N Pakhmutova. Nikolai Dobronravov - biography, personal life, photos, songs of the poet

The biography of Alexandra Nikolaevna Pakhmutova begins with her birth in the small village of Beketovka, now part of the Kirovsky district of the city of Volgograd. The street where Alexandra Nikolaevna used to live is now called Omskaya.

Her parents recognized a predisposition for music in their daughter from an early age and enrolled the girl in piano lessons at the age of three. Less than a year had passed since little Sasha began to invent and play her own simple melodies.

The year of birth of her first independently written piece for piano is considered to be 1934. Alexandra Nikolaevna honed her skills in playing musical instruments until the beginning of the invasion of Hitler's troops into the territory of the Soviet Union. Then the Pakhmutov family was evacuated to Karaganda, where the girl continued her studies.

The road to a professional career

After the final victory over Nazi troops, Alexandra Pakhmutova, at the age of 14, left her parents' home, went to the capital and entered the Central Music School, which was organized at the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky. The young girl dreamed of learning to play the piano. In her free time from studying, the girl also attended a circle of young composers, led by teachers Nikolai Paiko and Vissarion Shebalin.

Under their mentorship, a large number of future Soviet pop stars received a musical education.

After graduating from this educational institution, Alexandra Nikolaevna continued her studies at the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky. She chose the composition department and graduated in 1953. Let him be open to graduate school, which the ambitious girl took advantage of by submitting the appropriate documents. For her final certification work, she chose the topic “Score of the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by M. I. Glinka.” The dissertation defense went flawlessly.

Musical creativity

Studying even a short biography of Alexandra Pakhmutova is impossible without her musical creativity. Her track record includes works even for symphony orchestras, such as the Russian Suite and the Youth Overture. The composer wrote the musical accompaniment for the ballet “Illumination”. Pakhmutova left her mark on cinema. Her music can be heard in such films as “Girls”, the patriotic “Battle for Moscow”, “Three Poplars on Plyushchikha”, a film dedicated to the Olympic Games in Moscow and many others.
But the most famous and beloved by more than one generation of people are the songs “Old Maple”, “How Young We Were”, “Belovezhskaya Pushcha”, “Eaglets Learn to Fly” and hundreds of others. These songs still sound from many windows and are dear to the heart.

Personal life

Pakhmutova has a friendly and strong family. Her husband is the poet Nikolai Dobronravov. They met during one of the radio programs, where Nikolai read poetry, and Alexandra was supposed to write music for it. Since then, they have written many songs together.

The spouses do not have their own children.

These days, Pakhmutova does not miss a single music festival and continues to create. The composer is fond of football and loves to support the Russian national team and the Rotor club.

An asteroid was named after her in 1968.

Pakhmutova is a hero of socialist labor and a laureate of many USSR and Russian awards, People's Artist of the USSR.

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The famous Russian, Soviet composer Alexandra Nikolaevna Pakhmutova is a Hero of Socialist Labor, holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree, author of the favorite songs of a whole generation of listeners.

In 2007, in the village of Beketova, 20 km from Stalingrad, a girl, Alexandra, was born into a large friendly family; her relatives called her Alya. Mom, Maria Ampleevna, was widowed at the age of 21 and was left alone with two children, but quickly coped with grief, independently trained as a hairdresser and married Ali’s father, Nikolai Andrianovich Prokofiev. He was a versatile person - he worked as an electrician at Volgogres, painted pictures, voiced silent films at a club, and created a rural folk orchestra. No one remembered how miraculously a piano appeared in the house, which largely decided Ali’s fate. The notes of the first work of a five-year-old girl, inspired by rural life, the children's song “The Roosters are Crowing,” have survived. Mom, seeing her daughter’s unique musical abilities, took her several times a week to a music school in Stalingrad.

The war began, with bombings, destruction, fires and the evacuation of Temirtau to Kazakhstan, at that time it was a village where it was impossible to find a piano “during the day with fire”, but they got an accordion, which Alya quickly learned to play and did not stop playing music .

In 1943, the family returned to the destroyed city, life was not settled, and there was no opportunity to study music normally. The father decided to take the girl to Moscow and showed her to the teachers at the music school at the conservatory. She was auditioned and enrolled in sixth grade.

Famous musicians taught at the school: David Oistrakh, Lev Oborin, Svyatoslav Knushevitsky, Alexander Goldenweiser. An incredible event was when D.B. himself invited students to musical parties. Kobalevsky - it was a pleasure to listen to the master’s music and demonstrate my abilities myself. A. Pakhmutova’s memory preserves pleasant, tender memories of how famous, great composers tinkered with them - novice musicians - and passed on their knowledge to them.

In 1948, Pakhmutova excellently graduated from college as a pianist, but on the recommendation of her teachers she began studying at the conservatory in the composition department. She was recommended to focus her creativity on classical music, but Alexandra was closer to pop music.

The first popular song, “Motor Boat,” was written together with the poet N. Dobronravov. They met at All-Union Radio in 1956. The director of the music editorial office asked them to write a children's song for the beginning of the summer holidays. Within two months they became husband and wife. Pakhmutova recalls how, loving and happy, they walked out of the registry office and found themselves in the pouring rain. People say that this is fortunate, A. Pakhmutova is sure that it is so. N. Dobronravov admires his wife all his life. N. Dobronravov says that Alexandra Pavlovna is his “melody”, which inspires the poet, and he is “a devoted Orpheus.” Both perceive the world around them with kindness, look at it with open children’s eyes, idealizing it and are happy about it.

Alexandra Pakhmutova is truly loved. Her songs lived and live with the people. They were sung at the country's construction sites, on sports grounds and even in space. They differ in character and style, and were dedicated to the Komsomol, cosmonauts, athletes, tourists, and working people.

Alexandra Pakhmutova wrote music for more than 20 films, many of the songs were loved by the audience, they came off the screen, were picked up and sang. A playful, optimistic song “Good Girls” and a touching song about love from the movie “Girls” with lyrics by M. Matusovsky. The favorite film of a whole generation is “Three Poplars on Plyushchikha”. The main character performs a song to the music of A. Pakhmutova “Tenderness” with words co-written by Sergei Grebennikov and Nikolai Dobronravov. The astronauts consider it their favorite song.

Some works are dedicated to outstanding events and written under their impressions - the song cycles “Taiga Stars”, “Embracing the Sky”, “Songs about Lenin”, “Gagarin’s Constellation”. The songs “The main thing, guys, don’t grow old with your heart,” “Girls are dancing on the deck,” “Belovezhskaya Pushcha,” “Fisherman’s Star,” “A coward doesn’t play hockey,” “Heroes of Sports,” “Melody” and many others won nationwide popularity. .

Her songs were performed by multifaceted singers: L. Leshchenko, L. Zykina, M. Magomaev, Yu. Gulyaev, I. Kobzon, E. Khil, M. Kristalinskaya, E. Piekha, A. Gradsky, T. Gverdtsiteli, V. Tolkunova, A. German, V. Obodzinsky, G. Belov, S. Rotaru, L. Senchina, and others.

She wrote many children's song compositions, guided by the words of D. Kabalevsky, who said that an outstanding composer should write at least one children's song a year (“Eaglets learn to fly”, “Wild dog dingo”, “Who grazes in the meadow”, “ A good fairy tale" and many others).

She is called the daughter of the USSR and the composer whose works will be used to study the history of the country. This small, fragile woman lived an incredibly bright, unblemished life - she did not lie, did nothing against her conscience, and lived her whole life in harmony with herself. Alexandra Pakhmutova has many awards, prizes, titles, she is an honorary citizen of cities, space planets are named after her. She was awarded medals and orders.

Hero of Socialist Labor - for outstanding labor achievements in the development of Soviet musical culture, active social activities for the benefit of the country and people.

1999 Order “For Merit to the Fatherland” II p. - for his enormous, long-term contribution to the musical life of the country.

2009 Order “For Merit to the Fatherland” I p. — for many years of fruitful activity in the development and popularization of musical art.

2014 Order “For Merit to the Fatherland” III p. - for outstanding contribution and great creative achievements to the development of national culture.

Alexandra Pakhmutova is a musician who was appreciated with dignity by people with great love, and by the state with medals. Prizes, orders. A. Pakhmutova together with A. Dobronravov live in Moscow, they always respond with pleasure to invitations and meetings, despite their advanced age they work.

Knights of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree.

Publications in the Music section

Alexandra Pakhmutova. "My life is in the song"

“Tenderness” and “Hope”, “Belovezhskaya Pushcha” and “Team of Our Youth”. "Melody" and "Old Maple". Songs-stories. Songs of the era. Even one would be enough for all-Union glory. Alexandra Pakhmutova wrote more than four hundred. Pakhmutova's songs adorn your favorite films and help you make musical journeys - from Cuba to Spain, from Kamchatka to Voronezh. Each song has its own life, and their creator has a life in the song. Read more about the composer's creative biography - Natalya Letnikova.

"The roosters are crowing"

Composer Alexandra Pakhmutova. 1961 Photo: kompozitor.su

Alexandra Pakhmutova, Nikolai Dobronravov (behind her), Joseph Kobzon (second from right), Fred Yusfin (left) at the construction site of the future Ust-Ilimsk hydroelectric power station. 1961 Photo from the family archive of Pakhmutova and Dobronravov. Photo: trud.ru

Alexandra Pakhmutova. Photo: pakhmutova.ru

In 1943, Alexandra Pakhmutova entered the music school at the Moscow Conservatory, and two years later, as the best student, she performed a scherzo from a piano sonatina of her own composition in the documentary film “Young Musicians.”

"Song of Troubled Youth"

Alexandra Pakhmutova brought fame as a songwriter. The author of the text is Lev Oshanin. “And the snow, and the wind, / And the night flight of stars...”- the whole country began to sing after the heroes of the film “On the Other Side” in 1958. Not only in the Soviet Union. Alexandra Pakhmutova heard her melody in Japan, at a big celebration. The popular ensemble “Singing Voices of Japan” sang familiar lines, and in 2002 the German group Rammstein performed a patriotic song from the Soviet era.

"Motor boat"

A special song in the composer’s creative biography. The beginning of a creative union, which 60 years ago became a family union. Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov met on the radio in a children's broadcasting studio. Pakhmutova wrote music for radio shows, Dobronravov, while working at the Youth Theater, read his poems in “Pionerskaya Zorka”. The composer and poet were assigned a creative task - to write a song for the upcoming holidays. This is how it appeared "Motor boat" and a new family, which, as it is sung in this song - “We’ll travel all over our native land”, traveled all over the country. We started with a honeymoon trip to Abkhazia.

Songs serve as a travel diary of a creative couple. "Belovezhskaya Pushcha"- musical impressions of visiting a unique reserve. The song gave rise to a legend - about the tears in the eyes of the Italian ambassador during the performance by the Great Children's Choir of the All-Union Radio. The impressionable Italian said that he had never heard anything better than this song and “Ave Maria” by the Milan Children’s Choir in his life. The whole country loved the melody.

Songs for films

A similar fate awaited hundreds of works by the composer. Songs full of special harmony have become an integral part of many films. It is impossible to imagine the film “Girls” without the lines of Mikhail Matusovsky and the perky melody of Pakhmutova. Certainly, “It would probably be boring in the world without girls”, A "Old Maple" often mistakenly classified as folk.

“Three Poplars on Plyushchikha” - this is the song "Tenderness". Although initially Alexandra Pakhmutova was not too keen on writing a song for “an aunt who came to the market to sell meat”. But I saw Doronina and Efremov’s eyes... The melody was born literally in a few steps - from the Gorky Studio to the taxi stand. The song was loved by both the audience and the cosmonauts, who knew firsthand how “the stars give their tenderness”.

Dedication songs

Yuri Gagarin was a friend of Alexandra Pakhmutova, and a song was written for the first flight into space "Eaglets Learn to Fly". The composer dedicated a vocal cycle of five works - energetic and lyrical - to the discoverer of space. "Gagarin's Constellation". A story about heroic astronauts and ordinary people. "You know what kind of guy he was", - touching lines about the human charm and enthusiasm of the first cosmonaut.

"Melody"- a musical dedication for Muslim Magomayev to Tamara Sinyavskaya, who at that moment was on an internship in Italy. Magomayev called every day and even sent flowers. It was at this moment that a song by Pakhmutova and Dobronravov appeared in the singer’s repertoire... Tamara heard it on the phone.

The song is like a souvenir

Alexandra Pakhmutova brought new songs from literally every trip. Especially if the trips are on assignment. For example, to Siberia - from the Komsomol Central Committee. Early 60's “to this taiga region” a creative group went: composer Alexandra Pakhmutova, poets Nikolai Dobronravov and Sergei Grebennikov, singer Joseph Kobzon. We supported young people at Komsomol construction sites from Irkutsk to Bratsk. As a result, a whole cycle of heroic-romantic songs was born "Taiga Stars" and among them the legendary “The main thing, guys, is not to grow old in your heart.”.

More than songs

While still at the conservatory, Alexandra Pakhmutova wrote works for the symphony orchestra. At the end of the 50s of the twentieth century, German music critic Karl Fritz Bernhardt noted the originality and content of the young composer's Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra. At the Bolshoi Theater, the ballet “Illumination” was staged to Pakhmutova’s music.

Alexandra Pakhmutova is the author of many instrumental works: "Russian Suite", overtures, concerts for orchestra, music for the bell ensemble and Ave Vita orchestra, musical cycles for the films “Battle for Moscow”, “O sport, you are the world!”.

The film about Soviet athletes with music by Pakhmutova is stored in a special video library of the International Olympic Committee. And the song "Goodbye, Moscow", full of lyricism and nostalgia, gave the Moscow Olympics a particularly touching note. Like almost every song by Pakhmutova. Even if the melodies are based on poems about the Komsomol, this song will certainly reveal both love and spring.

Alexandra Nikolaevna Pakhmutova. Born on November 9, 1929 in the village. Beketovka, Lower Volga region (now a district of Volgograd). Soviet and Russian composer, songwriter. Secretary of the Board of the Union of Composers of the USSR (1968-1991) and the Union of Composers of Russia (1973-1995). People's Artist of the USSR (1984). Hero of Socialist Labor (1990). Winner of two USSR State Prizes (1975, 1982) and the State Prize of the Russian Federation (2014).

Alexandra Pakhmutova was born on November 9, 1929 in the village of Beketovka, which is now part of Volgograd.

Father - Nikolai Andrianovich Pakhmutov (1902-1983), was a party worker and at the same time a very creative person - he played the piano, balalaika, violin, harp, designed and assembled semiconductor devices, repaired cameras, carpentry, painted oil and watercolor paintings.

Mother - Maria Ampleevna Pakhmutova (1897-1978).

Already at the age of three, Alexandra herself sat down at the home piano and began to pick out the melodies she heard by ear. And at the age of five she composed her first work - the piano piece “The Roosters are Crowing”. The girl’s unique musical talent was noticed by her teachers.

At the age of seven - in 1936 - she began studying at the city music school. At the age of nine, together with her father at the Beket club at an evening in memory of Lenin, she played the first part of Mozart’s G minor symphony four hands.

The outbreak of the Great Patriotic War interrupted her studies at the Stalingrad Music School. From August 6, 1942 to 1943, she was evacuated to Karaganda. There she continued her studies at the local music school (in 1952, the school where she studied was transformed into the Karaganda Music School, and now it is the Karaganda College of Arts named after Tattimbet).

In the fall of 1943, she was admitted to the Central Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, where she studied piano with teacher M.V. Vasilyeva and attended a circle of young composers led by Vissarion Yakovlevich Shebalin and Nikolai Ivanovich Peiko.

In 1948-1953 she studied at the Moscow State Conservatory with Professor Vissarion Shebalin.

In 1956, she graduated from graduate school with a dissertation on the topic “Score of M. I. Glinka’s opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.”

At the very beginning of her career, Pakhmutova wrote one of her best orchestral symphonic works - Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra. In 1957, a critic of the German magazine Music und Gesellschaft, Karl Fritz Bernhardt, noted the merits of the concert, the melody of which seemed to him especially original and meaningful.

Other works by Pakhmutova for symphony orchestra: “Russian Suite”, overture “Youth”, Concerto for orchestra, “Ode to Light a Fire”, music for bell ensemble and Ave Vita orchestra. These are works of the cantata-oratorio genre: “Vasily Terkin”, “A Country Beautiful as Youth”, cantatas for children’s choir and symphony orchestra “Red Pathfinders”, “Squad Songs”. The ballet “Illumination” was staged to Pakhmutova’s music at the State Academic Bolshoi Theater and at the Odessa State Opera and Ballet Theater. More often, Pakhmutova’s symphonic music is played and published abroad.

Music for films and creativity in the genre of pop songs brought her wide popularity. She wrote music for the films “The Ulyanov Family”, “Girls”, “Once Upon a Time There Were an Old Man and an Old Woman”, “Three Poplars on Plyushchikha”, “Closing of the Season”, “My Love in the Third Year”, “Wormwood - Bitter Grass”, “Ballad of Sports”, “Oh Sports, You are the World!”, “Battle for Moscow”, “Son for Father”, etc.

The composer has about 400 songs that were or remain in the repertoire of such diverse performers as,,, and others.

Also, Pakhmutova’s songs were performed by the Alexandrov Ensemble, the Pyatnitsky Choir, the ensembles “Pesnyary”, “Gems”, “Nadezhda”, “Verasy”, “Syabry”, “Flame”, the group of Stas Namin and others.

Among the authors of Alexandra Pakhmutova's songs are outstanding poets: Lev Oshanin, Mikhail Matusovsky, Evgeny Dolmatovsky, Mikhail Lvov, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Rimma Kazakova, etc. But the most fruitful was the creative union of Alexandra Pakhmutova with Nikolai Dobronravov, a poet and husband.

You can study Soviet history from the songs of Alexandra Pakhmutova. Her songs contain the fate of the country and the fate of the people, the memory of the war and the beginning of space exploration, the exploits of pilots and builders, the romance of travelers and Komsomol members. And eternal themes - good and evil, love and hate. She was able to make real super hits out of any songs, even ideological ones. Even praising Leninist-Komsomol romance, she (like her husband) never joined the ranks of the CPSU. Pakhmutova herself said: “We have never been members of the party, but we would not have effectively burned our party cards.”

Pakhmutova is capable of all genres and directions - from a simple bard song to a complex oratorio. She said: “Gioachino Rossini once said: “Give me a laundry bill and I’ll set it to music.” Then he tried to surprise with this, but today it is already a common thing. It also doesn’t cost me anything to wrap up a laundry bill or an article from a newspaper in music, but I don’t see much point in it.”

“Theoretically, in a week I can teach anyone how to write songs, including hit songs, since I know the technology well. There are specific means by which one can evoke the so-called “skandezh”, that is, with the help of certain rhythms and harmony, force the audience to clap and stamp their feet to the song, there are techniques that make a person want to listen to a particular melody multiple times, but I consider the use of such techniques to be musical seduction unfair to both the music and the listener. It’s like deliberately turning a girl’s head while remaining absolutely cold towards her,” the composer noted.

Alexandra Pakhmutova is one of the main hit-makers of the Soviet era, she has hundreds of songs to her credit that have become the country's gold fund.

Famous songs of Alexandra Pakhmutova

"Old Maple" for the film “Girls”. The poems were written by Mikhail Lvovich Matusovsky. One day he brought her poetry. And Pakhmutova immediately played him a melody. She recalled: “It seemed that there was nothing left of the poems, but he, as a song master, felt that it was more songlike, that it was these poems, more primitive, that would probably bring some kind of life to the song. And he gave in: he added subtext, and the song “Old Maple” came out.”

"Tenderness" for the film “Three Poplars on Plyushchikha”. The whole country still knows it by heart. It is interesting that at first Pakhmutova refused to compose a song for “the aunt who came to the market to sell meat.” But the director of the film, Tatyana Lioznova, persuaded the composer to watch the film. Pakhmutova came out of politeness, and when leaving she said: “If I write music, it will be only because of Efremov’s close-up.” As a result, she composed the melody while walking from Gorky’s studio to the taxi stand after watching the film. The lyrics for the song were written by Sergei Grebennikov and Nikolai Dobronravov. Surprisingly, the first performance of the song “Tenderness” in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions was an absolute failure: she left the stage in complete silence.

"How young we were" to the music of Pakhmutova and poetry by Dobronravov appeared in 1976, it was performed by the father of Russian rock, singer and composer Alexander Gradsky. The latter said: “I sang it when I was 26 years old. This was quite unusual, since the young man was still singing from the point of view of an adult. Today I sing it more correctly. And in a different way. And Alya always says: “I’m interested in what you’ll do now. I’m always watching how you change it.”

"You are my melody"- Pakhmutova and Dobronravov wrote this song specifically for Muslim Magomayev, when he was going through, according to the singer, “a romantic time in his life.” Then his future wife was interning at La Scala in Milan, and he called her every day from his room at the Rossiya Hotel. When Pakhmutova and Dobronravov came to the singer’s room with a new song, he immediately accepted it without changes, although he usually always asked the authors to correct something “for themselves.” A few days later the studio recording was ready. Tamara Sinyavskaya was the first to hear it - on the phone in distant Italy.

"Hope" was written with the expectation that it would be sung by Joseph Kobzon. However, the singer refused it. Then they sent words and notes to several performers, including. It was in her performance that “Nadezhda” turned out best and became a classic. And it became a tradition for astronauts to listen to this song before a flight.

"Coward does not play hockey"- a legendary song that became a hockey march. The melody is familiar to everyone; it sounds during every match. For those who don't know the words:

The dashing music of the attack is ringing in my ears,
Make a more precise pass on the stick, hit harder,
And everything is fine, if only on the site
The Fab Five and the Goalkeeper!

"Goodbye, Moscow"- one of the most famous songs of Pakhmutova and Dobronravov - the farewell song of the 1980 Olympics. The song was supposed to be pathetic and solemn. The couple did not find the authorities' order very interesting, but politics intervened in the matter. Pakhmutova recalled: “A few months before the start of the Olympics in Moscow in 1980, Nikolai Dobronravov and I were commissioned to write a song with the main theme: “Goodbye, Moscow, hello, Los Angeles!” But at this time, the United States decided to boycott the Moscow Olympics in connection with the war in Afghanistan, we were offered to write simply a lyrical farewell song to Moscow and the Olympics.”

For his part, Lev Leshchenko said: “When they were recording at Mosfilm, Alexandra Nikolaevna asked me to perform the song softly, soulfully, a little sadly. But no one knew what would happen in the end - after all, besides me, Tanya Antsiferova and the Gems ensemble also auditioned. Everything was kept in the strictest confidence. So I only heard the final version at the stadium during closing time.”

For many years she was the chairman of the All-Union Commission of Mass Music Genres. For more than twenty years, starting in 1968, she headed the jury of the Red Carnation International Song Contest.

From 1968 to 1995 she was secretary of the board of the Union of Composers of the USSR and Russia.

From 1969 to 1973 she was a deputy of the Moscow City Council. From 1980 to 1990 - deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, elected member of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR.

In 1976, minor planet No. 1889 between Mars and Jupiter, discovered by Crimean astronomers on February 20, 1976, was named after her and officially registered at the Planetary Center in Cincinnati (USA).

The asteroid Pakhmutova, discovered in 1968, is named after Pakhmutova.

On May 31, 2011, the city meeting of deputies of Magnitogorsk approved the song “Magnitka” by composer Alexandra Pakhmutova and poet Nikolai Dobronravov as the city anthem.

“Songs are like people, this is the fate of a person: handsome, smart, kind, everything - but he has no happiness. But another person is nothing, even someone significant, and happy, and well-fed, and everything with him - that’s how it happens with songs.”, - said Pakhmutova.

“The current stage is hampered by something that hinders many things in the country - everything is dictated by money”, noted the famous composer.

Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov in the “Tonight” program

Alexandra Pakhmutova's height: 149 centimeters.

Personal life of Alexandra Pakhmutova:

Husband - Soviet and Russian songwriter.

We met in the spring of 1956 at the All-Union Radio, in the 9th children's broadcasting studio. At that time, Nikolai Nikolaevich worked at the Moscow Theater for Young Spectators and read his poems in the programs “Pioneer Dawn”, “Attention, to the Start!”, and Alexandra Nikolaevna wrote music for them. Their work together and family life began with the children's song “Motor Boat.”

“On this boat we set sail through life,” Nikolai Dobronravov said jokingly.

They got married in August 1956. Pakhmutova recalled: “On August 6, our wedding day, there was terrible heat. But as soon as we arrived at the registry office in a taxi, it began to rain. They say it's fortunate. We were very happy... A nice woman painted us in a small room. I didn’t have a white dress, and my mother and sister made me a suit themselves - a beautiful, pink one. And in the evening we left for Abkhazia.”

We went on a honeymoon to visit relatives in Abkhazia and spent our wedding night on the lunar paths of the Black Sea. As Pakhmutova and Dobronravov said in their interviews, this vacation, despite all its modesty, became the happiest in their lives. Alexandra Nikolaevna’s aunt prepared delicious Caucasian dishes for them, the newlyweds swam in the sea all day long and discussed joint creative plans.

Regarding the secret of their family happiness, Pakhmutova said: “We just try not to be principled and not to find fault with little things.” In turn, Nikolai Dobronravov often recalled the words of Saint-Exupery: “Loving is not looking at each other, but looking in the same direction.”

The couple does not have their own children. But they consider talented children from disadvantaged families as their own, whom they help make their way in life.

In their lives, they miraculously escaped mortal danger more than once.

This was the case, for example, in 1972 at the Olympic Games in Munich, when they were part of the Soviet delegation. On one of the days of the sports festival, Pakhmutova and Dobronravov were returning from Salzburg to Munich. The couple could not even imagine the danger they were in: on September 5, terrorists captured 11 members of the Israeli Olympic team. On that day, death swept very close to Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov. Alexandra Pakhmutova recalled: “At the Olympics in Munich, I was escorted home for a long time by Dobronravov and Rozhdestvensky, and we missed the terrorists by half an hour.”

In May 2000, Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov were involved in a serious accident. The accident occurred near the village of Shchelkanka, three kilometers from Pereslavl-Zalessky. The driver of the VAZ-21099 car, which was moving in the Moscow direction, overtook the truck and, driving into the oncoming lane, collided head-on with the Volga, which was carrying Pakhmutova and Dobronravov. They were taken to the Yaroslavl Solovyov Hospital. Pakhmutova had a traumatic brain injury, Dobronravov had broken arms and ribs.

For many years, Alexandra Pakhmutova has been a fan of the Rotor football club (Volgograd).

Filmography of Alexandra Pakhmutova:

1965 - Seven Soviet songs (documentary)
1965 - New Year's calendar

1986 - Siberian addresses of her songs (documentary)
1990 - Monologues about Yuri Gulyaev (documentary)
1999 - To be remembered. Yuri Puzyrev (documentary)
2008 - Evgeny Svetlanov. Memories... (documentary)
2009 - The song stays with the person. Arkady Ostrovsky (documentary)
2011 - Valentina Tolkunova. I will always love you... (documentary)
2012 - Alexandra Pakhmutova. I will answer for every note (documentary)
2013 - Boulevard Ring - episode (uncredited)
2014 - Screen Symphony (documentary)

Alexandra Pakhmutova’s works in cinema as a composer:

1957 - Ulyanov Family
1958 - On the other side
1961 - Girls
1962 - Apple of Discord
1964 - Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman
1967 - Three poplars on Plyushchikha
1973 - Gagarin's Constellation (documentary)
1973 - Merry Carousel. Who is grazing in the meadow? Movie 5 (animated)
1974-1977 - Born of a revolution
1974 - Closing of the season
1976 - My love in the third year
1976 - Melody. Songs of Alexandra Pakhmutova (short film)
1977 - Disc (documentary)
1979 - My life is in a song... Alexandra Pakhmutova (short film)
1979 - Ballad of Sports (documentary)
1980 - Oh sport, you are the world! (documentary)
1982 - Wormwood - bitter grass
1982 - Favorite songs (short film)
1984 - Pages of the life of Alexandra Pakhmutova (documentary)
1985 - Battle for Moscow
1986 - Meetings on Saturday evening (short film) - song “We are the young” (lyrics by N. Dobronravov)
1989 - Do you remember our meetings... (short film)
1993 - Tragedy of the Century
1995 - Son for father
1995 - Great commander Georgy Zhukov
2006 - Carnival night-2, or 50 years later
2018 - Strong armor

Songs of Alexandra Pakhmutova:

“Ah, sadness, you are my sadness” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. N. V. Mordyukova;
“Belovezhskaya Pushcha” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. VIA "Pesnyary", Big Children's Choir of the All-Union Radio and Central Television under the direction of V. S. Popov (soloist Vitaly Nikolaev), B. A. Rudenko and the Big Children's Choir of the All-Union Radio and Central Television under the direction of V. S. Popov, ensemble " Syabry";
“Belarus” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. VIA "Pesnyary";
“In one mailbox” (lyrics by E. A. Dolmatovsky) - Spanish. I. D. Kobzon;
“We will remain in songs” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. Viktor Mamonov and the Big Children's Choir of the All-Union Radio and Central Television under the direction of V.S. Popov, VIA "Verasy", N.V. Basque;
“Vanya” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. V. G. Gotovtseva;
“Faith” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. L. M. Gurchenko, I. I. Shvedova;
“Spring of the 45th year” (lyrics by E. A. Dolmatovsky) - Spanish. Yu. I. Bogatikov;
“Grapevine” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. Pavel Dementyev;
“The Cherry Orchard” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. Yu. I. Bogatikov, Vitas;
“In the name of life” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. R. A. Gareev;
“All hope is in the metro” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. L. V. Leshchenko;
“Where are you, where are you, father’s house?” (lyrics by S. A. Yesenin) - Spanish Natalya Guba, L. G. Zykina;
“Somewhere in a field near Magadan” (lyrics by N. A. Zabolotsky) - Spanish. I. D. Kobzon;
“Somewhere near Beketovka” (homeland of A. N. Pakhmutova) (lyrics by G. Kireev) - Spanish. L. G. Zykina, Big Children's Choir of the All-Union Radio and Central Television under the direction of V. S. Popov;
“Geologists” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. I. S. Brzhevskaya, Hi-Fi group;
“Heroes of Sports” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. M. M. Magomaev;
“The main thing, guys, is not to grow old in your heart!” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. L.P. Barashkov, after his death the song is performed by I.D. Kobzon, E.S. Piekha;
“They spoke-balakali” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. N. G. Babkina and T. I. Savanova;
“City of our glory” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. L. V. Leshchenko;
“My bitter homeland” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. Natalya Guba accompanied by the Kuban Cossack Choir;
“Hot snow” (lyrics by M. D. Lvov) - Spanish. Yu. A. Gulyaev, Yan Osin;
“But will the heart forget” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. E. A. Khil, N.V. Baskov, Mark Tishman;
“5 minutes left before the train departs” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. VIA "Nadezhda";
“Goodbye, Moscow” (farewell song of the 1980 Olympics) (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. duets of T. V. Antsiferova and L. V. Leshchenko, L. V. Leshchenko and Valeria, M. M. Magomaev;
“Until the third roosters” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. VIA "Pesnyary";
“A good fairy tale” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. Zh. G. Rozhdestvenskaya and O. S. Rozhdestvenskaya, L. P. Senchina;
“Why did you call me?” (lyrics by L.I. Oshanin) - Spanish. L. G. Zykina, V. V. Tolkunova;
“The Fisherman’s Star” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. M. M. Magomaev;
“Our starry pier” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. VIA "Nadezhda", VIA "Music";
“Starfall” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. VK "Accord";
“Stars of Mexico City” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. L. P. Barashkov and N. P. Karachentsov;
“Stars over the taiga” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. I. D. Kobzon and E. A. Kamburova;
“The stars are getting closer” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. S. M. Rotaru;
“You know what kind of guy he was” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. Yu. A. Gulyaev, I. D. Kobzon. Dedicated to Yuri Gagarin;
“And the battle continues again” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. I. D. Kobzon, Big Children's Choir of the All-Union Radio and Central Television under the direction of V. S. Popov, L. V. Leshchenko. There is performed by E. Letov;
“And have pity on me” (lyrics by I. A. Goff) - Spanish. M. V. Kristalinskaya, A. German;
“How young we were” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. A. B. Gradsky, E. S. Piekha, Z. N. Tutov, T. M. Gverdtsiteli, A. N. Asadullin, E. A. Kamburova, Ivo Bobul, D.A. Hvorostovsky;
“The team of our youth” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. L. M. Gurchenko;
“Komsomolskaya voucher” (lyrics by E. A. Dolmatovsky) - Spanish. VIA "Nadezhda";
“Who will respond?” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravova) - Spanish. M. M. Magomaev, M. V. Kristalinskaya, State Academic Russian Folk Choir named after. M. E. Pyatnitsky;
“Cuba is my love” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. M. M. Magomaev, I. Kobzon, VIA “Nadezhda”;
“Power Line-500” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. Yu. N. Puzyrev, Yu. A. Gulyaev;
“Love me” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. Julian;
“Love, Komsomol and Spring” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. L. V. Leshchenko, Big Children's Choir of the All-Union Radio and Central Television under the direction of V. S. Popov;
“Small Land” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. M. M. Magomaev, L. G. Zykina;
“Mother and Son” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravova) The song was written specifically for the duet of L. G. Zykin and Yulian, Yan Osin;
“Melody” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. M. M. Magomaev, V. V. Obodzinsky, after his death the song is performed by M. M. Kizin, R. I. Ibragimov, N. V. Basque;
“The years have passed” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. G. V. Khazanov;
“I have dreamed of heights since childhood” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. A. N. Asadullin, S. G. Belikov, A. B. Gradsky;
“My friend” (lyrics by D. L. Kostyurin) - Spanish. Julian;
“The whole planet is getting younger” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov) Spanish. Ensemble of Soviet Song of the All-Union Radio, Ensemble of Soviet Song of the Central Television and All-Union Radio;
“The sea has become stricter” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. E. A. Khil;
“My country is your faithful friend” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. ensemble "Panorama";
“We teach airplanes to fly” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. Yu. A. Gulyaev;
"Take off!" (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. A. I. Korolev, E. A. Khil;
“Hope” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. A. German, E. S. Piekha, M. Magomaev, participants in the project “Old songs about the main thing”;
“There is silence on Mamayev Kurgan” (lyrics by V. F. Bokov);
“We cannot live without each other” (lyrics by A. N. Pakhmutova and N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. M. M. Magomaev;
“Our destiny” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. M. M. Magomaev;
“It’s not for nothing that they called you “Moskvich”” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. E. A. Khil;
“I will not leave you” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. V. Ya. Leontyev, M. M. Magomaev;
“I will not part with the Komsomol” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. I. D. Kobzon, N. V. Gnatyuk;
“Tenderness” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. M. V. Kristalinskaya, Yu.A. Gulyaev, T. Sinyavskaya, A. N. Bayanova, T. Yu. Petrova, T. I. Bulanova, Thomas Anders (performed in English on April 23, 2009 at a concert in the Kremlin), D.A. Hvorostovsky, A.S. Bon;
“My beloved” (lyrics by R. F. Kazakova) - Spanish. M. V. Kristalinskaya, M. L. Pakhomenko;
“New Road” (lyrics by M. S. Lisyansky) - Spanish. VIA "Nadezhda" Dedicated to the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline;
“New Day” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. M. Magomaev, Big Children's Choir of the All-Union Radio and Central Television under the direction of V. S. Popov;
"Wait for it!" (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravova) - Spanish. E. A. Khil;
“Hugging the sky” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. E. A. Khil, Yu. A. Gulyaev, L. V. Leshchenko, Yu. Slobodkin;
“Eaglets learn to fly” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. Big Children's Choir of the All-Union Radio and Central Television under the direction of V. S. Popov;
“Scarlet Sail” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. V. Ya. Leontyev;
“The leading edge” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. M. M. Magomaev;
“Song about Magnetic Mountain” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. L. V. Leshchenko. Currently, the song is the anthem of the large city of Magnitogorsk;
“Song about troubled youth” (lyrics by L. I. Oshanin) - Spanish. Yuri Puzyrev and Sergey Fedorov, E. G. Kibkalo and M. S. Reshetin, Yu. A. Gulyaev, V. I. Kopylov and V. L. Matusov, Red Banner Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Army named after A. V. Alexandrov, VIA "Smena", Big Children's Choir of the All-Union Radio and Central Television under the direction of V. S. Popov, Yan Osin;
“Song of the Rocketeers” (former call signs of “Field Mail” on Radio “Mayak”) (lyrics by B. M. Yarotsky) - Spanish. B.V. Kuznetsov and L.V. Polosin;
“Song-tale about Mamayev Kurgan” (lyrics by V.F. Bokov) - Spanish. Volga Folk Choir;
“Letter to Ust-Ilim” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. M. V. Kristalinskaya;
“Along the Angara” (“Girls dancing on the deck”) (to the words of S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. I. D. Kobzon and M. V. Kristalinskaya;
“Before it’s too late” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. I. D. Kobzon;
“Let us bow to those great years...” (lyrics by M. D. Lvov) - Spanish. I. D. Kobzon, L. G. Zykina, N.V. Basque;
“Farewell, beloved” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. T. I. Sinyavskaya;
“Farewell to Bratsk” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. Yu. N. Puzyrev and A. S. Vedishcheva, I. D. Kobzon;
“Bird of Happiness” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. V. Ya. Leontyev, VIA “Hello, Song”, N. V. Gnatyuk, N. A. Chepraga, Vitas, Yan Osin;
“Russian Waltz” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. Yulian, N.V. Baskov, Mark Tishman;
“Rus” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. M. V. Kristalinskaya;
“Northern Song” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. Julian;
“North of all” (lyrics by A. A. Voznesensky) - Spanish. L. V. Leshchenko;
“Listen, mother-in-law” (lyrics by N.V. Druzhinsky) - Spanish. M. M. Kizin, Yu. I. Bogatikov, VIA “Pesnyary”;
“Courage builds cities” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. E. A. Khil;
“Smolensk Road” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. L. G. Zykina;
“The Snow Maiden” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. S. Ya. Lemeshev, V. A. Nechaev, N.V. Basque;
“Stadium of my dreams” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. M. M. Magomaev;
“Moscow gives the start” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. V. V. Tolkunova and L. V. Leshchenko;
“Old Maple” (lyrics by Mikhail Matusovsky) - Spanish. L. I. Ovchinnikova and N. N. Pogodin, A. A. Abdalova and L. V. Leshchenko, now M. M. Kizin, N. Babkina and the Russian Song ensemble;
“Happiness to you, Lithuania!” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravova) - Spanish. B. Petrikite;
“Temp” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. Sofia Rotaru;
“Just wait” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. L. G. Ryumina;
“Only swans flew by” (lyrics by E. A. Dolmatovsky) - Spanish. I. D. Kobzon;
“That’s the only way we’ll win!” (“Lenin, Party, Komsomol!”) (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. trio I. D. Kobzon, S. M. Rotaru and L. V. Leshchenko, Big Children's Choir of the All-Union Radio and Central Television (soloist - Dima Mashnin);
“A coward does not play hockey” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. L. P. Barashkov, V. I. Mulerman, E. A. Khil, Big Children's Choir of the All-Union Radio and Central Television under the direction of V. S. Popov, together S. V. Mazaev, V. M. Syutkin and V. V. Rybin;
“You are my hope, you are my joy” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. L.V. Leshchenko, N.V. Basque;
“You dance, I sing” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. Julian;
“Tired submarine” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. Yu. I. Bogatikov, Yu. A. Gulyaev, I. D. Kobzon;
“Good girls” (lyrics by M. L. Matusovsky) - Spanish. VK “Smile”, group “Girls”, L. A. Dolina and I. A. Otieva, M. V. Devyatova, group “Factory”;
“Seagull over the wave” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. Irina and Elena Bazykin;
“Black and white fate” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. Yu. A. Shivrin;
“The bread is making noise” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov) - Spanish. G. M. Belov;
“This is us (March of Young Builders)” (lyrics by Yu. I. Vizbor, M. Kusurgashev) - Spanish. E. G. Kibkalo;
“I love you always” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravova) - Spanish. V. V. Obodzinsky, L. V. Leshchenko;
“I can’t do otherwise” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. V.V. Tolkunova;
“Furious construction squad” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov) - Spanish. A. B. Gradsky.

Children's songs by Alexandra Pakhmutova:

“15 fires” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov);
“Our roots are in the earth” (lyrics by E. A. Dolmatovsky);
“Question” (lyrics by R. I. Rozhdestvensky);
"Always ready!" (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov);
“Gaidar walks ahead” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov);
“Bugler” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov);
“The factory is humming” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov);
“Give joy to people” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov);
“Tree of Friendship” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov);
“Wild dog dingo” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov);
“Doctor Aibolit” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov);
“Once upon a time” (lyrics by Yu. E. Chernykh);
“Wonderful counselor” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov);
“Hello, Russian winter!” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov);
“Who is grazing in the meadow?” (lyrics by Yu. E. Chernykh);
“Motor boat” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov);
“Malchish-Kibalchish” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov);
“We are Gagarinians” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov);
“We raced on fiery horses” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov);
“We are also Soviet power” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov);
“Eaglets learn to fly” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov);
“Song of the Red Pathfinders” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov);
“Song about the Lenin Library” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov);
“Song about pioneer heroes” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov);
“We accept you as a pioneer” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov);
“About our Soviet Motherland” (lyrics by M. Evensen);
“Request” (lyrics by R. I. Rozhdestvensky);
“Pioneer Travel” (lyrics by N. Naydenova);
“Signal buglers” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov);
“Country of Pioneers” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov and N. N. Dobronravov);
“Tournament of Erudites” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov);
“Street of Peace” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov);
“Morning, hello” (lyrics by S. T. Grebennikov);
“Good choir” (lyrics by N. N. Dobronravov).

Prizes, awards and honorary titles of Alexandra Pakhmutova:

Hero of Socialist Labor (October 29, 1990) - for outstanding services in the development of Soviet musical art and fruitful social activities;
Two Orders of Lenin (November 6, 1979, October 29, 1990);
Two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (1967, 1971);
Order of Friendship of Peoples (1986);
Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree (November 9, 2009) - for outstanding services in the development of domestic musical art and many years of creative activity;
Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (December 27, 1999) - for great personal contribution to the development of musical art;
Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (September 29, 2014) - for great contribution to the development of domestic musical art and achieved creative success;
2017 - nominated for an award for many years of conscientious work and professionalism in the field of art and culture at the award ceremony of the National Prize “Great People of Great Russia” under the Moscow Government;
USSR State Prize (1975) - for songs of recent years (1971-1974);
USSR State Prize (1982) - for the musical design of the film “Oh, sport, you are the world!” (1981);
State Prize of the Russian Federation (June 8, 2015) - for outstanding achievements in the humanitarian field in 2014;
Lenin Komsomol Prize (1966) - for a cycle of songs about youth and the Komsomol;
Prize of the Union State of Russia and Belarus for works of literature and art that make a great contribution to strengthening relations of brotherhood, friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the member states of the Union State (March 10, 2004);
National Award for Public Recognition of Women's Achievements "Olympia" of the Russian Academy of Business and Entrepreneurship (2006);
Prize of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the field of culture and art - for contribution to the development of culture (2016);
People's Artist of the USSR (1984);
People's Artist of the RSFSR (1977);
Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1971);
Honorary citizen of Moscow (September 13, 2000);
Honorary Citizen of Volgograd (October 19, 1993);
Honorary citizen of Lugansk (1971);
Honorary Citizen of Bratsk (August 26, 1994);
Honorary citizen of the city of Magnitogorsk;
First honorary citizen of the city of Ust-Ilimsk (November 9, 1979);
Honorary Professor of Moscow State University (2015);
Order of Francis Skaryna (Belarus, April 3, 2000) - for active work in the development and strengthening of Belarusian-Russian cultural ties;
Russian national award "Ovation" in the category "Living Legend" (2002);
Russian National Olympus Award (2004);
Order of the Venerable Euphrosyne, Grand Duchess of Moscow, II degree (ROC, 2008);
Order of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, 1st degree (ROC, November 9, 2014);
RAO Honorary Prize “For contribution to the development of science, culture and art”;
Russian L. E. Nobel Prize (Ludwig Nobel Foundation, St. Petersburg);
“Golden Disc” prize from the Melodiya company;
Title "Person of the Year 2011" according to the Tsaritsyn Muse.

Nikolai Dobronravov managed to tightly weave both his career and personal life into his biography, teaming up in tandem with Alexandra Pakhmutova, but the poet never received his main happiness - the opportunity to raise children. The reasons for this turn of events will forever remain a mystery. The only legacy of the artist that will remain in history is his poems, many of which became famous throughout the USSR.


Childhood and development in creativity

Nikolai Nikolaevich Dobronravov was born in Leningrad on November 22, 1928. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, when the city was exposed to the German offensive, he and the rest of the children were sent to Nizhny Novgorod. And then, together with his parents, Nikolai moved to Malakhovka in 1942, where he graduated from high school with honors, receiving a gold medal. Despite the fact that a different life was prophesied for the future songwriter, he did not want to deviate from the path outlined during his school years.

The first educational institution where Nikolai Nikolaevich received higher education was the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio at the Moscow State Theater. Gorky. But, wanting to be not only an artist performing on stage with poems and songs of his own composition, but also a teacher, Dobronravov decided to get a second higher education.

Nikolai Dobronravov in his youth

The next place where the future famous artist studied was the Moscow City Pedagogical Institute. V.P. Potemkin, which he completed in two years, in 1952.

Dobronravov gained fame during his student years. Having survived a terrible war that claimed the lives of millions, Nicholas tried to convey to his descendants the spiritual atmosphere of the war years. In his songs, he reflected not only the feelings of men who went to war, but also the pain of mothers who did not wait for the return of their sons.

He conveyed the desperate courage of the people living under siege and suffering hardship and hunger for the sake of the freedom of their country, the incredible heroism that was shown not only by men, but also by women who raised their children in cities where the paws of the Nazi invaders did not reach.

Theater and literary activities

Nikolai Dobronravov is not only a poet whose fascinating biography, personal life and children are constantly on the lips of music lovers, but also a well-known artist in the theater community. Since the early 50s, the famous songwriter decided to try himself in a new role. Having entered the service of the Moscow Theater for Young Spectators (TYUZ), he began to take an active part in theatrical life. Nikolai Dobronravov has performed in leading productions by famous screenwriters for ten years. His talent attracted the attention of spectators and critics, who appreciated the versatility of the outstanding artist.

Nikolay Dobronravov: photo

A well-known cultural figure in the modern world, repeatedly awarded for his works, he attracted the attention of composers and poets equally famous in the field of music. For a long time, Nikolai Dobronravov, whose biography, personal life and children are of interest to fans, worked in collaboration with the brilliant Sergei Grebennikov. Together they created incredibly sensual compositions.

The time when Dobronravov worked in collaboration with Grebennikov was a period dedicated to literary creativity. Together, the artists wrote fairy tales on the theme of the New Year and created ingenious and fascinating performances. A huge investment in the theatrical world of the union of two talented people was the creation of original plays for children's and music radio broadcasting.

With Muslim Magomayev

The two geniuses of songs and literature played an important role in the development of the cultural life of the younger generation in the puppet theater, writing a number of plays that were shown not only in institutions in Moscow and Soviet St. Petersburg, but also in other cities of the USSR.

In modern theaters of the Russian Federation, performances written in the co-authorship of Dobronravov and Grebennikov are still staged.

Becoming a poet

In the mid-60s, Nikolai Nikolaevich decided to leave the theater, deciding to implement his ideas in the field of literature. In 1970, Dobronravov was accepted into the USSR Writers' Union, where he was able to fully realize his creative potential. Actively working in the field of culture and literature, the artist became a famous and recognizable author.

His poetry collections, glorifying the ideology of the USSR and Soviet life, began to be published in large editions in the country's leading printing houses. Capital publishing houses published several of his poetry collections, such as “Gagarin’s Constellation”, “Taiga Fires”, “Eternal Alarm” and several other books.

M. Dobronravov famous poet

The songwriter gained many fans in the USSR, who were looking forward to new collections. Each edition published under the name Dobronravov was sold out with incredible speed. And even now, in modern Russia, books with poems by Nikolai Nikolaevich are very popular. The literary figure continues to publish new collections, expressing his ideas and thoughts, dreams and vision of modern Russia to the general public.

Musical family

The biography of Nikolai Dobronravov is invariably intertwined with his muse, wife and co-author of his musical works - Alexandra Pakhmutova, who gave him a happy personal life, but for whom the word “children” is prohibited.

They met at a radio station, where Nikolai Dobronravov acted as a songwriter, and a talented composer was invited to write a melody for his works.

Nikolai Dobronravov and Alexandra Pakhmutova

Having met, the young people realized that they live on the same wavelength, which is called music. Together they created about four hundred musical works, known not only in the Russian Federation, but also in other countries of the world.

Very often, fans of the artist wonder why Nikolai Dobronravov, whose amazing biography and personal life are closely intertwined with each other, never became a father, and the children who were in the plans of the spouses were not born. The artist smiles, and sadness appears in his eyes, and tries to avoid an answer that he does not have. And the one that exists should remain a secret for the vast public of the artist’s fans.

Perhaps the absence of children in the artists’ lives was the reason that they completely immersed themselves in creativity. In his songs, written together with his wife, songwriter Nikolai Dobronravov reflected all the good things that the Soviet Union gave him. He conveyed not only the military spirit of the Great Patriotic War, but also the atmosphere of such epoch-making events in the history of the modern Russian Federation, such as Yuri Gagarin's flight into space and the Olympics in Sochi.

Cheated on his wife with music

For his talents and ability to feel the Motherland, putting love into words, songwriter Nikolai Dobronravov was awarded the title “Laureate of the State Prize” in 1982. Under the Soviet Union, the artist received many awards and worthy titles, becoming famous throughout the mighty and vast USSR.

An important role in Dobronravov’s work was played by composer Mikael Leonovich Tariverdiev, with whom the artist created many songs and romances.

Dobronravov and Pakhmutova do not have children of their own

Nikolai Nikolaevich also worked with such masters of music as composer Arkady Ostrovsky, Azerbaijani pop singer and composer Polad Bulbul-ogly and many other famous figures in the musical arts.

  1. “Nadezhda” was first performed by Youth Theater artist Yuri Puzyrev. A month later, the song was heard on all radio stations of the USSR by the brilliant Joseph Kobzon. “Nadezhda,” performed by Anna German, was broadcast on all radio stations in the USSR since 1973 and gained enormous popularity among Soviet youth. Later it began to be performed by Edita Piekha, who appeared on stage with the cosmonauts’ talisman song. After all, every time, going into space, its researchers listened to “Nadezhda”, believing that it would bring them good luck and contribute to a safe return home.
  2. “Belovezhskaya Pushcha” fulfilled the dreams of the director of the reserve in Belarus in 1975. He had long dreamed that some poet, enthusiastic about the beauty of nature, would write a song about the reserve known throughout the USSR. Subsequently, it appeared in the repertoire of Bella, as well as the ensemble “Pesnyary”, becoming one of the popular songs in Belarus.
  3. "A Coward Don't Play Hockey" isn't the only sports song. It was first performed by Eduard Khil in 1968. Then it appeared in the repertoire of many well-known performers in the musical community. The sport, which was popular in those days, attracted the attention of hockey fans to the song. When the USSR won a match with other countries of the world, it was sure to be heard in the stands of a huge hall.
  4. "Goodbye, Moscow", released in 1980, was commissioned for the Olympics several months before the opening of the Games in preparation for their holding in Los Angeles. But by the time the song was almost finished under the title “Goodbye, Moscow - Hello, Los Angeles!”, a terrible event broke out in the outside world, canceling out all the plans of the USSR. The war began in Afghanistan and the trip of Soviet athletes to America was cancelled. Therefore, Dobronravov and Pakhmutova wrote a farewell song to the Olympics, which was played on the opening and closing days of the Olympic Games.
  5. “Eaglets Learn to Fly” was written for the “Eaglet” camp, where many happy children visited. Since 1965, the song has become the anthem of children vacationing in a beautiful place. She reflected the dreams and hopes of the younger generation. Under it, a flag was raised in the camp and traditional marches were held. Along with this song in “Orlenok” the song “Starfall” was played, which Pakhmutova and Dobronravov presented to the camp.

Nikolay Dobronravov today

Children in the biography of Nikolai Dobronravov and Alexandra Pakhmutova always came first, and were continuously connected with their personal lives and biography. But the couple never had their own, relatives and beloved children.

Fans of the musical couple's work suggest that the reason for this was the infertility of one of the spouses.
