What is a pin on clothes for? Evil eye pin - how to wear it correctly

The prototype of a modern pin can be called the thorns and thorns of various plants, which have been used for domestic purposes since Paleolithic times. Pins made of metals (copper, gold or silver) began to be actively used several thousand years BC by the inhabitants of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt.

Among the great variety of pins discovered by archaeologists, there are many examples decorated with skillful patterns and motifs borrowed from local epics and legends. This suggests that the pin has long carried not only a practical, but also a certain sacred meaning that was lost in the mists of time.

A pin as a means of protection against the evil eye and damage

Today it is very difficult to establish who and when first began to use the pin, not as a tool or decoration, but also as a talisman that provides protection from negative influences from the outside. First of all, a pin is an object that is always near a person. Another reason why this particular instrument began to be used as an amulet is the popular opinion that black power and negativity should be “sealed” in an elliptical closed space so that they would not be able to find a way out, thereby harming the owner of the amulet.

The influence of the evil eye and damage occurs as a result of negative thoughts, envy or malice emanating from one person towards another. Most people can recall a case from their own experience when, after communicating with a certain subject, a noticeable unpleasant aftertaste remains, the mood sharply worsens and everything literally “falls out of hand.” The phenomenon of the negative impact of some people on others is recognized even at the level of such official disciplines as psychology and psychotherapy.

However, despite the existence of the evil eye, a much more effective solution would be to use a pin rather than run for help to various charlatans posing as powerful sorcerers and magicians. Some believe that the more expensive the materials used in the manufacture of a given tool, the greater the degree of protection it can provide to its owner. However, this opinion is far from true, and you can create a powerful amulet absolutely free, literally from scrap materials.

Varieties of pins against the evil eye and damage

A classic safety pin is suitable for protection against the evil eye, but it is worth considering that the material from which it is made plays a very important role. Gold pins have been used over the past several centuries in wedding rituals of various Russian-speaking ethnic groups and nationalities. With their help, a powerful protective effect was exerted on the bride and groom, since there were often ill-wishers among the number of guests who could spoil the noisy celebration with an envious glance. One pin made of pure gold was pinned on the inside of the groom's suit, the other on the hem of the dress that the bride wore to the wedding.

A gold pin against the evil eye is often chosen as a talisman for children, but many experts recommend using silver or metal specimens for protective purposes. This is explained as follows: the pin, due to the presence of a spiral and an elliptical closed shape, is capable of absorbing a flow of negativity directed at the owner of the amulet. In the case of silver or ordinary metal, the negative will be reflected directly in the appearance of the pin, accordingly it will tarnish, become dark or even rust.

If the pin changed its color, spontaneously opened or got lost unnoticed, it means the goal was achieved, and the negativity directed at the owner never reached the recipient, and the curse, damage or evil eye was eliminated. The amulet (if it has not been lost) is thrown away and a new one is attached in its place. Therefore, it is very irrational to use gold pins. Picking up accidentally discovered pins is strongly discouraged, no matter how attractive they may look.

How to wear it correctly

The most important requirement for an instrument that acts as a protective talisman is the reliability of the clasp. It must be strong and durable, and also undergo the necessary preparation in the form of cleaning and conspiracy. A safety pin is pinned on the inside of clothing near the heart with the tip down. If it is made not of gold, but of ordinary metal or silver, then every evening it is recommended to visually inspect your amulet: if it has darkened, then you should replace it with a new one, simultaneously remembering which of those around you that day could become a source of negative energy.

If the pin is made of gold, it is necessary to periodically clean it by rinsing it in running water. After this, it is left unbuttoned in a bright room for 24 hours. A gold pin is usually worn in a prominent place, since it is believed that this noble metal is capable of attracting the attention of evil and envious people. For young children, a protective amulet is often pinned to the inside of a sleeve or clothing so that the child cannot injure himself if it comes undone. However, correctly attaching such a talisman is only half the battle, because it is very important to correctly “charge” it.


It is believed that it is best to purchase a pin that will serve as a protective amulet on Friday afternoon. The item must be charged during the waxing moon, and after the spell has been carried out, it should not be given into the hands of other people. The most common are the following conspiracies and rituals that allow you to charge an ordinary pin and make a serious protective talisman out of it:

  1. The fire ritual involves the use of a wax candle, which only needs to be lit with a match. When the wax begins to melt, you need to drop a few drops onto the hole located on the opposite end from the sharp end. Simultaneously with this process, you need to read a pre-prepared conspiracy or prayer.
  2. Conspiracy using smoke. To implement it, you will need an ordinary saucepan in which dried pine or spruce needles are placed. After setting them on fire, the pin is fumigated with smoke, and at the same time a conspiracy is read, the text of which is best composed independently, carefully choosing the words.
  3. To cast a spell using water and fire, you will need a small vessel, preferably made of copper or clay, into which water from a healing source is poured. The pin must lie in the water for at least 72 hours, and twice a day (at dawn and at sunset) you must read the text of the spell or endow your amulet with protective qualities through visualization.

In ancient times, an ordinary bow was often used to charge a pin with energy. In order to cleanse the house of negativity and strengthen its protective qualities, a large onion was pierced with a pin. After a day, it is removed from the bulb and then thrown away. The amulet can be worn in a visible place, on the inside of clothing or attached to a curtain, which will provide the room with serious protection from negative energy effects.

Those who want to create an amulet that will attract good luck and money should set a specific goal: where exactly the funds will be spent. Then, at midnight during the waxing moon, the pin is magically charged by reading a self-composed text. On the contrary, many experts recommend creating a talisman against damage and the evil eye during the waning moon phase.

How to make it yourself

Making an analogue of a classic safety pin at home is quite difficult, so many people prefer to limit themselves to a thread of red or another color, on which beads of various shades are strung. The elliptical figure made of thread follows the shape of a pin and is closed, which allows it to be used as a talisman with powerful protective properties. To create such a thread with your own hands, you need to use wool, since it has special characteristics.

To create a special amulet designed to protect pregnant women and children, green beads are strung on a thread. In order to create a powerful amulet that will protect parents from an unkind glance, blue beads are strung on a red thread. Bright red beads are intended to protect loved ones from the evil eye and damage; yellow beads are best suited as a gift for a good friend or old friend. It is strongly not recommended to use black beads when making a protective bracelet.

It is believed that a person’s name was given for a reason, so pins bearing the owner’s initials or full name not only have a distinct personality, but are also capable of saving a person from an unkind glance or a deliberate energy attack. It is recommended to make such an amulet from copper, silver or gold, and it is best to wear it on the inside of clothing. It is also worth remembering that envy of someone else’s success, financial condition or love victories does not arise out of nowhere, so there is no need to once again boast of your own achievements in front of unfamiliar people, even if they (the achievements) are completely justified.

The evil eye pin is considered one of the oldest amulets that helps protect against the evil eye and damage. It would seem that it is nothing unusual and is quite often used in everyday life. But many generations have used and continue to use this simple thing as a protector.

The pin has become widely used due to its special shape and accessibility. Another advantage of this amulet was that it could protect not only an individual, but the entire family. It took root well among both pagans and Christians, and is widely used to this day.

A pin amulet can protect you from harmful influences no worse than specially made body jewelry. In such jewelry, the primary role is played not by the shape of the object, but by the ancient symbols depicted on it. In this regard, the pin is self-sufficient - it does not require additional marks.

The power of the evil eye pin lies in its shape. Also, the amulet is sometimes decorated with additional attributes.

But, despite this, it is often decorated with beads, pendants and even ribbons; such additions will be appropriate only for external wear - an evil eye pin pinned from the inside out does not require such tricks.

However, the power of the evil eye pin lies precisely in its shape. It is believed that due to its spiral shape, this object absorbs all the bad, as if preserving it. Any negative message directed at the owner will be magnetized to the amulet and begin to move in a circle without affecting the person.

Choosing a pin-amulet

The evil eye pin is a type of amulets with limited manufacturing materials. Wood, clay and other bases will be inappropriate here - only metal.

The pin should only be metal, other materials are not suitable.

It could be:

  • gold;
  • silver;
  • steel.

Remember that when choosing materials for amulets, their high cost is not a factor of primary importance. People choose metal based on their own tastes and financial capabilities. However, the use of precious materials - gold and silver, as well as cheap substitutes, has its advantages and disadvantages. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them.

If you choose a cheap metal, for example steel:

  • the amulet will quickly wear out, its appearance will especially suffer;
  • it is necessary to carry out cleaning more often due to the low energy resource consumption of the material;
  • Instead of carrying out another cleansing ritual, the amulet can simply be thrown away.

This option is quite good for those who want to save money on buying an expensive gold pin. But this is not necessary, because there is another option - silver. Nothing can protect a person from slander, the evil eye and evil glances as well as silver amulets.

Expensive materials also have their disadvantages:

  • the need to spend more money;
  • high probability of encountering counterfeit products;
  • reluctance to part with an expensive item if it becomes unusable after a strong energy attack.

Which material to prefer is up to you. But do not forget to take into account such a thing as energetic and physical intolerance to metals. People who are often attacked are advised to opt for silver. Since ancient times it has been considered an excellent protector. Our ancestors believed that this metal protected from the evil eye, the envious gaze of haters, and even protected from the encroachments of dark forces.

How to pin correctly

An evil eye pin has only one correct way to wear it - head down.

When buying a pin, people don’t always think about how to attach it – with the head up or down. Undecided, some people hook it in a horizontal position. This way you could wear a brooch, but this method is not suitable for a talisman.

The pin, a talisman against the evil eye, has only one correct way to wear it – head down. It is in this form that she will be able to fully fulfill her purpose, providing her owner with protection.

It is unacceptable to pin a pin with the head up. Only being in a head down position will she be able to get rid of the negativity that she has collected and stored. The Slavs believed that in this way everything bad that got into it would go down into the ground.

How to wear a pin

There are several ways to wear a pin against the evil eye and damage:

  • from the inside of clothes, hiding from prying eyes;
  • outside, showing it openly.

It cannot be argued here that the second method is fundamentally wrong. But the first one is considered the traditional wearing option. This is what our ancestors preferred.

They attached the evil eye pin as follows:

  • hung on the inside hem of the dress;
  • They were attached from the heart side to shirts.

Our forefathers believed that body wear should be hidden from strangers so as not to attract unnecessary attention and not cause a desire to do harm.

The protective amulets Hand and Eye of Fatima will harmoniously complement the protective pin; they will serve as an auxiliary source of protective energy.

Time has somewhat changed this tradition and protective jewelry is often worn in plain sight. There is an explanation for this: if the amulet is catchy and bright, it will distract attention from its owner, preventing him from harming him, or simply putting the evil eye on him.

Vivid examples of this are the Nazar and Hamsa amulets, better known as the Eye of Fatima and.

The same principle works not only with body jewelry, but also with a miniature, seemingly invisible, pin. It is for these purposes that the evil eye pin, worn in full view of everyone, is decorated with bright stones, pendants and bright ribbons.

The principle of operation here is the same as that of the red thread on the wrist - to distract attention, dispel bad thoughts and make a person invisible against the background of his expressive talisman.

How to charm a pin against the evil eye and damage

After purchasing a pin against the evil eye, the amulet must be cleaned and activated using special spells.

All amulets require activation. Sometimes it is enough to hold an object in spring water or under the rays of the sun. The evil eye pin requires the utterance of special words.

The spell for a pin against the evil eye is pronounced in several cases:

  • after purchase, before use;
  • to cleanse bad energy after prolonged use.

The first conspiracy is pronounced so that the amulet begins to function in accordance with your desires. But repeated cleanings are carried out to maintain its strength.

There are a lot of ways to talk to a pin. Among the most common readings are Psalm 90, “Our Father” or the version below:

“Guardian Angel, come to my call, save, protect from trouble and enemies. Follow me everywhere, hide behind your back.”

You can also try:

“Become my protection from unkind people, protect me from trouble and the evil eye. Let evil spirits and witchcraft infection pass me by.”

These two options are universal. They are suitable for everyone - men and women, older people and children. Please note that some of the spells can only be used by Christians, while others are suitable even for idolaters.

There are also special conspiracies suitable for a specific situation.

Among these is a conspiracy that helps the bride on the most important day of her life, protecting her from evil people:

“Just as no one can extinguish the bright month,
Remove the life-giving sun from the sky,
To revive the deceased again,
Likewise, no one will harm the bride (her name).
The key is in place, the lock is not broken, the tongue is silent. Amen".

And also a conspiracy that allows you to cover both newlyweds with a shield:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Protect the newlyweds, God's servants (names) from all evil:
Envious people, homewreckers and deceitful friends, witch spells, evil spirits and the evil eye.
Let them both be happy and cheerful, let them not know worries and problems.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The most popular way to use an evil eye pin is to wear it as a personal talisman. But besides this, it is possible to create a talisman for all relatives. There is also a special conspiracy for this case:

“Let the pin pierce all the envy and anger that has accumulated around me. Let it fly like a boomerang to the one who brought this darkness to me.”

You need to say it three times, and hide the amulet in a table, a chest of drawers with clothes, or pin it to the curtains by the window.

You can also try to charm a pin not only against the evil eye, but also for various other purposes, for example, for good luck:

“I call out to luck, I call upon it, I open my pin.
As soon as I close the amulet, I will hide that luck in it.
Let him settle in it forever, it saves me from problems.”

At the same time, the amulet itself also needs to be opened and closed, accordingly, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy.

Another interesting version of the conspiracy is for love. Suitable for women and girls who want the pin to also protect the happiness of their spouses or attract an ideal husband in the future:

“Let my husband care and cherish everything, pamper me and take pity on me,
Forgives stupidity and quarrels, tasteless borscht, discord,
Gives gifts and attention, brings roses on a date,
He doesn’t cheat on me with others and doesn’t drink alcohol.”

Making a talisman with your own hands

An amulet made from a pin can be turned into a real decoration. Then it can be worn over clothes. If you try, no one will guess that this thing is a talisman.

An amulet made from a pin can be turned into a real decoration by decorating it with various decorative elements.

A magical accessory can be decorated with a decorative flower made of satin ribbons, a miniature toy made of felted wool, and even a figurine made of clay or wood. Such a brooch, visually transformed into a decoration, will still have to remain a talisman. That is, it is necessary to attach the evil eye pin correctly - with the head down. This will make it less convenient to fasten it, but at the same time the amulet will be able to correctly fulfill its mission.

An excellent way to enhance the effect of the amulet is to add other magical attributes - a talisman against the evil eye, or even a cross. The latter, of course, is suitable for those who profess the appropriate religion. Pagans, instead of a crucifix, can use cross stitch. An embroidered protective sign dedicated to an ancient Slavic deity will complement a silver pin.

Evil eye pin for newborns

Such amulets are used not only by adults, but also by children. The baby pin also requires cleaning and activation. But due to their age, children will not be able to perform these manipulations. Therefore, their parents should deal with such things. It is better if the mother spells the amulet for the child. The conspiracy spoken by her will be even stronger, because in these words the mother will put all her love and warmth towards her son or daughter.

A safety pin for the baby is attached to the crib or stroller so that the child is not accidentally injured.

The evil eye pin for newborns cannot be attached to the baby's clothes. There are no special beliefs in this regard - such restrictions arose due to concerns about the safety of the child. To prevent the evil eye pin from causing physical harm to the baby, when it comes undone, it is hooked onto a cradle or stroller.

It is not necessary to use one amulet. You can get two - indoor and outdoor. Thanks to this, the child will be constantly protected, even while one of the amulets is going through the purification stage.

Personalized silver pin

You should approach choosing a talisman for a child even more seriously than for yourself. Due to the purity of their energy, children are much more likely to be negatively influenced than adults. This is also aggravated by the fact that children are not able to identify energy vampirism and cannot counteract it.

The personal amulet has no additional power, but looks very original.

To protect your child, choose a silver evil eye pin for him. Such a talisman will provide him with maximum protection. Many mothers like to focus on personalized items. They put patches with their names on children's clothes, buy them personalized albums, and even make personalized pins. Unfortunately, this does not help strengthen the magical potential of the talisman. But if this is important to you, you can try making a personal amulet.

For this you will need:

  • beads with letters;
  • elastic band or fishing line;
  • decorative pendants or bow.

You can purchase all this at almost any jewelry store that sells various blanks and parts for making inexpensive jewelry yourself. Collect the child's name from beads, stringing them on a thread, elastic band or fishing line. It is better to stay with the latter options, as they are stronger.

Then all you have to do is attach the beads on both sides to the pin so that they form an inverted rainbow shape. You can add a flower, bow or any other decoration to the side.

Safety pin care

The pin, like other amulets, requires periodic cleaning and charging.

A good luck pin, like any other amulet, cannot work for a long time without energy recharge. Before you worry about it, consider cleaning it up. You cannot first charge the amulet and then clean it. This will lead to neutralization of the ritual of charging with positive energies.

To process an amulet pin that has accumulated all the bad things that were intended for its owner, the following is suitable:

  • spring water;

Pour living water into a glass, cup or bowl and place the pin in it overnight. Do not forget to warn your relatives so that they do not drink this water under any circumstances. You should also not touch it with your hands when pulling out the amulet - you risk taking upon yourself all the crap that the amulet has collected during the period of use. The water should be poured onto the ground or simply into the toilet if you live in an apartment building.

After this, place the pin in the salt until it completely covers it. It is better if she lies there for several days. You will need to get rid of salt in the same way as water. We remind you that any ritual of cleansing amulets, amulets and talismans is carried out exclusively on the waning moon, so that all bad things leave you with it.

Everyday life. The most common is the pin; this item protected our ancestors from the evil eye and damage. But even in the present high-tech time, many people remain superstitious and pin a pin on their clothes from the outside or inside. To do this, you need not only to “charge” it correctly, but also to know how to wear this item on clothing.

Pin Properties

The metal from which the item is made can be anything. It doesn't matter if it's gold, silver or regular steel. Any pin will provide good protection from hateful thoughts and views of others, sent intentionally or unintentionally. If someone gets angry at a person, wishes bad things, or is simply envious, the amulet will ward off negative energy force.

The pin has an unusual shape, which helps to conduct both bad and positive energy through itself. That is why it is used not only in protective rituals, but also when causing damage. Pins and needles are often found under the threshold of an apartment or in the home itself. This means only one thing - someone is trying to harm. Such things will never be thrown to attract good luck.

If such a lining is found, caution should be exercised. It needs to be swept away with a broom and thrown into the fire. You cannot touch such things with your bare hands.

How to wear an evil eye pin correctly

People have different opinions about wearing a pin. In the old days, the item was attached to the inside of the clothing, closer to the hem, and was not removed until the end of the lunar cycle. Then they looked at it: if the tip of the needle darkened, it was thrown into the fire and replaced with a new one. If the color remained the same, the pin continued to be worn. If she unfastened herself, it means she was completely “saturated” with negativity. It (if found) must also be burned or buried.

If the pin is made of precious metal, it’s a pity to throw it away, but you can’t wear it any longer. In such cases, the item is placed in salt for 3 days. After this, they are washed under running water, and the salt is instilled. Before pinning the amulet again, a new ritual should be performed over it.

How to charm a pin against the evil eye and damage

For the amulet to start “working”, it is enough to perform a simple ritual. On a waxing moon, you should definitely buy a new pin (of any material) and a white or regular church candle. Further:

  • light a candle;
  • open the pin and heat the sharp tip over the flame for a few seconds;
  • read the plot.

The plot is read 3 times. After each reading, wax from the candle is dripped into the small ear of the future amulet. After the pin has cooled, you can use it for its intended purpose.

How to properly pin a pin against the evil eye

The pin must be hooked upside down. It is recommended to pin it in the chest or heart area on the outside of the clothing. It would be nice to decorate the pin with a bright bead or a small pendant in the shape of an eye. Such a talisman will dissipate negative energy and send it back.

It’s good if the amulet is pinned by a close relative. In this case, the pin will gain greater power, since its owner will be protected by the spirits of the family.

Spell on a pin against the evil eye

You can speak a pin in any way.

  • The simplest one is reading a special plot. The spell words are addressed to your guardian angel:

"My guardian angel

Please protect

From the evil eye and damage

Save me. It will be done as it is said.”

  • The strongest prayer against witchcraft is “Psalm 90.”
  • The prayer for all times is “Our Father.”

If prayers are chosen as a spell, then in these cases the pin should be taken in the left hand, brought closer to the lips and in a quiet voice say a prayer to it (3 times).


It's no secret that sooner or later you have to pay dearly for magical practice. the performer or his blood relatives begin to deteriorate in health, their careers collapse, or even death occurs. This applies to those conspiracies that were used to attract cash flows, careers or love into life.

This has nothing to do with protective magic. Protective items simply protect their owner from the “bad” thoughts of envious people and actions of a destructive nature. Pins have been used for protection for a very long time. And retribution for such magical actions has not yet overtaken anyone.

If over time the pin changed color (blackened or became rusty), it means that it received magical blows. The used item is usually burned, but if this is not possible, it is simply buried in the ground. Therefore, the pin against the evil eye and damage should be simple - made of cheap material.

Small and very inconspicuous, but so powerful in its protection, the pin from the evil eye and damage is an effective and efficient, easy-to-use, centuries-tested protective amulet. It has long been used to protect against magical slander and light forces were sealed into it, channeling it for good. We published rituals of spells on a pin.

But when resorting to such protection, it is important to know how to wear a protective amulet and attach it to clothing, which one to choose and what words to use. Let's consider all these points in more detail.

How to use a safety pin

The pin is a powerful amulet against the evil eye and damage

How to properly pin and wear a pin so that it works as a protective amulet against damage and the evil eye - it is attached exclusively in a vertical position, head down. On clothes, an amulet against the evil eye and damage is worn in two ways - from the inside or from the face. So, if you attach a protective amulet from the inside out, pin it closer to the bottom of the dress or blouse, as our ancestors did. And if you attach it from the front side, attach it to the most visible place, so that the latter, with its bright appearance, distracts from the person himself.

Anti-evil eye pins must be attached to the bride's dress - on the hem of the wedding dress, worn and not removed for the entire duration of the wedding. A rule such as wearing a pin is also suitable for small children or if there is a crowded celebration ahead, when a person finds himself “under the gun” of a crowded crowd.

Which metal to choose?

A pin is a personal item and protection.

When choosing pins as a protective amulet, users often wonder which one to choose and what metal it should be made of. Silver or gold, or maybe the most ordinary one, steel, but made with your own hands, will do? You can attach any talisman - the material does not affect its protective properties, but if it brings you more aesthetic pleasure, then choose a precious metal.

If funds allow, then you can buy gold jewelry - it will not darken under the influence of magical damage and the evil eye. But this also has its downside - you cannot determine by her appearance whether she has taken too much negativity on herself or not. And silver or ordinary metal can darken and thereby let you know that the amulet is working.

If your amulet has darkened or gotten lost when unfastened, this is a good sign, it means that it has fulfilled its task on an energetic level, has taken on all the negativity and has “left” you. Regarding the silver amulet, modern jewelry contains little high-quality alloy, so it is optimal to opt for the simplest, metal safety pin.

How to speak a pin

Protection with a pin is an effective and proven method

Before you begin to activate the protective powers of the amulet, consider the following rules.

  1. Buy it exclusively on Friday, in the afternoon, and it is spoken only on Tuesday, and always on the waxing Moon.
  2. Do not give your enchanted amulet to strangers - this is how you give away your protection and good luck, and constantly monitor its condition so that it does not darken or get lost. In the latter case, you are left without protection, which is not very good.

General ritual

For the amulet to work, it is activated by a conspiracy

The general ritual, a spell on a pin, is carried out on Tuesday - visit the temple in the morning, buy a candle there. Already at home, closer to midnight, light it and in its flame heat the eye of the pin, reading the words three times:

“My guardian angel, sent to me from above - protect me from every evil eye and protect me under your cover.”

After each reading, drip wax onto the eye of the pin and let it dry and stay there.

If you feel bad on the street or in a company, slowly and imperceptibly touch the pin and say:

“The Lord is ahead, the Mother of God is behind, God’s servant…name…protect.”

If you have lost a pin, do not despair, but it is best to purchase a new talisman and cast a spell on it.

Conspiracy for kids

Protecting the baby with a pin is the first thing a mother should do

For newborns, a pin is the first protection, in addition to a cross, that the mother gives to the child as a talisman. For children, choose a silver one, or even better if you attach such amulets in different places, for example, on clothes and in the stroller, on the hem of the crib, and so on. The main thing in this case is to protect the baby so that he does not accidentally injure himself on a sharp object.

As with adults, the protective amulet is attached in a secret place so that it is hidden from prying eyes. They fasten it with its head down - this way it will give its negativity to the earth, but if the head is turned up - the amulet will retain the negativity.

So, 3-5 pins are suitable for a stroller - this will strengthen the baby’s energy protection, protecting them from people with a hard look. Ideally, if you attach, for example, 3 pins close to each other, just under the visor, on the inside - this place is as close as possible to the child’s head.

Regarding the conspiracy, there is no need to specifically slander the amulet for protection. But if you wish, you can say “Our Father” over the pins or an appeal to the guardian angel, or by saying the following words:

“I entrust my child into the hands of an angel - keep him under your wing from damage and the evil eye, and evil words.”

Conspiracy for pregnant women

For pregnant women, the pin is attached closer to the body

Often pregnant and nursing mothers also suffer from dark promises and therefore protection from any negativity is a top priority. Choose either a silver or the simplest metal pin, but most often women choose the former for aesthetic reasons.

It is best to wear an object as a talisman when fastening it in the solar plexus area. It is important to understand that to provide double protection for yourself and the child, the pin is attached horizontally. This way, she will not accumulate negativity in herself, but accumulate only light forces, protecting her from the induced negativity and putting it aside, as it were.

The simplest objects that are used every day in everyday life can serve as an excellent means of protection against the evil eye.

The most famous and widely used is an ordinary pin pinned to clothing. This mini-amulet is worn even by children, especially since it can be secured completely unnoticeably and is quite difficult to lose.

When choosing a safety pin, you need to compare several factors, ranging from its cost to the strength of the fastenings.

How does a pin work against the evil eye and damage?

Souvenir shops sell pins with stone chips that are suitable for representatives of different zodiac signs.

Despite this, their effectiveness is not much higher than that of a simple pin without stones and connection with astrology.

This happens because not all stones protect against the evil eye and are, in fact, just decoration.

It is considered fashionable and prestigious to buy gold and silver pins with stones. Most often they are given for christenings and so on.

But the question arises about the advisability of using such an expensive item for everyday wear, given that a “used” pin tends to get stolen and lost.

The shape of a closed pin is an oval, along which negative energy subsequently circulates.

When a person is subjected to a particularly massive and dangerous attack from ill-wishers, the amulet is revealed.

This happens when it needs to be “cleaned” and clearly indicates a large accumulation of negative energy around.

Another option for signaling the owner is to change the color of the jewelry. Ordinary non-precious pins turn black and bend. It is better to throw them away immediately and replace them with new ones.

How to pin and wear correctly

People's opinions differ on this issue. Some people think that they should be pinned on the back of the garment, others on the front side. Both are right in their own way.

Here it is necessary to clearly distinguish between a brooch and a pin, which can equally well serve as protection against the evil eye due to a similar fastening mechanism.

The brooch, naturally, is attached to the outside, and it is better to hide the pin from prying eyes. But there is an unambiguous rule - the amulet decoration should be on the left and as close to the heart as possible.

In this case, the head (the part that ensures the “closedness” of the pin) should be directed upward.

The main rule of wearing is to ensure that it is not left open for a long time.

In addition to simply wearing a pin, you can recite a special spell on it that will increase its effectiveness.

Please note that such conspiracies belong to village magic and have practically no ritual part, and their effectiveness depends only on the personal strength of the magician.

Speak the evil eye pin with the following words:

“Guardian angel, holder of heaven, come down from heaven and touch the pin. Protect me, God's servant (slave), from the witcher and the witch, the sorcerer and the sorceress, from the crooked, from the askew, from the dashing gaze. Amen"

After this, light a candle for your own health or for the health of the one for whom you are making a talisman. For 9 days, read a daily prayer to your Guardian Angel.

The second spell for a pin against the evil eye is a Christian adaptation of a pagan spell. However, this did not affect the efficiency in any way.

Take a small pin and... Over a burning candle, speak into the flame:

“On the ocean-sea, on the island-Buyan, the Virgin Mary sits with her baby. He sits and spins threads, day after day he goes on like this. As the devils spin the threads, they scatter, and as soon as they look, they scatter. Protect, Mother of God, the servant of God (name) from devils, from leprosy, and from the devil’s eyes. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen"

Despite such a blatant confusion of the image of Mokosh and the Mother of God, this conspiracy is effective for protecting children, since even in the original version Mokosh was considered the Great Mother.