Spring equinox: fortune telling, ceremonies, rituals. Magic and rituals on the day of the spring equinox

Ritual on the day of the spring equinox

On the day of the vernal equinox— The arrival of Spring and the return of life is a special holiday. This is the time to leave the past behind and prepare for the future. Remember all the failures that have happened, all your conflicts, all your problems - extract the maximum experience from all the troubles and leave them behind you. Throw this burden off your shoulders and continue walking lightly.

The time when you should realize your wildest dreams. This is a time of miracles and a time of magic.
Much can be changed and redirected, the wheel of fate itself can be turned in the other direction.

Spring Equinox Festival is a celebration of balance and balance, first of all, within yourself. This is the moment when the length of night and darkness, which in many traditions represents evil or dying, begins to give way to the length of day and light, associated with goodness and rebirth.

In this regard, I would like to offer you:

Ritual for the Astronomical New Year

During this ritual, nature itself favors you when the length of the day (Sunlight time) begins to increase. When celebrating this holiday, you should throw away everything old, unused and outdated, and acquire new ones; this can be not only things, but also habits, feelings, thoughts. Of course, we are talking only about plans, desires and intentions that concern you and do not harm others.
Preparatory stage: Clearly write three wishes for what you would like to get rid of on one piece of paper, and then three wishes for what you would like to acquire on another piece of paper.

Start with: “I...(my name) make the decision and obligation to get rid of...” , moreover, realize that first you need to “throw away” the unnecessary to make room for the new.

Start your entries on the second sheet with the words: “I... (my name) make decisions to purchase...”. Before you write, meditate on whether you are ready to accept the changes that following your own decisions will bring about.
Place the sheets of notes in the most sacred place in your home, on the altar, near the icon before performing the ritual itself.
Choose the color of the three candles depending on your wishes written down on paper about what you would like to purchase. If you can’t decide on the color for some desire, then take a white candle.

I would like to write a few words about the white candle. The white color of the candle serves for any type of protection and cleanses from any kind of negative energy. He helps in every area of ​​life. White candles are used especially when it is not known exactly what is threatening or what area of ​​life is being negatively affected.

For the ritual you need to prepare:

- a white candle to enhance desires to get rid of unnecessary things and three more candles of the chosen color (white can also be used) to enhance desires to acquire something;

- essential oil of juniper, myrrh or frankincense or incense from juniper, myrrh or frankincense;

- sheets with desires and intentions written on them, what you would like to buy and what you would like to get rid of.

Performing the ritual:

Take a shower and dress in clean clothes. Warn everyone in your family not to be disturbed during the ritual. Take the place where you will perform the ritual, relax, try to free your head from thoughts and begin performing the ritual.
Lubricate all four candles with the existing essential oil and rub the oil over the surface.

If there is no essential oil, then light the chosen incense. Place a white candle to strengthen the wishes of deliverance first, and then three candles for wishes to acquire what you want in a row from left to right in the order in which your desires for acquisition are arranged on your sheet.

First, light a white candle to enhance your wishes for deliverance. When the fire is burning with a clear flame, say with maximum awareness over the candle the words from your piece of paper about what you want to get rid of. Finish with this phrase:

Then burn the leaf by lighting it from a candle flame. You can take a fireproof vessel to burn the leaf. After the ritual, scatter the ashes into the air or trust them to water (river, pond, etc.).
Then light the remaining three candles in the order corresponding to the order of acquisition desires on your sheet, and when the fire burns with a clear flame, say with maximum awareness over the candle the words from your sheet about what you would like to acquire, concentrating on the flame of the candle corresponding to the desire . Finish with the same phrase:

“I take the spirits of nature as witnesses to my decisions and promise not to deviate from my chosen path. Let it be so."
It is better not to burn this piece of paper, but to work on the written down desires, for example, on the first Lunar Day of the next Lunar cycle.

Sit down and meditate for 15-20 minutes, imagining yourself having already gotten rid of unnecessary things and already having what you want. Imagine yourself, your behavior and thinking in accordance with each desire.

After meditation, do not blow out the candles. The candles must burn out completely.

Intensive Temple of the Sun. Hike for Good Luck

The most long-awaited holiday is the Day of the Vernal Equinox, what date it will be and how it should be spent. Read our article about the signs of the day, traditions and rituals.

In 2018, the spring equinox will occur on March 20 at 19:15 Moscow time. It is after this starting point that global changes in nature will begin. This is the time of the onset of astronomical spring. One of the important natural holidays, the day of rebirth, awakening to life.

From ancient times to this day, humanity has been trying to live according to natural rhythms. Significant in astrological and astronomical terms is the Vernal Equinox, which repeats in the second half of March every year.

Numerous folk legends, signs, customs, traditions, mystical beliefs, natural processes and other interesting phenomena are associated with this day.

For our ancestors, this was the most long-awaited and revered date. On the day of the winter solstice, a new power of the Sun was born. On the day of the vernal equinox, the luminary enters its maturity. Winter passes the baton to Spring. For many months, Winter under the snow protected the earth from freezing, now it is leaving, giving Spring the opportunity to awaken sleeping sprouts.

It should be noted that in different parts of the world, as well as in different years, this event occurs on different days and times of day.

It is not difficult to recognize the equinox - on this day the sunrise can be observed almost exactly in the east, and the sunset almost exactly in the west.

The spring equinox is always observed in March, and the date of the equinox falls on the 19th, 20th or 21st. The earliest vernal equinox was observed on March 19, 1696 at 15:50, and the latest was on March 21 at 19:15.

But residents of the 21st century will not have to doubt it, because in the coming decades the spring equinox will fall mainly on March 20; the next time this event will occur on the 21st will only be in 2103. However, the creators of the Gregorian calendar specifically named March 21 as the day of the vernal equinox, referring to the times of the Council of Nicaea.

  • Why is this day so important?
  • Traditions of different countries on the day of the equinox
  • Rituals and signs of the spring equinox that must be observed in 2018
    • Folk signs on the day of the Spring Equinox
    • Signs about the weather on the day of the spring equinox
  • Rituals for the Spring Equinox
    • Rite of Spiritual Cleansing
    • Ritual of lighting fires
    • The custom of painting eggs
    • Making a fertility talisman for the holiday
  • Rituals to attract money on the day of the spring equinox
    • Ritual for water
    • Making a talisman for wealth on the day of the spring equinox
    • Money ritual for salt
    • Protective spell on the day of the Vernal Equinox
    • Conspiracy to fulfill a wish on the day of the spring equinox
    • Conspiracy to attract money to the house
  • Fortune telling on the day of the Spring Equinox
  • When are larks baked in 2018?
    • Lenten dough recipe for early risers
    • How to make a lark figurine from dough

The fact is that precisely at the moment when the Sun crosses the equator, spring comes to us according to the astronomical clock. It is for this reason that since ancient times the day of the vernal equinox has been celebrated as a great holiday.

The equinox is often mistakenly called the solstice. The equinox occurs in spring and autumn and is characterized by the fact that at this time day and night are almost equal, which is why this event is called an equinox.

The solstice is observed in the summer, on June 20 or 21, and also in the winter, on December 21 or 22, and is characterized by the fact that at this time the longest day in June and night in December begins. Solstice is a phenomenon when the Sun passes the most distant points of the equator.

Until the moment when the calendar was adopted, people determined the change of seasons only by the Sun. It was on that day when light and darkness were divided equally and the countdown of a new spring cycle began.

It should be noted that the day of the vernal equinox for countries such as Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and others means the beginning of the New Year. It is from this day that they begin a new countdown of time.

The tradition of celebrating and marking this holiday with special rituals or festivities dates back to pagan times. People did not begin any field work before the holiday. They went out to cultivate the land only after it, with the confidence that nature had now woken up and could accept new grain into its fertile land in order to give a good harvest and not leave anyone hungry.

In Germany, at all times, this holiday was treated with special honor; it began to count down the time of field work. The Celts followed the same tradition, because they combined two holidays on one day - the day of the vernal equinox and the Day of the goddess Ostava; she was considered the patroness of spring.

The Egyptians treated the holiday in a special way and waited for its arrival to begin counting the days until Easter.

The holiday dates back to 325. It was then that the Julian calendar, unified for the Christian world, was adopted, in which the date of the vernal equinox on March 21 was clearly designated.

1. The most important sign of the spring equinox concerns our thoughts and desires. Thoughts should only be positive, you should think only about good things, you should wish only good things for everyone.

The Spring Equinox is one of the most mystical days of the year. Since ancient times, people believe that on this day all wishes come true. Therefore, try not to be offended by anyone, do not wish harm, even the most unpleasant people for you. It is on this day that there is that fateful minute in the universe when all desires and wishes come true. You may unwittingly become the cause of someone's misfortune.

2. On this day, pies and cookies are baked in the shape of larks. Eating a lark-shaped pie will attract health for the whole year. Coins, buttons, rings, etc. are added to the cookie dough. Then they tell fortunes using the finished cookies. If a person comes across a cookie with a ring, it means his wedding will be coming soon, a button means that he needs to wait for a new thing or career growth, a coin promises financial success.

3. Many signs and superstitions indicate that a witches’ Sabbath gathers on the day of the spring equinox. During this period of time, according to an old legend, all the evil spirits in the area gather on Witch Mountain and celebrate their freedom. Many sorcerers and psychics choose this particular night to perform magical rituals, as their powers temporarily increase.

4. Also, from folk signs and superstitions it is clear that on the holiday of the spring equinox, rituals for love are especially successful. In the old days, on this day, many unmarried girls went to the witches and asked to bewitch or tell fortunes for their betrothed. But if you decide to follow their example, be extremely careful. During the spring equinox, any spell gains enormous power, and a love spell is dangerous even in itself. Before you practice love magic, think carefully, is it worth it?

  • As on all national holidays, on the day of the spring equinox in 2018, people try to find out the weather for the next year using signs.
  • So, if there was frost that day, they said that another forty frosts awaited everyone.
  • Many Slavs tried to celebrate this holiday as cheerfully as possible, because they believed that the more joyfully they spent this day, the more favorable and generous nature would be to them.
  • Also, on the day of the spring equinox, thawed patches were counted, and they believed that if you count forty of them, then spring would be happy.
  • On this day it was impossible to think about bad things, since many believed that it would definitely come true.
  • It was believed that a wish made on this day would definitely come true.

Rituals on the day of the spring equinox help in achieving new goals, fulfilling cherished desires and implementing plans. On March 20, the shackles of winter are finally broken, and the time of growth and flowering begins.

Even the Slavs, celebrating the holiday of the spring equinox, performed rituals that called for warmth and drove away the remaining cold. And today, during traditional festivities, you can see how a ritual fire is lit through a magnifying glass, and then guests of the holiday happily jump over it, sincerely believing that the flame can cleanse from everything bad and evil. Young people believed that such a jump would give them the strength to grow up to be real heroes, and girls were supposed to meet their feminine happiness and become beloved wives and mothers.

Even today there are many people who want to jump over such a ritual fire, but not everyone has the opportunity. Therefore, it was for these people that a fireball was set on fire, through which anyone who wanted could easily pass. Even small children enjoyed and continue to take part in such fun.

Welcoming spring meant a lot to our ancestors; they prepared for such an event in order to enter the new period of the year cheerfully and generously. Traditions should be remembered and respected in order to preserve the history of your people.

Preparation for this ritual begins one week before the Spring Equinox.

During this period, you need to make a list of all the insults and injustices you have caused to your friends and loved ones. These individual lists, compiled throughout the week, are aimed at restoring harmony in human relationships through sincere apologies, repayment of old debts, etc.

After this, during the week before the holiday, a person should try to correct something from this list or solve any problem, for example, repay a debt or ask for forgiveness. As a result, another list is compiled - of what has been corrected.

On the day of the Spring Equinox, a person brings to the circle his list indicating what he has done to correct injustice and cleanse his karma. During the ritual, the paper is burned, and this serves as a symbolic confirmation of spiritual cleansing.

The spring equinox favors those who seek to start a new life, correct previous mistakes, and rewrite something “from scratch.” The most delusional hopes get the opportunity to come true.

The Slavs respectfully welcomed the return of the Sun; for them it is the highest deity, the giver of life, the heavenly father. He is supposed to be greeted solemnly, with bread and salt, and a feast is held in his honor. And, of course, bonfires are lit - a miniature reflection of the heavenly fire, the heat of the sun. These fires were certainly lit from the sun: the ray was caught in a magnifying glass or in a lens made of a precious stone - and directed at a pile of brushwood. Only such a fire truly preserved the energy of the sun - and could bestow it on people.

Moreover, this fire has magical properties to cleanse the human aura. Hence the custom of jumping over a fire: the reflection of a heavenly flame, the ancestors believed, could burn out all the accumulated negativity. That is why, people believed, those who took part in the fire ritual on the day of the solstice gained strength.

In ancient times, they especially ensured that children took part in the ritual. After all, the boys who jumped over this fire will grow up to be heroes, and the girls, when the time comes, will give birth to new heroes. And at all times, people knew that this ritual would endow a young man or girl with some additional abilities and opportunities and would change their destiny for the better.

One of the main attributes of the Spring Equinox holiday is the Egg. Due to the duality of the contents (white and yolk), it is associated in mythology with the primary creation, the division of Chaos into Heaven and Earth. Due to its round shape, the egg is sometimes compared to the sun and the reborn god, but above all to the Creator Goddess, the Foremother, who initiated the eternal cycle: life-death-rebirth. The snow-white shell serves as a frequent artistic allegory of the chastity of the Virgin, hidden by the veil of the Bride.

The custom of painting eggs dates back to ancient agricultural cults. The eggs, as obvious symbols of fertility, were decorated with magical symbols having the same meaning. They were called “pysanky” and were used in fertility rituals, as an offering to the Goddess (in Christianity, the Mother of God).

Eggs were also painted yellow, gold and red and were used in rituals in honor of the solar God (Christ in Christianity), then they were called “krashenki”. Currently, they are all called "Easter" eggs.

According to ancient beliefs, such a talisman can only be made on this day. It brings healing from illnesses, promotes fertility and success in any endeavor of the coming summer.

To make it, you need to take a raw egg, make two holes in it (one at both ends), and then release its contents into a hole dug in the snow or onto the ground if the snow has already melted. This is a gift to the Earth and the Sacred Goddess.

The empty shell is carefully painted with natural dyes, after which symbols of fertility, those that are closest to you, are applied to the egg. They can be Celtic, Slavic or any other. You should breathe life into the finished talisman (blow into the hole).

Now the talisman is ready for the year and you can keep it or give it to your loved ones.

This ritual must be done very carefully, because if you do something wrong, then you can go around the world.

So, for this ritual you need 200 grams of clean drinking water. At 12 noon, place the water on the windowsill and whisper into it:

“Water-water, back and forth, bring it to me, don’t be in trouble. Water-water, here again, bring it to me, save me. Water, water, you go there, and return to me whatever you find there.”

Then cross the glass four times, close your eyes and say to yourself: “Money to me, shadow from me.” Take a glass and drink half. Then put the glass back on the windowsill and repeat again: “Money to me, shadow from me.” And drink your water.

That’s it, you don’t need to do anything else, the result of this ritual comes in 1 month. Big money is coming.

On the day of the vernal equinox, release its contents from the eggshell, then cover the egg with banknotes of any denomination. Bury the egg in front of the house or hide it in a flower pot. The talisman helps to attract money in the spring and summer.

A simple ritual for wealth that can only be done on the day of the spring equinox. You need to do it in the morning, when the sun has just risen, in order to turn luck and cash flows in your direction on the receding wave.

Take a pinch of salt and whisper into it: “I eat salt, Arachnos-brother, I eat salt, in your honor, help, return to me what I want, what should be mine, but is still lost. Arachnos-brother, I ask you, you know, I will pay you with what is dear.” And eat that pinch of salt. In six months you will become a rich man.

Before sunrise, go outside, outside your home. If possible, then a city - a populated area. Having gone out into an open area, stand facing the sunrise, as you appear, read the plot, with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms outstretched to the sides, as if absorbing its power.

Place your palms towards the rising sun. Absorb its warmth, its light with your whole being, with all your energy centers. Imagine that your entire body is filled with molten gold. You begin to glow yourself, golden light and warmth begin to emanate from you.

Everyone knows that at sunrise the sun is especially active.

“I will stand, the red fellow (maiden) (name), with my face to the east and my back to the west. I will ask the red fellow (maiden), from the red sun for protection and help. From my enemies, evil sorcerers and dashing people. From nasty misfortunes, damage and diseases sent. And the sun gave me protective rays, and with them the cherished words “Armor from the sun of fire, stand around me, armor from the sun of fire, stand around me, armor and sun of fire, stand around me.” The living force of abundance fills me. The living force of success fills me. The living power of love fills me. Yes, so it will be from now on. Amen".

Speak three times as soon as the first rays appear.

When completing the ritual, do not forget to thank the Sun and the Higher Powers. You can leave it where it was: honey, a crust of salted bread. With this gratitude (demand), thank for the given strength and protection.

If you can't go outside at all. Make houses near a window facing east, so that the sun can be seen. You can also light a red candle, and then take your gratitude outside and put it under any tree.

To make a wish come true or plans come true, you can use a cheesecake, as the ancient Slavs did. Before the spring equinox, bake a cheesecake, a symbol of well-being, and while preparing it, think about your desire or plans for the near future. On the night of the spring equinox, light a candle and eat a small piece of cheesecake, repeating to yourself what you wished for. After this, try to forget about what you did and fall asleep peacefully.

A conspiracy on the day of the spring equinox for an egg to get more money is carried out on March 20 or 21, in your own house or apartment.

Required items:

  • white chicken egg;
  • needle;
  • church candle;
  • match;
  • Wallet with money;
  • 10 ruble bill;
  • flour;
  • flower pot;
  • artificial flower or grass.

Sequence of actions during a conspiracy:

  1. Use a needle to make holes in the egg at the top and bottom. Drain the whites separately, then the yolk.
  2. Light a candle, cross the remaining intact shell three times, cross yourself three times, say the words: “With God’s help and by His grace.”
  3. Dipping a match into the yolk, write your name on the egg with the yolk. Each letter should be circled three times.
  4. Blow on the hollow egg and extinguish the church candle.
  5. Count the money in your wallet.
  6. Then count all the money in the house.
  7. If you have your money somewhere else, then remember and count it.
  8. Write the resulting amount on a 100 ruble bill.
  9. Mix the protein and flour so that you get a thin dough.
  10. Coat the empty egg on which the name was written with the dough and glue one hundred rubles with the written amount of money around it. Try not to break the shell!

When you glue the bill, you should say the following words: “Egg-sister, Mother of God’s teardrop, roll around, spin around, turn like the sun, I conjure you with a long day, with the cry of a crane, with quicksand, with flying wind, with fire and copper, with water and all kinds of food. From this day on, the wealth of God’s servant (her name) would increase, and the burdens, worries, worries, and sadness would go away. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

After the money has stuck well, place the egg in an empty flower pot and place it on the windowsill, closer to the sun.

In order not to attract the attention of strangers to an empty pot, place artificial flowers, grass, dry spikelets, etc. in it.

This spell on the day of the spring equinox for an egg for money must be done every year on the day of the spring equinox. A used egg, or rather an empty shell, from a pot should be buried under a mistletoe bush. So take care of the mistletoe bush in advance in your country house or near your house, in the yard.

Even in the old days, fortune-telling and spells using larks baked from dough were popular. The hostess selected some items in advance, wondered what exactly they meant in this fortune-telling, and then baked these items into larks. Whoever comes across something, that’s what awaits him. For example: a button in a lark meant that a new thing awaits you soon, a coin - quick wealth, a ring - marriage.

The heads from these larks were given to cattle to protect them from the evil eye and all sorts of diseases. And the torso from the larks was given to children so that they would grow up strong and healthy.

Their baked larks were also thrown into the sky. The more times you throw and catch your lark, the more health you will have this year.

Since this holiday is also considered magical, fortune telling on this day acquired special power. After all, many believed that the powers of good witches and evil ones were equalized. In addition, due to the fact that the predecessor of this holiday is Maslenitsa, many girls used similar fortune-telling. So, for example, on this day they also baked pancakes, and if the first pancake was not lumpy, then they believed that they would get married this year.

When a girl wanted to find out what gender her first child would be, she kept an eye on who would take the first pancake from the festive table. If a man, then you need to wait for a boy, and accordingly, if a woman, then a girl.

Many girls believed that this night they would have prophetic dreams. Before going to bed, many people usually told fortunes about their husband - they put two aces (of spades and diamonds), a ten of clubs, a key, a ring (not a wedding ring), a crust of bread, a willow branch and a piece of pie under the pillow. All items had to be wrapped in a white scarf.

The next morning, the girls judged the future, depending on what they dreamed about:

  • if there is a ring, then there will be a wedding soon;
  • if any card is of spades suit, then it is in trouble;
  • if the key, then to success in work;
  • if there is a pie or cake, then soon there will be good luck and joy;
  • if bread, then to success at work;
  • if any plant, then this is good unexpected news;
  • if the card is a diamond, then expect enrichment;
  • if it's a club card, then expect a move.

Finally, advice: try to think only about good things on the day of the spring equinox. The sun gives us a fairly powerful boost of energy. Negative thoughts, according to energy experts, have too high a risk of materializing.

March 22 is the time to ring in spring! To bring warm days to life, you need nothing at all: flour, yeast, a desire for sculptural creativity and a cheerful child.

The little baker is entrusted with the most important mission - to plant a freshly baked figurine of a lark on a branch and, climbing to the highest place, ring out at the top of his voice: “Larks, fly in, take away the cold winter, bring the warmth of spring; We’re tired of winter, it’s eaten all our bread!”

The lark was considered a messenger bird; its arrival meant the final turn from winter to spring. The ancient Slavic custom of baking figurines of larks for invocations of spring later merged with the Orthodox date: on March 22, the church celebrates the day of remembrance of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, who refused to bow to the pagan gods.

In some areas, Soroki was used to select the family seeder with the help of such edible birds. To do this, a bean, a coin, and a piece of splinter were baked into one figurine. Whichever man gets the lot will have the honor of throwing the first handfuls of grains onto the arable land.

Today, larks are often baked as buns made from yeast dough on sourdough. Those who observe fasting on this day bake birds from prosphora dough.

Recipe for approximately 30 larks:

  • dry yeast 10 g
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2-3 tbsp. Sahara
  • 3 tbsp. sunflower oil
  • 2-3 tbsp. vodka
  • 1 kg flour

How to cook:

Dilute 10 g of dry yeast in 2 glasses of warm water, add 1 tsp. salt, 2-3 tbsp. l. sugar and 3 tbsp sunflower oil. To make the dough rise better, pour in 2-3 tbsp. l. vodka. After sifting through a sieve, add flour (about 1 kg). Knead the dough and leave it to rise in a warm place for 1 hour. Form the larks, let them rise for 30 minutes, and then bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

The easiest way is to roll a piece of dough the size of a tennis ball into a “sausage” and tie it in a knot. Form a head and beak at one end of the knot, and flatten the other end of the knot. Cut the flattened part of the “tail” in several places with a knife, as if decorating it with feathers.

The lark can fly, sit, be flat, resemble a well-fed sparrow, or even be called a “sandpiper.” Previously, even in two neighboring villages, the methods of making larks could differ greatly.

And the names of the butter birds could also differ. For example, by March 22, in the southern regions they baked “waders”, in the north - “grouse”, in the middle zone - “swallows”, in Orel - “snegirki”, and in Nizhny Novgorod - “sparrows”.

On this day, astronomical spring begins and the astrological New Year begins. From ancient times to the present day, the day of the spring equinox has been revered and solemnly celebrated among many peoples of the world as a joyful holiday of the awakening of nature.

For a short time, all nature freezes and is in a certain balance of light and darkness, good and evil. From the point of view of natural, elemental magic, this is an important, solemn and magical moment. Not only the time of awakening of earthly forces, but also the inclusion of new energies, reaching a different level. After a period of winter calm, the hour of accomplishment comes: after all, from this moment on, the sun “does not take its eyes off us” for a whole six months. And for the Slavs, the Sun was not a “luminary” of the neuter gender, but rather the Father, the founder of the human race, the sun had a proper name - the god Yarilo. So it turns out that from the moment of the Spring Solstice we are under the watchful gaze, under the supervision of the Forefather. On the one hand, we are under the Patronage of the Sun, on the other hand, as usual in public, we are obliged to show our best sides and deeds.

Among the ancient Egyptians, only the pharaoh was considered the son of Ra, only he had a divine nature: all other citizens of Egypt were mere mortals and descended from an earthly father and mother. Whereas the Slavs - from princes to the last tillers - considered themselves children of the god Yarilo, and everyone could turn to him with a request. Therefore, everyone certainly took part in the joyful ritual on the days of the solstice.

Previously, through the rites of the spring solstice, harmonization took place between the cycles of the Sun and the cycles of the Earth: Father Yarilo could not help but respond to the requests of his children and harmonized life. This is the simple ancient principle of sacred harmony.

So it turns out that many rituals of the spring equinox symbolize rebirth and activate vital energy.

Nowadays, in the countries of the Middle East, Central Asia, Azerbaijan, as well as in Russia (Bashkortostan, Tatarstan), New Year is celebrated on this day - Novruz.
In Japan, this is the Higan holiday, associated with the veneration of nature and ancestors.
Among the Slavic and Western European peoples, echoes of this holiday are Maslenitsa and a series of spring carnivals. Usually the holiday takes place several days before and several after the equinox itself. And on this day the astrological New Year begins, which will be held under the auspices of the Sun. In the year of the Sun, many human talents are revealed, long-planned creative projects are realized. This year we can expect more light, energy, strength, speed in everything.

What meaning did this holiday carry for people at all times?
First of all, the day of the vernal equinox meant the beginning of spring, the time of rebirth, the awakening of nature and all living things to a new life.

From time immemorial, people have perceived spring as the beginning of a new life; on this day they revered the Sun, which gives life and strength to all living things, and the Goddess of spring and dawn.

They welcomed her return from the underworld, associated with the complete revival of nature and the return of her vitality.
Ancient spring celebrations were filled with gaiety and rituals promoting the fertility of the earth and the well-being of the people. Before the celebration, they cleaned up, collected and burned all the garbage that had accumulated in the house and yard. On the day of the equinox, great importance was attached to what people say and do. We tried to avoid evil words and actions, quarrels, insults and swearing.

OSTARA is another name for the Spring Equinox Day (19-21.03)
Ostara - the spring holiday of the Wheel of the Year, mid-spring, a holiday of balance, when the day is equal in length to the night, falls on the spring equinox on March 20-21

In the Wiccan tradition, the Goddess becomes younger on this holiday, restores her virginity, and until Beltane appears in the guise of the Virgin, along with God, who by this time grows up and becomes a youth.

It is believed that her name has common roots with the names of Astrea, Astarte, Astghik (Armenia), Atargatis, Ishtar, Ashtoret and Eos, thus obtaining associations with the dawn, the eastern direction, the beginning and the “morning star” - the planet Venus. In addition, among the peoples of the Mediterranean region, at the spring equinox there were celebrations associated with the resurrection and/or return to the world of living male companions of mother goddesses: Attis, Adonis, Astara, Tammuz-Dumuzi (in the latter case - a later cycle of myths) and etc., which also meant the spring revival of nature.

I suggest you perform a cleansing ritual of the spring equinox.

It is held either on the day of the equinox itself, or in the days closest to it.
This ritual is performed in order to cleanse yourself of negative energy and regrets, restore order in the emotional and spiritual spheres of life, and let the wind of good changes into your life. Take up cleaning your home or workspace on your own or with your family. While sweeping away the trash and wiping the dust, imagine that you are being cleansed of all negative emotions, illnesses and misfortunes.
Write down on paper everything you want to get rid of and burn it.

After cleaning, be sure to ventilate the room, sprinkle water flavored with herbal infusions around, take a shower and perform meditation to fulfill your desires.

This is a day of pure energy, a unique moment when you can correct mistakes, forgive and receive forgiveness, and create a sunny future for yourself.

During this period, you need to make a list of all the insults and injustices you have caused to your friends and loved ones. These individual lists, compiled during the week, are aimed at restoring harmony in human relationships through sincere apologies, repayment of old debts, etc. After this, during the week before the holiday, a person should try to correct something from this list or decide which -a problem, such as repaying a debt or asking for forgiveness. As a result, another list is compiled - of what has been corrected.

On the day of the holiday, a person brings to the circle his list indicating what he has done to correct injustice and cleanse his karma. During the ritual, the paper is burned, and this serves as a symbolic confirmation of spiritual cleansing.

The spring equinox favors those who seek to start a new life, correct previous mistakes, and rewrite something “from scratch.” The most delusional hopes get the opportunity to come true.

The vernal equinox is one of four days of power associated with the solar cycle (which includes two equinoxes and two solstices).
What was laid down as an intention, a dream, a plan on the day of the winter solstice is now ready to blossom, bloom, open up and manifest itself in all its glory.
There is a special time on this day - the time between the equinox and sunrise the next day.
Let me remind you that the equinox occurs in 2016 - March 20 at 6:30 am (Moscow time).
This is a magical time, a time of signs, symbols, signs.
Notice everything that happens at this time.
Through symbols you can understand yourself and your future.
At this time, you need to control your thoughts, directing your consciousness to what you want to realize.
Your thoughts, dreams, fantasies, dreams - everything conceived in these moments can come true within a year.

In conclusion, I would like to offer you a meditation to fulfill your desire.
Sit comfortably in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
Light a candle and place it in front of you. Breathe calmly and deeply.
Try to relax. Close your eyes.
Now mentally imagine your desire come true.
This could be, for example, an image of a new home, you in a new position at a new job, or you with your new life partner.
Don’t try to imagine everything in detail, it’s more important to feel the positive energy of a fulfilled wish, so try to feel the feelings that you will experience when your wish comes true.
Now place your image in the pink sphere.
Let this sphere gradually rise into the sky, decreasing in size, until it completely disappears in the heights. You have released your desire and sent it to the order table of the universe.
Now breathe easy and joyfully.
Your order has been accepted and your wish will come true in due time.
Circle of luck. (Anastasia Volkova)

To perform the next ritual you will need several branches of trees or shrubs. Their number is not so important, and you can determine it yourself. The main thing is that there are enough branches to create a small circle around you. Or more precisely, so that you can stand in a circle made of these branches. By the way, it is not at all necessary to cut fresh branches from trees. You can take broken ones or frozen ones in the snow. Believe me, even in such seemingly lost “wrecks” there is still a glimmer of life, and the natural strength is no less than that of their “growing brothers”.
Once you have the necessary “branch tools” in your hands, you can begin...
On the day of the spring equinox, at any hour convenient for you, retire to an apartment or a separate room. Dress warmly and open the windows, turn on the lights everywhere, open the water taps.
If you cannot manage the entire apartment, then at least turn on and open everything you can in the room.
By doing this, you activate the favorable energy of your home, which is a reflection of yourself. Place branches on the floor in the shape of a circle with the words: “Branch to branch, the circle of luck is strong.”
Then stand in your circle, close your eyes and imagine yourself as a successful and happy person, imagine the fulfillment of your most cherished desires and say: “Good luck is ahead. Luck is behind us. Good luck, walk with me by the hand!”
This completes the ritual. Gather the branches and place them in a beautiful vase with water.
From this moment your life changes for the better!
And when the first green leaf appears on the branches, your dream will begin to come true!
Love and joy to you!

The vernal equinox in 2018 falls on March 20th. This day is considered magical. Today, a person has the power to radically change his life.

What is the magical power of the Spring Equinox? On March 20, 2018, a unique event awaits us - the Sun and Earth will be in absolute balance and harmony. The Sun will be centered between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, exactly centered between the sky and the earth. This will create the Holy Cross, which will balance all energies and lead to complete harmony of all living things around.

When will the spring equinox be in 2018: number, day, date

The exact time of the vernal equinox in 2018 is March 20 at 19:15 Moscow time. Almost all countries of the so-called “Silk Road” have considered this day a real New Year since the early Middle Ages. It is at this moment that the Sun will move into the constellation Aries, marking the beginning of astronomical spring.

Customs, traditions, rituals on the day of the spring equinox

On this day, our ancestors also celebrated a holiday dedicated to the goddess of spring - Ostara, who ensured balance between night and day. It was believed that during this period the goddess herself was renewed, restoring her virginity and energy. The figurine of the goddess is presented in the form of an immaculate maiden, who is held by the arm of a young man. In Rus', the holiday of the spring equinox was taken seriously. Mass celebrations were held, any person could go to a neighbor and treat himself to any delicacy from his table - this was considered a good sign. People believed that the more people entered the hut for treats, the happier the year would be for the owners of the home.

Housewives specially baked rye flatbreads for the holiday and decorated them with sugar syrup and wheat grains. In addition to sweet, hearty flatbreads, women colored chicken eggs. For this purpose, natural materials were used - onion peels, carrot and beet juice. Housewives also baked unleavened cookies in the shape of birds. They were treated to fellow villagers; some of the cookies were given to geese, chickens, and turkeys to eat. The men made birdhouses and attached them to tree trunks. A small amount of crumbled unleavened cookies was always placed inside the birdhouses.

In the evening, as a rule, songs and dances began, and the shimmering sounds of harps and accordions were heard from everywhere. At the end of the holiday, they made a large effigy from straw and burned it. The taller and wider the scarecrow became, the brighter and longer it burned, illuminating everything around. People believed that a high, bright and clean flame was the key to a well-fed and happy life in the coming year.

Rituals of ancestors on the Day of the Vernal Equinox

Many traditional cultures and civilizations of modern history were agrarian in nature, that is, they were agricultural. Indeed, over a huge period of history, people, thanks to agriculture, were able to first transform into a civilized society and then existed precisely as consumers of various agricultural products in a fixed territory.

Almost every civilization had a calendar and often the new year period began in the spring. This fact was associated with the awakening of nature precisely in the spring. Therefore, our ancestors performed many rituals on the Day of the Vernal Equinox and celebrated this holiday with great joy.

In fact, it is only the astronomical context that makes this day quite magical. Just imagine day and night are equal in duration, making up 12 hours per day, and the celestial body is located exactly to the surface of the Earth and illuminates half of it, this only happens twice a year.

The fire element is considered especially powerful during this period. Therefore, esotericists consider it relevant to use fire for all sorts of cleansing rituals. Of course, the best thing to do is to make a fire and jump over it; it’s a fun activity, and according to ancient beliefs, it can bring many new positive qualities, as well as make children stronger and more skillful.

If you have nowhere to make fires, you should not be sad, use fire in accessible ways. For example, to cleanse the apartment, use candles, walk through the entire space, clean all the nooks and crannies with fire. In addition, you can cleanse the aura with a candle, just move it near the body, where the candle crackles, cleanse especially carefully.

Many people wonder: do rituals work on the Day of the Vernal Equinox? The answer is obvious. For example, sprouted wheat is now valued for the energy potential of this particular stage of the plant. Just imagine the potential the planet has when all of nature begins to sprout. A new period of the year begins, the power and energy of fertility awakens.

Magic, ceremonies, conspiracies and rituals for love on the Day of the Vernal Equinox

Although we are talking about rituals that are known in different cultures, the main emphasis, of course, is on Slavic culture. Here are some rituals that are partially preserved to this day:

Cleansing the home and space. Each calendar and astronomical transition to a new period is associated with a traditional form of preparation - cleansing the entire space that is associated with your everyday life. The spring equinox was associated with the new year, the transition to a new bright stage of the year, and given the arrival of spring and the blossoming of everything, this holiday was considered precisely the renewal of the world.

Therefore, it was necessary to prepare here in order to enter the new year clean and clear. In fact, many people still have this tradition and use it on New Year’s Day, when they clean and wash their apartment. Before the spring equinox, you can also do the same and clean your house, clean your work, and generally wherever you often go.

Burning the old. This tradition, by the way, still exists in Chinese culture for the New Year. On the spring equinox they used to (and some still do) burn old objects, clothes and everything unnecessary. In many ways, the tradition is connected with the previous one and also symbolizes a kind of renewal, liberation from the obsolete.

Finding something new and being renewed. During this period, it is considered advisable to acquire something new and not only objects, although new clothes purchased for the equinox can also become a talisman. You can acquire new habits and goals.

On the day of the spring equinox, it is good to perform a special ritual. The key element of this day is Fire. The best way to watch the sunrise is to light a fire in nature. If this is not possible, at least light a candle in the apartment. But if we want a powerful natural impact, we should go to nature, to the forest where there is a spring. When lighting a fire, you should not resort to chemicals; use clean materials: paper, oil, dry branches.

Facing east, bring barley grains (or any grains) to the fire. When making an offering, focus on expressing your desire and from the heart, with respect, address the Universe. Ask for help to make what you want come true. It is through a respectful request that our energy connects with the energy of the macrocosm: the small, as a part of the great, must express respect for it. Then choose a strong tree in the forest - healthy, without flaws. Make an offering to him too: put some food under the tree.

Ask the tree, nature for help, support and respectfully, lovingly express your intention. Break off a small twig from the tree. This twig is your magic wand. Tie a red thread to it and place it in your living space, preferably close to the head of the bed. This will be your magical assistant, a tool for connecting with natural power for the successful implementation of your plans.

Conspiracies on the day of the spring equinox 2018

A conspiracy to cleanse the house, which is best carried out with a special tincture, but you can simply wash the house using such a conspiracy. So, take or make a decoction of:

pine trees

"One for fun, one for joy,

The third and fourth drive away sadness,

Fifth, sixth, drive away useless anger,

Seven, eight, nine don't last long.

Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one

The dark days are now gone."

Altar Ideas

1. Planting Intention and Seeds

Light candles - white or black. Make an altar - put fresh flowers there. In ancient times, eggs and rabbits were considered a symbol of the creation of life and fertility, so painted or decorated eggs, chocolate or baked bunnies can also decorate your altar.

Light incense, fumigate the room, clean and ventilate the room well, get into the darkest corners, stagnant energy collects there and there is plenty of it accumulated over the winter. A great way to disperse it is to rattle an egg with small objects inside.

Plant prepared seeds into pots of soil as a ritual with the intention of growing what you want in your life. The simpler the better. Focus your intention on the seed, then on the pot after planting it. Take care of him. It is better to plant flowering plants.

If you have your own garden and vegetable garden, this will be a great time to start getting in touch with the spirits of your place of residence. Offer them your offering (in the form of food and flowers, you can put a glass of wine and light a candle). Remember that attitude is everything, you either strengthen it or destroy it - this applies to any type of relationship.

2. Second ritual

It is better to do the spring ritual outdoors, among the blossoms, and share your joy of new life with nature.

You will need:

  • Seeds of plants, flowers or vegetables
  • Eggs (boiled)
  • Red, black and white candles


1. Decide for yourself what you want to do - just celebrate the beginning of the new season or you will use its magic to achieve your spring goals. Prepare everything you need - you can welcome new life in the morning and do the ritual in the evening.

2. Prepare (buy) flowers and plants, vegetables for planting (seeds). Find a place in your garden, garden, or just in a pot on the balcony where you will plant them. The growth of these plants will symbolize your gratitude to life.

3. Go out into nature, to a park, or just take a walk around the neighborhood. Consciously pay attention to which trees and plants are already blooming and feel the spring air. Remove trash if you see it in the natural landscape.

4. Use eggs as another symbol of new life. Color them - you can use felt-tip pens or a marker, draw symbolic things for you, what you want to come into your life.

5. Breathe deeply. Draw in the energy of your surroundings and visualize your goals as they materialize into life. Peel the eggs and eat, taking in the things you desire.

6. Light a pair of black and white candles in your home, symbolizing the balance of Light and Darkness in the spring and within you. Make an altar (a simple table or shelf) using fresh flowers, eggs and a red candle. Meditate on new beginnings and how you will implement them.

Hints and warnings:

  • You can create your own ritual using symbols of spring that have meaning to you.
  • Bright flowers that bloom in your area are excellent attributes of spring.
  • Perform rituals at sunrise or sunset
  • You can wrap plain candles in colored paper or paint them (if you don't have candles of the right color on hand)

3. Third ritual

You will need spring flowers, a dress or shirt that is green or decorated with flowers; floral incense.

  • To get into the appropriate mood, take a walk where flowers and trees grow (a park or square is perfect). Go to a flower shop and buy fresh flowers, choose the ones you like without thinking about whether they match.
  • Reflect on the meaning of spring - it's a time to plan what you want to do in the coming months. Decide what you want to bring into your life. Find items that symbolize this and place them on your altar.
  • Decorate the altar with flowers, use pastel colors. Wear prepared clothes (green or with flowers). Light a jasmine, rose or any other floral incense stick.
  • Paint boiled eggs with symbols of fertility, rebirth and spring. Make a spring green salad. Add any sprouts, pumpkin or sunflower seeds - symbols of the season.
  • When everything is ready, mentally draw a circle around yourself and the altar, light the candles and meditate on the theme of spring. Ask the gods to guide you in fulfilling your intentions over the next few months.

On this day you can plant any plants and seeds - they will grow along with your growth.

Try to use only natural dyes for eggs.

Break an egg as a symbol of birth from a past life. Bury it underground so that your past can be left behind.

More information about what to say and what to think during the ritual:

When thinking about the meaning of the season, it's best to use your own words - think about what the Spring Rebirth means to you, remembering to think about God and Goddess as sexual beings, the return of Spring, gratitude that the cold is behind us, and whatever you would like to create in your life in the near future, ask God and Goddess to help you with this.

Then pick up the most beautiful egg and say out loud how you like it. Explain how it represents the origin of life and God and the Goddess and creation. Use your own words. Hold the egg for a few minutes and think meditatively about the blessing that spring brings us and the love that God finds in the arms of the Goddess.

Place the egg back on the altar and take your seed dish. Talk to them, tell them about your hopes, what you want to see fulfilled (grown) in your life before winter returns. Talk to them lovingly, to yourself, about your goals. Once you have fed them with love, plant them in a pot of soil.

You can water it with water charged during the Water Ceremony (see below). Talk about loving yourself, the seeds, and God with the Goddess as you plant the seeds. Place the pot on your altar.

Now take a nice notebook or your Book of Wishes and write down a list of things that you believe in. For example, “I believe that the world is filled with love” or “I believe that I am a good person.” You will return to this list again during the Autumn Equinox after you write another list during the ritual. You can also add a list of what you want to accomplish or see in your life and in this world.

Now complete the ritual by thanking the higher powers and mentally removing the circle. Place your pot in a sunny place and don't forget to water it and say words of love while also thinking about your goals.

Make a special lunch for your loved ones - spring salads, bake a pie or dough bunnies. Take the idea from the Persians - put it on the table seven dishes starting with the letter “C”– salad, salmon, sour cream, etc.

4. Water ceremony

March 22 is World Water Day and Great Women gather for a sacred ceremony and prayers to bless the waters of our planet. Water is life and it is a symbol of feminine energy.

The Thirteen Great Mothers gather at the Sacred Well of Montezuma for a blessed ceremony. The International Council of the Thirteen Great Mothers invites everyone to join their ceremony in the Spirit anywhere in the world.

They call on women all over the world (sorry Men, but this is a women's ceremony), from all over the world, to unite in their prayers in the sacred gift of life - WATER.


As sisterhood, motherhood and womanhood, please join the International Council of Thirteen Great Mothers with your prayers of power throughout the world for the healing of the waters of our Mother Earth and humanity.

We thank everyone who will join us in prayer for the lives of our future generations.

  • Prepare a bowl of clean water or sit on the shore of a pond.
  • Please say a prayer to the water, apologizing for its pollution and disrespect. Then offer words of love, respect, and gratitude.
  • Using both hands, direct the energy from your heart to the water (you can close your eyes at this point).
  • Please voice your intention that these vibrations sent to the water will spread to all the waters of our Mother Earth.
  • You can also add your own water prayers, meditations, chanting, music, dance, all for a common purpose.
  • Each participant can bring a bottle of water and when the ceremony is completed, pour some water into your palm with loving thoughts and sprinkle it around as if sowing seeds, then drink the water with a feeling of gratitude.

As the Women Elders say, this time has long been expected, when the women of the Earth will come together and together revive the Feminine Spirit on the planet. Our Mother calls for the restoration of balance and the awakening of our memories.