Download thematic cards for children. How to make children's cards more durable

The modern world dictates its own rules of life. And today’s children do not have books in their hands, but tablets and laptops. That is why various methods of early childhood development are so popular.

A child's brain is a blank slate. Everything that we have time to write down on this sheet will become the foundation for the further development of a successful personality. The simplest and most feasible teaching method at home is educational cards for children. Despite the civilizational breakthrough, humanity cannot do without basic teaching methods. A little person needs to explore the world around him, but at the same time be safe.

Educational cards - a safe and convenient way to learn about the world early

There are various options for child development using pictures and cards. But perhaps the most popular are Doman’s educational cards. Glen Doman's method arose from methods of treating and training children with severe brain injuries. As a result, children with obvious developmental delays began to outstrip their peers in both physical and mental indicators. Subsequently, Doman created a simple and easy-to-use training program for healthy children. Educational cards with a bright picture and a word give a mother the opportunity at home to make her child, if not a genius, then a well-rounded personality.

Glen Doman's cards are thematic pictures with a caption. In the picture there is a bright object - an animal, a plant, and so on. The signature under the object is clear, large and bright red.

  • Things in the house.
  • Cloth.
  • Toys.
  • Pets.
  • Wild animals.
  • Sea creatures.
  • Birds.
  • Insects.
  • Vegetables.
  • Fruits.
  • Flowers.
  • Berries.
  • On the street.

Using cards, you can develop your baby’s horizons and show the baby how rich in colors the world around him is.

Along with this they search and read:

Video: Teaching animals

How to use cards

Pictures should be shown when the child is healthy, well-fed and in a good mood. Do not insist if there is no interest in the classes. In children from birth to three years of age, the peculiarity of the brain is such that the nerve centers responsible for various body functions cannot develop simultaneously and at the same speed. Therefore, if the child is physically active, there will be some delay in speech acquisition. But don't let this scare you. The Doman method takes precisely this feature of the child’s brain development into account. Training develops photographic memory, which subsequently facilitates learning to read and count. Even before a year, without being able to speak, a toddler will master a lot of names of objects and phenomena, which will serve the further correct development of speech and horizons.

It is enough to show your child educational cards 1-2 times a day. Show quickly, 1 second per picture, pronounce the word clearly and cheerfully. If your child shows interest in this game, increase the number of cards shown per day. But don't overdo it: educational games should be fun for both you and your baby. Gradually remove the studied material from the thematic set, adding fresh pictures.

According to the Doman method, the child sees an object, hears its name, and remembers the spelling. That is, he learns to read, but not syllable by syllable, but the entire word. To teach counting, Doman suggests showing your child cards with red dots. This is how the skill of counting in the mind is formed.

Doman or Montessori

Educational pictures, as one of the ways to understand the world, also include the method of Maria Montessori. But Montessori cards, firstly, are not the main learning opportunity, secondly, they are designed differently in order to highlight the object and control errors, and thirdly, there is a limit on the number of cards, in favor of studying a specially created and natural learning environment. That is, instead of a picture with a flower, it is preferable to water a real flower in the flowerbed. The cards themselves are designed in such a way that the child develops logic and correctly classifies objects by topic and category. On a white background, an object or animal isolated from the environment.

The cards are all the same size. The color of the frame in the picture determines the thematic group. For example, a green frame is for plants, a red frame is for animals, and a yellow frame is for objects of the human world. Since educational pictures are always located in a prominent place and by topic, the child has the opportunity to independently choose and study them. The teacher does not impose anything, but only presents and answers the student’s questions. This differs from Doman’s educational cards, which are offered for study; their number and subject matter are controlled.

When to start working on early childhood development

In this regard, the recommendations of Doman and Montessori differ. The Doman Method insists on learning from birth. And under all favorable conditions, it is possible that a child under three years old will learn to read and count. If you don’t set such a global goal, then in practice it’s good to start using Doman’s developmental cards before the year (10-11 months). And by the age of three, the child will have a sufficient vocabulary and conceptual apparatus.

According to Glen Doman, the intensive growth of a child's brain from one to three years of age ensures the greatest effectiveness of learning. And after the age of three, the development of brain centers slows down and the ability to assimilate new material also decreases. In the original, Montessori teachings were designed for children aged three years and older. It is based on the child’s freedom of choice and the correct organization of the learning space. Therefore, Maria Montessori’s methods are popular in kindergartens for teaching children of primary preschool age. Later followers of the Italian teacher extended the teaching to children from one year of age.

At home, it is difficult to fully implement all the requirements of the Montessori method, especially in terms of organizing the learning space. But educational games and pictures are quite possible to purchase and use at home.

For better adaptation of a little person in the world around him, cards on everyday topics are very important. If you apply the method of early development with the help of pictures, then from the age of one year the child will be able to navigate household items, clothes and shoes. Know the purpose and use of household items, for example, telephone, key, lock, book, glasses, and so on. From three years old, a child will be able to distinguish between types of household appliances and determine which equipment poses a danger to his health and life (for example, a hot iron). Understand what clothes to wear and in what order. In what weather should you use, for example, an umbrella or wear boots. Determine from which dishes they eat and in which they store food.

Three years is the age at which socialization begins. The child goes out into the world on his own, learns to make friends, communicate, and express himself. He breaks away from his mother and goes to kindergarten. Thus, with the help of early development methods, from one to three years of age, the child is prepared for life in children's groups. Where you will have to dress and put on your own shoes, distinguish your clothes from others, and take care of yourself. Every baby is an individual and a personality from birth. Therefore, our task is to prepare the child for independent life in modern conditions in the most qualitative and diverse way possible, to introduce him to the world of people, nature and objects.

This article provides information about Doman cards, as well as information about this method of early child development.

As a neurophysiologist, Glen Doman discovered and proved the most important law: the brain grows and develops only if it works. And the more intense the load on the baby’s brain in the first years of his life, the better his intelligence will develop.

No less important for us is another discovery of Doman: a child’s brain is programmed for learning from birth, and while its active growth continues (after three years it slows down significantly, and after six it practically stops), the child does not need any additional motivation for learning. If you organize the process correctly, any child will enjoy learning everything you offer him. And he will do it with such ease that school-age children have never dreamed of.

Parents are preparing a selection Doman cards featuring plants, animals, great people and much more. From the first days of life, children are shown a series of cards on different branches of knowledge, ranging from written words, cards with dots (mathematics) to pictures of plants, animals, great people and historical events and much more. When showing pictures, the adult first says the name, adding more and more facts in the future.

For example:

1. Orange
2. Orange tree fruit
3. Orange belongs to the Rutaceae family, Citrus subfamily
4. The birthplace of Orange is China
5. Orange is a hybrid obtained in ancient times by mixing tangerine with pomelo.
6. Now growing along the entire Mediterranean coast, attacks in Central America.

Some modern psychologists consider Glen Doman's system of teaching children unacceptable, using only its most striking manifestations. Doman cards- this is a great opportunity to introduce a child to the world around him and increase his vocabulary. Try to adapt to the rhythm, character and temperament of your child - if he needs a long delay, stop, look at the cards, or vice versa, show them quickly. The main thing in any activity is the child’s pleasure and desire.

Offers to your attention Glen Doman cards for teaching a child. Download and print the cards on a color printer. The cards are provided in an archive and were designed specifically for the children's website "Your Child". The use of Doman cards created for the “Your Child” website for commercial purposes (as well as distribution on other sites) is permitted provided that a direct link back to this section of the site is installed and the project logo is preserved on the materials.

1) Print the cards and stick them on thick cardboard (or laminated ceiling tiles).

2) Laminate them with tape on both sides (buy the widest tape).

3) Cut out each card (if you glued it to a ceiling tile, it is convenient to use a stationery knife and a ruler for cutting).

What can you play with children's cards?

First you need to remember what is written on the cards.

Game 1.Who came to visit?
Take some animal cards. And say “Look, this is a cat. The cat came to visit you. Meow meow. Oh, who is this? Dog! I came to visit you too! The dog says woof-woof. Show me where the cat is? Where is the dog, show me with your finger.” Some children do not point at the picture, but look from one to the other (pay attention to this). Be sure to praise your baby.

Game 2.Cook.
You need a baby plate and your baby's favorite toy (doll or soft toy). Take pictures with vegetables and fruits. “Let's prepare a delicious salad for the doll. What should we put in it? Let’s put in a tomato, cucumber, carrot, etc.” By analogy, you can cook soup, compote, treats for guests, etc.

Game 3.Zoo.
Tell your child that now you and he will go to the zoo to look at the animals. Place the cards around the room and go from one to the other, naming the animals. (Similarly, you can play “Farm”, “Forest”).

Educational games with children's cards.

1) Mix cards of 2 or more topics (depending on the age of the child) and ask them to fold each topic separately.

2) Place the cards in a bag, take cards out of it one by one and name what is drawn on them.

3) Arrange the cards face up. The presenter names the pictures, and the children have to find them at speed, whoever is faster.

4) Take 2 or more cards (depending on the age of the child). Show each picture and turn it over. Ask the child to show where which picture is.

5) Cards can be used as counting material (count flowers, mushrooms).

Children's photo cards "Birds"(new)

There are 22 cards in the set (It is convenient to combine classes with cards with viewing a presentation on the topic " ")

Children's cards "Numbers from 1 to 20"

Set contains 20 cards (Numbers from 1 to 20, with corresponding number of dice)

Children's cards "Transport"

Set contains 16 cards (Plane, helicopter, motorcycle, ship, car, tractor, car, train, truck, excavator, crane, fire truck, taxi, police, ambulance, bus, water carrier)

The set contains 24 cards (Winter - 6 cards, spring - 6 cards, summer - 6 cards, autumn - 6 cards)

Children's cards "Wild animals"

The set contains 9 cards - bear, fox, raccoon. squirrel, hare, mouse, wolf, elk deer

Children's cards "Pets"

Set of 12 cards - pig, donkey, sheep, dog, cat, goose, rooster, turkey, duck, cow, horse, goat

Our grandmothers had no idea about the early development of children and considered babies to be helpless toddlers. Today everything is different - the popularity of training programs (literally from the cradle) is increasing.

Six-month-old children are taught mathematics, reading, biology and other sciences, which the parents themselves mastered in the lower grades. In this article we will tell you about one of these development methods for the little ones - Doman cards.

From this article you will learn

A little about the author

According to an American neurophysiologist, every child has a huge potential hidden, the disclosure of which is in the hands of the parents. Glen Doman developed a method for the physical and intellectual development of children from the cradle.

For more than 20 years, he and his colleagues have been looking for solutions aimed at treating children with developmental delays. In their opinion, the main cause of pathologies (including those affecting the body) is brain damage. It was in search of ways to restore it that numerous experiments, studies, and tests were carried out.

Confirmation that Glen Doman's technique is effective were positive results demonstrating noticeable improvements in young patients.

Brothers and sisters of sick children began to take part in the lessons taught by Doman with no less enthusiasm. This inspired the doctor to develop techniques for healthy children. From the very cradle, in the early education program, babies master professions, mathematics, reading and even transportation.

The doctor’s discovery inspired many, including Andrei Manichenko, a psychologist and teacher. He adapted the program in the “Russian way” and founded the company “Umnitsa” for the early development of children. This is how the Doman-Manichenko technique appeared in our country.

Basic ideas of early learning methods

According to Glen Doman, the success of education is due to the early age of students.

  • A child’s potential must be revealed from the cradle.
  • The most authoritative teacher is a parent who sincerely wants to teach his child. Favorable conditions – homely, familiar.
  • A person never experiences such an incredible thirst for knowledge as in childhood. Little ones easily absorb large amounts of information.
  • Actual brain growth stops by age 6. By this time, you need to “fit” as much knowledge there as possible.
  • Parental attention is the best gift for children. Therefore, joint learning gives the child not only new knowledge, but also communication with loved ones.

Toddlers who learned what supercards are using the Doman-Manichenko method from an early age, already by the age of 2-4 years were able to count, read and were more erudite than their peers. They distinguished professions, knew public transport, animals, birds.

Early learning rules

In order for Glen Doman's technique to lead to the expected results, the author recommends following simple but very important tips.

  • The younger the child, the easier it is to teach him. Therefore, start practicing right from the cradle.
  • Are you or your child uninterested in topics such as professions or mathematics? There are others for you - biology, transport, geography.
  • Do not insist that the baby demonstrate his knowledge. The purpose of teaching is to provide information, not to constantly test its assimilation.
  • Prepare for class in advance. You need to study in a suitable environment (turn off the TV, put away phones, music and other distractions).
  • Praise and encourage your child, openly rejoice in his successes. Use addresses like “smart girl”, “well done”, etc.
  • Lessons must be regular, a system is important. Enter as much information as possible. For example, professions - doctor, doctor. Who does what, and for what purpose? Transport – motorcycle and car. Similarities, differences, due to what they move?
  • If you don't like the learning process, don't force yourself. This approach will not lead to positive results.
  • Finish home lessons at the first signs of fatigue of the little student (beginning to yawn, get distracted, move around).

Remember, kids are more receptive to the game, the system is less effective. Turn your activities into a fun process that your child will look forward to! Then you will practice with pleasure, which will lead to maximum results.

What are Doman cards

The author of the technique claims that the activity of a child’s brain is similar to a computer - the more facts, the more conclusions he is able to draw. He is able to remember everything: different animals, professions, letters and numbers, transport. It is important to provide your little one with as much information as possible.

Example: a baby sees a bird and attracts mom’s attention. What will she say?

  • He will remain silent.
  • It's "quack-quack".
  • Birdie!

Such options are unproductive and pointless. There is another solution - show and voice to the little one several cards depicting different birds (pigeon, sparrow, chicken, etc.).

In this case, the baby will be able to analyze the pictures independently and determine what they have in common. As a result, the child will not only know that these are birds, but also their features - wings, beaks, ability to fly, and others.

Glen Doman's educational cards are devoted to a variety of topics. With their help, the baby can learn professions, flora and fauna, colors, and transport.

Cards sorted by specific topics and sets with complex programs are available for sale. You can make them yourself. We'll tell you how a little later.

Learning to read

Were you introduced to the ABC book when you were 5 or 6 years old? The “Reading” method according to Doman allows you to teach children from the cradle (from 6 months). The “reader” will help you!

How to work with such a baby, and how is this possible? In much the same way as babies learn to understand and reproduce speech. First, the baby sees the word and hears its pronunciation.

Gradually, it is “saved” in memory and the next time the little one watches it, he already recognizes the familiar combination of letters. The child will learn the laws of reading on his own, thanks to his ability to analyze and compare.

Learning begins from simple to complex - first, these are words familiar to the baby (family members, bottles and favorite toys), then phrases, sentences, and then this “reader” extends to books.

If you want to make cards for an activity with your own hands, then follow the same design as the copies from the “Clever Girl” kit:

  • size – 10x50 cm;
  • font – height 7.5 cm, thickness 1.5 cm (gradually decreasing);
  • the color of the letters is red (after a while it changes to black).

How developmental lessons are conducted

  • On the first day, mom prepares 5 cards with words that need to be shown and read out within 10 seconds. The lesson ends with a kiss, hug and other encouragement for the child (“good girl”, “everything is fine”, etc.). Similar actions are repeated 2 more times during the day.
  • The next day, the number of classes increases to 6. Half of them are devoted to the old material (repeat the steps from point 1), the remaining 3 are conducted on the new 5 words.
  • The third day is also more informative - add 5 more cards and increase the number of approaches to 9 per day.
  • On the fifth day, you should move on to demonstrating 25 words (15 times a day).
  • At the end of the week, add words again, but remove one card from the studied sets (25 pieces remain).

Brief summary: each word needs to be shown to the baby 3 times for 5 days. The duration of one lesson should not exceed 10 seconds. Focus on the child's mood. If he is hungry, sleepy, or just not in the mood, reschedule the class for a better time.

Math from the cradle

It is believed that mathematics is difficult for children with humanitarian inclinations. It is difficult for them to master counting, examples, and tasks. Perhaps this is the case for those schoolchildren with whom their parents did not study according to the Doman method.

How can an infant master such a task, you ask. The author states the following:

If you name the number 3, the adult will imagine the symbol 3. The child immediately sees the quantity and imagines three objects (3 cookies, for example). If this ability is developed, the child will be able to master mathematics literally from the cradle.

How to make educational cards with your own hands, and what size should they be?

  • Quantity – 100 pcs.
  • Dimensions – 27x27 cm.
  • Image – points (from 1 to 100).
  • The diameter of the point is 2 cm.

Mathematics is studied in the same way as in the previous method (where we mastered reading). You need to show the child a card with dots, voice them, gradually increasing the number of activities and the numbers themselves.

While the child is very young, use only 2 parts of the set - from 1 to 5 and from 5 to 10. When the baby masters these numbers, move on.

By the way, it is not necessary to use cards made by yourself or bought in a store. On sale you can find a Doman mat, which, according to the manufacturer, stimulates the development of a child no less effectively.

General knowledge

What is the purpose of life? In diversified development, in studying the whole world around us, and not its individual parts. The division between humanists and those who are closer to mathematics, according to Doman, is incorrect.

The mistake parents make is that they waste time on explanations and stories. From the cradle, children still do not know anything and perceive only “bare” facts. According to the program, they are placed in 10 sections.

  • Biology - Doman cards included: animals, plants, birds, etc.
  • Geography – Russian cities and others.
  • Anatomy - structure and parts of the body, organs.
  • Art – paintings, painting.
  • Literature – writers, classics.
  • Music - composers.
  • Language – object and its translation.
  • Math - cards with dots representing numbers.
  • History – rulers, different times, significant events.
  • General knowledge – professions, tools, public transport.

Each lesson should be supplemented with new information. That is, you need to not just show the child a card with a picture of a lion, but talk about it from simple to complex.

Example: This animal has a thick mane. Leo is the king of beasts, a strong and beautiful animal. This is a predator that feeds on other animals. Lions live in prides, where there are several lionesses and one male.

If you make educational cards with your own hands, pay attention to the clarity of the image. There can be only one object in the picture: if transport, then one car (truck, bus). If professions, then specific ones (cook, doctor). The size should be large. Suitable parameters are 28x28 cm.

What are the disadvantages of the Doman technique?

  • The little researcher strives to independently obtain information. Cards deprive him of the opportunity to do this with his own hands. It turns out to be passive development from the cradle, which does not require special participation from the baby.
  • A huge amount of information easily exhausts a baby’s vulnerable nervous system. Mathematics, different professions, birds and animals, transport...

How to remember everything and why? This can affect physical development and behavior. Or it may not be reflected, it all depends on the child himself. This is why an individual approach is so important; the development system according to the proposed scheme is not suitable for everyone.

  • Parents do not always have enough enthusiasm to conduct systematic classes. If you make cards with your own hands, it takes a lot of effort and time. Not everyone can afford buying a ready-made kit.

Before you start early development, think about whether it’s worth doing. After all, your little smart guy will still master the information, just a little later, at the time prescribed by nature.

Find out how transport differs from each other, what professions there are. You should not focus on fashion, personal desires or advice from friends. Listen to the baby, his preferences and desires. Then you will understand what exactly he needs.

There are a huge number of developmental methods for children; Glen Doman's theory is the most famous of them. You can find out about the essence of the technique, its advantages and disadvantages, and also download Doman’s cards (conveniently divided into categories) on this page.

The essence of Glen Doman's technique

From birth, the human brain is tuned to understand the world around us by all possible means. Using this feature, you can carry out successful previous training (note that we are talking about training, not development!). It is recommended to start exercises from 3-6 months of age. Doman's method allows you to lay the foundations for the development of a high level of intelligence, form a strong thirst for knowledge, teach incredibly early reading in your native and foreign languages, and mathematics. This is what the author of the method says.

Training cards were specially developed for the technique. They contain an image of an object and an inscription-word denoting it. Presented in the form of sets united by a common theme. For example: “Flowers”, “Fruits”, etc. You can download such Doman cards by going through the sections of this page.

During their development, numerous nuances of perception and attention of young children were taken into account, which directly affects the efficiency of work. In this section, cards made strictly in accordance with Doman principles are available for free download. Each of them shows only one object on a pure white background, they are large in size, without frames or colored borders, all the important details are clearly visible in the picture. All items have their own name. It is written under their image in large, bright red font.

Just download Doman cards, print them and give them to your child? No, parents will need serious organization and, over time, a huge imagination on how to catch, arrange and eventually show these cards to the child. The problem with the interest of an ordinary, healthy child in the process is the complexity of the technique. In addition, there are certain rules. It is necessary to start the exercise when both the baby and the adult are in a good mood. It’s definitely worth saying: “Now I’ll show you...(birds, trees, etc.”) After that, start showing. It is recommended to demonstrate each card for 1-2 seconds. At the same time, the adult pronounces loudly and clearly, in a calm voice, the word written under with a picture. The number of cards can be from 10 to 120, depending on the child’s interest. Important points:

  1. You cannot look into the card when demonstrating it, so as not to interfere with the child’s viewing of the image.
  2. Classes are initially held once a day, then their number is increased.
  3. One card should not be shown more than 3 times per day.
  4. There is no need to require the child to repeat names unless he wants to do it himself.
  5. It's better to stop playing before your baby loses interest.
  6. Gradually, you need to add new sets, and remove well-studied ones.
  7. Displays must be systematic; only in this case can results be achieved.

How to make Doman Cards yourself?

We invite you to download Doman cards and print them for your child. It is better to do this on matte (to avoid glare) paper with a density of 250-300 g/m2 or glue it to cardboard. It is advisable to laminate the finished cards, then they will last longer and can be used in other educational games.

This didactic material can also be successfully used in Makato Shichida’s methodology, aimed at developing photographic memory, creativity, and intuition. To do this, you only need to cut off the names of the items along the dotted line.