What to write to your loved one in the army. How to write a letter to your loved one in the army

Unforeseen or irresistible periods of separation always occur in any couple. Not because you want it, but because you have to. Some of the partners go on a shift or on a business trip, there are trips “for family reasons,” and some just have a job like that of sailors or geologists. And, of course, the army separates loving hearts.

Despite all their efforts, some guys cannot avoid this not always pleasant responsibility, and such a separation can be very painful for both. You can survive it, no matter what. This is not such a long time for those who truly believe in their own feelings.

And letters to the army to your beloved guy are one of the most wonderful ways to brighten up the time of separation, to feel the invisible presence of your soulmate, even if there are thousands of kilometers between you.

And, if you remember carefully, the epistolary genre used to occupy a huge part of world literature; letters were not just pieces of paper with two or three words, but real works of art, messengers of feelings and the best evidence of the connection between two people.

The letters were carefully kept in precious boxes, they were re-read in the uncertain light of a wax candle, they were kissed, inhaling the aroma of familiar perfumes, and cherished for years as a memory not of separation - of a test of strength, passed and defeated.

How to write a letter to a guy in the army?

This question worries many, because not every girl has natural literary talent. How to start, what to talk about? What should you keep silent about? Don’t be afraid to start; the issue of “drawing” is not at all difficult to understand.

To begin with, you should understand that the army is a small society in which its own laws, orders and morals reign.

This is a foreign city, many unfamiliar people with whom you have to live under the same roof, this is a rigid schedule and the absence of familiar concepts. Therefore, a letter to a loved one in the army is a refuge for the soul, an immersion in familiar feelings, a feeling of closeness with a loved one and the opportunity at any time to return to what you read and read the sweet lines again. Therefore, you should not write about the negative aspects, no matter what happens.

The guy will find out about serious events without your participation, but you shouldn’t talk about breaking up or talking about troubles at work, he has enough of his own experiences.

There is no need for reproaches, whims and complaints - in a closed society that has changed dramatically, all experiences are perceived especially hard.

Again, there is no need to go into very intimate details - all letters sent to the military unit are pre-read. Not because the officers are so curious, but because the soldier is holding a weapon in his hands, and an emotional breakdown can lead to dire consequences. Therefore, it is enough to imagine that your lines will be read by strangers, albeit only within the framework of content analysis, but they will be - and you can understand that unnecessary details are completely useless. Moreover, it is better for a soldier who is already lonely without you not to remember the physical side of love. Focus on emotions and expressing wonderful feelings.

What should you say in a letter? About love. about how you miss him, about how you are filled with a feeling of anticipation - when he will return. Tell us a funny incident that happened to you, be sure to ask how he is, how he lives, what’s interesting, how is everyone there? The guy must understand that his service is not a burden for you, but just a part of his life in which you, a person close to him, take part, are interested, you understand. It is important for a soldier not only to know that he is expected, but also to pour out his soul to someone he can trust.

If you know his close friends, or you already have “family friends” whom your guy sincerely likes, say hello from them or ask them to also leave a few lines in your letter.

What can you add to the letter?

In a letter to your loved one in the army, you can put something reminiscent of home and feelings. A beautiful, sweet photo of you together. Amulet for good luck, drawing made with your own hands. Let him know that you are together, despite the distance, and time is fleeting, your service life will come to an end, and you will meet again. Necessarily. Definitely.

A letter to my beloved guy in the army.

Hello my boy:*

Here I am writing a letter for you. Ahah, I'm still a writer: D

In general, let's not deviate from the topic:*

I love you very much. Let me repeat myself again, let me tell you what you already know very well, there’s just so much I want to tell you, but I’m more than sure that one sheet is not enough for this. Our love will be tested by the army and I know that our love will only become stronger when you return, dada:*

There are only 404 km between us, which doesn’t seem like much, but I still hate these km:*

When you went into the army, I thought, “okay, wait for some 365 days,” but over time I realized that 365 days, 52 weeks, 12 months of waiting take on a large volume, but we will cope with it, we will be the happiest, I answer , cat:*

I always wait for your phone call, your SMS, your letter, the end of the week, the end of the month, and most of all I look forward to you and your DMB. In principle, I try not to see the distance between us, all this distance is covered by my love, for her there is no such concept at all, because six months ago we found each other and this is a real joy, thank you, beloved:*

I really miss you, although very much is not the right word, I’m just dying without you. Sometimes I have such a desire to fall asleep and wake up a year later in your arms, when you will already be next to me.

You are the most precious thing I have and will ever have.

I am very happy that you appeared in my life and I don’t regret it for a second, you and I have gone through a lot, we’ve experienced a lot and we will get through this army:*

We have been together for 8 months now - a considerable date, not everyone in our time is able to withstand this, because many now need something completely different, not just relationships and feelings. I can never wrap my head around the fact that you and I will ever separate, because I’m sure that won’t happen to us, I hope you’re sure too. You are reading this letter now, know that I love you more every day:*

Thank you to your mom for you, to your dad for you, for the fact that they raised you and they raised you to be a wonderful guy, you are the best for me, you are my ideal. After all, if you love a person, he will be your ideal for everyone, you will not want to see anyone next to you except him.

It’s hard for me to fall asleep without you and your SMS, I love you very much, don’t forget me:*

And I am also confident in the future for our children, you will be the most wonderful dad:*

I also ask you very much not to stay under the contract, at least for my sake:*

I'm waiting for you:*:*:*

Madly in love:*:*

I miss you unbearably:*


I can't write letters at all:*

How to write a letter to a guy in the army

Letters are like a mental kiss, or what to write to a guy in the army about

Often the army becomes the first serious test of feelings for young people. Not everyone can handle separation. But, according to the French writer Simone de Beauvoir. if love is strong enough, then waiting becomes happiness. This, first of all, concerns the soldier’s girlfriend, who lives for the future meeting.

Are you overcome by the feeling that a separation of 1.5 - 2 years will drag on forever and never end? Believe me, you won't be so lonely if you start sending letters to your young soldier. But this needs to be done correctly, so that, having read your news, he knows: he has somewhere and someone to return to, and does not think that his stay in the service makes someone unhappy. No matter how sad you are, try to write the lines in such a way that they will cheer up your boyfriend, and he will look forward to your meeting, and not curse his days of service.

To write a wonderful love letter,

you just need to start writing without knowing what you want to say,

and finish without knowing what they wrote about&hellip

Have you never written a letter before? Believe me, it's not scary. Pay attention to the words of the famous French writer and philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Just pick up a pen, put a blank sheet of paper in front of you and try to put on paper everything that you are experiencing at this moment. The hardest thing is to start. And, let the first letters be decorated with droplets of your tears and, after re-reading it, it will seem to you that this is not at all the same, but your boyfriend will definitely understand you. After all, the feeling of resentment from the forced separation overwhelms not only you, but also him. Over time, it will not be so difficult for you to find words to tell how you are looking forward to the time of your meeting. Don’t look online for samples and templates of ready-made letters. A loving heart will tell you the right words. What can you write about?

  • The first thing a guy who is in the military should experience is that his girlfriend is not only waiting, but is proud and admiring that he is serving. Write that it’s very difficult for you, but at the same time it’s nice to feel like the one who is waiting for your loved one from the army. Tell us how jealous your friends are that you are so brave and have not shied away from your duty, as many do now.
  • There is no need to tell you that some friend of yours, whose boyfriend is also in the army, goes to discos and parties, but you don’t do this, because you are waiting for him faithfully and devotedly at home. Just say that you don’t want this now, that you’re not interested in going somewhere without him. But time will pass, you will arrive and we will... (then start talking about how you imagine the meeting and the first walk)
  • Be sure to try to keep in touch with his family. Call, and if you know his mother well, drop by for a cup of tea. Believe me, the young man will be very pleased to hear this from you.
  • Don't know what else to write about? Tell us about the weather. Yes Yes. Just when describing the autumn rain, do not forget to drop a couple of lines about how it reminds you that you have a similar state in your soul. And when talking about the first snow, remember how fun you played in the winter, or how it warmed you with its warmth on winter evenings.
  • Are you wondering how your boyfriend lives? Ask him what a military unit, company, barracks is. How are the beds there? Is it true that all soldiers manage to get dressed in 40 seconds? That is, let him tell you about his life.
  • Between the lines - the meaning,

    Well, there are a lot of good words in the lines

    Do not write any intimate details of your meetings in letters to the army. In many military units, messages from relatives are read. Also, you should not reproach him for the fact that he communicates little with you and does not answer letters. The main thing is that you keep in touch with him. Let it be his rare messages or a 10-minute telephone conversation, but you know that he loves you.

    A guy will be very pleased to pick up a letter that will show at first glance that it was sent by his beloved girl. Take a few extra minutes and decorate the message once with hand-drawn hearts. and next time let it be funny stickers. Perhaps these will be funny pictures of guys in uniform, and under them write funny captions that can be taken from the Internet. We also recommend sprinkling the letter with your perfume. Believe me, the light aroma will remain. And definitely a kiss in the form of traces of your lips.

    Military service is a challenging step that will test the strength of your relationship. You must support each other and wait. And he will find out that you are always ready to be with him when he receives a long-awaited envelope in which a piece of your love is hidden. After all, according to Liz Carpenter, people have lost so much by stopping writing letters. After all, a telephone conversation cannot be re-read over and over again.

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    Letter to my beloved guy in the army

    To my beloved guy, soldier - a letter from a girl in the army

    (Sample from life)

    If only it were possible... I would serve with you!

    Hello, my dear sunshine!

    How's your service? I understand that it does not look like honey. But please serve! Remember that I remember, I am waiting and will always wait if necessary!

    Guess what I'm doing now! Right…. I look at your photo and “listen” to the series “Soldiers”. Promise that you will come back from the army and tell me in detail about your time in the army. I'm in love with this series, so I'll have a lot of questions for you.

    I love you! I wish you could come sooner... I can’t come now because I’m taking the exam. Even if “tails” are discovered, I will still come! Dad already told me how to get to you. If I’m mistaken, I’ll ask people. I have a huge incentive: to find you and kiss you. And now... just a letter to you, my beloved... to the army.

    I remember your every kiss... And I remember the hugs. I “lost” a lot of tears when we escorted you from civilian status to the border troops. You asked me then if I would wait for you... I understand why this question was asked. Don’t forget that now they don’t serve as long as before! This is the first thing. Secondly, I love you too much, my dear little man. I don’t have enough strength, “fantasy”, or emotions to leave for another guy or cheat on you.

    I dreamed (quite recently) of us walking along a beautiful alley, of some very beautiful music sounding. You put a wreath of daisies on my head, and a bracelet made of them on my hand. You said that you made these “decorations” yourself. When I woke up, I really regretted that they didn’t stay in reality.

    So I sat down to write you a letter as soon as I woke up. I didn't even have breakfast like usual! I wanted to write to you as soon as possible about what I saw in my wonderful dream. But don’t think that this is some kind of hint! I'm not asking you to weave me a chamomile wreath. And, to be honest, I don’t know how to weave it myself. I learned to weave only from autumn leaves. Oh, how long ago it was!

    I put all your letters in a beautiful box. I bought it especially for this purpose! It looks like there are little red roses inserted on it (on its lid). A copy of the ones you gave me! Do you remember? By the way, I want to tell you one more little secret. I don’t throw away all those bouquets and flowers that you gave me... I dry them and put them in boxes! My brother, when he found out about this, was very surprised and laughed a lot. I won't be offended if your reaction is about the same. For you (all men) everything is completely different! And you just need to accept it, because fighting is useless. How to redo anything in them.

    It's hard for me to fall asleep without you. Even the stars dim when I look at them and miss you! Once (back when we were dating and you were not serving) I saw a star that was very similar to the color of your eyes! Interesting comparison, isn't it? I tried to dedicate poems to you... So far the rhyme is “lame”, but I will polish it too. You will receive poems from me as a gift. I know that you have a very positive attitude towards poetry.

    There is an envelope in front of me. I really want to put into it all the love that I feel for you. But I'm afraid that my huge feelings won't even fit in a parcel post. I'm sorry! It’s not my fault that I love you more and more every second! Fate, in general, is like this. For me, for you and for feelings.

    Love you…. Just! You are the best for me! And I am ready to repeat this to you at least millions of thousands of times. Won't you get tired of listening? Then - wait! Your ears will delight in many of my speeches. I will tell you something gradually, trying not to repeat myself.... I'm already starting to compose... There are carousels of thoughts in my head. I want to be as original as possible... But it seems to me that all the words (addressed to you) were already spoken by me a long time ago.

    I'm writing to you…. to Army. And on the eyes sparkle like rhinestones, tears. I just stopped the flow of mascara. It turns out that I saved the lines from black cosmetic stains... In this (clean) form, it will be more pleasant for you to leave it next to you!

    In your last letter I heard “sadness”. Do not be sad please. Very soon I will be close again... And they will let you go! I hope this will be for my anniversary. If they don’t let you come to me, I’m not going to have a party! Without you, any holiday is not a holiday at all! Just don’t take it to heart, and don’t blame yourself if you can’t come. The most important thing is that time flies. It will “reach” until the moment when we will no longer part!

    Living without you is difficult. I tried to get used to it, but nothing worked. It seems to me that this will not be possible in the future. The meaning of my life... He is in you. Give me the opportunity to prove it: come back soon!

    I will never give you away to somebody…. I will never betray you... These are not simple poetic forms! This is how I feel now. And my feelings will not fade.

    Have you noticed that I write letters that are not alike? I try to do this for your sake, so that you find a “zest” in every line. This, so to speak, is the variety that I want to bring into your everyday life in the army.

    My brother told me that in the army you cross out days on your calendar. I'm doing the same now! I want the days to go faster for me too! Then we’ll save our calendars and show them (you show me, and I’ll show you). I have a calendar with a kitten. If you want, I'll bring one for you too. I specifically bought several. I also have many other “postcards”.

    My friends did not wait for those guys who were escorted into the army. I honestly tell you: my dear... I am not like that! I will wait for you even if we quarrel strongly. I know how to compromise, and you know it! I ask you only one thing: never use this!

    We should always be together, because our destinies decided everything for us long ago. Serve, my love! I'm really looking forward to seeing you! Write to me, my dear! Drive away trouble with a letter...

    I love you, my sun! I dream that reciprocity will not be lost. I will do everything for this, my angel!

    We'll see you soon! Very, very soon... Just believe that time will fly faster than a moment! And I will believe with you and write you into the army. Love you! And that makes me the best... Thank you very much! Gently kiss….

    You already know how to write a letter to your beloved guy in the army!

    Your letter is a spark of happiness for a soldier. He is very... Waiting for him.

    Letter to beloved guy soldier in the army sample letter from

    Text of a letter to your beloved guy in the army.

    We invite you to write a letter to your loved one in the army, which will warm him with the warmth of your love. Therefore, writing love letters to a guy in the army is not only pleasant in some way, but also useful. Now I expect news from you every day, although I know very well that a soldier’s life is not sweet and you do not have the opportunity to write letters every day.

    In fact, a letter to a loved one in separation brings loving hearts very close, since separation 262 comments on “What to write to a guy in the army: a sample letter.”

    Even though the army took you, my beloved, into a soldier not for life, but that’s exactly how long these months away from you last for me.

    If you wait, you will be the happiest.

    I am looking forward to our meeting. This resembles madness, and I am a patient who does not want to be treated. Remember how you gave them to me when you told me you loved me?

    Love you. All feelings for you are the strongest and unusually passionate. Thinking about you will not hurt so much if I believe that you, too, are directed towards me in your thoughts.

    Before you begin your message, you must keep in mind that not everything can be stated in it.

    A guy serving in the army always hopes for the support and warmth of his beloved girl. After finishing writing, you can sprinkle the letter with your perfume, which is familiar to the soldier. For me, for you and for feelings. If I could, I would turn into a white dove myself and bring you news. You and I are incredibly similar. Remember, a soldier will run around with your letter like a chicken and an egg and brag about it to all his colleagues, so take care of its design.

    You should write about your love.

    My memory will forever preserve the impressions of the days spent next to you. Let your loved one imagine what you have become and dream about you. Wise people say we must love differently and ask different questions. After all, the words turned out to be so beautiful and sincere.

    Of course, it’s your right to tell something like that, but you just don’t need to use “girl logic” and start listing everyone who annoyed you or tell you “how you and Lena didn’t share a blouse.”

    Give me a "LIKE"! Or WRITE why you didn’t like the article in the Comments Below! You can also describe that the girl feels very bad without him and she suffers. Most likely, he will not be interested at all. It’s just that it’s already difficult for a young man, and listening to your problems can finally finish him off. Therefore, they search the Internet for samples, templates and examples of letters to their beloved soldier.

    After all, writing it is not everything.


    • Sample letter of guarantee for completing pre-diploma internship
    February 19, 2019


    How we miss our loved ones when we are forced to part with them for a long time. And how I want to write about my feelings, thoughts, what’s happening at home, talk about the news. How to write letter in order to cheer him up, not to offend him in any way, not to upset him, because it’s so difficult for him there?

    Any letter start with a greeting. When addressing a loved one, they use the words “dear”, “beloved”. Then you can write about how you miss you and want to see you soon. If you know about the upcoming meeting (perhaps you want to come with your parents in the near future), be sure to report it, because the good news will cheer up the young fighter.

    Next, it’s worth remembering what questions your brother asked you in his last letter and answering them. You can ask about what you. For example, about how relationships develop with other soldiers, how commanders treat them, how they feed them, whether they cope with physical activity, and their daily routine.

    If you received a photo from your brother, write about how proud you are that he is his homeland, note that he has matured, matured, and become more serious. You can also send him your photo, this will allow you to be closer.

    Report brother about the latest news in your. Perhaps there is a pet in the house that he loves very much. Write to him about how your pet plays and eats. Your brother will be glad that the animal is healthy and happy. Write that you are interested in his service and pass it on. Don't give bad news, don't upset your brother. Perhaps everything will work out and his worries will be in vain.

    At the end of the letter it is worth wishing brother successful service, good health, good and loyal friends, good mood. Write that you are waiting for his letter or that you will see him soon.


    • brother in the army

    The army is an integral part of every person’s life: some served, others saw off, others wrote letters. For everyone, the period of service becomes a significant test that must be passed with the least losses. Men who repay their debt to the fatherland are in difficult conditions of deprivation of communication and restriction of freedom, which leaves an imprint on their emotional state. That is why the main task of those who are waiting for a person from the army is to help and morally support the soldier. Since the lion's share of communication comes from letters, it is very important to compose them correctly.

    You will need

    • So, to write a letter to the army, you must follow several mandatory rules:


    WE WRITE ONLY POSITIVE. You should not receive any bad news, regardless of whether something happened or not. Even if he is walking to the right, or a friend was killed in a car accident, let him find out everything in civilian life. While he is away from home, while there are relatives and no one nearby, such news poses a great danger to him and can lead to the most dire consequences (escape, suicide, crime).

    WE EMPHASIZE ITS IMPORTANCE FOR US. Half of them must be words about how much they miss him, how they are waiting for him to return home healthy and strong, that it is hard without him, but everyone is holding on. It is advisable to remind that everyone is proud of him, because he serves his homeland and fulfills his military duty.

    WE ARE INTERESTED. Don’t forget to take an interest in everything that happens to your soldier: how is his health, is it cold in the barracks, how are his relationships with colleagues, etc.

    Finding himself in a new environment, with new people, it may seem to him that he is no one’s friend, so it is very important, by following the given rules, to show how much he is loved and expected, so that he does not even have doubts about this! In this case, in a year you can wait for your matured and matured soldier!

    Video on the topic

    When a loved one is in the army, it seems that the heart is ready to jump out of melancholy and fly away after him. Unfortunately, you can only go to your sweetheart letter. It will tell you how you feel if you know how to express them. Follow certain rules, and your loved one will appreciate it.


    To write letter, you need to create a romantic atmosphere around yourself: sit by the window, light a candle, turn on beautiful music. Remember the most pleasant moments associated with it and start. The letter should be permeated with tenderness and warmth. Nothing will work out if everything around you irritates you, and your little sister pops in every now and then with stupid questions. In this case, it is better to wait for a favorable moment.

    You should write about your love. You shouldn’t tell how your neighbor suddenly started giving you flowers and walking you home, or that you’re with your friend. You will post this when we meet, but now time is limited. You need to enjoy communication to the fullest. The meaning of the letter in army- show that you are still thinking about your loved one.

    Be natural. There is a great temptation to rewrite a beautiful poem from the Internet. Try not to do this. Imagine that most of your colleagues are sent the same lines, their value will immediately disappear. Compose yourself, even if there is love-carrot, such letter will become much dearer to the heart than a note with template phrases dedicated to someone else.

    Yours letter will be kept under your loved one’s pillow and shown and re-read to colleagues more than once. Try to write beautifully. Choose a nice paste color. Remove carefully. Spray lightly with perfume. Caress his eyes, ears and sense of smell.

    Start with the fact that you miss him and are waiting for his return. Talk about something light and insignificant. For example, how did you go to the zoo? Avoid information that compromises you. Make connections like “honey, what a pity that you didn’t see this.” End with declarations of love and fidelity. You can seal it with a kiss or a funny teddy bear.

    Helpful advice

    It is not necessary to write a ten-page essay. One sheet is enough, but decorated in the best possible way.

    The army is the armed forces of the country. Its task is to conduct attacks, defense, cover, invasions, as well as expeditionary reconnaissance activities. Service in army is being built in accordance with the Charter of the Armed Forces. The rules for addressing and responding to military personnel are prescribed in the Drill Regulations of the Armed Forces.


    If a senior person comes towards you, then you are obliged to greet him first. If you have a headdress, bring your hand to your head with a straightened hand and closed fingers. If there is no headdress, the greeting is carried out by taking a military position.

    According to the Charter, to an unambiguous question, the answer to which could be either “yes” or “no”, you must: if the answer is “yes” - “That’s right, comrade (rank)”, if the answer is “no” - “ No way, comrade (title).”

    If you are given a task, answer “Yes/I obey, comrade (title).”

    Provided that you are standing in the ranks and the boss addressed you by military rank and surname, give a short answer: “I”; if the boss addressed you only by military rank, in the answer state your position, military rank and surname. In this case, do not change the position of the weapon and do not put your hand on the headgear.

    When a serviceman is taken out of action, a command is given. For example, “Private Petrov. Break down so many steps" or "Private Petrov. To me (run to me).” In this case, answer: “Yes.” In formation steps, step out of line for the specified number of steps, counting from the first rank, stop and turn to face the formation. On the second command, having taken one or two steps straight from the first rank, turn as you go, approach (run up) to him in the shortest possible way and, in two or three steps, report your arrival.
    For example: “Comrade captain. Private Petrov has arrived on your orders" or "Comrade Colonel. Captain Sidorov has arrived on your orders."

    Every girl, being separated from her loved one, misses him. Thoughts and worries about how he is doing and whether everything is fine with him simply cannot leave my head. Separation is a difficult test for two loving hearts. The reasons for a long separation can be varied, unforeseen circumstances, work trips, departures for family matters, but most often the army gets in the way of lovers.

    It would seem that what could be simpler than writing a letter to a guy in the army? But as soon as it comes to actual writing, girls begin to get lost and don’t know where to start, how best to express their feelings and what can or cannot be written about. If this sounds like you, then you just need to read this article on how to write a letter to the army, and everything will become simple and clear.

    How to write a letter to the army?

    The army is a lot of excitement and anxiety for the conscript himself, so when he finds himself in a completely unusual “military” situation, the guy needs to know that you support him regardless of separation and distance. Finding the right words to support a loved one is never easy.

    In order for your friend or boyfriend to receive your letter, you should know certain features of writing letters to the army.

    What should you not write?

    1. Letters with bad news about the death of relatives or about a break in relations with a soldier may simply not reach him, since in the army all letters are re-read beforehand. This is necessary in order to protect soldiers from emotional breakdowns, which, combined with the ability to access military weapons, can lead to disastrous consequences.
    2. In a letter, you should also not reproach your loved one for anything, because his emotional state is now very unstable and he can take everything he reads very close to his heart.

    What should you write in the letter?

    Don't neglect letters. Of course, you can call your boyfriend, but believe me, a telephone conversation will never compare to a letter written in your hand that he will treasure forever. Writing letters to a loved one during separation brings two lovers very close, since at a distance they have time to think about their mistakes. In separation, loving hearts understand the reasons for all previously arising quarrels, and find answers to many questions about relationships that interested them, which helps make them even better.

    Example, sample, template of a letter to a friend in the army. Author Egen Kurveeva website “Letters of Love”. Letters from friends.

    Some people claim that friendship- this is the same love, but without wings.

    There are also supporters that friendship is eternal, unlike love. Of course, every expression has some truth, but it’s not for us to judge.
    Although write a letter to a friend or n write a letter to your loved one
    - completely two different things, since the feelings that will be captured on paper will be very different.
    contains all the facets of the manifestation of your soul and sometimes the most secret dreams and fantasies will be written in your love letter. When you write, it will consist of the latest news, gossip or reasoning that you have encountered in the near future.

    That is why letter to a friend in the army is a template for the support and advice your friend may lack while serving alone. Your friend should certainly receive much more good news from you than bad, thereby raising his morale and being able to develop in him as much optimism as possible.

    As for, it might look something like this:

    “Great, best friend in the entire existence of planet Earth. I hope they feed you well there, otherwise I won’t need you here if you’re skinny and ugly. There: war is war, and lunch is on schedule, right?
    How are you doing in military-like conditions? Are ensigns really as stupid and slow-witted as they are described in jokes?!
    We're all just a sapper, but we're missing you. Well, it’s okay, but you won’t go to serve a second time. And when you arrive, we will all walk together for several days. So come back as soon as possible, and, most importantly, come back safe and sound!
    We are all looking forward to seeing you. Your friends".
    And remember that there are very few true friends, so they must be taken care of and respected, as well as those who will be a real joy for them in life.

    Prepared by: Alexey Azbukin for the project “Letters about Love”

    It would seem - why in our modern world, in the age of high technology, write letters by hand? Even a guy in the army can just call him on his mobile phone (it’s good that they are now allowed for servicemen) or text him. But most often, due to the long distance, you can go broke making calls, plus the soldier doesn’t always have access to a phone, and you can’t tell a lot over the phone - how and what is happening in civilian life. And most importantly - a letter for an army man is like a kind of fetish - you just need a folded piece of paper with scribbles from your beloved to be in your inner pocket, near your heart - it warms.

    The hardships of military service - why you need support with letters

    A young guy, who still doesn’t really know anything about life, is fledgling, and almost immediately after school falls into the trap of the army. Nothing can be done - it’s like the state needs to repay a debt that it did not borrow from it. But it’s better to go through this “school of life” right away, so that later you don’t have to run from the state—the “creditor.”

    Only the psychological moment is not taken into account: 18 years is the age of first love, big plans and ambitions, but you have to put off everything you have planned for a year. The hardest thing is to part with your beloved girlfriend or even your young wife. The darkest thoughts come into my head: what if she doesn’t wait, cheats, or leaves for someone else? It's scary to trust even a close friend.

    That is why every news that comes from home (from parents or from a beloved girl) is so important for a guy. At one point, he is ready to abstract himself from everything around him and read every line with rapture. And there is no need for any scientist-“boiled” psychologist: it is writing that can calm the heart.

    Modern youth have practically forgotten how to write with a ballpoint pen: a letter typed on a keyboard is written much faster and is easier to read. But there is no soul in it. It “smells” like a breech. And the letters carefully drawn with a ballpoint pen look even nicer. Well, imagine that you and your lover have found yourself in the past, and there is no other way to write it the old-fashioned way. And now a few rules:

      There is no point in even talking about literacy and punctuation. Respect yourself and your boyfriend - write correctly.

      Start your letter with a very gentle and affectionate address. Well, what did you call him before the army, and at the same time he was thrilled? That's it.

      Dedicate the first paragraph to your feelings - how you miss him, how you wait for him, how you don’t sleep at night thinking about him. This will immediately cheer him up and calm him down - which means there will be nothing bad in the text.

      The more witty humor the better. A guy in his sad situation needs to laugh and smile more often.

      Of course, it is advisable to write without obscene slang - a soldier will want to read some passages from life in civilian life to his colleagues, and he will have to stammer to remove your verbal garbage.

      The middle of your message is all about news in civilian life, but only in positive tones. Even some minor troubles can be served with “sweet sauce” if you look at the problem from the other side.

      Write about things that are pleasant for him - about his parents with whom you are calling, about the previous meeting that is about to approach, even if there is still a good half of his service left.

      He doesn’t need your girlish gossip - leave it for your girlfriends. And in general, be careful with your words: fighters’ nerves are always on edge, and even a story about your harmless bachelorette party in a nightclub can become a reason for unreasonable jealousy.

      Avoid Internet template phrases if you don’t know what else to write. It’s better to keep it short and succinct, but in your own words, understandable to him. A paragraph about the weather, a paragraph about studying, and between them - touching words of love: now the letter has turned out.

      Ask your soldier more about his army and how he is served. Be interested in absolutely everything - he will be pleased to think that you care about how he lives there and what feelings he experiences.

      Don’t forget to decorate everything beautifully: with hearts in the margins of your message, and of course, with the word “Kisses,” put an imprint of your lips in lipstick.

      Write as often as possible - the fighter waits impatiently.

    Put your soul and surprises into your letter

    It's not just your sweet messages that can make a fighter smile. A photograph, a surprise or a small trinket enclosed in an envelope will also evoke tender feelings in your little soldier (or sailor).


    Seasonal surprises

    All year round - that’s how long any guy in the army now serves. 4 whole seasons. And each season has its own characteristics. Therefore, if you want to surprise him with something, send him a tiny herbarium along with your news. Just dry a leaf, flower or thin twig between the sheets of a book and press it with a press. But you can find the features of preserving the bright colors of plants on the Internet.

    • Winter: the very tip of a Christmas tree branch. It’s great if your letter arrives on New Year’s Eve; maybe even the pine scent will remain in the envelope. Such a surprise!
    • Spring: flower of lily of the valley, snowdrop, coltsfoot.
    • Summer: no wild imagination is required here. Summer itself dictates it.
    • Autumn: well, of course, yellow or red leaves.

    Cute trinket

    With the arrival of holidays (especially personal ones, such as birthdays), every fighter wants some gifts or surprises. After all, without them, this holiday will only add sadness to the army. Parcels with goodies are usually sent by parents, but you can also please your service member - for example, with an original postcard made by yourself.

    If you don’t know how to do this, gain experience from those who are used to doing this on Valentine’s Day. There are ribbons glued there, foil, joint photos in a heart, again, a herbarium to help. And all the information can be found on the Internet - how to do it in an original way, the main thing is to put all your tender feelings into your craft.

    And finally

    A year of separation is an unpleasant but necessary test. It’s good that it’s not the same as it was before—two or even three years. And they were sent to serve very far from home, which is rare now. Plus, although it’s difficult to communicate, it’s still possible using a cell phone. Nowadays, waiting for a fighter is not particularly difficult. You will see - time apart will only strengthen your feelings if they are real. Therefore, take care of your loved one, write more often and be sure to wait.