Scandal with Renata Litvinova. What is the essence of the scandal between “Red”, Litvinova and Posner at the “Minute of Fame”? Have there been similar cases in the history of the show?

"You've pissed me off!" Renata Litvinova was criticized for insulting participants in the “Minute of Fame”

The new season of the popular show “Minute of Glory” on Channel One began with a scandal. The media criticized actress Renata Litvinova, who was invited to the competition jury for the first time, for excessive aggression and rudeness towards the contestants.

The media drew attention to the actress’s rude statements addressed to the aspiring poetess from Minsk Natalya Treya. According to Litvinova, the work of the competition participant « weak."

You have a very big claim. The poems didn't impress me at all. The poem seemed rather weak to me. And why this stupid, mediocre video series? I didn't like him either. Read books, write poetry. Do one thing at a time. You need to decide who you are and what you want to do.

Litvinova's commentary from 5:11 minutes

In addition, Litvinova mercilessly criticized Alexander Zagidullin, who performed a dance on his head.

I don’t understand why I have to look at those legs of yours for so long? Why are you wearing such tight pants? So indecent! Actually, you really pissed me off! Horror!

Litvinova's commentary from 3:13 minutes

Viewers of “Minute of Fame” had mixed opinions about the actress’s behavior on the show. Many users noted the objectivity and impartiality of her judging.

The real Renata Muratovna, without falsehood or flattery, watched this program only because of her.

Why should Renata flatter all sorts of mediocrity? He has the right to say what he thinks.

I'm watching only because of you, Renata. I, too, like you, am not ready to “eat” everything that is called art.

However, there were those who noted the inhumanity of Litvinova’s criticism.

Along the way, all normal comments were deleted. All for the sake of popularity, ready to drag people into the mud without a drop of humanity. She came, fucked, got the money and left. Not a job, but a dream.

This is unacceptable behavior

The editors of “360” found out how a person’s popularity correlates with the degree of ethics of his statements.

Candidate of Philosophy, ethicist Tatyana Veiser emphasized that sometimes public people build their image on a deliberate violation of ethical standards.

Popularity imposes a requirement to be very careful with your statements. But sometimes, on the contrary, a person who receives a certain degree of public calling feels entitled to make ethically incorrect statements and, moreover, to build his public image on a conscious violation of ethical norms. There are cases when actors allow themselves to make completely offensive statements just because they are famous.

At the same time, Weiser noted that such behavior is also typical of politicians and cited Vladimir Zhirinovsky as an example. At the same time, Weiser emphasized that the behavior of public people depends on the degree of culture of society.

If a society has a low culture of public dialogue, as in Russia, then an actor who creates a scandal can gather a sympathetic audience around him. If we are guided by the values ​​of mutual respect and acceptance, this is unacceptable behavior.

The winner of the eighth season of the “Minute of Fame” show, Nikita Izmailov, said that Litvinova is an “inadequate woman” and also spoke about the bias of the judging on the show.

In general, she is, in principle, a rather inadequate woman. Litvinova is known for her statements. Anyone can get a slap in the face. When I was a participant in the show, periodically very strong and difficult numbers were rejected, and participants with average numbers advanced further.

Another member of the Minute of Fame jury, journalist Vladimir Pozner, declined to comment. However, the TV presenter emphasized that people who criticize Litvinova should “mind their own business.”

Another scandal broke out on the TV show “Minute of Glory.” The show featured a performance by professional dancer Evgeny Smirnov, who is missing one leg. The dance duet of Evgeny and Alena Shcheneva touched the audience. But the jury spoke very harshly. So, Renata Litvinova advised the dancer to fasten his other leg so that the disability would not be so obvious.

I know that it is difficult to be an amputee in our country. Sorry for calling you that, but in our country the minimum has been done for people like you. This is the main reason that you should stay on this project. About the prohibited technique - maybe you should fasten your other leg, it may not be so obviously missing...

I am one of the public's least favorites, so I will continue along this path. First of all, I absolutely admire you. But, it seems to me, there are forbidden tricks: when a person comes out, like you, without a leg, it is impossible to say no. This is some kind of feat, a person was able to overcome something that few can overcome. And this, in my opinion, is the prohibition of admission. It hurts me when such techniques are used in art. I admire it, but I will vote against it.

Evgeny Smirnov himself admitted that he was offended to hear such words, and believes that Posner and Litvinova should not be on the jury.

First of all, I'm very upset. All of Russia heard these words. And in general, hearing these remarks in your direction, amputee, not amputee, what’s the difference! I came to show what I can do, but they told me something like “go fasten your leg, and only then dance.” In general, they made it clear to me that there was nothing to do here without a leg. I don’t think there should be people on the jury who allow themselves to say such things. This is humiliating even for Litvinova herself.

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Evgeniy lost his leg after an accident: he was hit by a car while riding a moped. Because of unscrupulous doctors, he developed gas gangrene. Only thanks to dancing was Evgeniy able to find the strength to live on: “I dance as I live.”

The TV show scandal caused a great public outcry. Producer Sergei Evdokimov came to the conclusion that the rhetoric of television judging is more reminiscent of Stalin's troikas.

This and the lack of empathy are the main problems of Russian TV at the moment. All over the world, talent shows are conceived as projects that are designed to support the national spirit and personal initiative, to show that if you work on yourself, then dreams come true, that we are all human and are ready to help and support each other at any time, no matter are you a star or not? Remembering a sobbing child against the background of a dazzlingly cold Renata Litvinova, or a one-legged dancer against the background of a frowning Posner, or the former children's ombudsman Astakhov, who asked a girl who almost drowned in a Karelian lake whether they swam well, you understand that something has gone wrong with us.

Earlier, the jury of the show “Minute of Fame” brought an 8-year-old participant to tears because she sang Zemfira’s song too “adult”. No one even tried to calm the girl down.

“An amputee” and a little girl brought to tears - we tell you what happened at the talent show and why the judging of Renata Litvinova and Vladimir Pozner caused a wide resonance.

What happened?

In the new anniversary (as the ninth was jokingly called) season of the show “Minute of Fame,” the jury included journalist Vladimir Pozner, director Renata Litvinova, actor Sergei Yursky and former Comedy Club resident actor Sergei Svetlakov. Litvinova and Posner criticized the performance of the one-legged dancer without a prosthesis, Evgeniy Smirnov. Posner noted that the performance he saw was a real feat, but asked not to use “prohibited techniques.” In his opinion, after such a dance it is impossible to say “no” to a participant in the show. However, the journalist himself voted against it. Litvinova, in turn, called Smirnov an “amputee” and suggested that he fasten his leg so as not to abuse his disability.

Have there been similar cases in the history of the show?

A week earlier, the judging of “Minute of Glory” brought 8-year-old Vika Starikova from Nizhny Tagil to tears. The girl sang Zemfira's song - Live in your head. Vladimir Pozner expressed doubt that the child understands what he is singing about: “Can a person feel this at eight years old?” When the host of the TV project, Mikhail Boyarsky, asked the crying Vika to retell the meaning of the song, the girl replied: “If you love a person, you don’t need to offend him.” The singer’s friend and video director Renata Litvinova pressed the refusal button with the words: “I protest against this.”

What is the public reaction?

The words of Litvinova and Posner caused controversy even during filming, mainly due to differences of opinion with the rest of the jury. After the show aired the scandalous episodes, two points of view emerged - supporting the straightforwardness of the “Minute of Fame” jury and condemning the cruel judging. However, the main question in the current situation was addressed to Channel One: the program is aired recorded, that is, employees had the opportunity to view the footage and cut out dramatic episodes.

Who opposed the jury's decision?

Musician and composer Maxim Fadeev wrote a post about Vika Starikova’s performance, calling the judges’ attitude towards the child cruel and insensitive: “Of course, there should be criticism, but it should be careful and not evil. In relation to such a little girl - in the form of a game, or soft and fatherly.” Regarding Evgeny Smirnov’s speech, Fadeev noted that “Minute of Fame” is not broadcast live, which means that everything that is broadcast is the position of Channel One: “This is the worst thing, because they make a show out of pain.”

TV presenter Lena Letuchaya spoke out on her Instagram, “calling the judging of the show poverty of souls”: “And then we wonder why in our country people with disabilities are not considered people?! Yes, because on the First they are called amputees, humiliated, and this is the norm, and it is proudly shown to the whole country! No, I urge you not to feel sorry, but to treat them as equals!”

Sergei Svetlakov, being a member of the “Minute of Fame” jury, even during the filming process did not agree with the assessment of Victoria Starikova’s performance: “This song shows all the talent of this child. At eight years old, she may be more talented than all of us.”

Who supported the position of the “Minute of Fame” jury?

Mikhail Boyarsky expressed gratitude to the jury members for their “sincerity” - according to the presenter, if he were a talent judge, he would not have been able to demonstrate this quality.

During the debate among users on social networks and the media, many supported the position of Litvinova and Posner. “Posner chose his expressions and did not offend anyone! Both in relation to Zhenya and in relation to Victoria”, “Since when did the word disabled become a dirty word in our country? No one insulted anyone, and some saw a double meaning in the words of the jury, for which they themselves were to blame. One gets the impression that those who criticize Posner and Litvinova’s crystal purity are not without sin themselves, but suddenly joined the ranks of those condemning”, “Renata meant that if Evgeniy Smirnov had been with a leg, then they, not knowing about his features, could I would like to evaluate him on an equal basis with everyone else. And here you are creating some kind of madhouse, without delving into the essence.”

How did the scandal end?

After discussions in the media, the person responsible for preparing “Minute of Glory” for broadcast was fired from the directorate of music and entertainment programs of “First”. Yuri Aksyuta, chief producer of music and entertainment programs on Channel One, told Meduza: “I’m not ready to comment. You stir up these scandals yourself, and then savor them.”

Litvinova, who was a member of the jury of the show, advised the one-legged participant in the program, Evgeny Smirnov, who performed the dance, to “fasten” his limb so as not to exploit the theme of disability. When another jury member, Vladimir Pozner, spoke out against Smirnov’s participation in the program, Litvinova said that the difficult situation of “amputee people” in Russia was the main reason why the young man should remain in the project. “Maybe you should strap on a second one. It may not be so obviously absent. So as not to exploit this topic,” she suggested.

Posted by Elena Letuchaya-Anashenkova (@elenapegas) Mar 9, 2017 at 12:15 PST

Letuchaya called the behavior of the jury members “poverty of souls.” “An amputee?!” Are you seriously?! Is this on “First”?! What I saw on the air of “Minute of Glory” in relation to Zhenya Smirnov and Victoria Starikova is unacceptable! And then we wonder why in our country people with disabilities are not considered people?! Yes, because on “First” they are called amputees, humiliated, and this is the norm, and they proudly show it to the whole country! No, I urge you not to feel sorry, but to treat them as equals!” - wrote Letuchaya, adding that the “talented and cheerful” Evgeniy Smirnova “is worthy of respect, unlike many sitting on the jury of this competition.”

For several days now, recent episodes of “Minute of Fame” have been discussed on social networks. Internet users speak negatively about the comments of the jury members - actress and director Renata Litvinova, as well as TV presenter Vladimir Pozner. At first, the woman and her colleague did not like the performance of eight-year-old Victoria Starikova. According to celebrities, children should not take part in entertaining TV shows.

In the next episode of the Channel One program, the dance duet performance of Alena Shcheneva and Evgeny Smirnov caused an ambiguous assessment of the stars. In 2012, a young man lost his leg. Despite this, he found the strength to go on stage. Smirnov literally amazed the audience by performing the most difficult elements without a prosthesis. The audience reacted very emotionally to his performance.

However, Renata Litvinova and Vladimir Pozner were not so unanimous in their assessment of the work of Smirnov and Shcheneva. They found that Evgeniy’s debut on Channel One could be classified as prohibited techniques. Therefore, Posner voted against the duo. “When a person comes out, like you, without a leg, it’s impossible to say no. There is no defense against this - well, I just don’t have the strength,” the presenter motivated his voice with these words.

Renata Litvinova continued her colleague’s thought. “I know that in our country, of course, it’s difficult to be an amputee... But about the prohibited moments, of course... Or maybe you should fasten this second one, it might not be so obviously missing?” - said the star. However, Renata decided that Evgeniy and Alena should continue to participate in the project.

The statements of the jury members caused a strong reaction on the Internet. Thus, presenter Otar Kushanashvili reproached Renata Litvinova for snobbery and criticized her paintings. According to the man, the actress and director can hardly be called a moral authority.

“Renata is colorful like a Buranovskaya grandmother, she was invited to be weird, and she’s happy to try. But if she is a normal jury member, then I am the reincarnation of Arno Babajanyan,” shared Kushanashvili.

// Photo: Still from the “Minute of Glory” program

The scandalous blogger Lena Miro also expressed her opinion about Litvinova’s position. The girl, who built her career on harsh statements about celebrities, did not restrain herself in relation to Renata. According to Miro, Litvinova “pounced like a kite on an eight-year-old child.” Lena also stood up for Victoria Starikova.

“She has so much purity, so much sincerity, so much courage. A little girl - alone, at the piano, in a huge hall in front of the jury and a crowd of spectators - sings. He sings, putting his whole pure soul into the words. She sings, full of inspiration and hope. And what does he get in response? “I internally protest against this!” – Litvinov cruelly throws it in the girl’s face,” writes Miro.

Famous bloggers were joined by other Internet users. Thus, journalist and teacher at Moscow State University Anna Danilova stood up for Evgeny Smirnov and criticized the jury members for their outdated views.

“They say here that Posner ran into Zhenya, saying that no leg equals a prohibited move. But then the jury of the competition was cooler. Renata Litvinova asked something along the lines of maybe somehow fastening the other leg so that there wouldn’t be a prohibited move and it wouldn’t be so conspicuous. Let's remember this. This is Moscow, Russia, the 21st century,” the woman noted.

// Photo: Still from the “Minute of Glory” program

The journalist’s point of view was supported by mother of many children and director Olga Sinyaeva. She is outraged by the statements addressed to Smirnov. "Amputee Man." Tell me, who is the amputee here? In life there are many very smart and reasonable people to whom God gave talent, knowledge and high IQ, but we must acquire minds, hearts and souls and give them to God upon leaving this life. Some will have to return...” Sinyaeva wrote on one of her social networks.

Producer Maxim Fadeev also could not remain indifferent to the scandal that broke out. Dancer Evgeny Smirnov starred in the video for his single “Together,” recorded together with Nargiz Zakirova. The man categorically disagrees with the statements of the jury members. According to Fadeev, Smirnov’s fate is not indifferent to him.

Other viewers continued to actively comment on what happened on the air of the program. “Something strange is happening in Russian show business”, “What a shame, what a disgrace... I simply don’t have enough words”, “The cruel judging caused a public outcry - and for good reason!”, “I was very disappointed after watching”, “I think that the jury members crossed the line,” social media users discussed.

At the same time, some fans of “Minute of Fame,” on the contrary, supported Renata Litvinova and Vladimir Pozner. In their opinion, TV show participants do not need to put pressure on the pity of the jury members. Among the defenders of the actress and director was Yuri Loza.

“Many criticize Renata Litvinova, who at the “Minute of Fame” show at first did not support an eight-year-old girl, and then called the dancer without a leg an “amputee” and advised him to wear a prosthesis. I don’t watch this performance, but I specifically found these numbers on the Internet and their discussion by the jury members. To be honest, I still don’t understand what the “accusers” are clinging to. First: Zemfira’s song was forced on the girl only because her friend, who starred in the video for this song, was on the jury. Even adults don’t understand this text, but here is an eight-year-old child!.. Second: amputee is the official name of people with an amputated limb or limbs, and not an offensive nickname,” the artist believes.

// Photo: Still from the “Minute of Glory” program