Patriotism is a statutory and moral duty. Topic Fundamentals of military-patriotic education Patriotism and loyalty to military duty are the main qualities of a defender of the Fatherland

Topic 1. Fundamentals of military-patriotic education
Patriotism and loyalty to military duty are the main qualities of a defender of the Fatherland.

Serviceman is, first of all, a citizen of the Russian Federation. He has all the rights and freedoms of man and citizen provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Serviceman- Defender of the Fatherland, and he is entrusted with the responsibilities of preparing for armed defense and protecting the Russian Federation.

A serviceman must be faithful to the Military Oath, selflessly serve his people, courageously, skillfully, without sparing his blood and life itself, defend his Homeland, fulfill his military duty with honor, and steadfastly endure the difficulties of military service.

In order to fully meet his high mission, a serviceman must first of all be a patriot of his state - the Russian Federation. A sense of patriotism is the basis of the spiritual qualities of Russian soldiers. Patriotism personifies love for one's Motherland and its people, inseparability with its history, culture, and achievements. Patriotism is a feeling of pride for the successes and victories of one’s Motherland and bitterness for its failures and defeats. Patriotism is the spiritual and moral principle of every citizen of the country; it is love for one’s Motherland, people, its history, language and national culture. A citizen of a country is first and foremost a patriot of his state. For military personnel, patriotism is manifested, first of all, in loyalty to military duty. What is meant by the concept of debt? A person lives in society and cannot be independent of it. Everyone is interdependent on each other, everyone contributes a part of their labor to the common cause, and everyone enjoys the benefits of civilization. Legal and moral norms are closely interrelated and define the concept of duty and honor. Duty is a person’s moral obligations, performed out of promptings of conscience. Conscience is an expression of an individual’s ability to exercise moral self-control, to independently formulate moral duties for oneself, to demand from oneself their fulfillment and to make a self-assessment of the actions performed. The highest expression of duty in society is civil, patriotic duty to the Fatherland, which is always connected with the public interests and needs of the people. Each person's awareness of public responsibilities as his own, their clear implementation is the fulfillment of his civic duty. Military duty is a moral and legal norm of conduct for a military personnel. Military duty represents the unity of the legal and moral requirements of society. Its essence is to protect the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation and the security of the state when repelling an armed attack, as well as to carry out tasks in accordance with the country’s international obligations. In peaceful everyday life, military duty obliges every soldier to deeply understand personal responsibility for the defense of the Fatherland, requires mastery of the entrusted weapons and military equipment, constant improvement of his moral, combat and psychological qualities, high organization and discipline. Without patriotism and loyalty to military duty, there is no defender of the Fatherland, and the network is simply a mercenary who performs his duties for money, always ready to go where they will pay the most. Patriotism and loyalty to military duty are the moral and spiritual qualities of a warrior that make the army invincible.

^ Friendship and military camaraderie are the basis of the combat readiness of units and subunits

Friendship and military camaraderie are integral components of the Russian Army. This combat tradition has been developing throughout the history of the Russian Army. The hallmarks of a true partnership are integrity and responsibility. Responsibility presupposes a voluntary willingness to take on the work of a partner, to help him do his part of the work for the sake of a common cause. Friendly relationships in military conditions play the most significant role, which is associated with the very purpose of the Armed Forces and the responsibility of each serviceman for fulfilling his military duty to defend the Fatherland. The code of military camaraderie is military regulations. Thus, the general duties of a serviceman define: “To value military comradeship, not sparing one’s life, to rescue comrades from danger, to help them in word and deed, to respect the honor and dignity of everyone, not to allow rudeness and bullying towards oneself and other military personnel, to keep them from unworthy actions." The great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov most accurately formulated the basic principle of military camaraderie in his famous “Science of Victory”: “Die yourself, and save your comrade.” This has become a tradition among the soldiers of the Russian army. Mutual assistance in battle, responsibility to comrades - all this makes any military team a single whole, increases its combat capabilities and ensures victory in battle. The traditions of military camaraderie of our army were most fully manifested during the Great Patriotic War. Loyal to their people and Motherland, Soviet soldiers in battles with the enemy showed examples of heroism, cohesion, perseverance and mutual assistance. Each fighter, in a moment of mortal danger, acted selflessly, going to death in order to achieve victory in battle. Friendship and military camaraderie are created and strengthened in everyday army life. One of its main traditions in peacetime is all possible support for young military personnel. This is primarily assistance in adapting to the conditions of military service, comprehending all the intricacies of the military profession, and mastering weapons and equipment. Modern military equipment, as a rule, implies collective operation, which means that a whole group of soldiers (tank crew, combat crew, etc.) solves one common problem. In such conditions, a mistake by even one member of a military unit can damage combat readiness and even disrupt the completion of the assigned mission. In modern conditions, the success in battle of any unit, unit, or ship consists of the combat effectiveness of each soldier included in the squad, crew, crew, platoon, company, on the psychological compatibility of the members of any unit, on their ability to act coherently as a single whole. This can be achieved only by educating oneself in the spirit of the moral and psychological foundations of military friendship and military camaraderie. So, for example, a military unit is a military formation that, as a rule, has a permanent organization and a homogeneous composition. Units include: battalion, division, squadron, company, battery, link, warhead of a ship, platoon, squad.

on the course "Military Affairs"

on the topic: “Patriotism, loyalty to military duty is the basis of worthy service to the Fatherland”


The idea of ​​patriotism has at all times occupied a special place not only in the spiritual life of society, but also in all the most important spheres of its activity - ideology, politics, culture, economics. The content and direction of patriotism are determined primarily by the spiritual and moral climate of society, its historical roots that nourish the social life of generations. The role and importance of patriotism increase at sharp turns in history, when the objective tendencies of society are accompanied by an increase in the tension of its citizens (wars, invasions, social conflicts, revolutionary upheavals, crises, intensification of the struggle for power, natural and other disasters). The manifestation of patriotism in such periods is marked by high noble impulses, special sacrifice in the name of the Motherland, one’s people, which makes it possible to classify this phenomenon as one of the most complex and extraordinary.

Patriotism is the source of a warrior’s spiritual strength

How many generous impulses and heroic deeds are caused by a deep feeling - patriotism! How many wonderful words have been said and written by thinkers of all nations of the world about patriotic feeling! Let us remember Pushkin’s words: “...My friend, let us devote our souls to our Fatherland with wonderful impulses!” Is it possible to forget the brilliant line: “...And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us”! And how many folk proverbs exist about love for the Motherland: “A man without a Motherland is a nightingale without songs,” “One’s own land is sweet even in sorrow.”

The idea of ​​patriotism in Rus' has deep roots. It can be found in the chronicles of the 9th century. True, in those days it was distinguished by very limited features: it did not extend beyond personal devotion to one’s family, squad, or prince.

Since the adoption of Christianity in Rus', the patriotic idea has been enriched with new content - a feeling of devotion to the Christian faith. The patriotic ideal gained national significance.

As the Russian lands were liberated and united into a single centralized state, the shoots of Russian patriotism grew stronger. Calling on the Russian people to unite to fight the invaders, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky said: “So that we all stand with one mind against the enemies and destroyers of the faith of Christian, Polish and Lithuanian people, for the Moscow state...”

The true flowering of patriotism is associated with the personality of Peter I, with his multifaceted activities aimed at strengthening Russia. The great reformer and transformer put loyalty to the Fatherland above all other values, even above devotion to himself.

In the “Table of Ranks” established by Peter I, service to the Fatherland and zeal in state affairs were declared the highest virtue and were enshrined as the most important conditions for receiving ranks and awards. In order to form a patriotic consciousness, appropriate symbols, awards, rituals, and traditions were approved.

The victory in the Battle of Poltava and the subsequent numerous victories of Russian weapons highly raised the prestige of the defender of the Fatherland in Russian society. Patriotic values ​​were enriched by the idea of ​​protecting other peoples and states from foreign slavery. The readiness to defend one's country and come to the aid of peoples in trouble has become a tradition of the Russian military.

Patriotism, courage and bravery have been demonstrated more than once by the miracle heroes A.V. Suvorov. The Patriotic War of 1812 also showed us amazing examples of mass patriotism of the Russian people, which strengthened the national identity of Russians, their pride and dignity. Young and old rose to fight the invaders. And Russia survived and won. Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, Denis Davydov, wrote that Suvorov “put his hand on the heart of a Russian soldier and studied his beating... He multiplied the benefits brought by obedience tenfold. Combining it in the soul of our soldier with a sense of military pride and confidence in superiority over all soldiers in the world ... "

But, on the other hand, the Patriotic War of 1812 also revealed Russia’s lag in organizing the state and personal life of its citizens, and in ensuring civil liberties.

It is important to note that the development of the patriotic idea in Russia encountered many obstacles along the way. For example, Paul I’s ban on the use of the words “fatherland” and “citizen”.

The word “patriotism” comes from the Greek patris - homeland, fatherland. Vladimir Dahl’s Explanatory Dictionary states that a patriot is a lover of the fatherland, a zealot for its good.

Patriotism is love for the Motherland, devotion to one’s fatherland, the desire to serve its interests and readiness, even to the point of self-sacrifice, to defend it. Patriotism is a feeling of immense love for one’s people, pride in them, excitement, concern for their successes and sorrows, for victories and defeats.

Homeland is the territory, the geographical space where a person was born, the social and spiritual environment in which he grew up, lives and is brought up. Conventionally, a distinction is made between a large Motherland and a small one. By big Motherland we mean the country where a person grew up, lives and which has become dear and close to him. The small homeland is the place of birth and development of a person as an individual. A. Tvardovsky wrote: “This small homeland with its special appearance, with its, albeit modest and unassuming beauty, appears to a person in childhood, at the time of lifelong impressions of the childish soul, and with it, with this separate and small homeland, he comes over the years to that big Motherland that embraces all the small ones and - in its great whole - is one for everyone.”

Love for the Motherland arises in every person in its own time. With the first sip of mother's milk, love for the Fatherland begins to awaken. At first this happens unconsciously: just as a plant reaches out to the sun, a child reaches out to his father and mother. Growing up, he begins to feel attached to friends, to his native street, village, city. And only as he grows up, gaining experience and knowledge, he gradually realizes the greatest truth - his belonging to his mother-Fatherland, responsibility for it. This is how a patriotic citizen is born.

At the personal level, a patriotic person is characterized by such traits as the presence of a stable worldview, moral ideals, and adherence to norms of behavior.

At the public level, patriotism can be understood as the desire to strengthen the significance of one’s state and increase its authority in the world community.

A patriot loves his fatherland not because it gives him some benefits and privileges over other nations, but because it is his homeland. A person is either a patriot of his fatherland, and then he is connected to it, like a tree with its roots to the earth, or he is just dust carried by all the winds.

Over the years, many of our compatriots have gone abroad in search of a better life. But many of them never acquired a new homeland and yearn for Russia. Even a long life in a foreign land does not make it the Motherland, despite getting used to someone else's life and nature. Neither territory, nor racial origin, nor customary way of life, nor language, nor formal citizenship of another state in themselves constitute the Motherland. The homeland is not limited to this and cannot be reduced to this. The homeland presupposes a living principle of spirituality in a person, something sacred, beautiful and beloved. “Motherland,” wrote the outstanding Russian philosopher I.A. Ilyin, “there is something from the spirit and for the spirit.”

The Russian army has always been and remains the bearer of the patriotic idea. It is she who preserves and enhances patriotic traditions, symbols, rituals in her midst, and protects the consciousness of soldiers from dubious political ideas.

The patriotic feelings of Soviet soldiers were most clearly manifested during the war years when defending the Motherland from the attacks of aggressors.

Despite the defeat at Lake Khasan in July–August 1938, the Japanese militarists did not abandon their aggressive plans against the USSR. The Japanese military sought to seize the Mongolian People's Republic in order to turn it into a springboard for preparing a war against the Soviet Union. In the spring of 1939, in the area of ​​the Khalkhin Gol River, Japanese troops invaded Mongolia, and the Soviet Union was forced to provide military assistance to the fraternal people. A combined detachment of NKVD troops under the command of Major A.E. took part in the defeat of the enemy group, together with units of the Red Army. Bulygi.

In the order of the 1st Army Group dated October 12, 1939, Corps Commander G.K. Zhukov noted that the combined detachment had honorably completed the tasks assigned to it at the front and to clear the rear of spies and saboteurs. For the bravery and courage shown in battle, 230 soldiers and commanders of the combined detachment were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union.

During the Finnish War of 1939-1940, NKVD troops took an active part in hostilities. Chekist warriors V. Ilyushin and I. Plyashechnik, left alone, despite the threat to life and many times superior enemy forces, covered their comrades with fire and created conditions for victory in the battle.

Patriotism was one of the sources of mass heroism of the Soviet people during the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War.

When our Motherland was on the brink of destruction, the Soviet warrior worthily showed his best qualities as a faithful son of the Fatherland.

Already in the first days of the Great Patriotic War, the Chief of the General Staff of the German Ground Forces, F. Halder, noted the persistent nature of the battles with the Russians. “Enemy tank crews,” he wrote in his diary, “in most cases lock themselves in tanks and prefer to burn themselves along with the vehicles.”

The feat of the heroes of the Brest Fortress will not fade in the centuries. Among its heroic defenders were soldiers and commanders of the 132nd separate battalion of the NKVD troops. Red Army soldier Fyodor Ryabov fought fearlessly with the enemy. His combat record included a destroyed fascist tank and up to a dozen Nazis destroyed in counterattacks. He twice saved the life of one of the leaders of the defense of the fortress, political instructor P. Koshkarov. Fyodor Ryabov died on June 29, 1941 while repelling another enemy tank attack. He was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, and was forever included in the unit's lists.

In the terrible year of 1941, the defenders of Moscow fought to the death. Each of them realized: “Not a step back - Moscow is behind us!”

Ilya Ehrenburg wrote in October 1941: “We know what we are fighting for: for the right to breathe. We know what we are suffering for: for our children. We know what we stand for: for Russia, for the Motherland.”

In August 1941, near Novgorod, political instructor A. Pankratov accomplished an unprecedented feat: he closed the embrasure of an enemy bunker, saving the lives of his fellow soldiers and ensuring the completion of the combat mission. And during the war years, a similar feat was accomplished by 470 soldiers, of which 150 were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. All of them went down in history under the name sailors. The fact is that the feat of Alexander Matrosov, accomplished on February 23, 1943, became known to the country earlier than the feat of other heroes. One of the heroes was the commander of the submachine gunner section of the motorized rifle regiment of the Ordzhonikidze division of the NKVD troops, Pyotr Parfenovich Barbashov. November 9, 1942 in the battle for the village. Gizel (Prigorodny district of North Ossetia), having used up all the ammunition, rushed to the embrasure and closed it with his body. On December 13, 1942, for his accomplished feat, he was awarded the Order of Lenin and was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously). On November 21, 1942, the platoon commander of a rifle regiment of the NKVD troops, Pyotr Kuzmich Guzhvin, repeated the feat of his comrade in arms. On March 31, 1943, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Units of the 249th Regiment of Convoy Troops took part in the most stubborn battles for Odessa. Staunchly defending themselves, they, together with Red Army soldiers and sailors, repeatedly counterattacked the enemy. Red Army machine gunner V. Barinov, burst into the enemy’s location, shot several dozen soldiers with a machine gun, and destroyed the command post where there were 12 officers. Wounded in this battle, he did not leave the battlefield. For courage and courage, Vasily Barinov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.


The Red Army soldier of the 3rd Red Banner Motorized Rifle Regiment V. Lazarenko acted selflessly in the battles for the Caucasus. While part of a tank landing, he destroyed two enemy tanks with bunches of grenades. Being wounded, he destroyed the crew of a German heavy gun, killed an officer and captured a soldier with a cart loaded with ammunition. V. Lazarenko was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on October 25, 1943.

In the winter of 1943, the whole world watched the Battle of Stalingrad. Our soldier survived incredibly difficult battles, defeated selected enemy units, went on the offensive, surrounded twenty-two divisions, captured them, thereby burying the myth of the invincibility of the German army and marking the decline of German fascism.

The history of the Great Patriotic War knows entire units of heroic warriors. The soldiers of the 10th Infantry Division of the Internal Troops of the NKVD of the USSR wrote their formation in golden letters into the history of the defense of Stalingrad. The division, with a total strength of about 7,600 people, as a result of multi-day battles, destroyed more than 15,000 enemy personnel, 100 tanks, 2 aircraft, 38 vehicles, 3 fuel tanks, 6 guns, 2 ammunition depots. On September 5, 1942, in the battles for Stalingrad, a machine gunner of the rifle regiment of the division A.E. Vashchenko, during an attack on a bunker under heavy machine gun fire, closed the embrasure with his body, making it possible to develop the success of the attack. For his accomplished feat, the brave soldier was posthumously awarded the Order of Lenin. On December 2, 1942, for mass heroism and self-sacrifice, an invaluable contribution to the defense of the city, the 10th Rifle Division of the Internal Troops of the NKVD of the USSR was awarded the Order of Lenin.

It was thanks to patriotism that the soldiers of the Red Army were able to overcome the most difficult trials and defeat a cruel, strong enemy.

Life convinces us that there is no shame in being a patriot. It is shameful and scary to not know your kinship. All politicians, all public figures must understand this. You can have a variety of beliefs, put forward different platforms, programs, charters, but you can’t only do one thing - bring harm to your people, Russia.

Patriotism in our country must be sovereign, historically continuous, enlightened and spiritually filled.

The sovereignty of Russian patriotism reflects the historical fact that for almost half a millennium Russia has been a great power - one of those states that, due to its size and power, bore and bear a special responsibility for maintaining stability in international relations.

The historical continuity of Russian patriotism means a commonality of historical memory, historical consciousness of the continuity of the historical state. Attempts to consign certain periods of our history to oblivion are simply senseless, and also cause great damage to the education of Russian citizens.

In a serviceman, patriotism, in its highest form, must be manifested in fidelity to military duty, selfless service to the Motherland, and defense of the Fatherland - this is the duty and responsibility of a patriot.

Loyalty to military duty

Patriotism always finds its expression in a sense of duty to the Motherland. Depending on the specific living conditions of people and the nature of their activities, debt takes various forms.

Responsibilities towards the Fatherland are expressed by patriotic, civic duty; to the armed defense of the country - military duty, to comrades - comradely duty. Whatever the form of duty, it is always connected with public interests, with moral values ​​and actions. A high sense of duty helps each of us resist temptations, the wrong step, and maintain conscience and dignity. “We all have it,” noted the prominent Russian writer I.S. Turgenev, “there is one anchor from which, unless you want to, you will never break free: a sense of duty.”

Fulfilling a duty shows the true face of a person, reveals the moral qualities of an individual, and characterizes his civic position. No wonder people say: “Try to fulfill your duty, and you will find out what is in you.”

In peaceful everyday life, military duty requires from every warrior a deep understanding of personal responsibility for the defense of the Motherland, mastery of entrusted equipment and weapons, improvement of one’s moral, combat and psychological qualities, high organization and discipline.

To be faithful to military duty means by all one’s deeds and actions to increase combat readiness, strengthen the country’s combat power, and, if necessary, to stand up for its defense. Russian soldiers have someone to follow by example.

The unfading exploits of the Russian and Soviet troops, of which the entire country is proud, are inscribed in golden letters in the chronicle of the Fatherland. Our soldier always knew what he was fighting for. And therefore, a sense of patriotism and duty was inherent in Svyatoslav’s warriors, and the soldiers of Peter I, and Suvorov’s miracle heroes, and the brave soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.

The historical experience of Russia testifies that its warriors, maintaining continuity, from generation to generation not only preserved, but also accumulated military traditions and increased the glory of their fathers.

As experience in defending the Fatherland accumulated, military heroism gained the strength of a strong moral tradition and became the norm of behavior for the Russian military. The basis of military heroism, its source are patriotism, love for Russia, and loyalty to military duty.

At present, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia continue to be a school of patriotism, life hardening, social maturity and professional excellence for tens of thousands of military personnel.

The feeling of patriotism remains the highest moral value and the most convincing meaning of the service of Russian military personnel. It is gratifying that love for the Motherland among patriotic soldiers is not limited to verbal assurances, but includes a creative beginning and is expressed in specific noble deeds and heroic deeds.

We can safely say: the morale of the Russian troops is quite high and contributes to the solution of the tasks assigned to them. The soldiers are concerned about the fate of Russia. Such moral and combat qualities as military brotherhood, military camaraderie and mutual assistance are manifested with particular force.

For the current defender of the fatherland, such concepts as loyalty to the oath, unquestioning execution of orders and display of military honor are still sacred.

There have been heroes in Russia at all times. It still exists today. And this is the surest guarantee of the indestructibility of our fatherland, its spiritual strength and future revival. As long as the Russian soldier is alive - a faithful son and defender of his fatherland - Russia will also be alive.

The famous Russian military leader and teacher General M.I. Dragomirov noted: “...Where a person loves his homeland, loves his part, there he does not think about sacrificing himself for their good.” To remember and be faithful to this truth is our duty to those heroes whose exploits covered the battle flags of the Armed Forces of our Motherland with unfading glory.

The Russian Army carefully preserves the memory of its heroes. Books are written about them, poems and songs are composed. Beginning in 1840, the warriors who performed the most remarkable feats began to be forever included in the lists of units and subunits. The first on this list is private Tenginsky regiment Arkhip Osipov, who blew up a powder magazine and himself in the Mikhailovsky fortification during the war in the Caucasus. For this feat, by order of the Minister of War A. Osipov was forever included in the lists of the 1st Grenadier Company of the regiment. When this name was mentioned in the ranks, the first private behind him answered: “He died for the glory of Russian weapons in the Mikhailovsky fortification.”

This tradition was revived during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. After the feat of Alexander Matrosov, which was heard throughout the country in February 1943, his name was forever included in the lists of the unit. And again the words sounded over the ranks: “He died a brave death for the freedom and independence of our Motherland.” This tradition continues in the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Lieutenant Oleg Babak, deputy company commander for political affairs of the Sofrino operational brigade, will remain forever in the memory of the servicemen of the internal troops as an example of fulfilling military duty. Since March 1991, as part of a unit of internal troops, he carried out tasks to protect public order in the Kubatli region of Azerbaijan. On April 7, having received a message about the murder of a village resident, an officer arrived with a group of military personnel at the scene of the incident, where he was fired upon by unknown persons. Protecting civilians, Lieutenant Babak fought to the last bullet and prevented reprisals against local residents. Posthumously, Lieutenant A.Ya Babak was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

No matter how one views the Afghan page in the history of our country today, it cannot be denied that the overwhelming number of soldiers who went through Afghanistan honestly fulfilled their duty.

Demonstrating examples of courage and heroism, they did not think about honors and awards. The soldiers fulfilled their duty and believed that they were doing the right thing - helping the people of Afghanistan defend their right to a better life. For our army, the Afghan war lasted ten years. But whatever the political assessments, the immutable truth remains the high combat effectiveness of the Soviet soldier - a worthy successor to the exploits of his ancestors. For selfless fulfillment of military duty on Afghan soil, 86 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and more than 200 thousand were awarded orders and medals, of which 110 thousand were soldiers and sergeants. Among the military personnel who fulfilled their military duty in Afghanistan, there are many soldiers of the internal troops.

Private Valery Arsenov took his step into immortality on the soil of Afghanistan, covering the company commander with his chest in battle. He was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

On February 15, 1989, this war ended. But even today, after a number of years, the Afghan experience is also relevant because this region still remains a hotbed of potential military conflicts.

The Motherland remembers the heroic border guards of the 12th border post of the Moscow border detachment, who on July 13, 1993 fought an unequal battle with 250 Afghan Mujahideen. The “spirits” surrounded 45 Russian border guards in a tight ring and kept the support group away for a long time. Having mined the only road leading to the outpost, they fired massively from commanding heights. The desperate resistance of the encircled outpost lasted 11 hours. Only 18 border guards managed to escape from that hell. Wounded, shell-shocked, bleeding, they broke through to their own, led by the deputy head of the outpost, Lieutenant Andrei Merzlikin. And 25 servicemen died. For courage and heroism, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, 6 border guards were awarded the title of Hero of Russia, 29 servicemen of the Moscow border detachment were awarded the Order “For Personal Courage”, 17 were awarded the Medal “For Courage”. The heroic outpost became known as the 12th border outpost named after 25 Heroes.

Soldiers of the internal troops prove their love for the Motherland and loyalty to military duty every day when performing combat service to protect public order, important state facilities, and during guard and internal service.

And today, military personnel of the internal troops carry out combat missions with dignity and honor, showing courage, courage and heroism. Here are just a few of them.

Private Andrei Kalyapin, a reconnaissance driver of a reconnaissance company of one of the military units, performed special tasks to protect the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Dagestan.

On August 29, 1999, he took part in a special operation to disarm illegal armed groups in the Kadar zone of the Republic of Dagestan. During the operation, the reconnaissance company captured a strategic height in the area of ​​the village of Chabanmakhi, on which a radio repeater and a television transmission center for the militants were located. At dawn, having brought up large forces, using mortars and anti-aircraft guns, the militants launched an assault on the heights, trying to dislodge the company from their positions.

Waging a fierce battle surrounded by superior enemy forces, the reconnaissance company held its height for five hours. At the most difficult moment of the battle, when the enemy launched a counterattack, Private Kalyapin A.V. I saw an RGD-5 grenade fall next to the commander. The decision was made instantly: saving the life of his commander, the brave warrior rushed to the enemy grenade and covered it with his own body, thereby preventing the death of the commander and the military personnel who were next to him. Andrei was seriously injured from a grenade explosion and was taken to the hospital, where he died from his wounds.

For the courage and heroism shown during the liquidation of illegal armed groups in the North Caucasus region, private Andrei Vyacheslavovich Kalyapin was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

To ensure the vital functions of the units of the formation (delivery of ammunition, weapons, property), on January 9, 2000, a column consisting of 23 units of armored vehicles was sent along the route Shali - Argun - Gudermes. Three crews of armored personnel carriers were assigned to the marching guard to accompany the column, one of which included Private Alexander Averkiev as a machine gunner.

At 8:10 a.m. a column in the area of ​​the village. Meskert-Yurt was attacked by superior forces of militants. Thanks to the high professionalism and training of Private A.A. Averkiev, who did not lose his head and, with fire from his machine gun, accurately striking the attackers, forced them to lie down, the attack of the bandits was drowned out, which allowed his armored personnel carrier and four vehicles to break through in the direction of the settlement. Jalka. During the battle, Averkiev personally killed 5 militants and suppressed 2 firing points.

On the outskirts of the village The Jalka column was again attacked by bandits in the amount of 250 people. A fierce battle ensued. Taking advantage of their numerical superiority, the militants began to close the encirclement. Alexander’s machine gun in this situation was the only deterrent to the enemy’s insidious plans.

Seeing this, the enemy concentrated all his firepower on the armored personnel carrier: the armored personnel carrier caught fire, the crew was forced to leave the burning vehicle and take up a perimeter defense. Inspired by success, the bandits were already celebrating their victory and anticipating imminent reprisals against our servicemen. The brave machine gunner, understanding the tragedy of the situation, made the only right decision. Knowing that he was heading for certain death, he returned to the burning car and resumed devastating fire on the enemy. The Wahhabis were discouraged; after the first bursts they lost 4 people killed.

Taking advantage of the confusion in the ranks of the attackers, the unit broke out of the ring, carrying out all the dead and wounded, and delivered weapons and ammunition to the specified area at the appointed time. Until the last bullet and last breath, Alexander covered his colleagues. At the cost of his own life, he saved the lives of many of his comrades and ensured the completion of the assigned task.

For the courage and heroism shown during the liquidation of illegal armed groups in the North Caucasus region, private Alexander Alexandrovich Averkiev was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).


In the flames of the Eternal Flame, majestic memorials and modest obelisks, in works of literature and art, in the hearts of contemporaries and our descendants, the memory of the immortal exploits of those who were the first to attack, who shielded the commander from the deadly fire, who stood to the death on the field will forever be preserved. battle, who did not break under torture and did not reveal military secrets, who fulfilled their military duty with honor.


1. Heroes of the Fatherland (Collection of documentary essays). – M.: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2004.

2. Worthy of the title of hero (About the heroes of the Soviet Union - graduates of the internal troops). – M.: DOSAAF Publishing House, 2006.

3. Gold stars of the internal troops. – M.: 1980

Patriotism, loyalty to military duty - moral traditions and the foundations of the spiritual potential of the Russian officer corps

Patriotism and loyalty to military duty are the most important value orientations of Russian officers

Among military personnel and, above all, the officer corps, such spiritual values ​​as patriotism, military duty, responsibility, discipline, conscience, honor, professional competence and others are highlighted. They most clearly and visibly characterize the highest degree of readiness to faithfully serve their people, professionally and effectively fulfill military duty, and also act as moral and business characteristics.

In a normal, truly democratic society, without any doubt, patriotism occupies a central, integrating position in the general system of values. It belongs to the most fundamental and enduring values.

In the explanatory dictionary V.I. Dahl interprets a patriot as a lover of the Fatherland, a zealot for its good. A cosmopolitan is a “world citizen”, a person who does not recognize a special relationship to the Motherland.

Modern state Russian patriotism did not develop all at once, but went through a long evolutionary development. The idea of ​​patriotism in Rus' has deep roots. It can be traced back to the chronicles of the 9th century. True, in those days it did not extend beyond personal devotion to one’s family, squad, or prince.

Since the adoption of Christianity in Rus', the patriotic idea has been enriched with new content
- a sense of devotion to the Christian faith. The renewed patriotic ideal began to unite and unite the people into a single whole.

As the Russian lands were liberated and united into a single centralized state, the sprouts of national-state patriotism grew stronger. The year of his birth is considered to be 1380, and the place

Kulikovo field. After the battle, the process of merging individual Russian principalities began, characterized by all-Russian patriotism, the meaning of which was a united and powerful Rus'.

The true flowering of patriotism is associated with the personality of Peter I, with his multifaceted activities aimed at strengthening Russia. The great reformer and transformer put loyalty to the Fatherland above all other values, even above devotion to himself. We emphasize that already at the beginning of the 17th century, the “Charter of Military and Cannon Affairs” established patriotism as a military-professional quality and a norm of behavior for soldiers.

In the “Table of Ranks,” established by Peter I in 1722, service to the Fatherland and zeal in state affairs were declared the highest valor and established as the most important conditions for receiving ranks and awards. In order to form a patriotic consciousness, appropriate symbols, awards, rituals, and traditions were approved.

The victory in the Battle of Poltava and the subsequent numerous victories of Russian weapons highly raised the prestige of the defender of the Fatherland in Russian society. Patriotic values ​​were enriched by the idea of ​​protecting other peoples and states from foreign slavery. The readiness to defend their country and come to the aid of peoples in trouble has become a characteristic feature of the Russian army.

With the development of the regular army and the formation of the officer corps, military-professional patriotism received its final form as an expression of the essence of people who devoted their lives to the defense of the Fatherland. In its main features it reaches our days.

Since the time of Peter I, officers have occupied a unique place in the life of society. Officers not only defended the Fatherland, but built cities and factories, were inventors, discovered new lands, ruled provinces, served as diplomats and even headed the Russian Orthodox Church (for example, the first chief prosecutor of the Holy Synod, Colonel I. Boltin, 1721-1726) .

An important circumstance that influenced the formation of military-professional patriotism was also the Russian national character.

These circumstances determined the peculiar features of Russian military-professional patriotism:

Boundless devotion to the Fatherland and willingness to consciously give his life for it;

High concepts of military honor and military duty among both officers and soldiers and sailors;

Persistence and perseverance in battle, readiness for heroic deeds as the norm of behavior;

Devotion to the regiment, the ship, its banner, its traditions;

Respect and observance of military rituals, awards and uniform honor;

Heroic behavior in captivity;

Willingness to come to the aid of peoples in trouble;

Personal example of an officer to his subordinates;

Mastery of one's profession from commander to private.

The significance of military professional patriotism is great. At critical moments, it was he who tipped the scales of the warring parties in favor of Russia.

Most officers of the Russian army saw the meaning of their lives in serving the Fatherland, devoting all their strength and knowledge to this cause. This is confirmed by numerous examples.

So, in 1809, the young Colonel M. Vorontsov received command of the Narva Musketeer Regiment. The intellectual officer, who absorbed the essence of Suvorov’s teachings, turned his regiment into a powerful fighting organism. Taking up a new position and saying goodbye to his fellow soldiers, M. Vorontsov left a military will in the form of “Instructions to gentlemen officers of the Narva Infantry Regiment on the day of battle.” When Prince P. Bagration got acquainted with this document, the impression of it turned out to be so strong that he decided to print it and send it out to the troops of the 2nd Western Army under the title “Instruction to gentlemen infantry officers on the day of battle.”

“Instruction...” had a strong impact on the morale and moral choice of the absolute majority of commanders, not only during the Patriotic War of 1812, but also during other severe trials for our Motherland.

The tradition of deep patriotism and loyalty to the Motherland turned out to be close and natural for the commanders of the Red Army. In battles with the German invaders, Soviet officers amazed the world with heroism and exploits that have no equal in world history.

For example, on January 30, 1945, the Soviet submarine S-13, commanded by Alexander Marinesko, torpedoed the German liner Wilhelm Gustlow, which had over 7 thousand Nazis on board, including 1,300 submariners. The world press called this feat “the attack of the century”, and called the commander “submariner No. 1”. In total, submarine officer Alexander Marinesko and his crew sent several enemy ships to the bottom, the sum of their displacement was 41,507 tons.

Another example. Lieutenant Semyon Konovalov on a KB tank set fire to 16 tanks, 2 armored vehicles, and 8 enemy vehicles in one battle. The KB was hit and three crew members were killed. Making his way to his own, Konovalov, together with a comrade, managed to take possession of a German tank and drove it to the location of our troops.

During the Great Patriotic War, our pilots also showed high professionalism and heroism. Thus, Ivan Kozhedub shot down 62 enemy aircraft, Alexander Pokryshkin - 59, Nikolai Gulaev shot down 13 personally and 5 as part of a group.

For the courage and heroism shown in battles against German troops, over 11.6 thousand Soviet soldiers were awarded the highest degree of distinction - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Among them are more than 6 thousand officers, generals, admirals and marshals. 115 of them were awarded this title twice, and G.K. Zhukov, A.I. Pokryshkin, I.N. Kozhedub ended the war three times as Heroes of the Soviet Union (later Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov was once again awarded this high title).

Russian officers show examples of courage, heroism, and loyalty to patriotic duty in peacetime, when performing special tasks in the North Caucasus, in the process of eliminating the consequences of accidents and catastrophes, natural disasters, etc.

Another moral value is closely related to patriotism as a spiritual value of Russian officers - loyalty to military duty, that is, an internal conscious readiness to fulfill assigned tasks to protect the Motherland. The content of the debt, as a rule, is formed in the form of some specific requirement, command, political, legal or moral obligation. To fully fulfill his duty, a soldier always needs such spiritual qualities as strong convictions, strong and deep knowledge, strong will and perseverance. It is the man of duty who always achieves success in service, who stoically overcomes the difficulties of everyday life, and who will not retreat in the face of formidable danger. This is confirmed by numerous examples from Russian history and the life of the Russian Armed Forces. The conscious and heroic fulfillment of military duty by our officers during the Great Patriotic War, in Afghanistan, during the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, during special operations in Chechnya and Dagestan convincingly confirms their calling and examples of high spirituality. L.N. Tolstoy wrote about the role of officers: “Believe, Russian officers, in your great calling. Do not doubt his greatness, because every doubt is the beginning of destruction. You are called to serve the good of Russia through the army and through serving and educating it, the good of the whole world, if you love your country and believe in it and in yourself.”

In post-Soviet times, radical changes took place in Russian society, which also affected the spiritual sphere, creating many problems in it. Among them are problems related to the education of patriotism and loyalty to military duty, which officers should be aware of and take into account in their work with personnel.

Thus, sociological surveys conducted in the army and navy show that more than half of conscripts called up from rural areas and small towns, working-class and peasant families, during their service and especially towards its completion, cease to consider military service as their duty to Homeland and honorable duty. This is due to the fact that most of them eventually realize that many of their peers managed to evade military service and shift these responsibilities to others. As a consequence of all this, there is an evolution in the value orientations of military personnel.

In modern conditions, compared to previous decades, the values ​​of military service, which have a predominantly individualistic sound, have acquired importance. Thus, among the respondents, the opportunity to test oneself in difficult conditions was 28%, the acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for life - 19%, the opportunity to see life in other lands - 17%, the opportunity for physical improvement - 13%. And such values ​​as involvement in the defense of the Motherland and pride in belonging to the Armed Forces, military honor and dignity, amounted to only about 5% among those surveyed. This circumstance suggests that the problem of forming value orientations among defenders of the Motherland should be approached seriously and thoughtfully.

Moral traditions are the basis of the spiritual qualities of the officer corps

The officer corps of any army in the world has its own traditions, which play a huge role in strengthening its fighting spirit and power. The traditions of the officer corps mean historically established and passed down from generation to generation customs, professional and moral rules that have become the norm of behavior of officers in combat situations and in peacetime, encouraging officers to honestly and conscientiously fulfill their military duty and serve the Fatherland.

The traditions of Russian officers developed over several centuries. Originating at the turn of the 17th - 18th centuries, with the advent of “command” people and the creation of a regular army, they were developed in the troops of the great commanders P.A. Rumyantseva, A.V. Suvorova, M.I. Kutuzova, M.D. Skobelev and others, whose valor and glory were demonstrated to the whole world. Over the entire history of the Russian Army, strong traditions have been formed in various spheres of military activity: combat, training and everyday life. At the same time, among them one can distinguish traditions that are deeply moral in nature and especially clearly emphasize the essence of the officer.

1. The central place in the system of moral traditions of the officer corps is occupied by maintaining the honor of the officer, the honor of the uniform, which was done, as documents of Russian military history testify, already in adolescence, on the approaches to the officer rank.

Thus, in the book “Instructions for Self-Discipline and Self-Education” published for officers (with the subtitle “Collected Letters of an Old Officer to His Son”) the following is said on this subject: “True honor is the good reputation that we enjoy, the general trust in our truthfulness and justice , to our sincere love for people; therefore, you should not be indifferent to honor, since indifference to it humiliates you and excludes you from the society of people worthy of respect.”

The inviolability of the officer’s personality was inextricably linked with the concept of officer’s honor. Nothing but weapons could touch him. Both the law and moral standards guarded the inviolability of his personality. The officer could not be subjected to any punishment that affected his dignity as a person. Even in the general civil sphere. Unlike other citizens, for example, collection on a bill of exchange could only be applied to the officer's property, but not to his person - the officer could not be subjected to personal detention for non-payment of the debt (arrest or imprisonment). The officer and the one who was going to become one could not, naturally, be subjected to corporal punishment. In general, soldiers and non-commissioned officers who were fined (having penalties) during their service were not supposed to be promoted to officers, but for those who distinguished themselves in battle, an exception could be made in respect of their military merits. But never and in no case, regardless of any merit, could a person whose back was touched by a rod wear officer's shoulder straps. Moreover, an officer who was subjected to insult by action, i.e., beating, had to leave service, since it was believed that the presence of publicly humiliated people among the officer corps was detrimental to the officer’s rank.

The concept of the honor of one’s regiment, which was cultivated in the army under the influence of historical traditions, was closely connected with the honor of an officer’s uniform. The glorious fighting traditions of the regiments of the Russian Army, passed down from generation to generation, served as a powerful stimulus for the development of a sense of pride in belonging to one’s unit and to the Russian Army in general. The existence of regimental museums, the writing of unit histories, widely and solemnly celebrated regimental holidays and anniversaries - all contributed to maintaining this feeling. The officer bore, as it were, an additional responsibility for maintaining his honor: by dropping it, he was dropping not only his personal dignity as an officer, but also the honor of his regiment.

The main content of officer's honor is the officer's readiness to defend his homeland and serve in the name of its security. The highest manifestation of officer's honor is loyalty to one's military duty, personal courage, heroism, bravery, dedication, willingness to take risks in the name of achieving socially significant goals, diligence, and loyalty to one's word. A normal phenomenon for our army should be the revival of the good tradition of officers of the Russian army, when they could, at the end of a conversation or in another situation, say “I have the honor,” putting an end to the issue at hand.

2. An important moral tradition of the Russian officer corps is concern for subordinates on the part of commanders. Already from the beginning of the creation of the Russian regular army, Peter I and his closest associates sought to direct the energy of the army to the sacred cause of defending the Fatherland, trying not to use military personnel for personal interests, not to distract them with extraneous matters. And although many construction works were carried out with the participation of soldiers, Peter tried not to abuse their distraction from the training process. He demanded the same from his subordinates. Catherine II also ensured that “soldiers would not lack anything,” thinking only about military service.

A.V. placed the soldier extremely highly as a defender of the Fatherland. Suvorov. “A soldier is dearer to me than himself,” the field marshal liked to repeat.

Realizing that a soldier’s sense of self-esteem is an invariable element of his national pride, the command of the Russian Army tried in every possible way to instill in service relations a strictness that does not turn into humiliation. In 1753, on the initiative of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, after a discussion at the Military Collegium, a special decree “On more meek treatment of company commanders with soldiers” was issued. It demanded that “...immeasurable and innocent beatings of soldiers” be excluded from educational work. For rudeness, officers were ordered to “withhold fines in excess of the state,” and “those who committed it after a warning were to be deprived of their officer ranks.”

Field Marshal General P.A. Rumyantsev tried in every possible way to protect soldiers from unnecessary overexertion and twitching. He demanded from the commanders that “people should not be exhausted unnecessarily” and in the absence “near the enemy they should not be kept in uniform and in shoes.” All these requirements are extremely relevant today.

3. It has become an established tradition of officers in the Russian Army to demonstrate by personal example to their subordinates loyalty to military duty, endurance, perseverance, courage and bravery. Already in the “Instruction to gentlemen officers of the Narva Infantry Regiment on the day of battle” that we mentioned, it was noted that “if the spirit of courage is the distinctive sign of the entire Russian people, then in the officers it is connected with the most sacred duty to always show others the first example of both fearlessness and patience in labor and obedience to superiors."

There are many examples of personal courage and heroism of officers, their readiness to lead an attack in difficult and decisive moments, to lead companies and battalions to break through enemy chains, storm fortresses and bastions.

Heroism as a characteristic feature and tradition of the Russian officer clearly manifested itself during the Great Patriotic War, a convincing confirmation of this is the fact that among the Heroes of the Soviet Union awarded during this period, officers accounted for 60%.

4. The traditions of the spiritual culture of officers of the Russian Army are rich and varied in their manifestation. No matter what area of ​​Russian culture we turn to, people in uniform stand among the creators everywhere. The activities of Russian officers extended to one degree or another to all areas of culture.

The most revealing thing here is literature. Among hundreds of Russian writers of the 18th - early 20th centuries, approximately every third was an officer or came from an officer's family.

The poets A. Kantemir, G. Derzhavin, M. Lermontov, F. Ryleev, A. Odoevsky, D. Davydov, Y. Knyazhnin, writers L. Tolstoy, N. Karamzin, N. Kurganov, P. entered the history of Russian literature forever. Vyazemsky, A. Bolotov, N. Novikov and many others.

An outstanding place in Russian literature of the 18th century is occupied by G.R. Derzhavin (1743-1816). He spent the first ten years of his service as a simple soldier. Derzhavin served as an officer for five years, in 1777 he was promoted to captain-lieutenant, after which he was soon transferred to civil service.

Russian officers made a great contribution to the development of domestic fine arts. The military theme, works depicting battles, military exploits performed in the name of defending the Motherland have always occupied a significant place in it. However, this does not mean that war artists only depicted war. The golden fund of Russian fine art includes such outstanding names as N.A. Yaroshenko, V.V. Vereshchagin, P.A. Fedotov and many others.

Nikolai Andreevich Yaroshenko (1864-1898) was a unique personality in Russian painting. The son of a general, he graduated from the cadet corps, the St. Petersburg Artillery Academy and himself rose to the rank of general. Part of the Wanderers, N.A. Yaroshenko created expressive images of ordinary people (“All my life”, “Stoker”).

Russian officers also made a significant contribution to the development of Russian musical culture. First of all, it is necessary to note, along with “Pushkin of Russian Music” M.I. Glinka of his contemporary, hussar officer A.A. Alyabyeva.

A participant in the Patriotic War of 1812, repeatedly wounded, awarded several orders for military merits, A.A. Alyabyev (1787-1851) entered world and domestic music, primarily as the author of the famous romance “The Nightingale,” which is still the pinnacle of vocal performing art. He owns operas (“The Tempest”, “The Magic Night”, “The Fisherman and the Mermaids”, etc.), and ballets, and chamber instrumental, as well as theatrical music. He was one of the first to set to music the poems of A.S. Pushkin, as well as V.A. Zhukovsky, A.A. Delviga, N.M. Yazykova.

Russian military history provides rich material indicating that each historical era has its own military organization of society and specific military traditions unique to it, including officer traditions. Therefore, the attitude towards traditions should be creative, and not be a simple repetition of ideas, principles, and customs of the past. The inheritance or denial of traditions, their preservation and development or abandonment of them presupposes, on the one hand, the skillful mastery of the experience of previous generations, the correct selection and assessment of the heritage, as well as the creative development of traditions in a changed environment; on the other hand, non-perception, condemnation, denial of everything inert and random from the past.

1. In the introductory speech, noting the relevance of the topic, it is important to emphasize that the new look of the Russian Armed Forces also presupposes a corresponding officer corps, combining the highest professionalism, love for the Motherland, loyalty to military duty and the traditions of the great Russian commanders.

2. When considering the first question, it is necessary to reveal the origins of the patriotism of military personnel of the Russian army, convincingly show their loyalty to military duty, and briefly dwell on some modern army moral problems.

3. In the course of revealing the second question, taking into account the characteristics of the listeners, the most relevant moral traditions of the officers of the military collective should be analyzed, and special attention should be paid to unresolved issues.

4. In conclusion, it is necessary to draw conclusions about the lesson, answer questions from students, and give recommendations for further study of the topic.

1. Volkov S. Russian officer corps. - M., 1993.

2. Heroes of the Fatherland (Collection of documentary essays). - M., 2004.

3. Officer Corps of the Russian Army. Experience of self-discovery. - M., 2000.

4. Strelnikov V. Russian Officer Corps: history of formation and military traditions // Landmark. - 2003. - No. 4.

Major Boris Ivanov

§ 47. Patriotism and loyalty to military duty - qualities of a defender of the Fatherland

A serviceman is a defender of the Fatherland, and he is entrusted with the responsibilities of preparing for armed defense and armed defense of the Russian Federation.

The Fatherland is not only the past, not only a community of historical destiny, but above all the present of the people living in a specific territory and having a state structure.

Patriotism is a feeling of love for one’s people, pride in their successes and victories, and bitterness for failures and defeats.

Military duty is a moral and legal norm of conduct for a military personnel.

A military serviceman is, first of all, a citizen of the Russian Federation. He has all the rights and freedoms of man and citizen provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

To fulfill his duties in defending the Fatherland, a serviceman must be faithful to the Military Oath and serve selflessly. to live for one’s people, courageously, skillfully, not sparing one’s blood and life itself, to defend the Russian Federation, to fulfill one’s military duty, to endure the hardships of military service.

In order to fully meet his mission, a serviceman must first of all be a patriot of his state - the Russian Federation.

A sense of patriotism is the basis of the spiritual qualities of Russian soldiers. Patriotism personifies love for one’s Motherland, inseparability with its history, culture, achievements, and problems.

We are all children of one Motherland - Russia. No matter what political and economic events take place in it, no matter how difficult and difficult it may be for us at certain periods of time, it remains our Motherland, the land of our ancestors, our culture. We live here and we must do everything to make our country great and prosperous.

Homeland is the territory, the geographical space where a person was born, the social and spiritual environment in which he grew up and lives.

Fatherland is a concept close to the concept of the Motherland, but with a deeper content.

Our Motherland is also the Russian language, which unites us all in a common house of nations. Russian is the official language. The Motherland is our literature, music, theater, cinema, painting, science, this is our entire Russian spiritual culture.

The Motherland is everything that our ancestors created, this is the place where our children will live, this is all that we are obliged to love, cherish, protect and improve.

Patriotism is the spiritual and moral principle of every citizen of the country; it is love for one’s Motherland, people, its history, language and national culture. A citizen of a country is first and foremost a patriot.

For military personnel, patriotism is manifested primarily in loyalty to military duty, selfless service to the Motherland, and readiness to defend its interests with arms in hand at any time.

What is meant by the concept of debt? A person lives in society and cannot be independent of it. We are all interdependent on each other, everyone contributes a part of their labor to the common cause, and everyone enjoys the benefits of civilization. To satisfy their needs, each person uses the benefits created by older generations and society before him. Society, in turn, makes certain demands on a person and obliges him to act and live in accordance with established, time-tested norms of behavior. One part of the norms of behavior is determined by state laws and other legal documents. The other part remains in the memory of the people and represents generally accepted norms of morality and ethics 1 .

Legal and moral norms are closely interrelated and define the concepts of duty and honor.

Duty is a person’s moral obligations, performed out of promptings of conscience. Conscience is an expression of an individual’s ability to exercise moral self-control, independently formulate moral duties for himself, demand that he fulfill them, and make a self-assessment of his actions.

Military duty represents the unity of the legal and moral requirements of society. Its essence is to protect the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation and the security of the state when repelling an armed attack, as well as to carry out tasks in accordance with the country’s international obligations.

In peaceful everyday life, military duty obliges every soldier to deeply understand personal responsibility for the defense of the Fatherland, requires mastery of the entrusted weapons and military equipment, constant improvement of his moral, combat and psychological qualities, high organization and discipline.

The history of our Fatherland provides vivid examples of selfless service to Russia and the fulfillment of military duty by Russian and Soviet soldiers. At all times, the exploits of Russian warriors were revered by the people, and the younger generation was brought up by their examples.

1 Morality (morality) is a special form of social consciousness and a type of social relations, one of the main ways of regulating human actions in society with the help of norms. Unlike simple custom or tradition, moral norms receive ideological justification in the form of ideals of good and evil, justice, etc.


    Every serviceman of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation must be a patriot of his Fatherland.

    The military personnel's understanding of their military duty and responsibility for defending the Motherland is manifested in active and conscientious military work, readiness to overcome any difficulties and hardships of military service.

    Military service is an effective means of moral education of citizens and acquisition of personal responsibility for the defense of the Fatherland.

    Military service contributes to the formation of the personality of a citizen and patriot.


    Why should a serviceman of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, first of all, be a patriot? Justify your answer.

    What is the military duty of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation?

    How is the patriotism of a serviceman of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation manifested?

    What is the relationship between patriotism and love for the Motherland?


    Prepare a message on the topic “The main qualities inherent in a soldier of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - a defender of the Fatherland.”

    Select two or three historical examples of the heroic, selfless service of Russian soldiers to the Motherland.

    Prepare a message about how you understand the meaning of military duty for military personnel in peaceful everyday life.

    Explain the meaning of the famous expression “Heroes never die.”

At present, objective conditions are developing in such a way that a real threat of their loss hangs over many of the spiritual values ​​that form the basis of the life of the army and navy society. This is largely due to the fact that, on the one hand, the level of intellectual and cultural development of Russians continues to decline, and on the other, the range of undesirable influences on their spiritual world has expanded.

As is known, at all times, weakening attention to the preservation of spiritual values, loss of interest in spiritual problems have always led to the degradation of the nation.

The modern transitional period of development of Russian society requires further deep and critical understanding of the main directions for improving domestic spirituality, the stages of its development, and the restoration of an effectively functioning spiritual and moral social atmosphere, where there is no place for ignorance, violence and acquisitiveness. We must not forget that true democracy is based on spirituality, consciousness, and understanding of ongoing processes.

The historical experience of our country testifies that at all times one of the most important tasks of public authorities has been to instill a sense of patriotism, devotion to the Fatherland and selfless performance of duty. (see diagram 1).

Studying Russian military history

Conducting military rituals

The use of planned classes, especially in the GCP

Ways to form patriotism and loyalty to military duty

Propaganda of martial traditions

Explanation of the requirements of the statutes and orders of the RF Ministry of Defense

Carrying out cultural and leisure events

Increasing state attention to strengthening the RF Armed Forces

Increasing the educational role of the Armed Forces

The feeling of patriotism is formed primarily under the influence of objective conditions of the socio-economic and spiritual life of society. And since the essence of society changes, the character and nature of patriotism are also in constant development. Consequently, just as abstract fatherlands do not exist, abstract patriotism is also impossible. Love can be felt for the Motherland, a specific Fatherland. And army educators should always remember this.

Service in the Armed Forces, internal military order and combat training, which are organized by commanders in each unit, pay great attention to the formation of patriotic feelings among Russian soldiers.

The purposeful political and educational work of officers and warrant officers plays a major role in instilling patriotism among personnel.

In modern conditions, the importance of skillful organization of patriotic education of army and navy soldiers is increasing. This is due to the complexity of the tasks being solved during the military reform, the unresolved nature of many logistical and social problems in some military units, the need to increase the efficiency of all parts of the military body, more responsible performance of military duty by each military personnel and other factors.

The basis of the work on educating patriotic soldiers is the formation of their patriotic consciousness, clarification of the provisions of the military oath, military regulations, as well as the requirements of orders of the Minister of Defense on issues of combat training and performance of official duties. It is important that every serviceman deeply understands that the real expression of his patriotic aspirations is excellent combat training and conscious discipline.

For these purposes, planned classes in the combat training system, especially in public and state training, cultural and leisure events and other forms of mass work are widely used.

There are ample opportunities for instilling patriotism among military personnel classes, lectures and conversations, theme evenings and quizzes on Russian military history. All this allows officers, warrant officers, and all personnel to become widely acquainted with the military-historical events of our Fatherland, and to deeply and thoroughly study the combat traditions of the Russian Armed Forces. Vivid examples of the heroism of our ancestors do not leave warriors indifferent; they arouse in them the need to imitate their exploits in combat conditions and to perform courageous deeds. In some units, such classes are held in rooms and museums of military glory, in local history museums.

A huge emotional and educational impact on soldiers is exerted by military rituals: the solemn taking of the military oath, the carrying out of the battle flag, the acceptance of young recruits into the military ranks and the farewell of soldiers to the reserve. The presentation of military weapons and the transfer of military equipment to newcomers leave a noticeable mark on the souls of soldiers, forming in them a sense of pride in belonging to the Russian Armed Forces, to the illustrious units.

Well organized in some parts promotion of martial traditions, in particular, courage lessons are regularly held. They are dedicated to the heroic deeds of fellow soldiers, significant events of the unit or branch of the military.

In places of military battles, many soldiers participate in Memory Watches, in search activities, and in the improvement of military burial sites and obelisks.

Studying the best works of literature and art of the peoples of Russia, participating in amateur performances, and visiting historical and memorable places is important in the patriotic education of soldiers.

Thus, the Russian Armed Forces are actively working on the patriotic education of soldiers. It is carried out in various directions using various forms. Its success depends on many factors and, above all, on the activity and initiative of officers and all educators.