Runes and their use in magic. Runes for beginners: definition, concept, description and appearance, where to start, rules of operation, features and nuances when using runes

The ancient Germanic tribes, who are credited with creating the runes, knew very well how to use them in life. Although science considers runes to be writing, they were no less actively used in magical and fortune-telling practices, interest in which is being revived in our time. But we should immediately warn you: runes are not ordinary cards that you can spread out and get an answer to your questions. This will require maximum concentration and the inclusion of intuition, without which the result of fortune telling is unlikely to be interpreted correctly.

Fortune telling with runes

The simplest type of fortune telling is fortune telling on one rune (Odin). The process looks like this: without looking, they take a rune out of the bag and place it in front of them. You should immediately pay attention to how it lay down: upright or upside down, since the interpretation largely depends on this. After this, it is necessary to find out how the meaning of this rune is interpreted. It is best to use specialized literature or find information on the Internet on a reputable specialized website.

Perhaps the interpretation of the answer at first will seem somewhat vague and non-specific to you, but do not forget that the word “rune” itself means “mystery, secret”, and you should not expect a direct answer. Their interpretation is more like indicating the right direction in the current situation, and this is where all your intuition will be needed.

Runic magic

The runes are endowed with powerful energy, but it will be revealed only to those who treat them without skepticism, with respect and faith in their power. Unlike fortune telling, magic allows you to influence both yourself and the current situation. For magical purposes, runes are drawn or carved on the surface of a material, but certainly natural. It could be a piece of wood or clay, metal, stone. By the way, modern experts believe that runes drawn on paper or cardboard with a felt-tip pen also work great, although not for so long. And another natural material on which drawings can be applied (especially health signs) is our own body!

It is necessary to make amulets and talismans with runes with your own hands in complete solitude, preferably at dawn, completely calmed down and focusing on the key concept that this rune symbolizes. Stress and malaise significantly reduce the effectiveness of such magical manipulations. It should only be applied upright and not upside down. Runes-amulets can be applied above the entrance to the house or on the door frame or on the door itself. At the end of the process, wash your hands or take a shower - this will be a necessary cleansing.

Angular, slightly elongated unusual letters - runes, arouse the interest of many people. What is this anyway? The alphabet of the ancestors of modern Germans, English, Swedes and Norwegians or magical symbols for rituals? In this article we will answer these questions and find out how to use runes for beginners.

Excursion into history

Most northern European tribes used it for two purposes:

  • as phonetic signs,
  • as a system of pictograms.

In the first case, runes were used to write words and read notes. But in the second, these symbols served as a means of communication with the other world. With the help of runes they influenced the weather, treated the sick and even improved their financial condition. These symbols were written on weapons, tables, houses, and in general, wherever possible. But not everyone possessed this secret knowledge.

Nowadays, getting the necessary information is not difficult. And therefore, fortune tellers and sorcerers are so eager to learn rune magic. For beginner esotericists, this is a wonderful way to replenish their knowledge. They seem to open a window into a new, interesting and unusual world. Those who begin to study runes note that miracles begin to happen in their lives. Their intuition works better. In addition, having learned this skill, you can help not only yourself, but also your family and friends.

There are two completely different ways to use these unusual symbols. Firstly, with their help you can improve your health, remove damage, and resolve family issues. And, in addition, there are fortune telling using runes. They allow you to remember the past, look at the present and lift the curtain of the future. But learning runes for beginners does not begin with this. First you need to get to know them better.

Types of runes

There is an incredible number of different magic symbols:

  • Scandinavian,
  • Danish,
  • gothic,
  • Germanic,
  • Swedish-Norwegian.

In ancient times, each tribe used its own runes. But nowadays the Scandinavian ones are the most popular. Runes for beginners can be found in the following image.

You can make them yourself or purchase them in a store. In addition, unlike Tarot cards, runes can be a wonderful gift for relatives and friends who are interested in esotericism.

Activation of runes

In order for the phonetic signs of our ancestors to acquire magical power, you first need to get to know them. In addition, you need to activate the runes. For beginners this is not at all difficult. It is necessary to take each rune, carefully examine it, feel what kind of energy it emits and read what it means. This should be done with each symbol. At the same time, you should not rush. Experienced esotericists say that every day should be dedicated to one rune.

It's another matter if you make a magical instrument yourself. In this case, activation occurs automatically. It’s just that when you make each rune, you should say its name and read its meaning.

Man and magical symbols must create one whole. Only in this case will the runes be able to answer all your questions and help in solving them.

Rune meanings (1-12)

So, almost all esotericists use Scandinavian symbols. These are 24 completely different runes. They differ in appearance, meaning and energy. Some of them are more aggressive, they seem to blow cold. Such runes have negative interpretations. Others are warm or even hot. Let's look at the first 12 runes.

  1. Feu is one of the most famous symbols. This is the rune of wealth, protection and achievement. In love matters, it symbolizes former partners and relationships.
  2. Uruz is a symbol that denotes strength and victory. This is the rune of health, power, it allows you to realize all your plans and dreams.
  3. Turisaz - critical situation, problems, destruction. This symbol means that you should carefully consider the current circumstances.
  4. Ansuz is a rune that means expectation, wisdom, and is literally translated as “mouth.” Can be interpreted as an exam, interview, important negotiations, in love - a heartfelt conversation.
  5. The Raido symbol symbolizes the road, travel. But besides this, the rune can also mean spiritual movement and self-improvement.
  6. Kano - fire or torch. The rune symbolizes energy, power, strength. The interpretation has some similarities with Uruz. But at the same time, this symbol indicates that a favorable period will soon come, and this will happen without any effort on the part of the person. In love fortune telling, it symbolizes a man.
  7. Gebo is a fairly common rune. It originates in the meaning of “gift”. This is one of the most favorable signs, meaning happiness, luck, joy. This rune is very often used in the preparation of special formulas for well-being and wealth.
  8. Quite often compared to the Wheel of Fate Tarot card. Indeed, their meanings are almost identical. This symbol can have both a positive and negative interpretation. As a rule, the rune indicates that everything is going in the right direction and the person has nothing to worry about. With negative runes nearby, Vunyo can be interpreted as stagnation in business, impossibility of advancement.
  9. Hagalaz (Hagall) - literally translated “hail”. This is a symbol of spontaneous destruction, the collapse of hopes and plans. It warns that the person is no longer in full control of the situation.
  10. Nautiz is a rune that not only shows the situation, but also explains what to do. The literal translation is “take your time.” Most often, the rune falls out when a person has many problems in life. The symbol gives advice: “You need to be patient.” Indeed, everything that happens in life is not accidental, and one must humbly accept the trials of fate.
  11. Isa - depicted as a vertical stick. And this is no coincidence. It seems to show that a period of stagnation has arrived. You should put all matters aside and look at them from a different perspective. At this time, you will not be able to achieve success, but at the same time nothing threatens you.
  12. Yer translates as "harvest". The rune symbolizes receiving finance, but not just winning the lottery. This is a well-deserved reward. Although, the rune does not always indicate material values. Let's say a guy spent a very long time trying to win a girl's favor. If Yer falls out, it means he succeeded and she will finally pay attention to him.

Rune meanings (12-24)

Among the next 12 runes you can also find both positive and negative ones. But you need to understand that in each specific case the value may change and depend on various factors. If you are wondering where to start studying runes, then you should study these interpretations first:

  1. Eyvaz is a rune that means that any obstacle can be overcome. The time has come to gather strength and act decisively.
  2. Perth is a symbol of grief and disappointment. Probably, some events will make a person very worried. In love fortune telling, it can mean a breakup. Sometimes it shows that some secret will soon be revealed to a person.
  3. Algiz is the rune of change. An event will occur in a person’s life that will completely change his life. This is most likely something good and kind, perhaps the appearance of a new person in your life. In addition, it has the meaning of protection and amulet.
  4. Soulu is a fairly positive rune. It means an energy boost, the ability to overcome any obstacles. It can also be used for cleansing with runes. For beginners, this will be a great way to strengthen your spiritual strength.
  5. Teyvaz - rivalry, competition. May mean competition. In some cases, it is interpreted as the need to deal with difficulties.
  6. Berkana is a symbol of family, birth. May represent a mother or children. In the professional sphere it means career growth. And in love - improving relationships.
  7. Evaz is another rune of change. But in this case it still concerns moving to a new home and changing jobs.
  8. Mannaz - symbolizes secrecy and modesty. If a person is planning some kind of business, then these are the qualities he will need. The rune also means that you cannot cope alone, and more influential patrons will be required to successfully complete the matter.
  9. Laguz is a symbol of intuitive knowledge, hidden abilities. Only his own intuition can help a person solve a problem.
  10. Inguz - successful resolution of cases, gifts. It can mean meeting your soulmate, new feelings and emotions. Soon one stage of life will end and another will begin.
  11. Otal - prosperity, family wealth, buying new things or furniture. It can simply mean money (their presence).
  12. Dagaz - overcoming obstacles, the possibility of career growth, successful endeavors. The rune reveals to a person that great potential is hidden in him. Even if he has a lot of problems now, he can solve them by resorting to his internal reserve of strength.

Odin - the power of rock

In some fortune telling there are 25 runes. And the last of them is Odin. This is an empty rune with no graphic image on it. It is believed that she is personified with fate and fate. If it appears in fortune telling, it means that everything that is destined for a person will definitely happen. The rune indicates that the current situation is under the control of higher powers and cannot be changed.

In addition, there is another meaning. Odin can be interpreted as a big change. For better or for worse? Everything will depend on the symbols that appear nearby. Cleaning with runes for beginners is carried out with the help of Odin, because the absence of symbols is the easiest to imagine. But it should be understood that this is not just emptiness - it is a transition to another dimension, to something that is beyond the understanding of many people.

Principle of operation

When learning everything about runes for beginners, a logical question arises: how do they work? Although this information is not important for most practices, it is advisable to become familiar with it. It should be understood that if you do not understand the principle of operation of runes, this does not mean that they will not work. Despite the fact that many people do not know how televisions work, this does not stop them from enjoying their favorite TV shows. The same principle applies to esotericism.

In the material world, we often encounter objects about which we know practically nothing. It turns out that each of them has special energy (vibrations). Any object interacts with space and it does not matter at all whether it is animate or not. Any pebble or twig carries a charge of energy (positive or negative).

By the same principle, people choose their jewelry. Some are favorable for them, while others, on the contrary, have destructive power. So, on each rune (except Odin) a certain symbol is drawn. He creates a certain field around himself. At the same time, the rune interacts with cosmic forces and gives a person the necessary predictions.

While learning everything about runes for beginners, you should also understand that the pictogram system is not ideal. It takes time to adapt to it.

As for runic formulas for improving health, removing damage and the like, the principle of operation of runes is the same. A set of certain symbols triggers energetic changes in a person’s surrounding world. But at the same time, a lot depends on a person’s abilities, his aura, and the power of thought. It is for this reason that before you start working with runes, you should make sure that you have certain magical knowledge and successfully apply it in practice.

As we have already found out, there are two main types of working with Scandinavian symbols:

  1. Drawing up formulas for healing, wealth, removing damage, attracting the opposite sex, etc.
  2. Fortune telling with runes.

Where to start studying depends only on what goals a person is pursuing. Nevertheless, many experienced esotericists recommend starting with drawing up formulas. If within a month you see that they really work, fortune telling with runes will be as easy as shelling pears.

So, in general, you can create a runic formula to fulfill any desire. And, of course, there are certain rules for this. For beginners, the magic of runes has not yet been revealed so much that experienced esotericists recommend that they use ready-made formulas.

As can be seen in the image, in some cases the use of other runes is allowed. For example, in the formula “Universal protective shield” the first and third symbols are Thurisaz, and in the center, previously unknown to us, Tivaz. This is one of the runes of the Germanic alphabet, meaning warrior, god. So, extreme symbols destroy, dispel everything bad in a person’s life with the help of the middle rune. This formula is a good amulet against magical attacks, gives strength of spirit, and allows you to withstand any test.

Where to wear amulets

Now you know where to start studying runes. But besides this, you should also learn how to use them correctly. Runic formulas are amulets that can be worn on the body or clothing, and also written on objects and photographs. It all depends on the symbols themselves, as well as the person’s intentions. If something hurts, you can write the formula on an adhesive plaster and stick it in the right place.

In addition, amulets on the wrist, shoulder and neck showed high effectiveness. In this case, the choice is limited only by personal preferences and comfort. It is advisable that the runes are not visible to strangers. In addition, you cannot talk about your goals while the symbols are working. If, after all, someone notices runic symbols on you, say that it’s just like that.

Fortune telling with runes

This is a great way to look into the future, find out what worries a person, and what dangers warn him. There are quite a few different fortune telling, but beginners should start working with runes with the simplest ones. Before doing this, you should tune in to the question that worries you and discard all extraneous thoughts. It is advisable that there are no unnecessary objects on the table where the layout will be performed. The runes should be spread out on a red cloth and mixed well. You can read prayers over them. Mentally ask a question that interests you and take one rune. Its meaning will be the answer to your question. In addition, in some fortune telling, the inverted meaning is used. That is, if in the direct form, for example, the rune means happiness, in the inverted form it means grief.


There is another area in which runes can be used. So, meditation is another great way to improve your health or achieve the desired result. For example, your goal is to lose weight. To do this, take a photo of yourself (it’s best if it’s a photo before you gained extra pounds, not after). Draw a circle in the center and place the desired formula.

Now you should lie down or sit comfortably so that the image is constantly before your eyes. Look at the photo for a while and think about how your body will soon transform. Then you should close your eyes and imagine how the energy of these symbols envelops you. They seem to penetrate your body and mind. These runes should always be before your eyes.

Just starting a meditation does not mean that at the end of it a few extra pounds will be gone. In fact, runes change consciousness, give willpower, and inspire. You'll feel energized and energized, and you'll likely change your eating habits or join a gym. Cleaning from negativity with runes for beginners occurs in the same way.

Runes cannot simply take away extra pounds or remove damage, but they can help you move in the right direction. Simply meditating and waiting for a miracle will not bring any results. At the same time, one cannot ignore the sensations that arise after such meditations. For example, a person uses a runic formula to find a job. At a certain moment, the thought occurs to him that he needs to check the vacancies on the site again. Most likely, this feeling appeared for a reason. If a person listens to his inner feelings, within a couple of days he will get the job he dreams of.

When using this method, you must believe in its power. Do not ask the runes how to start acting, but feel their strength and energy, which will definitely help you. Now you will definitely gather your strength and act.

The runes themselves are not just pieces of wood with icons, or amulets. Behind their physical form there is also Archetype. And this is very, very important in runic magic. I'll explain why.

All Runic Magic (not an epic, but a runic system) is built on the fact that with the help of runic signs, you can connect, establish an energetic connection with the desired energy flow or energy center. These flows and centers can be divided into levels. Universal, Galactic, Planetary, Terrestrial, and the simplest - the level of the human body. With the help of runes, you can tune in to the desired center or flow, activate it in yourself, or attract a flow of energy from the surrounding space through the rune used.

This, perhaps, is the meaning of runic magic, to be able to activate the Archetype of the rune with your willpower, the power of thought, open the energy flow in it and direct this energy to the action you need. Everything else is just additions, subtleties.

So, runes are divided into animated and inanimate. Animated runes are those that have already been activated, and their physical carrier (a rune on a piece of wood, a pebble, a piece of clay, on an amulet) is already saturated with the energy of this rune. Non-living runes are runes that were purchased in a store, or made by someone, but have not yet been activated. If you have extrasensory perception, you will be able to tell one from the other. If you do not have extrasensory perception, then you need to do this purposefully. If you want to fully learn how to use runes, then without sensitivity to energy this cannot be achieved.

Each rune represents a certain type of energy, a certain quality and state. When a rune influences a person’s Consciousness, certain images may emerge - for example, the Raido rune - the Rune of Path, Movement. When working with it, you can see images in the form of a road, the transmitted qualities of this rune - aspiration, activation, desire to act. Or, for example, the Isa rune may in your mind take on the image of ice, or a stopped, frozen moment. At the same time, the qualities that can be conveyed are coldness, hardness, calmness. And so on. Each of the runes has its own images, its own qualities. And they can be used.

They can also be used at different levels. The simplest one is information. You can talk to runes, you can consult with them. They can give you a hint. Fortune telling with runes, you come into contact with the information field of the planet and decipher with the help of runes, each of which has an image. There are runes that give positive signs, there are runes that give information that there may be obstacles or difficulties of a certain kind in your life. You can also determine the reasons for these difficulties, the reasons for the current problem. This way you can extract information about yourself, about others, about events, etc. This is the simplest level.

They are considered more complex and energy-intensive using the energy power of runes. That is, the activation of certain energy flows to influence people and objects. You can also influence events. Speed ​​up, slow down. Change. Stop. Runes can be used both in treatment, healing, restoration of energy damage, and for protection from negative influences. Objects, amulets, can be charged with a large amount of energy, which can be used by you in difficult times.

The next level is battle magic. Here, a stronger will, a more developed consciousness and possession of mental power are already required in order to use and direct more powerful energy flows. The energy of runes can be concentrated, it can penetrate, it can block, it can destroy and restore, it can connect and separate, it can awaken and put into a state of oblivion. All success depends on the level of development of the person who uses the energy of the runes. Someone can work with energy of sufficient strength to influence on the astral level, someone can work on the mental level. Someone owns only a few runes, which he is able to open and strengthen. And someone owns all the runes.

The most important thing here is awareness, an understanding of what changes we make with our actions in the surrounding space. We can act for good, and we can act destructively. Our impact does not disappear without a trace; we are always responsible for it. And if what we do causes harm, more powerful forces are activated, whose task is to balance the energy state of space. Entering into conflict with such forces means incurring losses. Violation of karmic laws can result in health problems, problems in your personal life or at work, problems can arise in the form of some random events.

The most difficult level is metaphysical work with runes. This is already work at the level of influencing the consciousness of people, society, egregors. There are people who, either by themselves or by teaming up with someone to enhance their energy impact, can influence major public events. Metaphysical work also involves energetic transformation that can be done in your body. By activating a combination of runes according to a certain scheme, a person can make very unusual changes, change the parameters of his energy system, psyche, and the energy intensity of his soul, consciousness, and body. I would not go into details, let's call it transformation, when changes can affect not only the energy level, but also the biological one. With the help of certain combinations of runes, you can also influence time and space. The result of the impact, of course, depends on the power of energy investments.

As you can see, there are actually many uses for runes. For those who want to truly master the runes, many years of study and practice will be required. The only advice I can give you is to remember THREE RULES:

  1. Study runes, the longer the better, and don’t stop at two or three books. Read different authors who lived at different times, study Scandinavian, Germanic, Aryan runes. Don't limit yourself to one concept. SYNTHESIS YOUR KNOWLEDGE. The better you know the runes, the easier it is for you to work with them, the fewer mistakes you will make in using them.
  2. Remember your responsibility. Only Pure Consciousness can keep the runes under control. Don’t let passion, emotions, ego push you to use runes, don’t let them control your behavior, otherwise you can become a slave to your desires. Runes can influence the astral body, desires and passions can intensify, and only Pure Consciousness will resist. Responsibility is the best friend of Awareness. Remember the Laws of the Universe. Remember Karma. Any violations and abuse of energy may result in punishment.
  3. Make sure that your Consciousness does not fall out of reality. Energy work with runes, and just fortune-telling, takes you away from reality. Don’t lose the thread of reality, don’t give up on life in society, on communicating with people, on life’s difficulties. Otherwise, having lost the threads of reality, you will become lost yourself. It will be difficult to find the way back; not everyone finds it.

I tried to convey in a concise form what I consider to be of paramount importance when working with runes. In the future, I will add more detailed articles to this section on various aspects of working with runes. If anyone has any questions about what was written, ask, I will answer with what I know, and I will help in any way I can.

But ten to fifteen years ago there was very little knowledge about them in the public domain. Now there is a lot of information, but how much of it is useful - not all beginners can appreciate it. Runes are an Old Norse alphabet that has been used for magical purposes since ancient times. Runes are widely used by esotericists, some adhere to tradition, while others create new bizarre forms of runic practices, so it is difficult for a beginner to understand this.

Practitioners who encounter runes and the Northern Tradition for the first time are concerned with the same question: how and where to start? From purchasing or making a set of runes for fortune telling, mastering this very fortune telling, getting acquainted with ancient texts and Scandinavian mythology? The right thing to do is to do both at the same time. If the practitioner has no experience in fortune telling, then he will have to learn this as well. Of course, you need to remember the names of the Elder Futhark runes and their meanings. Then you can get acquainted with Scandinavian mythology, as retold by modern authors, and only then study the key texts of the Northern Tradition: first of all, the Elder and Younger Eddas, the runic poems.

It is advisable to remember all the Scandinavian gods: legends about them, mentions in ancient texts, which of them is friends or enemies with whom, what signs each deity has or what may indirectly indicate it. The study of runes must certainly include immersion in the mythology of the northern peoples. It will be great to make your first runic set with your own hands, with some effort and creativity.

Ethics in working with runes

The society of ancient Scandinavia adhered to a radically different morality than the Christian one characteristic of our society. Let's remember the Vikings and human sacrifices to the gods. Therefore, the ethics of a particular magical work is determined by its author. If he is able to do something with the help of magic (even a love spell or damage) and knows how to use runes correctly, then he has every right to do so.

How runic amulets and runes work

The symbols or formulas depicted on the medium already have power in themselves. It is enough to activate them for them to start working. Activation is done by the four elements, breath and blood. Traditionally, runes were carved on wood or stone, sometimes painted (with human or animal blood, as well as with ocher, the composition of which is closest to blood). Many practitioners simply draw runes on paper, explaining that it is made of wood, and therefore is a completely suitable medium. Indeed, this is so, but it is worth remembering that the runes were “cut”; a knife was traditionally used in the process.

How rune bundles are built

The clear rules by which galdrasts or formulas are compiled are not reliably known, although with a high probability they existed. If you look at what authentic ancient galdrasts look like, you can see that the runes are connected through common parts, one can be the main one and larger than the others in size, and the rest are, as it were, secondary, of equal size. There are formulas simply written in a row - runetains.

There are many original works on the Internet with runes repeated many times and a complex pattern reminiscent of patterns for crocheting napkins. This is unnecessary: ​​you don’t need to repeat the rune many times in order to put enough of its power into the work. If the operator does not know how to empower one symbol, several will not help him. The exception is the well-known formulas, for example, three fehu, four thurisaz. In them, each sign has a different property and purpose. For example: “I cut the runes, thurs and three more: lust, madness and anxiety.”

Should I trust runes?

Ignorance of how runes work and how to use them in your magical work, of course, gives rise to mistrust. However, without this nothing will work at all. To understand how to work with runes, a beginner does not need detailed instructions, but immersion in Scandinavian mythology and tradition, reading the Elder and Younger Edda, and runic poems. You need to feel the runes with your heart. They are often harsh in their answers, like a close and devoted, but slightly stern friend. We must remember that runes came from time immemorial, having proven their magical power and unconditional benefits for humans. So, rather, the question needs to be posed this way: can you trust yourself, as a practitioner, in your knowledge and experience.

How to master the rune technique

In order to start using runes for your own purposes, you need to immerse yourself in the Northern Tradition, establish contact with the gods in order to become “one of our own” for the Scandinavian egregor. The better you can do this, the stronger any magical work will be. The technology of fortune telling and cutting runes is simple, even a beginner can master it. It is important to establish a deep connection with the Nordic gods on a spiritual level, understand how people lived in ancient Scandinavia, and adhere to the same principles of life. For example, to be brave and resilient. It is also important not to be afraid of life’s difficulties, but to be sincere in relationships with people, to say directly what you think, to value friendship, and to be hospitable. To better understand how to achieve this, you can read, for example, “Speeches of the High One.”

Then you can develop fortune telling skills and cut out runic staves. They are made for a variety of purposes. Ancient northern magicians used magic to heal and attract wealth, win love, protect against enemies, treat animals, and obtain a good harvest. Therefore, one should not limit oneself only to spiritual goals, such as gaining wisdom and developing vision. A wise and insightful magician will take care of earthly things first.

How to use runes without harming yourself

There are several rules, following which you can be sure that the study of northern magic will not end badly for a beginning practitioner. Many novice magicians think that runes are dangerous, but this is not so. Yes, their impact is really very strong. There is a high threshold for entering the tradition, a set of rules and a vector for working on oneself. To avoid harming yourself, you need to follow safety precautions. Then everything will be fine and results will be achieved, but no one will get hurt, including the practitioner himself.

  • “Runes should not be cut by those who do not understand them,” this is the most ancient and important rule. It is necessary to study the runes themselves and the Northern Tradition in detail before starting practical work.
  • Working with runes is always an appeal to the gods. You need to be grateful for your work - leave gifts. If this is not done, the god or ace can choose his own payment for help, and one that the practitioner will not like.
  • Some practitioners believe that it is necessary to paint the carved ones with your own blood, but this can only be done for “your own”, family members, loved ones and loved ones. But not for casual acquaintances, and not for clients.
  • You cannot work without preliminary diagnostics and a plan for the result of the work.
  • It is forbidden to “do good” to people with magic without a request.
  • You need to really monitor your capabilities and not take on everything.

Diagnostics with runes for beginners

O is first mentioned by Tacitus. According to his testimony, the ancient magicians of the north threw wooden sticks with symbols carved on them (presumably runes) onto the canvas, taking them out of the bag, and made predictions about the future based on the location of these sticks. Modern runologists do the same. You can get a special canvas for throwing runes on which to embroider, for example, Scandinavian motifs, as well as a beautiful bag for storing a runic set. You need to throw while standing, away from you, with the canvas spread out in front of you on the floor. For one question, take several runes, ideally 3 - 5. First, those that are closer are interpreted, and then those that are farther away. You cannot guess more than once on the same question if you don’t like the answer. It is advisable not to ask many questions at once, 2-3 are enough.

If you do not have the necessary skills, knowledge and the ability to make a rune set yourself, you can buy runes for beginners, preferably from a master, and not in an esoteric store. In extreme cases, these will do, but then you need to accustom them to your own energy for some time, and then devote them with the help of the four elements. Such a tool will be “live” and working.

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The ancient Germanic tribes, who are credited with creating the runes, knew very well how to use them in life. Although science considers runes to be writing, they were no less actively used in magical and fortune-telling practices, interest in which is being revived in our time. But we should immediately warn you: runes are not ordinary cards that you can spread out and get an answer to your questions. This will require maximum concentration and the inclusion of intuition, without which the result of fortune telling is unlikely to be interpreted correctly.

Fortune telling with runes

The simplest type of fortune telling is fortune telling on one rune (Odin). The process looks like this: without looking, they take a rune out of the bag and place it in front of them. You should immediately pay attention to how it lay down: upright or upside down, since the interpretation largely depends on this. After this, it is necessary to find out how the meaning of this rune is interpreted. It is best to use specialized literature or find information on the Internet on a reputable specialized website.

Perhaps the interpretation of the answer at first will seem somewhat vague and non-specific to you, but do not forget that the word “rune” itself means “mystery, secret”, and you should not expect a direct answer. Their interpretation is more like indicating the right direction in the current situation, and this is where all your intuition will be needed.

Runic magic

The runes are endowed with powerful energy, but it will be revealed only to those who treat them without skepticism, with respect and faith in their power. Unlike fortune telling, magic allows you to influence both yourself and the current situation. For magical purposes, runes are drawn or carved on the surface of a material, but certainly natural. It could be a piece of wood or clay, metal, stone. By the way, modern experts believe that runes drawn on paper or cardboard with a felt-tip pen also work great, although not for so long. And another natural material on which drawings can be applied (especially health signs) is our own body!

It is necessary to make amulets and talismans with runes with your own hands in complete solitude, preferably at dawn, completely calmed down and focusing on the key concept that this rune symbolizes. Stress and malaise significantly reduce the effectiveness of such magical manipulations. It should only be applied upright and not upside down. Runes-amulets can be applied above the entrance to the house or on the door frame or on the door itself. At the end of the process, wash your hands or take a shower - this will be a necessary cleansing.

People ask questions about how to use runes correctly when turning to them for the first time. Indeed, this process must be carried out according to all the rules and customs, otherwise, otherwise, the outcome may be negative for the person who took up the runes. You need to know how to use them so as not to harm yourself and others.

Runes are a popular magical attribute that requires the right attitude towards oneself.

What are runes and how did they come about?

Runes are magical signs and symbols that magicians use to carry out their rituals.

Single runes can be depicted on anything: a board, a hand, clothes, or they can be in a person’s mind, that is, visualized.

The history of the appearance of these symbols goes back to pagan tribes, and later to sacred writing (Phoenician, Greek and Latin). The Northern Italian script is the basis of the modern runic alphabet. The first runes arose in Scandinavia, and then spread throughout the world.

The very first, Scandinavian, runes were transformed into Anglo-Saxon ones (28 hieroglyphs), and those into Northumbrian (or simply late Anglo-Saxon), which already numbered 33 magical symbols. After the massive introduction of Christianity and the eradication of paganism among peoples, the runic alphabet began to fade and was soon completely forgotten. The surge of great interest in it was caused by the discovery by archaeologists of new monuments of unknown civilizations.

How to use runes: scope, types of runes

Not all runes are the same. Among them there are magical ones, used by sorcerers and magicians during sacraments and rituals, and ordinary (common Germanic) ones, used by ordinary people in everyday spheres of life to change the course of events or improve their quality. Why is it necessary to use magic runes:

The use of magic runes is necessary to obtain an energy charge

  • energy recharging;
  • increase in potency;
  • increasing efficiency and activity to complete a large number of tasks in a short period of time;
  • entering the “attack state” that accompanies people in need of opportunity;
  • freely and freely express and argue your thoughts in difficult life situations;
  • protection from the negative influences of the surrounding world;
  • unlocking human potential;
  • sharpening of intuition.

The positive effect that runes have on a person is noticeable to the naked eye. You just need to know how and in what atmosphere work with runes should take place.

Rules for using magical hieroglyphs

Knowing how to work with runes, you can attract even more into your life than was described above. Using runes has its own rules:

  • Painstaking study of runes before and during use. It is important not to forget what they look like, what system they belong to, and most importantly, the meaning of the runes).
  • Constant meditation practice. Meditation has a positive effect on runes, because in order for the symbols to give out their energy, they need to be charged with it. During meditation practices, a useful skill is to write down all your thoughts and feelings.
  • Beginners should start with the simplest ones, gradually increasing the complexity of the combinations.
  • Practice is the key to success. A continuously practicing person goes towards his goal, despite the fact that the runes may not work. Trying again and again, one day the moment will come for a person when the signs begin to bring positivity.
  • Using other people's experience on the path to self-improvement can only bring success if a person analyzes in detail every mistake or, on the contrary, the right step of another.

Runes are not only fancy symbols, but also a powerful source of energy. They will only work for positively minded, non-lazy, open and courageous people who believe in themselves and know what they are getting into when turning to runes. Only in this case will they begin to be useful.

Runes in real life: areas of application of runes

The use of runes in reality often seems somewhat complicated, even after detailed study of various information, because runes are an unknown world for beginners. Using one picture is not always enough - magic symbols can and should be combined with each other. Only then will the right energy arise between them, and the collection will bring the desired result.

The study showed that rune combinations work great without additional help, it is only important to assemble them correctly and tune in to the right mood. For beginners, not too complex staves are suitable (this is the name of a runic combination of several hieroglyphs). We will tell you below how to use runes and combine them into staves.

A runic stave is a set of specific hieroglyphs assembled together in the correct sequence. You need to create stakes with caution, because if you approach this frivolously or in the wrong mood, you can greatly harm both yourself and the people around you.

For beginners, the simplest combinations are suitable (for protection, financial well-being, luck in love, etc.), and as runes are studied, you can gradually add new links to the chain that have stronger and more complex energy.

How to work with runes: types of runes, combinations and rates

Working with runes involves combining them. You should start with simple bets (learn and figure out how to work with runes):

Betting on love

One of the simplest, but no less effective staves. It serves to strengthen relationships between lovers and improve personal life.

Becoming a lover is necessary to strengthen your personal life

Runes required for the combination and their use:

  • Gebo (symbolizes a man’s feelings towards a woman).
  • Dagaz (symbol of harmony and unity in relationships).
  • Gabo (similar to Gebo, only from the female side: a woman’s love for a man).

Betting on financial success

In this case, symbols are used to denote income, money, profit and wealth. Required runes and their description:

  • Fehu (is a symbol of money itself).
  • Soulu (denotes a stream flowing to the owner of the rune).
  • Inguiz (an integral sign symbolizing the potential development that is necessary to retain the income that has arrived and further implementation in this direction).

Standing up for defense

This is a collection of symbols related to protective and protective. Can be applied to personal documents or any other item that is constantly with a person. Using symbols for protection:

  • Thurisaz (the main symbol in this list, suppressing negative energy from others).
  • Algiz (serves to minimize its own energy losses).
  • Isa (determines one’s own calmness and eliminates aggression within the person himself).

Beginners already understand how to work with runes, so next we will talk about more complex combinations - runograms. All the following staves are suitable for those people who have already wondered whether runes work, and now their main goals and objectives in symbolism are called the study of runes and their actions.

Combination for luck

In complex stakes you cannot do without a visual aid. This is what what a person will end up with should look like:

A combination of runes for good luck (a visual aid of what a person should get by collecting all the runes)

Upon first glance, this collection of runes seems complicated, but upon further examination and detailed analysis, it turns out that there is nothing particularly complicated. What runes were used:

  • Gebo (used to attract good luck in relationships with other people, to establish contact with others), used three times.
  • Soul (consonant with the English “soul” - soul, symbolizes vital energy and strength, as well as insight), used twice.
  • Vunyo (attracts positive emotions, joy and fun into life), also used twice.
  • Ansuz (promotes the fulfillment of desires, attracts luck and fortune, increases the number of opportunities and chances, gifts of fate), was used twice.
  • Otal (is a sign of a person’s very personality and his independence, works like a magnet).
  • Dagaz (brings harmony and unity, prepares for future changes and calms the human soul).
  • Algiz (this is a very important, concluding element that is necessary for the correct collaboration of all runic hieroglyphs and their protection).

Combinations for financial well-being for practitioners

It looks a little more complicated than the previous version for beginners, but it also works more efficiently. How do these runes work? The same as in the simplified version, only in full force, because it is based on the same symbols:

  • Inguz (a sign of prosperity that comes into a person’s life) is used as many as four times.
  • Laguz (strengthens and stabilizes cash flow, bringing it to a smooth, constant level).
  • Teyvaz (removes obstacles and opens the way for financial flow).
  • Algiz (covers and protects a person, serves to ensure income security).
  • Evaz (a guiding rune that leads a person to capital and indicates the correct direction of movement).
  • Dagaz (harmonizes income in a person’s life, teaches to live with them in unity and harmony).
  • Mannaz (in this case means the person-performer himself).

Magic becoming for the fulfillment of desires

It’s clear how to work with runes to improve the quality of life, now let’s talk about introducing new opportunities into it. Fulfillment of desires with the help of runes is quite possible if the combination is followed correctly:

Magic becoming for the fulfillment of desires (visual aid of the combination)

There is no need to be afraid, in reality everything is not so difficult. What symbols are used:

  • Kano is used here inside and outside the runograms (internally it symbolizes the goal itself, the dream to which a person strives, its dominance over the others; external Kano is a sign of bringing a cherished desire to life).
  • Inguz (this is the origin of desire, a seed that develops and opens under the influence of other symbols).
  • Soulu (breathes life into the plan and fills it with energy).
  • Evaz (ensures movement and continuous development of desire, leads a person to its fulfillment).
  • Dagaz (a symbol of the changes occurring in the life of a performer during the period of realizing a dream).
  • Vunyo (joy and satisfaction brought by the fulfillment of cherished desires).
  • Perth (opens the gates of energy flows and clears the roads for the implementation of plans).
  • Raido in this combination is also used in two forms: direct and mirrored (direct form means direct paths leading to implementation, and mirror means roundabout ones), thus all possible methods of development are involved.
  • Ansuz (symbolizes inspiration and faith that the outcome will definitely be positive).

Becoming to make the right choice

Runic staves do not always lead to something specific; sometimes they only help to correctly determine the direction of movement.

Combination of bets to make the right choice

How to work with runes, and which ones to choose to make the right choice at a turning point:

  • Vunyo (symbolizes the decision itself, is the head of the composition), used twice.
  • Ansuza (awareness and informativeness, faithfulness in decision-making and a correct view of the situation), is also used twice.
  • Perth (symbol of diversity of possibilities, range of options).
  • Mannaz (the human performer himself).

You can only find out whether runes work or not by trying them on yourself. Runic images may not bring the desired result or, even worse, cause harm if they are used incorrectly.

After studying the information in the article, you can find out how to use runes correctly. To do this, you need to tune in to the right, “working” mood. Which implies detachment from distractions and focusing on the issue of interest.

A ritual with runes, like any other, will not work if the performer does not believe in the magical abilities of the actions being performed and does everything without confidence in a positive outcome. There are also runic staves for the evil eye or damage, but they belong to black magic, which worsens a person’s energy and his aura.

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Anyone who is just starting to study the runic world should know what runes are, their meaning, and how to use them. Be sure to study this information before you start practicing.

What are Runes?

Runes are symbols that were previously used in the writing of the Scandinavian and Germanic peoples. These mysterious signs are shrouded in mysticism and secrets; they contain the deep wisdom of the ancestors. In the modern world they are used in various esoteric practices.

Historical facts:

  • In ancient times, runes were used by selected, dedicated people, who were called erils. This name is identified with Eril - heroes of ancient traditions and legends
  • The main source of information about ancient runes is the Saga of Egil, a mythical character. This treatise provides basic information about their meaning and methods of working with them. You can also find warnings there: runic signs have enormous power that must be used wisely

Currently, anyone can immerse themselves in the magical runic world and learn how to work correctly with ancient symbols.


In order for the magic of runes to enter your life and begin to exert their influence, they must be activated. Without activation, no magical effect will occur.

First of all, you must activate them in your consciousness. How to do it:

  • Carefully study the properties and meanings of each symbol. You must feel the features of ancient signs and understand their deep meaning
  • The time allotted for preliminary study of runes is one, three or nine days
  • It is necessary to devote time to runic meditation. To do this, you should either draw images of runes on paper. Think about them periodically, look for associations that arise when contemplating each sign
  • The activation process is considered complete when you feel that you have realized the meaning of each sign and have deeply penetrated the meaning and significance of the ancient symbols

After you have worked through each symbol, the main work with runes begins. It is advisable to buy or make runes that you will later use for fortune telling.

Important: a self-made set of runes will be charged with your personal energy, therefore it is considered more effective than the one you purchased for money in an esoteric shop.

How to use runic amulets

After the initial activation process that occurs in your consciousness, you need to activate the runes in their material embodiment. This is necessary to establish contact with ancient symbols and provide a spiritual connection with your energy.

How to make and “charge” runes:

  • Prepare blanks on which you will depict Futhark symbols. It can be any natural materials: stones, bones, wood, metals
  • After this, you need to draw runes on the blanks. Depending on the material, choose the appropriate method. For example, paint on stone, cut or burn on wood, metal can only be engraved
  • Apply the image of each symbol to the blanks one by one

After that they need to be activated. The methods are as follows:

  1. The simplest one is to add a few drops of your own blood to the dyeing composition.
  2. Fumigation with incense smoke. To do this, you can use aromatic incense or essential oils lit in an aroma lamp.
  3. Roasting with open fire. If the material allows, burn each rune with a candle flame. This method is not suitable for wooden workpieces.
  4. Activation by the energy of Water. A very easy way - rinse each rune under clean running water

During the activation process, focus your consciousness on the properties and meaning of each symbol. Various associations and images may arise in your mind - remember them.

Important: The activation process will take a lot of time, because only one symbol can be activated in one day. That is, it will take at least 24 days to energy charge 24 characters.

Making talismans with runic staves

Once you have made and activated your personal rune set, you will be ready to directly work with runes. The time will come to learn how to use rune staves - combinations of symbols that have a certain meaning.

Important points:

  1. When composing your sentence, consider the meaning of each symbol. The properties of runes should not conflict, but, on the contrary, complement and enhance each other’s effects
  2. After making the amulet, during the process of activating it, do not forget to clearly indicate the specific period of its validity. After the goal is achieved, the talisman must be buried in the ground or burned, mentally thanking for what has been accomplished
  3. When using amulets and talismans with runes, mentally visualize images of what you want to achieve. Ask the Norse gods for help

Watch a video on how to use runes:

Important: studying pagan traditions and the mythology of the Scandinavian peoples can help in working with runic staves, but this is not necessary.

Newbie mistakes

It is not always possible to achieve your goals using runic magic the first time, because beginners often make the following mistakes:

  • Haste. Do not try to activate all the runes and learn from the properties in one day. Give this process enough time, otherwise you risk harming yourself and others
  • Using other people's ready-made kits. By being lazy and taking someone else's fortune telling kit, you risk not getting results. Such symbols are not endowed with your own energy, therefore they are useless
  • You also cannot give your personal runic set to another person. Keep it in a secret place and keep it away from prying eyes

Take your time, try to penetrate deeply into the meaning of ancient symbols and devote sufficient time to activation. Then working with runes will bring colossal results.

All articles about runes

  • Vegvisir - assistant to the wandering Vikings
  • The meaning of runes and rules for their use on the body
  • Runic writing - ligature for beauty, bindruns
  • Runic inscriptions - application of inscriptions, love and advice
  • Calculation by date of birth - ancient Slavic runes
  • Runes are the embodiment of mysteries and secrets, used in magic
  • Runes of Beer (victory) - the most powerful protective becoming
  • Runes training: from beginner to pro, useful properties
  • Runes by date of birth: runic horoscope
  • Magic runes: nuances and features of meaning and application
  • Fortune telling on runes for relationships with a man: examples of layouts
  • Fortune telling runic mahjong: description of four layouts
  • Fortune telling on runes for love: the meaning of symbols and examples of layouts
  • Runic alphabet: encrypted, armanic, features of use
  • Runes of magic - meaning and elder futhark, method of application
  • Galdrastavs: what they are and features of use
  • Rune Quort – Northumbrian series and house cleansing
  • The name of the Elder Futhark runes: features of their interpretation
  • Runic layouts: simple patterns for fortune telling
  • Slavic runes and their meaning for tattoos
  • Fast-acting runic betting to receive a large sum of money and its features
  • Rune of Veles: meaning and application in fortune telling
  • Celtic runes, their meaning: the meaning is hidden in ancient signs
  • Ancient runic symbols: what they mean
  • Runic cleansing - how to remove negativity and damage
  • Rune Zig - strength and power
  • Proven runes for weight loss: how to gain a slim figure
  • How to make runic amulets: choosing a symbol and material
  • Rune of the genus Otal - meaning and application
  • Runes for health and their meaning
  • Rune of good luck and fortune: how to make life happy
  • Rune of love: will attract a worthy partner and improve relationships
  • Rune of Odin - features and meaning in fortune telling
  • How to activate ancient runes to attract money and good luck?
  • Runes to attract money, wealth and prosperity
  • Runes to attract love and marriage
  • Rune of luck for success in all matters
  • Angelic runes, their meaning and application
  • Runic circle - meaning and production
  • Slavic rune of Strength (Uruz) - a symbol of achievers
  • Rune Tyr is an ancient protective symbol of our ancestors
  • Slavic amulets - runes: meaning and application
  • Slavic rune Peace symbol - fate and the universe
  • The meaning of the Kano rune - characteristics and scope of application in magic
  • How to use runes to protect yourself from evil energy
  • Rune Soulu - meaning and application
  • Description of the Laguz rune, its meaning and use in magic
  • Slavic runes - meaning, description, interpretation
  • Elder Futhark - definition and meaning of runes
  • Rune Nauthis - meaning and interpretation
  • How to make runes at home - instructions
  • Rune Fehu (Fehu, Feu, Fe, Feoh) - meaning and interpretation of the symbol
  • Rune Uruz (Uruz, Urus) - meaning
  • Rune Thurisaz (Thurisaz, Turisas) - meaning
  • Rune Gebo - successful partnership and joy in life: meaning and interpretation of the symbol
  • Rune Kenaz (Keno, Kenaz) - the meaning of the magic symbol
  • Magic rune Isa - meaning and photo
  • Dangerous rune Hagalaz - meaning and application
  • Rune Jera - meaning and application
  • Rune Berkana - the meaning of the magic symbol
  • Rune Mannaz (Mannas, Mannaz) - meaning and application in fortune telling
  • Rune Sowilo (Soulo, Sowulo) - the personification of life
  • Rune Perth (Perth) - the magical meaning of an ancient symbol
  • The magical meaning of the Vunyo rune
  • Rune Inguz (Ingus, Inguz) – the magical meaning of the symbol, photo of the symbol
  • Rune Odal (Otila, Otal): meaning and application
  • Rune Dagaz: meaning of the symbol and photo
  • Rune Teyvaz - the meaning of the symbol in fortune telling
  • Rune Eyvaz (Evaz): meaning and use of the symbol in fortune telling
  • Rune Algiz: meaning and photo
  • Rune Raido - meaning and application in fortune telling
  • Rune Ansuz - photo and meaning
  • Russian runes - interpretation and use of magical symbols
  • Viking runes: secrets and meaning of Scandinavian runes
  • Interpretation of the meaning of runes with photographs
  • Activation of runes and formulas by the forces of the four elements
  • Amulets to attract money and good luck
  • How to make a good luck amulet with your own hands and activate it
  • Talismans for good luck and money
  • The meaning of the Helm of Terror amulet
  • Runograms and their meaning
  • Bets that work well
  • Healing runes: healing staves and formulas
  • Betting on sex - strong runes of love
  • Reservations for money runic bets
  • Runic bets - for gifts and money
  • Runic formulas and staves are proven and the most powerful for all occasions
  • Runic lapel - cool with the help of staves
  • Runic love spell - features of Viking magic