Singer Olga Zadonskaya. City crazy: Olga Zadonskaya

Welcome to the official website of agent Olga Zadonskaya. The artist was born on September 26, 1986 in a family related to music. The girl was born in Nikolaev (Ukraine), but then moved to Vladimir with her parents. Thanks to the special atmosphere in the family, Olya planned to be a singer from an early age.

Creative achievements

Zadonskaya has been singing since she was 6 years old, but music school didn’t work out for her. The girl found the classes there boring, so after only a year, she left the school. However, this did not in any way affect the decision to become a vocalist in the future: Olya continued to study at home and constantly participated in Vladimir’s musical events. As part of a children's choir organized by her mother, she traveled to different cities. Olga Zadonskaya's early performances took place on the stage of the college where her father worked. In parallel with singing, the girl was seriously engaged in dancing.

In 2001, Zadonskaya became a student at the pop-jazz lyceum operating at the Vladimir Institute of Arts. Her vocal teacher was Larisa Semina. In the mid-2000s, Olya received an order to participate in musical TV projects. She first tried to break through to TV screens in 2004, when the 5th season of “Star Factory” started. The number with which Zadonskaya went to the casting was not liked by Alla Pugacheva. The diva advised the aspiring artist to stop imitating Britney Spears.

At the age of 18, Zadonskaya moved to Moscow, where she entered the Gnessin School. In 2013, Olga became the vocalist of the capital’s cover band “FLORABAND”. As part of a well-known team, she visited many cities in Russia and Europe. In 2014, the “FLORABAND” tour took place, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the group. Olga worked with the organization of producer Vitaly Kochubey until January 2016, and then began a solo career.

Zadonskaya had plans to participate in “The Voice” since 2012, but was able to get on the project only in the 4th season. At the audition, all the mentors turned to the vocalist who performed the James Brown composition, but she chose Grigory Leps. Later, Olga moved to Polina Gagarina’s team.


In “The Voice,” the singer reached the finals, ultimately taking third place. In the spring of 2016, a concert by Olga Zadonskaya and other project participants took place in a number of Russian cities. A video was recently shot for the artist’s song “Love and Pain”. Read more about the work of Olga Zadonskaya on her official website.

Olga Zadonskaya is a singer and musician, a contestant on the show “The Voice”. Born on September 26, 1986, in Ukraine, in the city of Nikolaev.

After the birth of the girl, the family moved to Russia, to the city of Vladimir. There Olga went to school and began to study music. Let us note that the love for this art was, perhaps, embedded in the girl at the genetic level. Her parents devoted themselves to this area, and after the birth of their daughter, they began to introduce her to beauty. From early childhood, Olya dreamed of the big stage. She started singing at the age of three, and she managed to appear on the big stage for the first time at six. From that moment on, she never stopped taking part in various music competitions and festivals.

Mom enrolled Olya in a music school, but the girl did not like studying there, and after a year she dropped out of school. This, of course, had a negative impact in the future, when Zadonskaya had to quickly make up for lost time while studying at the lyceum. Having received secondary education, our heroine decided to follow this path further and entered VlGU.

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After graduating, Zadonskaya moved to the capital, where she continued to work hard to make her dream come true. Let us note that during her career as a singer, our heroine worked on the same stage with Ramazzotti, Patricia Kaas, Christina Aguilera and even Enrique Iglesias.

In 2015, Olga once again tried to qualify for the television project “The Voice”. She successfully made it to the blind audition stage, where she performed the song “This is a Man’s World.” Already at the beginning of the composition, Leps said “yes”, as a result, our heroine became part of his team. Olga managed to reach the finals of the competition and take an honorable third place. Such success allowed our heroine to gain many fans and admirers throughout the country. Today she continues to work actively, improving her talent and professional qualities. You can also hear her amazing vocals live. To do this, just contact the Star Trek booking agency. We will be happy to help everyone order Olga Zadonskaya for an anniversary, corporate event or wedding. But you can find out the details of such a concert, as well as how much the artist’s concert costs, only after you fill out an application on our official website.

Olya, tell us about the beginning of your career in the capital, about your first experience, how did you get here?

Olga: Since childhood, I dreamed of Moscow, I said that I wanted to live among the bright lights of the city, tall buildings, where there are a lot of people, my soul demanded the energy of the metropolis. And so the guys I knew from Ivanovo invited me to sing in a restaurant in the capital. To be honest, at first I didn’t plan to stay here for a long time and lived out of suitcases. It took me a long time to get back on my feet. It got to the point that my mother came to Moscow, was horrified by my lifestyle and told my dad: “Sergey, load your things, we are going back.” It was difficult, but I didn’t give up and gradually achieved my goal and met musicians. Later there was an attempt to sign a contract with one producer, but a crisis occurred and the work did not proceed.

Then I got into a cover band, and that’s where more professional and stage work began. The live cast and good repertoire made me think seriously about what I was doing. At the same time, I tried myself at auditions for music competitions. I was at both the “Star Factory” and the “Secret of Success”, but I ran away from everywhere because I was a terrible coward. They didn’t let me escape from “The Voice” (laughs).

- And now the dream came true - there were people around, the lights of Moscow, was there any disappointment in the city at that moment?

Olga: Never. This is my happy path, I am glad that I ended up in the capital. But time flies, and I don’t notice it, unfortunately, this is a minus of a big city. I realized that Moscow is a city of lonely people, it’s rare to see my parents, and I’ve lost contact with very close friends.

- What about the stereotype that Moscow is a cruel city and there can be no friends here?

Olga: This is just a stereotype. I have found many new friends here among Muscovites and visitors, whom I can call at any time: I have a flat tire outside the Moscow Ring Road or I’m just sad - I really appreciate it. The main thing is that they are all excellent, sincere people.

- Isn’t it scary to make friends, roughly speaking, blindly?

Olga: My grandmother said: “Olya, a friend is the one with whom you played in the sandbox.” But I am a very open person, I let people into my soul and trust them. Although Moscow taught me to keep my distance. There is one interesting point in our business: we respect each other, we congratulate each other on holidays, but this is just professional ethics and does not mean anything.

- Many Muscovites now want to move away from the city, but what do you think about this?

Olga: It already exists (laughs). I’m already thinking about what will happen next, making plans. I really want my own house by the sea, children, family, so that my parents are nearby. But now the most important thing for me is to realize myself.

- What kind of moment will it be when you can say “I have realized myself”?

Olga: Probably when I’m a little tired from work. The moment when I will be a sought-after artist, when I understand that the producer is proud of me. Then it will be possible to feel something other than the stage: see the city around, go to museums, and do it not while running, but calmly, enjoying the moment.

When I really, really realize myself, I would like to perform songs of my own composition. In my youth, I wrote lyrics and melodies, my friends really liked them, I hope to return to them someday and perform something of my own.

- So, “realization” is still public recognition?

Olga: Of course, I want to be a popular performer, and it’s clear that we make a career primarily for ourselves. But don’t forget about pleasure. Even though it's a business, I love singing, and if I have days when I don't perform, I feel sad. The love for songs and music lives in me - it’s like air.

- What are you working on now?

Olga: Now we have shot a video for my song “Love and Pain”. The director of the video is Alexey Golubev, and the song itself was written by two authors - Sergey Galyamin and Viktor Chudnenko.

While working with a cover band, you more often performed foreign songs and foreign hits, but now aren’t you upset that you sing in Russian?

Olga: As for my repertoire, I always wanted to sing in Russian. When people listen to your song and understand what it's about, it makes a big difference. Yes, you can touch a person to the depths of your soul with goosebumps just with sound, but when text with meaning is added to the power of the performer’s voice and energy, this is a completely different effect and this is very important. I want to sing so that people understand me.

Olga: 50x50. “The Voice” is a real school that will give you more skills and knowledge if you get involved in the process on your own and work on yourself, according to the advice of your mentors. For example, Polina Gagarina was able to choose the right songs for me, she saw me so much that before I had time to open my mouth, Polina was already saying what I wanted to say. “The Voice” gave me the opportunity to seriously work on vocals, staging numbers, and behavior on stage. Live broadcasts, filming, concerts - it’s like an external vocal school.

As for emotional perception, we learned to work with new people, because “Voice-4” included artists of various formats - this is both a great experience and serious stress.

- Do you still sing in a cover band?

Olga: We broke up during “The Voice”; this was not the first or second time I left the team. Not because there were difficulties with the guys, we did not quite understand each other correctly with the producer. I didn’t plan to become attached to the cover lineup for the rest of my life, I wanted to move on and always talked about it. The team knew that if I had a chance to prove myself and work solo, I would not miss it.

Now I have a contract with Sound Media, my producer is the incredible Tatyana Tur, who really feels me and understands me well - this is very important in my work.

- And our traditional question is, what is your view of everyday life?

Olga: In this city it’s difficult to eat right, get enough sleep, and look good. Sometimes the light in our eyes fades, we become gray. It is even more difficult to surround yourself with kind people and meet true, sincere love. But to look great, you just need to be a good person, and it doesn’t matter who treats you or how. It will be rewarded. The right people will be attracted to you, you will be in harmony with this world, and the world will look the way you want it to be. There is no need to envy, be mischievous, harbor a grudge or be angry with someone. Sincerely bring joy to the success of others, I am happy that I can do this.

A person should be happy simply with himself, simply because tomorrow will be a new day, new plans and ideas. It is important to understand that you have the power to achieve your dreams. Enjoy the little things, smile even at the sun that is shining, and you will be able to cope with troubles.

For assistance in organizing the shooting, we would like to thank the restaurant il Forno

Photographer: Arakchieva Veronica

Olga Zadonskaya, Vladimir participant in the show “The Voice”, for the first time after the competition in Vladimir. The first people the graduate of the pop-jazz lyceum and the Vladimir Institute of Arts met were teachers and students of her home university. Word to Vera Kulikova.

The girl in red is how our fellow countrywoman Olga Zadonskaya is now called on the Internet. For the costume in which she performed. She captivated the audience from the first chords. What is called lit it and didn’t let go until the end. It was not in vain that they taught, say Zadonskaya’s teachers. Participation in “The Voice” is not Olga’s first attempt to break onto the big stage. While still a student, I participated in Factory-5. There was even a video in rotation. And here's a new try. And as a result - 40 thousand views of her performance.

VYACHESLAV MOKANU, SENIOR TEACHER, VLADIMIR INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND ARTS EDUCATION: “Everyone notes that she has a voice, a timbre, she sings clearly and she has already lit up and did the right thing by performing in red. Because everyone only notes her as a girl in red, and Now all that remains is to remember her name Olga Zadonskaya."

First meeting at alma mater after the audition. These walls are truly dear to Zadonskaya. I came here at the age of 15 - to the pop and jazz lyceum. In one of the music schools, where she tried to study twice, she was advised: “if you want to sing, go to vocal teacher Larisa Semina.”

OLGA ZADONSKAYA, PARTICIPANT OF THE SHOW “THE VOICE”: “At the big piano in the big hall, and for me it was, of course, like this: “Now they’re going to audition, this is the kind of person she is, and what she says, they’ll take it - they won’t take it.” I was very worried. "It was really like a casting, at that time it was the same feeling as the casting of "The Voice". True, only for a little girl who really wants to sing. We had very few such places in Vladimir."

On the show "The Voice" Olga sang the famous song by James Brown - "This is a man's world". It is also in the repertoire of Olga's favorite singer Christina Aguilera. Zadonskaya has been working for several years in the capital's group "Flora Band" . Which tours all over the world. Once Olga even had to participate in one of the concerts right after Aguilera. She sang her song “Hurt.” She says that performing right after a singer of this level was very scary.

This fragile girl has a very strong character. Not afraid of the stage and comparison. And happily sings a Tina Turner song.

Don't be afraid of anything, go your own way. Zadonskaya seems to be showing the way to other students. They say her teachers. Olga proves by personal example: what is the power of the present

Vera Kulikova, Maxim Kotov

And let’s add that this is not the only performer from the Vladimir region who became a participant in the “Voice” show. Earlier, Polina Gagarina was the first to turn to Pokrov resident Semyon Velichko. His talent also captivated Grigory Leps and rapper Basta. Let's wish our fellow countrymen victory.