South Goa – beaches, photos, reviews, basic information and our personal impressions. Goa white sand beaches

The beaches of South Goa are rightfully considered the best beaches in the state. Compared to the South Goan beaches, there are much fewer people; they are mainly chosen for recreation by families with children and older people.

It’s almost impossible to find parties like those on Arambol on the southern Goan beaches: everything closes here after 11 pm.

There are lifeguards on all beaches in South Goa. During strong waves, they drive along the beaches in jeeps and make sure that vacationers do not go further than waist-deep. In addition to waves, there is another danger in the sea - rip currents, so you should not listen to the rescuers and swim far into the sea.

Almost all the beaches of South Goa have white and very fine sand, like flour, that creaks under your feet like snow. Because of such fine sand, the beach strip is very dense and you can easily ride on it by bicycle (you can rent one at the entrance to the beach) and even by car (but this is only allowed to lifeguards).

The beaches of Velsao, Cansaulim, Arossim, Utorda, Majorda, Betalbatim, Colva, Sernabatim, Benaulim, Varca, Cavelossim, Mobor, Betul are one continuous 27-kilometer strip of sand, the beaches merge into one another, between the beaches there are deserted areas without sun loungers and shekov: here you can sunbathe on your towels if you want peace and tranquility.

According to our observations, in the first half of the day the sea in South Goa is calmer, there is practically no wind. After lunch, waves appear and the wind begins to be so strong that it blows away the umbrellas.

What are the best beaches in South Goa? In our article we will tell you in detail about each of them and mark all the beaches on the map.



Arossim Beach is a smooth continuation of Cansaulim. It is not clear why the beaches of Cansaulim and Arossim have different names: there is only one village near these beaches. The beaches are no different: the same sparsely populated areas, fishing boats, there are several sheks on the beach.


Compared to previous beaches, Utorda Beach is quite lively. There are many hotels here, including several hotels where package tourists are brought. However, the beach is quite uncrowded and calm. There are many cafes and beach chairs on the beach. The beach strip is wide, the sand is light and fine.


Continuation of Utorda beach, there is no difference between the beaches. Geographically, the Majorda settlement area includes the beaches of Utorda, Majorda, Betalbatim and Colva. But the last Colva has become many times more popular among tourists than Majorda itself, so Majorba Beach is not crowded today. However, there are quite a few sheks on the beach, and in the village there are hotels (including 5-star ones). The sand, as throughout this 30-kilometer zone, is light, fine and creaky, like snow.


Betalbatim is a very tiny village. There is no such developed infrastructure as in Colva or Majorda, but these neighboring villages in Betalbatim can be reached in just 20 minutes along the beach. Instead of palm trees, the coast of Betalbatim is decorated with pine trees.

They write that it is from this beach that you can sometimes see dolphins swimming quite close to the shore, but we have never seen them. Local fishermen can offer those interested boat trips along the coast to the dolphin habitats.

Betalbatim Beach has several beach shacks, but otherwise it is quite deserted. Suitable for a calm, measured holiday. The northern part of Betalbatim has its own name - Sunset beach.


Only we

In the morning there are no people at all on Varka, but by sunset people appear here (mostly Indians) and even one beach attraction was spotted - a parachute.

Other photos of Varca beach:


Cavelossim Beach is the most prestigious beach in South Goa. In terms of its liveliness and infrastructure, it resembles Colva, but in comparison everything here is more fashionable. Cavelossim even has its own shopping center.

The beach has a large hotel area, most hotels are expensive.

Many famous five-star hotels are located here. For example, Leela Goa Beach Resort, where Putin lived during the BRICS congress in South Goa. The BRICS itself was held in another 5-star hotel in Benaulim - Taj Exotica. In addition to these, Benaulim also houses hotels of the global chains Radisson Blue and Holiday Inn.

The village also has its own Catholic church, Holy Cross Church.

The central part of Cavelossim beach is very crowded; the majority of vacationers are Russian-speaking tourists who come on package tours. Unlike Colva, there are no Indians vacationing on Cavelossim.

The area of ​​Cavelossim beach is quite long - about 10 km. Instead of palm trees, coniferous trees grow on the beach.

In the central part there are many beach cafes, mostly with Russian signs and menus. Each cafe has a beach shower and toilet.

There is a very wide list of beach activities, prices for them:

If you move away from the central part to the left or right, you can get to deserted areas of the beach, without sun loungers and checkers.

Other photos of Cavelossim beach:


Mobor Beach is a continuation of Cavelossim Beach; in fact, it is simply its southernmost part. If those who want a quiet, measured holiday without parties stay in the village of Cavelossim, then those who want a fun and party nightlife stay in the village of Mobor.

Mobor is home to the Party Zone club at the Holiday Inn Resort: it is considered to host the best discos in South Goa.

The beach itself is the same as in Kaveossima: snow-white fine sand, palm trees. The mouth of the Sol River is located on this beach: the river goes around the entire Mobor beach and flows into the sea. The beach is also distinguished by picturesque lakes with lotuses.

Here, as on Cavelossim, vacationers are offered a lot of entertainment: boat trips, fishing, parasailing, cycling, etc.


A natural extension of Mobor beach. The last beach of the 27-kilometer stretch of beach starting just behind the airport. It is famous for its fishing port, where boats and trawlers bring their catch. A fishing village that consists mainly of small huts of fishermen and their families.

There are few hotels in Betul, the most famous of which is Bamboo House Goa: the on-site Blue Whale restaurant offers a wide selection of locally caught seafood dishes.

The beach is very uncrowded and picturesque.

On the way from Cavelossim to the next beach, Kolu, we highly recommend stopping by the Barady Church, which is located near the village of Betul. The cross at the chapel is considered miraculous and healing from illnesses.

From here you can see a very beautiful view of the palm plantations and the Sal River flowing into the sea.

Other photos from the observation deck near the Baradi Church:

Baradi Chapel on the map:


12 km from the crowded Cavelossim is the wild Kanaguinim Beach. Small. an incredibly picturesque beach, hidden from prying eyes by rocks covered with greenery. Swimming on the beach is difficult due to the large number of stones protruding from the sea.

There is no tourist infrastructure on this beach: there are no sheks, merchants, or beach shops. Accommodation can only be found in the village of Kanaguinim, located 1 km from the beach: but this will only be a room in a private house, since there are no hotels here either.

Most often, those who come here just for 1 day are those who want to stay on a wild deserted beach without people and civilization.


Definitely the most heavenly beach in all of Goa. It is located between Cavelossim and Agonda, but is surrounded on all sides by rocks, which is why it can only be reached along a single road of terrible quality. The beach is accessible only 6 months a year. During the rainy seasons, this dilapidated road is washed away and it is simply impossible to get to the beach.

There is no infrastructure on Kola, except for the only cafe at the entrance to the beach.

The only hotels here are bungalow huts; there are quite a lot of them here. Room prices start from 3,000 rupees per night. We especially liked these houses on the mountain:

Kola Beach consists of three parts: the first is the most “crowded” (although it is, of course, wrong to call a beach with a couple of dozen people crowded), it is limited on both sides by boulders that can be easily overcome. The sand on the first part of the Cola is of an unusual black color, and the grains of sand themselves are large.

On the second part of the beach there are smaller houses, and there are only a couple of people on the beach. The sand here is coarse, mostly dark yellow in color with small black sandy areas. The second piece of Kola beach is also limited by huge boulders.

The third part of the beach is the emptiest. There are two hotels here, which offer an unusual type of accommodation - tents

  • Cola Beach Sunset Bay Hotel. Cost of 1 night in a tent 6500 rupees for double occupancy.
  • Cola Beach Exclusive Tented Resort Hotel. Cost of 1 night in a tent 5700 rupees for double occupancy.

There are sun loungers in front of the tents, but we didn’t notice any people.

The coarse sand here is completely yellow, there is no black sand.

this piece of beach is so deserted that you can try the famous Goan beach yoga (if you are embarrassed to do it in crowded Colva, for example):

Kola Beach ends with a beautiful green mountain with palm trees, when you look at it you immediately remember Andrei Mironov’s song “All covered with greenery, absolutely all, there is an island of bad luck in the ocean...”

We absolutely loved Cola Beach. However, it is not safe to swim in the waves here due to the boulders that stick out from the water along the entire beach. And yet, if you rank the best beaches in South Goa, then Kola will definitely top this list.

Other photos of Cola Beach:


The village of Agona is very lively; along the coast there is a long beach street with many shops and cafes, from which you can go to the beach anywhere.

The entire Agonda beach is a wide strip of sand and a wide variety of beach houses and hotels. The length of the beach is about 2.5 km.

Of the vacationers here, there are more Indians and Europeans, there are very few Russians, unlike Colva, Benaulim, Cavelossim and Palolem. The beach is quiet and calm, but it cannot be called uncrowded.

In addition to many cozy hotels, there are also a large number of restaurants on the beach.

The sand on Agonda is quite fine, dark yellow in color, mixed with black sand.

In the southern part of the beach there are huge picturesque boulders protruding from the sea.

The beach ends with a mountain jutting into the sea.

Other photos of Agonda beach:


Butterfly Beach is an inaccessible, wild beach in South Goa. The length of the beach is only about 100 meters, there is absolutely nothing and no one on it (except for the same as you, possible tourists who came here by boat).

It is believed that you can only get there by sea, from the beaches of Agonda or Palolem (the cost of renting a boat is from 800 to 1100 rupees in both directions). You can also rent a kayak (there is such a service on Palolem beach), you will have to row for about 40 minutes (2.5 km by sea).

In fact, it is possible to get to Butterfly Beach by land, but it is a very bad road, in some places just a pile of stones. During the rainy season this road does not exist at all; it is flooded. It is quite dangerous to cross this road on a bike, and it is completely impossible by car; the safest thing is to walk.


- a paradise beach with the famous palm trees reaching out to the water. But it is not at all like the one it is called in the guidebooks. Today Palolem has a very developed infrastructure and a fairly crowded beach.

The beach is located in a quiet bay, thanks to which it is protected from wind and waves.

Along the entire beach there are a wide variety of houses, the distinctive feature of which is that they are all built on stilts (unlike the Agonda houses). Also along the entire beach there are numerous beach cafes - shekis.

Snow-white crispy sand, calm blue sea, paradise beach bungalows “on legs” - that’s what Palolem means.

The southern part of the beach is the most crowded and noisy; the sand strip here is quite narrow. In the northern part, on the contrary, there are noticeably fewer people and a very wide sandy strip.

Southern part of Palolem: narrow strip of sand, close to the sheks

Wide beach of northern Palolem

If you are lucky, you will be able to watch the dolphins living near the beach.

Palolem Beach offers numerous entertainments: parasailing, boat trips, water skiing. It is also possible to rent a kayak here, the cost of 1 hour is 200 rupees.

Other photos of Palolem beach:


A remote beach of South Goa, located with a small horseshoe-shaped bay. Suitable for a quiet, secluded holiday. The beach is very picturesque: golden soft sand and black boulders on the beach and in the water.

On the beach there are several beach cafes and small bungalow houses. There is a fairly well-known eco-complex Bhakti Kutir here, where you can rent a house made exclusively from eco-friendly local materials and where you will be offered organic food.

You can also stay in a more substantial hotel in a village located near the beach.

Colomb Beach has its own attraction - a rock called the Drum of the Pandavas (heroes of Indian legends, warrior brothers). It is believed that if you throw a stone at a rock and hit a certain place, you can hear the sound of a drum.

You can reach Colombes beach on foot from the neighboring Palolem beach (you can also go there by boat). You can also take a bus that goes from Palolem.


Putnam Beach is an improved version of Palolem. Here is the same paradise beach with golden sand and good infrastructure, but many times fewer people. Due to its location in a small bay, there are no big waves on Patnem, so this beach is often chosen by families with children.

The length of the beach is about 1 km. On both sides, Patnem ends with rocky headlands. Among the trees in Patnem, you can find both palms and pine trees.

There is a small street along the beach where there are various shops selling clothes, souvenirs, and fruit. There are many beach cafes on the beach itself.

Not far from the beach is Canacona, the main city of this region. There are shops, ATMs and other amenities of civilization.

There are beach bungalows on the beach itself. There are also quite a few hotels in Canacona.

On the northern part of the beach is the Harmonica healing center, which offers a wide variety of wellness treatments and practices (including yoga and reiki).

Rajbagh (Raj Baga)

A sparsely populated and picturesque beach about 1 km long. The entire area behind the beach is occupied by a huge luxury hotel The LaLiT Golf & Spa Resort Goa, so mainly its guests relax on Rajbagh. There are no other hotels or any accommodation on Rajbagh.

Five star Lalit Hotel on Rajbagh Beach

There is only 1 beach cafe on Rajbagh and no vendors.

You can get to Rajbagh on foot from the nearby Patnem Beach (not along the shore), or by kayak rented in Palolem (but it will be a rather difficult swim).

At the southern end of the beach, a fairly deep Talpon river flows into the sea, which separates Rajbagh Beach from the next Talpon beach.


Quiet, secluded, heavenly beach due to its remote location. There are practically no people here; at certain times you will be the only visitors to this shore.

Despite its desolation, Talpon still has several beach cafes with low prices.

You can rent a hut on the shore, and there is also some accommodation in the village near the beach.

Galjibaga (Turtle Beach)

Galjibaga Beach is considered to be the secret beach of South Goa. Indeed, few people know about him. Several kilometers of clean sand, a pine grove instead of palm trees and no sun loungers on the beach.

Galjibaga is famous among Goan regulars as one of the few places in Goa where you can eat the freshest oysters cheaply. We got a portion of fresh oysters with lime there for only 200 rupees for a portion of 7 oysters.

A deserted and heavenly beach, very similar to our beloved Paradise Beach, which is located in the state of Maharashtra, not far from the Arambol beach of North Goa. In the pine grove, which begins after the sand, there are several cafes that serve fresh seafood. There is no other infrastructure on the beach.

Galdzhibaga is also famous for the fact that there is a turtle nursery on this beach. They say that some turtles lay their eggs directly on the sand, but they do not come ashore during the day, only at night.


This is the last beach of South Goa, immediately after which another Indian state begins - Karnataka. The field scourge is a crescent-shaped sandy strip approximately 700 meters long. Palm trees mixed with pine trees grow along the sandy strip. On both sides the beach is fenced with green capes jutting into the sea.

The beach by the field is completely deserted; few people and rarely ever reach the farthest beach of Goa. Mostly local fishermen live here, but there are also several beach cafes. Also, for those who want to spend a longer time on the paradise deserted beach, there are several bamboo huts on the beach that can be rented for only 200 rupees per night.

You can get to Polem by bus, which comes from Margao or Panaji (you will have to walk about 1.5 km from the highway through rice fields), as well as by auto-rickshaw, taxi, rented bike or rented boat (you will need to agree with the owner of the boat when you will need to be taken back).

Goa is a small Indian state that is famous for its relaxed lifestyle and 101 kilometers of tropical beaches. Having visited Goa several times, I am often asked, what are the best beaches in Goa, and what to choose: North or South Goa?

This question cannot be answered because in fact, each beach in Goa has its own atmosphere and attracts different types of travelers. Therefore, you need to find the best beach in Goa just for you, based on your needs.

North and South Goa differences

One of the first things you need to decide when planning a trip to Goa is whether to choose North Goa or South Goa, which is better and what are the differences between these two tourism destinations. Generally speaking, South Goa is quieter and less developed, while North Goa is bustling and youthful. IN North Goa there are better nightclubs, restaurants, markets, shopping and a greater range of entertainment to suit any budget.

South Goa better, cleaner and calmer. There are also beaches and mostly luxury hotels. Here and there in South Goa you can find parties, but, as a rule, retirees relax there. It is quite easy to visit the nearby beaches and towns between North Goa and South Goa. If you have a scooter, then getting around is quite simple. Traveling from North Goa to South Goa and vice versa every day is tiring. But you can, for example, spend one week in North Goa and one week in South Goa.

Therefore, the answer to the question: “What is the best beach in Goa, and also which Goa is better: North or South?” depends on what you are looking for. Here's my opinion.

The most beautiful beach in Goa

Best beaches in Goa for family holidays

Ashvem, Mandrem are the best beaches of North Goa, where there are few Indians, wide expanses of sand and inflated prices. These places have been chosen by Russian winterers and tourists, and this is no coincidence. It is beautiful, luxurious, there are many good restaurants, Russian shops, and Indians have completely forgotten how to bargain, spoiled by the broad soul of Russian tourists.

And - noisy, crowded beaches with shallow entry into the water are always popular both among local residents and among foreign families. These most popular beaches in Goa offer a wide range of services, accommodation options and restaurants to suit every taste and budget, as well as the widest range of shopping, water sports, excursions, entertainment and nightlife.

– a beach close to other beaches – Baga and Calangute. It's just as good as its neighbors, with a good selection of hotels but a more relaxed atmosphere, with easy access to everywhere.

Utorda – good beaches, clean and quiet. Majorda is cleaner and nicer, but more crowded beach. There are also several luxury hotels as well as affordable beachfront accommodations.

– probably the busiest beach in South Goa, there are many Indian families and a wide range of hotels, water sports, cafes and restaurants, but there is no nightlife like in Baga and Calangute, and the mesmerizing atmosphere of Palolem.

So these were best beaches in goa for different categories of tourists. We have looked at North and South Goa, it’s up to you to choose which one suits you best. If you have never been to Goa, then I advise you to visit North Goa first. And you can go to Yuzhny in old age.

The beaches of southern Goa are slightly different from the beaches of northern Goa, and therefore many tourists are interested in the question of where to go as a couple, with children, or where it is better for older people to go on vacation so that their vacation is complete and unforgettable. We will now consider the description of the beaches of the south and north.

Beaches of South Goa

South Region is the most quiet and calm and, accordingly, the beaches here are the most beautiful, clean and the best. Let's look at the most popular beaches in south Goa. The beach season begins in November, and resort hotels begin to fill with tourists. You can get to many beaches by city bus.

Cola is an isolated and calm beach, which is divided in the middle by a cape. There is an indescribably beautiful fresh lake and beautiful natural views. You can rent a thatched hut at this beach.

Neighboring Agonda beach has more options for renting bungalows, although it is inferior to Kolya in terms of quality of relaxation. This is a three-kilometer long white sand beach, surrounded by palm trees and several restaurants.

Palolem is one of the best and most beautiful beaches in Goa. Here you will find snow-white sand, many bars and restaurants. Just a few years ago this beach was sparsely populated, but now there are many shacks here, and you can also rent a room for relaxation. Here you can go fishing and admire the frolicking dolphins.

Colva is the main tourist center, although there are slightly fewer tourists here than in Calangute. This is a fairly well-known resort, dotted with colonial-style villas and small fishermen's houses. It is safe to swim here and that is why many come here with children.

Cavelossim is a small resort town located between the Indian Ocean and the Sal River. Wealthy tourists from Europe relax here, preferring a high level of comfort and a certain degree of privacy. Hotels here have their own beach, which is rented from the state.

Cooking is a small village with a white Catholic church, upscale hotels and small shops. This beach has a wide coastline, white sand and clear sea. There are also no rocks or pitfalls here, which makes for an excellent beach holiday. Here you will not find nightclubs or discos, so you can diversify your holiday with the help of health and beauty treatments offered by the resort's all-inclusive hotels.

Benaulim located 7 km from Margao and 2 km from Colva. This beach is popular among those who love small cozy cafes and shady alleys. Dolphins here swim close to the shore. You can rent scooters and bicycles on the beach.

Beaches of North Goa

Calangute is a small town in the north of Goa, one of the most popular resorts and the former capital of the “hippies”. It is quite fun and noisy here during peak hours, so few people choose this beach for children's holidays. There are also a lot of diverse people here, who gather in large groups near the sea.

Morjim also called the “Russian settlement”, since about 80% of vacationers are Russian tourists. Indian traders know a lot of Russian words, which help them sell their souvenirs. There are even Russian restaurants here with dumplings, borscht and pancakes. Also on the beach there are many Russian guesthouses, schools of yoga, Ayurveda, restaurants and even kindergartens for Russian children. Hotels offer a variety of services, including an all-inclusive system.

Mandrem is a small beautiful village located between two beaches, Ashvem and Arambol, which are among the best on the northern coast of Goa. It has everything you need for a relaxing and relaxing holiday, from a white sand beach and clear sea to upscale hotels. Many couples with small children vacation in Mandrem, as the wide coastal strip and convenient descent into the sea make children’s holidays enjoyable and fulfilling.

Ashvem can be called one of the least crowded beaches in Goa, so its rare tourists can thoroughly enjoy the silence and clean beaches with fine yellow sand. There are no rocks here like on other beaches, but the large boulders that lie on the very shore of the sea add picturesqueness.

Arambol is the largest and most suitable village for tourism. Mostly savages like junkies, hippies, trancers and freaks like to relax here. During the daytime, they fly kites, ride boats and kites, and in the evenings practice yoga and meditate. During high season it gets quite crowded. The wide coastline and green palm groves create an excellent atmosphere for relaxation.

Candolim attracts tourists with its respectability, quiet and relaxing holiday. Its structure is more similar to the beaches of the south. There are even two luxury hotels of the Taj Group built here. The disadvantage of the beach is the very steep descent to the sea.

Baga is a small beautiful beach with several hotels. There is even a river called Baga, where kids love to swim. Recently, a Saturday evening market began to be organized in Baga.

Anjuna- This is a large center of cultural life in Goa, where the best nightclubs such as Paradise and Dolce Vita are open. Here is the busiest beach with clean white sand, and on Wednesdays the most famous flea market in the resort is open, where you can buy a variety of Indian souvenirs.

Vagator, which is located next to Anjuna, is not so noisy and party-oriented, but you still won’t be bored there.

Betalbatim is a beach that is surrounded by pine trees and located 2 kilometers from Majorda. There are several restaurants and inexpensive guesthouses here.

Arpora is a respectable and calm resort, which is famous for its beautiful beaches with the atmosphere of pristine, untouched nature. White sand and warm waves of the sea combined with coconut palms create a real fairy tale called “The Bounty”.

If you want to visit many interesting places (Jaipur, Delhi and Agra), then the Golden Triangle tour will give you this opportunity.

You can see all the beaches of Goa on the map on our website, and usually a complete map of the beaches is always located in any of the resort hotels. There are also nudist beaches in Goa, which you can find out about on the beach map.

Conventionally, the beaches of Goa can be divided into two parts: northern and southern.

The beaches in north Goa extend for 30 km from Fort Aguada to Arambol and border Maharastra. There are not many historical attractions here: the capital of Goa Panajim, the towns of Vasco da Gama and Old Goa, the Basilica of Bom Jesus, Arambol, Fort Aguada and, of course, the beaches.

Many years ago, this region became the capital of the Portuguese Empire in the East and the mistress of the sea from the Cape of Good Hope to the China Sea. In 1962, Goa got rid of Spanish domination and gained independence.

The beaches of Goa in the northern part are considered the best coast of India. Life, parties and fun reign here. This is the land of festivals!

Anjuna Beach is a wide strip of beautiful sand with coconut groves. This region is favored by hikers who enjoy the picturesque views. Lovers of cheap trinkets and exclusive items from all over Goa also come here - every Wednesday a flea market opens right under the canopy of coconut trees.

- This is sand interspersed with basalt rocks. There is never a rush from tourists here. Not far from the shore you can find a freshwater lake and several springs with water containing hydrogen sulfide.

Calangute and Baga Beach- these are favorite hangout spots for hippies who come here to take part in various mass trances. These two beaches are considered inseparable twin brothers.

If you get tired of lying on the beach, be sure to visit the capital of Goa Panjim and the town of Old Goa. Here you can see a large number of attractions that the Portuguese left behind.

This region has a huge number of cozy hotels and houses for tourists.

The beaches of South Goa extend from Bogmalo to Palolem Beach. They are as picturesque as the coast of North Goa, but quieter and more peaceful. Ideal for tourists who want to escape the noise of big cities and the bustle of the modern world. Here you will not hear echoes of the noisy parties common in North Goa, and you will not see vibrant crowds of tourists. But on the southern coast of Goa you will connect with nature and understand that there is an Absolute.

The main beaches in south Goa are…

- This is the most famous beach on the south coast. It is located near Marg. Everything is done here for tourists: market, restaurants, shops, souvenir shops and much more.

is located 2 kilometers from Kolva. This is a great holiday destination for tourists who want to save money on their vacation. The village of Benaulim happily welcomes all guests for a fairly reasonable fee. This area is considered a fishing settlement. In addition, local residents are engaged in the cultivation of rice and coconut trees. In Benaulim you can stay in small guest houses.

Microscopic Bogmalo beach became famous when the five-star Oberoi Group hotel opened here. Now this beach has become a real tourist center in South Goa.

Famous for its picturesque cliffs, with coconut palms in the background, and idyllic landscapes. In the village near the beach you can visit several cozy cafes and souvenir shops.

is located two kilometers from Benaulim beach. Here you will hardly find tourists; Varca Beach is a quiet place that is perfect for enjoying nature and the sea.

You can watch the life of dolphins in the wild at Cavelossim beach. Here you can also find amazing shells, stroll along the beautiful coast, ride catamarans and kayaks and simply forget about the bustle of the world around you.

It is the wildest beach on the southern coast of Goa. Do you want to escape from civilization? Then come to this beach. Here you can also see the ruins of Fort Kobe de Rama.

Tiny resort of South Goa – Benawali beach with many inexpensive hotels and excellent restaurants, the menu of which is dominated by various seafood. This is an ideal place for a family holiday.

The beaches of South Goa have not yet been touched by tourists; there is no noise, crowds of vacationers, crowded hotels and restaurants. Here you can take a break from the hustle and bustle and find unity with nature.

Goa is a state in India, popular for holidays and wintering among tourists and travelers from the CIS countries. The length of the coastline is about 100 km. The coast is washed by the Arabian Sea.

Along this distance along the sea there are resort towns, each of which has its own characteristics.

The beaches of Goa can be divided into three parts: north Goa for backpackers and winterers, north Goa for package tourists and south Goa (the clean, civil and calm part of the state).

North Goa for backpackers

Beaches in the north of Goa (Arambol, Mandrem, Morjim) are considered the cheapest and are popular among winterers and backpackers. Accommodation is presented in the form of bungalows on the seashore or simple rooms in guesthouses.

Creative people come here (including hippies, freaks and homeless Rastafarians), as well as people seeking, raw foodists and drinkers. First of all, for the sake of the atmosphere and party, and only then for the sake of a beach holiday.


65 km from Dabolim Airport.

Arambol is the most popular village in Goa, where mainly Russian-speaking winterers, photographers, dancers, fire-swallowers, yogis and other citizens not burdened with work go.

Why go to Arambol?

  • To meet the man of your dreams. I know several successful stories when people met in Arambol and have been traveling together since then.
  • A party of like-minded people?! People in Arambol gather different, so everyone will find a suitable company. I found three Spaniards at Royal enfieds
  • A wide range of entertainment (from yoga, qigong dancing, painting to smoking mushrooms)
  • Nice wide beaches. There is no shade in Arambol, but you can rent a sun lounger and hide under an umbrella.
  • Cheap accommodation and entertainment

Cons of Arambol

  • Dirt and cow poop. In the south of Goa there is less of this goodness.
  • There are many people, including various stoners and quiet alcoholics, who drunkenly drive around the streets in Royal Enfields, not paying attention to pedestrians.

More details about Arambol will be discussed in a separate article. Using this link you can book a decent hotel in Arambol for the first couple of days until you find more suitable accommodation.

Beaches around Arambol
Main beach in Arambol
Sunsets in Arambol
Large banyan tree and smoking woman in Armabol


62 km north from Dabolim Airport.

Madrem begins immediately after Arambol. I like the sea at Madrem better. Mostly families with small children and lovers of a more relaxing holiday live here.

Beaches of Mandrem
Surfers on Mandrem



Russian beach in North Goa. There is a market where you can buy food, souvenirs and clothes. Chapora Fort is also located there. In winter you can go kitesurfing. The wind in Morjim blows from January to February.

North Goa for package travelers (Baga, Calangute, Candolim)

If you buy a package tour to Goa, you will most likely be sent to the north of Goa to the beaches of Baga, Calangute, and Candolim. They are distinguished by the highest prices (one and a half times higher than in Arambol) and a large number of tourists who came to take a vacation for a couple of weeks.

Prices for package tours to India ↓↓

The water in the sea is not the cleanest; the coastline is filled with sun loungers. Most cafes speak Russian. There are discos, bars, restaurants, ATMs, supermarkets.

If you don’t like crowded tourist towns, but want to save money, you can buy a ticket to one of the popular resorts, but not live in a hotel all the time, but travel to other beaches on a scooter or bus.

Trips to India, which include charter tickets and a modest hotel, are sometimes cheaper than regular flights to Goa, but no one forces you to live in the purchased hotel all the time.


Baga is an Indian analogue of the coastal resorts of southern Russia. Hundreds of hotels, thousands of sunbeds, music, cafes, restaurants and people lying on top of each other.

Here you can ride a banana boat, ride a jet ski, or fly with a parachute over the sea. This is a resort with ATMs, cafes, and entertainment. The “civilized” part of Goa begins with Baga.


Calangute is a busy resort with all that it implies. Here you will find water attractions, shops with branded clothing, supermarkets, fast food establishments, a large number of hotels and sheks.

Intrusive Indians walk along the shore offering to buy a bracelet/pareo/watermelon and other necessary items. Everything is very fussy and obviously not for everyone. The contingent consists of package tourists from Russia and the UK, and there are also a lot of locals.


Candolim starts immediately after Calangute. This is the most popular resort for package tourists from Russia and the UK, who come to Goa for 1-2 weeks and stay in 2-3* hotels, so in cafes and restaurants on the shore they speak English and Russian.

Prices in establishments are 30-40 percent higher than in Arambol. Near the beach you can visit Fort Aguada, built 100 years ago. Candolim is located 40 km north of Dabolim Airport.

Candolim Beach

Sun loungers on Candolim beach
Sea at Baga beach

South Goa

South Goa beaches - all the beaches south of Panaji (the state capital). These include Benolim, Carmona, Varka, Fatrade, Agonda, Palolem, etc. For a short-term holiday at sea in India (1-2 weeks), it makes sense to choose the south of the state.

It is cleaner here than in the north of the state, and in the south there are most comfortable hotels with stars and a more or less decent level of service. You can meet tourists from other countries there, because the north of Goa is mainly chosen by travelers from Russia. I personally like the southern beaches better.


There are a large number of guest houses and inexpensive hotels in Benaulim, but most often they are 100% occupied. It is popular for relaxation among pensioners from Europe; there are also Russian tourists of all ages. There is Internet (mobile Idea, a little worse - Vodafone)


Located near the village of the same name Varka. One of the widest and least crowded beaches in south Goa. Smoothly transitions into Fatrade.


Fatrad is one of my favorite beaches in South Goa. There are several sheks on the coast, but the coast is mostly deserted. The sand is white, the beach is wide, the ocean is clean, sun loungers are installed in some places near the sheks. To lie down, you need to order something in a cafe. There is no natural shadow.

The downside of Varka and Fatraida beaches for budget travelers is that there is no cheap accommodation there. You can rent a house in the village of Varka, but to the sea you will have to ride a bike for 10-15 minutes.

Housing that is within walking distance from the sea is mainly condominiums and large, expensive apartments; there is no housing on the shore. There are hotels near the sea costing from 1600 rupees (Kolonia jose), there were also hotels for 1500 and 3500 rupees.

Varca and Fatrade beaches
Mud is also found in the south of Goa, but there is less of it than in the north
Cafe on Fatrade beach


Agonda is located in the south of Goa, 72 km from Dabolim Airport. Suitable for those who are not looking for parties and entertainment. There are a lot of people there. Mainly those who prefer a quiet, relaxed holiday. There are many bungalows and sheks along the coast. Prices are higher than in neighboring Palolem.


The southernmost beach of Goa. In many sources it is listed as heavenly. Of all the variety of resorts in Goa, I liked Palolem the most. I lived there for 8 days in a bungalow three steps from the sea. The bungalow cost 600 rupees per day and was distinguished by the presence of high-speed Internet and a pleasant small terrace.

The contingent on Palolem is European youth (mostly backpackers), there are tourists from Russia, but there are few of them. Nightlife is poorly developed, but during the day there are a lot of people on sun loungers, cafes are packed with vacationers. Palolem is crowded, but somehow especially fun. There are almost no hippie freaks.