To see green fabric in a dream. Why do you see Linoleum in your dreams? Why do you dream about checkered fabric?

Do you often look into your dream book, do you believe your dreams? This is a personal matter for everyone, some ignore their dreams and instantly forget about them, for others it is important to interpret every dream.

If you decide to find out what your dream means, be careful. Today there are many dream books, and not all of them can tell the truth. You should believe in old, proven interpreters who have passed through the centuries, and people still use them to this day.

Dream books say a lot of wise things, give advice and guidance, and can greatly help us in life. The main thing is to read them thoughtfully and analyze everything you read.

Fabric is a simple, familiar thing, without it there would be no way of life as we are accustomed to. Clothes, home textiles and much more are made from it; most of the material everyday life we ​​are familiar with consists of it.

What does it mean in a dream, what does the fabric mean in a dream, and what does this vision promise? The dream book knows everything and will tell you, the main thing is to remember all the details. What was she like? What did you do with her? Details are important in interpretation and will have to be taken into account. The interpreter offers a number of options:

  • See the canvas.
  • See fabric in rolls.
  • Dream about wool or fur.
  • Silk in a dream.
  • I dreamed of velvet.
  • Satin material in a dream.
  • Elastic material, knitwear.
  • Patterned material.
  • Dreaming of white matter.
  • Black fabric in dreams.
  • Weave with your own hands.
  • Buy material.
  • Buy silk.
  • Choosing fabric in a dream.
  • It was given to you.

There are many options, as you can see for yourself. And they all have their own meanings and characteristics, so don’t miss the details so as not to get the wrong prediction!

See with my own eyes

If you dreamed of fabric, any material, then remember how you saw it, what color and texture. By the way, you can interpret color separately - all shades of the spectrum have their own meaning, so your prediction will become more complete and capacious. A wise interpreter will tell you why fabric is dreamed of.

As the dream book indicates, fabric in dreams is a symbol of the road ahead. You will go somewhere, it could be moving or traveling, visiting or a business trip. Try to get the most out of your trip, any journey is spiritual growth, so enjoy and gain experience!

Matter in rolls dreams of big, serious plans. Now the most suitable moment for planning has come in your life, and everything you plan will definitely come true. Feel free to come up with new ideas and projects, remember and write them down, soon the time will come to act!

Type of matter

Wool or fur in dreams is a symbol of wealth. You will taste luxury and enjoy all material benefits, enjoy a beautiful life. Remember, you need to know moderation in everything, but do not deny yourself the joys!

Silk is a symbol of love. If you saw this luxurious material in your dream, wait - soon your heart will be filled to the brim with a wonderful feeling, and it will be useless to resist it! Let love into your soul, you will be happy, and make someone nearby happy!

If you saw velvet in your dreams, you will experience pleasure. Life is given to us, among other things, for joy and pleasure, so feel free to plunge into the wave of pleasures, do not deny yourself!

Atlas is rarely seen in dreams, and you are lucky if you see it. You will be loved! Someone will truly, with all their soul, love you, or maybe this has already happened. If you are afraid that your chosen one is not in love with you enough, cast aside your doubts - he is yours, with all his being!

Elastic material, knitwear is a sign that in reality you need to show fortitude. You will be able to withstand all difficulties yourself; you have both the strength and ability to do this.


  • Patterned fabric, ornaments and drawings on the canvas are a sign that you will receive power in reality. You will have new powers in your hands, use them wisely.
  • Matter dreams of everything good and favorable. Things will get better, consolation, peace and joy await you. A bright streak awaits you in life, all problems will disappear!
  • Black fabric is a symbol of sadness. The dream book says that you are in it in vain, there are no compelling reasons! Your condition depends only on your will, and the feeling of happiness is within you. Maybe it's time to see the bright colors around you?


If you not only saw fabric in your dreams, but did something, remember what exactly it was. Both the matter itself and your actions are important here. And the dream book will tell you the meaning of what you saw!

1. Weaving in dreams is a good sign; it symbolizes the imminent start of a successful, profitable business. If you have an idea, don’t hesitate, start implementing it!

2. Buying material is a pleasure. It's time to take a break from work and get a charge of joy!

3. If you bought silk in your dreams, then your dream will soon come true in reality. This is what the interpreter promises!

4. Choosing among a variety of fabrics is a great sign. In life you have a good choice, many options, where to go, which path to choose. Make a choice, make a decision!

5. If you were given a cloth or linen, expect guests in reality. Perhaps interesting acquaintances and new connections await you!

This is a good sign, and the image itself suggests that something favorable awaits you. Believe the dream book, wait for goodness and happiness - and it will come! Author: Vasilina Serova

The article on the topic: “dream book of fabric store” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Fabric in a dream symbolizes the quality, realization and direction of the future stage in life. What the canvas represents in dreams is interpreted by dream books based on the type, quality and purpose of the material.

According to the Wanderer’s dream book, seeing fabric in a dream is interpreted for a man depending on the type and color, and reveals the essence of the upcoming situation; for a young lady, such a dream is about a boyfriend.

If you dreamed that in a dream you could not determine the type of fabric - beware of slanderers and try not to talk too much about your personal life.

Medea's dream book describes why fabric is dreamed of. According to the interpreter, the dreamed material reflects the quality of life of a sleeping person, and the patterns that are drawn or woven on it symbolize experiences.

Thus, satin material in a dream promises the acquisition of new things and profit. Seeing atlas in rolls predicts a bright and wide road.

A dream about silk and voile means a romantic adventure; cloth and wool speak of financial stability, business connections; guipure fabric in a dream hints that despite all the manipulations, the dreamer will not be able to hide anything from those around him and loved ones. Cotton material in a dream is a harbinger of imminent separation and bitter tears.

If you happen to buy too little fabric, it is considered a warning that haste can interfere with the successful conduct of business and ruin a profitable deal. I dreamed of a lot of canvas - to troubles. Seeing a long sawed-off shotgun in a dream means a forced delay, a pause in business.

Clean, beautiful and new fabric represents positive thoughts, a well-planned future and the right steps towards realizing one's goals.

Looking at a dirty, torn canvas represents obstacles and failures in a matter that is important to the dreamer. Wet fabric represents separation, a difficult and sad road. The old one is a warning that hopes for an easy and prosperous future are still unfounded.

Miller's dream book describes what inelastic, dense fabric means in dreams. Such a dream promises a manifestation of perseverance and endurance in the fight against ill-wishers who, at every opportunity, try to bring trouble to the dreamer.

I dreamed that I happened to buy white or light fabric, according to the Small Velesov’s dream book, positive changes in life and successful travels are coming. Dark (black, gray, brown) material in a dream predicts heavy thoughts and depression.

According to the decoding of Ivanov’s newest dream book, black fabric means mourning; white - news that will comfort and inspire; green – financial profit, business success; blue – alienation, self-pity, headache; red – romantic date; yellow - treason, deception; multicolor - a busy period in life in which several amazing events will happen.

Choosing black fabric for a dress, according to the Newest Dream Book, indicates a depressed state of a sleeping person, red - about a state of love, unbridled passion, white - about spiritual development, self-knowledge.


The general dream book describes why one dreams of buying fabric in rolls. Such a dream foreshadows travel, pleasure and pleasure. Buying a piece of material means showing perseverance in defending your own rights and opinions.

Spreading fabrics means for the road, for a letter, for news from afar. Cutting into pieces means breaking friendships or business ties. Cutting, cutting - redrawing plans, changing priorities. To measure is the need to carefully think through your actions.

I dreamed about Fabric, what is it for, what does Fabric mean in a dream

I dreamed about Fabric in a dream, what is it for:

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

I dreamed about Fabric, why:

What does it mean if you dreamed about Fabric:

Dream book of healer Akulina

I dreamed about Fabric - what does the dream mean?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

I had a dream and what does Fabric mean in a dream?

What does sleep mean by day of the week?

  • Did you dream about Fabric from Sunday to Monday?
  • Did you dream about Fabric from Monday to Tuesday?
  • If you dreamed of Fabric from Tuesday to Wednesday?
  • I dreamed about Fabric from Wednesday to Thursday, why?
  • If you had a dream Fabric from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dreamed of Fabric from Friday to Saturday, why?
  • Why did you dream about Fabric from Saturday to Sunday?

Had a dream Fabric? Share!

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Dream book fabric store

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

If you dreamed of matter, fabric according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Seeing rolls of fabric in a dream means gaining wealth.

Buying fabrics in large quantities means joy and new things.

Cutting or cutting fabric in a dream in order to sew clothes or linen means changes either in the field of activity or in everyday life, everyday circumstances.

Sewing something from a single piece of material is a sign that someone, under the pretext of helping you, will interfere with you.

Rough, heavy fabric dreams of envious people; show understanding and leniency towards these people.

Thin white fabric in a dream represents a tender relationship between lovers, harmony and understanding between spouses.

If you dream of a white fabric that you are trying to dye in a different color, you will put yourself under attack in reality with your long tongue and ruin your relationship.

Taking the fabric to the dry cleaner means the right decision in a critical situation, which will be optimal and the only correct one.

Satin material portends large financial expenses. It’s even more unfavorable if you not only see it, but buy it in a store.

Red fabric, especially very thin ones, symbolizes personal deception.

Sewing something from expensive material means strengthening your position and public recognition.

Buying fabric for a cambric dress is a sign of crazy, passionate love that will empty both your soul and your wallet.

Dream about transparent fabric for an imminent wedding.

Heavy black fabric such as velvet appears in a dream to signal the death of a wealthy relative.

Why do you dream about fabric - Hasse’s dream book

Cotton material dreams of health and increased well-being, but if it is rough, you are advised to moderate your extravagance.

Colorful, flashy pieces of fabric in a dream are a sign of falsehood and hypocrisy, while pure white material dreams of cooling in love.

Seeing threads of fabric close up is a dream of illness and rapid aging.

Why do you dream about fabric - esoteric dream book

Thin, expensive fabric symbolizes wealth, while coarse and dense fabric symbolizes stability, albeit achieved through hard work.

I dreamed of a fabric store - believe in your strength, you will feel a surge of energy.

Stealing fabric from a store is a sign of selfish interests that will ruin your reputation.

Fabrics, Assyrian dream book

If you dreamed of a piece of fabric, you will be content with little.

Also, a small piece of fabric may portend an interrupted trip.

Dream book fabric store

As the dream book suggests, fabric is a symbol of quality and reliability aimed at achieving one’s plans. It is not always possible to predict future stages of life, and therefore the subconscious and dream interpreters often come to the rescue.

What the dream image means can be interpreted on the basis of various details, which will be discussed further.

What did you encounter?

If you dreamed about fabric in a dream, you will have to pay attention to the gender of the sleeping person:

  • men - to the emergence of an interesting situation;
  • women - to meet an interesting man.

However, one cannot dwell only on these formulations, since there are a great many of them.

I dreamed about bright rolls

What will the experts say?

Seeing fabric in a dream means life changes, but from what side should you expect them? Various dream interpreters can answer this difficult question, but you cannot trust your future to the first option you come across. Try to analyze information from several of the most authoritative sources and only then draw conclusions.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing fabric in a night dream means the appearance of hypocritical friends who want to harm your well-being. Gustav Miller advises to be selective about the people who are part of your inner circle.

You dream of hard and not very elastic fabrics - you will be able to show perseverance and adequately survive the antics of your spiteful critics, who want to lure luck to their side. No matter how difficult it may be, always continue towards your goal.

Measuring a cut on a dress in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter

Buying fabric means occupying and strengthening a new position in society. If you see rich and beautiful specimens, then there is every chance of achieving your plans. However, don’t forget to make plans to make it easier to move towards your goal.

Measuring the fabric on a dress is a symbol that tells you that lack of assembly will negatively affect everyday affairs. Try to devote more time to this aspect, and then the difficulties will not be terrible.

In the dream book, much attention is paid to the amount of tissue in a dream:

  • too little - constant haste will negatively affect success;
  • a long line means delays in business, so don’t set your own bar too high.

The plot of the dream involves ugly or worn fabric - your successful future is not as close as it might seem. Dream interpreters warn that you will have to make a lot of effort to achieve what you want.

Dreaming of buying a small piece of linen

Dream book for a bitch

If you dreamed about a lot of fabric, it means concluding a successful commercial deal. Buying fabric in an expensive store is a sign of a long-term business trip that will bring many dividends. However, do not try to rush into your decisions, as they are not always the right ones.

Buying a small piece of fabric means you will have to show all your courage and perseverance to prove that you are right. If you do not take radical steps, many will begin to take advantage of this situation for their own purposes. Selling in a dream means that minor obstacles will arise in the implementation of the business.

What is the appearance?

If you dreamed of fabric, then try to identify the type, as this will really simplify further decoding.

Dreamed of silk or satin material

Dreaming of satin material in a night dream means making unprecedented profits and acquiring some things. Seeing large rolls is the beginning of a bright streak in life, which will contribute to success in all endeavors.

Why do you dream about expensive silk? As a rule, such material indicates an imminent romantic adventure that will be remembered for many years. Don't try to find out everything you can about your partner, as this may scare him away.

The presented material testifies to the financial stability that the dreamer has long strived for. He did not put in so much effort in vain, and the achieved result will certainly please him.

Guipure fabric

According to popular dream books, the specimen seen tells the sleeper that the actions taken will not go unnoticed in the eyes of those close to them. If they really cannot be avoided, then provide at least superficial information.

Cotton material

This option is considered one of the most popular, and therefore it is not always possible to decipher it correctly. In fact, behind its practicality and functionality, it hides separation and bitter tears.

Seeing guipure in a dream

What was it?

Having formed an initial idea of ​​the dreamed symbol, do not forget about its quality.

Beautiful and new material - positive thoughts are increasingly appearing in your head, in which a successful future is projected, and the right steps lead to the speedy achievement of your goals. The main thing is not to stop at the planning stage, but to begin real actions.

To encounter a torn and dirty canvas in a night dream means the appearance of some obstacles and failures in the implementation of any business. Dream interpreters advise seeking help if a task seems impossible.

Seeing a wet canvas in a dream

Why do you dream about wet fabric? I dreamed of a wet rag - to a difficult and sad journey. If you have the opportunity to refuse, then do so without hesitation.

An old and ugly canvas tells the sleeper that his expectation of an easy and successful future will be unfounded. It is better to strive for such a standard of living, absorbing the experience of your achievements.

What color?

According to some dream interpreters, the color palette plays a primary role.

Bright hues

See matter in light colors

As the dream book describes, white fabric symbolizes favorable changes in life. However, one cannot rely only on successful coincidences. By deciphering what white fabric means in a dream, the dreamer can prepare for a trip abroad, which will bring a lot of positive emotions.

According to another interpreter, seeing white cloth in a dream means receiving interesting news. They will inspire you to take decisive action to get things moving.

Dark colors

According to the dream book, black fabric is a sign that predicts the appearance of anxious thoughts leading to depression. If you don’t want to reach this state, then try to rest more often and unload your head from anxious thoughts.

When explaining what the black fabric means in a dream, the sleeping person will come up with disturbing experiences. Black material for a dress - to the beginning of a depressive state.

Multi-colored options

By trusting Ivanov’s dream book, you can analyze the different variations of colors:

Seeing bright or variegated fabric in a dream

  • green - the beginning of a successful period in business;
  • blue - constant complaints about your shortcomings will have a detrimental effect;
  • red - for a romantic date;
  • yellow - you will become a victim of deception;
  • multicolor - to the beginning of an interesting period in life, which will bring many exciting events.

As the dream book says, red fabric for sewing a dress reflects love, which you want to enjoy to the fullest.

What might they have missed?

Why do you dream about buying fabric? According to the General Dream Interpreter, wholesale purchases of linen predict a long journey and pleasure. The dreamer decided to purchase a small piece - at the beginning of a difficult time that requires expressing his own opinion. Cutting into pieces means a painful break in relationships. Measuring the required length - it’s time to think about your life and learn certain lessons.

The dream interpretation of Medea describes in detail the plot associated with the fabric. She believes that the painting she sees reflects the current quality of life, and the patterns represent possible experiences. If you bought too much material, you will have minor troubles.

Why do you dream about fabric?

Seeing these fabrics foretells that unfaithful friends will interfere with you, plunging you into losses and troubles.

If the fabric in your dream is not elastic, you will show resilience and withstand the attacks of envious people who are looking for any opportunity to make luck turn away from you.

If you dreamed of fabric, know that you have unfaithful friends who will interfere with you and cause a lot of trouble.

It’s good if the fabric in your dream is not elastic - then you will show resilience and withstand the attacks of envious people. Don't let them make your luck run out.

Fabrics in a dream symbolize your plans and dreams of strengthening your position. The better and richer the fabric looks in your dream, the more chances you have of bringing your plans to reality.

Measuring beautiful fabric in a dream is a sign that you should carefully think through your affairs and plans.

If there is too little fabric, the dream suggests that your haste may hinder your success.

A cut that is too long promises a delay in business. Perhaps your expectations are too high and you should be more modest in your ambitions.

Rags or ugly fabric warn that hopes for improving the situation are still unfounded.

Dark fabric - for mourning; white - to news that will comfort you; red - for a romantic date; blue, light blue - to a headache; yellow - they are cheating on you; multicolor - several amazing events will happen at the same time.

Cotton fabric - to quick separation, bitter tears.

Guipure - Your secret has long been known to everyone.

Guipure - Guipure can be a dream for a wedding.

You dreamed of a piece of fabric, but you could not determine what kind of fabric it was - you will be lied to.

In a dream, you bought or were given a piece of fabric - your enemies will spread false rumors about you.

If you dreamed that you sold a piece of fabric, you will cause false rumors to spread about your enemies.

Seeing fabrics in a dream foretells that treacherous friends will bring you losses and cause your disappointment.

If the fabric is tough, you will withstand the attacks of envious people who seek to win your favor.

Fabric - You see fabric in a dream - among your friends there are envious people interested in your troubles; These people will say one thing and do something completely different; rest assured: on the side they are not lavishing honey on you. It's like you're buying fabric - you'll soon enjoy it. In a dream, you feel the fabric and find that it is rough and dense - you will demonstrate perseverance and good fighting qualities when enemies fall on you.

Fabrics, lace, ribbons, threads

A cut, a piece of fabric in general (especially canvas) is the road ahead.

The spread canvas is a long road.

Buying material is a pleasure.

Cut: dirty, wrinkled, with holes, burnt, smoked, etc. - all sorts of obstacles and misfortunes on the road.

But buying it is a loss.

The types of fabrics your clothes are made from demonstrate your well-being.

Canvas - modesty, insignificant position, poverty.

Wool, cloth - profit, joy.

Silk - happiness, honor, security.

Buying it is a fulfillment of desires.

To give is to deny someone something.

You're wearing gold brocade - trouble.

Putting velvet on yourself means overestimating your strength.

Touching and stroking velvet is flattery without benefit.

But buying it is a loss.

Putting satin on yourself means being loved.

Fabric for a man - meaning, theme, essence of the situation (interpreted based on purity, surface and color).

For a woman - to a boyfriend.

What does Fabric - Silk - mean in a dream - for wealth, coarse cloth - for a stable, prosperous, albeit working, life, thick linen - for home improvement, wool - for a rich life. Imagine that the fabric you dreamed of (no matter what) is new, expensive and of very high quality.

You dreamed of Fabric - to quick wealth, reward for work, promotion, accumulation of a large sum. Imagine a fabric store. There are many rolls of silk, cloth, wool, and linen. You buy several large pieces. Then take it home and look at what you bought. Here is a very large piece of elegant silk fabric - the longer the piece, the greater the wealth. Here is thick, good quality cloth - the more of it, the more prosperous your life will be. Here is woolen fabric, the higher quality it is, the more money you will be able to save. Then imagine how you sew a tent or raincoat from linen fabric. The better the product turns out, the more money there will be for home improvement.

Fabric – Fabric symbolizes quality of life. The patterns woven into it signify experiences. The type of fabric indicates the nature of the experience (soft, silky or rough, scratchy). Dirty, torn fabric - obstacles, failures. Buying fabric (choosing) – travel, pleasure. Silk, voile - a romantic adventure. Wool, cloth - business connections, financial stability. Cutting the fabric means reshaping your plans, changing your lifestyle, this is the interpretation of Fabric according to the dream book.

You dreamed of Fabric - thinking about whether it is worth changing, or changing something in your life.

Fabric - Seeing some kind of fabric in a dream is a harbinger of interference and “threats in the wheel” from false friends. However, if the fabric is not elastic to the touch, you will brilliantly repel the attacks of envious people who are looking for any opportunity to annoy you.

Fabric – Material is associated with the matter of life. The color that reflects the conflict and the size, as well as the outline of the fabric, matter. Mystical perception of the world. Weaving is creation.

Good meaning: If you dreamed that you were weaving, the near future is favorable for starting your own business. To make everything work out as well as possible, burn a small piece of fabric every evening for a week - each time a new color.

Bad meaning: If you dreamed that you were tearing fabric, very soon you will quarrel with one of your friends. To prevent this from happening, buy some brightly colored fabric, pour some corn oil on it, and give a piece to all your friends.

Fabric, according to the dream book - you will be upset by an unseemly and destructive act for you, committed by those whom you considered friends.

If you acquire it, you will be principled and adamant, defending your rightness.

Trade it - obstacles will arise that will make it difficult to implement your plans.

White cloth seen in a dream - your suffering and torment will soon come to an end, you will receive good news.

According to the dream book, buying fabric promises you the successful implementation of all your plans, you will go on an exciting trip, everything that happens will bring you exceptional joy.

If the fabric is red in a dream, you will soon have a pleasant time in the company of a person you like very much.

If the fabric in the dream was black, separation awaits you, you will separate or forever lose someone who was especially close and dear to you.

If you dreamed that you were cutting fabric - in order to achieve the planned and successful implementation of all your plans, you need to act boldly and confidently, not allowing even a shadow of doubt.

Fabric is a picture of your life.

Weaving means discord.

If you accept simple clothes made from hemp fabric from another person, it is unfortunate.

If you receive different fabrics, a relative must come from afar.

If you give patterned silks, it foreshadows the possession of power.

A noble person gives a patterned brocade - the arrival of an official.

A person gives silks, taffeta - portends great happiness and prosperity.

If you give a person silk material, it portends a great misfortune.

If you are looking for fine silks, it foretells the appearance of another family member.

Fabric is a material associated with the matter of life.

What matters is the color - reflecting the conflict, and the size, as well as the contour of the fabric. Mystical perception of the world.

Fabrics are successful commercial ventures.

Seeing a store full of different fabrics - a long journey will turn into a great benefit.

Buy a piece of fabric - you will show perseverance and courage by standing up for your rights.

Sell ​​fabric - obstacles and obstacles will appear in the implementation of the business.

Fabric is a bargain. 2nd house of the horoscope.

Buy light fabric - good, bright road; a lot of trouble.

If you dream of a lot of fabric, it means trouble.

Fabric is a reflection of the desire (also the need and/or opportunity) to change the perceived image of oneself (worldview regarding oneself).

Fabric - symbolizes quality of life.

The patterns woven into it mean experiences.

Type of fabric - indicates the nature of the experience (soft, silky or rough, prickly).

Dirty, torn fabric - obstacles, failures.

Buying fabric - travel, pleasure.

Silk, voile - a romantic adventure.

Wool, cloth - business connections, financial stability.

Cutting the fabric means reshaping your plans, changing your lifestyle.

The reality and meaning of dreams

The picture seen tells about people who play a leading role in the dreamer’s life, or his secret desires, which he successfully suppresses. A dream with a pleasant emotional coloring promises good changes, an unpleasant dream promises exhaustion. The fulfillment of sleep should be expected before lunch.

From Tuesday to Wednesday

The dreamed picture is most often filled with non-standard images and ideas. Often in it you can see yourself in a different physical shell. It is believed that such dreams reveal the secrets of the sleeper’s past lives and show who he was in past reincarnations.

Rating 4.6 Votes: 19

Buying fabric in a dream promises pleasure.

Measuring fabric in a dream means that you have a road ahead of you (further judge the road by the quality, quantity and color of the fabric). See interpretation: colors.

Expensive fabrics in a dream foretell a good position, a prosperous life, well-being, wealth, prosperity, and a profitable trip.

Cheap and coarse fabrics in a dream are a sign of poverty, need, deprivation, disappointment, humiliation.

Applying a cloth to yourself in a dream means that you have to make an important decision. Wrapping yourself in expensive fabric in a dream is a sign of wealth and honor.

Wrapping cheap cloth around yourself in a dream means that you will be poor, but at the same time you will be satisfied with your situation. See interpretation: rubber, clothes, iron.

Thin fabric dreams of troubles associated with the fact that some bad deed will become known.

Velvet in a dream is a sign of honors and wealth.

Brocade fabric in a dream means wealth, fame, praise and power.

Plush fabric is a sign of deception or forgery.

Linen fabric in rolls in a dream is a sign of good farming, prosperity, a profitable marriage or a profitable deal. However, for those who are going on a long journey, such a dream foreshadows delays and obstacles in business. If you are going on a business trip, then the dream predicts that your efforts will be in vain.

Weaving linen or canvas in a dream means the length of your life. If you finished your work before the end of sleep, then you don’t have long to live.

Another meaning of this dream is that the woven fabric is a symbol of your condition, property. The more you weave it in a dream, the longer your well-being will last. A loom in a dream foreshadows well-being achieved through honest labor. But if it breaks in a dream, then troubles or losses await you. If you dream that you see a weaver at work, then you will experience an increase in wealth or receive money.

Woolen cloth in a dream promises well-being and respect for others if it is thin and expensive. But coarse cloth on your clothes in a dream predicts that your life will be difficult and you will have to win recognition or respect in the future with sweat and blood.

(See interpretation: push, kick)

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

A cut, a piece of fabric - the upcoming road.

A spread roll of cloth is a long journey.

The fabric is dirty, has holes, etc. - difficult road and obstacles along the way.

Stay at home. We will sew a new fun patchwork quilt from colorful pieces of fabric. And this is success in business (see Blanket).

Interpretation of dreams from

Women's dream book Why do you dream about Fabric according to the dream book:

Fabric - Seeing some kind of fabric in a dream is a harbinger of interference and “threats in the wheel” from false friends. However, if the fabric is not elastic to the touch, you will brilliantly repel the attacks of envious people who are looking for any opportunity to annoy you.

Dream book of the sorceress Medea Fabric according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see Fabric in a dream - Patterns woven into it mean experiences. The type of fabric indicates the nature of the experience (soft, silky or rough, scratchy). Dirty, torn fabric - obstacles, failures. Buying fabric (choosing) - travel, pleasure. Silk, voile - a romantic adventure. Wool, cloth - business connections, financial stability. Cutting the fabric means reshaping your plans, changing your lifestyle, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream about Fabric:

Fabric – If you dream about a lot of fabric, it means trouble.

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream about Fabric, what is it for?

Interprets the dream book: Fabric - The material is associated with the matter of life. The color that reflects the conflict and the size, as well as the outline of the fabric, matter. Mystical perception of the world. Weaving is creation.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Fabric – For a man – the meaning, theme, essence of the situation (interpreted based on purity, surface and color). For a woman - to a boyfriend. See Add. Colors.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about Fabric in a dream:

Fabric - Seeing this fabric foretells that unfaithful friends will interfere with you, plunging you into losses and troubles. If the fabric in your dream is not elastic, you will show resilience and withstand the attacks of envious people who are looking for any opportunity to make luck turn away from you.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream about Fabric:

Fabric (canvas) – Buy a light one – good, light road (see Canvas); a lot of trouble.

Guipure - Seeing guipure fabric in a dream means you will not be able to hide anything.

Summer dream book Why do you dream about Fabric according to the dream book:

Guipure - Guipure can be a dream for a wedding.

Spring dream book Why do you dream about Fabric according to the dream book:

Guipure - Your secret has long been known to everyone.

Dreaming about fabric is an indication of the quality of your daily life. The patterns present on the fabric are associated with experiences. Scraps of material portend knowledge of the other side of some business or acquaintance with the intimate sphere of someone else's life.

What color fabric did you see in your dream? What did you do with the fabric in your dream? What fabric did you see in your dream? How much fabric did you see in your dream?

What color fabric did you see in your dream?

Red fabric Black fabric White fabric

Seeing yellow fabric in a dream

If you dream of yellow fabric, it means betrayal in a love relationship, deception or betrayal on the part of someone close to you. What happened will leave a negative mark on the soul and cause anxiety.

Dreaming of blue fabric

Seeing blue fabric in a dream means you will experience a headache, the events taking place will make you feel sorry for yourself, and relationships with loved ones will become cool. You are moving away from your family.

Seeing polka dot fabric in a dream

If you dreamed about polka dot fabric, it means you will have a pleasant time, meeting old friends and good acquaintances. Time will fly by when talking about old times.

I dreamed about green fabric

A dream about green fabric promises financial profit. Success in business and business relationships is coming; you will be able to achieve a lot, implement your plans, and complete projects.

Dreaming of colored fabric

Why do you dream about colored fabric? Towards the onset of a busy period, during which a number of unexpected events may occur that can cause considerable surprise and interest on your part.

Why do you dream about checkered fabric?

The dream book considers checkered fabric as a symbol of upcoming trials. Fate has prepared many difficulties for you on the path of life, and to overcome them you will have to muster all your willpower and determination.

Dreamed of golden fabric

Dreaming of golden fabric - expect disappointment in business and troubles in the business arena. Relations with business partners will not work out; you should be extremely careful when planning investments and making financial transactions.

Floral fabric in a dream

Seeing floral fabric in a dream means changes are coming in your personal life. Expect the appearance of a person whose time together can give you many happy moments and fill your life with new meaning.

What did you do with the fabric in your dream?

Buy fabric Cut fabric

Choose fabric according to the dream book

Why do you dream about choosing fabric? The dream indicates the nature of events that are likely in the near future. Pay attention to the type of fabric chosen; it is very important for determining the emotional coloring of future affairs.

What fabric did you see in your dream?

Seeing fabric in rolls in a dream

Felomena's dream book considers fabric in rolls as upcoming trips, trips that you can fully enjoy and get the pleasure you miss in life. Prepare for pleasant surprises.

I dreamed of a holey fabric

If you dream of a fabric with holes, it means that some obstacles will appear on the way to your desired goal. Important issues can be spoiled by failure; prepare yourself for a difficult time and take appropriate measures.

Dreaming about beautiful fabric

Seeing beautiful fabric in a dream means your thinking is positive, you have a clearly developed plan for the future, and on the way to your goal you always take the right steps.

If you dreamed of transparent fabric

I dreamed of transparent fabric - a hint of false hopes, an illusory idea of ​​what is happening, an unwillingness to accept objective reality as it is.

How much fabric did you see in your dream?

Dream about a lot of fabric

A lot of fabric in a dream indicates upcoming worries and difficulties associated with achieving a goal. The troubles that arise will force you to look at what is happening differently.

Dream Interpretation Fabric buy dreamed of why you dream about buying fabric? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see buying fabric in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Dark fabric - for mourning.

Yellow fabric - they are cheating on you.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

A piece of fabric is a purchase.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

The fabric symbolizes quality of life.

Buy fabric.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Red cloth

Dream Interpretation Red cloth dreamed of why you dream about Red cloth? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Red cloth in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Wrapped in red cloth

You will die from bleeding.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Buying fabric in a dream promises pleasure.

Measuring fabric in a dream means that you have a road ahead of you (further judge the road by the quality, quantity and color of the fabric). See interpretation: colors.

Expensive fabrics in a dream foretell a good position, a prosperous life, well-being, wealth, prosperity, and a profitable trip.

Cheap and coarse fabrics in a dream are a sign of poverty, need, deprivation, disappointment, humiliation.

Applying a cloth to yourself in a dream means that you have to make an important decision. Wrapping yourself in expensive fabric in a dream is a sign of wealth and honor.

Wrapping cheap cloth around yourself in a dream means that you will be poor, but at the same time you will be satisfied with your situation. See interpretation: rubber, clothes, iron.

Thin fabric dreams of troubles associated with the fact that some bad deed will become known.

Velvet in a dream is a sign of honors and wealth.

Brocade fabric in a dream means wealth, fame, praise and power.

Plush fabric is a sign of deception or forgery.

Linen fabric in rolls in a dream is a sign of good farming, prosperity, a profitable marriage or a profitable deal. However, for those who are going on a long journey, such a dream foreshadows delays and obstacles in business. If you are going on a business trip, then the dream predicts that your efforts will be in vain.

Weaving linen or canvas in a dream means the length of your life. If you finished your work before the end of sleep, then you don’t have long to live.

Another meaning of this dream is that the woven fabric is a symbol of your condition, property. The more you weave it in a dream, the longer your well-being will last. A loom in a dream foreshadows well-being achieved through honest labor. But if it breaks in a dream, then troubles or losses await you. If you dream that you see a weaver at work, then you will experience an increase in wealth or receive money.

Woolen cloth in a dream promises well-being and respect for others if it is thin and expensive. But coarse cloth on your clothes in a dream predicts that your life will be difficult and you will have to win recognition or respect in the future with sweat and blood.

(See interpretation: push, kick)

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

A dream in which you see new, high-quality fabric is very favorable. Buying a piece of elegant silk fabric means you will soon get rich. The longer the cut in the dream, the greater your wealth will be.

Imagine buying an entire roll of silk.

Sewing something from silk fabric - for a man, a dream means a promotion, for a girl - marriage, for a woman - success with the opposite sex. If you dreamed of rough, good-quality cloth, the dream promises you a prosperous life, full of conscientious work, for which you will invariably receive a good reward. Sew a tent or a raincoat from thick fabric - you will have money for home improvement. If you dreamed of woolen fabric, this indicates that reasonable actions in planning expenses will allow you to save a considerable amount. After some time, you will become a rich man, but you must always remember that a ruble saved is a ruble earned, and do not waste money on trifles. Light cotton fabric (cambric, voile) - for an easy, carefree life and traveling in the company of friends.

Imagine that the fabric you dreamed of (no matter what) is new, expensive and very high quality.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Dark fabric - for mourning.

White fabric means news that will comfort you.

Red - for a romantic date.

Blue, blue fabric - to a head disease.

Yellow fabric - they are cheating on you.

Multi-color fabric - several amazing events will happen at the same time. Cotton fabric - to quick separation, bitter tears.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

They symbolize your plans and dreams of strengthening your position.

The better and richer the fabric looks in your dream, the more chances you have of bringing your plans to reality.

Measuring out beautiful fabric: a sign that you should carefully think through your affairs and plans.

If there is too little fabric: the dream suggests that your haste may hinder your success.

The cut is too long: it promises a delay in business. Perhaps your expectations are too high and you should be more modest in your ambitions.

Rags or ugly fabric: they warn that hopes for improving the situation are still unfounded.

A piece of fabric is a purchase.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

The fabric symbolizes quality of life.

The patterns woven into it signify experiences.

The type of tissue indicates the nature of the experience.

Soft, silky or rough, prickly.

Dirty, torn fabric - obstacles, failures.

Buy fabric.

Choose – travel, pleasure.

Silk, voile - a romantic adventure.

Wool, cloth - business connections, financial stability.

Cutting the fabric means reshaping your plans, changing your lifestyle.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

A cut, a piece of fabric - the upcoming road.

A spread roll of cloth is a long journey.

The fabric is dirty, has holes, etc. - difficult road and obstacles along the way.

Stay at home. We will sew a new fun patchwork quilt from colorful pieces of fabric. And this is success in business (see Blanket).

Dream Interpretation - Red

The color red in a dream means that you will be honored by being invited to a large and elegant celebration. A rich, bright red color, called purple, means that your lofty plans will not come true. Red color of moderate, calm or pale tones portends happiness in love.

Red paints are a sign of good luck and fortune, red pencils are a sign of spending money and purchasing real estate. Seeing a blood-red moon in a dream is a harbinger of family discord and quarrels with a loved one. The color red in a letter foretells separation due to suspicion and jealousy, but your reasonable behavior can save the situation. Seeing red-hot iron in a dream means that you are dearly loved in your own family and appreciated by your friends for your cheerful and cheerful character.

Dealing with red pepper in a dream is a harbinger that fate will send you a thrifty and economic companion in your married life. Red caviar in your dream is a sign of future misfortunes and sorrows. Buying, picking and eating red grapes in a dream means that in reality you will receive reproaches from your family and reprimands from your superiors. Drinking red wine - such a dream speaks of a fun walk coming soon. Making jam and compotes from red berries is a sign of health.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Seeing these fabrics foretells that unfaithful friends will interfere with you, plunging you into losses and troubles. If the fabric in your dream is not elastic, you will show resilience and withstand the attacks of envious people who are looking for any opportunity to make luck turn away from you.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Fabric - if you dream about a lot of fabric, it means trouble.


Did you dream about why you dream about Fabric? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Fabric in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Buying fabric in a dream promises pleasure.

Measuring fabric in a dream means that you have a road ahead of you (further judge the road by the quality, quantity and color of the fabric). See interpretation: colors.

Expensive fabrics in a dream foretell a good position, a prosperous life, well-being, wealth, prosperity, and a profitable trip.

Cheap and coarse fabrics in a dream are a sign of poverty, need, deprivation, disappointment, humiliation.

Applying a cloth to yourself in a dream means that you have to make an important decision. Wrapping yourself in expensive fabric in a dream is a sign of wealth and honor.

Wrapping cheap cloth around yourself in a dream means that you will be poor, but at the same time you will be satisfied with your situation. See interpretation: rubber, clothes, iron.

Thin fabric dreams of troubles associated with the fact that some bad deed will become known.

Velvet in a dream is a sign of honors and wealth.

Brocade fabric in a dream means wealth, fame, praise and power.

Plush fabric is a sign of deception or forgery.

Linen fabric in rolls in a dream is a sign of good farming, prosperity, a profitable marriage or a profitable deal. However, for those who are going on a long journey, such a dream foreshadows delays and obstacles in business. If you are going on a business trip, then the dream predicts that your efforts will be in vain.

Weaving linen or canvas in a dream means the length of your life. If you finished your work before the end of sleep, then you don’t have long to live.

Another meaning of this dream is that the woven fabric is a symbol of your condition, property. The more you weave it in a dream, the longer your well-being will last. A loom in a dream foreshadows well-being achieved through honest labor. But if it breaks in a dream, then troubles or losses await you. If you dream that you see a weaver at work, then you will experience an increase in wealth or receive money.

Woolen cloth in a dream promises well-being and respect for others if it is thin and expensive. But coarse cloth on your clothes in a dream predicts that your life will be difficult and you will have to win recognition or respect in the future with sweat and blood.

(See interpretation: push, kick)

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Dark fabric - for mourning.

White fabric means news that will comfort you.

Red - for a romantic date.

Blue, blue fabric - to a head disease.

Yellow fabric - they are cheating on you.

Multi-color fabric - several amazing events will happen at the same time. Cotton fabric - to quick separation, bitter tears.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

A dream in which you see new, high-quality fabric is very favorable. Buying a piece of elegant silk fabric means you will soon get rich. The longer the cut in the dream, the greater your wealth will be.

Imagine buying an entire roll of silk.

Sewing something from silk fabric - for a man, a dream means a promotion, for a girl - marriage, for a woman - success with the opposite sex. If you dreamed of rough, good-quality cloth, the dream promises you a prosperous life, full of conscientious work, for which you will invariably receive a good reward. Sew a tent or a raincoat from thick fabric - you will have money for home improvement. If you dreamed of woolen fabric, this indicates that reasonable actions in planning expenses will allow you to save a considerable amount. After some time, you will become a rich man, but you must always remember that a ruble saved is a ruble earned, and do not waste money on trifles. Light cotton fabric (cambric, voile) - for an easy, carefree life and traveling in the company of friends.

Imagine that the fabric you dreamed of (no matter what) is new, expensive and very high quality.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

The fabric symbolizes quality of life.

The patterns woven into it signify experiences.

The type of tissue indicates the nature of the experience.

Soft, silky or rough, prickly.

Dirty, torn fabric - obstacles, failures.

Buy fabric.

Choose – travel, pleasure.

Silk, voile - a romantic adventure.

Wool, cloth - business connections, financial stability.

Cutting the fabric means reshaping your plans, changing your lifestyle.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

They symbolize your plans and dreams of strengthening your position.

The better and richer the fabric looks in your dream, the more chances you have of bringing your plans to reality.

Measuring out beautiful fabric: a sign that you should carefully think through your affairs and plans.

If there is too little fabric: the dream suggests that your haste may hinder your success.

The cut is too long: it promises a delay in business. Perhaps your expectations are too high and you should be more modest in your ambitions.

Rags or ugly fabric: they warn that hopes for improving the situation are still unfounded.

A piece of fabric is a purchase.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Seeing some kind of fabric in a dream is a harbinger of interference and “threats in the wheel” from false friends. However, if the fabric is not elastic to the touch, you will brilliantly repel the attacks of envious people who are looking for any opportunity to annoy you.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

If you dreamed of fabric, know that you have unfaithful friends who will interfere with you and cause a lot of trouble.

It’s good if the fabric in your dream is not elastic: then you will show resilience and withstand the attacks of envious people. Don't let them make your luck run out.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

A cut, a piece of fabric - the upcoming road.

A spread roll of cloth is a long journey.

The fabric is dirty, has holes, etc. - difficult road and obstacles along the way.

Stay at home. We will sew a new fun patchwork quilt from colorful pieces of fabric. And this is success in business (see Blanket).

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Seeing these fabrics foretells that unfaithful friends will interfere with you, plunging you into losses and troubles. If the fabric in your dream is not elastic, you will show resilience and withstand the attacks of envious people who are looking for any opportunity to make luck turn away from you.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Fabric - if you dream about a lot of fabric, it means trouble.

Tear clean cloth

Dream Interpretation Tear clean fabric dreamed of why you dream about tearing clean fabric? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see tearing clean fabric in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Buying fabric in a dream promises pleasure.

Measuring fabric in a dream means that you have a road ahead of you (further judge the road by the quality, quantity and color of the fabric). See interpretation: colors.

Expensive fabrics in a dream foretell a good position, a prosperous life, well-being, wealth, prosperity, and a profitable trip.

Cheap and coarse fabrics in a dream are a sign of poverty, need, deprivation, disappointment, humiliation.

Applying a cloth to yourself in a dream means that you have to make an important decision. Wrapping yourself in expensive fabric in a dream is a sign of wealth and honor.

Wrapping cheap cloth around yourself in a dream means that you will be poor, but at the same time you will be satisfied with your situation. See interpretation: rubber, clothes, iron.

Thin fabric dreams of troubles associated with the fact that some bad deed will become known.

Velvet in a dream is a sign of honors and wealth.

Brocade fabric in a dream means wealth, fame, praise and power.

Plush fabric is a sign of deception or forgery.

Linen fabric in rolls in a dream is a sign of good farming, prosperity, a profitable marriage or a profitable deal. However, for those who are going on a long journey, such a dream foreshadows delays and obstacles in business. If you are going on a business trip, then the dream predicts that your efforts will be in vain.

Weaving linen or canvas in a dream means the length of your life. If you finished your work before the end of sleep, then you don’t have long to live.

Another meaning of this dream is that the woven fabric is a symbol of your condition, property. The more you weave it in a dream, the longer your well-being will last. A loom in a dream foreshadows well-being achieved through honest labor. But if it breaks in a dream, then troubles or losses await you. If you dream that you see a weaver at work, then you will experience an increase in wealth or receive money.

Woolen cloth in a dream promises well-being and respect for others if it is thin and expensive. But coarse cloth on your clothes in a dream predicts that your life will be difficult and you will have to win recognition or respect in the future with sweat and blood.

(See interpretation: push, kick)

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

A dream in which you see new, high-quality fabric is very favorable. Buying a piece of elegant silk fabric means you will soon get rich. The longer the cut in the dream, the greater your wealth will be.

Imagine buying an entire roll of silk.

Sewing something from silk fabric - for a man, a dream means a promotion, for a girl - marriage, for a woman - success with the opposite sex. If you dreamed of rough, good-quality cloth, the dream promises you a prosperous life, full of conscientious work, for which you will invariably receive a good reward. Sew a tent or a raincoat from thick fabric - you will have money for home improvement. If you dreamed of woolen fabric, this indicates that reasonable actions in planning expenses will allow you to save a considerable amount. After some time, you will become a rich man, but you must always remember that a ruble saved is a ruble earned, and do not waste money on trifles. Light cotton fabric (cambric, voile) - for an easy, carefree life and traveling in the company of friends.

Imagine that the fabric you dreamed of (no matter what) is new, expensive and very high quality.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Dark fabric - for mourning.

White fabric means news that will comfort you.

Red - for a romantic date.

Blue, blue fabric - to a head disease.

Yellow fabric - they are cheating on you.

Multi-color fabric - several amazing events will happen at the same time. Cotton fabric - to quick separation, bitter tears.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

They symbolize your plans and dreams of strengthening your position.

The better and richer the fabric looks in your dream, the more chances you have of bringing your plans to reality.

Measuring out beautiful fabric: a sign that you should carefully think through your affairs and plans.

If there is too little fabric: the dream suggests that your haste may hinder your success.

The cut is too long: it promises a delay in business. Perhaps your expectations are too high and you should be more modest in your ambitions.

Rags or ugly fabric: they warn that hopes for improving the situation are still unfounded.

A piece of fabric is a purchase.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

The fabric symbolizes quality of life.

The patterns woven into it signify experiences.

The type of tissue indicates the nature of the experience.

Soft, silky or rough, prickly.

Dirty, torn fabric - obstacles, failures.

Buy fabric.

Choose – travel, pleasure.

Silk, voile - a romantic adventure.

Wool, cloth - business connections, financial stability.

Cutting the fabric means reshaping your plans, changing your lifestyle.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

A cut, a piece of fabric - the upcoming road.

A spread roll of cloth is a long journey.

The fabric is dirty, has holes, etc. - difficult road and obstacles along the way.

Stay at home. We will sew a new fun patchwork quilt from colorful pieces of fabric. And this is success in business (see Blanket).

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Seeing these fabrics foretells that unfaithful friends will interfere with you, plunging you into losses and troubles. If the fabric in your dream is not elastic, you will show resilience and withstand the attacks of envious people who are looking for any opportunity to make luck turn away from you.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Fabric - if you dream about a lot of fabric, it means trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Seeing some kind of fabric in a dream is a harbinger of interference and “threats in the wheel” from false friends. However, if the fabric is not elastic to the touch, you will brilliantly repel the attacks of envious people who are looking for any opportunity to annoy you.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

If you dreamed of fabric, know that you have unfaithful friends who will interfere with you and cause a lot of trouble.

It’s good if the fabric in your dream is not elastic: then you will show resilience and withstand the attacks of envious people. Don't let them make your luck run out.

Tulle fabric

Dream interpretation Fabric tulle dreamed of why you dream about Tulle fabric? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Tulle Fabric in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tulle

If you dreamed of tulle, it means that you will have stunning success with people of the opposite sex.

If you simply look at the tulle on your windows, then you cannot solve any problem that occupies all your thoughts.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Buying fabric in a dream promises pleasure.

Measuring fabric in a dream means that you have a road ahead of you (further judge the road by the quality, quantity and color of the fabric). See interpretation: colors.

Expensive fabrics in a dream foretell a good position, a prosperous life, well-being, wealth, prosperity, and a profitable trip.

Cheap and coarse fabrics in a dream are a sign of poverty, need, deprivation, disappointment, humiliation.

Applying a cloth to yourself in a dream means that you have to make an important decision. Wrapping yourself in expensive fabric in a dream is a sign of wealth and honor.

Wrapping cheap cloth around yourself in a dream means that you will be poor, but at the same time you will be satisfied with your situation. See interpretation: rubber, clothes, iron.

Thin fabric dreams of troubles associated with the fact that some bad deed will become known.

Velvet in a dream is a sign of honors and wealth.

Brocade fabric in a dream means wealth, fame, praise and power.

Plush fabric is a sign of deception or forgery.

Linen fabric in rolls in a dream is a sign of good farming, prosperity, a profitable marriage or a profitable deal. However, for those who are going on a long journey, such a dream foreshadows delays and obstacles in business. If you are going on a business trip, then the dream predicts that your efforts will be in vain.

Weaving linen or canvas in a dream means the length of your life. If you finished your work before the end of sleep, then you don’t have long to live.

Another meaning of this dream is that the woven fabric is a symbol of your condition, property. The more you weave it in a dream, the longer your well-being will last. A loom in a dream foreshadows well-being achieved through honest labor. But if it breaks in a dream, then troubles or losses await you. If you dream that you see a weaver at work, then you will experience an increase in wealth or receive money.

Woolen cloth in a dream promises well-being and respect for others if it is thin and expensive. But coarse cloth on your clothes in a dream predicts that your life will be difficult and you will have to win recognition or respect in the future with sweat and blood.

(See interpretation: push, kick)

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

A dream in which you see new, high-quality fabric is very favorable. Buying a piece of elegant silk fabric means you will soon get rich. The longer the cut in the dream, the greater your wealth will be.

Imagine buying an entire roll of silk.

Sewing something from silk fabric - for a man, a dream means a promotion, for a girl - marriage, for a woman - success with the opposite sex. If you dreamed of rough, good-quality cloth, the dream promises you a prosperous life, full of conscientious work, for which you will invariably receive a good reward. Sew a tent or a raincoat from thick fabric - you will have money for home improvement. If you dreamed of woolen fabric, this indicates that reasonable actions in planning expenses will allow you to save a considerable amount. After some time, you will become a rich man, but you must always remember that a ruble saved is a ruble earned, and do not waste money on trifles. Light cotton fabric (cambric, voile) - for an easy, carefree life and traveling in the company of friends.

Imagine that the fabric you dreamed of (no matter what) is new, expensive and very high quality.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Dark fabric - for mourning.

White fabric means news that will comfort you.

Red - for a romantic date.

Blue, blue fabric - to a head disease.

Yellow fabric - they are cheating on you.

Multi-color fabric - several amazing events will happen at the same time. Cotton fabric - to quick separation, bitter tears.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

They symbolize your plans and dreams of strengthening your position.

The better and richer the fabric looks in your dream, the more chances you have of bringing your plans to reality.

Measuring out beautiful fabric: a sign that you should carefully think through your affairs and plans.

If there is too little fabric: the dream suggests that your haste may hinder your success.

The cut is too long: it promises a delay in business. Perhaps your expectations are too high and you should be more modest in your ambitions.

Rags or ugly fabric: they warn that hopes for improving the situation are still unfounded.

A piece of fabric is a purchase.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

The fabric symbolizes quality of life.

The patterns woven into it signify experiences.

The type of tissue indicates the nature of the experience.

Soft, silky or rough, prickly.

Dirty, torn fabric - obstacles, failures.

Buy fabric.

Choose – travel, pleasure.

Silk, voile - a romantic adventure.

Wool, cloth - business connections, financial stability.

Cutting the fabric means reshaping your plans, changing your lifestyle.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

A cut, a piece of fabric - the upcoming road.

A spread roll of cloth is a long journey.

The fabric is dirty, has holes, etc. - difficult road and obstacles along the way.

Stay at home. We will sew a new fun patchwork quilt from colorful pieces of fabric. And this is success in business (see Blanket).

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Seeing these fabrics foretells that unfaithful friends will interfere with you, plunging you into losses and troubles. If the fabric in your dream is not elastic, you will show resilience and withstand the attacks of envious people who are looking for any opportunity to make luck turn away from you.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Fabric - if you dream about a lot of fabric, it means trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Fabric

Seeing some kind of fabric in a dream is a harbinger of interference and “threats in the wheel” from false friends. However, if the fabric is not elastic to the touch, you will brilliantly repel the attacks of envious people who are looking for any opportunity to annoy you.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Fabric in a dream?

Unfaithful friends create obstacles in business; if the fabric is rough and durable, show perseverance in overcoming troubles; dirty, frayed, torn fabric - small recoverable losses, not very serious difficulties. Beautiful fabric is good luck in commerce. Weaving overcome obstacles in business, increase prosperity. Seeing how others weave means a friendly atmosphere, the support of friends, as well as good health; for the patient - recovery, this means a dream that you had, for more details why you dream about Fabric, see below.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Symbolizes quality of life. The patterns woven into it signify experiences. The type of fabric indicates the nature of the experience (soft, silky or rough, scratchy). Dirty, torn fabric - obstacles, failures. Buying fabric - travel, pleasure. Marquisette, silk - a romantic adventure. Wool, cloth - business connections, financial stability. Cut the fabric - reshape your plans, change your lifestyle

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about Fabric according to the dream book?

If you dream of fabric, know that you have unfaithful friends who will interfere with you and cause a lot of trouble. It’s good if the fabric in your dream is not elastic: then you will show resilience and withstand the attacks of envious people. Don't let them make your luck run out.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Chintz. This fabric means joyful, bright days ahead.

Sackcloth - It’s high time you updated your wardrobe.

Nylon - Buying nylon fabric in a dream means a precarious financial situation.

Terry fabrics - To an affectionate lover.

Brocade - Buying beautiful brocade in a store means carelessness.

Plush - Buying several meters of fabric in a dream means engaging in fraud.

Chiffon - Only children behave so recklessly and openly - it's dangerous.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Chintz - This fabric means that a whole legend will arise from a completely simple, ordinary situation, which will be passed on from generation to generation.

Tarpaulin - To the hope that you will finally have a roof over your head.

Veil - Seeing a veil on yourself in a dream means that they are hiding some important information from you.

Nylon (tights). - Seeing torn nylon stockings on yourself is a sign of hopelessness.

Terry fabrics - Terry clothes dream of unseemly deeds.

Brocade - Seeing yourself in a rich brocade dress means illness.

Chiffon - This fabric dreams of exposure, clarification of circumstances, for more details on why Fabric is dreamed of, see below.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about Fabric for a woman:

Seeing a piece of flannelette fabric - your dreams will come true. Buying a yarn for diapers or a baby shirt means well-being in the home and material wealth in money. Wearing a flannelette dress - pettiness harms you

Why do you dream and what does Fabric mean in a dream?

If you dreamed of clothes made from this fabric, you will meet a person for whom you have the warmest feelings, this is how the dream in which the Fabric is dreamed is deciphered.

Ancient dream book

Why do you dream about Fabric, how to understand the dream?

If you dream of clothes made of flannelette fabric or in a dream you were dressed in such clothes, it means that you will have a very warm meeting with a person who has interested you for a long time. Your interest will grow into something more

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book

Why do you dream about Fabric according to the dream book:

Seeing flannelette clothing in a dream means that you will have a warm welcome to the person you have long wanted to see.

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does Fabric mean?

Silk is a lightweight natural fabric that looks expensive and luxurious. Whatever is made from silk, it always looks more attractive than something made from some other fabric. Seeing silk in a roll in a dream may indicate that you are trying to embellish reality. If you see clothes made of silk, but they are not yours, then this is a sign that you would really like some changes to happen in your life, but they are delayed in their implementation. If you are dressed in silk, then, apparently, people overestimate your importance or endow you with qualities that you do not possess, but which, if desired, you can fully cultivate in yourself, this is how this dream in which the Fabric is interpreted.