boss or colleagues. Nobody likes it when they throw mud at him behind his eyes. A new employer will definitely not appreciate such behavior;
  • Do not try to lie during an interview: the deception will be revealed in any case;
  • Read the employment contract and job description carefully;
  • Educate yourself: knowledge never hurts;

Even if everything doesn’t work out right away, you shouldn’t fall into despair: “He who seeks will always find.” And this is time-tested.

There are now enough sources to find a job. Some of them are more effective, others less, but each has advantages and disadvantages. The most popular sources among job seekers are the following:

  • Special Internet sites;
  • Search on social networks;
  • Recruitment agencies;
  • Friends, relatives, acquaintances;
  • Contacting the company directly;
  • Contact the employment center.

Let's take a closer look at each.

Popular job search sites

Websites provide significant assistance in finding a job because they usually provide a full description of the vacancy, a list of requirements for applicants, and detailed responsibilities and working conditions.

There are many similar sites, but not all of them are reliable enough. The most popular resources are:

  • HeadHunter– occupies a leading position in all ratings;
  • SuperJob– places advertisements for both international companies and small firms;
  • Salary- a site that offers a selection of vacancies not only for Russia, but also for the CIS countries.
  • Avito is a free classifieds site that also has a section with vacancies and resumes.

On the pages of these portals, everyone can find work: from a general worker to a top manager. It's also a great way to look for jobs passively. All you need to do is register on the site and create a resume at the same time.


  • Vacancies for any city are available for review;
  • You can familiarize yourself with the offers of a large number of employers;
  • Significant savings in personal time.


  • The possibility of encountering scammers cannot be ruled out;
  • A complete impression of an employer can only be formed during a personal meeting.

Print mass-media

A newspaper with advertisements is a good way to find a job that does not require high qualifications. Although you can often find vacancies for lawyers, accountants, etc. in them. But advertisements for vacancies for management positions are practically never published there.


  • Newspapers are affordable;
  • Good as an additional source of job search.


  • Information about vacancies quickly becomes irrelevant;
  • You need to constantly buy fresh numbers;
  • The bulk of vacancies are blue-collar jobs.

The best thing is to use newspapers in combination with other search methods.

Social media

On social networks you can not just communicate, but for your own benefit. Anyone can post a job search ad on their page. It may well be that someone is looking for you to fill a vacancy in their company.

In such cases, a potential employer will be able to view all the information about you that is of interest. Therefore, it is worth making sure that the page is in proper form. Do not make dubious reposts, delete groups with provocative content. And in your profile, place information about your work experience and education received.

Let us clarify that this search method is more suitable for people in creative professions, programmers, sales managers, etc. For those looking for remote work, it is simply ideal.


  • It is easy to encounter scammers;
  • Not suitable for all applicants.

Recruiting agencies

If your life goal is to work in a prestigious company, then you should immediately contact a recruiting agency. Usually leading companies post their requests there. Here you can get the best chance for a high-paying position.

But you must remember that the agency does not work for you, but for the company that placed the application for recruitment. If you are confident that you are the ideal candidate, offer your candidacy. But prepare in advance for a high level of competition.


  • Opportunity to find a job with high pay;
  • If you don’t have a resume, they will help you create one.


  • Applicants are often charged money for services;
  • You need to have a high professional level.

Contacting acquaintances and friends

By and large, the fastest and most affordable method of all of the above. You will know what to expect from the employer, and he will know everything about you in detail before the meeting. Perhaps he will even be more loyal than to an outside candidate. Then there will be no problems with employment at all.


  • Saving time and effort;
  • Opportunity to create conditions for professional growth.


  • Dependence on the person who recommended you;
  • If you do something wrong, the employer can blame the person who helped you get the position;
  • The emergence of disagreements in the team;
  • Biased attitude of colleagues.

Contacting the company directly

This is a good way to introduce yourself, but keep in mind that it is difficult to get into a large company in this way, because they prefer other methods of finding candidates.

First of all, study the specifics of the company’s activities. In any case, you will be asked why you want to work here.

Only people who are completely confident in themselves and their abilities can contact an employer directly. If you cannot boast of this, a fiasco is inevitable. It is worth preparing well for the meeting so that the potential employer is interested.


  • You can form an impression of the company;
  • Personal communication with the employer.


  • There may be no open positions;
  • You need to have serious self-confidence.

Contacting the employment center

A large number of people use the services of employment centers. As economists predict, the flow of citizens applying will not decrease in the near future.

Typically, each employment center has an office where you can view job vacancy catalogs. Advertisements are often posted on special stands, and job fairs are also often held. As for the latter, this is a good chance to communicate with the employer personally.

You can follow another path: register for unemployment. In this case, the center staff will offer three suitable vacancies. If the applicant is not satisfied with them, the job search can continue, but also receive benefits from the employment center.

On the other hand, it is difficult to find a job to suit your taste through central locking. Mostly in demand here are specialties from the low-paid category, or those involving heavy physical labor. Sometimes these factors go together with each other.

In any case, this method can also be used; it is far from the worst. There may be problems with registration, but before that it is enough to familiarize yourself with the necessary list of documents in order to collect everything at once and not waste time going through authorities and collecting certificates.

From everything said above, it becomes clear that each method of finding a job has its own specific features. Everyone should choose it for themselves individually, and perhaps use them in combination.

When choosing, you should definitely take into account not only professional skills, but also your psychological characteristics. After all, no one knows you better than you.

If such a question has arisen before you, it means that the first step towards the search has already been taken. The lack of special education is often explained by many reasons: a person started a family, there was simply no time to study, financial problems arose. Or, for example, you have received your education, but there are no vacancies in your specialty. What to do in such a situation?

  • Decide on the level of income that will suit you;
  • Choose suitable working conditions (schedule, workload, availability of a social package);
  • Consider your preferences regarding what exactly you want to do.

In large cities, such problems rarely arise, the choice of vacancies is quite wide, and you can find interesting offers. But even in a small town, an enterprising, persistent person will achieve success.

An example is a situation where a large agricultural holding prefers to hire young people without experience, but who learn quickly. At first they are considered trainees, then, if they can prove themselves, they get a place with favorable working conditions.


  • Don’t be afraid to take on work that is new to you: you can learn everything;
  • Choose clothes that visually correspond to the position: a business suit for an office employee, a dress of an unusual cut for sewing production employees, etc.;
  • Try to match the expectations of the chosen vacancy.

Or you can use extraordinary solutions to find a job without education:

  • Create your own job! If you are registered with an employment center, you can apply for a subsidy that is available to participants in the Self-Employment program.
  • Draw up a business plan and defend it. There is a lot of information on the Internet that can help with this. The main thing here is to think with your head and analyze.

Do what you love, and become an employer for others and earn money. As you know, the road is mastered by the one who walks.

How to find a good job without work experience

A familiar situation, isn't it? Perhaps everyone has encountered it: from graduates of prestigious universities to those who graduated from secondary schools. Any employer wants to see experienced and highly qualified specialists in their company. But what about those who do not yet have such experience?

Let's talk about how and where to look for a job without experience:

  • It is worth contacting the recruitment services of large companies. Many managers prefer to train young specialists “for themselves,” especially if the company is rapidly developing;
  • Make thorough preparations for the interview: indicate that you are striving to gain experience and new knowledge, and are ready to contribute ideas for the development of the company;
  • Compensate for lack of experience with good theoretical knowledge.

It’s not a bad option to get a probationary period with low pay. During this time, it is quite possible to show your best side and interest the manager. Remember: many professions that cannot be called prestigious involve climbing the career ladder. An honest and hardworking courier may well become an office administrator, and a conscientious waiter may become an assistant manager in a restaurant.

What can you offer an employer?

  • Interest and awareness of the company’s activities;
  • Enthusiasm and energy: something that employees who have been sitting in one place for years do not have;
  • Specialty from a related field.
  • Express excessive ambitions;
  • Be late for an interview;
  • Speak illiterately, interrupt the interlocutor;
  • Gesture or act too timidly;
  • Being unkemptly dressed;
  • Use colloquial expressions and slang in your speech.

There are many vacancies where work experience is not required. Couriers, waiters, taxi dispatcher, sales consultants, animators. Having received such a job, experience will gradually be acquired, but there is not much difficulty in them.

Lack of experience is not a tragedy. The main thing is the desire to gain this experience. Perseverance and determination will help you achieve success in any field.

It's no secret that it is more difficult for a woman to find a job than for a man. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s in a big city or a small town, the situation is no different. How to carry out your search?

The simplest solution is to open websites with vacancies. But after a while it will become clear that there are many dummies that offer non-existent vacancies, or even clearly fraudulent schemes.

A certain percentage of advertisements are published by recruitment agencies. But they charge money for their services, and not little. Situations often arise when an agency gives the applicant contacts of employers, which are already in the public domain, that is, they can be found for free.

Another option is to post your resume on free sites, where employers post advertisements for 1-2 vacancies and study the resumes of applicants. This method allows you to find a good job.

The main advantages of this method are that it is free, does not oblige you to anything, and at the same time you can view vacancies on the same site.

You can often find advertisements on the streets like “Work in an office, no experience or education requirements.” You can safely pass by and not waste time contacting such an “employer.” No self-respecting company will post job advertisements on street poles.

How to negotiate on the phone correctly

A telephone conversation is one of the important stages of getting a job. If you call first, do not use the phrases “I’m talking about a vacancy” or similar ones. Start the conversation like this: “Good afternoon! (morning evening). I was interested in the advertisement posted (where exactly, about what vacancy), I am ready to offer my candidacy.”

Conduct the conversation politely and competently.

If you have posted a job search ad, be prepared to answer calls from unfamiliar numbers. It’s better to purchase a separate SIM card for these purposes.

What to wear to an interview?

If the telephone conversation was successful and the employer offered to undergo an interview, it is too early to rejoice. This is an important first step, but you should choose what clothes you'll wear when going to a meeting with a potential supervisor or HR manager. The following recommendations can be given:

  • Dress appropriately for the position you are applying for;
  • You should not do your hair in the evening and paint your nails with black varnish;
  • Creativity is appropriate when there is a vacancy in the creative field, and if in a bank or in an office, you can simply shock future bosses with your appearance.

It is a common belief that HR professionals prefer successful people. This depends, first of all, on the position for which the applicant is applying. If it involves the precise fulfillment of a specific list of responsibilities, it is inappropriate to demonstrate your leadership abilities.

You should not exaggerate your merits and real skills; it is unlikely that anyone will teach you if this has not been agreed upon in advance.

95% of success in an interview is the ability to present yourself correctly. You can be a real pro, but if you mumble and blush at any question, professionalism will not save you. Behave confidently, but without unnecessary pressure.

If you want to find a decent job, gain new knowledge and skills, improve yourself!

How to find a job for a woman with a child

We hear from many young mothers that employers are restrictive when hiring because of a small child. The arguments are banal: frequent sick leave, no opportunity to stay late at work, and so on.

Experts give mothers the following advice:

  • Decide what you are willing to do for the job. Before you get a job somewhere, think about whether you will be tormented by a feeling of guilt in front of your baby;
  • Find someone to watch your child while you are at work. Please indicate this during the interview;
  • Look for a job close to home;
  • If parting with your child for the whole day is not for you, look for remote work, a flexible schedule;
  • Also, do not forget about the rights of young mothers: your consent is required to work on holidays and night shifts.

You can find work with one child or two. You just have to want to find a use for yourself.

The main reason retirees look for work is financial. It is no secret that living on a pension alone is not only difficult, but almost impossible. Therefore, the issue of vacancies for older people is relevant.

Everyone knows that most organizations do not accept pensioners for various reasons. Let's look at how to find a job:

  • Determine for yourself the reason for looking for a job (you want to be useful, you don’t have enough money to live);
  • If possible, return to your previous job. This is an ideal option for workers with a good reputation and experience;
  • Look for a job as usual, from scratch. But don't lie to HR people about your age. It’s better to spend three minutes on a call and hear a refusal than to go to an interview and lose a day;
  • If you are a professional in your field, it is quite possible to take up teaching;
  • , you can take up tutoring;
  • Offer your services as a nanny, just check the child’s age in advance.

In fact, it is possible for a person of retirement age to find a job, you just need to make every effort. And if you know the computer at the user level, then the search is already simplified.

The older generation has many traits that younger people lack:

  • The ability to rely only on yourself;
  • Great experience;
  • Ability to adapt to management requirements.

Unfortunately, the issue of employing pensioners is not an easy one. But it can and should be resolved.

How to find a job as a student

The idea that you need to look for a job after graduation is long outdated. Modern students prefer to combine gaining knowledge with generating income. There are different options: freelancing, part-time work, permanent employment. By the way, many believe that the future lies in freelancing, this direction is so promising.


A freelancer is not included in the staff; this differs from a permanent job. Sick days and vacations are also not paid, but you are a free bird: how much, when and for whom to work is up to you to decide.

Part-time work

Allows you to combine work and study, while earning good money. There are examples when the salary of a part-time worker, starting at 9 thousand rubles, rose to 15. The person has proven himself to be excellent, and his superiors are satisfied with his work.

Employment in the state

Makes sense if you are a correspondence student. Not all employers are delighted with student workers, but finding a job is quite possible. You will work full time, but with paid leave and a full benefits package.

Combining study and work is a huge contribution to the future. By the time you graduate from university, you will become a specialist with experience and knowledge.

No matter how much they say that the crisis allows us to get a second wind, that this is a good moment for growth and conquering new heights, let’s be honest: no one wants to be without work during this period. Just the thought of it is terrifying.

Let's discuss a few steps to take to cope with the situation:

  • Leave your last job calmly, without scandals. This will allow you to get a good reference and recommendations, which will make it easier to find a new job;
  • Always keep in mind: this situation is temporary, it will not last forever. You should not blame anyone and tell about your problems to everyone who had the imprudence to ask you: “How are you?”;
  • Job hunting is work! Send out your resume, call, contact on social networks, buy newspapers;
  • Don't expect instant results. You should be prepared for this so as not to be disappointed;
  • Work during a crisis becomes less profitable, this is also worth taking into account;

Finding a job during a crisis is difficult. But there is always a way out: improve your skills, don’t be afraid to learn a new profession. This will only add advantages to you as a specialist. An additional specialty can become the main one when, for various reasons, you have to change your occupation.

Expand your circle of communication, do not isolate yourself in your problem. Turn personal acquaintances to your advantage: as already mentioned, they often help you find a suitable job. Make friends with interesting people, attend job fairs, and don’t refuse offers to work for an average salary.

In a crisis, a job is found faster not by the one who is super professional, but by the one who looks for it better!

These simple tips will help increase your value as a professional, raise your self-esteem, and this will come in handy during calmer periods of life.

How to find a job for a beginner specialist

The times when graduates of educational institutions were sent to different parts of our country “wherever they will send” are long gone. Now young professionals are looking for work on their own. It’s good if you managed to show yourself well during your internship and the manager is ready to enroll you on the staff.

It is more difficult for those who were unable to gain a foothold. The following recommendations are offered for them:

  • It is rare for a beginning specialist to be paid a high salary right away. If you get a job in a young, developing company, it makes sense to stand at the origins of this business, even for little money;
  • Study all the vacancies that are acceptable to you, send out your resume, study the activities of companies that interest you;
  • : It looks funny when yesterday’s graduate applies for the position of head of a department with a salary of 100,000 rubles;
  • You should not come to an interview with a friend or girlfriend, do not refer to someone’s opinion in a conversation, this is not the best way to interest a future manager;
  • If you know specialists in any field, become an assistant. Help prepare reports, prepare documentation, correct finished texts for a small fee;
  • Search, become a freelancer. Having developed your own portfolio, you can apply for a full-time position in the company;
  • Don't be idle, expand your knowledge base.

Now let's analyze 5 basic skills that will help in your search.

  • Good knowledge of English. It happens directly related to the level of wages. Moreover, 60% of applicants do not speak English at all. This skill is in great demand, and there are now free courses to learn it;
  • Ability to gain knowledge. Participation in seminars and trainings adds points to you as a specialist;
  • Communication skills. Communicate with people from the professional sphere;
  • Internship, volunteering. A chance to show a future employer that you have not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills;
  • Complex technical skills. Knowledge of the office software package is not enough to position yourself as an experienced PC user. Analyze which of these skills are needed in your profession and try to obtain them.

To achieve your goal of finding a good job, be prepared to go through more than one interview. Make the most of this time for yourself.

Modern technologies are developing at a gigantic pace and now it is difficult to surprise anyone. Of course, women usually choose this type of income, but men can also find something interesting for themselves.

Let's talk more about how to find work from home without scams.

Requirements for home workers

There are general requirements that generally apply to all applicants:

  • Availability of Internet access: one of the main ones, since it is through the Internet that you communicate with the employer and do the work directly;
  • Knowledge of office programs: text editors, sometimes programs for creating presentations;
  • You need to be able to use specific software that is typical for certain areas of activity: for example 1C, Adobe Photoshop and others;
  • As for experience, its presence is not always important for working from home.

Regardless of the chosen type of activity, it is worth knowing that there are pros and cons everywhere. In particular, when looking for work from home, you can easily fall for scammers. They also learned to pretend to be honest employers.

Let's look at a number of tips on how to avoid becoming their victim:

  • The leaders in deceiving applicants are various structures. The representative will invite you for an interview, and in the end you will leave without a job, but with a suitcase of miracles - creams or household chemicals, and even with an agreement for a large loan;
  • Agents who charge you money to find the vacancy you need. Most often, they don’t intend to look for anything; after receiving the money, they disappear;
  • The representative asks for an advance payment to get the job (they may call it an insurance premium, a down payment, etc.);
  • They ask you to pay for any materials to complete the work, promising to reimburse everything, but only when you complete the order.

The most common vacancies in fraudulent schemes are:

  • HR Manager;
  • Assistant or deputy manager;
  • Manager.
  • You should be paid, not you. Do not agree to pay for materials, do not pay insurance premiums, do not sign dubious contracts;
  • Carefully study all information about the vacancy. If something worries you, do not waste time attending the interview;
  • Read reviews online. Now you can find blacklists of employers in the public domain; you shouldn’t blindly take them on faith, but you can study the information.

Why is it so hard to find a job

Many people face difficulties in finding a good job, not only during a crisis, but also in favorable, calm times. Let's try to figure out why this happens.

According to experts, such difficulties are faced not only by people without experience, former students, etc., but also by experienced, serious specialists. The whole problem is that when looking for the right job, they all make the same mistakes. For example, these:

  • Provide a poorly written resume. And it should make the first impression on a potential employer. In many cases, it is simply thrown into the trash;
  • Jobs are sought only through advertisements in newspapers. This method without a set of others is ineffective;
  • After sending your resume, wait for a call or letter. Usually, passively waiting for results does not bring results. Call, remind about yourself, then success will come;
  • Only list past achievements on your resume. Sounds like an obituary, doesn't it? Focus on the future, the past is already past;
  • When talking to an HR employee, they demonstrate poor manners. When communicating, do not use rude expressions or discuss the shortcomings of former colleagues;
  • The so-called “white spots” in the biography. For example, a long break from work (if you worked unofficially, say so, the specialist just needs to know your occupation at this time).

The list of typical mistakes could go on for a long time. The main thing is that they all lead to problems in finding a job. Therefore, it is important to prevent them in order to achieve the goal.


In conclusion of the review, it is worth saying that you can find an interesting and good job yourself by setting a clear goal. Simply put, you don’t just want to find a high-paying job you like, but also take the most active steps to achieve this. Only then will everything work out.

Tired of whileing away your days in a stuffy office at a job you don't like? Or maybe you should think about finding a job you like? Useful tips for you! Analyze and apply!

Good day, dear readers of the useful site Success Diary! 😉

Waking up every morning to the sound of the alarm clock, millions of people barely open their eyes, gloomily wander to the bathroom and think longingly about the upcoming work day.

After having breakfast and getting dressed, such people leave the house, get into a car or bus and go to work.

Outside the car window, residential high-rise buildings give way to bright signs of cafes and shops, but many do not pay attention to this.

They automatically drive along familiar streets, slow down at traffic lights, honk at pedestrians running red lights, and shout after a reckless driver who cuts off.

The thoughts of these people are hovering in an unknown place, there is emptiness in their heads, and dissatisfaction in their souls.

If this situation is painfully familiar to you, then you are in the wrong place and it’s time for you to start looking work to your liking.

How to find a job you like?

If you're already lucky find a job you like– We hasten to congratulate you!

If not, this article will help you make your choice, set priorities and find the strength to say a resounding “Yes” to your dream job.

So, let's go!

Why are people content with little?

In most cases a job you like Our parents choose for us.

From childhood they instill in the child what exactly he wants.

In fact, all these suggestions are nothing more than unfulfilled parental dreams.

And how many people work in jobs they hate just because they listened to their parents.

Moreover, even if you don’t like the job, no one is in a hurry to quit it.

I want to get the answer to this question from you, dear readers.

Why are you sitting in a job you hate and not trying to change it?

The main reason for doing nothing is fear, absence and procrastination.

Getting up every morning, we think - well, why change anything, why adapt to a new team.

After all, I have a stable job, a normal salary.

I have enough to pay bills and buy food, etc.

“When all you think about is how to make money, it’s a lot of work. Little by little, without noticing it, a person loses himself.”
Haruki Murakami

The forms of excuses can be very diverse, this is not surprising.

After all, those who don’t want to look for excuses rather than possible solutions...

Working automatically, we lose the desire for life, we stop enjoying the swollen buds on the trees or the rainbow that suddenly peeks out from behind the clouds.

Over time, we begin to get sick or become depressed.

But when we do what we love, we not only get up in the morning with ease, we are filled with euphoria, and our brain generates +100,500 cool ideas per minute.

Do you want this?

Then urgently look for a job you like!

Where to start looking for a job you like?

Before you take action, answer the question: do you really want to do something interesting and satisfying?

Are you tired of whileing away the hours in a dead-end job, constantly looking at your watch?

If the answer is yes, then move on to the next point!

  1. Tip 1. Before you figure out how to find a job you like, let's dream

    Trite? But no!

    After all, a job you love begins with a dream.

    What is required of you: sit comfortably in a chair (or on the sofa), close your eyes and dream.

    Think about what exactly brings you joy, what you like to do, what exactly the concept of “favorite work” means to you.

    For some, their favorite job is a close-knit and friendly team, for some it is the realization of creative potential, and for others they like communicating with people.

    Remember what you wanted to become as a child, why your dream didn’t come true, what caused it.

    For example, you dreamed of becoming a teacher, but your parents forced you to choose the profession of a sales manager.

    Now, selling irons to housewives, you quietly curse everything in the world.

    Don't rush to do this!

    When you have refreshed your memory of all your desires, quickly write them down on a piece of paper.

    Write absolutely everything that comes to mind, all your interests and hobbies; you will always have time to cross out the unnecessary ones.

    Remember: the main thing is to move and take action.

    Talk is one thing, but action is another.

    Don't think that your dream job will find you on the stove, but you can find it only by taking the first step.

  2. Tip 2. Let's start the analysis

    Now look at your piece of paper and cross out absolutely crazy ideas like “I want a lot of money for free” or “I want to become Batman.”

    As a result, you should not have many points left.

    That's what you have to work with.

    For example, you identified the following options for your favorite activities:

    • I love to cook;
    • I like animals;
    • I love shopping;
    • I know and love to communicate in it.

  3. Now you are sitting in front of a piece of paper and don’t know how to use your interests.

    You think, who needs your love for cats anyway? And here we need it!

    After all, if you love animals, you can easily find a dog hairdresser.

    Shopping can turn into your own blog, where you write about new cosmetics and clothing collections.

    Or maybe you want to give people style advice and charge money for it.

    Think about how you could use your abilities.

    The main thing is don’t think about money.

    If you do what you love, the money will not keep you waiting.

  4. Tip 4. Getting out of the stupor

    In a situation where you seem to have thought about all your hobbies, desires and dreams, but have not found a truly compelling activity, seek the help of family, friends and colleagues.

    Ask your parents what you liked to do as a child.

    Ask your friends what professional qualities they see in you.

    You may be an amazing speaker, but you don't realize it.

    You can find out from your colleagues what exactly they like about their work, and then think about whether you like these activities too.

    Tip 5. Making plans for the future

    When you have figured out your dreams and favorite activities, and have decided what you want to do, move on to action.

    Remember: having found a job you like, you will be able to reach your full potential. Doing something you love will make you a better person and bring not only happiness, but also purpose in life.

    At the initial stage, it is advisable to start planning your future life and everything connected with it.

    You do not want?

    This is understandable, because these actions go beyond yours.

    However, remember, when you come to work, you always have a clear plan for the day: call a client, prepare a report, make coffee for the boss, etc.

    Building a house begins with a plan, opening an organization begins with a plan, even the birth of a child begins with a plan.

    So from today, no more excuses – sit down and plan.

    First, write down exactly what you want to achieve.

    For example, in a year I want to have a thriving dog hotel.

    Now write down your goal step by step - for the quarter, month, week and day.

    What actions do you need to do daily to achieve your cherished goal, where to start, etc.

    Having a goal in life and doing what you love, in the future you will receive only positive emotions from life.

And one more piece of advice that will help you find a job you like.

in the following video:

To summarize, I would like to say, if you don’t know what exactly you want to do, try everything on your wish list.

After all, sometimes an activity that seems interesting at first glance turns out to be boring and vice versa.

The main thing in looking for a job you like– don’t sit idly by.

If you don't like your job, don't wait until it really kills you, quit it and look further!

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For many people, the morning begins with an alarm clock that, as usual, rings too early and at the wrong time. Slowly opening our eyes, we think that this day will bring us a lot of new and interesting things. We get up, go wash, have breakfast and go to the office. The city in the morning is always beautiful. Modern high-rise buildings and skyscrapers are replaced by buildings from Stalin's times, and colorful signs and restaurants sparkle and attract attention.

The morning rays of the sun, still with shades of pink, are reflected in the windows, making the city look like a magical world, where everyone lives in peace and harmony, and all dreams come true. But we don't see this. We are running, . As if on automatic, we drive through familiar streets, slow down at traffic lights and swear at stupid passers-by and drivers who are also rushing to their boring work. I think many people are familiar with this situation. It's time to find your calling and find out how to find a job you love.

Why is it important to strive for more?

We often choose our calling after the age of 25, when we have a higher education imposed by our parents, a girlfriend/wife and children to look after and provide for. Given all this, we simply do not have time for self-improvement. All parents are sure that their child will make their own dreams come true, but few people thought that in the future the child will have his own dreams and plans for his future life. The psychology of adults is understandable, but it often harms children.

Some are even forced to go to boring jobs. However, not many people decide to change it and find their calling in another. Most often, the reason is our psychology, and it lies in fear and indecision. But once you find your calling, the morning will seem joyful and fine. It will be pleasant to stay late at work, as brilliant thoughts will come to you again and again. That is why we first of all implore you: dream, think about what you need, choose your destiny yourself, reject all barriers - because no barriers exist, this world can and should be changed for the better, because change the world for the better very simple!

Where to begin

Many people ask the question “How to find a job they like?” There is an answer. All that matters is the desire to get rid of the routine. Dreaming is not harmful, but not dreaming is harmful.

Everyone had a dream in childhood. Some wanted to be an astronaut, some wanted to be a president, and some even now love animals very much. Don’t assume that these are all children’s fantasies that will never come true. It is important now, already having experience under your belt, to dream again and soberly assess your abilities and capabilities. Yes, it is unlikely that you will become a president, however, most likely, you love and can competently manage people, you can become a good speaker and organizer. Then why not try yourself as a HR manager or director? The main thing is to tell yourself: “I can!” And start taking action.

Perhaps you love animals and hope to become a veterinarian or volunteer. It’s best to write down your desires on paper and rethink them again a day later in order to definitely decide. Perhaps the subconscious will help you decide what you can actually achieve, but no one except you can read your thoughts. “I can,” you will tell yourself and make your life exactly the way you imagine it in your dreams.

Assessing the reality of dreams

Looking at the piece of paper on which you wrote your thoughts and desires, you should cross out what seems completely inadequate or impossible to fulfill. As a result, you should get at most 7 points that evaluate your capabilities. The main thing is to decide for yourself “what I can do.” It’s better to understand what you do better than others. The science of psychology recommends writing down your favorite activities:

  • prepare,
  • do shopping,
  • speak foreign languages,
  • sew or do something with your hands,
  • take care of animals,
  • make bouquets,
  • spend time with children,
  • understand computers/technology,
  • organize holidays.


If you know that your calling, for example, is to care for animals, but you think that no one needs it, you may be mistaken. Even animals need love. You can organize a volunteer club, and then work in a veterinary clinic, sell products for cats or provide grooming services. It is important to realize exactly how you can realize your abilities. Even regular clothing shopping can be an alternative to working in an office. Acquire the profession of a secret shopper, create your own website on which you will write reviews about new products. It is important to understand that money is not the main thing. If you do what interests you, you can easily find a way to make a good profit from it.

Help from outside

If you find it difficult to decide what you do best, you can turn to close friends and family for help. They say that you can see better from the outside. Perhaps you simply do not notice some qualities in yourself. This is a simple approach, but it gives very good results. Parents will help you remember your childhood interests that you abandoned for some reason. And your friends will tell you what traits they would like to adopt from you. Perhaps these will be oratorical abilities, determination, and the desire to learn new languages. In addition, close people will help you find your friends in this field or suggest good ideas that you can bring to life. In any case, an outside opinion will not be superfluous.

Future plans

Any plan must have a certain sequence of actions. Therefore, the correct thing to do is not to shout “I can!” and run, try to embrace the immensity, and gradually think through each step. It is better to keep a diary in which you write down your thoughts and plans for the day. Human psychology is such that when changing activities, the body will quickly get used to the changes. This is due to the instinct of self-preservation. Therefore, it is important to listen to yourself.

The best step would not be to abruptly stop your usual life, but to gradually build a new one: do something new for yourself every day. This way, after a while, you will do exactly what you want, and it will bring you only positive emotions. You will understand your calling immediately. You will want to do this all day long, forgetting about food and the need to sleep. And you won’t recognize yourself after a while. You will become a completely different person who loves his life and is ready to bring something new and beautiful into it. Slogan “I can!” will become your eternal companion.

If you want a lot, then try everything gradually. One day one thing, the next another. Gradually you will understand where your calling is and what you want from life. How to find a job you like? – It’s important not to stay where it’s boring. Don’t even doubt it and start your search right now - don’t sit at home, dream, and then make your dreams come true, it’s simple psychology!

How to find a job you like? Pleasant and easy career guidance - you will be surprised!

The question is not whether to be or not to be - the question is who exactly to be. After all, we spend most of our lives working and doing our business—mistakes here are unacceptable. Don’t listen to your friends, family and advertising – look for yourself and your place in the world. It is most important!

Express test: find out who you are?

So, first, give yourself a simple but true psychological test. On paper, draw the following shapes: a square, a circle, a triangle, a vertical rectangle and two waves - one below the other. But arrange them in the order you like - the first figure should be your favorite. And she will just tell you about what field of activity you need to look for yourself in.

Square. If this figure was the first, you are a man-nature. Working with animals, plants, and the green world is suitable for you. Your place of work is a dolphinarium, laboratories, nurseries, botanical gardens, medicine and a travel agency.

Circle. You are a technical person. But this does not mean that you can now only repair cars - in many professions people with a technical mindset are valued. Even among musicians there is such a thing as “technicians” and “hearers.” Those. you will like the kind of work in which skill will be welcomed and where you can hone it.

Triangle. You are a sign person. At school age, you loved mathematics and all the exact sciences, and therefore working as an accountant is very creative for you. Everything related to symbols, encryption, numbers and calculations is all yours. In addition to traditional ones, modern triangle professions include SEO optimizers, analysts (especially analysts!) and programmers. Quite well paid professions, by the way

Rectangle. Was this figure the first? You are an image person. Most likely, you are left-handed, because... It is the right hemisphere (responsible for the left hand) that produces vivid emotional images and gives the predominance of synthesis in thinking. You can become a successful artist, landscape and interior designer, decorator, screen star or writer. After all, you see the whole world in harmonious images - and this is a rare gift.

Waves. Are there two wavy lines ahead, one above the other? You are a born psychologist. Your ideal job is working with people. These two lines are two souls, two personalities. You - schools, teachers, operators, marketers, realtors and business consultants. As the saying goes: “The whole world is in your hands if you know how to choose your words!”

Freelancing, network marketing, business or “working for someone else”?

But how to decide on the form of employment? Is it worth dragging with the dawn rays across the city to a stuffy office, or trying your luck among freelancing freelancers? Or is it better to borrow money from a neighbor and start your own business? Become a diamond leader in some cosmetics company? Learn to sell your own hobby at a high price?...

Yes, the modern world provides unlimited opportunities. It is no longer considered prestigious and honorable, as before, to work at one factory all your life and then be proud of a well-deserved pension for your “working youth”. Today, mobility and the ability to survive in different circumstances are valued. As one wise man said: “We are not a tree to grow in one place: if you don’t like your job, change it!”

Are you afraid? A crisis? Just imagine that for another ten, twenty, thirty years you will wake up like this every morning to an unloved job and envy all the homeless people who sleep sweetly at such an early hour and do not worry about anything at all. That for the rest of your life you will regret the lost opportunities, the lost development and self-realization. Bright prospects? How about you wait a couple of years and then decide to make changes? It’s better now - the younger you are, the more strength and energy you have, and the more in demand you are. Youth is given to a person so that he can find himself.

But don’t believe reviews and advertisements for this or that type of activity - each of them has its own pros and cons. In short, they are: "working for my uncle" Many people are attracted to stability. Stable salary, stable job, stable vacation. In a word, stable poverty.

People who hate morning owls and those whose cheekbones ache at the mention of the words “report” and “flight” usually go into freelancing. It’s not for nothing that “freelancing” comes from “free” - “freedom”. But there are many pitfalls here - huge competition, customer fraud, and the most banal laziness, which will immediately grab you by the throat as soon as there is no longer a boss behind you with your foot raised to kick you.

Network marketing is, of course, a popular business today. Constant growth, development, salary, the size of which depends only on you - all these are quite pleasant little things. But don’t forget that you will need to live non-stop all the time, not to mention the fact that you will have to actually marry a mobile phone.

Your own business is definitely a good option if you have entrepreneurial acumen. Just forget about restful sleep. Forever. But it will be interesting! And in order to understand yourself and what is closest to your liking, take the following test.

People-stones, lights, water and warm wax - who are you?

A rather interesting classification of personalities is popular in the marketing world - try to determine your type:

Stone people: everything is bad, bad, bad!

A typical stone personality is Miss Leech from modern Luntik. She is always unhappy with everything, she is terribly slow to climb and has a rather bad character. In life, such people are very prudent and even stingy, they are meticulously punctual and love to “nail” those around them. But this does not mean that they are bad, they just each have their own characteristics and their own worldview.

Do you recognize yourself? Civil service and a stable, dust-free job in a company are ideal for you. You will be in the same office, in the same position, for decades. You will not be particularly afraid of either economic crises or the personnel problem of the market. Your salary will be the same, stably on a certain day of the month, and neither defaults, nor competition, nor modern realities will knock it out of your financial plan for the year (more precisely, for all 10 years). If you like this kind of work, don’t listen to anyone and do what you really like.

After all, stone people, of whom there are about 20% of us, are important, stable cogs in a huge mechanism. But make a note to yourself that: “The little wheels on the clock spin the most.”

Water people: the main thing is to go with the flow!

There are as many as 40% of us like that. This is an ordinary gray mass, a crowd. Water easily changes shape, adapts and contains the most diverse audience. A water person can work successfully in absolutely any field of activity. True, it’s better not to expect any stunning achievements from him, but he won’t feel bad anywhere. He loves to go with the flow, which is why all other subtypes value him. Do you recognize yourself? Don’t fool yourself - look for a job that is closer to you and where the salary will suit you. It doesn’t matter what the essence of your classes will be, you can handle anything!

Wax people: just a drop of human warmth...

Wax people are typical introverts. More than anything else, they value comfort. They are loyal, persistent, constant - they can be both excellent performers and excellent leaders. But psychological support and human warmth in relationships are important for them - from their boss or subordinates. Do you feel like this is about you? Then any office job will suit you, you can build an excellent career and even open your own small business - but without risk and overexertion, because you are not mobile enough, although you are flexible. And even in freelancing, success awaits you - those who don’t need supervision and a boss’s whip at all.

Fire People: Engine of Progress

And finally, the rarest type of people are fire people. There are only 1% of them! They are born leaders, excellent strategists, they know how to ignite others and lead entire crowds. “Ogonki” are especially successful in network marketing and in those areas of activity where there is no ceiling on either initiative or salary. But they cannot live without live human communication, and therefore, if they are forced to work in a gray office on papers, they will either begin to think about a rope with soap, or they will disperse their vigorous activity and there - they will become heads of trade union committees, secret instigators against their bosses or “ mommies" and "daddies" for others. Do you recognize the sparkle in yourself? Don’t ruin yourself in your service, because you are a real diamond for many companies. Look for yourself!

Now just close your eyes and relax. Imagine yourself in the future—your ideal future. Where do you live? What do you do? No, don't specify your profession - just think about what it would look like. Forget the names of your specialties and the vacancy - come up with a new job that has never happened before, but which you would definitely like. Do you see live communication with people or is it quiet work with technology? What are you wearing? How many hours a day do you devote to your future favorite activity? Think carefully, what service would you be happy to jump into at 7 am, or for what would you be happy to give up your boss and a stable salary? Where are your dreams? What are they?

Do you want to find a job you like? Catch your luck by the tail - right now! Don't let a single day of your life be gray and dull. Be brave and love yourself more than anyone else in the world! Don’t be afraid of changes and bold decisions - fortune loves them!