Home theater templates. Teremok - flat finger theater made of paper

Tatiana Golota

In search of an alternative to a harmful hobby, adults often forget about such magical art as puppet show. After all, young and even older children are not at all indifferent to performances with dolls. They adore simple and clear performances with a funny plot, long-familiar characters and a happy ending.

Simplest theater - paper. Every teacher can do it with his own hands. Creation dolls on hand begins with drawing the characters. This is a separate interesting process, and you can and should involve your child in it. But create a whole puppet theater easier and faster by printing ready-made templates dolls, of which there are quite a lot on the Internet.

In order to do you will need a puppet theater: color paper,glue, scissors, felt-tip pens. (adults can use a stapler)

Take a colored sheet paper bend the edges in the middle and glue or fasten them together. This will be the body and at the same time a pocket for the hand.

We draw the head, body, legs, tails, etc., cut them out and glue them on.

Children color and choose each character at their own discretion.

When our dolls have dried, we can organize the most interesting performances. Here the children themselves will have to persuade their parents and teachers to play their favorite game.

Publications on the topic:

The goal is to develop children's creative abilities and make a gift for mom. Many different gifts were made by children for their mothers for the holiday.

Puppet theater is a synthetic art that influences young spectators with a whole range of artistic means.

Among the toys that contribute to the successful start of the socialization process for children, doll houses are one of the most important. They.

Puppet theater for children Puppet Theatre! How much he means to a child’s heart, how impatiently children look forward to meeting him! The doll can do everything or almost everything. She creates.

All dolls are put on your finger and can then be controlled. An excellent workout for developing fine motor skills and hand muscles. Acting out.

Master class “Puppet theater from a porcelain doll” Hello, today I want to tell you about making a puppet theater from a porcelain doll.

What could be more accessible and simpler for children's creativity than crafts from a toilet paper roll! It's probably in every home. Somebody.

The Teremok flat paper finger theater, from our point of view, is not very suitable for children under 5 years old. But 5-6 year old children will be happy to play with it. The principle of movement of the dolls is very simple - the index and middle fingers are inserted into the slits. These are the “legs” of the doll. Now she can “walk.” Of course, children of this age know the fairy tale “Teremok” by heart. But here we will be “playing theater.” And almost all the guys want to be an artist. But, although the fairy tale is familiar, such games will develop children’s speech - after all, you need to speak for each character in a certain voice, try to convey his character. The bunny speaks timidly, the fox speaks slyly, the mouse squeaks, and the bear growls menacingly. Conveying all these shades with a voice is an interesting and difficult task for younger preschoolers. In addition, children can actively participate in creating puppets and decorations for the Teremok paper finger theater.

Flat finger theater made of paper “Teremok”

In order to make puppets for our finger paper theater, you need to print (or draw) the heroes of the Teremok fairy tale on plain paper. The height of the dolls should be approximately 9-10 cm, and the width at the bottom of the figure should be less than 4.5 cm - so that holes for the fingers can be freely cut.
Puppet templates for flat finger theater made from Teremok paper

Glue the template onto very thick paper or thin cardboard. Let it rest under a load (2-3 thick books) for 10-15 minutes. We color the animals with colored pencils of suitable colors.
We cut out the figure and cut holes for the fingers.
If you wish, you can paint the back of the doll. Keep in mind that it will be more difficult for your child to color an already cut out figure. The doll is ready.

You can print colored figures right away or use the appliqué technique (as in the photo below).

Decorations for the paper finger theater “Teremok”

To play out a fairy tale with such dolls, we need a decoration - a house-teremok. It's not difficult to make.
Step 1
Take a sheet of brown (not glossy!) cardboard. Draw it as shown in the diagram.

Step 2
Cut out the windows.

Step 3
Cut strips of red paper 1 cm wide for the windows and 2-3 cm wide for the roof. Decorate the windows and roof slope with stripes. You can make a carved edge on the strips.

Step 4
Cut out circles of logs with a diameter of about 2 cm from yellow paper. Glue them onto the tower.

Step 5
Cut out grass from green paper and glue it to the bottom.

Step 6
Draw in the details with a felt-tip pen and trim off the excess cardboard above the roof.

Step 7
Fold another sheet of cardboard into an accordion. The first link of the “accordion” is 2 cm, the second and third – 5 cm. Fold the remaining piece of cardboard in half again (that is, the fourth and fifth links will be about 3-4 cm each)
We glue the narrowest part of the “accordion” to the tower from below.

To make the tower stable, glue the side parts of the second link of the “accordion” to the tower. A kind of pocket is formed into which we will “populate” the animals.

The photo shows what our mansion will look like from behind.

The tower is ready, the performance can begin.
The finger theater “Teremok” can be made in other ways, for example. Or . These models do not require any decorations. In addition, you can play with them with very young children 2-3 years old.

Natalya Abdullina


Finger theater printed and glued.

We made these dolls from thick paper. They are very easy to make. Controlling such finger puppets is clear and interesting. After all, if you insert your fingers into the holes, the doll will have legs - you will get a desktop walking doll.

We had a bunch of yogurt bottles at home, so we decided to use them too and made them bottle theater.

Theater on magnets. Fairy tale "Turnip"

Fairy tale "Teremok"

Fairy tale "Kolobok"

Figures on a flannelgraph for displaying the fairy tale "Under the Mushroom".

Shadow theater– will help children get to know theater, show your imagination, develop your speech. This theater will be useful for younger children.

We also made original and easy-to-make dolls for home use. puppet theater from disposable plastic spoons.

And a didactic game using lids. We consolidate our knowledge of the fairy tale and at the same time develop fine motor skills.

Desktop theater promotes the development of coherent speech and imagination. It has a psychotherapeutic effect, helping the child cope with worries, fears, and receive missing attention. Forms a strong interest in children theatrical activities.

Do DIY puppet theater is not so difficult as it seems at first glance. And very exciting. We plan to continue production theaters in other ways.

Good afternoon guests and blog readers! Today I again want to touch on the topic of how and how to engage a child at home. This topic is very close to me, because I have two children at home. Which require attention and care.

In the previous article, I told you about educational games with your favorite characters from PAW Patrol. For those who missed this issue, read here.

Today I want to offer another option for playing at home, this is a puppet theater. Of course, you can take your child to a real puppet theater, or you can create one at home.

Therefore, I will share with you some thoughts and developments to make such a miracle.

We will need: your desire and a little free time :)

To be honest, we have different theater options at home, such as this one wood.

My kids love it very much, because it is so funny and exciting when I show them a fairy tale and they sit and listen. Now I have an older son, he can show and tell fairy tales himself. Just think, this is very cool, because while playing, a child learns to retell his favorite fairy tale, build a dialogue, etc.

I think that all preschool children, as well as most children of primary school age, will not remain indifferent to such theaters. And if you come up with your own fairy tales with a funny plot and an intriguing ending, then it can actually turn out to be a real holiday for a child.

The simplest version of a do-it-yourself puppet theater is a paper one. It's easy to make it yourself. Well, or together with the child.

DIY paper finger puppet theater, patterns

Children really like this paper finger puppet theater, it attracts them and also develops fine motor skills. Look here.

The first option is a flat round finger theater. You need to make the head and upper part of the doll, put it on your finger using a paper ring or you can make cones.

Create these dolls with your child together, starting with character templates. Download them from my website by leaving me a comment below, I will be happy to send you the templates, print them and have fun playing.

After all, finger puppet theater is a whole magical art in which children learn about the world around them. Any child will enjoy being in the role of an artist, and this helps to believe in themselves and achieve success in the future. This is also good material for developing in children processes such as imagination, thinking, as well as the development of fine motor skills and much more.

The finger theater can be made from any available materials, such as paper, fabric, cardboard, corks, threads, cups, etc.

DIY tabletop paper theater, templates

I show my children this tabletop paper theater, which I made very quickly.

We will need:

  • cups from Rastishka, illustrations, ice cream sticks

Stages of work:

1. Take any illustrations and cut out all the characters in the fairy tale along the outline.

3. Glue popsicle sticks onto each fairy tale character.

4. Now take the cups and make a horizontal hole at the top of each cup with a stationery knife.

5. Well, now insert the stick with the hero into the glass. Look how lovely it turned out. Very easy and simple, no worse than buying it in a store.

Ice cream sticks can be replaced with plastic forks or spoons.

If you don’t want to take illustrations from books, then you can find characters from any fairy tales on the Internet, save them, and then print them out, and then cut them out and glue them onto sticks. You can download from my website the following ready-made templates of heroes based on the following fairy tales: Kolobok, Teremok, Turnip, Hare's Hut, just write a comment or review below and I will send it to you by email.

Paper puppet theater “Walkers”

This kind of theater is very popular with young children; for such a theater you need your favorite characters and a couple of holes.

Believe me, children will happily play such games.

And if you invite friends over, it will be even more fun to play.

You will also receive samples of walkers of your favorite characters to your e-mail address.

Tabletop paper theater on plastic cups, corks, cubes

This option is also very easy to make; you can even draw the characters yourself or find and cut them out, and then glue them onto corks or cubes. Everything is brilliantly simple.

What do you think of this idea? All children love Kinder Surprise, and all of them have little donations left over from them, which you can pay for in such a theater.

DIY glove puppet

In reality, there are a lot of puppet theaters that can be built. Even at almost no cost. You just need to use your wits and do it! You can sew it, for example.

Or you can learn to knit and knit these cute little characters:

Honestly, I used to knit well, but now I don’t have enough time for it all. But I never liked sewing. But, as an option, you can also create a theater for those who love this business.

Although here is the simplest master for you - a class on sewing a puppet theater from fabric using gloves. Anyone can do it, even those who do not know the art of sewing.

We will need:

  • household gloves, knitted - 2 pcs., buttons for the eyes - 2 pcs., thread, scissors, braid, stationery knife

Stages of work:

1. Take the first glove and steam the seam thread on the cuff, it is usually red or yellow. Tuck the little finger, thumb and index finger in so that they do not come out, sew them up. You should end up with a head with ears and a hare neck. Sew the bases of the ears to prevent your fingers from getting in there.

2. Now take the next glove and hide your ring finger in it, sew up the hole. Place your middle and index fingers together and now place the hare's head on them.

3. Sew the head to the neck. To hide the seam on your neck, tie it with a bow or tie in the shape of a butterfly. Sew button eyes and embroider a muzzle, or you can draw it with a marker. You can decorate a bunny using fluff or knitted threads by gluing a cute little chupik on his head. 😯

In this way, you can make other toys, such as a dog, parsley, etc.

My son generally loves such a simple glove, he puts it on and goes around making up all sorts of stories with the characters :)

Here is a short article for today. I think any of you have small children, you will be happy to diversify their leisure time. Choose any type of theater and do it with your child. And then enjoy a good mood and positivity. After all, all joint work strengthens your relationship! And the child will only be happy and delighted about this, and will definitely tell you: “Mommy, how I love you!” The most magical words in this world.

Well, I say goodbye to you for today. Until next time.

P.S. Do you know what is very important?! It is in the home puppet theater that you can observe your child and his behavior. Because the baby can come up with something, speak out, and we adults still need to listen to what the child is talking about, what topics he is talking about.