What kind of scholarship will be in. Who receives a social scholarship? What kind of scholarship do students of Moscow universities receive?

The Ministry of Education and Science published an order containing new rules for providing scholarships to undergraduates, graduate students and preparatory department students. How will it be scholarships will be awarded to students in 2017, to whom and for what merit?

There are about 900 universities in Russia, with about 5 million students studying. Most state-funded students receive a scholarship. According to the new rules, its value will be adjusted depending on inflation and the cost of living.

When awarding scholarships, the university is obliged to take into account the opinion of the student council and the trade union committee. According to the new provision, having only one C grade on an exam is fraught with refusal to pay scholarships: the law clearly states “the absence of a “satisfactory” grade at the end of the interim assessment.” Financial support will also be denied to those students who were sent to retake the test.

The state academic scholarship is awarded to students depending on their academic success based on the results of the interim certification in accordance with the academic calendar from the first day of the month following the month of its completion, at least twice a year.

A student who is awarded a state academic scholarship must meet the following requirements:

    absence of a “satisfactory” rating based on the results of the interim certification;

    no academic debt.

Guaranteed scholarships will only be received by freshmen in the first semester. Her the size will be 1,484 rubles. At the end of the first session, the issue of awarding scholarships to first-year students will be decided on a general basis.

Increased scholarship will be appointed for special academic achievements (if two sessions in a row are passed only with “excellent marks”), for participation in scientific research with subsequent receipt of awards, prizes, for victories at Olympiads, for received patents, grants, for publications in scientific journals, for active in cultural, creative and sports fields.

Increased size The state academic scholarship is determined by the federal state educational organization of higher education, taking into account the opinion of the council of students of this organization and the elected body of the primary trade union organization (if there is such a body).

Thus, universities have the right to award an increased scholarship for the golden GTO badge, staging a choreographic work, for success in painting, sculpture, graphics, comics, pantomime, sketching, literary activity, etc. The number of recipients of increased scholarships should not exceed 10% of the total number of students.

Social scholarship will necessarily be paid to orphans, as well as children left without parental care, as well as contract soldiers who have served in the military for at least 3 years and a number of other categories of students. The payment amount will be at least 2,227 rubles. If those students who are eligible to receive a social scholarship study in the first two years of study with “good” and “excellent” grades, then they will be assigned increased scholarship, size which should be no less than the subsistence minimum, which is almost 10,000 rubles.

The order clearly states that recipients of social scholarships have the right to simultaneously receive social assistance. This type of payment is maintained both during academic leave and during parental leave for up to 3 years.

According to the forecast of Andrei Zarubin, director of the department of finance and organization of the budget process of the Ministry of Education and Science, the value of the scholarship fund will increase: in 2017 - by 5.9%, in 2018 - by 4.8%. Each university is allocated a certain amount for scholarships, which is subsequently distributed among students in accordance with their level of success. The average payment amount is about 1,400 rubles. The university determines the amount of incentive payments independently.

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The scholarships are not large enough to last a month of living. But for a student living and studying in Moscow, an additional thousand rubles will not hurt. This article will discuss the types and amounts of scholarships, social assistance and its receipt.

Each university has a different scholarship amount, but the minimum is 1,200 rubles. In the first semester, everyone receives a student benefit, regardless of grades. In the second, only those who studied “good” and “excellent”, passed the exam and have no debts on tests will receive payments. Excellent students are given an increased scholarship, the increase is established by the Academic Council.

In addition to the regular one, there are social, presidential, etc. Next we will briefly examine each of them.


Issued to students from low-income/large families, orphans, participants in military operations, left without guardians or who have lost one parent. The minimum social allowance is 1800 rubles. This decision was made by the government of the Russian Federation.

It happens that a student receives 2-3 scholarships. For example, social - for the absence of a father or mother, and increased - for academic success and active participation in the life of the educational institution.

One-time social assistance

Children from low-income families are entitled to one-time social assistance from the government. To receive it, the student writes an application addressed to the rector. This issue is discussed at the meeting, the trade union and group supervisor are invited. If the above persons approve the application, the student will receive assistance in cash equivalent.

Orphans and children from low-income families are entitled to annual assistance from the university for the purchase of stationery, necessary books, etc.

Governmental and presidential

Awarded only to excellent students for their demonstrated interest in study and achievements in science. Funds from the budget are divided into universities according to quotas. Last year, 300 graduate students received 14,000 rubles each, and 2,700 students received 7,000 rubles each. This is the Presidential Scholarship Fund. Government payments are no less prestigious. 500 graduate students received them for 10,000 rubles, 4,500 students received 5,000 rubles each.

Increase in payments in 2019

In 2015, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev signed a decree on the standards for issuing academic and social scholarships.

The amount of academic payments will increase, and to be more precise:

  • students studying in secondary vocational institutions will receive a minimum of 487 rubles monthly;
  • and for students in higher educational institutions, the amount of payments will increase to 1,340 rubles, which they will receive every month.

Social scholarship recipients have not been left out; their payments will also increase:

  • students enrolled in secondary educational programs will receive 720 rubles;
  • The scholarship for children studying at higher institutions will increase to 2010 rubles.

A real student cannot imagine his life without a scholarship, because this is his first real “salary”. In the modern world, a scholarship is considered to be a small financial aid with which the state tries to help students throughout the entire period of study. A similar fee is given to students of technical schools, colleges, institutes, schools, universities, as well as doctoral students and graduate students. As is already clear from the name itself, a social scholarship is considered a type of payment that is provided for those who have difficulties with financial support.

According to the legislative level, issues regarding the payment of student scholarships are regulated by the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. Today, everyone is concerned about the question of what social scholarships will be for students at universities in 2016-2017. The amount of the social scholarship depends on the institution where the young people study. For technical schools, secondary educational institutions and colleges it should not be lower than 730 rubles, while in universities students should receive no lower than 2010 rubles. An increased social scholarship may also be issued, which will be equal to 6,307 rubles.

Who receives a social scholarship?

Initially, it is worth noting that only those students who study at
full-time and budget support. Also, students who do not have parents are entitled to this type of payment: children without parental care and orphans. Orphans are children whose parents have died and have not yet reached the age of 18, while children without parental guardianship are those whose parents were deprived of custody rights by their own children under the age of 18. If in this case the student is awarded a social scholarship, then its status can last up to 23 years.

Also, disabled children, people disabled since childhood and disabled people of categories 1 and 2 can also count on a social scholarship.
Children who have suffered some kind of radiation impact due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, or any other radiation disaster, also have the right to receive a social scholarship. This list also includes children who have deviations from tests at the Semipalatinsk test site.

Another category of students entitled to a social scholarship are those who, before studying, served 3 years under a contract in the troops of the FSB of the Russian Federation or the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in the armed forces or executive authorities.

We should not forget about low-income children.

The threat of social scholarship

This year, the Russian government decided to amend the current bill, according to which the number of students receiving social scholarships will be significantly reduced. If the noted amendments are adopted by State Duma deputies, then from 2017 students may face serious changes, as well as bitterness regarding attractive payments.

According to experts, when making such a decision, Russian officials were most likely guided by the “all or nothing” principle.

Now they propose to pay scholarships in 2017 only to those students who are already considered recipients of social assistance assigned by special social protection authorities. It is worth recalling that now, in addition to the usual academic scholarship, students can also count on a social one, the amount of which can be regulated by the educational institution independently. According to analysts, in 2017 the size of the social scholarship may increase significantly and reach 10 thousand rubles - as a subsistence minimum.


Currently, a student who wants to apply for a social scholarship must bring a certificate from the social security authorities stating that he belongs to the category of citizens who can count on such payments. Now it seems to the government of the Russian Federation that in most cases students are being cunning and it is not difficult for them to earn such a certificate. At the same time, any student who lives in a dormitory can be recognized as low-income. According to official information from the Ministry of Education and Science, in 2016 there were 5.2 million students in Russia, with 240 thousand of them receiving social scholarships. To be honest, these are not entirely accurate figures, because most of them are cunning about their “involvement” in the list of socially disadvantaged.

As a result, the government is currently proposing to tie the possibility of students receiving a social scholarship in 2017 from their eligibility for state assistance. True, when offering such a “way out of the situation,” the Russian government did not think about the fact that the implementation of one right should not depend on another, because a person must independently choose whether he wants to take advantage of existing privileges or not. As a result, if a student accidentally fills out documents for receiving social assistance incorrectly, he will lose not only it, but also the right to receive a social scholarship in the future. Where is the justice here?

At the moment, the officials’ proposal has caused a wave of discontent among citizens, because it turns out that with the adoption of such a law, the right to education will no longer be available to people with low incomes.

Even if the majority of citizens of the Russian Federation still have hope that in 2017 the situation will reverse and everything will return to normal, the reality turns out to be so rosy. More recently, the State Duma has already adopted a number of laws regarding new social support measures, which are based on criteria of need and the principle of targeting. Nevertheless, in the end, such laws can hit the budget very hard specifically for citizens in need.

To understand exactly how this whole saga will end, it is worth waiting until the end of 2016 - during this period the draft law regarding the payment of social scholarships in 2017 should be approved or rejected.

For many years and even decades, the legislation of the Russian Federation has provided for a fairly extensive and varied program of support for the population in need of social protection and various financial assistance. The social scholarship for students of 2017-2018 is the very point that is included in this program.

Initially, the main and primary task and significance of scholarships issued to students was to stimulate students in some way, as well as to facilitate living conditions. Today, there are several types and categories of scholarships, each of which has its own characteristics and, of course, differs from each other in conditions and size.

Types of scholarships.

The list of the most basic scholarships that are provided in almost every educational institution in the country includes the following.

  1. 1. State academic scholarship, which is a basic type of monthly scholarship issued only to successful students throughout all years of study.
  2. 2. An increased academic scholarship is nothing more than a one-time payment to particularly distinguished students who have shown and demonstrated high results in educational, scientific, cultural and other activities.
  3. 3. Scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, presidents of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the governments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  4. 4. Personalized scholarships.
  5. 5. State social scholarship, which is intended and awarded to those students who experience special social and material needs. This payment is assigned regardless of how the student studies.

All about the social scholarship, size for low-income families.

If you study the issue related to social scholarships in more detail, then, first of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the complete list of all those who can count on it. According to the existing law of the Russian Federation, this list includes the following categories and groups of students.

  1. 1. Orphans.
  2. 2. Students with the “Disabled Child” category.
  3. 3.Victims of radiation accidents.
  4. 4. Contract servicemen who have served in the army or other military formations of the country for more than 3 years.
  5. 5. Students whose per capita income is below the subsistence level.

If everything is clear with the categories, then now you should carefully and in more detail understand the issue of size. To date, the state has also established the minimum amount of all types of government scholarships. Thus, the amount of social scholarships currently amounts to and consists of the following amounts.

  1. 1. For students of colleges, technical schools, schools or other institutions of a secondary professional nature - 730 rubles per month.
  2. 2.For university students – 2010 rubles.

It is worth noting that this is only the minimum acceptable payment threshold for socially vulnerable students. After all, each educational institution sets the amount of such a social scholarship individually.

As a rule, the Government of the Russian Federation together with the municipal self-government bodies of the constituent entities is responsible and fully responsible for the size of the general scholarship fund. As a result, the final decision on the amount of social scholarships is made by the management of each individual educational institution in the country.

But, if everything is relatively clear with the size, then another equally significant and important question arises, which is how to apply for the right to receive a social scholarship, what sequence of actions must be followed and at the same time try to save time as much as possible. It is these questions that we will now try to find the answer to.

Procedure for applying for a scholarship.

The procedure and stages that a student goes through in order to receive and provide additional social benefits include the following sequential actions.

Regarding the timing of document review, today it directly depends on each individual educational institution. But according to the rules, this is no more than 2 weeks.

As you can see, the process of receiving a social scholarship is not as simple as it seems at first glance, but the end justifies the means and such an additional source of funds is unlikely to hurt anyone and will be superfluous.

A scholarship is financial assistance that is paid to students of universities, technical schools, colleges, secondary educational institutions, other educational institutions, as well as graduate students and those studying for doctoral studies. Often a scholarship is the only source of survival while studying. What is the amount of scholarships for students in 2017?

Before entering an educational institution, a future student should familiarize himself with the fact that scholarships are paid only at state universities, technical schools, etc. Private educational institutions are deprived of government support, so students also do not receive financial assistance.

What types of scholarships are there? Russian educational institutions pay their students the following types of financial assistance:

  • Academic. It is received by full-time students who are on a budget education and who do not have academic debt. Such students should only study for “Good” or “Excellent”. However, this indicator may not be final, since different universities may have their own criteria.
  • Advanced academic. It is awarded to students starting from the 2nd year, provided that in the 1st year they distinguished themselves with high results in studies or sports. Participation in the cultural life of the institution is also welcome.
  • Social. It is paid to students who need financial assistance from the state. The fact of its payment does not depend on the student’s academic results. It is provided only on the basis of the necessary documents, according to which financial assistance is paid. But this help can be not only monetary, but, for example, in the form of payment for living in a hostel.
  • Nominal government and presidential. It is paid to students of faculties of priority areas who have high academic achievements.

In total, there are 15 types of scholarships in Russia.

Academic scholarship

What does the scholarship depend on and how is it paid? An academic scholarship is assigned to all applicants automatically. They will receive it in the same amount throughout the first semester. Payment is made by card or cash within the same time frame.

The academic scholarship ceases to be paid one month after the issuance of the order to expel the student. The graduate student receives the first scholarship in the month of his enrollment in the educational institution. Payments subsequently change depending on knowledge scores.

How to get an increased scholarship? Only students who:

  • Passed the competitive selection;
  • Included in the top 10% of the results of each semester.

Social scholarship

In 2017, a social scholarship is paid in the amount of 720 rubles. for institutions of secondary vocational education and 2010 rubles. for bachelors and master's students. How to get a social scholarship? You can count on such payments:

  • Disabled people of groups I and II, as well as people with limited physical capabilities;
  • Orphans, as well as children left without parental care;
  • Combat veterans;
  • Students whose family income does not exceed the subsistence level in their place of residence.

How to receive a social scholarship? To do this, you need to contact the dean’s office with the necessary documents confirming your right to receive it.

The social scholarship is not paid if the student has unsatisfactory grades based on the results of the session. If academic performance improves, payments are restored. At the same time as this type of scholarship, an academic scholarship can also be paid on a general basis.

Accrual and payment of presidential and government scholarships

Almost all students who have made their choice in favor of areas of priority for the country’s economy can count on presidential scholarships. As for graduate students, the number of scholarships for them is limited to 300. They are appointed annually for a period of 1 to 3 years.

Who receives these scholarships? Students who achieve high academic performance can count on presidential supplements. Students who:

  • Full-time students;
  • Over the course of two semesters, they passed the subjects with “excellent” marks;
  • Conduct active scientific activities, which is confirmed by diplomas and certificates;
  • Participate in innovative developments.

An outstanding student receiving a presidential scholarship can apply for an internship in Germany, Sweden and Germany.

Full-time students of higher and secondary educational institutions on a budgetary basis, nominated by the institution's teaching council, can count on receiving government scholarships. For a secondary educational institution this must be a 2nd year student, for a university – a 3rd year student. Restrictions for graduate students - from the second year.

When is the government scholarship awarded? Its payment is made in accordance with the following requirements for applicants:

  • High level academic performance;
  • Publication in a scientific journal;
  • Victory or participation in an all-Russian or international competition, festival or conference;
  • Participation in international exhibitions, grants;
  • A scientific discovery backed by a patent.

Scholarship amounts

Russian legislation sets a lower limit for scholarship payments, allowing educational institutions to pay a higher amount depending on financial capabilities. The scholarship fund of any educational institution is approved with the participation of student representatives or the student union.

In 2017, the scholarship for students was increased by 5.9%, which is 1,419 rubles. in universities across the country. The scholarship at the technical school in 2017 is 487 rubles. For 2018, this increase is planned by 4.8%, which will amount to 1,487 rubles. It is obvious that the minimum scholarship in Russia does not cover the minimum demands of student life, so the desire to receive an increased scholarship is obvious. A student who passes the exam without “C” grades has the opportunity to receive a scholarship in the amount of about 6,000 rubles.

A session passed “excellently” can become a stepping stone to receiving an even larger amount. The average extended scholarship in Russia last year was 7,000 rubles. The most successful students can receive a scholarship of up to 20,000 rubles.

The minimum amount of state scholarships for graduate students and doctoral students is from 2,637 rubles. Scholarship for scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies in technical and natural sciences - from 6330 rubles, residency - from 6717 rubles. Doctoral students receive from 10,000 rubles.

An increased stipend for a graduate student can vary from 11 to 14 thousand rubles. Currently, the State Duma is considering a bill that would raise the stipend to the minimum wage.

Additional benefits

During their studies, a student or graduate student may qualify for additional payments related to one or another event in life:

  1. For the birth of a child. To do this, a statement from the student is written to the head of the institution. With the approval of the student trade union organization, payment is made.
  2. To purchase textbooks. Payments are made annually to postgraduate students in the amount of two scholarships. An orphan student can receive the same benefit, but in the amount of three scholarships.
  3. For successful training in full-time education at the expense of budget funds.
  4. Personalized scholarships in honor of talented people. Paid as support for talented and successful students of children, for achievements in the field of sports, science, technology, and creativity. The amount of such scholarships may vary.
  5. Academic leave for medical reasons.

There is nothing stopping students from receiving multiple payments at the same time. Thus, some talented guys can receive monthly payments comparable to the average salary in the country. However, you need to remember that the number of additional scholarships is very limited, so only the best can get them.

There are two types of scholarships paid in technical schools and colleges:

  • Social. Its size is 730 rubles. It is paid to all students who passed the session without “tails”. In addition, this category includes all weakly protected categories (orphans, disabled people, students from large or defective families, etc.);
  • Academic. The amount of this scholarship is 487 rubles. It is paid to students on a budget basis who pass the exam without failing grades.

There are no maximum size restrictions. However, in fact, most educational institutions prefer to pay the minimum amounts established by the state. In some technical schools, scholarships may be increased due to regional allowances and sponsorships.

Deprivation of scholarship

For undergraduate and graduate students, the scholarship is not set for the entire duration of study, but is reviewed every semester. Reasons for deprivation of a scholarship may include:

  • Systematic absenteeism;
  • Academic debt at the end of the academic semester;
  • Based on the results of the semester, there are grades below “good”.

The transition to part-time study, as well as academic leave, are also reasons for depriving a student of a scholarship.

Is the stipend paid in the summer? Payments of scholarships during the summer months are no different from other periods. They take place as scheduled, and their size depends solely on the student’s performance.

The only important point that is worth knowing about the scholarship in the summer is that for June the scholarship is paid in the amount established based on the results of the session of the first semester. This is due to the fact that the second session only takes place in June, based on the results of which the scholarship for July and August will be awarded.

The Master's scholarship ceases to be paid to those students who complete their studies. The last scholarship is received for the month of June, since studies stop before the first of July.