How to draw a duck and ducklings with a pencil. Drawing a duck

Duck is a domestic bird from the Anatidae family of the order Anseriformes. It is similar to the goose that we have already taught you to draw on our website, but it is only much smaller in size and weight. Yes, this is not surprising, since both the duck and the goose belong to the same order Anseriformes. The duck lives in the courtyards of residents of villages and villages, and in poultry houses. She is a waterfowl. In addition to domestic ducks, there are also wild ducks. They settle along the banks of various bodies of water. The duck has a flattened, streamlined body, densely covered with feathers. It has a flat beak and feet with webbed toes that help it swim in water. Before the cold period of the year, wild ducks fly to warmer regions for the winter, and then return back to breed. Let's draw a duck step by step using a pencil and color it.

Stage 1. Drawing a duck is not at all difficult. First, draw auxiliary lines that will serve as the basis of the body of our duck. A long oval in the center of a sheet of paper, in front of it is a long curve depicting the future wing. The lines of the duck's head extend from the oval.

Stage 2. We will now turn these initial lines from the first stage into the body of our duck. We draw the contours of the bird on them. We denote the beak, head, back, tail, abdomen and breast.

Stage 3. Now we detail the head. We clarify the shape of the beak. It is flat with a flare at the end. There is an elongated nostril in the form of a slit on top of the beak. The duck's eye is large and round. Using dashes we separate the head from the long neck, making a boundary between the neck and the chest part of the body.

Stage 5. Using the final lines we show the breast, belly, and undertail part of the duck. We make additional strokes on the wing feathers.

Stage 6. Darken some areas of our drawing. These are the abdomen, undertail and base of the beak.

Stage 7. If desired, you can color the duck. Our male duck is a drake. We made the head emerald green with a bright yellow beak. The body and its feathers are brown with black areas. There is blue on the feathers. The drake, like many male animals and birds, is more brightly colored to attract a female during the mating season.

Children - preschoolers and schoolchildren - draw butterflies with great pleasure. Very young children ask their parents to draw butterflies. But not everyone can immediately and beautifully draw this graceful insect. Why do butterflies attract children's attention so much? They have beauty and grace, which invariably fascinates both children and adults. Butterflies can be drawn either simply with pencils or with paints. The use of the latter makes the drawing bright and unusual. To make the drawing beautiful, you need to learn how to correctly draw the body and wings of an insect, and then start drawing patterns on the wings. So, let's start drawing butterflies step by step using a simple pencil.

How to draw a duckling and a butterfly step by step

First we draw a duckling

Stage 1 - first we draw the head - it will be round. Next, we add a slightly elongated body to it, drawing another small circle for this, connecting it with smooth lines to the head

Stage 2 - then we draw a beak (of any shape), legs, eyes. All this can be depicted relying on children's imagination.

Stage 4 - We complete our drawing with an arbitrary design - we draw grass and pebbles near the duckling, thereby creating the feeling of the duckling being in a clearing. We will depict, as it were, membranes on the paws. Using an eraser, remove unnecessary lines, trying not to disturb the overall drawing.

Stage 5 - now let’s color the resulting drawing.

Our wonderful duckling is ready.

Draw a butterfly

Stage 1 - draw a straight line with a pencil and “string” a circle on it - this will be the head of the butterfly, behind it a small oval - this will be the front part of the body, and then a longer oval - this will be the tail part of the body. That's it, the butterfly's body is ready.

Stage 2 - Draw wings to the body. the upper ones are attached to the middle oval. It is better to draw the lower wings a little smaller in size. We draw the wings in any shape we like, but always symmetrically. We draw mustaches.

Stage 3 - draw patterns on the wings in the form of eyes.

Stage 4 - Erase the main line with an eraser.

Stage 5 - now we paint our butterfly with paints or pencils, the drawing will become bright and impressive.

As you can see, drawing a butterfly is not difficult.

Let’s imagine that one sunny day your child comes home from school and says: “Mom, we were asked to draw a duck in class, help me, I can’t do it.” Almost every parent has encountered such a problem at least once in their life. With a sigh, you take up the album and see the inept attempts to draw this pet bird in class. A duck is a waterfowl. She looks more like a swan than a simple bird. Let's remember Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling”. After all, for a very long time no one could understand whose chick the main character was.

In contact with

If you start drawing with your child, we suggest that while drawing you tell him a couple of unusual facts about these birds:

Ducks mistake the first creature they see after they are born for their mother. Therefore, there were many cases when dogs, cats, geese, and chickens became the “mother” of ducklings.

Ducks do not get wet in water because their feathers are covered with fat.

Despite the fact that the duck's neck seems very short, these birds have even more vertebrae than the giraffe.

Now let's try to draw a duck. This is quite easy to do, you can start drawing with your baby. Good luck!

How to draw a duck

To work we will need the following tools:

  • A piece of paper.
  • Pencil.
  • A simple eraser.
  •  Long ruler.

Description of the drawing process.

  • Additional lines.

First, draw additional lines on a piece of paper using a ruler or with your own hands. Next, at the intersection of the lines we will make a circle.

  • Head.

On the left above the circle, at a small distance, draw a small oval. This will be the head of our duck.

  • Neck.

Now we connect the head with the body with 2 straight lines.

  • Body and tail.

Below under the neck we will draw another circle and slightly correct the body of the bird. Then we will draw a tail. In a duck, it is short and rises slightly upward.

Erase the extra lines.

We will only have the outline of the bird left.

  • Beak.

It's the beak's turn. It is huge, but not sharp, but round. Due to the unusual structure of the beak, it always seems that the duck is smiling.

  • Eyes.

Let's draw an eye, since we can't see the second one. The duck's is small and round. Don't forget about the little details.

  • Feathers.

On the neck we will draw a strip similar to a ribbon. Next, let's draw the feathers of the bird. Let's try to make smooth lines.

  • Wing.

The duck's wing is short, similar to half a heart.

  • Paws.

Let's draw the bird's foot. The paws are also short and thin. The second leg rises a little in the air, so we do it differently.

  • Details.

We create feathers on the wing, add small details on the legs and eyes.

  • Coloring.

Ducks are mostly white or brown. Also, the feathers of these birds have a green tint, so when coloring you can add this color. The beak and paws are a warm orange hue.

How to draw a duck with a pencil step by step

First, you just need to decide what kind of bird you need - one of those that smoothly walks around your neighbor’s yard, or one that chats and gets into funny adventures in children’s cartoons? Let's try everything! So that you can immediately get 12 points into the magazine and your art teacher will be delighted? No sooner said than done!

How to draw a duck from a cartoon film

First, we make a circle somewhere in the center of the album sheet and a huge oval below it. After this, smoothly, giving the lines the shape of our duck’s neck, we connect the circle-head and oval-body. Next, let’s draw a small, slightly pointed arc on the left side of the oval - this will be the tail.

Then inside the circle we create a smaller circle - an eye. In front, close to it, draw a beak to the circle. And we draw a wing, for this we add another oval to the body circle, in the shape of a chicken egg tilted diagonally.

Then comes the most important moment, because you will move on to the details. Let's draw another small circle inside the eye - the pupil - and shade it halfway. Then we’ll slowly draw the head and neck along the contour, outline the body, make a wavy line of feathers on the wing and use an eraser to remove the extra lines of the former circles and ovals, and then the full parts of the bird’s body.

How to draw a duck that lives with grandma?

Let's start according to the old scheme - a circle for the head, but small, below a large oval for the body. Using smooth lines we connect the head with the body, creating a neck and a convex chest. Let's draw a tail and use an uneven herringbone to mark the feathers at its end.

Let's add an elongated beak to the circle-head, and a circle to the body using vertical lines, legs, to which we will add triangles-legs. Then we’ll draw a small eye and carefully make the shape of the beak, head, neck and, of course, the body. Let's mark the line of the wing with a slightly carved arc and make the legs. Don't forget that a duck's toes are webbed. That's it, your bird is done!

Now you know how to draw a duck with a pencil, and your child will color it on his own.

In that lesson I will show you how to draw a duck with a pencil step by step for beginners. We draw a domestic white duck, a duck. The duck belongs to the Anseriformes family. I can’t say anything more about ducks, because I don’t know anything about them, except that they are eaten, I haven’t eaten them myself.

Here is a photo of our duck.

Let's start with the head. Draw a circle to make it easier to draw, using a curve to show the middle of the head, then draw an eye, it is located in the middle closer to the top. Then we need to draw the beak and head, the length of the beak is slightly larger than the diagonal of the circle, located at 45 degrees. Erase the circle.

Now we need to sketch out the neck and body. To make it more correct, we make a sketch, the neck as if with a dotted line, the body so straight, i.e. we look at the shape and try to understand what curves there are and how we can simply represent them.

For convenience, I drew only one paw, look at the second one in the next picture. We draw a small tail and show the wing with small curves.

Draw the second paw. To make it more realistic, erase the outline where it was imitating feathers. We also imitate feathers all over the body. We make the bottom and middle of the neck a little darker due to the shadow; help look at the photo of the duck. Apply shadows to the beak and a little to the head. The duck drawing is ready.

I love to draw with paints, but to draw even a small picture you need a canvas, paints, brushes and spend a lot of time, so I decided to master a graphics tablet and draw lessons using a graphics tablet. The duck drawing was done in the same way as other lessons, step by step and practically nothing has changed from the pencil drawing technique. You can draw a duck with a simple pencil on paper, and then color with colored pencils or paints. Well, if you have a graphics tablet, try with me to make a drawing of a duck in color.
The picture of a duck is my first lesson drawn on a graphics tablet, please do not judge strictly.

1. Contours of the duck's body and tail

As always, let's get started draw a duck from simple contours. In the center of the sheet, draw a circle for the body, a little higher a circle for the head and connect it to the body with a straight line. On the left side, draw a triangle for the tail.

2. Duck picture, second step

We have already drawn the main outlines of the duck, now let's add other parts to the drawing. It’s easy to draw the contours of the paws, as well as slightly enlarge the chest and neck.

3. Wing and head of a duck

Divide the circumference of the body in half with a pencil and continue this line towards the tail. This will be the outline of the wing. Draw the left outline of the neck, outline the breast of the duck and start drawing the beak.

4. Finish drawing the contours of the duck

This drawing step may seem complicated, with too many lines drawn. Actually, nothing complicated. Take a closer look, you just need to finish drawing the outline of the neck, draw the eye and beak. And then highlight the feathers on the tail with a few strokes. And yet, you need to add a couple of lines on the paws. All, duck drawing almost finished.

5. The final stage of the drawing

First, remove excess contour lines from the drawing. Then start drawing what is easier. Draw the eye in detail, put a spot on the beak. Draw in detail the paws and membranes on them. And finally, clarify all the lines, because at the next stage you will need to color the duck’s drawing.

6. Applying shadows with a pencil

I applied the shadows using a graphics tablet, but this does not at all prevent you from making shadows in the drawing with a simple pencil, looking at my picture. But it is better, of course, to color the duck with colored pencils or paints, since ducks have very beautiful and bright plumage, especially drakes.

7. Color picture of a duck

In order to color the duck with colored pencils, you can use the final drawing made in paint using a graphics tablet.

Video on how to draw a duck.

In this lesson you will be able to draw a beautiful Macaw parrot step by step.

When drawing a crow or duck, try to keep all the contour lines smooth. In birds, smooth feathers and uneven contour lines will be very noticeable.

Unfortunately, a city dweller will not be able to draw a stork “from life”, since it is impossible to meet one in the park, like, for example, a duck. Therefore, to accurately convey the color of feathers in a drawing, you can use a photograph found on the Internet.

Any birds are difficult to draw. A seemingly simple outline should convey the grace and elegance of the bird's lines. And even such “ordinary” sparrows and ducks are in fact unusually beautiful and graceful birds, not to mention the swan or peacock.

Round huge yellow eyes and a predatory key are the main distinguishing features of this bird. You just need to accurately draw the “face” of the owl, and the body is not at all difficult to draw, unless of course it is not flying, but just sitting on a branch.

Such familiar birds as a duck or a rooster turn out to be very beautiful. We just didn’t notice it before until we decided draw a duck, a crow or a rooster themselves and did not take a closer look at them.