Foreign universities for Russian students. How to find free education abroad for Russians

A little truth

Education at prestigious universities in first world countries has long been recognized as the most promising investment, no matter who pays for it: parents or students themselves. A graduate of such educational institutions has open doors to Western companies, and he is guaranteed a career in them, for the simple reason that these diplomas are recognized in these companies. “Why don’t ours admit it?” - a common question in such cases. Unfortunately no. And the reason is not that Russian education is inherently worse than Western education. In our universities, despite the miserable salaries, wonderful teachers still work, and the educational programs approved by our government are theoretically no weaker than Western ones. But insufficient funding, poor technical equipment, plus the world-famous corruption of the administrative and teaching staff and bribery, thanks to which you can “buy” good grades or even the diploma itself, have firmly placed Russia on the black list of “high-risk” countries for many years.

It's real?

It's not easy, but it's possible for anyone who really wants it. The first questions that come to mind are:

What about English (German, French, etc.)?

Learn before you start, we’ll help you with the materials! At the request of foreign universities, for admission you must provide an international certificate of knowledge of the English language (above average), in the USA - TOEFL, in other countries - IELTS. You can study in English in any country, you can also study in the language of the country, for example, in Spanish in Spain, and you also need to provide a certificate of proficiency in Spanish for admission. These university requirements are completely tailored to your interests: you must understand the lectures!

Where can I get so much money?

The average cost of a year of training is $20,000. As a rule, it is paid in two or three installments, depending on how the academic year is divided. That is, in order to study half/third of the academic year, it is enough to pay for the first semester: $10,000 or $7,000, plus have the cost of housing and food - about $800 per month. If there are no such funds, then you need to remember that a foreign student has the right to work. Of course, combining study and work will be difficult, but it will be worth it. To begin with, some students borrow money from relatives or friends or take out a loan from a bank, then upon arrival they work off the debt and continue to earn money for themselves and for further education. In addition, we must not forget that there are grants and scholarships, and in some EU countries higher education is free.

How can I find out my level of knowledge of a foreign language and, in general, will I be able to enroll and study?

The Russian Agency conducts psychometric and language tests, which are provided by foreign universities for mandatory testing. Using these special tests, our coordinator determines your general psychological portrait and your level of foreign language knowledge. In addition, you can receive qualified answers to all your questions, advice and recommendations on choosing an education that is feasible for you.

There are no foreign language requirements for language courses or schools.

Can I send my child to school abroad and at what age?

It is possible and not necessarily from “first class”. And your child does not have to speak English (although, of course, it is advisable). The foreign school education system consists of primary school (6 - 12 years), junior high school (8 - 12 years) and high school (12 - 19 years). Your child can get into any age-appropriate class without any entrance exams, the only thing is that if he speaks little or no English, he will first be assigned to a language group according to his level.

There are many schools abroad, the government requirements for their educational quality are strict, and therefore, we can say that there are average, good, very good and better schools. There are no bad ones. The main thing is to choose a school for your child based on his needs:

  • a school with a religious bias (Islamic, Christian, Jewish, etc.),
  • boys' school, girls' school or mixed school,
  • a school where all three types of schools are in one building, this is convenient for those who do not like to “move”,
  • day school, half board (pick up the child on weekends and holidays) and full board.
  • a large public school with over 1000 students, or a small private school with 30 - 50 students, all in public.

You can go with your child and live nearby, your child can go with our accompanying person, subject to full board education. You can send one child only from 8 to 12 years old only on a direct flight according to the rules for transporting unaccompanied children, for which an application is written to the airline when purchasing a ticket, in this case the cost of the ticket for the child will be paid at the adult fare. After 12 years of age, children can fly unaccompanied and without any additional documents. In both cases, it is mandatory to provide information about the meeting persons.

Are there any preparatory courses before entering the university, after all, another country?..

All universities organize Foundation courses (preparatory courses) from one and a half to two months before entrance exams to a year, and in many cases, students who pass them are exempt from the need to provide IELTS or TOEFL, as they receive a certificate of these courses. Moreover, your future main subject (for example, mathematics) is taught along with English, and classes are held within the walls of your future university, so after the entrance exams you find yourself in a familiar and familiar place.

If your English is below average, you can come to a language college, or better yet, to a high school (analogous to our high school with subjects of your choice) a year or even two before the entrance exams. Almost all such schools have contracts with certain universities, and their graduates are accepted into these universities almost automatically. In this case, as a rule, you have to take the IELTS or TOEFL exam, but schools organize them and even bring or accompany their students to these exams.

If I am already a third-year student, can my completed subjects be counted at a foreign university so that I don’t have to study again?

This is possible if they comply with foreign standards. Of course, no one will transfer you to the fourth year, but some of your subjects, in agreement with the supervisor of the department of foreign students, can be counted, and this has already happened more than once. It was not so that the student re-took the second year, the system of foreign higher education allows all subjects that are not mandatory (and many mandatory ones) to be arranged in time at your discretion, which in general will allow you to study three or two and a half.

I graduated from university, studied for 5 years, can I enroll in a master's program abroad?

Yes, this is possible, the only thing is that for admission to MBA faculties (Master of Business Administration, or, in other words, executive), in addition to certificates of knowledge of the English language, you will need to pass a special test and receive a GMAT certificate (Graduate Management Admissions Test) - a standardized test for determining the ability to successfully study in business courses. Some universities require you to score 700 points out of a possible 800, while some require 500. In addition to this test, work experience, performance at school and university, characteristics and other selection criteria are taken into account.

The uniform cost of passing the exam worldwide is currently $250, and the certificate is valid for 5 years.

In addition, you need to pass the GRE test (Graduate Record Examination): a determination of analytical, critical and substantive thinking in one of 8 subjects: biochemistry, biology, chemistry, computers, literature (in English), mathematics, physics, psychology; or the general GRE test for the opportunity to study in a master's program. The single cost of taking the GRE exam is currently $170, and the certificate is valid for 5 years.

I completed my master's degree and received a master's degree, can I enroll in doctoral studies abroad?

To enroll in doctoral studies, a Russian master's degree is not required, since it is generally accepted that master's programs in Russia do not exist in an acceptable form. To enter doctoral studies, in addition to standard academic requirements, you must have a higher education of 4.5 to 6 years and also pass the GRA test.

What happens if I don't pass the entrance exams? Or while studying?

You can stay and prepare for the next entrance exams in courses or on your own. If you fail the exam during training, you can also retake it; of course, there are restrictions on the number of retakes. You can transfer to another specialty.

Is there a difference in the cost of studying abroad for a foreign student and a local one?

There is a difference, and in most specialties it is significant—several times. The government of developed countries finances the education of its citizens in all strategically important specialties, such as medicine, information technology, construction and industrial engineering, MBA, law, etc. New Zealand recently passed a law reducing the cost of doctoral education for international students to “ local level. Today, a year of study in New Zealand doctoral studies costs about NZ$5,000 per year, instead of the previous 25,000 - 40,000.

Can I just go to language courses for the summer?

It is possible, and not necessarily in the summer, these courses are held all year round and start every Monday. At the same time, your English may be practically zero; any college gathers groups of beginners. In resort towns and on the sea coasts, you can study on "Vacation +" courses, when learning English is combined with tennis, dance lessons, sailing, surfing or diving. After completing the courses, the college will issue you a certificate.

What other courses can I take?

Almost any. From horse riding to graphic design. Of course, to successfully complete such courses you need a certain level of proficiency in the language of the country you are traveling to or in English. After completing the courses, the college will also issue you a certificate.

How much does a student abroad spend per month on all expenses?

It is generally accepted that the student consumer basket (housing) is at least $800, although there are cases where expenses were less. Students save on housing and live 2-3 in a room, ride bicycles and take advantage of student discounts. It also depends on the country , in which you study. The UK is recognized as the most expensive country, although with the highest earnings, which allows working students to achieve the same standard of living as, for example, in the US. Singapore is considered the cheapest country in the first world.

Where do international students usually live abroad?

Most live in apartments shared by several students. Such apartments usually have everything you need, from kitchenware and bed linen to televisions and refrigerators. On average, per student with such housing, rental costs are $380 per month. Often students rent a room in a local family with meals, this helps them quickly get used to local customs and learn English more effectively. Many universities and colleges also have residents - an analogue of a modern dormitory. The most expensive housing.

Who will help me with work, bank account and other important issues?

All universities and colleges have special student centers, whose staff provide complete information and help in all everyday matters. Many educational institutions abroad have their own Job Centers on campus.

After graduating from university abroad, can I stay in this country and work?

In many British Commonwealth countries, especially the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, the government, in order to retain specialists, has issued special visas that allow them to work without restrictions for a year in order to then obtain permanent residence and citizenship. In the USA such a visa does not yet exist.

How much will I lose if my visa is refused?

From 200 to 400 $ enrollment fee (registration fee). The student pays for the education itself after receiving a visa.

And finally

If you are thinking about studying abroad and have read our advice to the end, then you have already taken the first step towards realizing your dream. Do not stop! In fact, there is not a single reason that can be considered an insurmountable obstacle.

Maybe before making a decision, you should go to the country of your choice as a tourist, or even better, take a short language course for a month or two. You can look around and make sure that this is exactly what you want.

The Czech Republic is so close and so far! The distance from Moscow to Prague is only about 2,000 kilometers, and it can be covered by plane, train or your own car. The bulk of the population of the Czech Republic are Slavs, and the Russian and Czech languages ​​are 20% identical. And at the same time, the Czech Republic is very far away: in that it is completely integrated into the “Western” world, into international educational standards and the Bologna system. Svetlana Ovcharenko, official representative of the Prague Educational Center, tells how Russian students can receive higher education in the Czech Republic.

Studying in the Czech Republic has become increasingly popular among students from Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union in recent years, and is already comparable to the number of students traveling to the UK and Germany. Why is studying in the Czech Republic so attractive?

Higher education in most European countries in the language of the country itself is free - for both citizens and foreigners. Yes, you can learn German, French or Finnish, but learning Czech is an easier task for Russian schoolchildren.

In Prague, as in other cities of the Czech Republic, centers have been opened to prepare graduates of foreign schools for admission to local universities. Preparation usually takes an academic year and consists of Czech language courses (to a level sufficient for admission to higher education institutions), nostrification (confirmation of school knowledge in the Czech language), and specialized training. During this year, the children visit various universities, once again become convinced of the correctness of their choice of their future profession, and adapt to a new country.

Secondary education in the Czech Republic for Russians

In the Czech Republic you can also receive secondary education. Of course, it lasts 2 years longer, and in total is 13 years, but, having come to receive secondary education, schoolchildren adapt to the Czech Republic earlier than graduates. During this time, the Czech language becomes like a native language, and nostrification is required after graduating from a local school.

Chelyabinsk resident Dmitry firmly decided to get a European education for free. After 10th grade, the young man entered one of the Russian-Czech gymnasiums, but since at that time he did not know the Czech language at all, he was refused at the visa interview. After that, Dmitry graduated from Russian school, and even the first year of university, but the dream of studying in the Czech Republic did not leave him. Then he entered preparatory courses at the Prague Educational Center, where they helped him carefully prepare documents, and also taught him how to behave correctly during an interview, and Dima received a long-term student visa. Now 22-year-old Dmitry is a successful student at a specialized university at the Skoda plant, part of the Volkswagen concern, in the historical town of Mlada Boleslav, 60 km from Prague.

Study in the Czech Republic and other exchange countries

The QS World University Rankings include five Czech universities: Charles University, Masaryk University, Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague University of Economics and Brno University of Technology.

During their studies, students have the opportunity to go on exchange several times to literally any country in the world - Czech educational institutions have a large number of partner universities.

Each student can draw up a study plan individually, i.e. complete your bachelor's degree in 3 years or work full time and take only 1-2 subjects per semester. This will lengthen the period of study, but will help you earn the necessary funds for living and work experience for a future successful career.

After graduating from a Czech university, foreigners can get a job in the Czech Republic, and therefore throughout the European Union, without additional difficulties, on an equal basis with graduates with local citizenship.

A large number of international companies operate in Prague, and Russian graduates manage to find employment in their specialty, receive a good salary and moral satisfaction from their work.

For those who already speak English and do not want to learn a new language, the Czech Republic provides the opportunity to receive education in English at much more modest prices than in the USA, not to mention the UK.

Anna, having graduated from an American school under the ACES program, sought to obtain a higher education in English. Passing the entrance exams with ease exams, 18-year-old Anna became a student at the private Anglo-American University in Prague. This university is accredited both in the USA and the European Union, and teachers are invited there from the best universities in the world. Immediately after her first year, Anna went on an exchange program to the University of Florida, and studied for a semester at an expensive American university at the price of a Prague university. Moreover, since Anna demonstrated high results, she did not have to pay the full amount. The better students study, the lower the tuition fee.

After her second year at her university, Anna went to practice in Thessaloniki, Greece, for the whole summer. In addition, during her studies, Anna was an active member of the student council, which made her life more fun and provided additional opportunities. At the beginning of this year, the girl graduated from university and is already working as a consultant in the Prague representative office of a British company.

Czech universities try not to leave their graduates without help in the labor market, and, as a rule, former students get jobs in those companies where the university sent them for internship, or in partner companies.

Pros of the Czech Republic

The cost of living in the Czech Republic compares favorably with other Western European countries, and the opportunities for part-time work for students are varied - it is quite possible to earn at least enough money to pay for your housing. Thanks to this, students can seriously help their parents already in the first year of study.

In addition, unlike many Western European countries, the Czech Republic has not been affected by the migration crisis at all, and it does not accept refugees from the Middle East and North Africa. Also in the Czech Republic there is a low crime rate, and hard drugs are practically not common.

And the beauty of Prague cannot leave a single person indifferent, and it is especially pleasant to spend your youth in this beauty.


I really want to study in the Czech Republic and get a higher education.

05/16/2017 17:20:41, Myakhri

Comment on the article "Study abroad. Czech Republic-2017: free higher education"

Studying in the Czech Republic is free higher education for Russians. Czech Republic, universities. Why is studying in the Czech Republic so attractive? Higher education in most European countries in the language of the country itself is free - for both citizens and foreigners.


What expenses do US university students incur?

Approximate costs and expenses for an international student for the first year:

Registration fee for document review at each university is $150
Each exam (TOEFL, SAT, GRE, GMAT, etc.) $200
Notarized translation of each document for admission $50
Visa $360
Tuition $12,000 – 110,000
Accommodation $5,000 - 10,000
Food, phone, pocket money $10,000
Flight, transport $3,000
Textbooks and other materials $2,000
Medicine, insurance $1,000
Total from $21,700

The next years will, of course, be a little cheaper.

Studying in the USA as an investment project

Any training, and especially getting an education in America, requires significant expenses and certain moral costs. Having passed a serious admission competition, you must pay tuition starting from $25,000 per year. What does a student pay for? The answer is for career prospects. US higher education is considered one of the best in the world. In almost every specialty, the leaders in international rankings are US universities.

How soon will the money invested in training begin to pay off? The average salary in the USA is $55,000 per year. So investments in higher education in America usually pay off in 3-4 years.

One of the main reasons, of course, is the prospect of living and working in America after graduating from university. Foreign students are given 1-3 years to work in the United States after graduation.

Work during study and after diploma

There are restrictions on working while studying for foreigners in the United States. During the academic year, work is only allowed on the university campus, and this is not easy to obtain. During the holidays you can work off campus full time.

In the USA, university programs often include CPT (Curricular Practical Training) internships. International students with an F-1 visa can stay for 1 year after their studies for a paid OPT (Optional Practical Training) internship.

Which specialists are more in demand on the labor market? Who to study? The most favorable conditions are for holders of diplomas in the field of natural and engineering sciences, technology, IT and mathematics, the so-called STEM block. Their paid OPT internship can last up to 3 years. That is, these graduates have more time to find a permanent employer after receiving their diploma.

If a company wants to hire a foreign intern, it can apply to sponsor an H1-B temporary work visa, which allows the foreigner to work in the US for up to 6 years.

How to enter a US university?

When choosing a university, you need to thoroughly know the requirements for foreigners. How will a certificate or diploma be assessed? What are the rules for submitting it to the admissions committee? Minimum “passing” scores and how the university recalculates them. Formats of necessary documents about the financial situation of the future student.

You can apply to any number of universities – usually 3-6. Some universities can apply for admission through a centralized online system. Some universities require you to send the package in the original. The grades you receive at school or university on standard exams and one or more essays written in American format on given topics are very important. Universities pay attention to achievements in sports, art, social work, and awards. You also need to get recommendations from teachers or arrange for a teacher or employer to write a character reference online in the applicant’s personal account system. Many American universities require an interview - via Skype or telephone.

Often, relatives of a graduate of the same university, as well as representatives of those countries that are not yet among the university’s students, have advantages in admission.

The best undergraduate universities in the United States require an admissions test, SAT I (sometimes SAT II) or ACT. Applicants to master's programs at ranking universities must pass the GRE (Graduate Record Examination), GMAT, LSAT or other tests.

It is better to start the process of preparing documents 2-3 years in advance. If you are thinking about enrolling less than a year before the start of classes, and you do not have high exam scores, you can go through the Pathway program. This is 1 year at a private US college with then admission to the 1st or 2nd year of university.

Deadlines for admission to a US university

Many universities accept applications until the end of June of the same year. But ranking US universities wait for documents along with exam results until January, that is, 9 months before the start of training.

Minimum list of documents for admission to a US university

Bachelor's degree:
High school diploma or school certificate with current grades
2 recommendations from teachers of major subjects
TOEFL test results
Often SAT I test score (1 test)
To ranking universities - SAT II test results (2-3 tests)
1-3 essays on a given topic
Diplomas and certificates for the last 2-3 years
Bank statement from one of the parents confirming the availability of funds necessary to pay for tuition and living expenses for 1 year

Master's degree:
Higher education diploma or university certificate with current grades
Diploma Supplement
2-3 recommendations from university, professional recommendations
TOEFL test results
Often the results of a GRE, LSAT, GMAT, or other test.
Essay on a given topic
Bank statement from the student or one of the parents confirming the availability of funds necessary to pay for tuition and living expenses for 1 year

1. ? start #choosing a university 1.5-2 years before the start of your studies

2. ? determine the main #criteria for choosing a program - the main #goal of studying at the university, #duration of study abroad, the maximum #budget per year and for the entire program, the possibility of working during and after graduation from the university, #country for study, further work and life

3. ? make a detailed #analysis of possible universities and courses, create your final list of 3-8 universities - preferably 1.5 years before the start of your studies

4. ? It is advisable to visit several of them, communicate with their students and graduates in FB groups

5. ? determine the admission strategy and write #timing of the main deadlines - passing tests, receiving recommendations, submitting application forms, paying registration fees, etc.

6. ? choose an effective system of preparation for passing entrance exams - a foreign #language, other #tests (on your own or with a coach in Russia or abroad) and start classes - no less than 15 months before the start of the program

7. ? prepare an “ideal presentation” of yourself for universities, translate into a foreign language, notarize and submit to 3-8 universities #documents for enrollment - approximately 10 months before the start of studies

8. ? take entrance tests and send #results to universities - preferably 10 months before the start of your studies

9. ? accept an #offer from one university, make a #deposit as confirmation of your place, choose accommodation, start preparing documents for a student visa - 4 months before the start of your studies

10. ? pay for the program, translate into a foreign language, notarize and submit documents for a visa - 2-3 months before the start of training

Study abroad. Czech Republic -2017: free higher education. Military registration and enlistment office and training abroad. But there was another point related to the mutual recognition of education between the Russian Federation and the states.


I encourage education abroad if it is appropriate.
I don’t know from what sources you got unflattering reviews about the biology department. Distribution to departments after the winter session of the 2nd year from 2018, by this time no one will look at the scores, and they take the biochemistry department by interview. The knowledge is fundamental, correct, and mostly given logically, which increases the perception coefficient. So it’s easy to get a quality education at Moscow State University at the undergraduate level. Master's degrees can also be obtained abroad in almost all departments. Teachers don't care about students. The main thing is that the students themselves don’t care. Regarding the passing score - yes, the score is high, but it's worth it. Applicants whose Unified State Exam scores are too low have nothing to do there, which, however, also applies to other top universities. 3 years ago the program of 1-2 courses was greatly changed. Very intensive training is indeed not for everyone.
Again, the child’s motivation is unclear. I didn't read the whole thread.
Why did you start considering education abroad? Are you sure that your child will not enroll? So you need to work abroad, plus knowledge of the language at the level of understanding lectures. You will have to pay almost everywhere, one way or another, with the exception of income from the budget in your home country. Well, maybe sponsor a hostel and food.
In fact, what he will get in a bachelor's degree at Moscow State University is no less, if not more, than in a bachelor's degree overseas.
Everything written is with comments from my daughter. 3rd year biology faculty. True, the department is different, but they study general subjects together with biochemists.

what language? I can tell you about England, the USA, Canada, Australia. You don’t have to be very smart, just rich is enough :) You can do it in a simpler way, look at some Czech Republic or Hungary with training in English. It is difficult to enroll in medicine, but there are quite a lot of chembio-oriented medical specialties.

Education may be free in some lands, but I don’t remember the deposit of 7-9 thousand euros. You can get free advice on educating your child abroad from our Czech Republic -2017: free higher education. Education in the Czech Republic for Russians after 11...


The adopted child really wants it, let the adopted child find out where, how, for how much and how much. Initiative is punishable.

Why is mom doing this? Let the boy tense up, go to the appropriate websites, choose a university, choose a specialty, find out the conditions of admission and training. Will write directly to the place. And he will appreciate the reality of his wishes.

And if the boy is not even capable of this, then what are we even talking about? What is it like to be abroad at 18?

09/06/2018 20:37:39, From afar for a long time

In Germany, many states offer free higher education. You will need at least a hostel and insurance. Training is possible in English and German

09/05/2018 23:19:38, Aba

This is not payment for tuition, it is a guarantee that the student has money to feed himself during his studies. English abroad for the Czech Republic -2017: free higher education. Life of Russians abroad: emigration, visa, work, you work 20 hours a week for the university...


Many thanks to everyone who participated in the discussion. Today I know much more about the topic than I did a few days ago. I especially thank Natasha, and the haters, of course))) Without them, life would be boring.

Most likely scammed. Romanian citizenship can only be obtained if you have Moldovan citizenship. In general, to trust Romanians is not to respect yourself. 99% scam suckers for money.

Foreign graduates of a German university have the right to find employment in Germany on an equal basis with locals and, in accordance with German labor legislation, they do not need to undergo a labor market test. This rule applies to them at any time. If a graduate leaves for his homeland and wants to work in Germany in a few years, then upon signing a contract with an employer, he can easily receive a residence permit with a work permit. Immediately after graduating from a German university, a graduate has the right to stay in Germany for up to 1.5 years in order to look for work in his specialty. During this time he can work anywhere.

Free bachelor's degree abroad. Education, development. Teenagers. Parenting and relationships with teenage children Is there a topic or website dedicated to free education abroad here or anywhere else? At least start with a list of countries.

to study abroad. Admission. Children's education. To do this, they obtained a certificate from a Russian university stating that the applicant meets all the requirements for studying in the relevant specialty. Czech Republic -2017: free higher education.


After school - nowhere, it seems, at one seminar of a specialized company they told us that after our school, we still need to go through a year of preparation, otherwise it’s not suitable for our age. If you are really interested, go to their website [link-1] they often organize free seminars with representatives of foreign universities

If you seriously decide to go to the Czech Republic, then you need to study not English and German, but Czech, the best courses are at the embassy. But you don’t have to study, anyway, for the first year you will enter the preparatory department, where they will teach the language and adjust your knowledge to their standard in the main subjects. I was interested a couple of years ago, then this training cost from 3.5 to 5 thousand euros per year. There are several such centers throughout the Czech Republic, depending on the profile of admission. They live on campus, the fee is symbolic, and of course you can rent it yourself if you’re not happy with it. I didn’t find out about admission later, because we are still far away, but the education is free. Google “education in the Czech Republic”, that’s what I found then.

06/07/2000 13:47:38, Irma

After graduating from school, many graduates think: “Should I go to study abroad?” And most of them stop as soon as they see the cost of training, which can vary from 10 to 30 thousand euros, which not everyone can afford. However, if you carefully analyze the available information, you can see free opportunities for studying abroad, which will be discussed in this article.

Deciding on the country

To get free education abroad, you must first decide on the country. This definition is necessary due to the fact that the standard period of study in Russia and the potential country of study may not coincide, or intermediate education is assumed between secondary and higher education. Thus, in Singapore, for those wishing to enter a university, there is preliminary training by taking special Foundation courses for 1-2 years at a high school or polytechnic institution in the chosen direction or specialty. In the USA, it is advisable to take Community College courses before entering a university in order to prepare for studying at a higher educational institution; here, the academic performance of applicants improves, which practically guarantees admission to the chosen educational institution.

Studying abroad after 11th grade is provided free of charge in countries such as Canada, New Zealand, Czech Republic, Finland, Australia and many others. You can also take academic courses here, although this is not required.

Opportunities for admission to a foreign university

The possibility of admission to a particular university is largely determined by the attitude of the applicant himself. If he set himself the goal of entering a foreign university long before graduating from school and purposefully worked towards this, the chances of admission are much higher compared to those who decided only in the 11th grade that they would continue their studies abroad. Those who speak a foreign language at a high level, have a TOEFL, IELTS or other language exam certificate, good academic performance, an appropriate letter of recommendation, who have decided on the state of study, and those who have the appropriate financial capabilities have a great chance. If you don’t have any of the above, but you have a strong desire to enter a foreign university, you need to study hard. In the absence of sources of financing, it is provided abroad free of charge.

States where you can get education for free or with partial payment

Absolutely free education has been proclaimed in Germany, Norway, and Finland. Where abroad for masters? Here the selection of countries is more representative. This includes Austria, Sweden, and Switzerland, as well as Spain and Italy. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that there are strict selections for free places, as in our country. In most cases, there are special programs available for degree seekers that can fully reimburse tuition and living expenses.

In Denmark, Holland, and Great Britain, it is quite difficult for a foreign student to get free education. There are colleges in the United States that can provide funding to successful applicants under the conditions listed above. If you have good language proficiency with appropriate confirmation of passing language exams, a high average score and the presence of recommendations, you can try to enroll in Harvard, Cornell, Stanford and some other universities that guarantee financial aid to students with a total family income of less than $60,000 per year (the so-called needy students). . In the UK, with excellent test results and the same diploma, you can receive partial compensation in the form of a scholarship at Cambridge and

In addition to taking into account academic performance, when entering universities, sports, creative achievements, and participation in volunteer programs are also taken into account. must be in a different field from the professional one.

Finding information about studying abroad

Free study abroad is expected under special educational programs, which can be found on the websites of the relevant foundations, organizations administering educational programs, on the websites and portals of the relevant universities where the applicant aims to enroll (here you can also find information about grants), on the official website of the Ministry of Education It is possible that within your school or university similar information is posted on bulletin boards. Most foreign universities on their official websites have a Scholarships or other similar section (financial student services, etc.), which contains information about the possibility of reimbursement of tuition costs.

How to get to study abroad for free? First of all, it is necessary to consider the relevant educational programs.

The most famous programs for free study abroad with scholarships are Erasmus Mundus, Irex, DAAD, Fulbright, Chevening. They provide for participation in the competition once a year. Details of some programs are given below.

Fulbright program

This program provides grants to students from Russia, degree seekers, scientists and teachers. Grants can be one-year for conducting scientific work and searching for information within universities and archives, or two-year - providing the opportunity to study in a master's program to obtain an MA degree. Payment for travel, insurance (partially) and payment of a monthly stipend is provided by funds from the US State Department. The decision about the place of study of the applicant is made without his participation, although he can express his wishes. Training is provided in a variety of specialties.

BGF, France

Under this program you can get free language training abroad (in France), get a master's degree, as well as a PhD degree. The French government pays for the visa, insurance, training and consultations from the embassy. Persons who choose this program are provided with places in dormitories and are paid a monthly allowance. Training is provided in all specialties with preference for scientific, technical and engineering fields. There are some restrictions on this program. Thus, the age of the students must be under 35 years old, excellent command of the French (or English) language, previously the person applying for participation in the program should not have received scholarships from the French government, with the exception of language internships, must have a document of higher education .


This is the German Academic Exchange Service. Here, scholarships are paid for introductory courses (a grant is not paid), short language courses (a grant is not paid), internships for masters and PhD candidates. For the last two purposes, a grant is provided and covers all major expenses, including travel. Here they provide training in natural sciences, technical, creative and humanitarian areas.

Erasmus Mundus

This is a European student exchange program for bachelors, masters, graduate students, and teachers. It involves semester-long training in new countries. The admission limit for master's programs is 2 people from one country. The scholarship covers part or all of accommodation, air travel, insurance and tuition. Training is provided in any specialty. However, to participate in the program you need a bachelor's degree, good results from previous studies, and a certificate of passing a language exam with a sufficient level.


This is not a program, but a non-profit organization that implements a number of student exchange programs: Educational program for Russian economists named after. E. Gaidara, Global UGRAD, Teaching Excellence Program (TEA), Individual Research Program for American Scholars (IARO), E. Muskie scholarship. These programs are fully funded. After completing their studies, the graduate must return to their home country. According to the Global UGRAD program, a student must complete at least one semester at his home university before graduation. This program provides free study abroad for Russians. Depending on the program, a higher education diploma or study is required. The applicant must be over 18 years of age and be able to communicate fluently in English.

The Endeavor Awards

This is an Australian government program. It is intended to reward students and researchers from any country in the world for good achievements in their studies and scientific activities. If the applicant has not started national higher education, then he can apply for admission to undergraduate studies. The program is practice-oriented. Its duration is 4-28 months. A scholarship is provided to cover all costs.


This program is designed for individuals with a strong academic background. The scholarship is paid by the UK government at the expense of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and partner organizations. The program trains masters in one year. Upon completion of training, the person must return to his home country for at least 2 years. A person applying for participation in the program must have an academic degree at least equivalent to a UK upper-second class honors degree (2:1), a minimum of two years of work experience, which may include voluntary work and internships, be fluent in English, apply for three different courses of study and receive confirmation for at least one of them. This program provides free study abroad for Belarusians.

Global Education Program (Russia)

The Russian Federation has its own program, according to which every bachelor can receive free education abroad. For Russians, it is necessary to select a foreign university from the list provided, establish contact with representatives of this university, complete tests and send documents. After passing the selection process, an invitation to the program will be sent. The Global Education Commission will review the candidates and select the best. The ranking of universities participating in this program is extremely high. The vast majority of them are included in the Top 100 of the Academic Ranking of World Universities. After completing your education, you must return to Russia and work in your specialty for at least three years. Where is free study abroad for this program? The range of countries is wide: USA, Brazil, South Africa, Japan, China, Australia, South Korea, Taiwan. Specialists are trained at Yale, Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and other universities. The graduate receives a guarantee of employment in Russia for three years, which, coupled with the education received, will serve as a good impetus for his professional career. However, this program will stop recruiting participants in 2017.

Required language for studying abroad

Abroad, free education in English may not be provided for all undergraduate programs, but for most master's, postgraduate programs, and research training programs, English can be used for students and listeners of foreign universities. Free study abroad in English is provided for undergraduate and graduate programs in seven countries.

From preparation and submission of documents to interviews

The main documents required to participate in the grant competition are listed above. You need to carefully read the order of documents on the websites of the relevant programs, since an interview may not be conducted, and selection is carried out only on the basis of the submitted documents. Among other things, you need to compose a motivation letter, which should differ from the standard one and interest the organizers.

The last stage is an interview or interview, which is mainly conducted by large grant organizers. Here you need to reveal yourself from an advantageous position.


Thus, free study abroad can potentially be obtained by any persistent candidate. But it must be taken into account that it is very difficult to get a scholarship or win a grant for the entire duration of your studies. Competition for these types of incentives ranges from 40 to 60 people per place. Admission with a Russian certificate is not provided everywhere; transferring from a domestic university to a foreign one without losing years is almost impossible. The basis is the correct preparation and submission of documents; it is also important to present yourself correctly during the interview.

Free study abroad is possible if the foreigner has excellent knowledge of English or the language of the country where he is going to study. If your language knowledge is not ideal, then you can take advantage of various programs aimed at providing assistance and support to foreign students in learning English and the possibility of further admission to foreign universities.

Building of the University of Banking in Prague

Today, free study abroad is possible, however, you need to try very hard for this. And this does not mean at all that the student will receive education for nothing.

You will still have to fork out money for various textbooks, hostel fees, etc. Therefore, before going abroad to gain knowledge, you need to think carefully about everything and weigh your options.

You can go abroad to study on three grounds:

  1. While a student in your home state or after graduating from school.
  2. After studying several courses at my university.
  3. After graduating from your educational institution.

At what age should I send my child to study in another state?

You can, of course, study abroad from first grade if your parents don’t mind.

In general, the European school system consists of three levels:

That is, it is not necessary to send a 6-year-old child to Europe. He can study in his homeland until he is 8 or 12 years old and then go to a foreign country to gain knowledge.

Types of foreign schools

A child can study in Europe in one of the following schools, which his parents will choose based on the needs of their offspring:

Memo to parents sending their offspring abroad to study

To successfully send your children to study in foreign schools, it is important to remember the following recommendations:

Preparing to study at a US university

Studying in America for Ukrainians and Russians will seem difficult if they do not take the courses. During their visit, students study the subjects necessary so that in the future they can easily enter the desired faculty.

There is a special program for foreign children “Pathway Programs”.

The advantage of the program is that after its completion it is possible to enroll the applicant immediately into the third year of the university, provided that he reaches the required level of knowledge.

Master's degree in the USA: ways and advantages of admission

Studying abroad is attractive, and getting a master's degree in America means gaining prestige in the global labor market. If a person has an American master's degree, then he has the best chance of getting the profession he dreamed of.

master's studies in the USA

There are two ways to enroll in a master's program at a university in the United States:

  1. Directly. However, at the same time, a person must be confident in his abilities, impeccable knowledge of the English language, as well as academic preparation in a particular specialty.
  2. Through the international educational center. It is home to well-known colleges and universities that provide excellent support to international applicants. To enroll in a master's program, a person must take special courses that will help him easily become a master's student and study abroad at one of the best universities in the USA.

Advantages of studying abroad for a master's degree:

Free universities in Europe

Free education abroad is real, however, you need to know in which countries you can gain knowledge for free. In Germany, Denmark, France, the Czech Republic, Greece, Turkey, Austria and Italy you can study for free in a master's program. However, an important condition for children is an excellent knowledge of English upon admission; it will be even better to know the language of the country where you will study. Since not all public free universities provide training in English.

Free education abroad is a relative concept, since specifically education is free. But for auxiliary services, for example, for using books from the library or visiting the gym at the university, you need to pay. And such contributions can sometimes reach up to 300 euros per month.

Duration and process of studying at European universities

Studying abroad takes place according to the following scheme:

  • Bachelor's degree - 3–5 years;
  • Master's degree - 2-3 years;
  • Doctor of Science degree - 2 years.

Such unclear terms for obtaining knowledge depend on a particular specialty.

Studying abroad is different from studying in Russia or Ukraine. The day department there resembles our correspondence department. Russian people studying in Europe are surprised and touched by the fact that they independently choose the disciplines they want to learn, and then they themselves determine the timing of exams.

However, this is where all the advantages of studying abroad end. The “cons” begin, which are expressed as follows:

Studying abroad, in European countries, begins not in September, like here, but somewhere in mid-autumn, and ends in July.

Study in the Czech Republic

It is possible to enroll in one of the Czech universities for free, however, you need to know that education is free only if the foreigner knows the Czech language perfectly. Even the English language, not to mention Russian, does not provide an opportunity to enroll in free education.

Russian applicants who want to study in this country must come there and take preparatory courses, pass an exam, and only after successfully passing it can they have a chance to study abroad for free.

Study in Austria

And this country is loyal to foreign applicants. Here you can study for free and, ideally, knowing the language is not necessary. You can submit documents without a certificate of completion of preparatory courses.

Vienna University of Economics in Austria

That is, Ukrainians, Russians and citizens of other powers are admitted to the university without problems, given the opportunity to study German for two years, attend lectures and enjoy various benefits for students.

Education in Greece

One of the ideal options today for going to study for free in Europe is that you can enroll in many specialties without entrance exams.

The country to which children adapt best

Russian psychologists have repeatedly conducted studies, the results of which have made it clear that foreign children adapt best in Switzerland. And the whole point is that all the schools where Russian and Ukrainian schoolchildren study are international, and the children feel at home there. Unlike Germany or Italy, where the kids are “like strangers” to everyone.

Therefore, from a psychological point of view, if a father and mother are worried about the emotional state of their children, then it is better to choose Switzerland. However, it is worth considering that education here is the most expensive of all European countries.

University building in Zurich, Switzerland

American program for students “Global UGRAD”

It involves studying abroad as an exchange student. Thus, only full-time university students can study in the United States. The program extends throughout Europe, as well as Central Asia. Therefore, Russians and Ukrainians can also take the opportunity to try their luck by traveling to the US and taking advantage of this program.

A competition is held for children to participate in Global UGRAD, and the winners get the opportunity to study full-time for one year at one of the universities in the States.

The program is funded by the US authorities.

The program gives the participant the following privileges:

  • Assists in;
  • The cost of travel is reimbursed, in both directions;
  • The cost of tuition, meals, and dormitory accommodation is reimbursed;
  • A monthly stipend is provided.

Every year, many of our compatriots receive education abroad. Even more applicants dream of studying in good foreign universities, but they are afraid of the high price of education for foreigners. But we will prove that studying abroad for Russians can be free if several important nuances are observed, which we will also discuss in this article.

First of all, it is worth clarifying that by free education abroad we mean the educational process, that is, a foreigner does not pay only for studying at a university. But food, accommodation, educational materials, library services and other expenses are not included in the funding program. Therefore, before going to study abroad, you need to have some financial cushion for the entire period of study.

7 ways to study abroad for free

The main condition for studying abroad for Russians and other foreigners is knowledge of international English or the language of the state where they plan to study. If the level of language proficiency is insufficient to receive free, accessible education abroad, then it is worth taking advantage of special courses to prepare foreigners for admission to foreign educational institutions.

So, there are several ways a Russian can get foreign education for free. However, all these methods are in one way or another based on financial assistance from the state, private enterprise, educational institution, philanthropist, public organization, etc.

Here are 7 ways to get free education abroad:

  1. Grants for free study abroad 2018 or so-called social assistance to students from the state for the implementation of a professional project, educational expenses, courses, advanced training, training in summer or language schools, etc. The grant is issued in the form of an incentive for distinguished students , one time, but it is possible to get it again.
  2. Scholarship from a university or state. An outstanding student may be awarded a scholarship from a foreign university, which will cover the cost of study in whole or in part. To receive a scholarship, an applicant must write a good motivation letter and attach proof of his services to society. This could be creative, volunteer, scientific, sports activities or other achievements.
  3. Research Fellowship. Such an incentive, as a rule, is issued by an interested party - a private or public enterprise, a public foundation that needs a specialist in a specific field. The research scholarship is intended for those who have graduated from a university and intend to enroll in a master's program to carry out further research activities.
  4. Doctoral studies. Another type of education that can be paid for by an interested party is an institution or the state. Unlike a master's degree, a student, in addition to studying, will work as an assistant to a professor: teach introductory courses in the specialty, participate in research projects, etc. This is a good chance to gain tremendous experience.
  5. Global Education Program. The customer of this program is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The state pays for education in another country, but the student, after completing his studies, is obliged to return to Russia and work for three years at the enterprise that is assigned to him. Under this program, you can enroll in master's, graduate or doctoral studies abroad, and upon completion, get a job in the Russian Federation.
  6. American exchange program Global UGRAD. This program allows higher education institutions from Europe and Central Asia to exchange full-time students who wish to study in the United States. Selection for participation in the Global UGRAD program is carried out on a competitive basis.
  7. Au-Pair exchange program. This program allows Russian students to study as an exchange student not only in the USA, but in European countries for a period of 4 months to 1 year. Thanks to Au-Pairs, students have the opportunity to learn the language, get acquainted with the culture and work abroad for free. This program allows you to live with a foreign family and attend language courses, in return helping the “foster” family look after the children or run the household.

As you can see, there are many ways to study for free in another country, but before you start preparing for such a process, you need to think through everything carefully: how much you will have to spend on food, accommodation, transportation, what documents will be required, what level of language proficiency should be for admission to university.

Where can you go to learn Russian for free? — 10 countries

It’s worth noting right away that you can study abroad for free only at state universities, since only such universities provide free education for foreigners. In private educational institutions, tuition is paid. Unless there is a special agreement between a private Russian and foreign university for the free exchange of students, but this rarely happens.

Let's list which countries Russians can go to to study for free, and what requirements they put forward for admission:

  1. USA. Students who intend to enroll in American universities should know that it is impossible to do this without entrance exams. Mandatory testing for all applicants is the SAT exam to test knowledge of the school curriculum in grammar and mathematics. In addition, you must pass an English language proficiency test. At the same time, you can enroll in a “bachelor’s” program after graduating from school in Russia, and not after graduating from a Russian university.
  2. Canada. It is easy to enroll in Canadian universities immediately after finishing 11th grade, if, of course, the applicant studied well in his homeland. There are no entrance exams required for admission. If you have a certificate confirming your proficiency in English or French, then you do not need to take a language proficiency test either. When entering universities in Canada, they evaluate the certificate, giving preference to those applicants with high grades.
  3. Australia. If a Russian is fluent in English and has completed the first year of a Russian university, then he can go to study at an Australian university for free. The main thing is to confirm your knowledge of the language with a certificate or passing a language test. If the applicant has only graduated from school, then he will first have to undergo training at a zero preparatory course, after which he will receive a “bachelor’s” degree in 3 years. But during your studies in Australia you can get two specialties at once.
  4. Denmark. A country with a very high level of education, in which various exchange study programs are widespread. To enroll in free education in Denmark, you need a special agreement between universities, knowledge of the English language confirmed by a certificate, a certificate of secondary education, as well as a bank account statement to confirm the ability to pay for living in this country.
  5. Austria. Teaching is conducted in two languages ​​- English or German. You can enter Austrian universities without entrance tests, but you will still have to pass an exam on knowledge of one of the specified languages. If your language level is not sufficient to study at universities in Austria, then you can take a preparatory course in one academic year to improve your knowledge, get acquainted with the culture and easily enter university in a year.
  6. Germany. Training also takes place in German or English at the student’s choice, and no entrance exams are required. However, foreigners without higher education in their home country are not accepted into German universities. Foreigners must complete at least two university courses in their home country in order to enroll in the first year in Germany or complete one course at home in order to enroll in a preparatory course at a German university.
  7. Belgium. Another European country that allows Russians to receive foreign education. Teaching is conducted in English or French. There is no entrance test for knowledge of the school curriculum, but a language exam is required. The main advantage is that if you have good grades in your certificate, you can enroll immediately after graduating from school.
  8. Italy. Universities in this European country are open to foreign applicants who speak English or Italian. Admission is possible without exams and a language certificate, depending on the availability of higher education and specialty. But, as in Germany, you cannot enter Italian universities without completing at least 1-2 courses at a Russian higher education institution.
  9. France. Educational institutions can accept Russian applicants without exams immediately after they graduate from school. For admission, you only need a certificate with good grades, as well as a language certificate or a test in French or English.
  10. Finland. In this country, students can enter a higher education institution only after passing exams and language testing. Due to the fact that education is conducted either in English or Finnish, students who decide to enroll in a university in this country must demonstrate knowledge of the language. They are admitted to college without exams.

It is worth noting that educational institutions in Greece, the Czech Republic, Spain, China and other countries offer Russian students the opportunity to receive free education. But teaching in universities in this case is conducted in the language of the country in which it is located, i.e. Chinese, Czech, Spanish, and so on, and not in English. You can enter universities without passing exams immediately after graduating from school or after completing the first year of a Russian institute.

Elite education abroad

Studying abroad is now of interest to everyone who wants to receive an elite, prestigious education. What is elite education? As a rule, this is education at the highest level, which includes highly qualified teachers, high technological equipment and other criteria. Today we are discussing universities in Britain and the USA.

If you are interested in studying abroad, and would also like to master the English language perfectly, then prestigious universities and universities in the UK and USA are waiting for you! Let's consider the most prestigious foreign higher education institutions.

Welcome to Oxford!

If you are interested in UK universities, then we will talk about them now. Oxford University is one of the visiting cards of England. Oxford is one of the oldest institutions of higher education in Europe. This is one of the best universities in England, which has given the world about 50 Nobel laureates.

The history of this educational institution is amazing. It was originally a monastery, the first mention of which dates back to 912. In 1117, it was decided to found the first Oxford University in England, so that clergy could receive a more complete education. And only under King Henry II did Oxford become a real university town, where not only clergy, but also everyone could study.

In subsequent centuries, the kings of England poured resources into the development of the Oxford Abbey. Modern Oxford is not only an elite education, but also a whole complex of historical and cultural attractions.

In addition to the university itself, it includes Christ Church Colleges, the chapel of Oxford Cathedral, Magdalene College, a monument to the poet Shelley, the Bodleian Library, which contains 6 million books, the Ashmolean Museum, where you can see works by Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael, Rembrandt and other geniuses of painting. A botanical garden, an indoor market, several other museums, world-famous pubs - all this can be seen in the famous Oxford.

The Bodleian Library is worth a separate discussion. This book depository challenges the Vatican Library for the title of oldest in Europe. The founder of the Bodleian Library was Bishop Thomas de Cobham, who created a small collection of books and initially had to chain them to the wall to prevent the books from being stolen. Several centuries later, this book depository was taken under the wing of Sir Thomas Bodley, who turned it into a real library, for these purposes acquiring books from different countries, including Turkey and China.

As you can guess, this is not just a university, but an entire cultural town. It provides a wonderful opportunity to develop culturally and receive an excellent elite education.
Prestigious universities in the USA and England

If you are interested in Cambridge...

We continue to discuss universities in England, and our conversation about where you can get an elite education and what studying abroad is, and present to you another prestigious university in England. As you may have guessed, of course, this is Cambridge.

Cambridge, like Oxford, is one of the oldest university centers in Europe. There are 87 Nobel laureates associated with this university. In 1214, the basic university rules were drawn up in Cambridge. According to these rules, a rector and a program with final exams were appointed. Here they began to teach science, mathematics, philosophy, and logic. Oxford and Cambridge have a long history of rivalry with each other.

Cambridge includes 31 colleges, a university library, an observatory, and a laboratory. Educational and scientific activities are organized in several faculties, in different areas: oriental studies, English language, musicology, law, pedagogy, economics, etc.

The Cambridge Universal Library includes not only books, but also sheet music, manuscripts, drawings, and geographical maps. Every year its funds are replenished with copies of books and other materials. The library is open to both teachers and students.

If you are interested in an elite education at Cambridge, there are grants for international students that partially cover the cost of studying in England. So go for it!

You chose Harvard...

We move on to prestigious US universities. If you are interested in the Harvard educational institution in the USA, then this is also an excellent opportunity to receive an elite education. Harvard is not as ancient a university as the prestigious institutions of higher education in England, but the history of the United States itself is relatively new.

Harvard University was founded in 1636. It was originally a college and educated clergy. After the American Civil War, Harvard was transformed into a university. 8 US presidents graduated from this university, and 75 Nobel laureates were associated with it as its students or teachers.

Harvard University in the USA includes 10 faculties: the Faculty of Medicine, Theology, Dentistry, Business, Design, etc., as well as the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study.

It is worth noting that the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study provides scholarships on a competitive basis as part of its program in various fields of study. This program is designed for scientists working in various fields, as well as for people in creative professions, such as video graphic artists, film artists, sound and video designers, etc.

All these universities are prestigious world universities. And these are not just universities, but real cultural centers of the USA and England, where world-famous professors teach. Residents of England and the USA are very proud of their oldest educational institutions, which allow them to receive an elite education.

Studying abroad is a reality these days; The only question is the price of training. In any case, if you are interested in these prestigious universities and want to get an elite education, then go for it, you will succeed!

What is needed for admission to foreign universities?

Each foreign university has its own requirements for foreign applicants, but almost all of them are identical. Students from Russia can enroll in foreign universities by fulfilling the following requirements:

  1. You must provide a certificate confirming your graduation from school. This requirement is very important, since when accepting documents, the first thing that will be considered is the school leaving certificate.
  2. Documents containing exam results. You must provide Unified State Exam or State Examination certificates. The scores on these documents can significantly influence the decision the committee makes.
  3. In order to obtain a second higher education or apply for a master's or doctorate degree, you need a diploma from a Russian university.
  4. Knowledge of English. Since many universities teach in English, you need to know it. Basic knowledge of style, grammar, reading and spelling are all required to pass the test. For almost every university, one of the main points for admission is passing the TOEFL test, which is taken on a computer.
  5. Age also plays a big role in admissions. You must be at least 18 years of age.
  6. Passing entrance exams. Most often, universities admit students without exams, but in some American countries they may require passing the standard SAT exam. Also, instead of exams, an interview may be conducted by telephone or Skype.
  7. Those who want to enroll in a master's program must also be prepared to take a standardized exam.
  8. It is necessary to complete 1-2 courses at a Russian university. Many foreign universities may not accept you for the 1st year due to the fact that their school education system has 12 classes. In Russia it is different and therefore foreigners need to complete several courses at their native university to enter.

List of documents required for admission to universities abroad for free education:

  1. Certificate confirming receipt of secondary education.
  2. Diploma indicating receipt of higher education.
  3. Resume or autobiography in CV form.
  4. A copy of the diploma supplement or an extract from the transcript if the certificate of completion has not yet been received.
  5. Language certificate.
  6. Certificate of passing an exam or test.
  7. A questionnaire filled out in accordance with the requirements of the university. Some universities post it electronically on their website. It must be printed and submitted already completed in printed form.
  8. Recommendations from curators, teachers and the dean of the university. Their number is from 3 to 5.
  9. Motivation letter. Here you need to tell us what prompted you to enter this particular university and why you like their study program. It would be a good idea to talk about your achievements and hobbies; this will allow you to fully reveal your personality and will win over the members of the commission.

Each document is of great importance. If you do not provide any commission, you may not be admitted to the university.

Useful experience: how a Ukrainian entered 10 US universities

A real sensation in 2017 was Georgiy Solodko, a student at the Kyiv Financial and Legal Lyceum, who was able to enroll in 10 US universities at once. According to the student himself, he submitted documents to the 20 best American universities, but received a positive response from only half of them. Stanford and Harvard, among others, sent their proposals to George, but Solodko settled on the latter, where he is now studying with Obama’s daughter.

The Ukrainian student managed to receive a grant from Harvard University in the amount of 300 thousand dollars, which fully covers expenses not only for the entire period of study, but also for housing, food, transportation, etc. But air tickets for flights home, participation in various scientific conferences and Georgy pays for the educational materials himself.

At the moment, Solodko is the only Ukrainian at Harvard, but he assures that any Russian, Ukrainian or Armenian graduate can become a stent at this prestigious university. To do this, you need to study well in your homeland, know English, participate in the life of society, be persistent, friendly and have an active life position.

In addition, when applying to a foreign university, you need to provide academic recommendations from teachers, in which they describe the successes of their student, his hobbies, talk about his life position, academic performance and leadership qualities. Moreover, just a dry theory is not enough: it is necessary to reveal the personality of your ward using specific examples.

In addition to recommendations from teachers, you need to pass the SAT - the main exam for knowledge of English, mathematics and other school subjects, as well as TOEFL. The higher the scores obtained for these tests, and the higher the score on the certificate, the greater the chances of admission to an American university. Passing each exam costs an applicant approximately $100. You also need to pay about $20 to send your results to universities.

If the university management has any doubts about the applicant, he will be scheduled for an additional interview - an interview via Skype. During this conversation, you should follow the dress code: appear in decent clothes - trousers and a shirt or jacket. You shouldn't go through an interview in an old T-shirt and shorts while drinking tea.

According to Georgy Solodko, the entire process of preparing for admission to foreign universities took about a year. It took approximately three months to prepare for the tests. The path, of course, is long, but free study at a prestigious university is worth it!

Marina Mogilko also entered 5 US universities, two of which provided her with full funding for a master's degree and MBA. Today Marina provides information on how to prepare and complete documents for study programs at state universities and internships abroad.