Permissible calorie intake per day. The norm of calories per day for a woman depending on age

The amount of consumption of certain dishes will allow you to maintain a balanced diet. After all, in addition to calories, you should pay attention to the presence of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Especially if a man is trying to lose weight. In addition, the rate of calorie intake per day is also important for those who engage in hard physical labor or regularly exercise, visit gyms. Without the required amount of kcal, this simply will not be enough strength. At the same time, with an excess of calories, body weight will gradually increase and there will be a problem on how to lose weight.

Food is an essential element that no one can do without. At the same time, you need to consume a certain amount of products that allow you to fill the body with the necessary substances, and also give the necessary energy for the activity of a man.

Energy received from food is measured in kcal. On the label of any of them, you can see the column in, which indicates the number of calories per 100 g. Depending on which product is consumed, the minimum calories that the body will receive will be different. At the same time, it is also worth paying attention to other elements that an adult man should use every day. These include proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The latter, in turn, can be of various types.

The most significant points in the calculation are:

  • Weight. The higher this indicator, the more energy the body needs to maintain body weight.
  • Height. In this case, the same dependence applies as for weight. The larger the person, the more calories he needs.
  • Age. The younger you are, the more calories you burn.
  • Indicator of physical activity, frequency of sports activities.

The most accurate formulas for calculating the norm of calories

There are many formulas that allow you to determine the daily calorie intake. The most accurate and popular are two: the Mifflin San Jeor formula and Harris-Benedict. Despite the differences in setting the coefficients, they are based on the same indicators: height, weight, age, physical activity. The latter was created a century ago. Of course, to date, several amendments and adjustments have been made to it. The Mifflin-San Geor formula was invented relatively recently. But, despite this, it quite accurately determines the daily calorie intake, depending on the indicators.

When calculating, one of the following indicators of physical activity can be used:

  • With passive behavior, the absence of regular sports, a coefficient equal to 1.2 is used.
  • If there are regular visits to the gym (3 times a week), then this indicator should be 1.375.
  • With more frequent training (5 times a week), the coefficient rises to 1.4625.
  • For frequent training and work that involves hard physical labor, a factor of 1.6375 must be used.
  • If classes in the gym are more frequent and can be held several times a day, then an indicator of 1.725 should be used.
  • With frequent sports that take place several times a day, which are supplemented by work with physical labor, it is necessary to use a coefficient of 1.9 in the formula.

Harris-Benedict Formula

They look like this:

(88.36+13.4*body weight in kg+4.8*height in cm-5.7*number of years)*physical activity index

Initial data:

  • Height - 184.
  • Weight - 88.
  • Age - 40.
  • Physical activity - 5 times a week visit the gym.

The calculation will look like:

(88.36+13.4*88+4.8*184-5.7*40)*1.4625=2812 kcal.

Mifflin-St. Jeor formula

The original formula looks like this:

(10 * weight kg + 6.25 * height in cm-5 * number of years + 5) * indicator of physical activity.

With the same initial data that were given above, the calculation will be as follows:

There are many things that mankind can easily refuse. But there is something that is necessary for survival and procreation - this is food and water. And if the water balance needs to be maintained by a certain number of liters of fluid daily, then with food everything is much more complicated.

Proper nutrition is the source of fitness and well-being. The correct calculation of the calorie intake per day will allow you to keep yourself in good shape, forgetting about ailments.

Any activity requires a certain amount of energy costs. Without them, physical and mental abilities do not manifest themselves to the fullest. A diet that provides a large amount of energy increases fat mass. On the contrary, with a low-calorie diet, gradual weight loss begins.

The whole difficulty lies in finding the golden mean. To lose weight or gain muscle mass should, first of all, be guided by proper nutrition, and the number of calories must be selected as accurately as possible.

There is a conclusion of experts about how many calories you need to consume per day. For the stronger sex - about 2500 cal., For the weak - 2000 cal. These figures are approximate.

There are many factors that affect these values:

  • Lifestyle;
  • labor activity;
  • schedule;
  • meal time;
  • age;
  • the amount of physical activity.

You can not put on the same level, for example, a manager in an office and a worker in the construction of a residential building.

However, it is possible to take out some axioms:

  • the older the person, the less energy he needs;
  • a man needs more energy than a woman;
  • pregnant and young mothers form a reserve for themselves and the baby;
  • with heavy physical exertion, the diet should be doubled.

Impact of the quality of calories consumed

Food should consist of a uniform amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. As a percentage of 30, 50 and 20. Not observing these proportions, excess fat remains in the body.

And with excessive consumption of carbohydrates with a decrease in the value of proteins, you will immediately feel a lack of strength, lethargy, and a decrease in immunity. Losing one, gaining another.

Calculation of daily caloric intake

If we proceed from the fact that 1 calorie per 1 kg of weight is burned hourly, then further calculation will show how much energy you need to get with a weight of 75 kg in the amount of 1800 cal.

This value is only sufficient for normal operating condition. If you add here the digestion of food, physical and mental stress, the figure will immediately increase.

Currently, the approximate calculation is as follows: on average, 24 calories per 1 kg of body weight must be expended in 1 hour. Calculating the norm of calories per day for women is more difficult to perform, due to the special physiology of the body.

The weaker sex, according to statistics, gains weight faster. And in the case of expectation or the birth of a child, the weight grows by leaps and bounds.

Lifestyle plays an important role here. With low mobility, middle-aged women will need 1800 per day, with an average - 2000, with high - 2200.

When losing weight, subtract 500 units from the value you derived. This scheme will allow you to lose weight by 0.5 kg weekly. The main thing is not to get carried away with weight loss. Reduce calories below 1200 units. undesirable.

The calorie intake for men is significantly different compared to women. A man needs protein. And to get it, energy reserves will have to be increased.

With a sedentary lifestyle, middle-aged men need 2200 cal., With average mobility - 2500 cal., With high mobility - 3000 cal.

Daily calories for weight loss

In order to find out how many calories you need to consume in order to lose weight, you should calculate the daily energy spent. After you have calculated your daily allowance, feel free to subtract 20% from this value, but, recall, this figure should not be less than 1200 units.

This will be your calorie intake for weight loss. Strive to stick to the result and you will soon feel the change yourself.

Proper diet for children

If the adult male and female organisms are fully studied, the issue of proper nutrition of children from year to year remains on the surface. Each child is individual.

The quality of food is paramount. Depending on age, a child needs 800 calories at 1 year old, 1500 at 3 years old, 2000 at 6 years old, 2900 at 13 years old.

Keeping yourself in good shape throughout your life is not an easy task. Her decision is up to you.

For questions about proper nutrition, cleansing the body, choosing the right diet, you can always contact us. We, in our case, are always ready to help you.

Photo examples of calculating the optimal calorie intake per day

Rational nutrition with the correct calculation of calories is the key to health, beauty and good mood. An excess of nutritional value of foods leads to excess weight, a lack of food leads to a decrease in BMI (overweight). Let's find out how the norm of calories per day for men is calculated.

Calculations of the value of food and BMI for men

Daily food intake is determined by the formulas. Calorie is the body's energy that comes with food. The norm for men per day is 2200-4100 Kcal. We will calculate our value individually, many factors will influence here - the style and rhythm of existence.

If you lead an active lifestyle, go in for sports, then daily consumption will be more. Sitting without movement is correspondingly less. There are many calculators that calculate daily calorie intake for men, ideal weight, degree of obesity or underweight.

Ask yourself the question “Why are you gaining kilograms?”. The main thing is to analyze how many times a day you eat and what exactly. If the diet contains cereals, vegetables, fruits, beef, fish, then you eat right.

But such unhealthy foods as fast food, sandwiches, fatty foods are harmful to the figure. Let's take the calorie content of pizza, one piece of it can replace 2 servings of porridge or meat.

Of course, it is better to eat more often, up to five times a day, the “right” food than twice - sandwiches and pizza. Daily calorie intake for active men per day:

  • Up to 31 years old - 3000 Kcal;
  • 31-50 - 2700-3200Kcal;
  • Over 51 - 2300-2700 Kcal.

For a calm and measured life, there are rules.

  • From 31 - 2300 Kcal;
  • 31-50 - 2200-2250 Kcal;
  • Over 51 - 2100 cal.

Generalized food consumption for men is given, but there is a calculator for individual calculation of calories per day. Influenced by activity.

First, let's define our coefficient of motion

  • Sedentary work, zero - 1.2;
  • Light loads - 1.375;
  • Above the norm (athletes) - 1.55;
  • Heavy physical labor - 1.75;
  • Particularly strong - 1.9

The Harris-Benedict formula for men's basal metabolism:

  • 66+(13.8* in kg) +(5 in cm) -(6.8*age)
  • Consider an example, you are 35 years old, height 175, weight 75:
  • 66+(13.8*75) +(5*175) -(6.8*35) =1738.

Daily energy requirement formula

(KA) Activity Coefficient * (FCB) Harris-Benedict = (SNK) daily calorie intake for men. You have a sedentary job: take (KA) activity coefficient (1.2) * 1738 (our previous example) = 2085.6 Kcal needed per day.

By sticking to your daily energy needs, you will always be in perfect shape. To increase the amount of food per day, you need to add physical activity, sports is the ideal solution. Before determining the norm, a man calculates the body mass index according to the following formula: BMI \u003d weight in kg / height in cm * 2 * 100

BMI for men:

  • Dystrophy - less than 20.
  • The norm is 20-25.
  • Overweight - 26-30.
  • Obesity - 31-40, everything above this is divided into 3 degrees.
  • In our example, we find out the BMI:

75/175*2*100=21.428571428571427. BMI is within the normal range.


If, using BMI, you have determined that there is an excess or lack of body weight, you need to calculate the calorie intake for men using the above formulas. By following the calculations, you can adjust your parameters.

By determining the number of calories per day, you can stabilize your weight, improve metabolism, without limiting yourself in food.

  • The key to fast weight loss and metabolism is to take protein and fiber-rich vegetables in your diet.
  • Drink liquids up to 2 liters per day.
  • Eat 5 times, in small portions, it is advisable to pour food into saucers. After training, do not drink for 45-60 minutes and do not eat for 2 hours. Before going to bed, take a glass of kefir.

Track your weight with the formula for calculating the number of calories per day for men and your figure and weight will be ideal.

Now you, knowing your ideal parameters, excess or lack of body mass index, share useful information with your friends.

Calculating your daily calorie intake is the first step in creating a successful diet for weight loss or nutrition for gaining muscle mass, because without determining the individual daily calorie intake, it is impossible to calculate the optimal composition of your diet for the main macronutrients (i.e. proteins, and).

There are two formulas by which this rate is calculated, but the Harris-Benedict formula is most often used. Any calorie calculator on the Internet, in a smartphone application, in a cardio machine or in a fitness bracelet will use it. However, this formula has significant errors that no one mentions.

What is a calorie?

The term "calorie" itself is derived from the word calories, translated from Latin as "warmth". In classical physics, calories had nothing to do with food - even a hundred years ago, they measured only the energy released during the combustion of fuel (coal, firewood), and only at the beginning of the 20th century, food began to be considered as fuel for the body.

It must be understood that the calorie content of a product is a purely conditional amount of energy that will be obtained when it is burned in a special device. However, in reality, the human body digests food in a completely different way - in fact, the share of absorbed energy can differ by 20-25% from the numbers.

Calorie formula

The direct formula for calculating the daily calorie intake consists of two parts: 1) the most accurate calculation of the basal metabolic rate - the calories needed by the body to maintain life, or the so-called "rest energy", and 2) the individual activity coefficient of a person, most often determined "by eye ".

It is in this coefficient that the main problem of the Harris-Benedict calorie calculation formula lies. After accurately calculating your basal metabolic rate (for example, 1765 kcal), you need to multiply this figure by your individual activity factor, which ranges from 1.2 to 1.9. The final result will be from 2118 kcal to 3354 kcal. The difference is 1236 kcal.

Harris-Benedict Formula

As we have already mentioned, first of all, the Harris-Benedict formula determines the basic level of human metabolism (basal metabolic rate, BMR) - these are the body's need for calories for brain function, maintaining body temperature, digestion of food and other metabolic processes. In this case, the formula does not take into account the energy for physical activity.

It is also important that the basic level of metabolism depends on the sex of the person, his age and build. However, any calculations using this formula are accurate only for an average physique - for excessively thin, full, or even for the Harissa-Benedict formula, it is not suitable, because it does not take into account individual characteristics.

Basic calorie requirement formula:

How to lose weight fast - fat burning workout strategy and nutritional advice.

Individual activity level

The Harris-Benedict formula for calculating daily calorie intake separates five types of physical activity - minimum level (no physical activity), low level (physical activity 1-3 times a week), average level (3-5 days a week), high level ( 6-7 times a week) and a very high level (training more than once a day).

In theory, everything looks simple and clear. To determine your total daily calorie and energy needs, multiply your baseline BMR for your sex, age, and weight by a factor based on your average level of physical activity for the current week:

  • Minimum Level - Calorie Rate = BMR x 1.2
  • Low - calorie allowance = BMR x 1.375
  • Average - calories = BMR x 1.55
  • High - calorie allowance = BMR x 1.725
  • Very high - calorie allowance = BMR x 1.9

What ratio should be used?

If your professional activity is a lumberjack or a miner, use a coefficient of 1.9, if you take care of cows - 1.55. These are the recommendations of the Harris-Benedict formula for calculating calories, obtained back in 1919. Of course, there are no modern professions (especially the “office worker” category) in this list.

Entering your age, height and weight into a cardio machine or an advanced fitness bracelet, you get the most accurate figure for the daily calorie intake, but it is not at all clear which coefficient this device uses in the calculation. If you are lucky, it will be in the range of 1.4 - 1.7, and the final error will not exceed 15-20% (approximately +/- 500 kcal).

If you are a male, 25 years old, work in an office and do strength training three times a week, then the recommendation for your daily calorie intake will be from 2600 kcal to 3200 kcal - however, you need to understand that any a more accurate figure would only be a random choice, not guaranteeing any reliability or additional certainty.

Among other things, calories from food are not absorbed at all by 100%. For example, - but this is never taken into account in the figures for the composition of the product. As a result, it is better not to try to calculate the daily calorie intake using a “smart” formula, but simply stick to the basic recommendations (1) and listen to your body.

daily calorie intake for men:

daily calorie intake for women:

Daily calorie intake for children and teenagers:

Age Activity level Calorie norm
14 yearsShort1000 kcal
Average1200-1400 kcal
High1400-1600 kcal
5 – 8 yearsShort1200-1400 kcal
Average1400-1600 kcal
High1600-1900 kcal
9 – 11 years oldShort1500-1800 kcal
Average1800-2000 kcal
High1900-2200 kcal
12 - 16 years oldShort1600-1800 kcal
Average2000-2500 kcal
High2500-3000 kcal


The formula for calculating the daily calorie intake can only determine the level of the body's basic energy needs without taking into account physical activity. To determine the total calorie requirement, you need to know a unique coefficient that cannot be accurately determined. That is why any devices for calculating the norm of calories give an error of +/- 500 kcal.

Scientific sources:

  1. Estimated Calorie Needs per Day by Age, Gender, and Physical Activity Level,

Food gives the human body the necessary boost of energy. Depending on individual characteristics, you can calculate how many calories you need to consume per day and choose the best foods for your diet.

Where are calories spent?

Each body needs its own "portion" of calories, which depends on lifestyle, gender and age. Performing various actions, a person spends a certain amount of calories. The load in this case can be not only physical. Even in a state of complete rest, a third of all energy is spent on heat generation, metabolism, and pumping blood through the vessels. For a cheerful mood and a beautiful waist, you need to calculate calories per day.

Thanks to an active lifestyle and regular sports, fats and carbohydrates are spent in greater quantities. For example, in an hour of running, you can lose 530-540 calories. If there is no time for morning runs, then you need to walk as much as possible. On the day a person must walk at least 6 km to keep fit and good mood. To overcome this path, you need 220-230 calories and one hour of time.

Overeating threatens not only problems with the stomach, but also excess weight. The subcutaneous layer of fat is excess energy that the body did not have time to spend. Knowing what calorie intake per day is necessary for a particular person, you can not be afraid of a sagging stomach and sides.

Learning to count calories

Getting rid of extra pounds is better to start with a review of what is in the refrigerator and is used every day. The number of calories per 100 g is indicated on the packaging of all products. For convenience, you can have a notebook in which you need to record the time, type and amount of food eaten. By producing calculation calories per day, everything is taken into account, even the smallest candy. With the help of kitchen scales, it is necessary to weigh vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat. If the product is without a label that contains information about the energy value, then the necessary information can be easily found in the open spaces of online nutrition magazines.

Counting calories in soups or salads is easy enough. Each ingredient must be weighed separately on a scale and the results recorded. Then, using the calorie table, calculate the required numbers. For example, there are 77 calories in 100 g of raw potatoes, and 577.5 in 750 g. During heat treatment, cereals and pasta increase in weight, so the calculation is based on a dry product.

How to calculate the required number of calories per day?

In order not to harm your own figure, you will need to know how many calories you need to consume. Each person has their own daily routine. Statistics say that 2000 calories is the average requirement, that is, the required calories. You can consume no more than the specified norm per day, then the waist will retain its previous volumes. In fact, this figure is not correct enough. You can determine what daily calorie intake is needed for men and women of different ages and weight categories using the special Harrison-Benedict formula:

Women: 650+(9.6×weight, kg)+(1.8×height)-4.7(age)

Men: 60+(13.7×kg)+(5×height)-6.8(age)

The resulting figure must be multiplied by a coefficient that is individual and depends on the activity during the day:

  • Rare sports or sedentary lifestyle - 1.2;
  • Visits to the gym 2-3 times a week - 1,375;
  • Regular physical activity 4-5 times a week -1.55;
  • Professional training every day - 1.7;
  • Classes 2 times a day (or hard physical work) - 1.9.

How many calories should you eat per day to lose weight?

To lose weight, you need to reduce the amount of energy consumed with food. But that doesn't mean you have to starve! Nutritionists recommend no more than a 20% reduction in the level of daily replenishment of energy reserves. For example, if the result of calculating the formula is 1500, then it is safe for health to reduce to 1200 calories per day. The menu should be as useful as possible and contain fresh vegetables, fruits, protein. Having made the correct calculation of the calories consumed per day, an approximate food plan is drawn up.

If the weight significantly exceeds the norm, then the diet must be radically changed and daily calories should be constantly monitored. Restriction in food at first will cause a feeling of hunger. Gradually, the body will get used to the restructuring, and the extra pounds will go away. At the same time, it is important to give the body physical activity: classes in the gym, aerobics, running, cycling. If you spend more calories than you consume, then the result will not be long in coming.

Menu for 1200 calories per day

This amount is considered optimal for losing weight without harming a woman's body. The received energy will be enough to support the work of the body, and the feeling of hunger will not haunt all the time. Counting the amount of "fuel" eaten, you need to write everything down in a notebook or notepad.

First of all, we “break” 1200 calories into several parts. On the day, the menu is usually divided into 5 meals (every 3-4 hours). Daily Meal Options:

  • Oatmeal with raisins on the water - 200 g;
  • Tea without sugar
  • Cucumber and tomato salad dressed with olive oil - 150 g;
  • Low-fat kefir - 200 ml;
  • Vegetable soup or borsch (possible on low-fat broth) - 1 plate;
  • Rye bread - 1 slice;
  • Apple (banana);
  • Yogurt (tea);
  • Boiled potatoes (in uniform) - 2 pcs.;
  • Vegetable salad - 150 g;
  • Kefir (tea).

Ingredients can be selected according to taste preferences within 1200 calories.

How many calories does a woman's body need?

The female half of the population monitors the consumed products and their quality more than men. Thanks to such vigilance, sagging sides can be avoided and a lack of vitamins can be prevented. A woman's daily diet should consist of foods that leave a feeling of satiety for a long time. All the calories eaten per day for a woman should not "float" with an orange peel. You can, of course, afford a piece of cake or a few chocolates, but freshly squeezed juice or muesli filled with yogurt will bring more benefits. You can make a suitable diet with the help of a dietitian who will take into account all the necessary requirements of the body, depending on age and weight.

Girls in adolescence need as many healthy foods as possible, from which energy will go to the process of body growth and mental work. The rate of calories consumed per day is from 2700 to 2800. After 25 years, the amount of energy needed can be reduced and the daily ration can be reduced to 1800-2000. Using the calculation formula, you can find out exactly how many calories are required per day for a woman of a certain age and activity level.

calories and pregnancy

During the bearing of a child, a woman’s body needs constant nourishment, but “eating for two” is not necessary. The health of the expectant mother and baby depends on the quality of nutrition. Therefore, it is imperative to know how many calories you need to consume per day. The regime in the first months of an interesting situation is not much different from the usual routine. Therefore, calories are consumed at the same pace as before. Calculating the daily rate, it is necessary to take into account the body mass index (BMI), weight and activity. The mass index is calculated by the formula:

BMI \u003d weight (kg) / height (m 2)

The normal indicator is in the range of 18.5 - 25. With such values, the daily diet of a pregnant woman should consist of 2400-2800 calories. Accordingly, if the index is more than normal, then the amount of food consumed must be reduced so as not to gain extra pounds. Thin girls with insufficient body weight can increase the amount of calories to 3200-3400 per day.

How many calories does a man need per day?

The male body always needs more energy than women. This is due to body weight and a fast metabolism. The nutrition of a man should be satisfying and useful for the normal functioning of internal organs. The daily diet of a man who goes to the gym 2 times a week should consist of 2500-2800 calories. Depending on the loads, this value can vary up or down. You can find out how many calories a day a man should consume using the same system.

For weight loss, you need to calculate and reduce a specific rate per day using the Harrison-Benedict formula. Weight loss for a man can be up to 4 kg with a properly designed menu, in which calorie intake per day will be reduced. You will have to give up harmful preservatives and alcohol. The latter, by the way, also contains calories, but there is no benefit to the body from them. Beer, for example, contains 42 calories per 100 grams, while vodka has 270 calories.

Nutrition for drying the body in men

The protein diet is aimed at getting rid of fat and reducing carbohydrates. Due to this, the beer belly will gradually degenerate into the press. To build a muscular corset, it is necessary to include more protein foods in the daily menu. In addition, the body needs vitamins and minerals.

Calculating the amount of the main "building" element is simple: 1 g of protein is needed per 1 kg of body weight. In the morning, you need to eat cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal) on the water, seasoned with a teaspoon of honey. From fruits, you can eat an apple or a banana. For the second breakfast - cheesecakes and a glass of drinking yogurt. Lunch should consist of chicken breast soup and a main course, such as stewed potatoes. But the afternoon snack is cottage cheese and tea. Dinner can be made up of boiled (steamed) dietary meat and vegetable salad. The number of calories per day is calculated by weight and age. After 2 months of a protein diet, the result will be noticeable.