Concise presentation. Texts for presentation Calendar - thematic planning

G. Skrebitsky's story about the chemise. A story for primary schoolchildren. A story for extracurricular reading. A story to read in elementary school.

Georgy Skrebitsky. Orphan

The guys brought us a small shirt... He couldn’t fly yet, he could only jump. We fed him cottage cheese, porridge, soaked bread, and gave him small pieces of boiled meat; he ate everything and refused nothing.

Soon the little magpie grew a long tail and its wings were covered with stiff black feathers. He quickly learned to fly and moved to live from the room to the balcony.

The only problem with him was that our little magpie could not learn to eat on his own. The bird is quite an adult, so beautiful, flies well, and still asks for food like a little chick. You go out onto the balcony, sit down at the table, and the magpie is right there, spinning around in front of you, crouching, bristling its wings, opening its mouth. It’s funny and I feel sorry for her. Mom even nicknamed her Orphan. He used to put cottage cheese or soaked bread in her mouth, swallow the magpie, and then start begging again, but she wouldn’t take a bite from the plate. We taught and taught her, but nothing came of it, so we had to stuff food into her mouth. Orphan would sometimes eat her fill, shake herself up, look with her sly black eye at the plate to see if there was anything else tasty there, and fly up onto the crossbar right up to the ceiling or fly into the garden, into the yard... She flew everywhere and knew everyone : with the fat cat Ivanovich, with the hunting dog Jack, with ducks, chickens; Even with the old pugnacious rooster Petrovich, the magpie was on friendly terms. He bullied everyone in the yard, but didn’t touch her. It used to be that chickens would peck from the trough, and the magpie would immediately turn around. It smells delicious of warm pickled bran, the magpie wants to have breakfast in the friendly company of chickens, but nothing comes of it. Orphan pesters the chickens, crouches, squeaks, opens her beak - no one wants to feed her. She will jump up to Petrovich, squeal, and he will just look at her and mutter: “What a disgrace this is!” - and will move away. And then he suddenly flaps his strong wings, stretches his neck upward, strains, stands on tiptoe and sings: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” - so loud that you can hear it even across the river.

And the magpie jumps and jumps around the yard, flies into the stable, looks into the cow’s stall... Everyone eats themselves, and she again has to fly to the balcony and ask to be hand-fed.

One day there was no one to bother with the magpie. Everyone was busy all day. She pestered and pestered everyone - no one feeds her!

That day I was fishing in the river in the morning, returned home only in the evening and threw out the worms left over from fishing in the yard. Let the chickens peck.

Petrovich immediately noticed the prey, ran up and began calling the chickens: “Ko-ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko-ko!” And as luck would have it, they scattered somewhere, not one of them was in the yard. The rooster is really exhausted! He calls and calls, then he grabs the worm in his beak, shakes it, throws it and calls again - he never wants to eat the first one. I’m even hoarse, but the chickens still won’t come.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a magpie. She flew up to Petrovich, spread her wings and opened her mouth: feed me, they say.

The rooster immediately perked up, grabbed a huge worm in his beak, picked it up, and shook it right in front of the magpie’s nose. She looked, looked, then grabbed a worm - and ate it! And the rooster is already giving her a second one. She ate both the second and the third, and Petrovich pecked the fourth himself.

I look out the window and am amazed at how the rooster feeds the magpie from his beak: he will give it to her, then he will eat it himself, then he will offer it to her again. And he keeps repeating: “Ko-ko-ko-ko!..” He bows and uses his beak to show the worms on the ground: eat, don’t be afraid, they’re so delicious.

And I don’t know how it all worked out for them, how he explained to her what was the matter, I just saw the rooster crowed, showed a worm on the ground, and the magpie jumped up, turned its head to one side, to the other, took a closer look and ate it right from the ground . Petrovich even shook his head as a sign of approval; then he grabbed a hefty worm himself, threw it up, grabbed it more comfortably with his beak and swallowed it: here, they say, as we think. But the magpie apparently understood what was going on - it jumped near him and pecked. The rooster also began to pick up worms. So they try to race each other to see who can do it faster. Instantly all the worms were eaten.

Since then, the magpie no longer had to be hand-fed. One time Petrovich taught her how to manage food. And how he explained this to her, I myself don’t know.

Reviewed for teachers' education

Humanitarian cycle

Minutes No.__ dated 29.08. 2017

Head: ________ /Danilova O.N./

Accepted at the Pedagogical Council

Minutes No. __ dated 08/31/2017

Deputy Director for Water Resources Management:

_____________/Kovalenko L.A./

I approve

School director: ________ /Zhdankina S.A./

Order No.___ dated 08/31/2017


by subject

"Principles of Writing


9th grade

Teacher: Chelyapina N. I.

Explanatory note

This The “Principles of Writing an Essay-Discussion” program is designed for implementation in 9th grade, where among the students in the class there are children with disabilities.

List of regulatory documents on the basis of which the work program was developed:

    Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 03/05/2004 No. 1089 (as amended on 01/31/2012) “On approval of the federal component of state educational standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education”

    Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 189 dated December 29, 2010 “On approval of SanPin “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 3, 2011, registration number 19993).

    Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2015 No. 08-1786 “On work programs of academic subjects”

    Curriculum of MKOU Alekseevskaya secondary school.

5. Russian language programs for textbooks for grades 5 – 9 \ M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, N.M. Shansky \\ Program and methodological materials: Russian language: grades 5 – 9 \ Compiled by L.M. Rybchenkova. – M.: Bustard, 2009.

This course provides an understanding of the language knowledge system, develops stable language skills and improves speech culture. This course is effective in organizing classes aimed at preparing for the final certification, where, regardless of the form of delivery, students must demonstrate the results of mastering the norms of the modern Russian language, the foundations of the culture of oral and written speech.


Deepening the linguistic knowledge of students, developing the communicative and creative abilities of the individual through the creation of texts - reasoning;

Students mastering free written speech;

Preparing students to take the OGE in the Russian language.


Help students prepare as effectively as possible for task C in the exam;

Improve and develop the ability to construct a written statement in the genre of essay-reasoning;

Form and develop skills of competent and fluent written language;

Improve and develop the ability to convey in writing your individual perceptions, your understanding of the problems posed in the text, your assessments of facts and phenomena;

Form and develop the ability to select arguments and organically introduce them into the text.

The goals and objectives of education for children with disabilities are as follows:

Target : provide a systematic approach to creating conditions for the development of children with mental retardation and providing comprehensive assistance to children of this category in mastering the basic educational program of basic general education.


Determine the special educational needs of children with mental retardation;

Determine the features of the organization of the educational process for the category of children under consideration in accordance with the individual characteristics of each child, the structure of the developmental disorder and the degree of its severity;

Create conditions conducive to children with mental retardation mastering the educational program of basic general education and their integration in an educational institution;

Provide individually oriented pedagogical assistance to children with mental retardation, taking into account the characteristics of mental and (or) physical development, individual capabilities of children (in accordance with the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission);

As noted earlier, the basis of teaching children with disabilities is to study the characteristics of the student’s personality, create an optimal psychological regime in the lesson, identify gaps in knowledge and help in eliminating them, involve the student in active learning activities, develop interest and a positive attitude towards learning.

Place of the subject in the curriculum

The work program is designed for 17 teaching hours (including reserve time)

The implementation of the goals and objectives of the course involvesuse of various methods, forms and means of teaching :

Work under the guidance of a teacher (learning and consolidating theoretical material, composing texts such as reasoning);

Independent work;

Work in groups, pairs;

Individual work.

The main teaching method is research, which involves the active involvement of students in independent activities and contributes to their successful acquisition of knowledge.

Types of activities and forms of work with students: lecture with elements of conversation, collective analytical work, complex text analysis. In practical classes, students perform developmental tasks that require them to have linguistic knowledge, intellectual and communication skills. Each lesson includes a theoretical part (repetition of rules, study of difficult spelling cases, determination of the stages of text creation) and a practical part (performing various exercises that help to develop language, linguistic and communicative competence; consolidate knowledge of spelling and punctuation rules, acquire sustainable skills.

Final reporting form- writing an essay-reasoning.

form of control acquired knowledge and acquired skills - a test essay, which is assessed taking into account the methodological recommendations for experts of territorial subject commissions for checking tasks with a detailed answer. At the beginning and at the end of the course, it is recommended to assess the level of development of students.

Main content


Familiarization with the criteria for assessing the completion of tasks.

Familiarity with the algorithm for writing an essay on a linguistic topic, the use of cliches, familiarization with samples

Selection of arguments in an essay on a linguistic topic.

Writing an argumentative essay on a linguistic topic.

Practical lesson. Writing an essay-reasoning on the text.

Writing an argumentative essay on a linguistic topic.

Practical lesson. Work with text. Writing an argumentative essay based on a text using a sample.

Practical lesson. Writing an essay-reasoning on the text.

Practical lesson. Writing an essay-reasoning on the text.

Writing an argumentative essay on understanding the final phrase

Acquaintance with the algorithm for writing an essay, the use of clichés, familiarity with samples. Selection of arguments in an essay-reasoning for understanding the final phrase.

Practical lesson. Work with text. Writing an argumentative essay based on a text using a sample.

Writing an argumentative essay. Selection of arguments in an essay.

Practical lesson. Writing an essay-reasoning on the text.

Practical lesson. Writing an essay-reasoning on the text.

Writing an argumentative essay on understanding the meaning of a word

Checking classmates' essays according to criteria

Writing an essay-reasoning on the text.

Time reserve

Essay topics (marked with the letter “K”) for preparation for GVE-9 in the Russian language

These topics are intended primarily for training students with mental retardation

The test work is an essay, the volume of which must be at least 100 words. If they choose a free topic for an essay, students must argue their point of view based on both the content of works of art and their life experience (personal impressions, their own thoughts, knowledge, etc.).

List of essay topics (essay topics taken from the FIPI website from the training collection of examination tasks (Russian language) to prepare for the state final certification of students with disabilities, disabled children and disabled people

1. Gratitude is one of the best moral qualities of a person.

2. Why do people value friendship?

3. Why is egoism dangerous?

4. Why is it important to think about the meaning of life?

5. How should we treat living nature?

6. Why is it important to develop willpower in yourself?

7. What role does a dream play in a person’s destiny?

8. Why is pride one of the gravest human vices?

9. Sincerity is one of the best moral qualities of a person.

10. There is nothing more beautiful and amazing than nature.

11. What does it mean to act according to your conscience?

12. Do you agree with the statement: a person who loves to read

will never be lonely?

13. What kind of person can be called dedicated to his work?

14. What and who is the Russian land rich in?

15. What matters is not who you think you are, but who you really are. (P. Sir)

16. Reading is a great way to spend leisure time.

17. “All professions are needed, all professions are important...”

Presentations with a creative task (marked with the letter “K”) for preparing students with disabilities for GVE-9 in the Russian language

These training materials are intended primarily for training students with severe speech impairments, mental retardation, and deaf students. (For texts, see Appendix)

1. After listening (reading) the text, the student must write a summary of the proposed fragment and convey the main content of the text. Write a condensed or expanded statement (at the student’s choice).

The volume of detailed presentation is no more than 300 words. The volume of condensed presentation is from 40 to 100 words.

2.Give a reasoned answer to the question. Argue your opinion based on reading experience, as well as knowledge and life observations. The volume of the essay is at least 70 words. If the essay is a retold text, then such work is graded 0 points.


the presentation test is read 3 times; intervals between readings – 2.5–3 minutes; deaf and hard of hearing students, students with disabilities

with mental retardation, with severe speech impairments, after the second reading, the text of the presentation is given to read for 40 minutes (after this time, the organizer takes away the text, and the student writes a condensed or expanded presentation with a creative task).


Have an idea:

On the communicative function of language;

About literary language as the basis of fiction;

About language norms and their characteristics.


The meaning of the concepts: oral and written speech, the situation of verbal communication, the topic of the text, idea, problem, author’s position, arguments;

Speech styles and their characteristics;

Features of the genre of reasoning;

Features of the text and its functional and semantic types;

Basic units of language, their characteristics;

Basic norms of the Russian literary language;

Basic norms of speech etiquette.

Be able to:

Distinguish between speech styles;

Conduct linguistic and stylistic analysis of the text;

Conduct an argument, observing the rules of speech etiquette;

Select convincing evidence of your point of view, adequately express your own opinion;

Freely, correctly, logically and figuratively express your thoughts orally and in writing, observing the norms of text construction;

Create your own written statement according to a given model;

Carry out speech self-control: find errors and correct them, improve and edit the text;

Extract the necessary information from various sources, including life, as well as the media, and freely use it in creative work;

Apply acquired knowledge in educational, everyday, socio-cultural communication situations.


Lesson topic

Number of hours





Introducing the demo version of the OGE 2017. Introducing the evaluation criteria for part 3 (essays like 15.1, 15.2, 15.3)

Structure of an essay on a linguistic topic (15.1). Work with text

Practical lesson. Work with text. Writing an argumentative essay based on a text using a sample.

Practical lesson. Writing an essay-reasoning on the text.

Practical lesson. Writing an essay-reasoning on the text.

The structure of an essay-reasoning for understanding the final phrase (15.2). Work with text.

Practical lesson. Work with text. Writing an argumentative essay based on a text using a sample.

Practical lesson. Writing an essay-reasoning on the text.

Practical lesson. Writing an essay-reasoning on the text.

The structure of an essay-reasoning to understand the meaning of a word (15.3). Work with text.

Practical lesson. Work with text. Writing an argumentative essay based on a text using a sample.

Practical lesson. Writing an essay-reasoning on the text.

Practical lesson. Writing an essay-reasoning on the text.

Practical lesson. We work in an expert position.

Practical lesson. Test work.

Practical lesson. Analysis of essays. Work on mistakes.

Time reserve


1. OGE 2017. Russian language. 9th grade. Main state exam. Workshop on performing standard test tasks/G. T. Egoraeva.-M.: Publishing house “Exam”, 2017.

2. OGE 2017. Russian language. 9th grade. Main state exam. Typical test tasks / I. P. Vasiliev, Yu. N. Gosteva. M.: - Publishing house "Exam", 2017

3. Kuznetsov A.Yu. and others. Russian language. Preparation for the OGE in 2017. Diagnostic work. - M.: MTsNMO, 2017

4.OGE. Main state exam. Russian language: collection of tasks / I. P. Vasiliev, Yu. N. Gosteva, D. A. Khaustova. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2017

5. OGE 2017. Workshop on the Russian language: task 15.3/G. T. Egoraeva. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2017

6. OGE-2017: Russian language: 30 training versions of exam papers to prepare for the main state exam / L.S. Stepanova. - Moscow: AST Publishing House, 2016. - 190, p. - (OGE-2017. Large collection of training options).

Options for specifications, codifiers and demonstration versions of CMMs can be found on the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements at:


Texts of presentations with a creative task

Presentation with creative task No. KI-9-1

The young horse was called Book because it had a spot on its forehead, just like an open book.

During the war, Book became a fighting partisan. She was an amazingly smart horse, but she also had character! The rider doesn't like it - and then she angrily gnaws at the bit, rears up and spins around in one place.

But how peaceful and obedient the Book became in the hands of someone who knew how to caress it. So, it is unknown by what signs, Book singled out the partisan messenger Tanya from the entire detachment. Tanya had cheerful eyes and a thick, knee-length dark braid.

They were friends sincerely and selflessly. The book knew how, when necessary, to disguise itself, lie on the ground and lie motionless until it was allowed to get up. She knew how to walk like a cat, and her running was light and swift. More than once the Book carried the fearless partisan out from under enemy bullets. But Tanya herself more than once gave her last loaf of bread to her fighting friend...

One day, along a forest road, Tanya was returning riding Book from a combat mission. Tired from a sleepless night, she quietly dozed off. There were still a few kilometers left to the camp, but clever Book knew all the partisan paths.

Suddenly Tanya woke up from the fact that the Book froze in place. Tanya touched the horse with a stirrup - in response, the Book only moved its alert ears. Then Tanya jumped from the saddle to the ground and decided to scout out the area. She walked carefully, parting the bushes, and the Book did not lag behind her. Tanya's excitement was growing. The dream vanished as if by chance. Another willow bush, another bush - and Tanya froze in place. In a small clearing, the wreckage of the plane was smoking. And among these wreckage lay our Soviet pilot.

Tanya tried to lift him and sit him down, but he was unconscious.

Tanya remembered her faithful Book. The smart animal responded to the call of its owner and in an instant found itself near her.

The horse obediently did everything that it was ordered. So she carefully sank to the ground. She carefully turned her back to the pilot and raised her head so that Tanya could tie the pilot’s hands to her neck. Then the Book carefully rose from the ground and waited for the girl herself to sit on it. Then, just as carefully, they moved into the detachment.

The pilot from the partisan detachment was sent for treatment to a hospital on the mainland.

(According to A.V. Vasilevich)

(344 words)


1. Listen (read) the text. Write a summary based on a fragment of A.V.’s story. Vasilevich "Partisan Book".

WhichexamplesfriendshippersonWithanimalsTo youremembered?


Not far from our house there grew an old tree. And then one day in early spring a stork flew to it and studied the place for a long time. And the next

In the morning two birds were already busy on the tree, making a nest.

When the storks hatched in the nest, big troubles began for the adult storks. The chicks clamored for food all day, and the parent storks took turns from morning to evening bringing them frogs, fish, and snakes from the swamp.

Another week and a half passed, and suddenly one of the parent storks disappeared.

That's when the hard time came for the remaining stork! Three large chicks required a lot of food. As soon as it began to get light, the stork was already

he hurried to the swamp for prey, brought it back, put it in the mouth of one of the chicks and, without resting for a minute, flew back to the hunt. We felt very sorry for the poor bird, but we did not know how to help it.

One time we went fishing in the river. We return home and realize that the stork is not near the nest, and all three hungry storks are pulling their long necks out of the nest, opening their beaks and asking for food.

We decided to climb a tree and try to feed them fish. As we approached, the storks became agitated. One of them, noticing a fish in my hands, grabbed it with his beak and swallowed it. Others followed suit. From then on, we started feeding the storks every day.

Finally, our pets are all grown up. They became covered in feathers and began to fly out of the nest. As soon as we appeared in the yard, they flew off the nest and rushed to us, demanding food. And the adult stork brought food to the children less and less often.

One day the storks followed us to the swamp. There were a lot of frogs there. The storks began to catch them themselves. From that day on, they began to fly to the swamp every morning.

But summer is over. All the storks gathered in flocks, preparing to fly away. Ours also stopped spending the night in the tree near the nest.

One day we were walking home from fishing and noticed a flock of storks in the meadow. Suddenly three storks separated from the flock and headed towards us. We realized that these were our storks, and began to lure them with fish. And these big wild birds ran up to us and began to grab the fish from our hands! The storks ate their fill, clapped their beaks in gratitude, and returned back to the flock.

We never saw them again. They flew to the warm south.

(According to G.A. Skrebitsky)


1. Write a summary based on a fragment of the story by G.A. Skrebitsky "Storks".

2. Give a reasoned answer to the question: How, Withyourspointsvision, need torelateTonature


For a long time I worked at the zoo with lions and tigers, but it so happened that I was transferred to work in the monkey barn. I didn't know monkeys at all. I stand in front of a cage with monkeys and think about how I will distinguish between them. They are very similar to each other. But it only seemed that way to me at first.

The most nimble and dexterous was Malyshka. As soon as I enter the cage, all the monkeys will run away, and Baby will move a little to the side and look at the fruits I brought.

One day a misfortune happened to my pet. Someone threw candy into the monkeys' cage. The candy was colored and wrapped in paper. The baby ate it and got sick. Baby sat on the shelf all day long,

so sad: she shrank all over, as if she was frozen.

They called the doctor. The doctor carefully examined the sick monkey and prescribed castor oil and a heating pad for her stomach.

Castor oil had to be given by force. The baby didn’t want to take it, and with the heating pad it turned out even worse. Four times they tried to tie a heating pad to her stomach, and four times Baby threw it off.

Then I had to use cunning.

The baby was moved to a cage so small that she could barely fit in it, and a rubber heating pad with hot water was placed on the floor. Oh, how scared her Baby was!

Out of fear, the Baby hid in the very corner of the cage. So, without moving, she sat for several hours. During this time, we changed the water several times, and Baby was still afraid to even move. Finally, she dared to carefully come closer and quietly touch the heating pad with her hand. It was pleasantly warm and didn't bite. Then, having grown bolder, the monkey pressed her whole small, thin body against the heating pad, hugged him tightly and fell asleep.

From that day on, Baby never left her hot water bottle. Holding the heating pad with her hand near her stomach, she ran with it from place to place and even tried to look for fleas on it. Of course, there were no fleas on the heating pad, but looking for them means the monkeys are in the greatest position. And how much work it took to take the heating pad away from Baby when she recovered! The monkey did not want to part with his friend. She pressed the heating pad to her chest and protested as if her baby was being taken away from her.

(According to V.V. Chaplina)


1. Write a summary based on a fragment of V.V.’s story. Chaplina "Baby".

2. Give a reasoned answer to the question: How, Withyourspointsvision, interestingworldalivenature?


Gleb Ermolaev volunteered for the war and really wanted to get into intelligence. However, he was told that he would be an armor-piercing officer and was given

anti-tank long gun. In preparation for battle, Gleb dug his first trench. At dawn, the Nazis began to fire at the platoon’s position.

Gleb hastily loaded his gun, crouched down in his trench, then stuck his head out to assess the situation. A tank was rolling across the meadow straight towards Gleb’s trench, and fascist machine gunners were running after it. When Gleb Ermolaev was preparing for battle, he thought that he would have to shoot at the side of a fascist tank, where the armor was thin, but now he had to shoot at the frontal armor, which not every shell would take.

The tank was approaching, swaying as if bowing. Ermolaev squeezed the butt of his gun into his shoulder, took aim... And then from behind, from our positions, a machine gun suddenly opened fire in a long burst. The bullets flew next to Gleb. Without having time to think about anything, he let go of the gun and sat down in the trench. He was afraid that his machine gunner would catch him. And when Gleb realized that the machine gunner and riflemen of the platoon were hitting the fascist machine gunners in order to prevent them from approaching Gleb’s trench, it was already too late to shoot at the tank. The tank drove into a trench. As if from deep water, Gleb rushed out of his covered trench. The soldier realized that he was saved when he inhaled the air. He immediately opened his eyes and realized that the tank was approaching our trenches. His gun lay half-buried, with the butt towards Gleb, the barrel towards the tank. It was in these difficult moments that Gleb Ermolaev became a real soldier. He pulled his gun towards him, took aim, fired, atoning for his guilt before the platoon, and knocked out a tank.

Several more disturbing days passed with bombings and shelling, and then everything calmed down. The Nazis failed to attack. These days, Gleb Ermolaev was called to the regiment headquarters, where soldiers who had distinguished themselves in recent battles were gathered. The fighters took turns coming out and receiving awards. It was Gleb Ermolaev’s turn.

The colonel, surprised by his youth, asked Gleb if he was scared.

Gleb replied: “I was afraid. I accidentally knocked out a tank!” To this the colonel exclaimed: “Well done!” How can you not be afraid when a tank is attacking you alone? But about chance, son, you are wrong. You knocked him down naturally. You have overcome your fear. For your feat you are entitled to the Order of the Red Star.”

Gleb Ermolaev was embarrassed by the commander’s praise.

(According to A.V. Mityaev)

(353 words)


1. Write a summary based on a fragment of A.V.’s story. Mityaev "Long Gun".

2. Give a reasoned answer to the question: Whichqualitycharacterizepresentsoldier?


The guys brought us a magpie chick. He couldn't fly yet, he could only jump. We fed him cottage cheese, porridge, and soaked bread.

Soon the little magpie grew a long tail and its wings were covered with stiff black feathers. He quickly learned to fly and moved to live from the room to the balcony.

The only problem with him was that our little magpie could not learn to eat on his own. The bird is quite an adult, but it asks for food like a little chick. For this they called him Orphan. We taught and taught Orphan, but nothing came of it, so we had to stuff food into his mouth.

The orphan flew everywhere and knew everyone: the fat cat Ivanovich, the hunting dog Jack, ducks, chickens; Even with the old pugnacious rooster Petrovich, the chick was on friendly terms.

One day there was no one to tinker with the magpie. Everyone was busy all day. The chick has been pestering and pestering everyone, no one is feeding it!

That day I was fishing in the river in the morning, returned home only in the evening and threw out the worms left over from fishing in the yard. Let the chickens peck.

Petrovich immediately noticed the prey, ran up and began calling the chickens. And, as luck would have it, they scattered somewhere.

The rooster is really exhausted! He calls and calls, then he grabs the worm in his beak, shakes it, throws it and calls again - he never wants to eat the first one. I’m even hoarse, but the chickens still won’t come.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Orphan. He flew up to Petrovich, spread his wings and opened his mouth: feed me, they say.

The rooster immediately perked up, grabbed a huge worm in his beak, picked it up, and shook it right in front of the magpie’s nose. The chick looked, looked, then grabbed the worm - and ate it! And the rooster gives him a second one.

I look out the window and am amazed at how the rooster feeds the chick from its beak: it will give it to him, then he will eat it himself, then he will offer it to him again.

And I don’t know how he explained to the Orphan what was going on, only the chick jumped up, turned its head to the side and ate it right from the ground.

Since then, the Orphan no longer had to be hand-fed. One time Petrovich taught him how to handle food.

(According to G.A. Skrebitsky)


1. Listen (read) the text. Write a summary based on a fragment of the story by G.A. Skrebitsky "The Orphan".

2. Give a reasoned answer to the question: HowForYouinterestingworldnature?


There was a dandelion growing in the park, old and completely gray. The wind blew, and the dandelion children flew in different directions on fluffy parachutes. Some fell right next to them, some flew further away, and one parachute rose the highest.

- So lucky! Soared higher than everyone else! – he was happy.

The wind carried it, carried it and threw it at the feet of passers-by. The poor parachutist lay under the hot sun on the sidewalk all day. They stepped on him with their feet, and a sparrow almost pecked him off. And then the mustachioed janitor drove him into a crack in the asphalt with his broom.

So it lay all winter in its shelter. But the earth warmed up and the streams rang.

– It seems I’m still alive! - the seed was happy...

Early in the morning, a mustachioed janitor came out with a broom and, as always, began sweeping the yard. Just as the janitor wanted to knock down the golden head and crush the green leaves of the dandelion, his granddaughter Zoechka ran out of the entrance.

- Flower! How cute! Don't touch him, grandpa, let him grow!

She took the stick and stuck it next to the dandelion.

There's an old lady walking through the yard with a stick. She’s tired, it’s obvious: she can barely step over, and here in front of her on the road a dandelion stands, shaking its yellow head as if bowing. The old woman took a string out of her pocket and tied the dandelion to a stick, the same one that her granddaughter Zoechka stuck in the ground.

As soon as the grandmother disappeared around the corner, a truck was already driving into the yard. The cheerful driver turned the steering wheel, pushed his cap down onto his nose, but still saw the first dandelion growing on the road, so yellow and fluffy. The driver smiled and drove around the flower.

Then the guys came running into the yard. They watered a dandelion from a puddle, and then they dragged pebbles from all over the street and placed them around the flower. It turned out to be a flowerbed in the middle of the yard. And the dandelions bloomed, became white fluffy balls, parachutes flew over roofs, fences and spread throughout the city. Children ran around in wreaths of dandelions, wove them into long garlands and hung them on fences.

And people’s hearts became joyful at the sight of the flowers. And the gray boring city became golden and cheerful.

(According to G.V. Lebedeva)


1. Listen (read) the text. Write a summary based on a fragment of the work by G.V. Lebedeva.

2. Give a reasoned answer to the question: WhySoimportant, toVworldwasmorebeauty?


Costa ducked into a crooked alley and disappeared into the front door, ringing the doorbell. The door opened, and the fiery red dog rushed at Kosta, put his front paws on the boy’s shoulders and began to lick his nose, eyes, and chin with his long pink tongue. Both the boy and the dog rushed down with incredible speed. Then they were met by a thin man with a crutch. The dog rubbed against his only leg, the setter's long, soft ears resembled the ears of a winter cap.

“Here, let’s go for a walk until tomorrow,” said Kosta.

In the next house on the first floor, a boy was sick - he was bedridden. He had a dachshund - a black firebrand on four legs.

“She’s waiting for you,” the patient said. - Mother wants to sell Laptya: she has no time to walk with him in the morning.

“I’ll come in the morning,” Kosta answered after some thought...

The city ended, the dunes began. Suddenly, in the distance, on the very edge of the shore, a dog appeared. Her gaze was fixed on the sea, she was waiting for someone.

Kosta approached the dog, ran his hand over the matted fur, the dog barely noticeably moved its tail. The boy squatted down and laid out some bread in front of the dog. The dog did not perk up and showed no interest in food. Kosta took a piece of bread and brought it to the dog’s mouth. She sighed deeply and loudly, like a person, and began to slowly chew the bread.

- Let's go for a walk.

The dog looked at the boy again and obediently walked next to him... The next day, at the end of the last lesson, Kosta fell asleep.

- Do you know why he fell asleep? – Evgenia said in a whisper

Ivanovna. – I’ll tell you... He walks with other people’s dogs, feeds them. And dogs always sense kind and sympathetic people. And a real person will never abandon someone in trouble, even if it is a dog. The bell rang from the last lesson. Kosta didn’t hear the bell; he was sleeping. Evgenia Ivanovna leaned over the sleeping boy, put her hand on his shoulder and shook him lightly. He shuddered and opened his eyes.

- The bell rings from the last lesson, you have to go.

Costa jumped up. He grabbed the briefcase. And the next moment he disappeared behind the door.

(According to Yu.Ya. Yakovlev)


1. Listen (read) the text. Write a summary based on a fragment of the work by Yu.Ya. Yakovleva.

2. Give a reasoned answer to the question: WhatpersonCannamekind?

1. Listen (read) the text. Write a summary based on the given fragment. Convey the main content of the text. Write a condensed or expanded summary (student’s choice).

The length of the detailed presentation is no more than 300 words. The volume of condensed presentation is from 40 to 100 words. If the condensed presentation contains less than 30 words (all words, including function words, are included in the word count), then such work is considered uncompleted and is scored 0 points.

2. Give a reasoned answer to the question.

Argue your opinion based on your reading experience, as well as knowledge and life observations.

Think over the composition of your essay.

Write an essay of at least 70 words. If the essay contains less than 50 words (all words, including function words, are included in the word count), then such work is considered uncompleted and is scored 0 points.

If the essay is a retold text, then such work is graded 0 points.

Write your essay clearly and legibly, observing the norms of speech.

Note to organizer:

The presentation test is read 3 times;

Deaf and hard of hearing students are given the text of the presentation to read for 40 minutes (after this time, the organizer takes the text and the student writes a condensed or expanded presentation with a creative task).

Texts of presentations with a creative task

Presentation with creative task No. KI-11-1

The young horse was called Book because it had a spot on its forehead, just like an open book.

During the war, Book became a fighting partisan. She was an amazingly smart horse, but she also had character! The rider doesn't like it - and then she angrily gnaws at the bit, rears up and spins around in one place.

But how peaceful and obedient the Book became in the hands of someone who knew how to caress it. So, it is unknown by what signs, Book singled out the partisan messenger Tanya from the entire detachment. Tanya had cheerful eyes and a thick, knee-length dark braid.

They were friends sincerely and selflessly. The book knew how, when necessary, to disguise itself, lie on the ground and lie motionless until it was allowed to get up. She knew how to walk like a cat, and her running was light and swift. More than once the Book carried the fearless partisan out from under enemy bullets. But Tanya herself more than once gave her last loaf of bread to her fighting friend...

One day, along a forest road, Tanya was returning riding Book from a combat mission. Tired from a sleepless night, she quietly dozed off. There were still a few kilometers left to the camp, but clever Book knew all the partisan paths.

Suddenly Tanya woke up from the fact that the Book froze in place. Tanya touched the horse with a stirrup - in response, the Book only moved its alert ears. Then Tanya jumped from the saddle to the ground and decided to scout out the area. She walked carefully, parting the bushes, and the Book did not lag behind her. Tanya's excitement was growing. The dream vanished as if by chance. Another willow bush, another bush - and Tanya froze in place. In a small clearing, the wreckage of the plane was smoking. And among these wreckage lay our Soviet pilot.

Tanya tried to lift him and sit him down, but he was unconscious.

Tanya remembered her faithful Book. The smart animal responded to the call of its owner and in an instant found itself near her.

The horse obediently did everything that it was ordered. So she carefully sank to the ground. She carefully turned her back to the pilot and raised her head so that Tanya could tie the pilot’s hands to her neck. Then the Book carefully rose from the ground and waited for the girl herself to sit on it. Then, just as carefully, they moved into the detachment.

The pilot from the partisan detachment was sent for treatment to a hospital on the mainland. (According to A. Vasilevich) (344 words)


1. Listen (read) the text. Write a summary based on a fragment of A. Vasilevich’s story “The Partisan Book.”

2. What examples of friendship between humans and animals do you remember?

Presentation with creative task No. KI-11-2

Not far from our house there grew an old tree. And then one day in early spring a stork flew to it and studied the place for a long time. And the next morning two birds were already busy on the tree, making a nest.

When the storks hatched in the nest, big troubles began for the adult storks. The chicks clamored for food all day, and the parent storks took turns from morning to evening bringing them frogs, fish, and snakes from the swamp.

Another week and a half passed, and suddenly one of the parent storks disappeared. That's when the hard time came for the remaining stork! Three large chicks required a lot of food. As soon as it began to get light, the stork was already in a hurry to the swamp for prey, brought it, put it in the mouth of one of the chicks and, without resting for a minute, flew back to the hunt. We felt very sorry for the poor bird, but we did not know how to help it.

One time we went fishing in the river. We return home and realize that the stork is not near the nest, and all three hungry storks are pulling their long necks out of the nest, opening their beaks and asking for food.

We decided to climb a tree and try to feed them fish. As we approached, the storks became agitated. One of them, noticing a fish in my hands, grabbed it with his beak and swallowed it. Others followed suit. From then on, we started feeding the storks every day.

Finally, our pets are all grown up. They became covered in feathers and began to fly out of the nest. As soon as we appeared in the yard, they flew off the nest and rushed to us, demanding food. And the adult stork brought food to the children less and less often.

One day the storks followed us to the swamp. There were a lot of frogs there. The storks began to catch them themselves. From that day on, they began to fly to the swamp every morning.

But summer is over. All the storks gathered in flocks, preparing to fly away. Ours also stopped spending the night in the tree near the nest.

One day we were walking home from fishing and noticed a flock of storks in the meadow. Suddenly three storks separated from the flock and headed towards us. We realized that these were our storks, and began to lure them with fish. And these big wild birds ran up to us and began to grab the fish from our hands! The storks ate their fill, clapped their beaks in gratitude, and returned back to the flock.

We never saw them again. They flew to the warm south.

(According to G.A. Skrebitsky) (358 words)


1. Write a summary based on a fragment of the story “Storks” by G. A. Skrebitsky.

2. Give a reasoned answer to the question: How, from your point of view, should we treat nature?

Presentation with creative task No. KI-11-3

For a long time I worked at the zoo with lions and tigers, but it so happened that I was transferred to work in the monkey barn. I didn't know monkeys at all. I stand in front of a cage with monkeys and think about how I will distinguish between them. They are very similar to each other. But it only seemed that way to me at first.

The most nimble and dexterous was Malyshka. As soon as I enter the cage, all the monkeys will run away, and Baby will move a little to the side and look at the fruits I brought.

One day a misfortune happened to my pet. Someone threw candy into the monkeys' cage. The candy was colored and wrapped in paper. The baby ate it and got sick. All day long Baby sat on the shelf, so sad: she shrank all over, as if she was frozen.

They called the doctor. The doctor carefully examined the sick monkey and prescribed castor oil and a heating pad for her stomach.

Castor oil had to be given by force. The baby didn’t want to take it, and with the heating pad it turned out even worse. Four times they tried to tie a heating pad to her stomach, and four times Baby threw it off.

Then I had to use cunning.

The baby was moved to a cage so small that she could barely fit in it, and a rubber heating pad with hot water was placed on the floor. Oh, how scared her Baby was!

Out of fear, the Baby hid in the very corner of the cage. So, without moving, she sat for several hours. During this time, we changed the water several times, and Baby was still afraid to even move. Finally, she dared to carefully come closer and quietly touch the heating pad with her hand. It was pleasantly warm and didn't bite. Then, having grown bolder, the monkey pressed her whole small, thin body against the heating pad, hugged him tightly and fell asleep.

From that day on, Baby never left her hot water bottle. Holding the heating pad with her hand near her stomach, she ran with it from place to place and even tried to look for fleas on it. Of course, there were no fleas on the heating pad, but looking for them means the monkeys are in the greatest position. And how much work it took to take the heating pad away from Baby when she recovered! The monkey did not want to part with his friend. She pressed the heating pad to her chest and protested as if her baby was being taken away from her.

(According to V.V. Chaplina) (326 words)


1. Write a summary based on a fragment of V.V.’s story. Chaplina "Baby".

2. Give a reasoned answer to the question: What, from your point of view, is interesting about the world of wildlife?

Presentation with creative task No. KI-11-4

Gleb Ermolaev volunteered for the war and really wanted to get into intelligence. However, he was told that he would be an armor-piercing officer and was given an anti-tank long gun.

In preparation for battle, Gleb dug his first trench. At dawn, the Nazis began to fire at the platoon’s position. Gleb hastily loaded his gun, crouched down in his trench, then stuck his head out to assess the situation. A tank was rolling across the meadow straight towards Gleb’s trench, and fascist machine gunners were running after it. When Gleb Ermolaev was preparing for battle, he thought that he would have to shoot at the side of a fascist tank, where the armor was thin, but now he had to shoot at the frontal armor, which not every shell would take.

The tank was approaching, swaying as if bowing. Ermolaev squeezed the butt of his gun into his shoulder, took aim... And then from behind, from our positions, a machine gun suddenly opened fire in a long burst. The bullets flew next to Gleb. Without having time to think about anything, he let go of the gun and sat down in the trench. He was afraid that his machine gunner would catch him. And when Gleb realized that the machine gunner and riflemen of the platoon were hitting the fascist machine gunners in order to prevent them from approaching Gleb’s trench, it was already too late to shoot at the tank. The tank drove into a trench. As if from deep water, Gleb rushed out of his covered trench. The soldier realized that he was saved when he inhaled the air. He immediately opened his eyes and realized that the tank was approaching our trenches. His gun lay half-buried, with the butt towards Gleb, the barrel towards the tank. It was in these difficult moments that Gleb Ermolaev became a real soldier. He pulled his gun towards him, took aim, fired, atoning for his guilt before the platoon, and knocked out a tank.

Several more disturbing days passed with bombings and shelling, and then everything calmed down. The Nazis failed to attack. These days, Gleb Ermolaev was called to the regiment headquarters, where soldiers who had distinguished themselves in recent battles were gathered. The fighters took turns coming out and receiving awards. It was Gleb Ermolaev’s turn. The colonel, surprised by his youth, asked Gleb if he was scared.

Gleb replied: “I was afraid. I accidentally knocked out a tank!” To this the colonel exclaimed: “Well done!” How can you not be afraid when a tank is attacking you alone? But about chance, son, you are wrong. You knocked him down naturally. You have overcome your fear. For your feat you are entitled to the Order of the Red Star.”

Gleb Ermolaev was embarrassed by the commander’s praise.

(According to A.V. Mityaev) (353 words)


1. Write a summary based on a fragment of the story “The Long Gun” by A.V. Mityaev.

2. Give a reasoned answer to the question: What qualities characterize a real soldier?

Presentation with creative task No. KI-11-5

The guys brought us a magpie chick. He couldn't fly yet, he could only jump. We fed him cottage cheese, porridge, and soaked bread.

Soon the little magpie grew a long tail and its wings were covered with stiff black feathers. He quickly learned to fly and moved to live from the room to the balcony.

The only problem with him was that our little magpie could not learn to eat on his own. The bird is quite an adult, but it asks for food like a little chick. For this they called him Orphan. We taught and taught Orphan, but nothing came of it, so we had to stuff food into his mouth.

The orphan flew everywhere and knew everyone: the fat cat Ivanovich, the hunting dog Jack, ducks, chickens; Even with the old pugnacious rooster Petrovich, the chick was on friendly terms.

One day there was no one to tinker with the magpie. Everyone was busy all day. The chick has been pestering and pestering everyone, no one is feeding it!

That day I was fishing in the river in the morning, returned home only in the evening and threw out the worms left over from fishing in the yard. Let the chickens peck.

Petrovich immediately noticed the prey, ran up and began calling the chickens. And, as luck would have it, they scattered somewhere.

The rooster is really exhausted! He calls and calls, then he grabs the worm in his beak, shakes it, throws it and calls again - he never wants to eat the first one. I’m even hoarse, but the chickens still won’t come.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Orphan. He flew up to Petrovich, spread his wings and opened his mouth: feed me, they say.

The rooster immediately perked up, grabbed a huge worm in his beak, picked it up, and shook it right in front of the magpie’s nose. The chick looked, looked, then grabbed the worm - and ate it! And the rooster gives him a second one.

I look out the window and am amazed at how the rooster feeds the chick from its beak: it will give it to him, then he will eat it himself, then he will offer it to him again.

And I don’t know how he explained to the Orphan what was going on, only the chick jumped up, turned its head to the side and ate it right from the ground.

Since then, the Orphan no longer had to be hand-fed. One time Petrovich taught him how to handle food.

(According to G. A. Skrebitsky) (320 words)


1. Listen (read) the text. Write a summary based on a fragment of the story “The Orphan” by G. A. Skrebitsky.

2. Give a reasoned answer to the question: What interests you about the natural world?

One day we were given a young squirrel. She very soon became completely tame, ran around all the rooms, climbed on cabinets, shelves, and so deftly - she would never drop or break anything.

In my father’s office, huge deer antlers were nailed above the sofa. The squirrel often climbed on them: it used to climb onto the horn and sit on it, like on a tree branch.

She knew us guys well. As soon as you enter the room, a squirrel jumps from somewhere from the closet right onto your shoulder. This means she asks for sugar or candy. She loved sweets very much.

There were sweets and sugar in our dining room, in the buffet. They were never locked up because we children didn’t take anything without asking.

But then one day my mother calls us all into the dining room and shows us an empty vase:

- Who took the candy from here?

We look at each other and are silent - we don’t know which of us did this. Mom shook her head and said nothing. And the next day the sugar disappeared from the cupboard and again no one admitted that they had taken it. At this point my father got angry and said that now he would lock everything up and wouldn’t give us any sweets all week.

And the squirrel, along with us, was left without sweets. He used to jump up on his shoulder, rub his muzzle against his cheek, pull his ear with his teeth, and ask for sugar. Where can I get it?

One afternoon I sat quietly on the sofa in the dining room and read. Suddenly I see: a squirrel jumped onto the table, grabbed a crust of bread in its teeth - and onto the floor, and from there onto the cabinet. A minute later, I look, she climbed onto the table again, grabbed the second crust - and again onto the cabinet.

“Wait,” I think, “where does she take all the bread?” I pulled up a chair and looked at the closet. I see my mother’s old hat lying there. I lifted it up - here you go! There’s just something under there: sugar, candy, bread, and various bones...

I go straight to my father and show him: “That’s who our thief is!”

And the father laughed and said:

- How come I didn’t think of it before! After all, it is our squirrel who makes supplies for the winter. Now it’s autumn, all the squirrels in the wild are stocking up on food, and ours is not lagging behind, it’s also stocking up.

After this incident, they stopped keeping sweets away from us, they just attached a hook to the sideboard so that the squirrel couldn’t get into it. But the squirrel did not calm down and continued to prepare supplies for the winter. If he finds a crust of bread, a nut or a seed, he will immediately grab it, run away and hide it somewhere.

We once went into the forest to pick mushrooms. We arrived late in the evening, tired, ate, and quickly went to bed. They left a bag of mushrooms on the window: it’s cool there, they won’t spoil until the morning.

We get up in the morning and the whole basket is empty. Where did the mushrooms go? Suddenly my father shouts from the office and calls us. We ran to him and saw that all the deer antlers above the sofa were covered with mushrooms. There are mushrooms everywhere on the towel hook, behind the mirror, and behind the painting. The squirrel did this early in the morning: he hung mushrooms for himself to dry for the winter.

In the forest, squirrels always dry mushrooms on branches in the fall. So ours hurried. Apparently she sensed winter.

Soon the cold really set in. The squirrel kept trying to get into some corner where it would be warmer, and one day she completely disappeared. They looked and looked for her, but she was nowhere to be found. She probably ran into the garden, and from there into the forest.

We felt sorry for the squirrels, but there was nothing we could do.

We got ready to light the stove, closed the vent, piled on some wood, and set it on fire. Suddenly something moves in the stove and rustles! We quickly opened the vent, and from there the squirrel jumped out like a bullet - straight onto the closet.

And the smoke from the stove just pours into the room, it doesn’t go down the chimney. What's happened? The brother made a hook out of thick wire and stuck it through the vent into the pipe to see if there was anything there.

We look - he is dragging a tie from the pipe, his mother’s glove, he even found his grandmother’s holiday scarf there.

Our squirrel dragged all this into the chimney for its nest. That's what it is! Even though he lives in the house, he doesn’t abandon his forest habits. Such is, apparently, their squirrel nature.

Georgy Skrebitsky. Caring mom

One day the shepherds caught a fox cub and brought it to us. We put the animal in an empty barn.

The little fox was still small, all gray, his muzzle was dark, and his tail was white at the end. The animal hid in the far corner of the barn and looked around in fear. Out of fear, he didn’t even bite when we stroked him, but only pressed his ears back and trembled all over.

Mom poured milk into a bowl for him and placed it right next to him. But the frightened animal did not drink milk.

Then dad said that the little fox should be left alone - let him look around and get used to the new place.

I really didn’t want to leave, but dad locked the door and we went home. It was already evening, and soon everyone went to bed.

At night I woke up. I hear a puppy yapping and whining somewhere very close by. Where do I think he came from? Looked out the window. It was already light outside. From the window you could see the barn where the little fox was. It turns out that he was whining like a puppy.

The forest began right behind the barn.

Suddenly I saw a fox jump out of the bushes, stop, listen and stealthily run up to the barn. Immediately the yapping stopped, and a joyful squeal was heard instead.

I slowly woke up mom and dad, and we all started looking out the window together.

The fox ran around the barn and tried to dig up the ground underneath it. But there was a strong stone foundation there, and the fox could not do anything. Soon she ran away into the bushes, and the little fox again began to whine loudly and pitifully.

I wanted to watch the fox all night, but dad said that she wouldn’t come again and told me to go to bed.

I woke up late and, having dressed, first of all hurried to visit the little fox. What is it?.. On the threshold right next to the door lay a dead bunny. I quickly ran to my dad and brought him with me.

- That's the thing! - Dad said when he saw the bunny. - This means that the mother fox once again came to the little fox and brought him food. She couldn't get inside, so she left it outside. What a caring mother!

All day I hung around the barn, looked into the cracks and went with my mother twice to feed the little fox. And in the evening I couldn’t fall asleep, I kept jumping out of bed and looking out the window to see if the fox had come.

Finally, mom got angry and covered the window with a dark curtain.

But in the morning I got up before the light and immediately ran to the barn. This time, it was no longer a bunny lying on the doorstep, but a strangled neighbor’s chicken. Apparently, the fox came again at night to visit the fox cub. She failed to catch prey for him in the forest, so she climbed into her neighbors’ chicken coop, strangled the chicken and brought it to her cub.

Dad had to pay for the chicken, and besides, he got a lot from the neighbors.

“Take the little fox wherever you want,” they shouted, “or else the fox will take all the birds with us!”

There was nothing to do, dad had to put the little fox in a bag and take it back to the forest, to the fox holes.

Since then, the fox never came to the village again.

Georgy Skrebitsky. Fluff

There was a hedgehog living in our house; he was tame. When they stroked him, he pressed the thorns to his back and became completely soft. For this we nicknamed him Fluff.

If Fluffy was hungry, he would chase me like a dog. At the same time, the hedgehog puffed, snorted and bit my legs, demanding food.

In the summer I took Pushka for a walk in the garden. He ran along the paths, caught frogs, beetles, snails and ate them with appetite.

When winter came, I stopped taking Fluffy for walks and kept him at home. We now fed Cannon with milk, soup, and soaked bread. Sometimes a hedgehog would eat enough, climb behind the stove, curl up in a ball and sleep. And in the evening he will get out and start running around the rooms. He runs around all night, stomps his paws, and disturbs everyone's sleep. So he lived in our house for more than half the winter and never went outside.

But one day I was getting ready to sled down the mountain, but there were no comrades in the yard. I decided to take Cannon with me. He took out a box, laid it with hay and put the hedgehog in it, and to make it warmer, he also covered it with hay on top. He put the box in the sled and ran to the pond where we always slid down the mountain.

I ran at full speed, imagining myself as a horse, and was carrying Pushka in a sled.

It was very good: the sun was shining, the frost stung my ears and nose. But the wind had completely died down, so that the smoke from the village chimneys did not billow, but rose into the sky in straight columns.

I looked at these pillars, and it seemed to me that this was not smoke at all, but thick blue ropes were coming down from the sky and small toy houses were tied to them by pipes below.

I rode my fill from the mountain and took the sled with the hedgehog home.

As I was driving, suddenly I met some guys: they were running to the village to look at the dead wolf. The hunters had just brought him there.

I quickly put the sled in the barn and also rushed to the village after the guys. We stayed there until the evening. They watched how the skin was removed from the wolf and how it was straightened out on a wooden spear.

I only remembered about Pushka the next day. I was very scared that he had run away somewhere. He immediately rushed into the barn, to the sled. I look - my Fluff lies curled up in a box and does not move. No matter how much I shook or shook him, he didn’t even move. During the night, apparently, he completely froze and died.

I ran to the guys and told them about my misfortune. We all grieved together, but there was nothing to do, and decided to bury Pushka in the garden, burying him in the snow in the very box in which he died.

For a whole week we all grieved for poor Fluffy. And then they gave me a live owl - he was caught in our barn. He was wild. We began to tame him and forgot about Cannon.

But spring has come, and how warm it is! One morning I went to the garden: it’s especially nice there in the spring - the finches are singing, the sun is shining, there are huge puddles all around, like lakes. I make my way carefully along the path so as not to scoop mud into my galoshes. Suddenly, ahead, in a pile of last year’s leaves, something moved. I stopped. Who is this animal? Which? A familiar face appeared from under the dark leaves, and black eyes looked straight at me.

Without remembering myself, I rushed to the animal. A second later I was already holding Fluffy in my hands, and he sniffed my fingers, snorted and poked my palm with his cold nose, demanding food.

Right there on the ground lay a thawed box of hay, in which Fluff had happily slept all winter. I picked up the box, put the hedgehog in it and brought it home in triumph.

Georgy Skrebitsky. Orphan

The guys brought us a small shirt... He couldn’t fly yet, he could only jump. We fed him cottage cheese, porridge, soaked bread, and gave him small pieces of boiled meat; he ate everything and refused nothing.

Soon the little magpie grew a long tail and its wings were covered with stiff black feathers. He quickly learned to fly and moved to live from the room to the balcony.

The only problem with him was that our little magpie could not learn to eat on his own. The bird is quite an adult, so beautiful, flies well, and still asks for food like a little chick. You go out onto the balcony, sit down at the table, and the magpie is right there, spinning around in front of you, crouching, bristling its wings, opening its mouth. It’s funny and I feel sorry for her. Mom even nicknamed her Orphan. He used to put cottage cheese or soaked bread in her mouth, swallow the magpie, and then start begging again, but she wouldn’t take a bite from the plate. We taught and taught her, but nothing came of it, so we had to stuff food into her mouth. Orphan would sometimes eat her fill, shake herself up, look with her sly black eye at the plate to see if there was anything else tasty there, and fly up onto the crossbar right up to the ceiling or fly into the garden, into the yard... She flew everywhere and knew everyone : with the fat cat Ivanovich, with the hunting dog Jack, with ducks, chickens; Even with the old pugnacious rooster Petrovich, the magpie was on friendly terms. He bullied everyone in the yard, but didn’t touch her. It used to be that chickens would peck from the trough, and the magpie would immediately turn around. It smells delicious of warm pickled bran, the magpie wants to have breakfast in the friendly company of chickens, but nothing comes of it. Orphan pesters the chickens, crouches, squeaks, opens her beak - no one wants to feed her. She will jump up to Petrovich, squeal, and he will just look at her and mutter: “What a disgrace this is!” - and will move away. And then he suddenly flaps his strong wings, stretches his neck upward, strains, stands on tiptoe and sings: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” - so loud that you can hear it even across the river.

And the magpie jumps and jumps around the yard, flies into the stable, looks into the cow’s stall... Everyone eats themselves, and she again has to fly to the balcony and ask to be hand-fed.

One day there was no one to bother with the magpie. Everyone was busy all day. She pestered and pestered everyone - no one feeds her!

That day I was fishing in the river in the morning, returned home only in the evening and threw out the worms left over from fishing in the yard. Let the chickens peck.

Petrovich immediately noticed the prey, ran up and began calling the chickens: “Ko-ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko-ko!” And as luck would have it, they scattered somewhere, not one of them was in the yard. The rooster is really exhausted! He calls and calls, then he grabs the worm in his beak, shakes it, throws it and calls again - he never wants to eat the first one. I’m even hoarse, but the chickens still won’t come.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a magpie. She flew up to Petrovich, spread her wings and opened her mouth: feed me, they say.

The rooster immediately perked up, grabbed a huge worm in his beak, picked it up, and shook it right in front of the magpie’s nose. She looked, looked, then grabbed a worm - and ate it! And the rooster is already giving her a second one. She ate both the second and the third, and Petrovich pecked the fourth himself.

I look out the window and am amazed at how the rooster feeds the magpie from his beak: he will give it to her, then he will eat it himself, then he will offer it to her again. And he keeps repeating: “Ko-ko-ko-ko!..” He bows and uses his beak to show the worms on the ground: eat, don’t be afraid, they’re so delicious.

And I don’t know how it all worked out for them, how he explained to her what was the matter, I just saw the rooster crowed, showed a worm on the ground, and the magpie jumped up, turned its head to one side, to the other, took a closer look and ate it right from the ground . Petrovich even shook his head as a sign of approval; then he grabbed a hefty worm himself, threw it up, grabbed it more comfortably with his beak and swallowed it: here, they say, as we think. But the magpie apparently understood what was going on - it jumped near him and pecked. The rooster also began to pick up worms. So they try to race each other to see who can do it faster. Instantly all the worms were eaten.

Since then, the magpie no longer had to be hand-fed. One time Petrovich taught her how to manage food. And how he explained this to her, I myself don’t know.

Georgy Skrebitsky. Forest voice

Sunny day at the very beginning of summer. I am wandering not far from home, in a birch forest. Everything around seems to be bathing, splashing in golden waves of warmth and light. Birch branches flow above me. The leaves on them seem either emerald green or completely golden. And below, under the birches, light bluish shadows also run and flow across the grass, like waves. And the light bunnies, like reflections of the sun in the water, run one after another along the grass, along the path.

The sun is both in the sky and on the ground... And this makes it feel so good, so fun that you want to run away somewhere into the distance, to where the trunks of young birch trees sparkle with their dazzling whiteness.

And suddenly from this sunny distance I heard a familiar forest voice: “Kuk-ku, kuk-ku!”

Cuckoo! I've heard it many times before, but I've never even seen it in a picture. What is she like? For some reason she seemed plump and big-headed to me, like an owl. But maybe she's not like that at all? I'll run and have a look.

Alas, it turned out to be far from easy. I listen to her voice. And she will fall silent, and then again: “Kuk-ku, kuk-ku,” but in a completely different place.

How can you see her? I stopped in thought. Or maybe she's playing hide and seek with me? She's hiding, and I'm looking. Let's play it the other way around: now I'll hide, and you look.

I climbed into the hazel bush and also cuckooed once and twice. The cuckoo has fallen silent, maybe it's looking for me? I sit in silence, even my heart is pounding with excitement. And suddenly, somewhere nearby: “Kuk-ku, kuk-ku!”

I am silent: better look, don’t shout to the whole forest.

And she’s already very close: “Kuk-ku, kuk-ku!”

I look: some kind of bird is flying across the clearing, its tail is long, it is gray, only its chest is covered in dark speckles. Probably a hawk. This one in our yard hunts sparrows. He flew up to a nearby tree, sat down on a branch, bent down and shouted: “Kuk-ku, kuk-ku!”

Cuckoo! That's it! This means that she does not look like an owl, but like a hawk.

I'll crow out of the bush in response to her! Out of fright, she almost fell out of the tree, immediately darted down from the branch, scurried off somewhere into the thicket of the forest, and that was all I saw.

But I don’t need to see her anymore. So I solved the forest riddle, and besides, for the first time I spoke to the bird in its native language.

So the clear forest voice of the cuckoo revealed to me the first secret of the forest. And since then, for half a century, I have been wandering in winter and summer along remote untrodden paths and discovering more and more secrets. And there is no end to these winding paths, and there is no end to the secrets of our native nature.

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State final certification of educational programs of basic general education in the form of a state final exam. Russian language (written exam)

2014-2015 academic year

© 2015 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation

© 2012 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Presentation with creative task No. I-9-K-7

The guys brought us a magpie chick. He couldn't fly yet, he could only jump. We fed him cottage cheese, porridge, and soaked bread.

Soon the little magpie grew a long tail and its wings were covered with stiff black feathers. He quickly learned to fly and moved to live from the room to the balcony.

The only problem with him was that our little magpie could not learn to eat on his own. The bird is quite an adult, but it asks for food like a little chick. For this they called him Orphan. We taught and taught Orphan, but nothing came of it, so we had to stuff food into his mouth.

The orphan flew everywhere and knew everyone: the fat cat Ivanovich, the hunting dog Jack, ducks, chickens; Even with the old pugnacious rooster Petrovich, the chick was on friendly terms.

One day there was no one to tinker with the magpie. Everyone was busy all day. The chick has been pestering and pestering everyone, no one is feeding it!

That day I was fishing in the river in the morning, returned home only in the evening and threw out the worms left over from fishing in the yard. Let the chickens peck.

Petrovich immediately noticed the prey, ran up and began calling the chickens. And, as luck would have it, they scattered somewhere.

The rooster is really exhausted! He calls and calls, then he grabs the worm in his beak, shakes it, throws it and calls again - he never wants to eat the first one. I’m even hoarse, but the chickens still won’t come.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Orphan. He flew up to Petrovich, spread his wings and opened his mouth: feed me, they say.

The rooster immediately perked up, grabbed a huge worm in his beak, picked it up, and shook it right in front of the magpie’s nose. The chick looked, looked, then grabbed the worm - and ate it! And the rooster gives him a second one.

I look out the window and am amazed at how the rooster feeds the chick from its beak: it will give it to him, then he will eat it himself, then he will offer it to him again.

And I don’t know how he explained to the Orphan what was going on, only the chick jumped up, turned its head to the side and ate it right from the ground.

Since then, the Orphan no longer had to be hand-fed. One time Petrovich taught him how to handle food.

(According to G. A. Skrebitsky)

1.Listen (read) the text. Write a summary based on a fragment of the story “The Orphan” by G. A. Skrebitsky.

Convey the main content of the text. Write a condensed or expanded summary (student’s choice). The narrative can be written in either the first or third person.

The length of the detailed presentation is no more than 300 words. The volume of condensed presentation is from 40 to 100 words. If the condensed presentation contains less than 30 words (all words, including function words, are included in the word count), then such work is considered uncompleted and is scored 0 points.

2.Give a reasoned answer to the question:

What interests you about the natural world?

Argue your opinion based on your reading experience, as well as knowledge and life observations.

Think over the composition of your essay.

Write an essay of at least 70 words. If the essay contains less than 50 words (all words, including function words, are included in the word count), then such work is considered uncompleted and is scored 0 points.

If the essay is a retold text, then such work is graded 0 points.

Write your essay clearly and legibly, observing the norms of speech.

Note to organizer:

The presentation test is read 3 times;

Deaf and hard of hearing students are given the text of the presentation to read for 40 minutes (after this time, the organizer takes the text and the student writes a condensed or expanded presentation with a creative task).