Children's sports relay races. Relay races for primary classes in the gym

Every time, preparing for a children's event in the open air, the question arises - what can children do to make it interesting and fun for them? To have somewhere to throw out your ebullient, irrepressible energy. A sports relay race under the code name “Fun Starts” could be an excellent solution.

The competition program, as a rule, includes various competitions, relay races and outdoor games. It is desirable that most of the relay races be different in different groups, but no more than 10-13 tasks in grades 1-3 and no more than 13-18 tasks in grades 4-6 and 7-9.

The following tasks and competitions are traditional:

Presentation of teams by captains (emblem, motto, uniform, greetings for the jury and opponents).
- warm-up (participants guess riddles, answer questions from the areas of “Physical Education”, “Sports”, “Healthy Lifestyle”).
- captain competition (captains compete in various physical exercises and answer questions about sports).
- competitions “The Strongest”, “The Most Accurate” (usually held in the middle of the competition, so that the participants can relax after the running relay races and cheer for their competition participants)
- “Team Drag” and “Fan Drag” competitions usually complete the “Fun Starts” program.

If desired, you can vary the number of commands. Staff them with a suitable number of people. These can be either teams exclusively of girls or boys, or mixed versions. You can even include adults in teams in equal numbers.

Below we want to list the most famous relay competitions so that you can choose those that you think children will enjoy the most.

Night orienteering

At a distance of 10 meters from the start, a stool is placed and the first participants close their eyes. At the signal, they must walk or run to the stool, walk around it and, returning on command, pass the baton to the next participants, who are already standing blindfolded. And so does the whole team. While moving, the team can help its participants by shouting: “to the right,” “to the left,” “forward,” “backward.” And since all commands are shouting at the same time, the player must make out which calls apply specifically to him. When the last player returns to the starting line, it is “day” for the entire team. For whom the “day” comes earlier, they won.

Cheerful cooks

For this attraction you will need two chef's hats, two jackets or two white coats, and two aprons. Items are laid out on stools located on the starting line, on opposite stools they place a mug filled with water, a wide-necked kefir bottle, and a tablespoon. The competition participants are divided into two teams. They line up at the starting line. At the presenter’s signal, the first numbers run up to the stool, put on a cap, jacket and apron and run to the opposite stools. Then they take spoons, scoop water from a mug once and pour it into a bottle, after which they return to their team and undress, handing the second number an apron and cap. He quickly gets dressed and performs the same task, etc.

No worse than a kangaroo

You need to run, or rather, jump a certain distance, holding a tennis ball or matchbox between your knees. Time is recorded by clock. If the ball or box falls to the ground, the runner picks it up, pinches it again with his knees and continues running. The one with the best time wins.

Without deviating from the route

Players from both teams line up in chains behind each other's heads. A 5-6 m long line with a circle at the end is drawn against each team on the ground. At the leader’s signal, team members run one after another exactly along the line to the center of the circle. Having reached it, they raise their right hand and, looking up, begin to spin. Having made 5 full turns in place, they run back along the line, again trying not to leave it. The team that finishes the competition the fastest wins.

Hockey players

For esta-feta you will need plastic bottles of different sizes, empty and filled with water (6-7 pieces). Bottles of water are placed in a straight line every 1 meter. At the end of the path, gates are installed or marked. Two teams each get a stick. The first player’s task is to use a stick to bring an empty plastic bottle, skirting obstacles like a snake, to the goal (to score), then return to the team and pass the stick to the next hockey player. The fastest team wins.

Balloon relay

2-3 teams of 5-6 people can participate in the relay race. Relay stages:
1. The first stage is to carry the ball on your head. If you fall, stop, pick yourself up and continue moving again.
2. The second stage is to run or walk, and toss the ball through the air.
3. The third stage is to carry two balls, pressing them together, between your palms.
4. The fourth stage is to drive the ball along the floor, going around the towns arranged like a snake (skittles, toys).
5. The fifth stage is to go the distance with a ball tied with a meter-long thread to the ankle.
6. The sixth stage is to carry the ball on a table tennis racket or in a large spoon.
7. The seventh stage is to hold the ball between your knees and jump with it like a kangaroo.

Rhythm relay race

A relay race between two or more teams that line up in columns in front of the starting line. The first team members have gymnastic sticks in their hands. At the signal, the players run with them to the stand located 15 m from the starting line, run around it and return to their columns. Holding the stick by one end, they carry it along the column under the feet of the children, who, without moving from their place, jump over it. Once at the end of the column, the participant picks up the stick and passes it to the partner standing in front of him, who passes it to the next one, and so on until the stick reaches the player leading the column. He runs forward with a stick, repeating the task. The game ends when all participants have run the distance.

From one to five

This is a fun competition with plastic balls of different sizes. To play you still need two plastic sticks. Two teams of five people compete. The first players must use a stick to move one ball about seven meters. There is a large mace at the finish line, and the participant must go around it and return to his team. The second player is already dribbling two plastic balls, the third – three, the fourth – four, the fifth – five. It's very difficult, but exciting. The team that manages to shoot the most goals wins.

Mushroom pickers

A relay race in which two teams participate. At the finish line, three towns are placed for each team and covered with colored circles - these are “mushrooms”. The first player at the start also has three circles in his hands, but of a different color. The player runs to the finish line, changes the caps of the “mushrooms” and returns, passing the circles to the second player. If the “mushroom” has fallen, then the movement cannot be continued. The team that was faster and more careful wins.

Simple matter

Two teams line up at the starting line. The first player receives a bowl filled with water and, at a signal, begins to run, trying not to splash the water. At the finish line, 15-20 steps apart, there are three stools or benches at some distance from each other. The player places the plate on a stool, crawls under it (if a bench is used, then steps over it), rearranges the bowl, etc. Then, taking the plate, he returns back. The second player starts running. If a team finished the relay earlier, but there was less water in the bowl than their opponents, then the game ended in a draw.

Population census

Teams compete on a relay basis. Participants run to where there is a sheet of paper and a thick marker. The person who has reached the point writes down the name of any member of his team (except himself and those already written down) and, taking the marker, runs back and passes it to another participant. It's very funny how the last players struggle to remember whose name has not yet been written down. The game allows you to better remember the names in the new company.

Umbrella racing

Two teams take part in the relay. Two players run from each team at the same time, holding an open umbrella above them. The umbrella is passed to the next couple as a relay baton.


Two teams are given a round tray and 15-20 empty plastic bottles of different sizes. The first player takes the tray with one hand, places one bottle on it, puts the other hand behind his back and begins to move towards the table located at the opposite end of the room. Having reached the table, the “waiter” puts down the bottle and runs back to the team with the tray. The second player repeats these actions. It is prohibited to hold the bottle with your hand. When a bottle falls, the player returns to the team and takes another one. The team that serves their table the fastest wins.

Book races

The relay requires two small balls and two books. Two teams are formed and line up on the starting line. Each team player races with a ball between their knees and a book on their head. If the book falls, the racing participant stops, puts the book on his head and continues moving. The fastest team wins.

Potatoes in a spoon

You need to run a certain distance, holding a spoon with a large potato in your outstretched hand. They run in turns. The running time is recorded on the clock. If the potato falls, they put it back and continue running. You can't run without potatoes! The one with the best time wins. It will be more interesting if it is a team competition.

Postman on horseback

Two teams of postmen line up at the start, and on command they saddle a stick and hold a balloon between their knees (it turns out to be a “horse”), put on a hat and take a bag of “mail” in their hand. Trying not to drop anything, players move to the turning piece and return back to hand the mail to the next postman. If a player loses at least one attribute, he stops, equips himself, and only then continues moving. The team that delivers the mail the fastest wins.

Dive into the hoop

Relay race. Team players take turns pushing the hoop from start to finish and at the same time try to slip into it as often as possible, first on one side, then on the other. Each dive brings the team one point, but if the hoop falls, then this point is deducted, and the race continues from the place of the “accident”.

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Fun starts (1)

1. Quickly take it, quickly put it down (ball)

2. Obstacle course (stepping over cylinders)

3. Snake (running between cylinders)

4. The fastest horse (horse racing)

5. The most accurate (throwing cones into a basket)

Fun starts (2)

1. Whose team will gather in a circle faster?

2. Marksman (throwing the ball into the basket)

3. Don’t get your feet wet (running on discs)

4. From hummock to hummock (jumping on two legs on discs)

5. Fast riders (horse racing)

6. Whose team will change place faster (climbing)

7. The most dexterous (in pairs they carry a ball on a spoon)

Fun starts (with a ball in pairs)

1. If you go on a journey with a friend (carry a ball held between your foreheads)

2. Calabash (carry a ball held between your temples)

3. Clamp with your back (carry the ball while holding your back)

4. Friendly shoulders (carry the ball while holding the shoulders)

5. Penguins (jumping to a landmark with a ball sandwiched between the legs)

6. Pass the ball with the chin to each team player (children stand in pairs with their backs to each other)

7. Passing the ball to each other while moving

Jump relay

1. Jumping on one leg to the flag

2. Jumping on two legs with a medicine ball in your hands

3. Jumping sideways over objects

4. Jumping with a bag clamped between your legs

5. Jumping with crossed legs

6. Jumping “like a frog”

7. Jumping from disc to disc.

Running relay (in pairs)

1. Smooth run in pairs (to the landmark and back)

2. Standing with your back to each other, hold hands, run sideways

3. Running on three legs (2 legs tied in the middle)

4. Wheelbarrow (one stands on his hands, the other holds his legs)

5. Running with fins (each person has one fin in a pair)

6. Running in pairs between the pins

Hoop relay

1. Get through the hoop

2. Get to the other side with your feet on the hoop, holding the top edge of the hoop with your hands

3. Walk on hoops (the hoops are on two benches)

4. Circus (running with two hoops on the arms, arms to the sides)

5. Running in a hoop together

6. Climb into the hoop with your feet forward, leaning on your hands.

Big ball relay

1. Ball to the driver (the driver throws the ball to the first player, he throws the ball back and sits down, the driver throws it to the second player and so on until the end of the column)

2. Dribbling the ball in a basketball way

3. Ball overhead (passing the ball to the end of the column overhead)

4. Football (kicking the ball between objects)

5. Ball in the basket

6. Passing the ball back between your legs

7. Bowling (knocking down pins with a ball)

8. Ball into the goal (put the ball under an arc)

Games – relay races with a bench

1. Running on a bench

2. Crawling under the bench

3. Walk along the narrow side of the bench

4. Jumping over a bench (leaning your hands on the bench, cross your legs)

5. Crawling on a bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with both hands

6. Which team will change place faster (children sit on the bench, at a signal, the first players run to the opposite bench and sit at the end of the bench. As soon as a player sits down, this is a signal for the next player)

7. On one leg (one leg stands on the bench, the other on the floor).

Games - relay races in a circle

1. Pass the flag (two teams stand with their backs to the center of the circle, at the signal, the first players run in a circle in one direction to their column, pass the flag to the second player, he stands at the end of the column)

2. Pass the hat (players stand in two circles, the first player has a hat on his head, pass the hat from head to head in his circle)

3. Caught - sit down (children stand in two circles, the captain stands in the center of the circle, alternately throws the ball to each participant, having caught the ball, the player throws the ball back, and crouches)

4. Get through the hoop (children stand in a circle, holding the hoops in front of them. The first child puts his hoop on the floor and quickly makes his way through all the hoops, when he reaches his hoop, he lifts it up, this is a signal to the other participant to start moving).

Game – relay race “6 out of 49”

The teacher has a basket of balls, each ball has numbers from 1 to 6. Each number corresponds to a sport:

1 – football 4 – fishing

2 – hockey 5 – scuba diving

3 – skiing 6 – volleyball

Team captains take turns taking out balls with numbers.

No. 1 “Football” (bring a balloon to the goal with your foot)

No. 2 “Hockey” (score the puck into the goal with a gymnastic stick)

No. 3 “Skiing” (run to the flag on bottle skis)

No. 4 “Fishing” (use a fishing rod on magnets to pull out fish)

No. 5 “Scuba diving” (with fins on, reach the flag)

No. 6 “Volleyball” (throwing the ball over a rope).

Games – sled relay races

1. Fast sled (run to the flag with the sled and return)

2. Sled racers (sitting on the sled, push off with your feet to the flag)

3. Fast sleds (one sits, the other carries, then switch places back)

4. Holding the back of the sled, run to the flag

5. Snake running with a sled between the pins.

Sports festival “Fun Starts” (Children of senior preschool age with parents)

Create a cheerful mood for the participants of the holiday;

Foster a sense of collectivism;

To develop in children and adults coordination and dexterity of movements, eye and ability to navigate in space.

Preliminary work:

1. The celebration is held in the gym. It is necessary to prepare sports equipment and decorate the sports ground and areas with multi-colored flags and balloons.

2. Teachers and children draw team emblems, parents prepare prizes for awarding.

3. The main organizer of the holiday is a physical education instructor. The organizers of the competitions at the stages are teachers. Parents actively participate in games and relay races.

4. Number of participants – 2 groups of children of senior preschool age and their parents.


2. Rackets 2 pcs.

3. Balloons

5. Small balls (D=8 cm)

6. Balls (D=25 cm) 2 pcs.

7. Blindfold 2 pcs.

Host: Hello! I am glad to welcome you, dear children and parents, competition participants and fans. Attention! Attention! Teams of children and their parents - “Rocket” and “Chaika” - take part in our sports festival “Fun Starts”

To the sounds of the march, festival participants in tracksuits enter the hall and line up in two lines facing each other.

Presenter: Banners are flying over the stadium,

Joyful songs sound everywhere,

The guys walk in an orderly column,

There's a parade in our kindergarten today.

1st child: Compete without timidity,

May victory not be easy

But hope for luck -

And she will always come.

2nd child: Let from north to south

We have friends everywhere.

But without sports, it’s like without a friend,

No one can survive.

3rd child: Physical educators are needed

Clever and brave.

Every day in our garden

We are doing exercises.

4th child: We love exercises very much,

Everyone wants to be healthy

Grow up strong and brave,

Become a new champion.

Presenter: Teams, get ready for a greeting.

The captains come forward and greet each other (team name, motto, chant).

So our teams met. I invite our athletes to gain strength, courage, agility, and we wish our participants great success in the upcoming competitions.

Our holiday will be judged by a distinguished jury...

Now it's time to warm up!

5th child: Smile at the sun,

Get ready to warm up.

Parents and children perform exercises with elements of children's aerobics accompanied by music.

Presenter: The warm-up was excellent. The teams take their places, we begin our relay races.

1st relay: “Who is faster”

Teams become pairs. In front is the leader with two hoops in his left and right hands. At the signal, two people, holding hoops with one hand, run after the leader to the finish line. Behind the finish line they lower the hoops, and the leader with the hoops runs to the next pair. The team whose couples reach the finish line the fastest wins.

2nd relay: “Running with a racket and a balloon”

The participant runs to the cube and back, guiding the balloon with a racket, trying to prevent it from falling.

3rd relay: “Snake running”

4th relay: “Tumblers”

5th relay: Captains' competition "Who is bigger"

One player from the team has a basket in his hands. Team captains collect balls into a basket in 1 minute; whoever has the most balls wins.

Host: In the meantime, our jury is summing up the results, the teams can sit down and relax. I invite our guests to take part in the game!

At the request of the guests, two players come out. Each person is given a balloon. Players place the balls on the floor 1 meter away from themselves. The players are blindfolded and given the task of walking up and crushing the ball with their feet. The balls themselves are removed secretly from the players.

Presenter: Let's give the floor to our jury.

Winners and losers are rewarded.

At the end of the entertainment, everyone performs the “Little Ducklings” dance.

Sports entertainment for children of senior preschool age “Fairytale relay races”

Dear Colleagues! I would like to present to your attention a sports entertainment: “Fairytale Relay Races”. This entertainment, after editing, can be used for any holiday: Mother's Day, New Year, Christmastide, Maslenitsa, April Fool's Day and even at adult corporate events. By conducting this entertainment, you, as the organizer and participants, will receive a lot of positive emotions and funny photos.

"Fairytale relay races"

Target: Improve physical qualities - speed, agility, endurance. Accumulate and enrich children's motor experience. Form the need for physical activity. Foster a desire to participate in games with elements of competition, relay races. Evoke a positive emotional response in children.

Equipment and materials:

Audio recording: “Little Red Riding Hood’s song”

Emblems for two teams - according to the number of participants

Envelopes with tasks - 5 pcs.

Bag with a red cross - 2 pcs.

Skittles - by number of participants

Large felt boots wrapped in a bandage – 2 pcs.

A sign on a rope that can be worn around the neck with the inscription: “Blind” -2 pcs.

Blindfolds or dark impenetrable glasses - 2 pcs.

Elastic bands sewn into a ring (diameter approximately 10 cm) - 4 pcs.

Bucket – 2 pcs.

Mop or broom - 2 pcs.

Hats or masks: mouse, hare, frog, fox, mosquito, bear - 2 pcs.

Hoops - 2 pcs.

Visual reference points: racks or modules - 2 pcs. for each team.

Leading: Guys, early in the morning the postman brought me letters from fairy-tale characters. Look, (shows large multi-colored envelopes, and in the envelopes there are different test tasks, if you pass the tests, we are told to give you a prize, but if you don’t pass, we will send the prize - a parcel back to the fairy-tale forest.

Before taking the test you need to warm up.

Warm-up: Running, walking movements to music from the movie: “Little Red Riding Hood”

After the warm-up, the children line up in teams to greet each other and the jury.


1 team "Bogatyrs":

Competing with you

We will remain friends

Let the fight rage on

And our friendship grows stronger with her.

2nd team "Strongmen":

And let the fight rage more intensely

Stronger competition

Success is not decided by fate

And strength, agility, speed.

Leading: Here is the first letter from Doctor Aibolit.

The doctor asks you if you are healthy?

do you have a sore throat?

Children: no

Host: Scarlet fever?

Children: no

Host: Cholerina?

Children: no

Presenter: malaria and bronchitis?

Children: No! No! No!

Presenter: Well done!

Just look!

Everyone is cheerful and brave.

There are no diseases.

The doctor has a game

You'll like her.


How did Doctor Aibolit begin to treat animals? He set thermometers.

Relay 1: "Dr. Aibolit"

The first participant stands with a bag of pins in it (the number of pins is 2 less than the participants). At the signal, the first participant - “Aibolit” runs with the bag to a certain mark “Africa” and returns, upon return he puts one thermometer for everyone (the pin, except last, gives the bag to the last participant. Now the next participant becomes “Aibolit”, and the first participant steps aside. “Aibolit” collects thermometers, goes the same way, and so on.

Leading: Well done! Everyone completed the task!


The next task is from the fox Alice and the cat Basilio.

As you know, Alice the fox was lame, and Basilio the cat was blind. Now we will try to depict them.

Relay 2: “Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat”.

The relay is a doubles race, since the fairy tale characters are also inseparable. One of the participants is Alice, the other is Basilio. The one who portrays the fox puts on an imitation of a cast (a large felt boot, wrapped in a bandage) on one leg. The participant portraying a cat is blindfolded and wears a sign with the inscription: “Blind.” Holding onto each other, the “blind” and the “lame” overcome the obstacle.


Relay 3: “Snake Gorynych.”

Who is unfamiliar with this fabulous creature, which has 3 heads, four legs and 2 wings! Let’s also portray “Snake Gorynych”, it’s not difficult. Three participants stand side by side, put their hands on each other’s belts or shoulders, the legs of the participant standing in the middle are tied to the legs of the partners (you can use an elastic band sewn in a ring, standing on the sides. This makes 4 legs in total. At the signal, “Snake Gorynych "starts moving, and the participants standing on the sides must perform movements with their arms, reminiscent of flapping wings. Having run, galloped, and reached the finish line, the troika turns around, returns and passes the baton to the next participants.


Relay 4 “Baba Yaga”.

The indispensable attributes of Baba Yaga were a mortar and a broom. In the relay race, you can use a simple bucket as a mortar, and a mop as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. He holds a mop with one hand and the handle of a bucket with the other. In this position, it is necessary to pass the entire distance and pass the “mortar” and “broom” to the next one.


Relay 5: “Teremok”.

First, let's remember who lived in the tower:

Little Mouse;


Jumping Bunny;



The Bear came sixth and destroyed the tower.

Players are given masks or caps depicting fairy-tale characters.

Let's try to play out this fairy tale in a relay race. The baton starts with “Norushka Mouse”. The participant playing this role, at the signal, moves to the finish line, where there is a hoop that symbolizes the tower. Having reached, the player threads the hoop through himself, puts it in place and runs after the next participant, i.e. the “Frog-Frog”. Now they are running together, holding hands. Having arrived, the two of them climb into the hoop, etc.

The bear does not thread the hoop, but takes everyone into the hoop and pulls them to the finish line.



P. S.: On the eve of the New Year, and 2014 is the year of the “Blue Horse”, I propose to add one more final relay race “Russian Troika”.

Participants are divided into threes, they are given an arc with bells in their hands (it can be made from an old hoop) and thus they move in leaps to a visual reference point and back. The arc is passed on to the next participants.

In between relay races, you can include games for fans and musical breaks.

Thank you for your attention!

1) What is the name of a sports mentor? (trainer)

2) What is the beginning and end of the run called? (start, finish)

3) When were the Olympic Games held in Moscow?

4) where were the first Olympic Games held?

5. Relay: “Snake Running”

Run between four hoops placed on the floor with a small ball in your hands, run around the cube and return the same way. The ball is passed to the next relay participant.

6. Relay race: “Roll-y-dolls”

Four hoops lying on the floor each have one pin. The first participant in the relay runs, puts the pin on the floor with his hand, goes around the cube and returns in a straight line. The second team member runs and puts pins in the hoops, goes around the circle and returns running in a straight line.

7. Relay race. "Jumping with hops"

The child jumps back and forth on the hop, the adult holds the ball between his legs and jumps.

8. Relay race. “Carry it, don’t drop it”

A very unusual relay race. Children are our treasure, and carrying and not dropping this treasure on your back, and even on your knees, is not easy. Let's see how our parents cope with this task.

Presenter: Now it’s time to sum up the results of the competition. In the meantime, our jury is working, the teams can sit down and relax, and I invite our guests to take part in the game!

At the request of the guests, two players come out. Each person is given a balloon. Players place the balls on the floor 1 meter away from themselves.

The players are blindfolded and given the task of walking up and crushing the ball with their feet. The balls themselves are removed secretly from the players.

Hey, save yourself quickly

Home > Child development and upbringing > Children's training > Relay races for children

Relay races for children

Many children love outdoor games. Therefore, their physical activity can be organized in a certain way. There are many options for sports games that kids will love.

You can also prepare interesting relay races for children. They will not only help you have a good and fun time, but will also be beneficial in educating the younger generation:

  • will be taught to act in a team;
  • will help in developing interest in sports;
  • will provide an opportunity to foster healthy competition;
  • will allow you to learn to support each other;
  • will improve health.

Sports relay races for children

They can take place outdoors, but indoors is also suitable. For them, you need to prepare sports equipment in advance. The number of guys should allow them to be divided into 2 teams, or more.

You can offer the following relay races, which are suitable for children of preschool age and even older.

"Rent a hoop"

A member of each team must roll the hoop to the designated line and back. Then he passes the sports equipment to the next player.


A hoop is placed at a certain distance from each team. Each participant receives a ball or a bag of sand. It must be thrown into the hoop with your left hand.

If a player hits a conditional target, the team gets 1 point.

"Load the car"

Next to each of the teams there are boxes that play the role of a car. And a few meters away there are baskets with toys. There should be the same number of them. The players' task is to transfer the toys to the pretend car as quickly as possible.

To do this, participants take turns running to the basket, taking an item from there, then returning and putting it in the box.

"Bring it carefully"

Children must run with a bag of sand on their heads to the line and return to their team.


The guys must walk between the cubes or pins like a snake without touching them.

In winter, walking outside is no less useful than in the warm season. Winter relay races for children will also be interesting.

"Bring the lump"

Players must carry a snowball on a shovel and not drop it to the line and return back.

"Sleigh Ride"

You must independently ride a sled to the line and return to the team, then pass the move to the next participant.

"Snowball Rolling"

Each team receives a medium-sized snowball. The guys stand at a distance of several steps from each other. It is required to quickly roll the lump from the last participant to the first.

Preparing these relay races for children does not require a lot of time and sports equipment, so they can be easily organized by adults.

Articles on the topic


But there is one secret in the game:

There is no room for latecomers!

Children and parents scatter around the hall to the soundtrack of the band "Space"

(“Magic Flight”). At the end of the music, you need to take a free hoop. In a hoop, children and parents stand in pairs with their backs to each other, raise their arms up, pretending to be a rocket. One hoop is removed each time.

Those who do not have enough hoop sit down.

Presenter: We've done the warm-up smartly, let's start training!

Guys, of course, you know that there is a huge universe and there are billions of different stars in it. Who can tell me which is the biggest and hottest star in the universe! (Sun)

1. Relay race “Sun” (with ribbons)

Each team member has a yellow ribbon (a ray of sunshine). By command

"March!" Team captains run up to the ring lying on the floor, apply a ribbon-ray to the ring and run back. They pass the baton by touching their hand to the next one and stand at the end of the team. The task is considered completed when the last participant crosses the start-finish line.

Thus, each team posts its own little “sun”.

2. Relay “Obstacle Course”

Presenter: An astronaut must be dexterous, fast, courageous, and be able to overcome various obstacles.

Let's believe how our children and parents can overcome obstacles. Listen to what path you need to overcome:

First, run along the ribbed surface (on ribbed wooden boards), crawl into the compartment (under the arc), climb over the obstacle (soft module) in any way, and run back! Get ready! March!

Participants perform a relay race. The task is considered completed when the last participant crosses the start-finish line.

3. Relay “Weightlessness”

Host: You probably know that in outer space there is no gravity of the Earth,

everything seems to float in the air, as if in water. This is called….(weightlessness).

Astronauts need to be able to catch objects flying out of their hands.

Let's see how dexterous our guys are, how they throw and catch the ball in motion.

On the command “March!” the captains start running with the ball, throwing and catching the ball, go around the limiter, return running and pass the ball to the next participant, stand at the end of the team. The task is considered completed when the last participant crosses the start-finish line.

4. “Earthball” relay race (passing a large ball over your head)

Presenter: Can you tell me, friends, what shape does our planet Earth have? That’s right, the shape of a ball. “Let’s give the Earth’s Ball to the children, let them play with...”

The teacher takes two large balls (fitballs) and offers the following relay race:

Children and adults sit on the floor with their legs in a herringbone pattern. On command" "March!" the ball is passed overhead. As soon as the last participant receives the ball, he gets up, runs to the front of the column and sits down.

The passing of the ball begins again. The relay is considered complete when the captain is again ahead of the team.

Presenter: Guys, among the planets of the solar system there is one planet that is unusual in appearance, which is surrounded by bright rings. Does anyone know the name of this planet? (Saturn). In our hall there are also bright hoop rings, now we will perform a dance with hoops.

Musical pause.

Children perform a dance composition based on the “French Song” performed by F. Goya. (From the program on rhythmic plasticity for children “Rhythmic mosaic” by A. I. Burenina)

Host: Now let’s listen to the poems.

Reading poetry.


3. Relay games / Games for preschoolers 1

Equipment: ball, hockey sticks.

Age: 6–7 years old.

Progress of the game: several children with sticks and a puck stand on the starting line. There is a pin in front of all players at a distance of 10–15 m. At the teacher’s signal, the children use their sticks to bring their pucks to the pins, go around them and return back.

The one who does it first wins.

Equipment: ball, hockey sticks.

Age: 6–7 years old.

Progress of the game: everyone playing has a stick. Two circles are drawn on the skating rink - one inside the other. The defender stands in the first circle and makes sure that the ball does not get there.

All other children are located in the second circle and try to score the ball into the “fortress” (circle). The one who scored the ball into the “fortress” takes the place of the defender.

There are a lot of relay games. When organizing game relay races, it is important to follow the following rules:

1) the number of players in teams must be equal (including boys and girls);

2) children of smaller stature should stand in front of the columns, and children of larger stature should stand in the back;

3) races in teams are carried out strictly in turns, which no one misses;

4) it is not allowed to run beyond the start line (take over the relay) ahead of time;

5) the relay race in the team is always finished by the player who started it;

6) regardless of the end of the game by one team, it continues until all the team players complete the tasks;

7) the result is summed up by the number of points earned;

8) for each mistake during the game a penalty point is awarded;

9) the team with the most points wins (not necessarily finishing the relay first).

We bring to your attention games for children of senior preschool age. The goal of all relay games is to develop the ability to overcome obstacles, dexterity, speed and clarity of movements, intelligence, and creativity.

Equipment: hoops

Age: 6–7 years old.

Progress of the game: The players line up in two columns (a line is drawn in front of each). One hoop is placed at a distance of 6–8 m from the columns. At the teacher’s command, the players standing first in the column run to the hoops, lift them up, climb through them, put them in place and run to their column, touch the hand of the next child and stand at the end of the column.

Each subsequent one performs the same task. The team of guys who completes the task faster wins.

Equipment: hoops

Age: 5–6 years.

Progress of the game: The players line up in three columns at the starting line. In front of each, at a distance of 10 m, flat hoops (6-8 pieces) are drawn or placed - these are hummocks. At the teacher’s command, the first players begin to jump from hoop to hoop.

Having reached the finish line, they run back. The next participant starts jumping. The team that quickly and correctly completes the task wins.

Equipment: sandbags, hoops.

Age: 5–6 years.

Progress of the game: The players line up at the starting line in two or three columns. The players standing first each have one sandbag.

At the teacher’s signal, they clamp the bags between their knees and jump on two legs to the hoop, then take the bags in their hands, run back to their column and pass them on to the next players. They themselves stand at the end of their column.

Equipment: chalk for drawing.

Age: 5–6 years.

Progress of the game: Two circles are drawn in the center of the site: the diameter of the inner one is 3m, the outer one is 7m. A watchman and hares from the group of children are appointed. The hares are located on an area outside the large circle, and the guard is in the center of the small circle - in the garden.

At the teacher’s signal, the hares jump on two legs in a large circle. The watchman, running around the garden, tries to catch them. When the guard catches 3-4 birds with one stone, the game stops and a new guard is chosen.

Equipment: cubes, skittles.

Age: 5–6 years.

Progress of the game: The players line up in two columns. Opposite each, at a distance of 5 m, one object (cube, pin) is placed. At the teacher’s signal, the players standing first in the column jump on two legs to the object, go around it and run back to their column, touch the hand of the next child and stand at the end of their column.

Equipment: balls.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: children are divided into three or four columns. The first players standing in the column each have a ball in their hands. At the teacher’s signal, the first player hits the ball into the hoop, catches it with both hands and passes it to the next one, and he runs to the end of his column.

The column that completes the task faster wins.

Equipment: objects (cubes, skittles) placed in a row.

Age: 5–6 years.

Progress of the game: children line up in two columns at the starting line. Opposite each column, objects are placed in a row at a distance of 0.5 m. At the teacher’s signal, the children jump one after another on two legs between objects (snake) and return to their place.

The winner is the column that quickly and correctly completes the task.

Equipment: balls.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: The players line up in 3-4 columns at a distance of 3m from the wall, facing it. At the signal, the first players throw the ball against the wall, catch it after bouncing off the ground and pass it to the next one, and they themselves run to the end of their column. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Equipment: cord, balls.

Age: 6–7 years old.

Progress of the game: players line up in front of a stretched net (cord) at a distance of 0.5 m. Having thrown the ball through it, they quickly pass under the net and catch it after bouncing off the ground. Then the second line of players completes the task. The winner is the team that completed the task with fewer penalty points (for not catching the ball).

More details

3. Look, nice guests are sitting in our hall!

We saw so many dads at once,

We are a year ago in February.

Song "Take the guys to the parade"

Presenter: “Hello, our dear guests! Hello guys! Hello, dear adults! Today we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day.

This is the holiday of our grandfathers, fathers and boys. After all, they are the defenders of our Motherland. We are glad to welcome you to our fun holiday. We are glad to see strong, brave and cheerful fathers and grandfathers.

Now, in this hall there will be fun exercises in which kindergarten children, as well as their fathers, will take part. Before we start our competition, I want to introduce the jury members.

Name the jury members:…………………………………………………………….

Our cheerful army was divided into two teams: a team of red and yellow stars. The holiday will take place at various military “bases” - naval, air force, military field - and at a border outpost.

One of the jury members says: “All teams in a cheerful mood, go to fun challenges.”

Greetings from the teams. (Each team takes turns saying its motto.)

And the first test will take place at the Naval Base

I. Naval base.

The presenter talks about the joint relay race between children and fathers.

1) Relay race “Sea Knot”. Teams are built in the sequence “adult - child”. The adult runs to the place where the rope is secured, ties a knot in the rope and returns back. The child runs behind him and must untie this knot and pass the baton to the adult again.

Relay "Building a Bridge"

Dads start: the 1st runs to a certain place and stands in an arch, resting his hands and feet on the floor, the 2nd crawls under him on all fours and stands next to him in the same position. when all the dads become a “bridge”, the children crawl under this “bridge” one after another, run to the landmark and quickly return with their dads to their place.

2) Relay race for dads “Happy Swimming”.

Each team member in turn puts a life preserver around his neck, sits on a skateboard and, pushing off with his arms and legs, “swims” to the “buoy”. And then he runs back. Then the next one swims.

Host: The second test will take place at the air force base.

II. Military air base.

Sports relay races for children - Animator Glasha

Relay with stops

The players of each team take turns covering the distance, at any moment the leader can give a signal (whistle), the players must take a prone position, as in a push-up. When the signal is repeated, the relay continues.

Relay "Heavy Burden"

Participants are divided into teams of two. Each pair of players receives two sticks up to 50 centimeters long and a board 70-75 centimeters long, with a flag attached to it. Standing side by side, players keep their sticks facing forward.

A board is placed on the ends of the sticks. In this form, with joint efforts, they must carry their burden to the designated place and return back. If the board falls, the players stop, pick it up and then continue on their way.

Whoever completes the task faster is considered the winner.

Passage of the swamp

Each team is given 2 hoops. With their help it is necessary to overcome the “swamp”. Groups of three people.

At the signal, one of the participants in the first group throws the hoop to the ground, all three players jump into it. They throw the second hoop at such a distance from the first that they can jump into it, and then, without leaving the space of the second hoop, reach the first with their hand.

So, by jumping and throwing hoops, the group gets to the turning point. You can get back to the starting line using a “bridge”, that is, simply roll the hoops along the ground. And at the starting line, the hoops are passed to the next three.

Players' Challenge Relay

The players are divided into 2 teams and stand in a column one at a time. Team players are counted in numerical order. The manager calls the number.

The team that gets the most points wins.

Relay race "Sack Run"

Children are lined up in two columns, the distance between the columns is 3 steps. Holding the bags with their hands near their belts, they jump to the designated place (flag, stick, or other object). Having run around him, the children return to their columns, climb out of the bags, and pass them on to the next ones.

This continues until all the children have run through the bags. The team whose players complete the task faster wins.

Relay race "Bring a piece of paper"

You need to prepare 2 sheets of paper (you can use it from a notebook) The players are divided into two teams, which line up parallel to one another. The first player of each team is given a piece of paper on their palm. During the game, the sheet should lie on its own in the palm of your hand - it should not be held in any way.

The first players from each team run to the flag. If a leaf suddenly falls to the ground, you need to pick it up, put it on your palm and continue on your way.

Having reached his team, the player must quickly transfer the leaf to the right palm of the next comrade in line, who immediately runs forward. Meanwhile, the first one stands at the end of the row. This continues until the turn reaches the first one.

The team that completes the task faster wins.

Relay race "Stubbed Egg"

Form teams of 6 people each. Divide the teams into pairs. The pair's task is to carry the egg between their foreheads to the indicated marker and back.

After this, the egg is passed on to the next couple. Competitors may only support the egg with their hands beyond the starting line. The fall of the egg means the team is out of the fight.

The team that completes this task the fastest wins.

Relay "Running on the Clouds"

For this game you will need five representatives from each team. Place the participants in a row and tie two inflated balloons to the right and left legs of each participant (4 balloons per person). On command, the first participants set off - their task is to run to the end of the distance marker and return back, passing the baton to the next member of their team. Each burst balloon earns the team one penalty point.

Relay "Jumpers"

Children are divided into two teams and line up in columns one after the other. Following the leader’s signal, the participants of each team perform a jump, pushing off with both feet. The first jumps, the second stands at the place to which the first jumped, and jumps further.

When all players have jumped, the leader measures the entire length of the jumps of the first and second teams. The team that jumped further wins.

Pass the Ball Relay

Children are divided into two teams. The players of each team line up one after another in a column. The first participants hold a ball in their hands. Following the leader's signal, the first player in each team passes the ball to the one behind him, above his head.

The last person on the team, having received the ball, runs to the beginning of the column, stands first and passes the ball to the next person behind him, also over his head. And so on until the first one returns to its place. The team that finishes the game first wins.

Air Kangaroo Relay

Divide participants into teams and ask participants to stand one behind the other. Give each team a balloon. The first participant holds the balloon between his knees and, like a kangaroo, jumps with it until the end of the distance marker.

Returning back in the same way, he passes the ball to the next player and so on. The winner is the team whose players finish the relay first.

Relay race "Climb through hoops"

All players are divided into two teams and lined up in columns one at a time. At a distance of 3 and 5 meters opposite each column there are two hoops one after the other, and at a distance of 7 meters there is a ball.

Following the leader’s signal, the first players of each team run to the first hoop, stop in front of it, take it with both hands, lift it above their heads, put the hoop on themselves, squat down, put the hoop on the floor, run to the second hoop, stand in the center of it, take it with their hands , raised above your head and lowered to the floor. After this, the players run around the ball and return to their place.

The next child continues the game. The team that completes the task first wins.

Relay "Through the jump ropes"

The players are divided into two teams, each of which is divided into pairs. Pairs of each team stand in columns 3-4 steps from each other and hold short jump ropes by the ends at a distance of 50-60 centimeters from the floor.

At the leader’s signal, the first pair quickly puts the rope on the ground and both players run (one to the left, the other to the right) to the end of their column, and then successively jump over the ropes of all pairs standing in the column. Having reached their places, both players stop and again take their rope by the ends.

As soon as the first rope is picked up from the ground, the second pair puts down their rope, jumps over the first rope, runs past the column to its end and jumps over the ropes to their place. Then the third pair comes into play and so on. The team whose players finish the relay first wins.

Baba Yaga

Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a stupa, and a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground.

With one hand he holds the bucket by the handle, and in the other hand he holds a mop. In this position, it is necessary to walk the entire distance and pass the mortar and broom to the next participant.

Potatoes in a spoon

You need to run a certain distance, holding a spoon with a large potato in your outstretched hand. They run in turns. The running time is recorded. If the potato falls, they put it back and continue running. You can't run without potatoes!

The one with the best time wins. Team competition is even more exciting.

Add to cart

Participants are divided into two teams. Two baskets are placed at equal distances from them. Each team is given a large ball. Participants, in order, begin to throw the ball into the basket.

The team with the most hits in the basket wins.

Bicycle racing

The bicycle will be replaced by a gymnastic stick in this relay race. Two participants need to ride the stick at once. They are cyclists.

Each cycling duo, holding a stick between their legs, will have to ride to the turning point and back. The fastest ones win.

Changing places with gymnastic sticks

Players from 2 teams line up opposite each other at a distance of 2 meters. Each player supports a gymnastic stick with his hand (covering it with his palm on top), placed vertically on the floor behind the marked line.

At the signal, the players of each pair (participants facing each other make up pairs) must change places. In this case, the player must pick up his partner’s stick so that it does not fall (everyone leaves their stick in place). If any player's stick falls, his team receives a penalty point. The team whose players score fewer penalty points wins.

Relay race with sticks and jumps

The players are divided into 2 - 3 equal teams, which line up in columns one at a time, 3 - 4 steps from each other. They stand parallel in front of the line, and in the hands of the player standing in front is a gymnastic stick.

At the signal, the first numbers run around to the mace (medicine ball) installed 12 - 15 meters away and, returning to their columns, pass one of the ends of the stick to the second numbers. Holding the ends of the stick, both players pass it under the feet of the players, moving towards the end of the column.

Everyone jumps over the stick, pushing off with both feet. The first player remains at the end of his column, and the other runs to the counter, goes around it and carries the stick under the feet of those playing with number 3, and so on. The game ends when all participants run with the stick.

When the starting player is again first in the column and a stick is brought to him, he raises it up.

Ball race over heads and under feet

The participants of the game line up in columns one at a time. The distance between players is 1 meter. The first numbers are given balls.

At the leader’s signal, the first player passes the ball back over his head. The player who received the ball passes it further, but between his legs, the third - again over his head, the fourth - between his legs, and so on.

The last player runs with the ball to the beginning of the column and passes it over his head back. So each player passes the ball once over his head and once between his legs. The player standing first in the column always passes the ball over his head.

The team whose first player returns to his place first wins.

Relay "Running"

At the signal, the first participant runs to the turning flag and back, having reached the team, slaps the hand of the next participant - passes the baton.


This game is a relay race with a jump rope: before the turning point, players jump over the rope from foot to foot, and when returning back, they take the rope folded in half in one hand and rotate it horizontally under their feet.

Siamese twins

Two participants stand with their backs to each other and clasp their hands tightly. They run sideways. The backs of the players should be pressed tightly against each other.

Relay race "Roll the ball"

Teams line up in columns one at a time. The first player on each team has a volleyball or medicine ball in front of them. Players dribble the ball forward with their hands.

In this case, the ball is allowed to be pushed at arm's length. Having rounded the turning point, the players return to their teams and pass the ball to the next player. The team that completes the task wins.

Relay "Take Last"

Players of two teams line up in a column, one at a time, behind the common starting line. In front of the columns, at a distance of 20 meters, towns, clubs, cubes, balls, and so on are placed in a row. Items are 1 less than the total number of participants on both teams.

At a signal, the guides in the columns run to the objects and take one from the edge (one takes it from the right, the other from the left), return back, run around their columns from behind and touch their hand to the next player in their column. Then he starts and does the same thing. The team whose player takes the last item wins.

Running over bumps

The players are divided into teams, the players of which line up in columns one at a time. In front of each team, from the start line to the finish line at a distance of 1 - 1.5 meters from each other, circles with a diameter of 30 - 40 centimeters are drawn along a straight or winding line.

At the leader’s signal, the first numbers with the baton jump from circle to circle, after which they return back by the shortest route and pass the baton to the next player who performs the same task. The team whose players finish the relay first wins.

Getting ready for the hike

The team lines up, with a backpack in front of the first participant. There are dishes 15-20 steps away from both teams.

Each player needs to run to the dishes, take one item, return, put it in the backpack and touch the next player with his hand - “pass” the baton. Then the next participant runs. Teams are given three points for speed and for neatly packing their backpack.

Pair relay

Goal: Development of speed and dexterity of movements. Developing the ability to coordinate actions with the actions of a partner. Material: Two identical mugs, four empty matchboxes.

Progress of the game: The players are divided into two teams, the players of each team line up in pairs in front of the line. To play, take two identical mugs, fill them with water and place them in front of the first couples.

10-15 meters in front of the teams, one circle with a diameter of 1 meter is drawn, two matchboxes are placed in each circle. At the command of the leader, the players of the first pair take one mug together (in any way) and run forward, trying not to spill the water.

Having reached the circle, they also carefully place the mug in the circle and take the boxes. The box is placed on the shoulder, the couple joins hands, connecting them crosswise, and runs to the starting mark, carrying the boxes on their shoulders. The second pair does everything in the reverse order - and so on until all participants have completed the distance.

sports children children children relay race relay race relay race relay race sports children children

In the swamp
Two participants are given two sheets of paper. They must go through the “swamp” along “bumps” - sheets of paper. You need to put the sheet on the floor, stand on it with both feet, and put the other sheet in front of you. Move to another sheet, turn around, take the first sheet again and place it in front of you. And so, who will be the first to cross the room and come back?

No worse than a kangaroo
You need to jump a certain distance, holding a regular or tennis ball between your knees. If the ball falls to the ground, the runner picks it up, pinches it again with his knees and continues jumping.

Baba Yaga
Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a stupa, and a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. With one hand he holds the bucket by the handle, and in the other hand he holds a mop. In this position, you need to walk the entire distance and pass the mortar and broom to the next one.

Pass by, don't touch me
On level ground, at a distance of a step from each other, 8–10 towns are placed on the same line (or pins). The player stands in front of the first town, is blindfolded and asked to walk back and forth between the towns. The one who knocks down the fewest towns wins.

The players are divided into two or three teams of 10-20 people and line up behind each other. Each team receives a thick rope (rope), which all players grab with their right or left hand, evenly distributed on both sides of the rope. Then each of the participants in the attraction, depending on which side of the rope he is standing on, grabs the ankle of his right or left leg with his right or left hand. At the signal from the leader, the centipedes jump forward 1-12 meters, holding on to the rope, then turn around and jump back. You can just run on two legs, but then the guys should be placed very close to each other. Victory is awarded to the team that was the first to reach the finish line, provided that none of its participants became unhooked from the rope while running or jumping.
Draw the sun
This relay game involves teams, each of which lines up in a column one at a time. At the start, in front of each team there are gymnastic sticks according to the number of players. A hoop is placed in front of each team, at a distance of 5-7 meters. The task of the relay participants is to take turns, at a signal, running out with sticks, placing them in rays around their hoop - “draw a sun.” The team that completes the task faster wins.
A starting line is drawn in front of the teams standing in columns, and racks are placed or medicine balls are placed 10-12 m from each of them. At the leader’s signal, the first numbers from each team run to the racks, run around them, return to their column, but do not stop, but go around it and run to the racks again. When they cross the starting line, the second numbers join them, hugging the first ones by the waist. Now the two players run around the counter. In the same way, third numbers are added to them, etc. The game ends when the entire team representing the train cars finishes. In the game, a large load falls on the first numbers, so when the game is repeated, the participants in the columns are arranged in the reverse order.
Ball in the ring
Teams are lined up in a single column, one at a time, in front of the basketball backboards at a distance of 2–3 meters. After the signal, the first number throws the ball around the ring, then puts the ball, and the second player also takes the ball and throws it into the ring, and so on. The team that hits the hoop the most wins.

Three ball run
At the starting line, the first person conveniently takes 3 balls (football, volleyball and basketball). At the signal, he runs with them to the turning flag and places the balls near it. It comes back empty. The next participant runs empty to the lying balls, picks them up, returns with them back to the team and, not reaching 1 m, places them on the floor.
- instead of large balls, you can take 6 tennis balls,
- instead of running - jumping.

Ball race underfoot
Players are divided into 2 teams. The first player throws the ball back between the players' spread legs. The last player of each team bends down, catches the ball and runs forward with it along the column, stands at the beginning of the column and again sends the ball between his spread legs, etc. The team that finishes the relay the fastest wins.

Children stand in two columns. Place a hoop at a distance of 2m in front of each column. Children take turns throwing sandbags with their right and left hands, trying to hit the hoop. If the child hits, then his team gets 1 point. Result: whoever has the most points wins.
Two teams of 6 children each participate. This is grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair there is a turnip - a child wearing a hat with a picture of a turnip. Grandfather starts the game. At a signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue running together, again go around the turnip and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, The mouse is caught by a turnip. The team that pulled out the turnip the fastest wins.

Counter relay race with hoop and skipping rope
Teams line up as if in a relay race. The guide of the first subgroup has a gymnastic hoop, and the guide of the second subgroup has a jump rope. At the signal, the player with the hoop rushes forward, jumping through the hoop (like jumping rope). As soon as the player with the hoop crosses the starting line of the opposite column, the player with the jump rope starts and moves forward by jumping the rope. After completing the task, each participant passes the equipment to the next player in the column. This continues until the participants complete the task and change places in the columns. Jogging is prohibited.

4 players (2 from each team) stand on the starting line. Everyone gets 3 large balls. They must be carried to the final destination and returned back. It is very difficult to hold 3 balls in your hands, and picking up a fallen ball without outside help is also not easy. Therefore, porters have to move slowly and carefully (the distance should not be too great). The team that completes the task faster wins.

Three jumps
Participants are divided into two teams. Place a jump rope and a hoop at a distance of 8-10 m from the start line. After the signal, the first person, having reached the rope, takes it in his hands, makes three jumps on the spot, puts it down and runs back. The second person takes the hoop and makes three jumps through it and alternates between the jump rope and the hoop. The team that finishes it faster will win.

Ball race
The players are divided into two, three or four teams and stand in columns one at a time. Those in front each have a ball. At the manager’s signal, the balls are passed back. When the ball reaches the person standing behind, he runs with the ball to the head of the column, becomes the first and begins passing the ball back, etc. The game continues until each of the team players is first. You need to make sure that the ball is passed with straight arms and tilted back, and the distance in the columns is at least a step. Complication: before passing the ball, throw the ball up, catch it after clapping and pass it over your head to the next participant.

I passed it on - sit down!
The players are divided into several teams and line up behind the common starting line in a column one at a time. Captains stand in front of each column, facing it at a distance of 5-6 m. The captains receive the ball. At the signal, each captain passes the ball to the first player in his column. Having caught the ball, this player returns it to the captain and crouches. The captain throws the ball to the second, then third and subsequent players. Each of them, returning the ball to the captain, crouches. Having received the ball from the last player in his column, the captain raises it up, and all the players on his team jump up. The team whose players complete the task faster wins.

Relay race with skipping rope
The players of each team line up behind the common starting line in a column one at a time. A rotating stand is placed in front of each column at a distance of 8-10 m. At the signal, the guide in the column runs out from behind the starting line and moves forward, jumping over the rope. At the turntable, he folds the rope in half and grabs it in one hand. He moves back by jumping on two legs and rotating the rope horizontally under his feet. At the finish line, the participant passes the rope to the next player on his team, and he himself stands at the end of his column. The team whose players finish the relay more accurately and earlier wins.

Unload the car
Children are invited to unload the “cars” with “vegetables”. The machines are placed against one wall, and two baskets are placed opposite them against the other wall. One player at a time stands near the baskets and, at a signal, runs to the cars. You can carry vegetables one at a time. Vegetables must be the same in all machines, both in quantity and volume. Other participants can then “load” the machines. In this case, the players stand near the cars, run to the baskets at a signal and carry the vegetables into the cars.

Planting potatoes
The teams line up in front of the starting line, as in the previous game. At a distance of 10-20 steps (depending on the size of the playing area and the age of the players), 4-6 circles are drawn in front of the columns, one and a half steps from one another. Those standing in front are given a bag filled with potatoes (according to the number of circles).
At the signal, players with bags, moving forward, place one potato in each circle. Then they come back and pass the empty containers to the next players. They run forward to collect the planted potatoes and, having filled the bags, return to the third team number, who again runs forward to “plant potatoes.” After jogging, the player stands at the end of his column. All team players are required to finish laying out and collecting potatoes. At the same time, they must pick up the fallen potatoes, put them in a bag and only then continue moving. The team that manages to finish planting and harvesting potatoes faster than others is considered the winner.
Instead of circles, you can place small plastic hoops in front of the teams, and replace the potatoes with tennis balls. If you don’t have bags, you can take bags, children’s baskets, and buckets.

Running in a hoop
Players line up in pairs like... The first pair has a gymnastic hoop in their hands, and in front of the teams there is an object (a medicine ball, a flag, a town) that must be run around. At the signal, the first two players in the teams move forward inside the hoop, holding it with both hands. Having run around the object, the first couple hands the hoop to the next couple, and they themselves stand at the end of the column. The relay ends when all players have completed the exercise and the hoop is again in the hands of the first pair.
If there are many people who want to play, you can arrange a run in hoops in threes, while the sequence of changing threes remains the same.

eye of a needle
There are 2 or 3 hoops on the ground along the relay line. The guide must be the first to run to the first hoop, lift it and thread it through himself. Then do the same with the next hoops. And so on the way back. Then pass the baton to the next one.

Circle relay
All players are divided into three to five teams and stand with rays from the center of the circle (like the spokes of a wheel), turning their left or right side towards the center. Each beam line is a team. The players standing furthest from the center of the circle hold a relay baton (town, tennis ball) in their right hand.
At a general signal, the outer players with the relay run in a circle from the outside past the rest of the “spokes” to their team and pass the baton to the player waiting from the edge, and then run to the other end of their line (closer to the center) and stand there.
The one who received the baton also runs around the circle and passes it to the third number, etc. When the one who started the game is on the edge and an object is brought to him, he raises it up, announcing the end of the game for his team. The rules prohibit touching players standing in the “spokes” during the game and interfering with those making dashes. They pick up the fallen stick and continue running. Penalty points are awarded for violating the rules. The circle relay, just like the counter relay, can be carried out while dribbling a basketball. You can change the direction of movement, i.e., repeating the game, give the participants the task to run in a circle in the other direction.

Children are divided into two teams and line up in columns one after the other. Following the leader’s signal, the participants of each team perform a jump, pushing off with both feet. The first one jumps, the second one stands at the place where the first one jumped, and jumps further. When all players have jumped, the leader measures the entire length of the jumps of the first and second teams. The team that jumped further wins.

Children are divided into two teams that “relax on the river.” Each team has a hoop - this is a “boat”. Teams must swim in a “boat” from one bank to the other. Start and finish lines are determined. At the leader’s signal, the first players get into the “boat”, take one player with them and help him swim to the other side. Then they come back for the next one. You can only take one passenger with you. The team that gets to the other side faster wins.

Fun hockey
Each team has 6 people. Each team has five balls (different sizes would be nice) and children's sticks. At the leader’s signal, the first numbers lead one ball to the club and back. The second - two balls each, the third - three balls each and so on up to five. Which team will do it better and faster?

Roll the ball
Teams line up in columns one at a time. The first player on each team has a volleyball or medicine ball in front of them. Players dribble the ball forward with their hands. In this case, the ball is allowed to be pushed at arm's length. Having rounded the turning point, the players return to their teams and pass the ball to the next player. The team that completes the task wins.

Ball towards
Two teams of 10 people are divided into two groups and stand opposite each other at a distance of 4-6 meters. The first numbers have balls. At the leader’s signal, the guys roll the balls towards each other so that the balls do not collide. Having caught the balls, the players pass them to the next numbers.

Also, two teams line up between two lines at a distance of 4 meters. But at the leader’s signal, they take the “caterpillar” position, that is, each player gives his left leg, bent at the knee, to the player standing behind, and with his left hand supports the leg of the one in front. She places her right hand on his shoulder. At the second signal, the columns begin to move forward by jumping on one leg. The task is not easy, requiring dexterity and strength. The team whose finisher crosses the finish line first will win. In this game it is important to maintain rhythmic movement. Therefore, one of the players can count out loud - one, two, etc.

At a distance of 3 m there are 10 pins in one row. Each team member tries to knock down the pins with a ball. The winner is the team that knocks down all the pins using the fewest number of throws.

Football player's track
The area for these competitions must be level. Along its length, place five to six flags at intervals of six to seven steps. Place exactly the same row of flags parallel to them at a distance of ten steps. Use a rope or a line to mark the start line on the ground, which will also be the finish line. Divide everyone who wants to participate in the relay game into two equal teams and place them in single file at the starting line, each opposite its own row of flags. Give the first numbers in the teams a ball.
Everyone will have to jog with the ball, moving it with their feet in front of them along a broken zigzag line between the flags. Whether it is easy, players will see from their own experience. When running fast, you need to try not to let the ball go far from you. This skill is very important for a football player. After running back and forth with the ball, the players kick the ball to the next numbers of their team. So, one after another, all the team players run between the flags. Some will do it faster, others slower, which will decide the outcome of the competition. If a player makes a mistake, he returns to the place where it happened and dribbles the ball from there again.

Funny frogs
The game involves two teams (more are possible). A jump rope is placed 3–4 m from the starting line. The first team numbers go to the starting line. At the signal, participants run “frog” jumps to the jump ropes, perform 10 jumps and run back to the starting line.

By a thread
On the ground, with a sharp stick, several (according to the number of participants in the game) parallel straight lines are drawn, marking the distance. Start! Everyone is running a race - it is important not only to come first, but also to run the distance “like on a thread” - so that the tracks always fall on the drawn straight line.

Don't drop it!
The player must walk along the gymnastic bench, holding a racket or plywood with one or more balls (tennis or hockey) in his hands, without dropping it (them).
Carry the racket with the ball with your right (left) hand.
Walk along the rail of a gymnastics bench.
Walk along the gymnastic bench with an extended step.
Walk along the rail of a gymnastics bench with a stick or mace balanced on your finger or palm.

Changing places
The players are divided into two equal teams. Boundary lines are drawn on two opposite sides of the hall. One team stands behind one line, the other behind the other. At the signal from the leader, the players of each team simultaneously run across the opposite boundary line, i.e. the teams change places. You can move in different ways: running, jumping on two legs, jumping on one leg, etc. The team that manages to place itself behind the opposite line faster than the other wins.

Relay participants line up one after another at the starting line. The team is divided into pairs. The first one bends down, the second one jumps over it, then the second one bends down and the first one jumps, and so on to the flag and back. The team with the fastest pairs to jump wins.

Team members are divided into pairs. The first pair is given two tablets. When the referee blows his whistle, the movement begins. One puts down the planks, and the second steps on them. Having reached the flag, they change, the main thing is not to fall off the board. Having reached the start, they pass the boards to the next pair from their team.

Cat in a poke
Participants line up one after another at the starting line. The first number takes the bag and climbs into it. At the judge's command, he begins to jump to the flag and back, then he gives the bag to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay quickly wins.

Hoop game
The players are divided into two teams of 10-12 people and stand parallel to each other at a distance of 6 steps. Team captains hold hoops with their arms extended forward. At the leader’s command, the captains try to get into the hoop as quickly as possible and pass it to the next team member, who does the same, etc.
The team that completes this task faster wins.

A cap
At the signal, the child runs to the counter, takes off his hat and runs with it to the team. Passes the baton. The second participant runs with the hat to the stand, puts the hat on it and returns to the team. Complication: advance to the rack with classic jumps

Each participant runs to the line on which the onion lies and tries to hit the target bucket with it. Returns to the team and passes the baton by hand.

Roll the medicine ball like a snake between the pins; put it in the hoop that lies opposite the team. Run back. The next participant first runs after the ball, then rolls it like a “snake” between objects. Roll the ball with both hands. The game ends when all participants complete the task.

Agile squirrels
The squirrel must deftly jump from tree to tree (from hoop to hoop), while carrying nuts (balls).

Valenki - walkers
At a signal, participants put on felt boots and run to the landmark and back.

The players sit in pairs. At a signal, participants run in pairs: one runs in a hoop, and the other holds the hoop from behind. You need to run to the landmark (run around the snowball) and come back, pass the hoop to the next pair. The participant standing behind must hold on to the hoop at all times. The game ends when the last pair crosses the starting line.

The relay is performed in a flow on the knees. The last participant crawls on all fours in the tunnel and gets up first. The relay ends when the first participant takes his place.
Snow blockage
The players line up with hoops on either side. One hoop contains objects according to the number of participants (balls, cubes, sticks). Sitting sideways to each other, at a signal you need to dismantle the “snow block”, passing objects from hand to hand to another hoop, and roll the balls along the floor under bent legs. Items should only be transferred from hand to hand.
The winning team is the first to put the last object into the hoop.
Ice skating
Replace skates with galoshes, “slide” to the landmark and back, hands behind your back. Take off your skates before the start line.

Decorate the Christmas tree
Decorations according to the number of participants are placed in the basket before the start. Participants take turns running to the tree, overcoming obstacles on their way (drifts - medicine balls, a slide - an inclined board). The team that decorates the Christmas tree first will win.

Nimble monkeys
The participant overcomes the path to the “palm tree” along a vine (a rope lying on the floor), stepping on the rope with his feet, holding onto it with his hands. Take a banana from the palm tree landmark and run towards the team. The team that collects all the bananas the fastest wins.

Frog on the hunt
The participant puts flippers on his feet, squats and begins to jump like a frog to a landmark. At the turn, he turns to face the team and catches a tennis ball (“mosquito”), which is thrown to him by the next participant. With the catch, the “frog” returns to the team and passes it on to the third participant, and the flippers to the second.
Take the ball from the hoop
Counter relay race. The first participant runs “snake” between objects. He takes the ball from the hoop, runs along the bench, passes the ball to the second person and stands up last. The second one runs along the bench, puts the ball in the hoop and runs like a “snake” between the objects. The baton is passed on by a clap on the shoulder and the last one stands up.

Accurate throw
Jump like a snake on two legs between objects to the bench. Crawl on your stomach along the bench. Take a ball from the basket and hit the hoop. 



Games - relay races - are a type of sports games in which participants take turns performing some action, and each participant, having completed his stage, passes the “move” to the next player.

Relay games develop children's physical abilities: running speed, agility, strength, endurance, reaction speed, coordination of movements. In addition to the benefits for the child’s physical health, relay races are useful because they teach children to work and interact in a team, coordinate their actions with friends, and jointly achieve a goal. Participation in team relay games is very useful for shy and unsociable children. Such children have difficulty speaking in front of other people and often refuse games where they can be the leader or the loser because they are afraid of excessive attention to themselves. Participation in team play gives them confidence, helps them overcome their fears and gives them the opportunity to socialize and play with their friends.

Relay games belong to the category of team outdoor games with given rules. All children are divided into two or more teams, and the teams compete with each other. Each team selects a captain who coordinates the participants and ensures that the rules are followed in his team.

The main element of any relay race is covering the allotted distance by running or other means of movement and completing some task. Simple relay races for preschoolers include only covering a distance or covering a distance and completing some task (throwingball , climbing or jumping over obstacles). Relay races for older children can be more complex and include 2-3 types of additional tasks.

Before the start of the game, all participants line up in a column one after another. On command, the first players in each column begin to move. Each participant who has completed the relay stage gives the right to participate to the next player by handing him an object or touching it with his hand. The game continues until the last participant completes the task. The team whose members finish the relay first is declared the winner.

In the swamp.

Two participants are given two sheets of paper. They must go through the “swamp” along “bumps” - sheets of paper. You need to put the sheet on the floor, stand on it with both feet, and put the other sheet in front of you. Move to another sheet, turn around, take the first sheet again and place it in front of you. And so, who will be the first to cross the room and come back?

No worse than a kangaroo.

You need to jump a certain distance, holding a regular or tennis ball between your knees. If the ball falls to the ground, the runner picks it up, pinches it again with his knees and continues jumping.

Baba Yaga

Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a stupa, and a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. With one hand he holds the bucket by the handle, and in the other hand he holds a mop. In this position, you need to walk the entire distance and pass the mortar and broom to the next one.

Pass by, don't touch me

On level ground, at a distance of a step from each other, 8–10 towns are placed on the same line (or pins). The player stands in front of the first town, is blindfolded and asked to walk back and forth between the towns. The one who knocks down the fewest towns wins.


The players are divided into two or three teams of 10-20 people and line up behind each other. Each team receives a thick rope (a rope, which all players grab with their right or left hand, evenly distributed on both sides of the rope. Then each of the participants in the attraction, depending on which side of the rope they are standing on, grabs their ankle with their right or left hand or left leg. At the leader's signal, the centipedes jump forward 10-12 meters, holding on to the rope, then turn around and jump back. You can just run on two legs, but then the guys should be placed very close to each other. Victory is awarded to the team that is first ran to the finish line, provided that none of its participants unhooked from the rope while running or jumping.

Draw the sun

This relay game involves teams, each of which lines up in a column one at a time. At the start, in front of each team there are gymnastic sticks according to the number of players. A hoop is placed in front of each team, at a distance of 5-7 meters. The task of the relay participants is to take turns, at a signal, running out with sticks, placing them in rays around their hoop - “draw a sun.” The team that completes the task faster wins.


A starting line is drawn in front of the teams standing in columns, and racks are placed or medicine balls are placed 10-12 m from each of them. At the leader’s signal, the first numbers from each team run to the racks, run around them, return to their column, but do not stop, but go around it and run to the racks again. When they cross the starting line, the second numbers join them, hugging the first ones by the waist. Now the two players run around the counter. In the same way, third numbers join them, etc. The game ends when the entire team representing the train cars finishes. In the game, a large load falls on the first numbers, so when the game is repeated, the participants in the columns are arranged in the reverse order.

Ball in the ring

Teams are lined up in a single column, one at a time, in front of the basketball backboards at a distance of 2–3 meters. After the signal, the first number throws the ball around the ring, then puts the ball, and the second player also takes the ball and throws it into the ring, and so on. The team that hits the hoop the most wins.

Three ball run

At the starting line, the first person conveniently takes 3 balls (football, volleyball and basketball). At the signal, he runs with them to the turning flag and places the balls near it. It comes back empty. The next participant runs empty to the lying balls, picks them up, returns with them back to the team and, not reaching 1 m, places them on the floor.

Instead of large balls, you can take 6 tennis balls,

Instead of running - jumping.

Ball race underfoot

Players are divided into 2 teams. The first player throws the ball back between the players' spread legs. The last player of each team bends down, catches the ball and runs forward with it along the column, stands at the beginning of the column and again sends the ball between his spread legs, etc. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.


Children stand in two columns. Place a hoop at a distance of 2m in front of each column. Children take turns throwing sandbags with their right and left hands, trying to hit the hoop. If the child hits, then his team gets 1 point. Result: whoever has the most points wins.


Two teams of 6 children each participate. This is grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair there is a turnip - a child wearing a hat with a picture of a turnip. Grandfather starts the game. At a signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue running together, again go around the turnip and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, The mouse is caught by a turnip. The team that pulled out the turnip the fastest wins.

Counter relay race with hoop and skipping rope.

Teams line up as if in a relay race. The guide of the first subgroup has a gymnastic hoop, and the guide of the second subgroup has a jump rope. At the signal, the player with the hoop rushes forward, jumping through the hoop (like jumping rope). As soon as the player with the hoop crosses the starting line of the opposite column, the player with the jump rope starts and moves forward by jumping the rope. After completing the task, each participant passes the equipment to the next player in the column. This continues until the participants complete the task and change places in the columns. Jogging is prohibited.


4 players (2 from each team) stand on the starting line. Everyone gets 3 large balls. They must be carried to the final destination and returned back. It is very difficult to hold 3 balls in your hands, and picking up a fallen ball without outside help is also not easy. Therefore, porters have to move slowly and carefully (the distance should not be too great). The team that completes the task faster wins.

Three jumps

Participants are divided into two teams. Place a jump rope and a hoop at a distance of 8-10 m from the start line. After the signal, the first person, having reached the rope, takes it in his hands, makes three jumps on the spot, puts it down and runs back. The second person takes the hoop and makes three jumps through it and alternates between the jump rope and the hoop. The team that finishes it faster will win.

Ball race

The players are divided into two, three or four teams and stand in columns one at a time. Those in front each have a ball. At the manager’s signal, the balls are passed back. When the ball reaches the person standing behind, he runs with the ball to the head of the column, becomes the first and begins passing the ball back, etc. The game continues until each of the team players is first. You need to make sure that the ball is passed with straight arms and tilted back, and the distance in the columns is at least a step. Complication: before passing the ball, throw the ball up, catch it after clapping and pass it over your head to the next participant.

Passed - sit down

The players are divided into several teams and line up behind the common starting line in a column one at a time. Captains stand in front of each column, facing it at a distance of 5-6 m. The captains receive the ball. At the signal, each captain passes the ball to the first player in his column. Having caught the ball, this player returns it to the captain and crouches. The captain throws the ball to the second, then third and subsequent players. Each of them, returning the ball to the captain, crouches. Having received the ball from the last player in his column, the captain raises it up, and all the players on his team jump up. The team whose players complete the task faster wins.

Relay race with skipping rope.

The players of each team line up behind the common starting line in a column one at a time. A rotating stand is placed in front of each column at a distance of 8-10 m. At the signal, the guide in the column runs out from behind the starting line and moves forward, jumping over the rope. At the turntable, he folds the rope in half and grabs it in one hand. He moves back by jumping on two legs and rotating the rope horizontally under his feet. At the finish line, the participant passes the rope to the next player on his team, and he himself stands at the end of his column. The team whose players finish the relay more accurately and earlier wins.

Unload the car

Children are invited to unload the “cars” with “vegetables”. The machines are placed against one wall, and two baskets are placed opposite them against the other wall. One player at a time stands near the baskets and, at a signal, runs to the cars. You can carry vegetables one at a time. Vegetables must be the same in all machines, both in quantity and volume. Other participants can then “load” the machines. In this case, the players stand near the cars, run to the baskets when given a signal and carry the vegetables into the cars.


Children are divided into two teams and line up in columns one after the other. Following the leader’s signal, the participants of each team perform a jump, pushing off with both feet. The first one jumps, the second one stands at the place where the first one jumped, and jumps further. When all players have jumped, the leader measures the entire length of the jumps of the first and second teams. The team that jumped further wins.


Children are divided into two teams that “relax on the river.” Each team has a hoop - this is a “boat”. Teams must swim in a “boat” from one bank to the other. Start and finish lines are determined. At the leader’s signal, the first players get into the “boat”, take one player with them and help him swim to the other side. Then they come back for the next one. You can only take one passenger with you. The team that gets to the other side faster wins.

Roll the ball.

Teams line up in columns one at a time. The first player on each team has a volleyball or medicine ball in front of them. Players dribble the ball forward with their hands. In this case, the ball is allowed to be pushed at arm's length. Having rounded the turning point, the players return to their teams and pass the ball to the next player. The team that completes the task wins.

The ball is towards you.

Two teams of 10 people are divided into two groups and stand opposite each other at a distance of 4-6 meters. The first numbers have balls. At the leader’s signal, the guys roll the balls towards each other so that the balls do not collide. Having caught the balls, the players pass them to the next numbers.

Caterpillar .

Also, two teams line up between two lines at a distance of 4 meters. But at the leader’s signal, they take the “caterpillar” position, that is, each player gives his left leg, bent at the knee, to the player standing behind, and with his left hand supports the leg of the one in front. She places her right hand on his shoulder. At the second signal, the columns begin to move forward by jumping on one leg. The task is not easy, requiring dexterity and strength. The team whose finisher crosses the finish line first will win. In this game it is important to maintain rhythmic movement. Therefore, one of the players can count out loud - one, two, etc.


At a distance of 3 m there are 10 pins in one row. Each team member tries to knock down the pins with a ball. The winner is the team that knocks down all the pins using the fewest number of throws.

Football player's path.

The area for these competitions must be level. Along its length, place five to six flags at intervals of six to seven steps. Place exactly the same row of flags parallel to them at a distance of ten steps. Use a rope or a line to mark the start line on the ground, which will also be the finish line. Divide everyone who wants to participate in the relay game into two equal teams and place them in single file at the starting line, each opposite its own row of flags. Give the first numbers in the teams a ball.

Everyone will have to jog with the ball, moving it with their feet in front of them along a broken zigzag line between the flags. Whether it is easy, players will see from their own experience. When running fast, you need to try not to let the ball go far from you. This skill is very important for a football player. After running back and forth with the ball, the players kick the ball to the next numbers of their team. So, one after another, all the team players run between the flags. Some will do it faster, others slower, which will decide the outcome of the competition. If a player makes a mistake, he returns to the place where it happened and dribbles the ball from there again.

Funny frogs.

The game involves two teams (more are possible). A jump rope is placed 3–4 m from the starting line. The first team numbers go to the starting line. At the signal, participants run “frog” jumps to the jump ropes, perform 10 jumps and run back to the starting line.

By thread.

On the ground, with a sharp stick, several (according to the number of participants in the game) parallel straight lines are drawn, marking the distance. Start! Everyone is running a race - it is important not only to come first, but also to run the distance “like on a thread” - so that the tracks always fall on the drawn straight line.

This game contains many surprises and various surprises. The kids just love them. Therefore, if you need to hold relay races for children in a camp, then this game will be a great solution. It can be done outdoors. But if the day turns out to be rainy, then such a competition will be perfect indoors.

The game is suitable only for school-age children. After all, they must be able to read quickly.

For the relay you should stock up on:

  • 2 paper bags (it is better that they are opaque, in which case the children will not be able to see the assignments);
  • chalk;
  • pencils;
  • paper.

You need to prepare for the relay in advance. For this:

  1. The starting line is set. It can be drawn on the asphalt with chalk, or marked with a flag in the grass.
  2. Participants of two teams are determined. A prerequisite is an equal number of players in each group.
  3. It is necessary to prepare and write assignments on strips of paper. All notes must be printed in duplicate. Each team receives a package containing the same set of tasks. But be sure to ensure that all the kids have time to participate in the game.

You can come up with tasks yourself or use the following:

  1. Jump to the tree. Touch the trunk. Jump back.
  2. Run to the wall. Touch her. Run back.
  3. Squatting, jump towards the leader. Shake his hand. Jump back.
  4. Go backwards to the asphalt path. Write the team name in chalk. Also come back.

The rules are extremely simple. The first participants draw a task from the bags. Having completed it, they pass the baton on. The team that finishes it faster wins.

Such relay races will be a real holiday for children and will definitely evoke a lot of positive emotions.

Kids will be delighted with this relay race. For children 5 years old this game will be an interesting and fun activity.

You will need:

  • potatoes - 2 pcs;
  • regular tablespoons 2 pcs.

Be sure to mark the start and finish lines. For each team, mark out the appropriate running lanes. It is desirable that they be at least 10-12 m wide and not exceed 30 m in length.

The first player, at the signal, must run the distance, holding a spoon in his hand with potatoes in it. At the finish line he turns around and goes back. It is important not to drop the potatoes. If the burden has fallen, you need to pick it up. But at the same time, picking up potatoes is prohibited. You can only lift it with a spoon. After completing the task, the first player passes his burden to the next. The relay continues.

The team that completes the task first wins.

You can make the relay race scenario for children somewhat more complicated. For example, at the finish line you need to hold the potatoes in a spoon and sit down 5 times. And only then return back.

Big Foot Competition

If you are organizing relay races for children at a camp, this game may come in handy. It will require 2 shoe boxes. Using tape, glue the lids to them. Cut a hole 10 cm long and 2.5 cm wide in the boxes.

The essence of such a relay race is as follows. The player must insert his feet into the holes of the boxes. When the whistle blows, the race begins. Upon returning, he must carefully remove the boxes from his feet and pass them to the next player.

Competition "Blind Pedestrian"

You can come up with a wide variety of relay races for children on the street. In the summer, the game “Blind Pedestrian” will become quite interesting and original. To prepare for the relay race, you need to create a route with various obstacles on a selected section of the street.

Give time to the participants in the game to carefully examine the situation. After this, blindfold the players one by one. The child must complete the route blindly.

During the competition, use a timer. This will allow us to determine which of the participants completed the route the fastest.

It is worth remembering about physical development. Therefore, it is recommended to select sports relay races for children. A popular and favorite game is the following.

All players must split into pairs. For the relay race you will need a ball. You can use volleyball or basketball.

The first pair of each team stands in front of the starting line. The players turn their backs to each other. A ball is placed between them at waist level. The guys should hold it with their elbows, folding their hands on their stomachs. In this position, you need to run a few meters. Run around the obstacle identified in advance, and then return back. In this case, the ball should not fall. If this happens, then the couple has to start their movement all over again.

After successfully completing the task and returning to their team, players help place the ball between the backs of the next two people. The relay continues.

If there is an odd number of children in a team, then one child can run twice.

Relay "Funny Kangaroos"

The kids always like sports and outdoor games. With this in mind, be sure to plan fun relay races for the kids. This competition will allow them not only to run and jump, but will also bring a lot of joyful impressions.

To play, you need to divide the children into teams. Each group will need one small item. These can be matchboxes or small balls.

The first player of each team stands in front of the start and holds the selected object between his knees. At the signal, he must jump with the ball (box) clamped to the mark, and then return back in the same way. The item passes to the next participant. The competition continues.

If a ball or box falls to the ground, then you need to start your path over again.

Each team should strongly support its members.

What other relay races can be held for children outside in the summer? The guys really like the “Tractor” competition.

For the relay it is necessary to divide all the children into two teams. One of them will be “Cargo”, and the other “Tractor”. One strongest player is selected from each team. These children will play the role of “Ross”.

The guys should stand like this. The two players who are the "Rope" in the competition join hands. The rest of the children line up in a “train” on both sides of them. Each player holds the waist of the one in front.

The essence of the competition is as follows. The “Tractor” team must, with the help of the “Cable,” pull the “Cargo” to its side, which resists this in every possible way. The group that completes the task most successfully wins. If the “Cable” breaks, then the victory is assigned to the “Cargo” team.

Children should change roles periodically.

Fairytale relay races are most suitable for children aged 7 years. If you diversify the competition with characters from your favorite stories, then the kids will be very happy to join the game.

This relay race involves 2 teams consisting of 6 people. The rest of the children temporarily become fans. Each team consists of a grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse. 2 stools are placed at a certain distance. Turnip sits on them. This is a child who can wear a hat with a picture of a root vegetable.

At the signal, the grandfather begins the game. He runs to the stool with Turnip. Runs around him and returns to the team. The grandmother clings to him like a train. The next lap they run together. Then their granddaughter joins them. So the competition continues. The last one to join is the mouse. When the whole company runs up to Turnip, she must join the mouse. The group returns to the starting position.

The first one to “pull out the Turnip” wins.

Game "Fold the letters"

Remember that not only sports relay races for children on the street are in demand. The kids really enjoy competitions for ingenuity, logic, and thinking.

This game will require a large group of children. It needs to be divided into teams. Choose a presenter. He must climb higher above the players. To do this, you can use the raised platform on the playground. He will need to look down on the players.

The competition is as follows. The presenter names any letter. Each team must present it themselves. At the same time, players strive to complete the task as quickly as possible.

The winner is the team that completed the letter in a short time and with high quality.

Competition "Gardeners"

To prevent the children from getting bored with the same games, periodically change the relay races for the children. In the summer, you can interest children in the “Gardeners” competition.

Children are divided into 2 groups. They stand behind the starting line in columns. Instead of the finish line, 5 circles are drawn. Each team is given a bucket. It contains 5 vegetables.

At the signal, the first player runs with a bucket to the drawn circles. Here he “plants” vegetables. Each circle must contain one product. The player returns with an empty bucket and passes it to the next player. The second participant must “harvest the harvest.” He passes the full bucket to the third player. The competition continues.

The team that finishes the game first wins.

When choosing relay races for children, you can remember those competitions that have been popular since ancient times. We are talking about competitions in bags.

To do this, 2 teams of players line up in a column. The distance between them must be at least three steps. Start and finish lines are marked.

The first player gets into the bag. Supporting him at waist level with his hands, he must, at the signal, run to the finish line, run around the obstacle placed there and return to the team. Here he gets out of the bag and passes it to the next participant. The competition lasts until all players have completed the distance in the bags.

The winners are those participants who complete the task first.

Team tournament

A relay race game for children, consisting of several competitions, will bring great pleasure. It is suitable for children of any age.

To determine the winner, you can use the following method. Teams are allocated 1 potato tuber. After each tournament, a winner is determined. One matchstick is stuck into his potatoes. After all the relay races are completed, the “needles” are counted. The team with the most matches in the potato wins.

Tasks for tournaments:

  1. Using matches, write out the given phrase. Children are given a certain amount of time for this.
  2. Carry the box, holding it on top of your head. For such a tournament, it is necessary to designate the start and finish lines. If a matchbox falls to the ground, the child needs to stop. Having picked it up, he places it again on the top of his head and continues his movement.
  3. Two matchboxes are placed on the shoulders, like shoulder straps. Each player must cover the distance with them from start to finish and return back.
  4. The box is placed with its end on the fist. With such a burden, you need to get to the finish line and return to your team.
  5. For team members, 3-5 boxes of matches are scattered in designated areas. You need to collect them quickly. In this case, the matches must be assembled correctly. All heads with sulfur face the same direction.
  6. You need to build a “well” from matches. 2 minutes are allotted for this task. The winner is the team that builds the highest “well.”
  7. For the next task you will only need the outer part of the box. This “cover” must be attached to the nose. Participants must cover the distance with it from start to finish, and then pass it to the next player. In this case, hands should not be involved.

Relay races for children are a great way to diversify children's leisure time. In addition, not only children, but also adults who take part in or watch the competitions get pleasure from such competitions.