"Golden ratio. "Golden Section Opera House - studio of the Moscow Conservatory

Attention! International choreography competition


At the festival, the best choreographers will receive a certificate for free participation in the All-Russian workshop, from the Ministry of Culture, in all areas, with full payment for travel and accommodation!

You can choose any day. Awards on the day of the performance.

Venue-DK Spotlight ( m. Shosse Entuziastov, 1st Vladimirskaya st., 10 B)

Attention to the JURY:

Vladimir Moiseev-Honored Artist of Russia, pfirst soloist of the Bolshoi Theater ballet troupe, artistic director of the Krasnoyarsk State Academic Dance Ensemble of Siberia. M.S. Godenko.

Moiseeva Olga Igorevna- Honored Artist of Russia, ballet tutor at the State Academic Folk Dance Ensemble named after Igor Moiseev, has been working in the ensemble for more than 40 years.

Project goals:

  • Activation of creative activity of talented children and youth;
  • Exchange of creative achievements and the opportunity to establish close contacts between creative teams from different cities and countries;
  • Popularization of creativity of talented children and youth;
  • Development of the outlook and intellectual level of children and youth;
  • Professional development of artistic directors of theaters and creative groups.
  • Assistance in the development of creative teams.

The following are allowed to participate in festival-competitions: Creative groups and soloists who have submitted an application for participation and paid the registration fee. Applications for participation close on October 7, 2017.


Anyone with experience in stage performances, as well as professional artists, can take part in the competition.

Throughout the competition, master classes and seminars (with the issuance of certificates) will be held by leading pop artists and the best teachers from famous Russian universities. Open voting, discussion of your performance immediately after the performance of your age category - they will immediately tell you your mistakes and what you need to work on, or they will offer cooperation for further performances at Moscow venues or specific work.

Competition program

Participants of the competition are divided into categories:

  • Baby show - cup
  • Dance show
  • Variety dance
  • Contemporary dance\Contemporary
  • Modern
  • Jazz dance
  • Tribal
  • Fusion
  • Flamenco
  • Folk dance\Folk (fast, slow)
  • Stylization of folk dance
  • Dances of the peoples of the world
  • Classical dance (ballet, classical choreography, demiclassical)
  • Street Dance Show (All street directions)
  • Hip-hop
  • Disco
  • Disco freestyle
  • Lade Style Dance (ragga, dance hall, jazz funk, GO-GO, voguing, wacking, R&B, etc.)
  • Ballroom dance ensembles
  • Show based on ballroom choreography
  • Para Dance - dance for people with disabilities
  • Patriotic dance

Sports choreography:

  • Dancing with pompoms
  • Majorettes\Sports majorettes
  • Country dance
  • Figure skating/roller dancing
  • Sports dance disciplines:
  • Acrobatic dance
  • Cheer sports and cheerleading
  • Para Cheer - cheer sport for people with disabilities

In each nomination, participants are distributed into the following age groups:

  • 5-7 years,
  • 8-11 years old,
  • 12-14 years old,
  • 15-17 years old,
  • 18-21 years old,
  • 21 and older
  • Mixed categories

In each age category (except for 5-7 years), participants are divided into three levels:

  1. Starting level of training;
  2. Average level of training;
  3. Professional.

A contestant can take part in several categories or perform several performances.

The timing of the piece should not exceed 4 minutes.

  • 50-49 points - 1st degree winner.
  • 48-45 points - 2nd degree winner.
  • 40-44 points - 3rd degree winner.

If you provide more than one number in one nomination and category, the points are not summed up, but the higher score is taken into account.

Phonograms must be provided for the competition. Phonograms are sent no later than October 10, 2017.

When evaluating contestants, the jury adheres to the following criteria:

  1. Degree of artistic repertoire and performance (within genre);
  2. Idea and theme of the issue. The performance must be constructed according to the laws of dramaturgy with a detailed pattern, expressive material, and vivid choreographic samples.
  3. The originality of the performance and the professionalism of the performers
  4. Performing Arts
  5. Non-traditional choreography, expressive means, combination of music, choreography, costume.

When evaluating competitive programs, the jury takes into account the age of the performers.

The jury reserves the right to award diplomas to directors, choreographers, and choreographers.

Participants in the competition are awarded the following titles:

  • Laureate (3 degrees)
  • Diploma holder

Cost of participation:

  • Participant (soloist) -3000 rubles (for one performed number), including registration of an application 500 rubles per person
  • Duets and trios - 2000 rubles for each participant (for one number performed), including registration of an application 300 rubles per person
  • Team (from 4 to 8 people) - 1400 rubles for each participant (for one performed number), including registration of the application 300 rubles per person
  • Team (from 9 to 14 people) - 700 rubles for each participant (for one performed number) , including registration of the application 200 rubles per person
  • Team (from 15 and above) - 450 rubles for each participant. (per one performed number) , including registration of the application 150 rubles per person
  • When participating in a competition for the best director's work - an additional contribution of 2500 rubles , including registration of the application 500 rubles per person

Photo and video shooting included in the price

After the competition, the participant receives a professional photo and video from 2 or 3 cameras, which he can use and post as he wishes with a link to the festival. The organizing committee reserves the right to publish recorded performances on any resources.

Draw your attention to! There will be a live online broadcast throughout the competition!

Flexible system of discounts for large teams.

Photos and videos - FREE!

During the festival, participants are provided with meals for an additional fee: Children's lunch - 300 rub. Children's dinner - 280 rub. Adult lunch - from 350 rub. (depending on the selected menu. Adult dinner from 290 RUR (depending on the selected menu) The menu is specified by the organizing committee upon written request)

Application procedure:

Submit your application to participate.

In response, within 2 days, you will be sent payment details. Payment must be made no later than October 10, 2017. Do not delay submitting applications. The number of participants is limited!

Cost of living:

Accommodation with two meals a day (breakfast, dinner) per day per person from 3,000 rubles. Applications for hotel reservations are accepted from August 1 to October 10, 2017. There is an economy option from 850 rubles per day (hostel) for large groups.

Composition of the jury

The jury is composed by the festival's organizing committee of famous artists, teachers of creative disciplines, directors, leaders of creative groups, cultural and artistic figures, and public figures. The list of jury members is not disclosed until the start of the competition. At the end of the competition, participants and teachers have the opportunity to discuss competitive performances with members of the jury and exchange opinions. Competitive performances of participants are assessed according to generally accepted criteria: technical skill (according to the nomination), artistry, complexity of the repertoire, costume, etc.

Prizes and awards:

All festival participants receive memorable souvenirs. Cash bonuses are provided for the best teams, participants, and managers (from 5 to 75 thousand rubles). In each nomination, age and group category, the titles of Laureate of I, II and III degrees, as well as the title of Diplomat are awarded. The laureates are awarded diplomas and cups, certificates, and gifts from sponsors. Diploma holders are awarded only participant diplomas. The best participants will be invited to perform at venues in Moscow, and there will also be certificates for recording a song in the best studios in Europe, certificates for master classes by the best teachers of Moscow universities, and certificates for free participation in the best festivals in the World. Managers are awarded with commendations.

All laureates (1st, 2nd, 3rd degree) of international competitions have the right to participate in the Golden Section Festival-Competition (final) which will take place on December 1-3, 2017. The winners of the 1st degree of the festival-competition "GOLDEN SECTION" * (final) enter the Superfinal of the project "PREMIER" with a prize fund of 150 thousand rubles. Grand Prix of the super final of the project “PREMIERE” - Full production before a solo concert, performance, release of a video clip (television play, etc.), working with famous directors and producers.

Special conditions:

If a participant fails to appear at the festival, the registration fee is refunded in the following cases:

  • The participant warned about his absence 2 weeks before the start of the competition.
  • Force majeure circumstances regarding the organization of the festival.
  • Force majeure circumstances concerning the participant(s) in the presence of a document and notification of the organizers at least 3-4 days before the start of the festival

In other cases, the registration fee is not refundable.

The organizers of the festival-competition are not responsible to the authors of works and songs performed by participants of the festival-competition!

All expenses for travel and food for participants of the festival-competition, teachers, directors of amateur performances, accompanists and parents are at the expense of the sending party.

Subject: "Quality Space"

Place: Central House of Architect

Founder and organizer:

Supported by Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the City of Moscow.

From April 13 to April 20, 2017, the traditional and long-awaited Golden Section festival for the Moscow architectural community will be held in Moscow. The Union of Moscow Architects and festival curator Nikita Asadov invite you to return to the ongoing debate in professional circles about the quality of the environment, to talk and understand the essence of the concept of “quality” in a modern architectural context.

Over the course of a week, the Central House of Architects will become the main platform in Moscow for discussing current and painful topics for professionals, such as: what is needed to create a full-fledged architectural environment, what measures should be taken by the state, business circles and society to support architectural creativity and how to ensure the revival of architecture , as the basis of the culture of the nation.

The variety of formats offered will help you take a fresh look at the topic. The festival program includes exhibitions, research, lectures, expert platforms, architectural performances and discussions about quality living space with the participation of theorists and practitioners of architecture, social engineers, philosophers, media and cultural figures, developers and officials.

Review competition

The central event of the festival will be the opening of the exhibition of works from the Golden Section Competition - the most authoritative professional award, which has been collecting the best works of Moscow architects for more than 20 years, and answering the question of what a high-quality architectural environment should be.

According to established tradition, the “Golden Section” competition is held in two sections:
Project and Implementation.

Nominations in the “Project” section:

2. Building and structure.
3. Small object.
4. Conceptual design.

Nominations in the “Implementation” section:
1. Urban development complex.
2. Building and structure.
3. Small object.
4. Restoration.
5. Reconstruction.
6. Interior.
7. Landscape.
8. Design object.

Special nomination:
Printed work. The competition includes printed publications (books, catalogs, collections, monographs, etc.) and publications (articles, essays) or series of publications in periodicals.

Competition schedule:
16.01.2017 - 03.03.2017 Submitting applications for participation in the Competition
21.03.2017 Deadline for submitting entries
13.04.2017-14.04.2017 The work of the Competition Jury in selecting nominees for the award
20.04.2017 Summing up the results of the competition and awarding the winners of the Golden Section Prize.

To participate in the Competition, you must fill out a registration application for participation and pay the registration fee.

The registration fee for the competition participant is:
- 12,000 (twelve thousand) rub. for one competitive work in the sections: “Project” and “Implementation”
- 5,000 (five thousand) rub. for one competitive work in the “Printed Work” nomination
Download receipt

All competition works will be presented at an exhibition in the Central House of Architects from April 13 to April 20, 2017.

Printing and production of exhibition tablets is carried out by the organizer of the Competition.
Download tablet layout

History of the festival

The competition for the Golden Section Award was established by the Union of Moscow Architects in 1995 with the aim of popularizing the most outstanding works of Moscow architects, developing urban planning, social and professional activities and enhancing interaction between the professional architectural community and the public. Over the years of its existence, the Golden Ratio has become a prestigious professional award, invariably collecting the best works of the capital's architects. Since 2013, the Golden Section has been held in the format of a festival.

This year, the “Golden Section” award (or, as the organizers themselves say, review competitions for the award) turned 20 years old, so the award has been declared a jubilee award. However, the last “Golden Section”, which takes place every 2 years, was also declared an anniversary - the review-competition was held for the tenth time. Let us explain to our readers that a “review competition” is “a public introduction to something for the purpose of checking, evaluating and identifying the winner.”

There is no selection as such for participation in the Golden Section. There is only a “residence qualification” - these must be projects and implementations of architects “living or working in Moscow and the Moscow region”, regardless of their geography. Thus, foreign architects, even if their work is implemented in Moscow, do not participate in the review. You also need to pay a registration fee - 12 thousand rubles for one competitive work in the sections: “Project” and “Implementation” and 5 thousand rubles for one competitive work in the “Printed Work” nomination. The lack of pre-selection, on the one hand, leads to the fact that the quality of the work is, to put it mildly, uneven; on the other hand, it gives an idea of ​​what Moscow architects do, not only eminent ones, but different ones. After all, most of the works presented at the awards and in the catalog will never appear on the pages of professional publications and resources.

Over the years, the competition was organized with varying degrees of thoughtfulness, the rules changed, and the main prize - a bronze bas-relief with a stylized image of the award symbol - could be one or several at once: for a project, for implementation, for a book, for restoration, for merit.

In 2017, more than a hundred works were submitted for the anniversary “Golden Section”. In the catalog published by Tatlin publishing house, they are combined into two main sections “Project” and “Implementation”. In the “projects” category these are “urban planning complex”, “building and structure”, “conceptual project” and “small object”. In the category “implementation” - “urban planning complex”, “design object”, “building and structure”, “interior”, “small object” and “restoration”. The catalog is very reminiscent of the award itself, the nominations come in one stream, not separated by titles, so on the same spread there can be an urban planning project, the Literator residential complex (winner of this year’s Golden Section), and a ship-complex made of art concrete “Chernaya” pearl" (this is the design project nomination).

Prizes are also awarded for books and articles about architecture, naturally this is called “Printed Work”, apparently in the Union of Moscow Architects they believe that something meaningful and worthy of attention should be on paper - nominees in this field are also mentioned in the catalogue.

Of the long-established workshops in the Golden Section this year, for example, Ostozhenka and Atrium took part, and of the architects who until recently were considered “young” - two years ago recognized as the best at the ARCH Moscow exhibition, and Buromoscow, based on the project. We have selected several works from the Golden Ratio 2017 catalogue, which were noted by the jury and show the diversity of the competition.

Residential complex "Literator"

Main prize of the award

The complex is located on the territory of the former Khamovnichesky brewery. On the one hand, the buildings maintain continuity with industrial architecture, and on the other hand, due to the white stone in the facades, they visually expand the space on the territory where they are built.

Concept of spatial development of the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

Nomination “Project. Urban development complex." Nominee

The elongated Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk should become more compact. Industrial zones will be brought to the outskirts, and new neighborhoods and streets will make the city center distinct.

Opera House - studio of the Moscow Conservatory

Nomination “Project. Building and structure." Nominee

The studio theater should be built in the courtyard of the educational building of the conservatory. It is necessary to preserve the historical architecture around the building as much as possible, so most of the new premises in the project are located underground.

Moscow Central Circle

Nomination “Implementation. Urban development complex". Diploma

More than 20 MCC ground terminals are designed in the same style. The architects chose “portal” and “ribbon” as the main themes for them - as symbols of the transport system.

Pavilion of the Information Technology Department

Nomination “Implementation. Building and structure." Diploma

Dreams of the city

Nomination “Project. Urban development complex". Diploma

A mini-city project in the Tver region - with a park, a central square and an entertainment and sports center. The green courtyards are raised to the level of the second floor, since the first floor contains exits for cars and parking.


Nomination “Implemented design project”. Nominee

The installation symbolizes the superiority of nature over human endeavors. Over time, a forest will appear around it, it will grow into the structure and become its integral part.

Outbuilding "Ruin"

Nomination “Implementation. Restoration". Nominee

After restoration, the historical life of the outbuilding in the courtyard of the Museum of Architecture appeared in all its clarity. On the facade and in the interiors, elements and layers of different eras are highlighted - from the end of the 18th century to the late Soviet era.

On April 20, 2017, in the Central House of Architects, the results of the review-competition “Golden Section 2017”, organized by the Union of Moscow Architects, were summed up.

Over the history of more than 20 years of existence, the prize has earned the title of the highest award of the Moscow professional workshop and has become synonymous with public recognition. In 2017, 134 works were submitted to the competition in 11 categories.

At the solemn ceremony summing up the results of the review-competition, the jury consisting ofNikita Yavein, Sergei Gnedovsky, Alexey Ginzburg, Mikhail Khazanov, Stanislav Kulish, Alexey Borodushkin and Anastasia Zaichikova summed up the results of the Review Competition and announced the names of laureates, nominees and holders of honorary diplomas.

Sponsors of the festival "Golden Section 2017": Alfresco, Knauf, Alucom.

The winners of the review-competition “Golden Section 2017” were:

LLC "Architectural workshop "Sergey Kiselev and partners". Residential complex "Literator" at the address: Moscow, Central Administrative District, Lev Tolstoy St., no. 23/7.

Architects:S. Kiselev, A. Medvedev, M. Serebryanikov, T. Gruzdeva;engineers: I. Shvartsman, K. Spiridonov, A. Korshunov, O. Aksenova, V. Sergeev, I. Radin, V. Ilyin, G. Blagodarny, E. Kiryukhantsev.

The residential complex occupies the main part of the territory of the former Khamovnichesky brewery at the intersection of Lev Tolstoy and Rossolimo streets. The industrial past of the territory, the internal isolation of the complex and its complex functional saturation also determined the structure of the facades. The choice of a contrasting pair of red brick and light natural stone in the decoration of the facades was determined both by the desire to emphasize the continuity of the architectural solution and by the desire to visually expand the space of the courtyards.

To achieve the main goal - the formation of a harmonious and recognizable space - solutions with a variety of textures of brick and stone, framing of window openings, a system of stone belts and pilasters that demonstrate the structure of two-level apartments are also subordinated. The corner building, having an exceptional position in the complex, also received a unique plastic solution. The sequence of sloping external walls, repeating the historical line of the retaining wall, is complemented by textured facing bricks.

Sign "Golden Section" For honor and dignity handed over to Skokan Alexander Andreevich.

The nominees for the review-competition "Golden Section 2017" were:

1) Project. Urban complex

LLC Architectural Bureau "Ostozhenka". Concept of spatial development of the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

Team of authors: A.A. Skokan (director), A.L. Gnezdilov (manager), M.V. Perov (manager); architects - A.V. Elbaev, A.A. Kochurkin, G.M. Mustafin, A.M. Petrov, I.S. Petrova, S.A. Pomelov, V.V. Salnikov, M.E. Skorokhod, A.A. Starostin, D.N. Stupina, A.M. Tairova, T.A. Khvorostyany, M.S. Kubantseva, P.N. Lyzlova, O.I. Maksimova, S.L. Moskalik; engineers - S.E. Kanep, L.Ya. Grishkov, N.Yu. Karmadonov.

2) Project. Building and structure

State Unitary Enterprise TsNRPM / ARCHSTRUKTURA. The Opera House is a studio of the Moscow Conservatory.

3) Project. Conceptual design

ARCHSTRUKTURA. Pavilion of Atomic Energy "REACTOR" at VDNKh.

4) Implementation. Design project

LLC "Architectural workshop of Totan Kuzembaev". CuboED (Tula region).

Team of authors: O. Kuzembaev, B. Valiev, K. Felk, V. Puzin, D. Bochkrev, Sh. Bukhssas, B. Tarasov, M. Shustrova, L. Kuzembaeva, K. Starovoitova, S. Gogolev, K. Blinov , T. Kuznetsov, A. Megerya, R. Blaas, V. Sosinsky, D. Cherpkova, D. Cherepkov, R. Cherepkova, S. Duving, E. Ivanova.

5) Implementation. Building and structure

Open joint-stock company “Moscow Research and Design Institute of Cultural, Recreation, Sports and Health Facilities “Mosproekt-4”. Stadium Arena CSKA (Moscow, Northern Administrative Okrug, Khoroshevsky district, 3rd Peschanaya str., building 2).

Team of authors: A.V. Bokov, D.V. Bush, S.N. Chuklov, A.V. Orlov, V.I. Valuyskikh, K.V. Lanina, Yu.V. Olofinskaya, L.S. Romanova, Yu.V. Veretennikova, A.S. Zolotova, E.A. Buzmakova; engineer – E.E. Bekmukhamedov; designers - M.I. Kelman (“GK-Tehstroy”), A.S. Proskurnin (“GK-Tehstroy”).

6) Implementation. Small object

Le Atelier. House in Shatura (Moscow region).

7) Implementation. Implementation/restoration

LLC AB "Rozhdestvenka" Federal cultural heritage site “Talyzin’s House: the main house and an outbuilding in the courtyard with a semi-circular wall (outbuilding “Ruina”) (Moscow, Vozdvizhenka St., 5/25).

Team of authors: N.G. Tyutcheva (manager), K.A. Tyurin (GAP), L.A. Milyukov (GIP), K.A. Yakushin (chief designer), restorer - S.N. Aleshina (GAP); architects - P.I. Popov, P. Bush; E.V. Kirillova (lead architect), S.N. Potapova (design engineer).

8) Printed work

"Progress - Tradition". The book “Architect Boris Eremin. Creative heritage. Reconstruction of the center of Moscow: architectural concepts and projects of the second half of the 20th century.”