Assol concert scripts for music schools. Lecture concert at a music school

MBUDO "Children's Art School" in Usinsk

Music lounge concert script

"Music is a magical land"

Venue: D/garden No. 16.

Listeners – pupils of the preparatory and senior groups

Event organizer and support - Popova I.F.

The script and host of the concert is S.V. Pugina.

"Music is a magical land"

Music is a magical land

We'll go there now

She keeps many secrets

And I’m ready to reveal them for you

But a magical country

Visible only to selected people (not always, not visible to everyone)

He who hears sees her,
And also, who breathes in rhythm with her.

They dance and sing in it,
They play in the rainbow
Sounds live together there,
The colors sparkle.

Hello, dear guys!

As you may have guessed, we are now going to a magical land.

And what is the name of this country, you tell me yourself. It `s music.

Is this your first time going on such an unusual trip?

So, in order not to get lost and fall into treacherous musical traps, you need a guide. I will be that guide. I will guide you along musical paths, reveal the secrets of how to listen to music in order to hear and see miracles, and even help you how to travel to the future and past without a time machine.

Music can tell you everything.

Many of you probably thought, how can she speak if she is without words? And how can we see something if sounds are invisible? And you're right. You can't see, touch or smell the music. But everyone can feel and understand her mood. Music can be cheerful and sad, menacing and affectionate, soft and rough. Instead of words and colors, music speaks to us with sounds that are woven into melody. And she speaks in the voices of different instruments.

You can hear whatever your heart desires in it. The singing of birds and the rustling of leaves, the whisper of waves and gusts of wind, raindrops and sunrise, and even the whims and jokes of children, as well as much more.

Our journey will begin with a vocal ensemble. An ensemble is when several people participate in a performance. And the word vocal means that the number is performed by a human voice. The vocal singing is accompanied by an accompanist. An accompanist is a musician who plays the piano.

So, our youngest musicians can offer you something delicious...

sing a song

A. Petryashova “Bun with cottage cheese”

Well, let's refresh ourselves, and now let's move to the rainbow islands. This is the name of the piece he will perform

2. Yakubovsky Bogdan (3rd grade)

A. Balavlenkov “Rainbow Islands”

The calendar shows golden autumn, but here in the north the weather is already winter: snow and frost. Anna Kolobova will perform the play “Spring Day”, which will recall the sounds of spring and the joyful mood that everyone experienced at the sight of babbling brooks and singing birds. Listen and imagine a lovely “Spring Day”

3 . Kolobova Anna

P. Shevchenko “Spring Day” (2 grades)

And now I want to ask you. How many of you like to march? I thought this was your favorite activity. Now tell me what music is especially pleasant and joyful to march to (clear, cheerful, cheerful, but not very fast). Absolutely right. But we are in a magical land.

Try to guess which animals will be marching now? You'll never guess! Piglets. Let's hear how they do it.

4. Danilyuk Olesya (2nd grade)

B. Berlin "Marching piglets"

Anyone who knows the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” can easily guess my riddle. But I have one condition. If you guess from my first words who it is, don’t rush to shout out. Wait for the moment when you need to say this word. And you will all say it together. For musicians, when everyone plays together in an orchestra, it is called tutti. So now, like in an orchestra, we will tell the answer together. And so attention.

He's always roaming the forest,

He's looking for someone in the bushes

He snaps his teeth from the bushes

Who can say this...


Well done! This is the name of the next piece that will be performed by

5. Novoselov Ivan

Y. Vesnyak “Gray Wolf”

Now let's remember what a waltz is. (Answers). That's right, dance. The word “waltz” means “to spin.” How do you think it is danced? (Answer.) That's right, spinning, easily and smoothly. And they once danced it in palaces and huge halls. The ladies were dressed in beautiful ball gowns, and the gentlemen in strict black suits, which were called tailcoats. But try to guess who will dance the waltz in our concert? Well, I won't bore you. These are cockerels!

Let's hear how they do it.

6. Eroshin Nikita (2nd grade)

A. Stribbog "Waltz of the Cockerels"

And now we will hear another waltz, it will be performed by Sasha Ivanov. Sasha will play a string instrument. And on which one - this will be my next mystery. Ready?

This instrument is forever fashionable.

Six strings play whatever
He will never get old.
We call that instrument... (guitar)

7.Ivanov Sasha

V. Kalinin “Waltz”

What a beauty this violin is!
Gentle sounds float
Give people smiles to everyone,
They call everyone good

Violin one of the ancient string instruments. No one knows the exact date of birth of the violin. Once upon a time, a hunter pulled the bowstring and when he released it, he heard a sound. Since then, as scientists suggest, experiments began on creating a violin. They play the violin with a bow, which appeared much later. It was made from horse tail hair.

The violin stimulates the brain. It is not for nothing that many outstanding minds loved to play this magical instrument in their spare time in order to prepare the mind for the birth of new ideas (Sherlock Holmes and Einstein).

The violin will sound Aria- (Italian aria). This is the name in music for an opera number performed by solo singers accompanied by an orchestra. But sometimes this is what they call melodious pieces for different instruments.

8. Yalieva Alexandra

A. Purcell “Aria”

And the march sounds again. This time we have Geese marching

9. Violetta Odrina

R. Peterson “March of the Geese”

Guys, now a sad melody will sound, about one very kind girl, guess who we are talking about

I'm from the royal ball
Once I ran away
And the glass slipper
Accidentally lost it.

10.Demina Julia

M. Malevich “Cinderella is sad”

And now there will be a slightly unusual dance Boogie Woogie. This is a modern dance in which there can be sharp and even rough movements. The music that accompanies it is also not distinguished by tenderness and grace.

1. This is a pair dance from North America, free composition, performed at a moderately fast tempo
2. Jazz music style. Boogie-woogie is a style of piano playing accompanied by blues, free improvisation on a characteristic, repeating melodic-rhythmic pattern in the bass. Originated in the USA in con. 19th century)

11. Barakhoeva Jumana (2nd grade)

E. Gradeski "Cocky Boogie"

Now we will find ourselves in a fairyland and watch the little elves play. Do you know who elves are? (Answers)

Elves - these are beautiful, bright magical creatures, spirits of the forest, friendly to humans. They were depicted as small and winged, like little ones - .

12. Nosova Lolita

B. Froede “Dance of the Elves”

The instrument you are about to hear is associated with a very sad story. Legends say that in ancient times there was a god who protected shepherds and livestock. His name was Pan.

He looked like a forest demon, half-man, with goat legs, a goat beard and horns. He instilled “panic” horror in people.

One day he fell in love with the beautiful nymph Syrinx, but she was so frightened by his appearance that she began to run away from him. Soon a river blocked her path, and she asked the river god to hide her. The river god turned her into coastal reeds.

The distressed Pan made a multi-barrel flute from this reed and called it “Syrinx”. It is also called the Pan flute.

The sound of this flute is sad, as if Pan remembers a beautiful nymph.

And from this ancient flute all other flutes were born, including this one, which will perform a play with a very beautiful name EleGia,what does it mean in translation mournful song (Greek elegeia, from elegos)

13. Shaidurova Anastasia (6th grade flute)

Yu. Dolzhikov “Elegy”

The journey continues and now we are heading into summer. Try to guess for yourself what the next piece is called. To do this you need to solve another riddle:

Thunder rumbled in the sky,
The whole house shakes
I closed my eyes.
What's on the street? - …..( storm)

That's right, of course - it's a thunderstorm. Now Sophia Hildenbrand will demonstrate how music can turn simple sounds into a thunderstorm.

14. Hildenbrandt Sophia

A. Gedicke “Thunderstorm”

You are so wonderful at solving riddles that I will tell you another one. For example, guess

What musical instrument are we talking about?
Teeth black and white lined up in a row.
Don't be afraid - they don't bite,
If you touch them, they will sound.

15. Fakhretdinova Renata

V. Ignatiev “Eeyore”

Music tells about the beauty of our native land and allows us to make exciting trips to distant lands. Now we will visit Venice and take a ride on an Italian boat. The city of Venice literally stands on the water. Instead of sidewalks, there are canals, and people move only by boats. These boats are not alike. The owners decorate and decorate them with great love. These peculiar boats are called gondolas. And the Gondolier is the one who controls the gondola. Venetian gondoliers were famous for being excellent singers. And the townspeople listened to their singing for a long time.

16. Arteeva Sofia

F. Mendelssohn “Song of the Venetian Gondolier”

And at the end of our concert there will be a cheerful polka dance with the unusual name Backgammon.

Backgammon does not at all mean the game of backgammon or backgammon, which in German are called by the French name `Tric-trac`. `Trich-trach` in the Viennese dialect is `chatter` or `gossip`.

The polka owes its unusual name and playful rhythm to the composer’s wife’s poodle, a dog named Backgammon (Tritsch-Tratsch).

The German word "Tratsch" means "gossip, chatter", and the word "trick" has no meaning. “Polka music is energetic and I guessed that many of the dancers would sit down while it was playing and talk while the waltz played.” The title is an example of how Maestro Strauss played with words.

17. Mikhailova Lera

I. Strauss “Polka backgammon”

Our concert is over. The young musicians of the children's art school were happy to play for you. You are great listeners! Therefore, we are pleased to invite you to our magical country, which is called Music. See you again!

Concert program of the Musical Lounge

"Music is a magical land"

10/16/2015 (Thursday 10:30)

1. A. Petryashova “Bun with cottage cheese”

Performed by a vocal ensemble of preparatory group students:

Kolobova Masha, Kolobanova Ksenia

2. A. Balavlenkov “Rainbow Islands”

Performed by Yakubovsky Bogdan (3rd grade)

3. P. Shevchenko “Spring Day” (2 grades)

Kolobova Anna (2nd grade)

4. B. Berlin “Marching piglets”

Danilyuk Olesya (2nd grade)

5. Y. Vesnyak “Gray Wolf”

Novoselov Ivan

6. A. Stribbog “Waltz of the Cockerels”

Eroshin Nikita (2nd grade)

7. V. Kalinin “Waltz”

Ivanov Sasha (2nd grade)

8. A. Purcell “Aria”

Yalieva Alexandra (2nd grade)

9. R. Peterson “March of the Geese”

Vydrina Violetta

10. M. Malevich “Cinderella is sad”

Demina Julia (3rd grade)

11. E. Gradeski “Cocky Boogie”

Barakhoeva Jumana (2nd grade)

12. B. Froede “Dance of the Elves”

Nosova Lolita (3rd grade)

13. Yu. Dolzhikov “Elegy”

Shaidurova Anastasia (6th grade)

14. A. Gedike “Thunderstorm”

Hildenbrandt Sophia (6th grade)

15. V. Ignatiev “Eeyore”

Fakhretdinova Renata (2nd grade)

16. F. Mendelssohn “Song of the Venetian Gondolier”

Arteeva Sofia

17. Mikhailova Lera

I. Strauss “Polka backgammon”


The curtain opens to the music of E. Grieg “Morning”.

The presenter reads a poem behind the scenes.

Against the background of the last quatrain, the junior choir emerges

In the radiance of music and colors

Art brings us joy again

Divine sounds rush upward

And on the palette of creativity there is flight!

In the radiance of the stars, in the constellations of talent

The sound of songs, music, poems

Today young artists and musicians

Send your love from heart to heart!

The number is performed without announcement

After the song, the choir remains on stage, the concert hosts come out

1 presenter - Oksana

Good afternoon dear friends!

"Children's Art School" welcomes you to the concert

"In the radiance of music and colors" (all in chorus)

2 presenter-Antony

Today the hosts are with you all evening - Oksana Sergeevna

1 presenter - Oksana

Our student Antony Vlasov!

(applause sounds)

1 presenter - Oksana

Today there are children on stage! Children's creativity is always genuine and sincere.

2 presenter-Antony

We will play music, create, imagine!

1 presenter - Oksana

Not every one of us will become an artist or musician, but it will give us pleasure, we will learn the joy of creativity, and learn to see beauty in the ordinary!

1 presenter - Oksana

The concert program opened

Composite choir of junior school students

Head Kunets Larisa Aleksandrovna

accompanist Tatyana Sergeevna Artemyeva

Applause sounds and the choir members leave the stage.

2 presenter-Antony

I think it is in the radiance of children's creativity that a fairy tale is born.

— Oksana Sergeevna, do you adults believe in fairy tales?

1 presenter - Oksana

As a child I believe in fairy tales

I believe in magic, in miracles, in light...

There are musical colors on my palette,

And with a bow I draw the dawn...

2 presenter - Anthony

On stage, winner of regional and regional competitions

Barysheva Aglaya

Karl Bohm "Continuous Movement"

class of teacher Elena Sergeevna Ruzhnikova

accompanist Maria Andreevna Regalovskaya

1 presenter - Oksana

Just one moment - on the entire big planet

Let April shine in our hearts,

Let the children grow up under the warm sun,

And the music sounds like drops.

2 presenter - Anthony

Children's creativity is a special art: it contains the unsolved secrets of talent, giftedness, a moment of dawn, full of miracles and discoveries.

1 presenter - Oksana

Meet the youngest participant of the concert

Badrutdinov Samir,

Regional laureate, winner of International competitions

Class of teacher Tatyana Leonidovna Kozionova

Alexander Dolgikh “Come on, catch up!”

1 presenter - Oksana

Anthony, do you think birds can sing the blues?

2 presenter - Anthony

In the land of art, of course they can! Our young musicians are simply magicians!

In their music, birds sing, nature sings, the heart and soul sing!

Regional laureate, regional competition winner

Humpbacked Margarita

class of teacher Tatyana Anatolyevna Yudina

Christina Crete “Bird Blues”

2 presenter - Anthony

Oksana Sergeevna, if you couldn’t play the piano, what instrument would you choose?

1 presenter - Oksana

I have one dream...

I would like to learn to play an instrument that sounds bright and ringing on the forte, and warm and velvety on the piano.

It was to this instrument that N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov entrusted the song of a squirrel gnawing nuts in “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

2 presenter - Anthony

1 presenter - Oksana

The hammers used to play this instrument are affectionately called “goat feet.”

2 presenter - Anthony

Oksana Sergeevna, what is the name of this interesting instrument?

Where can you hear it?

1 presenter - Oksana

This instrument, Anthony, is called a xylophone. And you can see and hear it right now.

Ready for your performance

Laureate of the regional competition Ensemble "Trident"

Managers Regalovskaya Maria Andreevna

Turgunov Bakhram Muidinovich

Manfred Schmitz "Boogie-Woogie"

1 presenter - Oksana

When I was a child I heard it at night
Sounds of a cute tune.
An instrument unknown to me
He published them so beautifully.

2 presenter - Anthony

Who played? On what?

1 presenter - Oksana

- Don't know;
Everything is covered with a secret darkness;
I just remember those sounds
They have power over me.

2 presenter - Anthony

Oksana Sergeevna, I solved your riddle. You are talking about the Russian folk instrument - the balalaika!

Playing this instrument leaves no one indifferent!

1 presenter - Oksana

Now we will all be convinced of this...

Welcomes you balalaika ensemble of the children's art school with its leaders Yulia Viktorovna Ladykina, Lyubov Petrovna Nosova and artists of the concert ensemble of the Palace of Culture "Arctic"

2 presenter - Anthony

Arranged by Nikolai Tolmachev - Russian “Barynya”!

1 presenter - Oksana

I'll pick up the paints

I'll write down my feelings

Bright juicy palette

Without longing and without sadness

2 presenter - Anthony

I'll open the curtains

So that the feelings sing.

And so that with a Russian song

Your heart was warmed...

1 presenter - Oksana

Arranged by Evgeny Derbenko, Russian folk song

"Oh, you canopy"

2 presenter - Anthony

performs Winner of the Grand Prix of the regional competition,

laureate of the International Competition - duet:

Batmanov Ilya and Punanov Egor

Managers Kashintseva Nadezhda Mikhailovna,

Erofeeva Galina Pavlovna

2 presenter - Anthony

Oksana Sergeevna, music for me is something extraordinary, bewitching, magical.

1 presenter - Oksana

Yes, Anthony, you are right, music is magical!

But it is impossible to prove magic...

We can only exclaim: Ah! shudder from the realization that the radiance of magic is here, before us, and the creators are its children...

2 presenter - Anthony

Such as, Zobnina Ulyana, Winner of the Grand Prix of regional competitions, laureate of International competitions

Class of teacher Elena Yurievna Kozitsyna

Ignaz Moscheles "Musical Bonbonniere"

The screen goes down and a movie about school is shown.

Chairs for an orchestra of Russian instruments are displayed on stage

After the end of the film. The orchestra members take their places

2 presenter - Anthony (making his way to the front of the stage)

Oksana Sergeevna, all you have to do is close the curtain for a while and there are so many people on stage...

Like in the Philharmonic...

1 presenter - Oksana

Yes, Anthony, we have a lot of talented children.

And on stage Orchestra of Russian folk instruments of students and teachers of the children's art school. Head Kozionova Tatyana Leonidovna

2 presenter - Anthony

Everything is maintained strictly and gracefully,

The height of perfection!

How beautiful she is!

It's not surprising that even time

no power over classical music!

1 presenter - Oksana

J. Brahms “Hungarian Dance No. 5”

1 presenter - Oksana

We still hear the sound of drops

Victorious that and early that spring,

How good it is that the starlings are singing again,

How nice it is in the world without war!

2 presenter - Anthony

Rumil Vildanov “Fire Roads”

The orchestra chairs are being removed,

The floor for greetings is given to the director of the Children's School of Art Pudovkina I.O.

2 presenter - Anthony

Oksana Sergeevna, who writes the music?

1 presenter - Oksana

Perhaps flying birds drop

On five endless lines,

cooled light feathers.

2 presenter - Anthony

And those feathers are bright colors

Will they come to life, growing into sounds?

1 presenter - Oksana

Yes, Anthony, when autumn comes,

Clusters of chords will hang,

And music with a gentle gesture

Will open its pages...

2 presenter - Anthony

Neapolitan song "Santa Lucia"

They give it to us Sannikova Maria and Aivazova Liana

Class of teacher Natalya Yurievna Chechueva

Concertmaster Anna Sergeevna Listova

2 presenter - Anthony

Couples swing smoothly
On musical waves...
How naive and glorious it is -
In those golden times!

1 presenter - Oksana

Meet Ardeev Vladimir

Class of teacher Elena Stanislavovna Ilchenko

Roman Bazhilin “Waltz – Musette”

1 presenter - Oksana

Anthony, do you like solfeggio?

2 presenter - Anthony

Solfeggio, whether you like it or not, everyone loves it, because in this subject you have to take an exam in the final year!

1 presenter - Oksana

So, do you know what “Take five” is?

2 presenter - Anthony

Of course I know! This is the title of Paul Desmond's famous play Let's Try for Five.

The work is written in the insidious musical time signature of 5/4 (five quarters)!

1 presenter - Oksana

Then, for you, Anthony, and for all viewers, a surprise...

On stage, Laureate of regional and international competitions Maria Rakhmilevich

Class of teacher Natalya Viktorovna Kuzmina

2 presenter - Anthony

Really Paul Desmond, arranged by Sergei Gavrilov

“Let’s try for five”?

1 presenter - Oksana

Yes, Anthony, enjoy!

1 presenter - Oksana

The laureate of regional competitions, the domrist ensemble and its director Lyubov Leonidovna Chernyaeva are preparing for the performance,

2 presenter - Anthony

Oksana Sergeevna, what is a “foxtrot”?

1 presenter - Oksana

Foxtrot is a dance that originated at the beginning of the 20th century.

Translated from English fox -fox, trot - quick step

2 presenter - Anthony

This turns out to be a foxtrot, which means “fox step”?

Once again I am convinced of the magic of music - “birds sing the blues”, foxes dance... These are miracles...

1 presenter - Oksana

Anthony, the miracles are not over, now we will hear more

“Fox Step” by composer Sergei Fedorov.

1 presenter - Oksana

The music of the soul is always with me, the music in the soul sings in the spring,

There are so many colors and radiance in it, in my soulful music.

2 presenter - Anthony

There are many colors in my music, choose any, don’t be shy,

Each color has its own melody, and all together is my music

I carefully preserve this music, filling it with my harmony...

1 presenter - Oksana

You are welcomed by an ensemble of guitarists led by

Plenina Olga Vyacheslavovna, Tarasova Olga Nikolaevna

2 presenter - Anthony

Elena Poplyanova “Milonga”

1 presenter - Oksana

Each musician puts a piece of his personality into the performance of the piece - unique and inimitable, and if he is a virtuoso musician, then his playing will be full of bright, emotional colors.

2 presenter - Anthony

The performance of music by this duo is always emotional, energetic and enchanting!

1 presenter - Oksana

Winner of the Grand Prix of regional competitions Karpova Diana

class of teacher Svetlana Ivanovna Ivanova

and teacher of the children's art school Roza Nikolaevna Kropotina

George Gershwin "Clap to the Beat"

1 presenter - Oksana

Flapping hands like wings
Birds fluttering and flying high.
And dance the fingers, effortlessly
Easily fluttering up and down.

2 presenter - Anthony

All the keys obeyed them,
live music flowed...
Fingers flew up and circled,
Having enchanted us with the game...

1 presenter - Oksana

Valery Gavrilin "Tarantella"

2 presenter - Anthony

Performed by regional Grand Prix winners,

winners of international competitions

Dyanova Arina and Shpodaruk Egor

Class of teachers Natalia Kirillovna Barkhatova

Nosova Nadezhda Aronovna

1 presenter - Oksana

Anthony, do you like Russian folk songs?

2 presenter - Anthony

Yes, Russian music for me is excitingly beautiful and irresistibly attractive.

1 presenter - Oksana

Then you will appreciate the work that will now be performed.

The composer decided to “behave” and “dress up” the Russian song with Latin American rhythms.

2 presenter - Anthony

You are greeted by a trio of accordion players consisting of Grand Prix winners of regional competitions Tatyana Kuzmina, Arina Enyutina, Alexandra Lisitsyn, director Irina Aleksandrovna Kurilas

Concertmasters Alexey Viktorovich Rubezhansky, Oleg Rufyatovich Bulgakov

1 presenter - Oksana

Victor Trofimov “Ducking in Latin America”

2 presenter - Anthony

So we took a ride with “Utushka” to Latin America.

Where else would you like to visit, Oksana Sergeevna?

Music today fulfills any desire!

1 presenter - Oksana

A tempting offer, Anthony!

Since nothing is impossible today, then I would like to relax in the Bahamas: sit on the seashore, and be blown by a light Bahamian breeze...

2 presenter - Anthony

Please, Oksana Sergeevna!

Margarita Tarapatova “Bahama Breeze”

performed by the laureate of the regional festival “Youth Spring”

ensemble "Lyceum"

managers Lyubov Valentinovna Ovchinnikova

Karpunin Evgeniy Andreevich

2 presenter - Anthony

The skills of young musicians are growing from year to year. New talents blossom in the radiance of music and colors.

1 presenter - Oksana

And our former graduates already have their own diligent students.

2 presenter - Anthony

And the groups under their leadership become a stepping stone on the path to achieving the performing heights of future professionals.

1 presenter - Oksana

On stage, the laureate of regional competitions is a pop ensemble led by Igor Orestovich Sabatovich.

2 presenter - Anthony

Tired of being a gray person,
Draw me in a colorful picture
I want to be the pink panther
And walk to the music of Mancini.

1 presenter - Oksana

Henry Mancini "The Pink Panther" (in unison)

The senior choir lines up against the background of the leaders’ words

2 presenter - Anthony

1 presenter - Oksana

The children's choir is a “small island of hope” for preserving vocal traditions, nurturing the future, on which the prosperity of art depends.

2 presenter – Anthony

Oh, those children's choirs!

With the fun ease of play

The light and shadows change in them.

1 presenter – Oksana

They have everything - soul, dream, space

And our memory is a legacy...

Oh, dear children's choir,

Hello from your sunny childhood!

2 presenter - Anthony

Meet Combined choir of students and teachers

children's art school

Conductor Alisa Valentinovna Banina

accompanist Daricheva Galina Andreevna

1 presenter - Oksana

Music by Yuri Saulsky Words by Leonid Zavalnyuk

"Happiness to you, earth"

2 presenter - Anthony

Here they believe in magic, here they are friends with miracles

All fairy tales in reality come to visit themselves.

Here the clouds are not visible, here it’s crowded with smiles

Childhood floats somewhere on a creative wave

1 presenter - Oksana

Music by Alexander Zhurbin Words by Pyotr Sinyavsky

"Planet of Childhood"

1 presenter – Oksana

Our holiday has come to an end, which gave us all a sea of ​​positive emotions.

2 presenter - Anthony

The world of my sunny childhood...

He is full of happiness, kindness and light.

In the radiance of music and colors

Sparkles with the edges of art itself...

1 presenter – Oksana

Walk with us barefoot through the rainbow of colors, listen to beautiful music and your every day will always be colorful, bright and happy!

In chorus: See you again!

Scenario of a pedagogical concert

compiled by Tamara Vasilievna Ivanova,

Teacher MBOU DOD

"Children's Art School"

Scenario for the concert of teachers of the “Children's Art School”

Concert Hall of the Children's Art School

Good afternoon, dear friends, colleagues, students and parents!

The cozy hall of the Children's Art School gathered us all for a traditional concert by the teachers of the Children's Art School. With great joy, deep respect and love for their listeners, they give us skill and inspiration!

Oh, if only you knew

How tender is the bassoon,

What a soul the piano has!

And the flute sings with love, sighing -

Perhaps you have heard it too?

And the harp, listening to the sounds of the horn,

Answers him willingly

And the violins, breathing the harmony of colors,

Collected magical notes...

  1. “Rondo. Minuet. Scherzo" from the orchestral suite in B minor by J. S. Bach

They perform for you

Svetlana Ivanovna Kozhemyakina(flute),


Svetlana Yurievna Efimova(violin),

Galina Anatolyevna Barabash(piano).

2. R. Schumann "First number from Kreyleriana" performs

Like a guitar string,

And if they touch the strings of their hands -

Like arrows the sounds of chords will ring

And the silent silence will go away.

Soul and sounds suddenly merge

And the strings will respond tenderly,

And we will become closer to each other -

Romance and guitar - in a circle...

3. L.Walker performs "Little Romance"

Mikhail Vladimirovich Burlakov

Where are your sources of inspiration hidden?

In heart fluttering, heart palpitations?

In the cloudless awakening of nature?

In the charm of a smile and confusion?

How can we recognize those moments?

When does inspiration come?

4. V.K. Gluck “Melody” from the opera “Orpheus” is performed

Elena Anatolyevna Gerzheva(flute),

accompanist Tatyana Vasilievna Maltseva

5. A. Dargomyzhsky performs “I Still Love Him”

Victoria Aleksandrovna Zhernovaya,

accompanist Galina Anatolyevna Barabash

6. M. Glinka "Lark" performs

Vladimir Ivanovich Terekhov

7. Y. Dranga “Fantasy on the theme “Seagull” performed by

Oleg Vladislavovich Bagnovsky

8. I.Neruda “Trumpet Concerto”, part I performed

Alexander Ivanovich Gordienko,

accompanist Anna Grantovna Muradova

On a summer night, across the river

The nightingale knew no peace.

You and I wanted to be silent,

That song was about love...

For a long time we were silent,

Not a word was said

It's always on nights like this

The girls' eyes say...

9. music by I. Dunaevsky, lyrics by M. Matusovsky “Silence” performed

Galina Gennadievna Chernyavskaya,

accompanist Elena Alexandrovna Krasnovskaya

If there were no teacher,

It probably wouldn’t have happened

Neither poet nor thinker,

Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.

And we wouldn’t be Icari,

We would never have soared into the sky,

If only through his efforts we

The wings were not grown.

Without him there would be a good heart

The world wasn't so amazing

That's why it's so dear to us

Our teacher's name.

10. A piano duet is performing - a teacher and his student, now also a teacher at our school -Vladimir Ivanovich Terekhov

And Karina Ervandovna Zueva

A. Tsfasman “Snowflakes”

11. At the end of the concert you will hear “Polka Fantasy”

M. Pegyuri performed by a trio:

Irina Aleksandrovna Novichkova(violin),

Olga Aleksandrovna Kharchenko(accordion),

Galina Anatolavna Barabash(piano)

We wish our teachers creative longevity, professional achievements, talented students and job satisfaction! With their pedagogical skills and desire to strive for the heights of performance, let them ignite the hearts of students and pupils! Thank you everyone for your attention, flowers and applause!

The concert is over.

Until new creative meetings!

The concert is conducted by Tamara Vasilievna Ivanova

Elena Sabirova
Scenario of a concert-lecture of piano music for preschool children

"Conversation about music»

class of teacher E. A. Sabirova

Today we will talk to you about music. Music can be different: for singing sad and happy songs and is called song music or vocal;It happens dance music. Is there music for the soul, to which you can dream or remember something long past, or you can just listen and enjoy a pleasant melody.

Let's listen to a play called "Dedication" performed by a 6th grade student. This work was written by P. Chkalov.

Perhaps he wrote this work in honor of his beloved mother, who raised him, loved him, protected him, rejoiced at his successes and supported him in failures.

Under such a beautiful music you can close your eyes and think about something pleasant, enjoying the beautiful sounds piano.

"Dedication" P. Chkalov.

And now we will listen to a play called "Jump rope", performed by a 2nd grade student. This work was written by the Soviet composer A. Khachaturian.

You jump, jump rope along the meadow path

You jump, jump rope straight to your dear mommy

Let my mother see how I can jump

My dear jump rope and I are not used to being discouraged.

If you listen carefully to this work, you can hear the girl jumping along the path straight to the edge of the forest. Here, in the middle of the work, music will change her character from cheerful to exciting, then the girl will feel anxiety and we will feel this anxiety with her. Do you know why? Certainly. Because it is dangerous for children to walk in the forest alone, and the girl knows this. IN music at the end of the piece will return to its original character, this girl galloped to her mother.

"Jump rope" A. Khachaturyan.

It's autumn outside our window, a dull time. And that’s why the play we’re about to hear will also be sad.

The sky was gloomy in the morning

Everything around has become gloomy

Autumn loves to cry

Rain on the ground

Loves to rustle leaves

And pluck them from the trees

The student will perform for us a piece called "Autumn Song"

"Autumn Song"

The good thing about listening to plays is that while listening to them you can fantasize and compose fairy tales. And our next work is called "Fairy Tale" Soviet composer S. Maykopar, who composed plays specifically for children. Listen carefully and you will definitely hear the sound of the breeze, and the rustling of leaves, and Baba Yaga, who is cooking something in her oven, and Ivanushka, playing by the window in the hut on chicken legs, and Alyonushka, rushing to save her brother. Let's sit down more comfortably, close our eyes and dissolve in the sounds of a fairy-tale melody.

"Fairy Tale" S. Maykopar.

Our next work is called "Blooming May", will fulfill it. This work was written by A. Polonsky.

Although this play has words, it is also a dance piece. This is a foxtrot

very graceful, beautiful couples dance. Let's imagine ourselves as dancers dancing to the sounds of a foxtrot in a spring park, because that's what the piece is called "Blooming May"

"Blooming May" A. Polonsky.

Well, the next piece is called "In the camp of the dwarves", written by composer A. Rodin, and performed by a 2nd grade student.

Listening to this work, we can imagine a cave of gnomes who work tirelessly in search of countless treasures hidden from human eyes deep underground in fabulous caves.

And suddenly a small moth flew into their cave. This little butterfly was trapped and could not get out. And the smallest gnome came to the aid of the moth, he released the butterfly and saved her life.

This is such an incredible, fabulous story described by the composer in his work. Let's listen carefully and see this wonderful fairy tale between the magical sounds.

"In the Land of Dwarves" A. Rodin.

And you can easily recognize the next play. This is a song from the cartoon Umka.

This "Ursa Bear's Lullaby" it will be performed by a 2nd grade student, and this piece was written by Krylatov, This modern composer wrote a lot music for animated films and feature films for children.

Let's remember the words of this song

Scooping snow with a spoon, the night is coming big

Why aren't you sleeping, stupid?

Your neighbors polar bears are sleeping

Only you're not sleeping, baby.

"Ursa Bear's Lullaby" E. Krylatov.

This is our conversation about music ends and at the end we want to give you the last piece, performed by a 6th grade student, which is intended to lift your spirits. Under this music You can relax after a productive day of work. This is called music, music for the soul. I suggest you sit back, close your eyes and completely immerse yourself in the magical sounds music.

Intermezzo V. Korovitsyn.

Concert- the lecture is intended for children of middle preparatory age in preschool educational institutions, to enrich children's horizons, artistic and aesthetic development. Poems of my own composition.

Publications on the topic:

“Heirs of Victory” - script for a festive concert for preschool children GBOU "RDS No. 1 "Fairytale Country" Izberbash Republic of Dagestan 2016 "HEIRS OF VICTORY" script for a festive concert for children.

Participants: children of the middle group. The wolf, grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood are children of a preparatory school group. Children run in to the music of “Vesnyanka”.

The script involves preliminary work to familiarize children with the hero of the animated film “The Lion Cub and the Turtle.” The children run in.

Leading. May 9 is a bright, joyful holiday. Many years ago on this day the war against German fascism ended. We are grateful.

Concert script for Mother's Day for children 6–7 years old Scenario of a Mother's Day concert for children 6-7 years old Children enter the hall to cheerful music, stand in semicircles. The head of the kindergarten greets.

Script for the lecture-concert “Musical Illustrations”

This extracurricular event was prepared by teachers and students of the piano club for students in grades 3-4 of primary school. All musical material is performed by students and teachers of the circle.

Goal: Formation of artistic and aesthetic taste of students.

Objectives: Introducing students to the art of music, developing creative abilities, cultivating interest in music.

Host: Today I invite you to dream a little. Let's imagine that we are reading a book. In books, especially for children, there are illustrations and colorful pictures that help to understand the content. In our imaginary book, the illustrations will be musical.

So here we go. The first chapter takes us to Germany, where there are many ancient cities with medieval castles and narrow streets. One such city is Leipzig. In the center of Town Hall Square stands the Church of St. Thomas, where the greatest composer Johann Sebastian Bach worked as organist many years ago.

1. J. S. Bach - Minuet.

The composer Neusindler lived and worked in Germany. He is not as famous as J. S. Bach, and only a few of his works have reached us. One of them will sound now. This is an ancient Paduan dance.

2. Neusindler - Padua.

Austrian composer Carl Czerny was a pianist and piano teacher. He lived in Vienna, and often came to Leipzig for concerts.

3. Czerny – Study.

Host: Let's move on to the next chapter of our imaginary book. There will be a lot of musical illustrations here, because this chapter will tell us about folk music. The most common type of folk music is song. It reflects the character and culture of each nation and is distinguished by the diversity of its musical language.

4. Russian folk song “Teterya”.

5. Czech folk song “My Horse.”

6. American folk song "Kangaroo".

7. Czech folk song “Come on, horses.”

8. Armenian folk song “Night”.

9. French folk song "Lark".

10. Ukrainian folk song “A Cossack rode across the Danube”

11. Russian folk song “In the garden, in the vegetable garden”

Host: Is music funny? We will learn about this from the next chapter of our unusual book. Composers have many ways to make music funny. The simplest one is to imitate animals or people. Music can represent sounds that we all know - the buzzing of a bumblebee, the crowing of a rooster, or even a sneeze.

12. Rybitsky - “Cat and Mice”.

Sometimes the title of the play alone makes you smile.

13. Rowley – “Monkeys in a Tree.”

Humor in music is not necessarily laughter. Music can be simply cheerful, mischievous, creating a good mood.

14. Galynin - “Bunny”.

To make music funny, you can use false notes, unexpected accents, sudden stops. We will hear all this in the comic Polka by the French composer Poulenc.

15. Poulenc - Polka.

Host: The next chapter of our imaginary book is dedicated to jazz. Jazz is a type of musical art that appeared in America at the end of the 19th century and then spread throughout the world. The characteristic features of jazz music are improvisation and a special syncopated rhythm. Now we will hear three jazz illustrations.

16. Mordasov – “Be brave, baby!”

17. Kern – “Smoke”.

18. Jarre – Waltz.

Host: Leafing through the pages of our book, we find ourselves in a fairy tale. While listening to classical music, lovers of fairy tales can meet many familiar heroes and characters. This is Father Frost in Schumann's play, gnomes and kobolds in Grieg's plays, Thumbelina in Slonimsky's play and many other heroes. One of the most popular fairy-tale images among Russian composers is Baba Yaga. This character is found in the works of Mussorgsky, Lyadov, Tchaikovsky.

19. Shchurovsky - Dance of Baba Yaga.

In many fairy tales, little princesses live. The following piece paints a musical portrait of one of them.

20. Simonova – Little Princess.

Based on the plots of fairy tales, composers compose operas and ballets: “Cinderella” by Prokofiev, “The Nutcracker”, “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty” by Tchaikovsky, “The Snow Maiden” by Rimsky-Korsakov, etc. Armenian composer Karen Khachaturian wrote a ballet based on the fairy tale “Cipollino”. Now two fragments from this ballet will be performed.

21. K. Khachaturyan – Gallop from the ballet “Cipollino”.

22. K. Khachaturyan – Variation of Radish from the ballet “Cipollino”.

Host: The next chapter of our book will take us to the 19th century. This is the century of the heyday of the musical culture of Western Europe. Classical music sounded everywhere: in concert halls, theaters, cafes, educational institutions. The 19th century is the era of romanticism, which is characterized by the creation of works based on folk melodies.

23. Fiebig - Allegro.

24. Brahms – Hungarian Dance No. 2.

Presenter: Turning over the last page of our unusual book, on its cover we see an excerpt from A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”:

Silently, proudly speaking,

Flashing naked sabers,

Arapov is walking in a long line

In pairs, as decorously as possible,

And be careful on the pillows

He bears a gray beard;

And he follows her with importance,

Raising his neck majestically,

Humpbacked dwarf from the door:

His head is shaved,

Covered with a high cap,

Belonged to the beard.

This is how Pushkin describes the evil wizard Chernomor. And here is how Glinka paints this image in the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.

25. Glinka – March of Chernomor from the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.

Host: So we read a book with musical illustrations. There are many books and a lot of music in the world. We wish you to read more good books and listen to good music.